Diet Chart Manu
Diet Chart Manu
Diet Chart Manu
In this Chart I will be presenting my opinions and I do not, in any way, shape or form use, encourage, nor condone the use of a
"Nothing contained herein is to be construed as Medical Advice. Use of any supplements/drugs and exercise regiment should
It will be your responsibility to check in with your progress statistics and pictures weekly
This is to establish a good communication protocol between us so that I am able to help you to the best of my ability.
1. These are important to keep the information flowing between us. If you haven't already sent your check ins, please do so n
2. Your program plans will have a note about the duration of the plan and also a check in date for you. Please send your updat
3. In my experience, when clients don’t check in on time is because they did not follow the program for 1 or 2 days and are em
want a scenario where we stop communicating! Whatever happens, we will try to repair the damage :)
4. You can contact me anytime on whatsapp but you need to be patient with the replies. I generally reply within 24 hours.
5. Similarly, drop me a message in advance if you want to discuss something over a call. This way I can put everything aside f
Coach details:
Amogh Gadewar (9642631886)
Name - Manu
Diet plan
Almonds 5 5 1.8 2.5
Dinner (1-2 hours before sleep)
Rice(measure raw) 50gms 0.2 26.7 2.2
Green Vegetables (not counting
Macros & Calories) (DO NOT SKIP) 100gms 0 0 0
Paneer 100gms 20 18
Chicken Boneless Breast 0 0 0 0
Curd 0 0 0 0
Total Quantity of butter/Coconut 25gms 25
oil/Ghee in a day for cooking
Total Macros 60.66 138.51 100.96
es, paprika, cayenne pepper, coriander, cumin, basil, rosemary, oregano, thyme, cardomoms, nettle leaf, phennel seeds, psyllium,
you need to take this even when you do not workout(rest days)
All the meals can be shuffled as per convenience, do not exceed quantities.
1 Vitamin E tablet
nne pepper, coriander, cumin, basil, rosemary, oregano, thyme, cardomoms, nettle leaf, phennel seeds, psyllium,
r consumed.
Diet plan
you need to take this even when you do not workout(rest days)
All the meals can be shuffled as per convenience, do not exceed quantities.
1 Vitamin E tablet
Rice can be replaced with equal quantity of poha or Rawa or Wheat flour(in case you are tolerant to gluten)
100 gms of chicken boneless breast = 7 egg whites
tity of poha or Rawa or Wheat flour(in case you are tolerant to gluten)
brand description Weight MRP
Zevic Stevia Sachet is a compact version of Stevia Powder so that it is easy to carry to work/ while travelling etc.
Zevic Stevia powder is ideal for cooking, baking, adding to tea, coffee or any hot or cold beverages, food items, desserts, ba
items, Indian sweets, etc.
Zevic is a welcome option for health & calorie conscious and diabetic people who want to ingest natural ingredients.
1 spoon (provided inside) is equivalent to 1 tsp of sugar sweetness.
Heat stable up to 220 degree Celsius.
Contains natural anti oxidants and cholorgenic acid
Perfect replacement of Stevia Leaves
Zevic tablets are ideal in tea, coffee or any hot beverage as a healthy substitute for sugar, honey or artificial sweeteners.
Zevic is a welcome option for health conscious and diabetic people who want to ingest natural ingredients.
Zevic tablets are ideal in tea, coffee1ortablet is equivalent
any hot beverage as to a1 healthy
tsp of sugar sweetness.
substitute for sugar, honey or artificial sweeteners.
Heat stable up to 220 degree Celsius.
Zevic is a welcome option for health conscious and diabetic people who want to ingest natural ingredients.
1 tablet is equivalent to 1 tsp of sugar sweetness.
Heat stable up to 220 degree Celsius.
Zevic Stevia
Zevic Stevia powder Leaves is ideally
is ideal used in
for cooking, greenadding
baking, tea, teatoortea,
coffee. 3-4orleaves
coffee any hotshould bebeverages,
or cold enough forfood
a perfect
desserts, ba
items, Indian sweets, etc.
Zevic is a welcome option for health & calorie conscious and diabetic people who want to ingest natural ingredients.
Zevic Stevia powder is ideal for cooking, baking, adding to tea, coffee or any hot or cold beverages, food items, desserts, ba
1 spoon (provided inside)
items,is Indian
equivalent to 1etc.
tsp of sugar sweetness.
Heat stable up to 220 degree Celsius who want to ingest natural ingredients.
Zevic is a welcome option for health & calorie conscious and diabetic people
1 spoon (provided inside) is equivalent to 1 tsp of sugar sweetness.
Zevic Stevia powder is ideal for cooking, baking,
to coffee or anyCelsius
220 degree hot or cold beverages, food items, desserts, ba
items, Indian sweets, etc.
Zevic is a welcome option for health & calorie conscious and diabetic people who want to ingest natural ingredients.
1 spoon (provided inside) is equivalent to 1 tsp of sugar sweetness.
Heat stable up to 220 degree Celsius
Items marked in asterix (*) are important. Supplements are optional but they have benefits which are mentioned in Co
Glutamine (optional)
BCAA (optional)
Vitamin C*
Vitamin E*
Liv 52
Kitchen scale*
Sugar replacement
nt. Supplements are optional but they have benefits which are mentioned in Comment section.
Important to meet your protein macros which is needed for repair and building of muscles.
Saves your muscles from damage from workout. Provides essential amino acids that are needed during weight training
Improves metabolism and aids digestion - Take it if you have acidity problem
Natural sweetener which can be used safely once in a day in small quantity
Brand Timing
Six Pack,Ultimate Nutrition
ON, Dymatize, Grenade, etc.. Make sure it has less than 4
Post workout or as per diet chart
gm carbs per serving. For lactose intolerant individuals,
please go for a lactose free hydrolyzed protein only.
500mg (1 tab any brand) Shelcal( It has Vit D3 as well) With breakfast
Additional Comments
In case of severe constipation, have a small spoon of baking soda mixed in water
If you can measure in the gym,you can skip buying it. Always measure empty stomach in the morning
Drink 6 litres water daily, without fail - NO COMPROMISE ON THIS
Take isabgol 10 gm daily with water or however you like (For digestion and to avoid constipation)
Please adhere to the diet and workout chart 100 percent
please update me your progress weekly from the day you start your diet
Take the measurements of the food when raw and consume it after you cook.
Take proper sleep of 7-8 hours
Strictly NO for alcohol,milk,tea,coffee prepared with milk,sweets,candy bar,chocolates,juice,shakes,vegetables oil,ice
cream,street food,junk food,fruits,chips,packaged food,Pickel