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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product


India Marketing Environment is Largely described “sellers market ‘’demand

is invariably , greater than supply .purchasing powerbases is very limited .more than
35% of our populations have yet to capitalize rural marketing opportunities the
consumers are ignorant illiterate, unorganized and hence they have bargaining power
selling concept which is product oriented marketing planning have very limited scope
at present a chance is taking place in the marketing companies are beginning to
realize the presence of competition and buyer’s market.

Marketing is perhaps the most complex and challenging function performed

by every business the term “ marketing is a very comprehensive one marketing
thinking starts well before production commences and ends only after rendering sale
service it is the set of those activities necessary and incidental to bring about
exchange relationship it encompasses the means of which goods and services are
exchanged and their values are determined is monetary units it is that phase of
business activities through which wants are satisfied by the exchange of goods and
services . it is the skill of selecting and fulfilling consumer desired in such a way that
a dose of money put in bring back maximum return.

Thus marketing is the process of exchanger involving two distinct aspects

namely “mental and physical”.

Mental involvement is that the seller must know buyers want? At what
price? Which place? In what quality? Of what quantity? Similarly the buyers must
know what is there for sale? Where? When? The physical involvement implies the
actual movement of goods and services from the points of production to the points of

To use economic jargon marketing is nothing but utilities place time and

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

In modern market “consumer is the king “so the producer’s fate is decided by
the action of the consumer i.e., by the either the product or rejecting is so a producer
tries hard to gain competitive efficiency cover the other by adopting new technologies
in production and cost reduction measures the aim of modern business is to satisfy the
consumers and thereby to earn profit his main intention or aim is to provide quality
products at cheaper rates to the consumers

Marketing of Himalaya personal health care products and consumer

satisfaction in Davangere city as Davangere is one of the developing of Karnataka
with a population of more than 5 lakhs it is an education centre as well as an business
centre there the demand for the health care products is increasing day by day.

This project entitled also attempts to bring details history, fundamental

concepts comments product , price , promotion and distribution (place) are made on
the basics of market research problems concerned with Himalaya drug company and
for promotion of marketing activities.


 To know the consumer attitude towards Himalaya personal Health Care

products and their preference for various s brands in davangere.

 To know the customer satisfaction towards the price and quality of the
Himalaya personal health care products.

 To know the popularity of the brand.

 To find out, which class likes to use Himalaya personal health care products?

 To know the problem faced by the Himalaya drug company

 To know the advertisement effect.

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The marketing is not a single subject to understand it involves number of

complications, the study of the Himalaya personal health care products. Has a wide
scope in the market for the Ayurvedic the scope of marketing of

These products involve high efficiency and high quality products the price
of these products also matters in this case.

The area of the study has been restricted to davangere city the report
gives information In general regarding attitude and views towards the Himalaya
personal health care products

However the survey is conducted on sampling basis consumers have been

selected on random basis regarding their attitude and views towards the Himalaya
personal health care products in addition to information for the survey secondary data
has been collected.


Primary and secondary data have been collected to bring out this project report

1. Primary data have been collected through

 Interview with the distributers of Himalaya Drug company

 To know the distributors activities the company.

 To know the sale methods adopted by them.
 To get the advice about the better packing and advertisement policies
 Which the company should adopt.
 To get advice about the marketing strategy adopted by the company.
 To get advice about the products of the company
 To know any complaint about the product from their customer.
 To know any suggestion regarding the products from their customer.
 To know company should manufacture any new products.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

B) Interview with the consumers

To know the customers attitudes towards the Himalaya personal health care
products a questionnaire was prepared and distributed to different to consumers of
deferent age group and with different occupation to assess:-

 The facts affecting consumers to buy Himalaya product

 Option about the products.
 Types of product by respondents
 To know the purchase method of the customer
 To get opinion about the quality and aspect of the product
 To get suggestion for the improvement of the product
2 Secondary data have been collected through

 text books
 internet
 Magazines and other sources.


Owing of the factors like limitations and non co-operation of respective

distributional etc. Thus accuracy of this is limited.

 The market size is you big and sample survey conducted to this study is
limited to consumers but when distributors were conducted and requested for
their opinion through personal interview about the ‘’study “ and perfect
answers were obtained because same showed their reflection to respond due to
many different reasons but as far as possible it has been tries my level best get
the correct exaction and information and towards the study
 Several information was not disclosed by the concerned as they feel it was
necessary to keep confidential hence details of same more critical points could
not disclose here.

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1. Location :-
Davangere is situated in central of Karnataka in longitude it is situated between
1428’ north latitude and 75 56’ East

2. Economic activities:
There are several small and medium scale industries situated in the city it is
famous for cotton and paddy marketing there are many factories like sugar cotton etc.,
main crops are paddy maize sugarcane cotton groundnut jawed and sunflower and
irrigation facilities from Tungabhadra river.

3. Democracy:-
The population of davangere town in 1901 was approximately 10.401 per
population census in 1981 it was gone up 19600 and in same way increased in
2.87.000 in 1991 now it is more than six lakhs.


It is one of the famous education centers number of reputed institutions like
medical, dental engineering arts commerce with management science and low.

5. Transportation& communication

The KSRTC private operators, lorry offices and sout6hern railway are providing
requires quick t transport facilities to the city however the road conditions not so good
VRL transport system also available

The post and telephone office internet, mobile telecommunication private

operators are providing the required assistance in the free flow of communication.

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Marketing is perhaps the most complex challenging function performed by

every business firm the term marketing is a very comprehensive one marketing
thinking starts well before production commences and ends only after rendering after
sale satisfaction it is the set of those activates necessary and incidental to bring sale
satisfaction it encompasses the entire economic process by means of which goods
and services are exchanged and their values are determined in monitory units it is that
phase of business activity through which human wants are satisfied by the exchange
of goods and services it is the skill of selecting and fulfilling consumer desires in such
way that those of money put in brings maximum return.

Marketing is a comprehensive term and it includes all resources

and a set of activates necessary to direct and facilitate the flow of goods and services
from producer to consumer in the process of distribution business man regards
marketing as a management constitute the primary resources in marketing .


 According to kotler “The marketing concept is a customer orientation backed
by integrated marketing aimed at generating customer satisfaction as the key
to satisfying organizational goals”.

 According to Mr. M C. Namara, C.P marketing concept is a philosophy of

business management based upon a company wide acceptance of the need for
customer orientation profit orientation and recognition the important role of
marketing in communicating the needs of the market to all major corporate

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 The America marketing association: defines marketing as the process of

planning and executing the conception pricing promotion and distribution of
ideas goods and services to create that satisfy individual and organizational

 Modern marketing begins with the customer not with production cost sales
technological land marks and it ends with the customer satisfaction and social
well being, under the market driven economy buyer or customer is the boss.


A strategy is what you are giving to do : a marketing strategy is the link

between the product and the market it provides the much desired direction for
allocating the marketing effort it is translated into an action plan through the tools
marketing management these tools together are marketing mix.

According to the professor KEELEY” and LAIOR” marketing mix is

imposed of a large battery of devices which might be employed to induce consumers
to buy a particular product.

According to phillip kotlare the firm, s task is to find the best solution for its
marketing decision variables the settings constitute its marketing mix.

In other words marketing mix is blend or the compound of all the marketing
efforts housing round.


The foregoing explanation made it apply clear that marketing mix is made up of
4 elements namely,
 Product
 Price
 Promotion
 Place

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That constitutes the heart of marketing the angel of marketing decision from
of marketer however there can be four P’S from the angel of consumers price is for
marketer cost to the customer’.

‘Promotion is for the market and communication for the customer and place
is for marketer in convenience for customer.

 The Product Mix:

the product is the focus of marketing and efforts product is the sum
total of physical and satisfaction to their buyer a product is the sum total of
parts like materials used in its constructions and its ability to perform its
packaging its brand and the intangibles with it all that speak about personality

 The price mix:

price is the major marketing tools and helps in directing the product to
a specific consumer Segment price is the value of a product expressed in
terms of money price is powerful instrument in which both the and are keenly

 promotion mix:
promotion mix is the communication mix which bears with the
personal and impersonal persuasive communicate about the product (as)
service of the manufacture through the companies with their present and
potential customers in wide variety of ways the most distinguishable
categories are 2 namely (i) personal & (ii) impersonal.

 Place mix :
place can distribution mix stands for the matching arrangements/ for
the smooth flow of goods and services from and producers to the consumers it
is concern with creation of place time and possession utilities in other words it
signifies two things namely (i) physical distribution and (ii) channels of

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Marketing mix is the combination of 4 controllable factors of marketing i.e.
product price, promotion and physical distribution

thus marketing study has become almost as board as business itself the new
and growing application of marketing concept not only in organization of business but
in all aspect of its operations has resulted in a major shifting of emphasis from
production orientation consumer orientation it is no longer enough to make the very
best product at the lower cost it is more important to find over whether the customer
wants and needs and that product.

Marketing strategy involves two types viz

 Short and medium term strategy
 Long term strategy

2.6 customers satisfaction

“A customer is anyone who is implied by the product or process.

Two types of consumer

External customer include not only ultimate user but also intermediate
process as well as merchant other customer are not purchase but have some
connection to the product like government regulatory bodies internal customers
include not only other divisions of a company that are provided with components for
an assembly but other that are affected.

Customer Satisfaction
“This is achieved through product features and freedom from deficiencies.

Product feature to the quality of design increasing the quality of the design
generally leads to higher cast freedom from deficiencies refers to quality of
conformance higher conformance MEANS therefore increased

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Customer satisfaction thus, quality means external and internal customer

satisfaction product features and freedom from deficiencies are the main determinants
of satisfaction.

The extent to which a product’s perceived performance matches a buyer’s

expectations customer satisfaction on the product’s perceived performance falls short
of expectations the customer is dissatisfies if performance matches expectations the
customer is highly satisfied or delighted outstanding marketing companies go out of
their way keep their customer Satisfied customers eke repeat purchases and tell others
about their good experience with the product the key is to match customer
expectations with the company performance smart company expectations aim to
delight customers by promising only what they can deliver then delivering more then
they promise.

However although the custom –centered firm seeks to deliver high customer
satisfaction relative to competitors if doesn’t attempt to maximize customer
satisfaction. a company can always increase customer satisfaction by lowering its
price or increasing its services but this may result in lower profits thus the purpose of
marketing is generate customer to generate more customer value and satisfaction but
nit “give away the house”.


It is the needless to mention the need for retention of customers by the

organizations for which designing an efficient plan is very essential obviously for
preparation as such plan knowledge on the reasons behind losing customers required.
The passable reasons are listed below:

 Price related reasons

 Product related reasons
 Services related reasons
 benefit related reason
 Competitor related reason
 Personal reasons

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Consumer usage and attitudes (CTJAS):-

“Consumer usage and attitudes is a type of study that contemplates many
aspects associated with a product or service as well as external aspects that may
influence the consumer‘s perception.

What information are you looking for?

1. Consumer habits:
 When do you consume?
 When do you consume?
 When do you consume that product?
 When do you consume?
 When do you consume with?
 What are the options of use?
 Where do you buy?

1. Knowledge and recall of the service or product:

 Total spontaneous recall
 Aided recall
 Distribution knowledge

2. Attitudes towards the product or services:

 General perception
 Satisfaction level
 Product loyalty
 Aspects you liked
 Aspects you disliked
 Aspects to be improved

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This study allows statistical cress checks by gender age and socioeconomic level
among others in these cases where these studies from previous years exists it allows
comparisons in order to it trends over time.

It also allows a clear and objective appraisal of current sataus of a

particular product or service as well as an evaluation of what comparative advantages
it has over the competition the study can also detect that could be important for the
brand in the medium term(1-3 years)

It allows the researcher to know if the advertising product and presentation

meet of the customer’s expectations or if shortcoming (s) exists.

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AYURVEDA is made up of two Sanskrit words ayur which means life and Veda,
which means “KNOWLEDGE” or “SCIENCE”

Ayurveda is thus the science of life, knowledge about life or sensible way
living based on knowledge, it is also a system of medicine in the sense that it
systematizes and applies the knowledge about health and disease i.e. of balanced and
unbalanced states of living beings and how unbalanced states and can be and be
corrected and be restored balanced maintained.

In a similar way Ayurveda embraces all aspects all aspects as well

being of living creatures physical mental and spiritual ayus (life) is defined as a
combination (togetherness) of body sense organs and soul.


Ayurveda is a who listic holistic system of medicine from India that use a
constitutional model. Its aim to provide guidance regarding food and lifestyle so that
healthy people con stay healthy and folks with health challenges can improve their

There are several aspects to Ayurveda that are quite unique.

 Its recommendation will often be different for each person regarding which
foods and which lifestyle they should follow in order to be completely healthy
this is due to its use of a constitutional model.

 Everything in ayurveda is validated by observation inquiry direct examination

and knowledge derived from the ancient texts.
 It understands that there are energetic forces that influence nature and human
beings these forces are called tridoshas.
 Because ayurveda sees a strong connection between the mind and the body of
huge amount of information is available regarding this relationship.

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Ayurveda is an intricate system of healing in India thousands of years ago
we can find historical evidence in the ancient books of wisdom know as the Vedas in
the rig–veda over 60 preparations were mentioned that could be used to assist an
individual in overcoming various elements the rig – veda was written over 6.000 years
ago but really ayurveda is more than just a medical system it is science of life we are
all part and parcel of nature to create it is fair to say that ayurveda is a system that
helps maintain in a person by using inherent principles of nature to bring in existence
since the beginning of time because we have always been governed by nature’s laws.


In ayurveda the human organism is first viewed as an inseparable whole

before examination of its organs systems takes place in contrast to popular medicine
which primarily developed along therapeutic concepts foe predetermined illness
ayurveda addresses the basic needs of a human being on three rules prevention of
illness awareness of the origins of life and health issues a systematic approach for
establishing diagnosis and treatment.

All tangible life forms certain five essential or building blocks either air fire
water and earth life proceeds from the sub least to the grossest matter the sub least
from of matter being ether

This mixes with eternity to create air a more observable elements as air moves
it creates friction which creates heat or fire heat produces moisture thus creating water
earth the Vedas (ancient texts) assert that all including humans are made up of the five
elements the sub least aspects of human life before the molecular thus creating water
finally water produces the densest from of matter earth.

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The Vedas (ancient texts) assert that all including humans are made up of the
five elements the sub least aspects of human life before the molecular atomic
subatomic levels
This is the level on which ayurvedic work the five elements combine to
give three distinct individual constitution or dashes ether and air compose the vita
dosha whch is responsible for movement the movement of food through the gastro
intestinal tract nerve impulses motor impulses physical activity and intellect.

Fire and water compose the pitta dosha which relates to internal fire
emotion bile body heat digestive enzymes and endocrine systems it is responsible for
digesting chyle into protoplasmic substances.

Water and earth combine to form the kapha dosha which fills the intercellur
spaces of the body as connective tissue example of kapha include mucus sensorial
fluid tenders, elements that are responsible for the gross the structure of the body

Clearly as earth individual has had these forces at work each person is a combination
of the three doshas together all doshas are responsible for anabolic and catabolic
metabolism nourishing the bidy and building the tissues.

In any individual however one of the two doshas are typically dominant this
dominant dosha determines the individual’s unique mental and physical makeup or

When any or all of the doshas develop imbalances or vikruti the body ceases
to be nourished all ill health develops imbalances can occur from unhealthy living
such as poor diet or lack of exercise high stress levels due to demand from work or
family: or external conditions such as weather.

Everything within life embodies dosha qualities to be food activities or

whether imbalances occur when there is too much of one dosha in a person‘s life for.

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Example if a person eats high pitta quality foods a pitta is vata dominant this
imbalance leads to pita oriented problems such as indigestion or acid stomach
ayurveda approach is threefold.

Determine virtue the root cause of illness by understanding which dashes are
imbalanced applying therapeutic recommendation to imbalance elements causing the

Tridisha is a concept that has been clinically tested and proven to be effective
for centuries it represents basic psycho- physiological process in the human body.

Here are examples of each dosha:

whether Vata Pitta Kapha

Dry very cold Hot& humid Cold & damp

Cold &dry foods e.g chilled Spicy food e.g. chilies Sweet foods complex
drinks or garbanzo beans peppers carbohydrates
excitable active Per intense, intellectual Calm easy going
Long & wiry build Medium athletic Large frame
Normal to dry thin Sensitive, t-zone Think large pores
oily all over

For example if a vata has excess vata by living cold dry weather and eats cold dry
foods they will be imbalanced exhibiting extremely dry and rough skin

Even a pitta type with usually oily skin if exposed to cold dry weather and
other vata aggravating conditions long enough may develop an imbalance and exhibit
extremely dry and rough as well.

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The Himalaya Drug company was founded in 1930 by Mr. Meraj Manal with
a clear vision to bring ayurveda to society in a contemporary from and to unravel the
mystery behind the 5.000 –year – old system of medicine this included referring to
ancient ayurvedic texts selecting indigenous herbs and subjecting the formulations to
modern pharmacological toxicological and safety to create new drugs and therapies.

Seventy six years ago on a visit to Burma mr manual saw restless

elephants being fed with a root pacify them the plant from which this was taken is
Rauwolfia serpentine fascinated by the plan’s effect on elephants had it scientifically
evaluated after extensive research serpina the world’s first anti- hypertensive drug
was launched in 1934.

The legacy of researching nature forms the foundation of Himalaya operations

Himalaya has pioneered the use of modern science to rediscover and validate
ayurveda’s secrets cutting confirmation that Himalaya is dedicated to providing the
highest quality and consistency in herbal care company was awarded an ISO
9001:2000 certification in 2003.

Since its inception the company has focused on developing safe natural and
innovative remedies that will help people lead richer healthier lives today Himalaya
product have been endorsed by over 2.50.000 doctors around the globe and
consumers in over 71 countries relyon Himalaya for their health and personal care

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Different stages of Himalaya Company

1950: Dr, Roshan m captain ph .d., joins company and spearheads R&D

1955: Liv .52 a hepatoprotective is launched and goes on to become one of the
world‘s top –selling drugs

1964: Mr. Meraj Manal the founder joins the company.

1965: Mr. Karstein, a German pharmaceutical consultant directs the company ‘s focus
towards allopathic medical practitioners.

1975: an advanced manufacturing facility is set in Bangalore the facility grows to

become the corporate headquarters.

1991: the company‘s R&D center moves to Bangalore research and development
become a very important aspect of the company‘s focus.

1996: the company opens its us affixes at Houston Texas.

1998: the animal health product range for commercial livestock is launched.

1999: Himalaya herbals launch its personal healthcare in India.

2000: the company launches a special a special range for pets called companion care

2001: the company adopts a new unified brand identity.

2003: well – being division formed.

2003: ISO 9001-2000 certification awarded for design manufacture and marketing of
herbal health care products

2004: Mr Nabeal Manal the third generation Manal become vice chairman.

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We satisfy each customer’s needs through well researched. Effective and safe
remedies harnessed from nature‘s wealth
We will consider the world our market international quality standards our
We will maintain customer- friendly prices and proudly participate in securing
India‘s rightful place in the global economy all through the total commitment of each
member of the Himalaya family


The Himalaya brand much in common with mountain range from which it
draws its name for centuries the have been an icon of aspiration of man’s quest unlock
nature secrets they represent purity and lofty ideals the fact that the Himalaya are the
source of many of the herbs that are used in our products makes our brand name more

Everything that carries our logo is companied by the high quality that has
always been that Himalaya hallmark the Himalaya brand with it the promise of good
health and well being it is our endeavor to ensure that our become the symbol of a
promise delivered.

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Starting operations in dihedron way back in the 1930’s the company later
spread its wings to Mumbai and across the country in 1975 the company set up an
advanced manufacturing facility at mukail has the largest tablet – coating unit in the
country over one crore tablets are punched ever day.

Research & development

Himalaya has a well defined research and development it states that no

investments is too much when it comes to scientifically creating safe drugs and

Himalaya’s history is one of the innovations researches the company believes

that the ideal healthcare system lies in the synergy between ayurveda and modern
Himalaya’s constant endeavor is to create innovative products that satisfy the health
and personal care requirements of contemporary living.

Himalaya prides itself on being a completely research – oriented company

indeed it is this emphasis on R&D that allows Himalaya to produce safe officious and
consistent remedies on using ayurvedic principles.

The R&D department is focused on product development quality control

and standardization all products are derived through rigorous research and produced
in state –of –art facilities the products represent commitment to continuous
investment in the best people , practices and technology Himalaya does not support
borrowed science or the practice of using published literature to substantiate efficacy
claims. Each Himalaya product undergoes years of primary research and clinical trials
before it reaches the market

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Himalaya produces quality polyhedral formulation to monitor quality many

endangered herbs are grown by the company on its farmland the principles of good
manufacturing practices (GMP) are rigorously followed in the plant and the company
prides itself on being environment friendly as part of the environment control systems
it had installed a modern effluent treatment plan long before regulations mandated it a
high stress on quality , several quality circles and special project teams working on
total quality management (TQM) projects make quality a way of life in Himalaya.

The manufacturing plant uses automatic high – speed punching coating and
filling machines the tablet coating facility is one largest in India the plant can produce
nearly 5 billion tablets and 60 millions of liquids annually.

This enables Himalaya to produce photo pharmaceuticals with uniform

levels of batch-to-batch consistency this ensures that the customer gets the same high
quality product regardless of where it is purchased


PLACE or distribution mix stands for the matching agreement for the
smooth flow of goods and services from the producers to consumers it is
concerned with place time and possession utilities.

The Himalaya reaches customers through franchises shops and dealers.

Price is the valve of product exposed in terms of money it is the powerful
instrument which both buyers and sellers are keenly interested.

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Promotion is the process of marketing communication to inform persuades,

remind and influence consumer or user in favour of the product.

The Himalaya Company promotes their product through advertising in TV,



The Himalaya Company manufactures ayurvedic products in three different

categories namely pharmaceutical personal care and animal health care.


Headquartered in India Himalayas has offices in USA Europe middle east
south east Asia Cayman islands these offices manage and monitor the marketing and
distribution of the Himalaya range to 71 countries.

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Himalaya’s head-to-heel range is available in 64 countries around the world.

Azerbaijan Ecuador Kazakhstan

Bahrain Egypt Kenya

Bangladesh Estonia Kuwait

Belarus Fiji Latvia

Belgium Germany Lebanon

Bulgaria Ghana Lithuania

Canada Greece Malaysia

Cayman islands Guatemala Mauritius

Costa rice India Mongolia

Cyprus Indonesia Morocco

Czech republish Italy Nepal

Nigeria South Africa Uganda

Oman Srilanka Ukraine

Pakistan Sudan United

Kingdom - -

Poland Switzerland Uzbekistan

Qatar Syria Venezuela

Romania Tanzania Vietnam

Russian federation Tobago YEMEN



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Himalaya FRANCHISE shop

Agra Goa Nodia

Ahmadabad Hyderabad Ooty

Bangalore Hubli Palakkad

Baroda Indore Pollachi

Belgaum Jaipur Pondicherry

Bhuj Kannur Pune

Bijapur Kochi Roorkee

Calicut Kolkata Secundraded

Chandigarh Madurai Siliguri

Chikmangalur Mizoram Thane

Coimbatore mumbai Thrissur

Davangere Mussoric Trichy

Dharmasthala Mysore Udaipur

Dehadum Nasik Vijayeada

Erode New delhi vishakapatanam

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Himalaya drug co. manufactures three different ranges of
ayurvedic products which are as under-

 Pharmaceutical
 Himalayas personal care range
 Himalayas animal health range

This project report is concerned with Himalaya personal

Health care products Himalaya personal health care products have
five different they are
 Baby care
 Hair care
 Skin care
 Oral care
 Health care

 Baby care products:

 Baby cream
 Olive oil enriched with vitamin e, ensures that your
baby’s skin is Healthy and lustrous.

 Country mallow an antioxidant and Yashti Madhu

protect and soothe your baby’s skin specially
formulated to protect your little one’s cheeks tender
nose elbows and knees Pack Size: 50 ml.

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 Olive oil enriched with vitamin e, ensures that your body‘s skin is healthy and
 Almond oil is an excellent skin softener and moisturizes your body’s skin
vitamin a in the oil fights infections oaring helps bone development.
 Yashti madhu soothes your body’s tender skin.
 Keeps your body’s skin soft and supple and protect it from infections
 Pack Size: 100ml.

 Olive oil enriched with vitamin e ensure that your
body’s skin
 Is health and lustrous.
 Yashada bhasma keeps skin cool dry and in
healing rashes.
 Sandalwood and ushira refresh and cool the skin
 Sprinkle on body to keep body fresh cool
 Pack Size: 100gm.

 Diaper rash cream:

 Almond oil has vitamin a which fights infections.

 Yashada bhasma keeps skin cool dry and aids in
healing rashes.
 Aloe vera moisturizes and soothes the skin.
 Nirgundi relives your little one’s pain.
 Mild soothing and effective keeps your body
smiling, not wiling.
 Pack Size: 20gm.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

 Gentle Body Shampoo:

 Natural proteins of chickpea impart shine to your

body’s hair.
 Hibiscus extracts soften and condition hair.
 Ushira cools and scalp.
 The mild, no tears formulation softens, nourishes
and improves your body’s hair luster.
 Pack Size: 100ml.


 Olive oil enriched with vitamin e ensures
that your body; s skin is healthy and
 Almond oil is an excellent skin softener and
moisturizes your body’s skin.
 Cleanses and conditions your body’s skin
 Pack Size: 75gm.
 Protein conditioner:
 Hair washed with a proper conditioner has
shine bounce and tangle free making it look
thick and shiny conditioning is especially
needed for dry brittle hair and after dandruff
treatment conditioners moisturize the dry
flaking scalp and make the hair easier to
manage by reducing knots and tangles.
 Protein conditioner nourishes cools and
detangles hair
 Pack Size: 100 ml.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product


 NOURISHES your hair with natural
protein derived from ingredients like
wheat germ And chickpea Indian India
gooseberry and thistles promotes hair
Growth use regularly before after
shampooing for well nourished soft and

 It contains chanaka (chickpea) which is a

rich and natural source of protein that
helps in growth along with godhead
(wheat germ) which is also a good source
of vitamin and protein.
 Amalaki (Indian gooseberry) acts
antioxidant and hair growth promoter
while cream nourishes hair root and Shaft.
 Pack Size: 175gms.

 Anti – Dandruff ShampooAction

 A breakthrough anti- dandruff
formulation that controls dandruff
nourishes and strengthens and
strengthens hair roots and ensures a
health scalp.
 It is enriched with tea – tree oil the
most effective natural anti – dandruff
agent rosemary, an anti fungal agent
sandal to control itching and cool the
scalp and lemon a natural cleanser.
 Pack Size: 6 ml sachet, 40ml, 200ml &
400 ml.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

 Anti- Dandruff Hair Cream:

 Contains tea-tree oil and rosemary which
provide effective anti dandruff action.
 Pack Size: 175 gm.

 Revitalizing Hair Oil:

 Massaging of hair and scalp with a
proper with a proper nutrient hair oil
gives additional nutrition to the scalp and
prevent hair loss massaging also
increases blood circulation in the scalp
and keeps the hair root strong hair
 Growth.
 Pack Size: 100 ml & ml.

Hair loss cream:

 Stimulates the antigenic (active) face of hair
growth cycle.
 Induces quick multiplication of hair fiber cells
improves tensile strength
 Of hair and increase hair density.
 Pack Size: 50ml & 100ml.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

 Protein Shampoo (Oily/Greasy Hair)

 A unique formation of specially herbs that
removes excess oiliness nourishes the hair
root and gives bounce and shine to your hair
it contains lemon which 1 cleans the hair
rosemary that contains excess oiliness and
chickpea and chickpea which has natural
proteins that nourish the hair roots
 Pick Size : 6 ml sachet, 40ml,200 and 400ml.

 Protein Shampoo (Normal Hair)

GENTLY CLEANS and nourishes your hair scalp
it contains shikakai a natural cleanser and
fenugreek enriched with lecithin and other proteins
to nourish strengthen and prevent hair loss.
 Pack Size: 6ml sachet, 40ml, 40ml & 400ml.

 Protein Shampoo (Dry/Damaged Hair)

 The shampoo that give nourishment and extra
conditioning to each stand of hair to make healthy and
skill – softy which is easy to
 Mange and natural proteins from chickpea are absorbed
by the scalp to nourish the hair roots and prevent
damage to hair shafts. Sesame extracts condition each
stand of hair Pack Size: 6ml 100ml & 400ml.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

C Skin Care Products:

 Refreshing Fruit Pack:
A unique formulation of natural ingredients that refreshes and rejuvenates
facial skin enriched with apple a rich source of natural alpha hydroxyls acid (AHAS )
that nourish and improve the skin glow fig and cucumber provide cooling effects to
your skin papaya removes freckles and smoothens the skin fuller earth soothes the
skin and removes blackheads and deeply embedded impurities.
Pack Sige:”75gm &200gm

 Gentle Exfoliating Walnut Scrub:

Gently exfoliates dead skin cells to remove
impurities that routine cleansing cannot tackle it contains
crab apple, a soothing anti- septic and keratoytic agent to
help loosen dead skin fragment walnut shell granules to
scrub away dirt blackheads and dead cells and wheat germ
oil rich source of natural vitamin e these natural ingredients
cleans nourish and moisturize your skin to make it soft fresh
and radiant.
Pack Size: L 50gm & 175gm.

 Fairness Cream:
Fairness Cream is a 100%natural fairness cream that
improves complexion nourishes and makes the skin soft a
unique formulation with natural ingredients it ensures ease
of application and faster absorption which provide better
nourishment to the skin it is work throughout the day
making complexion better time , and every time,
Pack Size: 25gm & 50gm.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

 Lip Balm :
Lip balm prevents chapping drying and of the lips it
contains natural UV filter and vitamin E, which
nourishes tones and softens the lips.
Pack Size: 10gm

 Oral care products:

 Denatal Cream:

 Action

Dental cream is specially formulated that tightens &reduces swelling of

gums stops gum bleeding prevents toothache, decay and controls bad breath.
Pack Size: 100 gm.

 Health care capsules:

 Daily Health Capsules
 Action

It relies stress mental fatigue and restores a healthy equilibrium contains

vitamins A, E & C and antioxidants that prevent cell damage.

Pack Size: sealed pack of 60 capsules.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

It Is Located D.R.H.D. complex pravasi mandir road the complete the complete
address of the
Firm is

Graph’s enterprises

Himalaya herbal health care

Shop No.5.
D.R.H.D. complex
Parvasi mandir road

From of business
It is a franchise shop.

 PRIME OBJECTIVE IS TO DO business and earn profit.
 To promote and sell ayurvdic products.
 To distribute pharmaceutical product to medical shops and shops.
 To maintain good relationship with customers and suppliers ect:,
 To satisfy customers need.

It is a sole proprietorship Owner of the franchise shop is Mr Srinath and executive
manager is sir Mallikarjun S.R

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product



Executive Manager

Workers Workers Workers Workers

At Present Is A Proprietor A of The Shop There One Executive Manager

Mr. Mallikarjun S.R.

Sales Analysis
Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy followed is direct marketing to the customer

Himalaya with its brand name and quality product itself attracts the customers
towards the shop.

Advertisement through T V and newspaper are also done to attract & more
aware the customer about the shop & the Himalaya products.

At present graphs enterprises are having one administration manager, ane

accountant one computer operator one go-down in charger ,187 salesman & 6
delivery boys , the manger & accountant’s look after off airs like accountant’s day
today sales, credit sales collection credit & activities.

The 18 salesmen have to market the products in their local area limits allotted
to them they have to convince the customers and must motivate them on sale of goods
or product and they should get orders from their dealers after getting order from their
dealers all the products will be dispatched on the guidelines according to the order
placed by their dealers salesmen are having the responsibility to collect the credit sale
amount from the shops.
The six delivery boys have the work of distribution of goods in market. Sales

GFGC COLLEGE (KUD) Ranebennur Page 37

Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Sales Analysis

Right from the beginning it has gained profit with the increasing rate day by
day due to the efficiency of staff the keen interest of the partners in the business has
motivated the staff to improve the business.


Sales representatives of the firm are active in collecting the orders from
medical shops and clinic shops and clinic shop the goods will be dispatched to
specific and the dispatching of goods to different area nearby towns and taluks
through government bus or local bus.
Goods will be dispatches by means of tri-cycles, bi-cycles and the dispatching
of goods to different to different area nearby towns and taluks through government
bus or local bus

Apart from Himalaya ayurvedic products graphs enterprises also deals in variety of
Ayurvedic products of various companies like charka Ayurvedic product, dabur
Ayurvedic product , Amrut Ayurvedic product alopa Ayurvedic proc=duct, etc,.

The firm also deals in a variety of consumer products of various companies

like: Cipla Glaxo Smith Kline us vitamins, Nicholaspiriamiol Randaxy,ect,.

The booking boys collect cash on behalf of the frim by visiting retailers in
time the firm offers to its customers (retailers) against the payment as under.

Types of customer credit facilities

New customer 7 days
Regular customer 15 days

GFGC COLLEGE (KUD) Ranebennur Page 38

Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No : 1
Classification on the basis of groups
Age No. of Respondents Percentage
Below - 20 16 32%
20-25 30 60%
25-30 4 8%
30 and Above 0 0%
Total 50 100%
Source: Survey data

Graph No : 1






Below - 20 20-25 25-30 30 and Total

The above graph shows the clarification of the respondents on the age
groups it shows that 32% of respondents are from age group below 20 years ,60% of
respondents are from age groups of 20-25 years ,8% of respondents are groups of 25-
30 years and there are no respondents of the age 30 and above it shows that the
product is more consumed by respondents in age group of 20-25 years,

GFGC COLLEGE (KUD) Ranebennur Page 39

Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No: 2
Classification on the basis of gender.

Sex Respondents Percentage

FEMALE 30 60%

MALE 20 40%

Total 50 100%
Source: Survey data

Graph No: 2









The above graph show the classification of the respondents on the basis of
gender among them 60% respondents are female which clearly show that male large
use this products.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No: 3
Classification on the basis occupation
Occupation No. of Respondents Percentage
Student 32 64%
Business 6 12%
Govt.-Employee 4 8%
Professional 6 12%
Other 2 4%
Total 50 100%

Source: Survey data

Graph No: 3

1 2 3 4 5




The above graph shows that the classification of respondents on the basis of
occupation, 64% are students, 12% respondents are business people 8% are
government employs, 12% are professional and are others.

GFGC COLLEGE (KUD) Ranebennur Page 41

Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table. No: 4
Classification on the basis income
Monthly Income No. of Respondents Percentage
Below Rs 5000 12 24%
Rs 50000-10000 18 36%
Rs 10000-15000 14 28%
Rs15000-& above 6 12%
Total 50 100%
Source: Survey data

Graph No: 4

Series1 Series2


30 60%
14 100%


advertisement friends/relatives doctors others total

The above graph shows that the classification of respondents based
on monthly income. Among them 25% of respondents have monthly income below
Rs 5000, 36% of respondents have monthly income between Rs 5000-10000 28% of
the respondents have monthly income between Rs 10000-15000 and 12% of the
respondents have the monthly income of Rs 15000 and above.

GFGC COLLEGE (KUD) Ranebennur Page 42

Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No: 5
Classification on the basis of sources of awareness of Himalaya product
Influential Source No. of Respondents Percentage
Advertisement 30 60%
Friends/Relatives 14 28%
Doctors 16 12%
Others - -
Total 50 100%

Source: Survey data

Graph No: 5



Axis Title



The above graph shows out of respondents, 60% of respondents are
influenced by adverting, 28% are influenced by friends & relatives and are influenced
by doctors. This clearly shows that the Himalaya product know consumer more by

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No: 6
Classification on the basis of factors consider by the consumers while purchasing
the Himalaya product.

Factor Consider While

Purchasing No. of respondents percentage
Price 12 24%
Quality 18 36%
Packing 2 4%
Popularity Of Brand 14 28%
Advertisement 4 8%
Total 50 100%
Source: Survey data

Graph No: 6

No. of Respodents
price quality packing popularity of brand advertisementr total




The above graph shows that the classification of respondents on their on their
opinion about the Himalaya products.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No: 7
Classification on the basis of opinion of the respondents towards the Himalaya
Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage
Excellent 36 72%
Good 10 20%
Average 4 8%
Poor - -
Total 50 100%
Source: Survey data

Graph No: 7

Axis Title

Excellent Good Average Poor
Series2 72% 20% 8% 0%
Series1 36 10 4 0

The above graph shows that the classification of respondents on their
opinion about the Himalaya products.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No: 8
Classification on the basis of respondents using Ayurvedic of
different companies.

Company No. of Respondents Percentage

Himalaya 40 80%

Emami Groups 60 12%

Lotus - -

Ayur 4 8%

Other - -

Total 50 100%

Source: Survey Data

Graph No: 8

Himalaya Emami Lotus Ayur Other


The above graph classifies the respondents by the different co
products used by them.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No: 9
Classification on the basis of alternative company used by the
Alternative co products No. of respondents Percentage
Lotus 4 8%
Emami Groups 26 52%
Ayur 20 40%
Other 0 0%
Total 50 100%
Source: Survey Data

Graph No: 9


15 26
10 20
4 0
Lotus Emami Groups Ayur Other


It clearly shows that the main competitor for Himalaya product is
Emami group products.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No:10
Classification on the basis of opinion about the price of Himalaya
Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage
Good 38 76%

Fair 10 20%
Poor 2 4%

Total 50 100%
Source: Survey Data

Graph No; 10

good fair poor total




The above graphs show that 50% of the respondents say the price of
the Himalaya product is good, 10% says fair and 2% says poor.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No: 11
Classification on the basis of opinion about the advertisement
of Himalaya product.
Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

Good 32 64%

Fair 8 16%

Poor 10 20%

Total 50 100%
Source: Survey Data

Graph No: 11

good fair poor total




The above graphs shows that 64% of the respondents says the
advertisement Himalaya product is good , 16% says fair and 20% say’s poor.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Table No : 12
Classification on the basis of opinion about the packing of Himalaya product.
Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage
Good 32 68%
Fair 12 24%
Poor 4 8%
Total 50 100%
Source: Survey Data

Graph No : 12

good fair poor total




The above graph shows that 68% of respondents say’s the packing of
Himalaya products is good, 24% of the respondents says fair and 8% of says poor.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion

 More than of respondents using the product are in the age group of 20-25
years that is Himalaya product is more preferred by youths.
 More than half of the respondents are female which clearly shows that female
largely use this products.
 Majority of the respondents are students who prefer the Himalaya products.
 Majority of the respondents using Himalaya health care products are of
income level ranging in between Rs 5000-10000
 Majority of the respondents are influenced to buy Himalaya products through
 Majority of the respondents prefer quality factor while products
 Majority of the respondents have rated the Himalaya products as excellent
compared with other products.
 The respondents using ayurvedic of different brand Majority of them use
Himalaya co products
 Majority of the prefer Emami group products as best alternative for Himalaya
products hence this clearly shows that the main competitor for Himalaya
products are Emami group products.
 More than half of respondents say that the price of Himalaya products is good
 Majority of people says that the advertisement of Himalaya products is good
 Majority of the respondents feel that the packing of Himalaya products is good
and satisfactory.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product


Following suggestions is given by the respondents to the Himalaya drug co for the

 It is seen that the male user are very less hence it is hence it is suggested to
concentrate on attracting male users through various new products and
 Is suggested to the company to make improvement of products for reaction as
it makes time to react.
 It is advised to good and charming models.
 It is suggested that product should available in low class and middle class
people can buy easily.
 In order to increase the sales it should provide gifts discounts to dealers and

GFGC COLLEGE (KUD) Ranebennur Page 52

Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

Himalaya Ayurvedic Products are very products because they are
made up of pure natural herbs the Himalaya company offered several products to
customers categories as pharmaceutical person care and medical care products the
personal care products offered to customers have five different ranges namely body
care hair care skin care oral care and health care Himalaya Ayurvedic products help
to give complete protection to our health each Himalaya products under research and
clinical trials before it the market.

The company will satisfy each customers health needs thought well
researched and dace remedies harnessed from natures health.

Himalaya Ayurvedic products are not only at a good quality but also
at safest and health care products.

For awareness of all types of Himalaya Ayurvedic the company has

improve its advertisements through various media.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product


Dear respondent I am the student final year B.B.A studying in

Government First Grade College Ranebennur as a part of my academic curriculum, I
have undertaken a project entitled The Customer Satisfaction Towards Himalaya
Health Care Products In Davangere City With Special Reference To Alur Cosmetics

Your Kind Co-Operation and Are Highly Soclicited I Request That

Kindly to Spare In responding to the question below you can be rest assured that the
information given by you and yours identification will be kept under confidence and
will be used only for academic purpose.

Thanking you,

GFGC COLLEGE (KUD) Ranebennur Page 54

Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product


1. Name

2. Address

3. Contact no

 Age Group : A. 15to 20 [ ] B. 20 to 25 [ ]

C. 25 to 30 [ ] D. 30 to above [ ]

 Sex : A. Male [ ] B. Female [ ]

 Marital Status : A. Married [ ] B. Unmarried [ ]

 Occupation : A. Student B. Business

C. Govt.- Employee D Professional

 Monthly / Annual : A. Below 500 B. 500-10000

C. 10000-15000 D. Above 15000

 Do You Use Ayurvedic Products

Yes [ ] B. No [ ]
If Yes Which Company Products Do You Use
a) Himalaya [ ] B. Years [ ]
c) 3 Years [ ] D. Above 3 Years [ ]
 Do You Have Specific Brand?
a) Yes [ ] B. No [ ]
b) If Yes State The

GFGC COLLEGE (KUD) Ranebennur Page 55

Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product

 Do You Change The Brand Frequently? A. Yes [ ]

If Yea State Reasons-
 How did you come to know about the personal care?
a) Advertisement [ ] B) Friend / Relatives [ ]
C) Doctors [] D) Others []
 Which products of Himalaya personal health care are you aware of
a) Hair Care [] B) Body Care [ ]
C) Skin Care [] D) Oral Care [ ]
 Have you purchased any of the above mentioned products of Himalaya?
a) Yes [ ] B) No [ ]

Thank You for Your Co- Operation

GFGC COLLEGE (KUD) Ranebennur Page 56

Customer Satisfaction Towards Herbal Product


Text Books:

 Marketing Management ( Philip Kotler)

 Marketing Management(K.S Ashwathappa)

 www.himalayaahealthcare.com
 www.google.com
 www.wikipedia.com


 Company Catalogues

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