Radiation Oncology
biology physics
Critical Review
Received Jan 14, 2019. Accepted for publication May 13, 2019.
Patients with advanced head and neck cancers who are not eligible for curative treatment represent a challenging cohort of
patients to manage given the complexity and severity of their presenting symptoms. Palliative radiation therapy, along with
other systemic and surgical measures, has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life of such patients. There is
little high-level evidence and a lack of consensus to direct the selection of an optimal palliative radiation regimen.
An ideal palliative radiation regimen should alleviate symptoms secondary to the cancer with minimal treatment toxicity
and side effects while improving a patient’s quality of life. This review presents the treatment approaches, outcomes, and
toxicities associated with different radiation regimens and proposes a multidisciplinary framework for the selection of an
individualized treatment regimen for patients that centers around patient prognosis, goals of care, logistics of treatment, and
the availability of other surgical and systemic therapies. Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
NotedAn online CME test for this article can be taken at https:// financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome. We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named
Corresponding author: Alexander Lin, MD; E-mail: alexander.lin@ authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further confirm that the order of authors
Disclosures: We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us.
interest associated with this publication and there has been no significant
Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys, Vol. 105, No. 2, pp. 254e266, 2019
0360-3016/$ - see front matter Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Volume 105 Number 2 2019 Palliative radiation therapy for head and neck cancers 255
Table 1 Studies of palliative radiation therapy for H&N cancers, organized chronologically by year published
Treatment size, BED, EQD2, Median
Study Type of study n Population regimen Gy Modality Gyy Gyy Response Rate OS, mo* Toxicity
Paris Prospective 37 27% stage 3 cycles of 14.8 3.7 2D 61 51 28% CR; 49% PR; 3 d
et al9 IVC; 63% Gy/4 fx, bid over 85% subjective
inoperable 2 d, with a 3- to palliative
4-wk break response
between cycles
Minatel Prospective 62 16% recurrent; 2 cycles of 25 2.5 2D 63 52 28% CR; 41% PR; 7 43% G3
et al30 74% stage IV Gy/10 fx, 81% symptom mucositis, 3%
with a 2-wk palliation G3 dyphagia
break; concurrent
Mohanti Retrospective 505 78% stage 20 Gy/5 fx in 1 wk 4 2D 28 23 37% PR; 6.7 100% patchy
et al22 IVA; 22% 47-59% mucositis at
stage IVB symptom 1-mo
response rate follow-up
Ghoshal. Prospective 25 72% stage IV 30 Gy/10 fx 3 2D 39 33 100% with >50% d 32% G2
et al24 in 2 wks patient reported mucositis
pain relief
at 4 wks
Corry Prospective 30 35% stage 3 cycles of 14 3.5 3D 57 47 6% CR; 47% PR; 5.7 33% G1; 11%
et al10 I-III; 65% Gy/4 fx, bid 44% improved G2, 0% G3
stage IV over 2 d, with QOL mucositis
a 4-wk break
Carrascoca Retrospective 7 14% stage III; 3 cycles of 14.8 3.7 2D 61 51 14% CR; 71% PR 4 14% G3
et al17 86% stage IV Gy/4 fx, bid over mucositis
2 d, with a 3- to
4-wk break
between cycles.
Porceddu Prospective 35 35% stage I-III; 30 Gy/5 fx, twice 6 d 48 40 56% CR and 9% 6.1 26% G3
et al18 65% stage IV weekly PR for primary mucositis;
and 44% CR 11% G3
and 19% PR dysphagia
for nodes; 62%
QOL and 67%
Agarwal. Retrospective 110 78% T4 40 Gy/16 fx 2.5 2D 50 42 10% CR; 63% PR 12 (55% 14% G3 dermatitis,
et al28 PFS) 3% G4, 63% G3
Al-mamgani Prospective 158 81% stage IV 50 Gy/16 fx 3.125 2D 65 54 45% CR; 28% PR 17 45% and 65% G3
et al29 þ dermatitis and
Siddiqui Retrospective 44 48% recurrent; 13-18 Gy/1 fx or 6-18 SBRT 30-86 25-72 7% CR; 80% PR 5.6 (stage G4 mucositis,
et al33 23% stage 36-48 Gy/5-8 fx in patients with IVC) dysphagia,
I-IVB; 30% stage IVC EC fisutla,
stage IVC disease OC fistula
Ali et al25 Prospective 30 70% stage IV 30 Gy/10 fx 3 2D 39 33 26% CR; 47% PR Not 37% G2
in 2 wks reported mucositis
Kancherla Retrospective 33 91% stage 2 cycles of 20 4 3D 56 47 39%CR; 33% PR, 12 (42% OS) 6% and 9% G3
et al26 IVA-IVB Gy/5 fx, with 79% symptom mucositis and
a 2-wk break palliation esophagitis,
between cycles 18% IH*
Paliwal Retrospective 50 All patients 20 Gy/5 fx in 1 wk 4 2D 28 23 8% CR; 92% PR; d 4% G3 mucositis
et al23 with fixed 60-70%
nodes, symptom
stage IV; palliation
46% T4
Kawaguchi Retrospective 14 7% N1; 0% 35-42 Gy/3-5 fx d SBRT d d 36% CR; 64% PR 3 year OS: 100% G1/2
et al32 stage IV 79% oropharyngitis
(continued on next page)
256 Grewal et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
Table 1 (continued )
Treatment size, BED, EQD2, Median
Study Type of study n Population regimen Gy Modality Gyy Gyy Response Rate OS, mo* Toxicity
Lok et al Retrospective 75 55% stage IVC 3 cycles of 14.8 3.7 3D/ 61 51 66% subjective 5.7 5% G3 mucositis/
Gy/4 fx, bid IMRT pain response dermatitis
over 2 d, with
3- to 4-wk break
between cycles
Nguyen Retrospective 110 62% stage IV 24 Gy/3 fx, 1 8 3D/ 43 36 31% CR; 50% PR; 6.2 3 inpatient
et al20 fraction/wk IMRT 82% symptom hospitalizations
Khan Retrospective 21 81% de novo 35 Gy/5 7-8 SBRT 60-86 50-72 25% CR; 67% PR 12 (60% OS) d
et al34 primary fx to 48
H&N Gy/6 fx
Fortin Prospective 32 66% T4, N3, 25 Gy/5 fx 5 IMRT 38 31 3- and 6-mo 6.5 13% G3 toxicity
et al21 or M1 in 1 wk improvement
in QOL: 59%
and 58%; pain
response: 71%
and 83%;
Murthy Prospective 126 70.6% stage 32 Gy/8 fx, 4 d 45 Gy 37 Gy 3.2% CR and 41% 5.5 1.2% G3
et al19 IVB twice weekly PR for mucositis
primary and
3.2% CR
and 62% PR for
76% subjective
Bledsoe Retrospective 65 15% stage III; 60 Gy/20 fx or 72 3 3D/ 78/94 65/78 50% CR, 41% PR 8.9 42% feeding
et al31 56% stage Gy/24 fx with IMRT among tube
IVA/IVB; 4- to 6-wk non-stage requirement
14% stage midtreatment IVC patients
IVC break
Gamez Retrospective 21 19% recurrent; 3 cycles of 14.8 3.7 3D/ 61 51 24% CR; 62% PR; 7 34.8% G2
et al16 52% stage Gy/4 fx, bid IMRT >76% symptom mucositis/
III-IVB; over 2 d, with palliation xerostomia
29% Stage a 3- to 4-wk
IVC break between
Abbreviations: 2D Z 2-dimensional; 3D Z 3-dimensional; BED Z biologically effective dose; CR Z complete response; EC Z enterocutaneous;
EQD2 Z equivalent dose in 2 Gy; H&N Z head and neck; IMRT Z intensity modulated radiation therapy; OC Z oral cutaneous; OS Z overall survival;
QOL Z quality of life; PFS Z progression-free survival; PR Z partial response; SBRT Z stereotactic body radiation therapy.
* Other survival data reported in studies in which median OS is not reported.
For a/b Z 10 (tumor).
of bleeding vessels can also be performed.2,3 Multidisci- cancer-directed therapy with radiation therapy. The goal
plinary management of the supportive care these patients of a palliative treatment is to alleviate symptoms sec-
receive remains essential. Best supportive care is associ- ondary to the cancer with minimal treatment toxicity and
ated with a median survival of between 3 to 5 month- side effects.
sdshorter for patients who have received prior therapy.4
The use of palliative systemic therapy has the potential
to improve survival over supportive care alone, as Palliative radiation therapy
demonstrated by the median survival of 10.1 months with
the EXTREME regimen (cisplatin/carboplatin, 5- There have been many studies on the use of radiation
fluorouracil, and cetuximab) and of 14.9 months with therapy to mitigate disease-related symptoms and to
Pembrolizumab.5,6 improve patients’ speech, swallowing, breathing, and pain
A subset of patients not eligible for radical curative- and to mitigate ongoing bleeding and tumor ulceration.
intent therapy may still be candidates for palliative Although such studies advocate for the use of radiation
Volume 105 Number 2 2019 Palliative radiation therapy for head and neck cancers 257
therapy in the palliative setting, there is little high-level cells to repopulate before the next cycle. In addition, this
evidence to direct the selection of an optimal palliative regimen allows patients to complete all radiation for 1 cycle
radiation regimen. within 2 days, limiting the travel burden and time required
Curative-intent radiation therapy is delivered with doses in a health care facility for palliative treatment.
from 6000 to 7000 cGy divided into 180 to 200 cGy frac- The regimen was first studied in the head and neck
tions and is often delivered with concurrent chemotherapy. setting by Paris et al in 37 patients with head and neck
Such regimens, although curative, are often highly toxic.7 cancer.9 Patients included were medically inoperable, failed
Common side effects of treatment that are secondary to chemotherapy, or had metastatic disease. Twenty-one pa-
radiation damage to normal soft tissues include mucositis, tients completed all 3 cycles of radiation. An objective
dysphagia, xerostomia, dysgeusia, and radiation dermatitis. response rate of 77% was seen, with an improvement seen
Many palliative regimens aim to reduce the dose of radia- in those who completed more cycles. Average survival after
tion administered to below the threshold for producing therapy was 4.5 months. The majority of patients (85%)
severe side effects to optimize the balance between risk and endorsed subjective improvement in presenting symptoms.
benefit when cure is not the goal. Maintaining the delicate No major toxicities were seen, and expected side effects
balance of providing a sufficient dose for durable local including skin changes, dysphagia, and xerostomia peaked
control without causing significant morbidity is funda- 12 days after completion of each cycle. No late complica-
mental to the selection of each treatment regimen. tions were observed.
A similar QUAD shot approach was used by Corry
Overview of Palliative Regimens et al.10 In this study of 30 patients, 1400 cGy was admin-
istered over 2 days in twice-daily fractions. Patients
received up to 2 additional cycles if they demonstrated no
The treatment of head and neck cancers with palliative
tumor progression at the time of follow-up. All but 1 patient
radiation therapy has been studied in retrospective institu-
had metastatic disease, and two-thirds of the patients had an
tional studies and small phase 2 trials, as seen in Table 1.
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status
The treatment schedules used in these studies range from
of 2 to 3 at baseline. Fifty-three percent of patients
short courses with simple techniques to stereotactic radia-
completed all 3 cycles, and 50% of all patients had an
tion to conventionally fractionated, standard-length cour-
objective response. Median overall survival was 5.7
ses. Treatment durations range from 1 to 7 weeks, with
months, and 44% of patients endorsed improved quality of
many regimens including predetermined breaks between
life after completion of therapy. Patients also endorsed
cycles of radiation. Some regimens include the use of
improvements in dysphagia (33%) and pain (56%). No
chemotherapy. Treatment response rates, changes in quality
patients developed grade 3 toxicities, and the most common
of life, and toxicity profiles vary significantly based on
grade 1 and 2 toxicities were dermatitis (52%) and muco-
treatment regimen. We reviewed the literature to identify
sitis (67%). Similarly, low rates of grade 3 toxicities using
evidence to guide the development of a patient-centric
the QUAD shot approach have been shown in other retro-
framework for selection of an optimal regimen for the
spective analyses.11,12
palliative treatment of head and neck cancers. PubMed,
The significance of completing more cycles of the
EMBASE, MEDLINE, and Cochrane Library databases
QUAD shot regimen was reported by Lok et al in the
were searched for published studies on palliative radiation
largest retrospective study using QUAD shot.13 The study
for head and neck cancers from 1993 to 2018.
included 75 patients with pain, dysphagia, and bleeding
secondary to head and neck cancer, 40% of whom had prior
QUAD Shot radiation at the site of palliation. Thirty-seven percent of
patients completed at least 3 cycles of 1480 cGy, and some
One popular approach in the palliative treatment of head patients who tolerated and continued to respond to therapy
and neck cancers in North America is the “QUAD shot” received 5 cycles. Palliative response was significantly
regimen. This approach was introduced in the palliation of correlated with increasing number of cycles but not with
pelvic malignancies in RTOG 8502.8 The regimen consists prior radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, or disease stage.
of 370 cGy delivered twice daily for 2 consecutive days Palliative response was seen in 65% of patients, and median
(total of 1480c Gy/cycle), repeated every 3 to 4 weeks for a overall survival was 5.7 months. Grade 3 dermatitis and
total of 4400 cGy in 3 cycles. For patients who tolerate the functional mucositis were reported in 4 patients.
cycles well and who continue to respond, more than 3 cy- The properties of protons allow for significant dose
cles can be delivered. The cyclic nature of the regimen sparing of neighboring tissues and organs at risk and have
allows for disease response assessment after each course, at been studied in cases of head and neck reirradiation.14
which time a decision is made regarding whether to pro- Proton therapy has been used to deliver the QUAD shot
ceed with another course. The biologically equivalent dose regimen in a cohort of 26 patients, as described by Ma
administered in QUAD shot is below the threshold for et al.15 Eighty-eight percent of these patients had prior head
producing mucositis, and the separation between subse- and neck radiation. Overall palliative response was 73%,
quent cycles of radiation allows for depleted mucosal stem and the grade 1 acute toxicity rate was 58%.
258 Grewal et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
the design of treatment delivery. The first, studied by 3 weeks of treatment. Objective and symptom response
Kancherla et al, administered 2000 cGy over 5 days, fol- rate were high at 69% and 81%; however, toxicity levels
lowed by a 2-week break and then a second cycle of 2000 were on par with rates associated with curative intent
cGy in 1 week.26 There was a 72% objective response rate therapy, with 43% of all patients experiencing grade 3
and a 79% symptom response rate at 4 to 6 weeks after mucositis.
treatment completion among the 33 patients in this cohort. A similar high-dose, split-course accelerated hypo-
One- and 2-year overall survival were 42% and 35%, fractionated regimen was studied by Bledsoe et al.31 This
respectively. Grade 3 skin toxicity, mucositis, and esopha- approach used a regimen in which 6000 cGy to 7200 cGy
gitis were seen in 3%, 6%, and 9% of patients, respectively, was given in 20 to 24 fractions with a midtreatment 4- to
and 20% of all patients required hospitalization for toxicity 6-week break. The majority of the 65 patients had a
management. Karnofsky performance score of greater than 70 (74%).
Das et al prospectively studied 36 patients with stage IV Eleven percent of patients were unable to complete both
or recurrent head and neck cancer.27 Patients received 4000 courses of treatment owing to disease progression, patient
cGy in 10 fractions, with 2 fractions given each week. Sixty decline, or patient refusal. Ninety-one percent of evalu-
percent of patients had an improvement in performance able patients had an objective response at 3-month
status after treatments, and 88% of patients endorsed pain follow-up, and approximately 35% of patients
relief greater than 50%. No significant changes were noted continued to have local control at 4-year follow-up.
in head and neckespecific quality-of-life scores after Forty-two percent of patients required a feeding tube at
treatment. Similar to the toxicity profile seen by Kancherla some point during treatment secondary to mucositis and
et al, 21% of patients experienced grade 3 mucositis or dysphagia, and 20% of patients remained on tube feeds at
dermatitis. Forty-eight percent of patients were recom- their last follow-up. One patient developed late mucosal
mended a nasogastric tube during treatment owing to ulceration and necrosis 1.5 years after the completion of
oropharyngeal odynophagia. In an effort to reduce such treatment.
early mucosal toxicity, groups have studied the use of
smaller fractions with similar cumulative doses.28,29
neck cancers showed a 2-year overall survival rate of 16.3% expression levels greater than 50%. Similarly, nivolumab
for patients.35 was shown to improve overall survival (median overall sur-
vival 7.7 vs 5.1 months) in CheckMate-141, a phase 3 trial
comparing nivolumab to a single-agent investigator’s choice
Comparative Studies of Palliative Radiation of second-line therapy (methotrexate, docetaxel, or cetux-
Regimens imab). Post hoc exploratory analyses from Checkmate-141
indicated significantly increased overall survival in patients
In examining the comparisons among these distinct with human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive tumors treated
palliative regimens, 2 single-institutional studies have with nivolumab (median overall survival of 9.1 vs 4.4
highlighted differences between response and toxicity months), and PD-L1 expression greater than 1%. Both trials
based on fractionation scheme. Chen et al reviewed 60 showed reduced toxicity of immunotherapy over conven-
patients treated with palliative intent for incurable and tional systemic therapy in the second-line recurrent or met-
recurrent head and neck cancers.5 The regimens used to astatic setting. Based off these promising results,
treat patients included QUAD shot, 7000 cGy in 35 pembrolizumab was moved to the frontline recurrent or
fractions, 3000 cGy in 10 fractions, 3750 cGy in 15 metastatic setting and compared with the EXTREME
fractions, and 2000 cGy in 5 fractions. Rates of palli- regimen (cisplatin or carboplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and cetux-
ative response for these regimens were 83%, 77%, imab) in KEYNOTE-048.6 Initial results from KEYNOTE-
67%, 86%, and 60%, respectively. Although these 048 showed single-agent pembrolizumab prolonging
regimens yielded similarly high response rates, the survival in patients with a PD-L1 combined positive score of
toxicity profiles varied significantly, with 9% grade 3 greater than 1 (median overall survival 12.3 vs 10.3 months)
toxicity in the QUAD shotetreated patients compared and 20 (14.9 vs 10.7 months). Pembrolizumab was associated
with 38%, 42%, 29%, and 20% in patients treated with with fewer grade 3 to 5 adverse events compared with the
7000 cGy in 35 fractions, 3000 cGy in 10 fractions, EXTREME regimen (17% vs 69%) and more durable re-
3750 cGy in 15 fractions, and 2000 cGy in 5 fractions, sponses (median 20.9 vs 4.5 months).
respectively. Patients receiving palliative radiation therapy for head
Stevens et al compared outcomes of 148 patients treated and neck cancer may also be candidates for immuno-
with palliative radiation therapy.36 The most common ra- therapy. Although there remains a relative paucity of data
diation schedule was 5000 cGy in 20 fractions; however, investigating immunotherapy with palliative radiation
other patients received 2400 cGy in 3 fractions, 6000 cGy therapy, the administration of concurrent and adjuvant
in 25 fractions, 3000 cGy in 10 fractions, 6000 cGy in 30 immunotherapy with radiation therapy was studied in
fractions, and 7000 cGy in 35 fractions. Radiation regimens RTOG 3504, in which nivolumab was deemed to be safe to
were prescribed based on provider judgment of patient administer with concomitant cetuximab and radiation
tolerability. Only 58% of patients scheduled to receive 7000 therapy.39 Pembrolizumab has also been shown to be safe to
cGy in 35 fractions were able to complete this course. On administer with concurrent radiation and cisplatin (40 mg/
multivariate analysis, radiation dose was found to be an m2) in patients with both HPV-positive and HPV-negative
independent predictor of treatment response and survival. head and neck cancers.40
This analysis was unable to capture the reasoning behind
provider dose selection, including judgment of patient
performance status and expected dose tolerance for each
patient at initial consultation. Discussion
of care are all important considerations in determining an opportunity for patients with mucosal toxicity to recover
regimen selection. before further insults are caused by additional radiation
therapy. Patients deemed to be unsuitable for additional
Performance status radiation therapy may still benefit from the initial cycle of
treatment, as demonstrated in prior studies.7,11
Patients with a poorer performance status are likely to
have difficulty with protracted courses of radiation ther- Option of nonradiation palliative therapies
apy, which are associated with the burden of daily trips
for treatment. Patients with a poor performance status The discussion of patients in a multidisciplinary environ-
may also suffer more from toxicities from a protracted ment allows for the assessment of whether other non-
and high cumulative dose course of radiation treatment, radiation palliative treatments, such as surgery or systemic
as demonstrated by studies showing high rates of naso- therapy, are options if radiation therapy does not achieve
gastric tube requirement and mucositis in such pa- the desired effect. Patients who are candidates for systemic
tients.24-27 Likewise, concurrent administration of therapy may benefit from shorter courses of radiation
systemic therapy can exacerbate known and introduce therapy so that the toxicities of radiation do not delay the
new toxicities of radiation therapy, making this combi- start of systemic therapy. Patients eligible for immuno-
nation more challenging in patients with poorer perfor- therapy may receive immunotherapy before, during, or after
mance status.12 SBRT in the upfront de novo palliative radiation therapy, as demonstrated by the safety profile of
radiation setting, although an attractive approach for both pembrolizumab and nivolumab with concurrent ther-
treatment given the short treatment course, deserves apy.39,40 There is some suggestion of improved efficacy of
additional investigation regarding safety in this tenuous immunotherapy when administered closely with radiation
population given the high rates of grade 4 toxicities seen therapy.43,44 Those patients without other treatment options
in retrospective studies.29 and with survival anticipated to be many months to a year
may benefit from more protracted courses of radiation that
Patient prognostication provide a higher total dose.
Patient discussion in
multidisciplinary setting (Medical
Oncology, Radiation Oncology,
ENT, Palliative Care, Nutrition, and
Speech-Language Pathologists) Patientt Pro
AD Shot
Sh 30-50Gy /5
2 fractions 70Gy in 35 fra
fractions SBRT
Treatment (3.7Gy BID for 2 days) x 3 +/- chemotherapy (Consider in context
Options or 21Gy/3 fractions of reirradiation)
or 20Gy/5 fractions*
+/- chemotherapy **
Fig. 1. Framework incorporating patient prognostication, goals of care, and nonradiation palliative therapy options in
selecting appropriate palliative regimens for patients with head and neck cancers. )Can be explored with 4 questions of
values and priorities. yUseful for short-course palliation for symptoms (ie, bleeding) when patient is eligible for systemic
therapy. zPossible increase in treatment toxicity without a proven benefit. §Only if neighboring organs at risk can allow
additional dose from such a treatment.
Patients with good responses to the initial cycle of QUAD additional treatment-related toxicity might instead benefit
shot should proceed with additional cycles, but patients from the QUAD shot or 2400 cGy in 3 fractions approach.
who experience difficulty with the first cycle can opt to A more protracted regimen of 7000 cGy in 35 fractions
forego additional radiation therapy. These regimens are also may be suitable for patients with a prognosis of greater than
better suited for patients who have difficulty with the 1 year who have goals of care that align with aggressive
positioning required for radiation treatment (ie, difficulty palliation. Although QUAD shot and 3000 Gy in 10 frac-
breathing or severe, difficult-to-control pain while lying flat tions can be used for patients whose goals of care align
in a thermoplastic mask). Longer courses are inappropriate better with such regimens, these regimens are unlikely to
for this cohort of patients because they are likely to cause provide durable responses in patients with better prognoses
greater harm secondary to treatment-related toxicity. and may necessitate additional treatments in the future.
Patients with an intermediate prognosis of 4 to 12 Although high-dose regimens are associated with higher
months who don’t have other treatment options may benefit rates of acute toxicity, concerns of late toxicity are
from a conventional palliative course of 2000 cGy in 5 important to consider when hypofractionation is used in
fractions or a more protracted course of 5000 cGy in 20 this subset of patients. Such regimens should also be
fractions. 2000 cGy in 5 fractions can be used to provide considered for patients with untreated or previously treated
patients with cancer-related symptoms, such as bleeding HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancers and those with oligo-
with palliation, and if they are eligible, can allow them to metastatic disease to address the primary tumor, as dis-
proceed with systemic therapy without a significant delay. cussed below.
Such regimens, when administered without scheduled
treatment breaks, allow patients to complete therapy within
a relatively short period of time and offer tumor and HPV-associated head and neck cancer
symptom responses with less toxicity than higher-dose
regimens. Those patients whose goals of care align with The rise of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancers has led
treatments that provide comfort with minimal risk of to an increase in the number of patients younger than 60
Volume 105 Number 2 2019 Palliative radiation therapy for head and neck cancers 263
years of age with better performance status presenting for reirradiation. Carotid blowout is an infrequent but serious
care.46 Although many patients presenting with HPV- complication of reirradiation for head and neck cancers,
positive cancers are treated with curative intent therapy, with an incidence of 2.6% in a pooled analysis of 1554
some patients present with metastases or locally advanced patients treated with reirradiation.53 Such episodes are
disease and are only candidates for palliative-intent therapy. often fatal, and discussion of such treatment toxicities and
For such a patient with good performance status and a death is an integral part of informed consent for reirradia-
radiosensitive tumor, a protracted course of radiation ther- tion. Furthermore, discussion of other treatment options,
apy, similar to that which is offered in a definitive approach including immunotherapy and salvage surgery, are essential
(70 Gy in 35 fractions), offers the potential for durable within a multidisciplinary setting.
cancer control. Patient selection for palliative reirradiation should be
Although it is known that the risk of cancer progression based on interval from prior course of radiation and the ability
for patients with HPV-positive oropharyngeal carcinoma is to deliver sufficient dose to control disease while sparing
reduced compared with patients with HPV-negative dis- organs at risk from significant toxicity. An interval of 6
ease, approximately 10% to 25% of patients with HPV- months from initial course of radiation, as used in RTOG 96-
positive disease will experience a recurrence.47 Patients 10 and RTOG 99-11, is a minimum threshold used at many
with HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer recurrences have centers. Patients with recurrences that occur earlier than 6
improved survival compared with patients with HPV- months out from initial radiation course may harbor disease
negative recurrences (2-year overall survival 55% vs that is relatively radioresistant because the initial course of
28%), and hence durable control is similarly required for radiation therapy likely never induced a significant thera-
patients with HPV-positive recurrences.48 Such patients peutic response. As such, further radiation therapy is likely to
respond well to immunotherapy, as demonstrated by the cause more harm than provide benefit. Reirradiation at sites
CHECKMATE-141 trial, and treatment options include close to serial organs, such as the spinal cord, brain stem, optic
immunotherapy followed by palliative radiation at pro- chiasm, and optic nerves, requires careful treatment planning
gression, palliative radiation followed by immunotherapy at to minimize the cumulative dose to such structures. Reirra-
progression, or the use of a concurrent therapy approach.38 diation to sites close to these critical organs at risk should be
Reirradiation for HPV-positive cancers is associated with administered using standard fractionation as opposed to
improved overall and progression-free survival.49 Given the accelerated hypofractionation. Regardless of fractionation
improved prognosis of such patients, a reirradiation course scheme used, treatment planning in the setting of reirradiation
of 70 Gy in 35 fractions can be considered if organs at risk necessitates the calculation of equivalent dose in 2 Gy for all
are within reirradiation dose constraints. organs at risk to determine whether such a course can be
safely administered. To minimize the risk of serious toxicity
in patients receiving reirradiation, a conservative cumulative
Reirradiation dose constraint of 60 Gy to critical serial organs can be used,
as seen in Table 2. Although patients with greater intervals
Patients with a history of head and neck radiation may from initial course of radiation therapy may experience some
benefit from reirradiation in the palliative setting for re- tissue recovery, a cumulative dose constraint greater than 60
currences and new primary cancers. Although there is a Gy has the potential to increase the risk of late toxicity.54
paucity of data regarding palliative-intent reirradiation, Minimizing cumulative dose to as low as reasonably
RTOG 96 to 10 and RTOG 99 to 11, trials of curative-intent achievable is a goal for sequential organs at risk.
salvage reirradiation, assessed the outcomes of patients Recurrences at areas farther away from critical serial
after 1.5 Gy bid to 60 Gy, with 5-FU and hydoxyurea, and organs at risk may be amenable to SBRT, which should be
cisplatin and paclitaxel, respectively.50,51 Eligible patients performed on clinical trial if possible. A multi-institutional
had a minimum 6-month interval from their prior course of comparison of reirradiation with IMRT and SBRT showed
radiation. Results from these studies highlight the guarded worse survival (2-year overall survival 39.1 vs 18.6
prognosis for patients with recurrent disease treated with months) with SBRT in patients more than 2 years out from
reirradiation, with a 2-year overall survival rate of 15.2% in treatment with unresected tumors.35 Furthermore, patients
RTOG 96 to 10 and 25.9% in RTOG 99 to 11. In this cohort with tumor recurrences less than 2 years out from initial
of patients, better outcomes were observed in patients with treatment had poor outcomes regardless of treatment with
an interval of greater than 1 year from the first course of IMRT or SBRT (2-year overall survival 16.8%). As such,
radiation. A separate multi-institutional review of 412 pa- all treatment options should be discussed with patients to
tients treated with reirradiation with IMRT similarly found allow for an informed, shared decision.
improved outcomes (2-year overall survival 61.9%) in pa-
tients with resected tumors and an interval of than 2 years Oligometastatic and oligorecurrent disease
between radiation courses.52 Adverse events from these
trials of reirradiation included fatal oropharyngeal hemor- Patients presenting with oligometastatic and oligorecurrent
rhages and carotid blowout in RTOG 99 to 11, highlighting head and neck cancer may benefit from aggressive pallia-
the potential severity of toxicity associated with tion of their limited metastatic disease. Initial findings from
264 Grewal et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
the SABR-COMET trial of stereotactic ablative radiation Table 2 Authors suggested maximum dose constraints on
therapy in patients with up to 5 metastatic sites from any H&N organs at risk
primary tumor site showed improvements in progression-
Palliative Palliative de
free survival (12 vs 6 months, P < .01) and overall survival reirradiation novo RT
(41 vs 28 months, P Z .09) when sites of metastases were
treated with radiation.55 Sun et al similarly reported 5-year Cumulative Cumulative
Organ at Risk dose (EQD2) dose (EQD2)
survival rates of 20% in select patients with head and neck
cancer who underwent oligometastasis-directed surgery of Spinal cord 60 Gy 50 Gy
stereotactic radiation to metastases.56 Given the improved Brain stem 60 Gy 54 Gy
overall survival in patients with oligometastatic disease, Carotid artery ALARA ALARA
treatment to the primary head and neck tumor should pro-
Optic nerve 60 Gy 54 Gy
vide durable response, and as such, a course of 70 Gy in 35 Optic chiasm 60 Gy 54 Gy
fractions should be considered in patients with a good Constrictors Mean dose: Mean dose: <50 Gy
performance status. Metastases should also be addressed in ALARA
patients with oligometastatic and oligorecurrent disease. Brachial plexus 70 Gy* 60 Gy
Given the good life expectancy for such patients, wedge
resection, metastectomy, or stereotactic approaches should Abbreviations: ALARA Z as low as reasonably achievable; H&N
Z head and neck; RT Z radiation therapy; EQD2 Z equivalent dose
be considered over conventional palliative radiation doses in 2 Gy.
(30 Gy in 10 fractions or 20 Gy in 4-5 fractions) to sites of * There may be situations when it is appropriate to exceed the cu-
metastatic disease. mulative constraint (eg, plexus previously received full dose, and
recurrent disease involves or invades plexus). Clinical discussion be-
tween provider and patient is recommended to discuss the risks and
Treatment volumes benefits of reirradiation in this setting, with clinical decision-making
based on the results of such a discussion.
Appropriate volume selection has the potential to minimize
treatment-related toxicity. While no consensus guidelines in
contouring remain for palliative head and neck cancer, most who had received support from a palliative care team.57
providers strive to treat both disease that is actively causing Early palliative care integrated within a patient’s onco-
symptoms and disease that has the potential to cause logic care has the potential to improve patient quality of
symptoms if untreated. Such anticipatory planning is life, reduce depressive symptoms, and improve survival, as
essential in the palliative setting. Elective nodal volumes shown in a trial of 151 patients with advanced lung can-
are excluded in the palliative setting because they increase cer.58 Although it remains uncertain whether similar ben-
the radiation field size and introduce the possibility for efits are seen in patients with other cancers, a known value
worse treatment-related toxicity. of early palliative care is the delivery of holistic mental and
physical care to patients during a vulnerable time in their
Treatment planning lives.
Conclusions 13. Lok BH, Jiang G, Gutiontov S, et al. Palliative head and neck radio-
therapy with the RTOG 8502 regimen for incurable primary or met-
astatic cancers. Oral Oncol 2015;51:957-962.
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dose escalate with smaller fraction sizes are advanta- fractionated palliative radiotherapy with concurrent radiosensitizing
geous for patients with a better performance status and chemotherapy for advanced head and neck cancer using the “QUAD-
SHOT regimen. Anticancer Res 2017;37:685-691.
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