Allied Bank
Allied Bank
Allied Bank
The unplanned borrowing from different sources increased both private and public
consumption resulting in higher debt repayment liabilities, which created severe
macroeconomic imbalances. The investment did not pick up as higher demand was met
primarily through imports leading to enormous rise in external imbalances. Due to low growth
in revenues and the unplanned and unproductive expenditures, the fiscal deficit widened. The
persistence of large fiscal and current account deficits and associated buildup of public and
external debt became the major source of macroeconomic imbalance.
The new elected government faces formidable macroeconomic challenges. The foremost
challenge to the economy is the rising aggregate demand without corresponding resources to
support it, leading to rising fiscal and external account deficits.
The government has also taken some overdue tough decisions i.e. increase in energy tariffs to
stop further accumulation of circular debt, reduction in imports through regulatory duties and
withdrawal of some of the tax relaxations given in the last budget in order to arrest the
deterioration in primary balance.
Asset growth of the banking sector has moderated to 4.7 percent during H1CY18 The prime
reason behind this deceleration is 3.6 percent decline in net-investment (mainly in govt.
securities) due to shift in government’s borrowing from commercial banks to SBP. Islamic
Banking Institutions (IBIs) have played a vital role in total banking sector’s asset expansion
during H1CY18. Relative to their market share of 12.9 percent, IBIs have contributed almost one
fourth of the growth in the assets base of the banking system, which is more than double the
contribution in the comparable period of previous year.
Advances to SMEs have observed higher net.
Allied bank
The banking sector outlook remains challenging, amidst crucial global operating and regulatory
conditions, re-pricing risks under rising interest rate scenario, evolving customer experience
dynamics, weak credit expansion and a dearth of quality lending avenues.
Your Bank has also entered into an agreement with 1-Link for issuance of first ever ‘PayPak-
Union Pay International’ (UPI) co-badged debit cards, with a view to facilitate customers
seeking both international and domestic spending convenience.
Your Bank kept pace with the transforming landscape through upgrade of ‘myABL Digital
banking’ app using top of the line Oracle Digital Banking Experience (OBDx) platform; designed
exclusively to enable customers to seamlessly perform financial transactions. A key initiative of
Your Bank for 2019 also includes the planned launch of Branchless banking services.
Allied ‘Visa Premium Debit Card’, launched during the period, facilitated Your Bank’s valued
customers in carrying out Point of Sale (POS) and cash withdrawal transactions with enhanced
per day limits and a host of domestic and global features offered by Visa exclusively to
Signature Card customers, while initiation of 3-D secure services on all ABL Visa debit and credit
cards further improved customer confidence in online shopping while minimizing risk of fraud.
Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (PACRA) maintained Bank’s Long-Term and Short-Term Ratings to
the highest level of “AAA” (Triple A) and “A1+” (A One Plus) respectively. These ratings denote
exceptionally strong capacity for timely payment of financial commitments with lowest
expectation of credit risk. Your Bank consolidated its position as one of the only select group of
financial institutions in the country to maintain highest entity credit ratings.