A Review: Machine Learning Approach and Deep Learning Approach For Fake News Detection
A Review: Machine Learning Approach and Deep Learning Approach For Fake News Detection
A Review: Machine Learning Approach and Deep Learning Approach For Fake News Detection
finding the best feature set for a particular problem on its own.
Increasing number of social media platforms, emerging
new technologies, and population growth which results in the
rate of using social media has increased rapidly. With an
increasing number of users on online platforms comes to a
variety of problems like fake news. The extensive growth of The aim of machine learning methods is to automate the
fake news on social media can have a serious impact on the learning process of computers based on evidence. It splits the
real world and became a cause of concern for net users and data into training and research, with the training data being
governments all over the world. Distinguishing between real used to learn the model and the testing data is used to validate
news and fake news becoming more challenging. The amount the data. It is divided into three categories: supervised,
of fake news has become a disguise. In this paper, we have semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning. For learning the
done a survey on detection techniques for fake news using model, supervised machine learning methods use labeled
Algorithms and Deep learning techniques. We have results. Unlabeled data, on the other hand, is analyzed using
compared machine learning algorithms like Naïve-Bayes, unsupervised techniques.
Decision tree, SVM, Adaboost, etc. Comparing the accuracy
2.1 Naïve bayes classifier
Key words: Convolutional neural network, support vector Naive Bayes is a probabilistic machine learning algorithm,
machine, LSTM. and this is a probabilistic classifier that uses the max
posteriori decision rule to render classifications. The Bayes
theorem is used in classification activities, and the Naive
Bayes classifier is derived from it [15]. This classifier is a
Fake news has become one of the biggest threats to versatile and common conventional algorithm for practical
journalism. It has weekend people trust on News agencies and uses. Users get a short response from these real-world apps.
government. The method of classifying news stories as false This algorithm is used in email spam filtering and sentiment
or real is known as fake news identification. To accomplish analysis, among other things. This is one of the most basic
this, it must first extract specific and important features from classification problems, and it requires large datasets.
the article's text and then use a classifier to separate fake news ble, approximately 8 to 12 point type.
from genuine news... To overcome this by using some
websites, to overcome this by using some websites, tools, and P(I/J)=(P(J/I)*P(I))/P(J)
platforms were introduced to detect the differentiation of real Posterier=(Liklihood*prior)/Evidence
news and fake news. The fakesters create a piece of news that
makes the readers' minds desperate to learn what is there in P(I): Prior Probability of class
the news by seeing the title of particular news. That desperate P(J|I): Likelihood, the probability of predictor given class
minds are giving a chance to the fakesters to create such P(J): Prior probability of predictor
unhealthy news. Even though fake news detection is not P(I|J): Posterior probability off class I was given the predictor
completely ruling the world but a lot of interest is being J
generated differentiation of real news and fake news. Many
researchers have worked on this topic. Some of them used 2.2 K-Nearest Neighbor
Traditional classification algorithms and others used Deep The supervised machine learning algorithm known as the
learning approaches. Deep learning has the advantage of k-nearest neighbor algorithm solves classification and
having no handcrafting of rules and/or functions, instead of regression problems. Let's take a look at some labeled points,
measure the distance between them, arrange the distances in
decreasing order, and mark the first point as "k." The
Sumit Kumar et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1046 – 1050
regression and classification models' mean and mode are information is reduced and the output is provided by the
returned by the K marks. This is a delicate model to deal with pooling layer. CNN looks for dormant personalities in news
and the outputs of classification problems are discrete values stories. The data size and qualified data are the most common
[14]. The K nearest model identifies patterns and senses uses of this model. Based on efficiency and speed, the CNN
intrusions. model is considered.
Sumit Kumar et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1046 – 1050
Sumit Kumar et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(8), August 2021, 1046 – 1050