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Iwoz Izfrcfyr Oaqøhv Osq Fy, Ruko JFGR de F'Kffkyu Okys Vysfir LKR Iykbz Osq LV Sam Fof'Kf"V

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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Anshu Tech Labs Private Limited -

(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Hkkjrh; ekud IS 14268 : 2017

Indian Standard

iwoZ izfrcfyr oaQØhV osQ fy, ruko

jfgr de f'kfFkyu okys vysfir
lkr-IykbZ osQ LVªSaM — fof'kf"V
( igyk iqujh{k.k )

Uncoated Stress Relieved Low

Relaxation Seven-Wire (Ply)
Strand for Prestressed
Concrete — Specification
( First Revision )

ICS 77.140.15; 91.080.40

© BIS 2017

Hkkjrh; ekud C;wjks

ekud Hkou] 9 cgknqj'kkg T+kiQj ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110002
NEW DELHI-110002
www.bis.org.in www.standardsbis.in

July 2017 Price Group 5

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(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Concrete Reinforcement Sectional Committee, CED 54

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Concrete Reinforcement Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
The standard was published in 1995 to cover the requirements of low relaxation seven-ply strands for prestressed
concrete. These types of strands are capable of developing and retaining large concentrated prestressing forces.
The low relaxation property is achieved by a process called ‘stabilising’. This is essentially a hot stretching
process, in which prestressing strand is subjected to a pre-determined tension during stress-relieving heat treatment.
This results in linear hardening of the steel which substantially increases the resistance to creep and thereby
reduces the relaxation losses.
This revision has been taken up with a view of incorporating modifications found necessary as a result of use of
this standard both by the manufacturers and the users. Time and again strand biting during tensile testing of
strands have been reported on account of using improper gripping arrangements. In order to ensure that the
criticality of proper gripping of strand to get correct test results is understood and applied by the industry, a need
was felt to take up revision of the standard suggesting various gripping procedures and methods for minimizing
these difficulties. In this revision, following modifications have been incorporated:
a) Method for measurement of length of lay of strand has been incorporated,
b) Method for measurement of nominal diameter and difference in diameter of central wire and surrounding
wire of strand has been incorporated,
c) Method for determining nominal cross-sectional area and nominal mass per unit length of strand has
been incorporated,
d) 1.0 percent extension method for determining elongation has been elaborated to provide more clarity,
e) Methods to be adopted for minimizing difficulties of premature failure of the test specimens while
conducting mechanical tests on strands have been incorporated, and
f) Various methods of gripping have been suggested for tensile testing of strands.
In the formulation of this standard, due weightage has been given to international coordination among the standards
and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this country.
Assistance has been derived from the following International Standards in the formulation of this standard:
ISO 6934-1 : 1991 Steel for the prestressing of concrete — Part 1: General requirements
ISO 6934-4 : 1991 Steel for the prestressing of concrete — Part 4: Strand
Provisions in this standard are at variance with similar provisions in the above international standards, in view of
the following:
a) Geographical factors which determine the earthquake zoning and consequently the structural design
considerations, structural design method/principles adopted, the design parameters and required material
b) Technological factors associated with the process of manufacture of the product, which influence the
product characteristics; and
c) Construction techniques and practices adopted in the country, the equipment used and the skill level of
construction workers which also influence the product characteristics.

(Continued on third cover)

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(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14268 : 2017

Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1 SCOPE 3.1 Breaking Load — The maximum load reached
in a tensile test of the strand.
This standard covers the requirements for manufacture,
supply and testing of uncoated, stress relieved, low 3.2 Coil or Reel — One continuous length of strand
relaxation seven-wire (ply) steel strands for prestressed in the form of a coil or reel.
concrete. 3.3 Elongation — The increase in length of a tensile
test piece under stress. In case of strands, the elongation
is measured immediately prior to fracture of any of
The standards listed below contain provisions, which the component-wires and is expressed as the percentage
through reference in this text constitute provisions of of the original gauge length of a strand test piece.
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions
3.4 Length of Lay — The distance (measured along
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
a straight line parallel to the strand) in which a wire
revision, and parties to agreements based on this
forms one complete helix.
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
of applying the most recent editions of the standards 3.5 Parcel — Any quantity of finished strand
listed below: presented for examination and test at any one time.
IS No. Title 3.6 Production Length — The maximum length of
strand which can be manufactured, with or without
228 Methods of chemical analysis of steel:
welds, being made after drawing, in any of its
(Part 3) : 1987 Determination of phosphorus by
component wire.
alkalimetric method (third revision)
(Part 9) : 1989 Determination of sulphur in plain 3.7 Proof Load — The load which produces a residual
carbon steel by evaluation method strain of 0.2 percent of the original gauge length (non-
(For sulphur 0.01 to 0.25 percent) proportional elongation).
(third revision) 3.8 Seven-Wire (Ply) Strand — Any length of
1387 : 1993 General requirements for the supply finished material which comprises six wires (plies)
of metallurgical materials (second formed together in helical form around a central wire.
1608 : 2005 Metallic materials — Tensile testing 4 MANUFACTURE
at ambient temperature (third
4.1 Wire
1956 Glossary of terms relating to iron and 4.1.1 The base metal shall be carbon steel of such
steel: quality that when drawn to wire, fabricated into strand
(Part 1) : 1976 General metallurgy, heat treatment and then stress relieved, shall have the properties and
and testing (first revision) characteristics prescribed in this standard.
(Part 2) : 1976 Steel making (first revision) 4.1.2 The element wire to be used for strand shall be
(Part 3) : 1975 Hot rolled steel products (excluding cold-drawn from plain carbon steel (see 4.1.1) and shall
sheet and strip) (first revision) contain not more than 0.040 percent sulphur and not
(Part 5) : 1976 Bright steel bar and steel wire (first more than 0.040 percent of phosphorus, when tested
revision) in accordance with IS 228 (Part 9) and IS 228 (Part 3),
4.1.3 The wire used in the manufacture of the strand
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given shall be well and cleanly drawn to the specified
in IS 1956 (Part 1), IS 1956 (Part 2), IS 1956 (Part 3) dimensions and shall be sound and free from splits,
and IS 1956 (Part 5), and the following shall apply. surface flaws, piping and any other defect likely to

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(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14268 : 2017

impair its use in the manufacture of the strand and the 4.4.2 Temper colours that may result from the thermal
performance of the strand in prestressed concrete. operation are considered normal for the finished
appearance of this strand.
4.2 Strand
4.4.3 After thermo-mechanical treatment, the strand
The seven-wires (plies) strand shall have a centre wire shall be reformed into coils or wound on to reels,
at least 1.5 percent greater in diameter than the having core diameter of sufficient size and in any case
surrounding wires enclosed tightly by six helically not less than 600 mm to ensure that the strand will lay
placed outer wires with a uniform length of lay of at out straight.
least 12 times but not more than 16 times of the nominal
diameter of the strand. The wires in the strand shall be 4.5 Workmanship and Finish
so formed that they shall not fly out of position when
The finished strand shall be uniform in diameter and
the strand is cut without seizing. The length of lay of
shall be free from injuries, flaws and imperfections.
strand, nominal diameter of seven-wire (ply) strand
Slight rusting, provided it is not sufficient to cause pits
and percentage difference in diameter of centre wire
visible to the naked eye, shall not be a cause for
and surrounding wire of seven-wire (ply) strand shall
be measured in accordance with the method given in
Annex A. 5 CLASS
4.3 Joints The strand shall be either Class 1 or Class 2 depending
on the breaking strength of the strand given in Table 1.
4.3.1 There shall be no strand joints or strand splices
in any length of the completed strand unless specifically 6 DIMENSION, TOLERANCE, UNIT WEIGHT
permitted by the purchaser. AND PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS
4.3.2 During process of manufacture of individual 6.1 The nominal diameter, tolerance, nominal cross-
wires for stranding, welding is permitted only prior to sectional area and nominal mass per unit length of the
or at the time of last heat treatment. strand shall be as given in Table 2.
4.3.3 During fabrication of the seven-wire (ply) strand, 6.1.1 The nominal diameter of strand shall be measured
butt-welded joints may be made in the individual wires, across the crown of the wires and in accordance with
provided there is not more than one such joint in any the method given in Annex A.
45 m section of the completed strand.
NOTE — When specifically ordered as weldless grade, a
6.2 Physical Requirements or Mechanical Properties
product free of welds shall be supplied. When this grade is
6.2.1 General
specified, no welds or joints are permitted except as detailed
in 4.3.2. While conducting the tests for physical requirements
as specified in 6.2.2 to 6.2.4, premature failure of the
4.4 Treatment of Strand
test specimens may result if there is any appreciable
4.4.1 After stranding, all strands shall be subjected to notching, cutting or bending of the specimen by the
a continuous thermo-mechanical treatment to produce gripping devices of the testing machine. Errors in
the prescribed mechanical properties. testing may result if all the wires constituting the strand
Table 1 Physical Properties
(Clauses 5,, and 6.2.3)
Sl Class Nominal Dia Breaking Strength 0.2 Percent Proof Load
No. of Strand of Strand (90 Percent of Breaking Strength)
Min Min
mm kN kgf kN kgf
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
i) 9.5 8 9.0 9 078 80.1 8 170
ii) 11.1 120.1 12 250 108.1 11 026
iii) 12.7 160.1 16 330 144.1 14 698
iv) 15.2 240.2 24 500 216.2 22 052

v) 9.5 102.3 10 434 92.1 9 394

vi) 11.1 137.9 14 065 124.1 12 658
vii) 12.7 183.7 18 737 165.3 16 860
viii) 15.2 260.7 26 592 234.6 23 929
NOTE — The modulus of elasticity is to be taken as 195 ± 10 kN/mm2, unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer.

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(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14268 : 2017

are not loaded uniformly. In order to minimize these dial of the latter shall be adjusted to read 0.001 mm/
difficulties, the following should be adopted: mm of the gauge length to represent the extension due
to the initial load. The load shall be increased until the
a) Length of grip should be at least equal to one
extensometer shows an extension corresponding to 1.0
lay length of the strand being tested,
percent. The load at this extension shall not be less
b) Wedge and barrel type of grips should be than the minimum 0.2 percent proof load specified in
avoided, Table 1. In case of dispute, 0.2 percent proof load shall
c) Grip jaws should be semi-circular with apply.
serrations for developing adequate grip and
ensuring no slippage. The above method of 6.2.3 Elongation
gripping along with other suggested methods The total elongation under load shall not be less than
has been described in Annex C, 3.5 percent on a minimum gauge length of 600 mm.
d) Gripping force should be developed either The total elongation shall be measured by a suitable
hydraulically or pneumatically, extensometer which is attached to the test piece, after
e) Additional inserts may be used to prevent an initial load equivalent to 10 percent of the required
biting of wire surface, and minimum breaking load as specified in Table 1 has
f) Load should be applied gradually. been applied.
The dial of the extensometer shall be adjusted to read Tests in which fracture of any of the wires
0.001 mm/mm of the initial gauge length, G0 to
occur within a distance of 3 mm from the jaws of the
represent the extension due to the initial load. The load
machine shall be discarded, if the results do not comply
shall be increased until the extensometer shows an
with the requirements of this standard. In such cases
extension corresponding to 1.0 percent. The reading
the test shall be repeated.
on the measuring scale mounted on the machine shall
6.2.2 Breaking Strength and 0.2 Percent Proof Load be noted as R1 or the gauge length between the jaws of
the machine shall be measured with a measuring tape The breaking strength and 0.2 percent proof as G1.
load of the strand shall be determined in accordance
Following an extension of 1.0 percent, the
with IS 1608 and shall be not less than the values
extensometer may be removed. The loading shall be
specified in Table 1.
continued either till at least any one wire of the strand Alternatively by mutual agreement between breaks or to ultimate failure. Once the wire breaks, the
the purchaser and the manufacturer, the load at breaking load on the machine shall be noted and the
1.0 percent extension may be determined. In this test, machine shall be stopped. The second reading on the
an initial load equivalent to 10 percent of specified measuring scale shall be noted as R2 or the gauge length
minimum breaking strength shall be applied to the test at the time of breaking of wire between two grips shall
piece and a sensitive extensometer then attached. The be measured as G2. The elongation value is then

Table 2 Dimensions, Tolerances and Mass of Seven-Wire Strands

(Clause 6.1)
Sl Class Nominal Dia Tolerance Nominal Area Nominal Mass
No. of Strand of Strand of Strand
mm mm mm2 kg/km
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) 9.5 ± 0.40 51.6 405
ii) 1 11.1 ± 0.40 69.7 548
iii) 12.7 ± 0.40 92.9 730
iv) 15.2 ± 0.40 139.4 1 094
v) 9.5 + 0.66 54.8 432
– 0.15
vi) 11.1 + 0.66 74.2 582
2 – 0.15
vii) 12.7 + 0.66 98.7 775
– 0.15
viii) 15.2 + 0.66 140.0 1 102
– 0.15
NOTE — The nominal cross-sectional area and the nominal mass of strand are given for information only. The method for measuring
nominal cross-sectional area and the nominal mass per unit length of the strand is given in Annex B.

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(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14268 : 2017

determined by the movement between the jaw gripping breaking load, 0.2 percent proof load and elongation
the test piece on the new base length of jaw-to-jaw shall be cut from one end of a coil selected at random
distance to which will be added the value of 1.0 percent from a group of every 5 numbers of coils; but sample
determined by the extensometer. size shall not be less than 2 from each lot.
7.1.1 The test sample shall not be detached from the
 R – R1  coil or length of strand, except in the presence of
Elongation, in percent = 1.0 +  2 × 100 
 G 0  purchaser or his authorized representative.

or 7.1.2 Before test samples are selected, the

manufacturer or supplier shall furnish the purchaser
 G  G1  or his authorized representative with copies of the mill
Elongation, in percent 
1.0   2  100 records giving number of coils in each cast with sizes
 G0  as well as the identification marks, whereby each coil
can be identified.
6.2.4 Relaxation Properties
7.1.3 If required by the purchaser, 100 h relaxation Low relaxation strand, when initially loaded test shall be carried out on a sample from the lot.
to 70 percent of specified minimum breaking strength
of the strand, shall have relaxation losses of not more 7.2 Criteria for Conformity
than 1.8 percent after 100 h and not more than 2.5
percent after 1 000 h when tested under the conditions 7.2.1 Should any sample fail any of the tests, by
given in to agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser,
two additional test samples from the same end of the
Relaxation test for 1 000 h shall be a type approval same coil shall be taken and subjected to the test or
test and shall be carried out at least once in a year or tests in which the original sample failed. Should both
whenever there is any change in the process of additional samples pass the test or tests, the coil from
manufacture, for each type of strand. which they were taken shall be deemed to comply with If required, the manufacturer shall provide the requirements of this standard. Should either of them
relaxation evidence from the manufacturer’s records fail, the coil shall be deemed not to comply.
of tests on similarly dimensioned strand of the same 7.3 Should 10 percent or more of the selected coils
grade. fail to fulfil the requirement of this standard, the parcel The temperature of the test piece shall be from which they were taken shall be deemed not to
maintained at 20 ± 2°C. comply with this standard. The test piece shall not be subjected to loading 8 DELIVERY, INSPECTION AND TESTING
prior to the relaxation test. FACILITIES The initial load shall be applied uniformly over 8.1 Unless otherwise specified, general requirements
a period of not less than 3 min and not more than 5 min relating to the supply of material, inspection and testing
and the gauge length shall be maintained constant. shall conform to IS 1387.
Load relaxation readings shall commence 1 min after 8.2 The purchaser or his authorized representative shall
application of the total load. be at liberty to inspect and verify the steel maker’s Over-stressing of the test piece during the certificate of cast analysis at the premises of the
loading operations shall not be permitted. manufacturer or supplier; when the purchaser requires
an actual analysis of finished material, this shall be The duration of the test shall be 1 000 h or a made at a place agreed to between the purchaser and
short computed period of 100 h, extrapolated to the manufacturer or the supplier.
1 000 h, which can be shown by records to provide
similar relaxation values. 8.3 Manufacturer’s Certificate The test gauge length should be at least 40 In the case of strands which have not been inspected at
times the nominal strand diameter. the manufacturer’s work the manufacturer or supplier,
as the case may be, shall supply the purchaser or his
7 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR authorized representative with the certificate stating
CONFORMITY the process of manufacture and also the test sheet
signed by the manufacturer giving the result of each
7.1 Selection of Test Samples mechanical test, 0.2 percent proof load and the
Test samples of sufficient length to permit the tests for chemical composition, if required. Each test sheet shall

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(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14268 : 2017

indicate the number or identification mark of the cast 10 MARKING

to which it applies, corresponding to the number or
10.1 Each reel or reel-less pack shall carry a label
identification mark to be found on the material.
giving the following details:
9 PACKING a) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark or brand
9.1 Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser name,
and the supplier the strands shall be supplied as b) Coil number,
indicated in 9.1.1 or 9.1.2. c) Nominal diameter of strand, and
9.1.1 Strand shall be supplied in reels or in reelless d) Class.
packs having a minimum core diameter of 600 mm. 10.2 BIS Certification Marking
Lengths on reels or reelless packs shall be as per
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Each coil containing the strands may also be suitably
marked with the Standard Mark.
9.1.2 The coil shall be securely strapped to prevent
distortion of the coil in transit and unless otherwise 10.2.1 The use of Standard Mark is governed by the
specified the coil shall be protected against damage in provisions of Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986
transit by wrapping with hessian. and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
details of conditions under which the licence for the
9.1.3 By mutual agreement between the purchaser and use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers
the manufacturer, water soluble oil may be applied on or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of
strands. Indian Standards.

(Clauses 4.2 and 6.1.1)

A-1 LENGTH OF LAY OF STRAND the micrometer or vernier head shall be kept axially
over the crown of outer wires so as to cover two
The sample shall be kept horizontally on the table and
surrounding wires and the centre wire and then the
a plain paper shall be put on the sample. A carbon paper
reading shall be taken. Three such readings in three
shall then be placed in a reverse manner on top of the
directions shall be taken. The average of those
plain paper and rubbed gently on the sample with a
readings shall be the nominal diameter of seven wire
round object. Impressions of wire will be seen on the
paper in the form of slanted lines. A vertical line shall
be drawn at the starting end of any one marking/wire A-3 PERCENTAGE DIFFERENCE IN DIAMETER
impression and another vertical line shall be drawn at OF CENTRE WIRE AND SURROUNDING WIRE
the end of consecutive sixth marking/wire impression.
The distance between two straight lines shall be The diameter of all the six surrounding wires and
measured. The procedure shall be repeated at three the centre wire of the strand shall be measured. The
different places and three such readings shall be taken. difference in diameter of centre wire and
The average of these three readings shall be the length surrounding/outer wire of the strand shall be
of lay of the strand. calculated as given below:
(Diameter of centre wire –
A-2 NOMINAL DIAMETER Maximum outer wire diameter)
Percentage Difference
Percentage = × 100
For measuring nominal diameter of seven wire strand, difference Maximum outer wire diameter

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(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14268 : 2017

(Table 2)

The strand sample shall be unraveled to separate
individual wires. The diameter of individual wires, that A sample of 100 cm length shall be cut and its mass
is, six surrounding wires and one centre wire of the shall be measured, in kg. The length of the core wire
strand shall be measured and the cross-sectional area in that sample shall then be measured, in metres. The
of each wire shall then be computed. The sum of the nominal mass per unit length of a seven wire strand, in
areas of individual wires is the nominal cross-sectional kg/m shall be the ratio of the obtained mass of the
area of the strand. sample to the measured length of the centre/core wire.

(Clause 6.2.1)

C-1 The true mechanical properties of the strand are 12 per centimetre and the minimum effective gripping
determined by a test in which fracture of the specimen length should be approximately 10 cm.
occurs in the free span between the jaws of the testing
machine. Therefore, it is desirable to establish a test C-1.3 Standard V-Grips with Serrated Teeth Using
procedure with suitable apparatus that consistently Cushioning Material
produces such results. Due to inherent physical The number of teeth and minimum effective gripping
characteristics of individual machines, it is not practical length should be as given in C-1.2. In this method,
to recommend a universal gripping procedure that is some material is placed between the grips and the
suitable for all testing machines. Therefore, it is specimen to minimize the notching effect of the teeth.
necessary to determine which of the methods of Materials like lead foil, aluminium foil, carborundum
gripping described below is most suitable for the testing cloth, emery cloth, etc are being used for this purpose.
equipment available. The type and thickness of material required is
dependent on the shape, condition, and coarseness of
C-1.1 Special Grips with Smooth, Semi-Cylindrical
the teeth.
The radius of curvature of the grooves is approximately C-1.4 Standard V-Grips with Serrated Teeth Using
the same as the radius of the strand being tested, and is Special Preparation of the Gripped Portions of the
located 0.8 mm above the flat face of the grip. This Specimen
prevents the two grips from closing tightly when the The number of teeth and minimum effective gripping
specimen is in place. The grooves and the gripped length should be as given in C-1.2. In this method,
portions of the specimen are coated with an abrasive some special preparation is done in the gripped portions
slurry which holds the specimen in the smooth grooves, of the specimen so as to minimize the notching and
preventing slippage. The slurry consists of abrasive, cutting effect of the teeth. One of the methods used is
such as Grade 3-F aluminium oxide and a carrier such tinning, in which the gripped portions are cleaned,
as water or glycerin. fluxed, and coated by multiple dips in molten tin alloy
held just above the melting point. Another method of
C-1.2 Standard V-Grips with Serrated Teeth
preparation is encasing the gripped portions in metal
The number of teeth should be approximately 6 to tubing or flexible conduit, using epoxy resin as the

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(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14268 : 2017

bonding agent. The encased portion should be size of strand to be tested.

approximately twice the length of lay of the strand.
C-1.7 Chucking Devices
C-1.5 Standard Sockets of the Type Used for Wire
Rope Use of chucking devices of the type generally
employed for applying tension to strands in casting
The gripped portions of the specimen are anchored in beds is not recommended for testing purposes.
the sockets with zinc. The special procedures for
socketing usually employed in the wire rope industry NOTE — If the molten-metal temperatures employed during
must be followed. hot-dip tinning or socketing with material are too high, over
approximately 370°C, the specimen may be heat-affected with
a subsequent loss of strength and ductility. Careful temperature
C-1.6 Dead-End Eye Splices
controls should be maintained, if such methods of specimen
These devices are available in sizes designed to fit each preparation as in C-1.4 and C-1.5 are used.

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(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 14268 : 2017

Concrete Reinforcement Sectional Committee, CED 54

Organization Representative(s)
In Personal Capacity (No. 17, Nalanda Apartments, D-Block, SHRI G. SHARAN (Chairman)
Vikaspuri, New Delhi 110018)
Bhilai Steel Plant (SAIL), Bhilai SHRI U. K. BHALLA
Central Building Research Institute (CSIR), Roorkee DR B. KAMESHWAR R AO
SHRI S. R. KARADE (Alternate)
Central Electrochemical Research Institute, (CSIR), Karaikudi SHRI K. SARAVANAN
SHRI A. K. PARANDE (Alternate)
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI A. K. GARG
Central Road Research Institute, (CSIR), New Delhi DIRECTOR
Central Water Commission, New Delhi DIRECTOR (HCD-NW&S)
DIRECTOR (HCD-N&W) (Alternate)
Construction Industry Development Council, New Delhi SHRI P. R. SWARUP
Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi DR A. K. GUPTA
Delhi Development Authority, New Delhi SHRI G. R. SHIROMANI
Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation Ltd, SHRI P READEEP GARG
New Delhi
Department of Science and Technology (Fly Ash Unit), New Delhi DR V IMAL K UMAR
Dextra India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI S UNIL DESAI
Durgapur Steel Plant (SAIL), Durgapur DR ASIM KUMAR RAY
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRI P. K. MITTAL
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai SHRI V. N. HEGGADE
Indian Association of Structural Engineers, New Delhi SHRI HARI O M GUPTA
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi PROF A. K. NAGPAL
Indian Stainless Steel Development Association, New Delhi SHRI RAMESH R. GOPAL
Institute of Steel Development and Growth (INSDAG), Kolkata DR JAYANTA K. SAHA
Larsen and Toubro Limited (ECC Division), Chennai SHRI S. KANAPPAN
SHRI J. K. JHA (Alternate)
Military Engineer Service, Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army BRIG RAJESH TYAGI
Headquarters, New Delhi SHRI RAVI SINHA (Alternate)
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways, New Delhi SHRI A. K. SHARMA
SHRI S. K. MARWAH (Alternate)
Ministry of Steel, New Delhi SHRI A. C. R. DAS
SHRI B. D. GHOSH (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Ballabgarh SHRI V. V. ARORA
SHRI S. S HARMA (Alternate)

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IS 14268 : 2017

Organization Representative(s)
National Highways Authority of India, New Delhi SHRI M. P. SHARMA
National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur SHRI D. D. N. S INGH
Nuclear Power Corporation India Limited, Mumbai SHRI Y. T. PRAVEENCHANDRA
SHRI R. N. SARANGI (Alternate)
Outokumpu India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi SHRI YATINDER PAL S INGH S URI
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd, Visakhapatnam SHRI RAVI SUNDAR
Research, Designs and Standards Organization (Ministry of SHRI ANIL KUMAR
Railways), Lucknow SHRI A. K. PANDEY (Alternate)
SAIL-Research and Development Centre for Iron and Steel, Ranchi DR V INOD KUMAR
SHRI D. K ARMAKAR (Alternate)
Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited, Gandhinagar SHRI VIVEK P. KAPADIA
Steel Re-Rolling Mills Association of India, Kolkata SHRI B. M. BERIWALA
Structural Engineering Research Centre, (CSIR), Chennai SHRI T. S. KRISHNAMOORTHY
DR B. H. BHARATKUMAR (Alternate)
Sunflag Iron & Steel Company Limited, New Delhi SHRI VIPUL J AIN
Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur SHRI INDRANIL C HAKRABARTI
Tata Steel Ltd (Wire Division), Mumbai SHRI SHISHIR V. DESAI
Torsteel Research Foundation in India, Bangalore DR S YED S HAHID
SHRI M. S. S UDARSHAN (Alternate)
In personal capacity (A-39/B, DDA Flats, Munirka, SHRI P. B. VIJAY
New Delhi 110067)
In personal capacity (House No. 2130, Sector 7D, SHRI HARISH J ULKA
Faridabad 121006)
BIS Directorate General SHRI SANJAY P ANT, Scientist ‘E’ and Head (Civil Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]

Member Secretary
Scientist ‘C’ (Civil Engg), BIS

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Anshu Tech Labs Private Limited -
(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

(Continued from second cover)

The major deviations are:

a) The requirement for minimum diameter of central wire of strand is lower and strand construction is
different, in view of the prevailing manufacturing practices;
b) Nominal diameter of strand with applicable tolerance has been specified and nominal mass has been
given for information only;
c) 0.2 percent proof load has been specified in line with similar requirement in other steel reinforcement
standards; and
d) Requirements such as for crack and curvature of strand have not been specified.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex D.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Anshu Tech Labs Private Limited -
(abhinavkumarthebrave@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 54 (7822).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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PA RWA N O O . PAT N A . P U N E . R A I P U R . R A J K O T. V I S A K H A PAT N A M .
Published by BIS, New Delhi

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