TheÆth Mystery
TheÆth Mystery
TheÆth Mystery
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This booklet is issued only in order that it may be
the means of giving information to those who are inter-
ested in what is known as the Higher Occult, or the true
Mystic, in its highest and deepest form.
It has nothing at all to do with those forms of the
mysterious which come under the head of trickery or of
fortune telling, and those other various doctrines which,
though called Occult and Mystic, are the damnation of
Religion, of Philosophy, of Science, and of souls them-
selves, because they claim to be what they are not, and
because they bring reproach upon that which is, and that
which is good.
Herein we indicate that which belongs to the legiti-
mate Occult and Mystic, that which is of the Soul, and
has the powers of the Soul. We give information of that
Mystic Fraternity which has existed ever since history
began, and which continues to exist. The Mystic Frater-
nity to which we refer, i,s based upon the fundamental truth
that man is, but that, aside from his physical being, there
is another being, called by us, the Soul, which, when de-
Copyrighted 1914 by
The Philosophical Publishing Co,
and who are eager to learn. We desire to give informa-
ition only to those who are truly interested in the deeper
and more sublime things in life, ito tho,se who already be-
lieve in the powers of the Soul, and in the Immortality of
DEC 24 1911
But Egypt is not the only example of the mighty past.
When we turn from Egypt to Greece, we find still greater
development, in so far as man is concerned. There we
find perfection in the arts, perfection in man himself; for
man, physically, mentally, and socially, with his love for
the beautiful, had reached very near to the gods. And only
when selfi,sh interest began to usurp the love of the beau-
tiful, did Greece start to fall.
another such age, Jacob Boehme, the mystic, wrote
"But the soul of the old Adam lusted after the lord-
ship of the outer rule, and his will was sundered from
the unity of God, and carried away in the dominion of
this world; so that this wa,s converted into a monstrosity.
The true spirit withered; the light of God was extinguish-
ed ; and the divine idea became benumbed and dead to him.
To this spirit now came Jesus; and as he assumed human
nature, to restore it, he brought back again the light into
the darknes,s. In this light stands the soul again in orig-
inal fatherland, as in her first days, when the spirit of God
wrought She stands there in vision, and may in-
in her.
being used, man has the power to draw in, through the Di-
^ vine Secret of Breath, more energy and more power than
he is actually losing, thus assuring a surplus of this Dy-
namic Energy and Power.
This can not be accomplished by any man unless he
knows not only the secret of the Sacred Breath, but also
the Divine Mantrams, or Divine Invocations, with which,
or through which, he comes in touch with the Hierarchic
Powers of the AEth Spaces.
This the AEth Priesthood teaches. This it has al-
ways taught its Neophytes; and this it will continue to
teach as part of its work,
in constant conflict.
It is this fight continually taking place which forever
bars them from peace, happiness, and contentment; but,
when this is removed, and the dual nature is harmonized,
then they find ^strength, peace, happiness, and natural
This change can only be brought about through a pro-
cess of transmutation, changing the hostile part of the
dual nature, and harmonizing it with the harmonious na-
has been lived the past many centuries, has had a tendency
to degrade the love nature, in many cases killing it out,
while making the carnal, the passion nature supreme.
It is also admitted that the love nature, often called
the God nature, because it is the Creative Nature, is the
Base, the very Foundation, of all >true and lasting power.
This the AEth Priesthood recognizes as true; and it
is, therefore, one of the foundation teachings and training,
Much has been said concerning the cultivation of the
does not go into theory, but gives the Neophyte the ac-
tual practice, degree after degree, until he has learned the
three mighty powers, powers held as sacred by all Initiates
not only of use in the cure of the ills of mankind, but it can
be used for every other purpose ; and this power which
it is
The most powerful of all practices, and that which
has, in part, already been referred to, is the affiliation of
the will of man, called the earth-will, with the Will-
assembly of the Spaces, with the Hierarchic Powers. It is
here where the highest form of Will has its beginning and
its ending; for the human will, well-trained, affiliated with
that of the Hierarchic Will-assembly, is proof against all
knows can come into touch with these Centers, these Hier-s
grchic Powers.
It may be stated as an absolute and uncontradictable
fact that no man can become an Initiate unless he is first
tal practices.
It is an established fact that the man who is lukewarm
in his interests is not a man who accomplishes great
things. But the man who is intense in his desires, in his
love, and who, being intense (Polarized), is willing to
make any necessary sacrifice in order to accomplish he —
is the one who will accomplish. For there is no power
in heaven or on earth that can gainsay the Mighty Will
of him who says, "I Will" and who holds to that intense
resolution, no matter what may come, and who is willing
to make any sacrifice in order to accomplish-
It is such of whom Jesus, the Great Initiate, said : "He
dies but to gain his life ;" "He fails but to conquer." For,
though it may seem that, for the time, such an one loses
his all, and is reduced to the lowest ranks of existence, at
the moment he is so reduced the fates themselves will turn
to him and give him aid, and he will begin to climb up-
ward and upward until he has reached the summit. And
here is the Great Law : "Just as he had to sacrifice and suf-
fer in order to win, so will he, in like intensity, enjoy
live; for the intenisty of sufferingand the willingness to
sacrifice are but the measure of the possibility and the
capability of enjoying and succeeding."
It therefore follows that we can readily judge the
tree by its fruits. We can judge the possibility, or the
power, of good in a man by what he is willing to suffer,
willing to sacrifice, in order to obtain the thing he de-
sires. That is the law. And all the Hierarchies of the
Spaces are arrayed with the man who says, "I Will, and
who will do in spite of what comes; for the Hierarchic
Powers are ever with the man who promises to do and
who does as he promises. This is the law.
Nothing worth while in heaven or on earth is gained
without the making of some sacrifice. The things we buy,
for which we have ready money, never bring us the satis-
faction that do those things for which we had to save and
Image Formation is only the very first step in the
GreafArt It is but" the "a" in the Great Alphabet. Fol-
lowing the First Logos we have the Second Logos, which
is the work of Vivifying, or Giving Life to, the Image
formed, or the sending forth of the attracting power, which
will bring about desired results.
This is a 'little more difficult than is the first practice,
Once man has mastered the practice of Image Forma-
Because there have been men in times past and in the
present who could make use of these forces, and who could
bring about results that seemed miraculous, the term Magic
has been applied.
This term is a misnomer, because, in fact, there is no
such thing as a magical act. Magic is simply the knowledge
of Natural Laws, the development of the Soul Powers in
man and the employment of these powers to work in har-
mony with Natural Law,s. This it is which brings about
these results.
Magic in its true sense is not a vulgar art. It is a
threefold religion of the Soul. Magic is the religion of the
Magi, including, as it does, Religion, Philosophy, and Sci-
ence. It has therefore nothing to do with vulgar prac-
tices; in fact, with no practices whatsover except with
those Sacred Mantrams and Invocations which bring man
nearer to God; and as he nears God ,so will his powers
increase in proportion, because no man can travel Godward
without increasing his powers and his capabilities to do
good, to be a creator, as is his Father a Creator.
Though Magic is therefore nothing more nor less than
the full use of the trained and developed mental faculties,
Using these for the good of mankind generally, whether
tc help a soul or to frustrate the evil designs of man.
Anticipation is greater than Realization, we have been
taught. This is really true in so far as the external world
is concerned; but in the Inner World, the Soul World, this
is not true.
In the external world we imagine things, we desire
thi,s or that; but all of these things have to do with the
mortal, the material existence. There is nothing perfect on
this plane. Therefore, as the mind pictures ideal condi-
tions and feelings it naturally follows that the realization
is not so perfect as desired because the imperfect show s (
The Operation in theis at once difficult and
Great Art
not difficult. him who goe s into it with
It is difficult for N
but a greater love for the Work and all things in general,
and it is this increasing love which helps to build, to draw
in, and to store, the great power possessed by the Master.
"JUDGE not:'
We find that in many instances where there is failure
on the part of the Neophyte it is directly traceable to the
breaking of this command.
Many Neophytqs, instead of giving their whole atten-
f tion to themselves and the Work, are prone to look beyond
I themselves, to watch the acts of other men and women,
even of other students, and to see what these others are
doing, trying to judge or to app ly to themselves the ac-
There are two distinct Churches, Lodges, or Temples-
One of these is the external place of meeting, where
members of a church or organization assemble together.
But there is another, a greater meeting place, and this is
within the individual The Master, the Initiate, becomes
a Lodge, or Temple, within himself, complete in every ap-
pointment, and when he attends the Temple meeting it is
within his inner self, and those present are none other than
the Hierarchies.
The AEth Fraternity has an outer meeting place or
Temple. But the first and mo,st important work is for
the Neophyte to develop himself and the Soul within him-
self so that he becomes a perfect universe, complete in all
his appointments, and then he is more ready for the exter-
nal organization where he can meet others who think and
do as he does.
Of the external organization it is not our desire to
speak here. Sufficient to say that, as time goes on, as Neo-
phytes enter the Fraternity and reach toward the summit
pf Initiation, it is proposed not only to confer the Exa'lted
In this booklet, which is for the general seeker, it is
claim to be true.
But in order that this may be accomplished man must
be fully prepared. Preparation is effected only through a
training that considers the whole man.
Such a training the AEth Priesthood gives its Neo-
phytes, and when such training ha,s been completed it is
then that the Neophyte is given the instructions and the
training that are covered by the Degree of Fire.
Fire or heat is the underlying principle of all life.
V< here heat leaves there will we fail to find life Just as
long as there is heat just that long does life remain. It is
we admit that they did not but, on the con-
Freely do ;
A Scholarship in the AEth Priesthood is for life. This
jn eludes the necessary text-books, the lessons of instruc-
tions, the privileges of personal letters without limit, and the
personal training.
It is not required of the student that he should buy
other books, although if he so desires he is at liberty to do
jso. From time to time he will be informed of such books
as would be a help to him, though, as already stated, these
arc not absolutely necessary.
than the teacher, the student ,should receive and obey and
not take upon himself to attempt to criticise and to judge,
or to instruct, wherein he is ignorant and in need of in-
It is the desire of the Fraternity that those who reach
Initiation shall become healers and teachers. To those who
show sufficient interest, the Lesser Work is to be taught to
mankind generally.
Although there is necessary an obligation of silence,
this obligation inno way interferes with the duties of life,
but has solely to do with the private books and lessons,
teachings which are to be considered at all times sacred and
secret, and not to be divulged to any one. As a necessary
feature of growth, silence is enjoined upon the Neophyte in
regard to experience^ and phenomena attefidant upon the
Drills and practices of the Sacred Art- These he reports
to his teacher alone.
The fee paid at the time of enrollment is for a Life
Scholarship, and the student will not be called upon to pay
any additional fee.
All letters and other matter must be addressed as indi-
cated at end of this booklet. All monies must also be made
payable in the same manner. No letter is to be addressed
directly to the Fraternity. Letters ,so addressed will not
be received.
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