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Implemetation of Snort Ips Using Pfsense As Network Forensic in SMK Xyz

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410

1st International Multidisciplinary Conference on Education, Technology, and

Engineering (IMCETE 2019)

Implemetation of Snort IPS Using PfSense as

Network Forensic in Smk XYZ
1st Saleh Dwiyatno 2nd Widya Ayu Andriani 3rd Ayu Purnama Sari
Program Studi Rekayasa Sistem Program Studi Rekayasa Sistem Program Studi Sistem Informasi
Komputer Komputer Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Serang Raya
Universitas Serang Raya Universitas Serang Raya Kota Serang Indonesia
Kota Serang Indonesia Kota Serang Indonesia

4th Sulistiyono
Program Studi Informatika
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
Universitas Serang Raya
Kota Serang Indonesia

Abstract—The rise of attack software that can be easily attack, it is necessary to identify the attack in order to
accessed from the internet, makes anyone who doesn’t ability to maximize the infrastructure in the network.
hack can do it. SMK Negeri 2 Pandeglang has a server that is Therefore, a network-based IPS (NIPS) based security
used as a learning for all students. This encourages vulnerability system is needed using Snort installed on PfSense to block
to e-learning server attacked using software from the internet.
So that a security system can detect attacks and take preventive
and investigate alerts for network forensic purposes.
actions and can carry out an investigation. This study aims to II. METHOD
prevent any attempt to attack, detect and take preventive action
against the attacker to carry out an investigation of the attack’s The problem that occurs at SMK Negeri 2 Pandeglang is
log. This research was conducted using survey methods. The the emergence of vulnerability to e-learning servers that have
study was conducted for four months from April 1, 2019 to July data about learning material and some teaching and learning
31, 2019. The result of this research is a security system that can activities shared through that server. The rise of software on
detect an attack attempt and block the attacker’s IP Address the internet that is used to carry out attacks makes someone
and conduct investigations using network forensic.Based on the
who does not have the expertise to do attack techniques. This
result of the study it can be concluded that by using Snort with
IPS mode stored on PfSense can detect attack aimed at e- resulted in the vulnerability of SMK Negeri 2 Pandeglang
learning servers and PfSense automatically takes preventive servers in these activities.
measures in the form of blocking of the attacker’s IP Address. Alternative solutions that can be done are by
From the alert generated by Snort, investigative action can be implementing a network security system using Snort tools to
taken using network forensics so that reporting if the effects of detect every activity that is on the network, installing Snort
the attack are detrimental. tools on the PfSense open source firewall in order to take
preventive measures, namely blocking IP Addresses to
Keywords: network forensic, Snort, PfSense attackers and conducting investigative activities against
I. INTRODUCTION attacks using a branch of network forensic science.
The very rapid development of technology demands an III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
increase in the quality of network security. Especially with The network at SMK Negeri 2 Pandeglang is complex but
the increasingly open knowledge about hacking and cracking has vulnerabilities due to servers that can be accessed from
which is supported by tools that can be obtained easily and outside. From this vulnerability an attack can occur which can
for free. Tools that are used can be a network tool that is be detrimental. For this reason, the authors make a proposal
commonly used and tools used to carry out attacks. by adding a forensic network server using the PfSense open
Network forensic is one of the methods used to carry out source firewall and Snort tools in the network infrastructure.
network security. When an attack occurs on a computer It serves to analyze and investigate the source of the attack
network, an investigation is needed. An investigation was and can take preventive measures in the form of blocking IP
conducted to find and collect evidence related to the attack. Address against the IP Address that is indicated as an
The potential for an attack to be directed at the SMK attacker.
Negeri 2 Pandeglang server is very large because there is
important data on a server and there is a server that often
needs to be accessed by both teachers and students. In the
event of an attack and not handled properly will cause
obstruction of teaching and learning activities. After an

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 186
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410

1) HTTP Inspect. Testing using HTTP inspect is carried

out by client computers that try to exploit forensic server
websites. The result is that Snort detects an HTTP inspect and
makes an alert and PfSense automatically blocks the
attacker's IP Address.

Fig.1. Proposed Network Topology

In the initial test carried out is to attack using Denial of

Services using Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) tools when
Snort installed on PfSense has not been activated. The results
obtained are: Fig.3. HTTP Inspect Alert
 Network traffic provided by PfSense has not shown any
suspicious activity or is still under normal circumstances. The approach taken in conducting network forensic
processes is the forensic process model.

Fig.4. Forensic Process Model Approach

The analysis of the alerts generated by Snort is as follows.

 The collection stage is the stage of collecting
evidence carried out by Snort because it has detected
Fig.2. Network Traffic Before Active Snort
an attack in the form of HTTP Inspect.
 No alerts appear on the PfSense dashboard or on the Snort  Examination stage is the examination of evidence
Services menu. that has been collected at the collection stage.
In the final test carried out by activating Snort installed Checks are made on the alerts that are generated as
on PfSene as a forensic server and will be tried by conducting well as on the file alerts that have been downloaded.
several attack experiments. And analyze the Alert tab and the  The analysis phase is the stage to study the results of
Blocked tab for network forensic purposes. the examination. This stage serves to answer
Testing Stages : forensic questions.


Forensic question The answer
What attack happened? HTTP Inspect
When did the attack occur? 08-08-2019 jam 10.21, 07-08-2019 jam 20.48, and 06-08-2019 jam 20.41
What is the attacker's IP Address?,, and
What is the destination IP Address? (IP Address server forensic)
What protocol is used? TCP
How many ports were attacked? 80
What is the classification of assault? Trafik dan metode yang digunakan tidak diketahui

 The reporting stage is carried out to write a report 2) Denial of Services (DoS). Denial of services is done to
about the inspection process and information disable the e-learning server with IP Address
obtained from the previous stages. DoS is done from a client PC that uses the Debian Server
operating system.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410

Fig.5. Denial of Services

The alerts generated by Snort are used as material for

conducting forensic networks by summarizing forensic

Figure 6. Alert Denial of Services


Forensic question The answer
What attack happened? 12-08-2019 jam 21.08
When did the attack occur? ICMP
What is the attacker's IP Address? and
What is the destination IP Address? (IP Address server e-learning)
What is the meaning of the message “ICMP ATTACK” provide information that an attack occurred using
generated? the ICMP protocol with a large size

3) Port Scan is performed to detect several open ports so that they are vulnerable to an attack. Port scans are performed
using Zenmap software installed on the client PC. Port scans are for forensic servers.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410

Fig.7. Port Scan

Alerts generated by Snort are used as material for analysis using network forensics.

Fig. 8. Alert Port Scan


Forensic question The answer
What attack happened? 13-08-2019 jam 13.22
When did the attack occur? Fe80:519a:af2d:d0a5:e03b
What is the attacker's IP Address? Ff02::1:3
What classification is given by Snort? An attempt was made to leak information using a port scan
What is the meaning of the message There was an attempt to leak information using the port scan on the
generated? UDP protocol.

4) ARP Spoofing is done for sniffing data packets ARP spoofing. ARP spoofing is done from a PC client with
intended for victim PCs from client PCs. In this test, Snort the Ubuntu operating system using the Ettercap application.
provides rules preprocs and has provided rules for detecting

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410

Fig.9. ARP Spoofing

The alerts generated by Snort do not have an attacker's
identity because the rules provided by PfSense do not include
the attacker's identity.

Fig.10. Alert ARP Spoofing

Fig.11. Rules ARP Spoofing

When Snort alerts an attack attempt, PfSense will

automatically take preventive measures in the form of

Fig.12. Log Blocked Snort

The results obtained in the Snort test that the alerts network forensic purposes.
generated by the Snort log have detected every packet of data Every attack or assault attempt made from a PC client
that made an attack attempt or carried out an attack. PfSense affects traffic on PfSense. The traffic is appropriate from the
will automatically block both the attack IP Address. Log attack source interface.
alerts and blocked logs on Snort can be downloaded for

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 410

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