Abbvie Sustainability
Abbvie Sustainability
Abbvie Sustainability
Table of contents
2019 highlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Looking ahead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
A message
from our CEO
At AbbVie, we are guided in everything we do by our desire to make a remarkable impact
on the lives of patients.
Rick Gonzalez
Chairman & CEO
2 2019 Responsible Action Report
AbbVie is a global, research-based biopharmaceutical company
committed to discovering, developing and delivering innovative
medicines with distinct and meaningful benefits for people. We
aim for transformative change, not just incremental improvement. Employees
Our medicines help people living in more than 175 countries and
help treat patients with conditions such as chronic autoimmune
diseases, cancer, virologic diseases, neurological disorders,
metabolic diseases and other serious health conditions.
Countries with employees
Our state-of-the-art research, development and manufacturing
centers across the world allow us to perform cutting-edge
research and to move the best ideas forward faster. In addition
to our North Chicago headquarters, we have discovery and
Research & development centers
development centers in the Boston, Massachusetts area and the
San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States; Ludwigshafen,
Germany; and Tokyo, Japan. We have manufacturing facilities
in the United States, Puerto Rico, Italy, Ireland, Germany and
Singapore, and our supply chain spans more than 120 countries Manufacturing facilities
and all 50 U.S. states.
The acquisition of Allergan will provide AbbVie with leading
marketed products, both expanding and diversifying our
business and aligning with our gastroenterology and
Countries where our products are sold
neuroscience focus areas.
We are a passionate, diverse and inclusive organization with
a culture that supports the best ideas, wherever they originate.
Bringing diversity of thought to the collaborative process helps
Patients treated globally
us break barriers and explore new frontiers in science.
2019 Responsible Action Report 3
2019 Highlights
Research and development
We achieved nine new product approvals or indication expansions from major regulatory authorities. These
included approval of new treatments for rheumatoid arthritis and moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, as
well as new treatments for previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Access to medicine
We expanded our U.S. patient assistance program, myAbbVie Assist, providing free AbbVie medicines to more
than 89,000 qualified patients.
Environmental sustainability
We launched a new environmental sustainability strategy focused on reducing our environmental footprint,
ensuring sustainable growth as well as inspiring, educating and engaging our workforce to steward
sustainability within and beyond AbbVie.
FTSE4Good Index AbbVie has been a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index since 2016.
CR Magazine’s 100 Best In 2019, AbbVie made its first appearance on the list, ranking in the top 20 for outstanding
Corporate Citizens environmental, social and governance transparency and performance among the 1,000 largest
U.S. public companies.
The Civic 50 For the sixth year, AbbVie was recognized as one of America’s most community-minded
companies and honored by The Civic 50 for our commitment to improving quality of life in
communities where we do business.
PEOPLE’s Companies AbbVie was one of PEOPLE’s 50 U.S. companies highlighted for caring for their communities, their
that Care employees and the world.
World’s Best Workplaces For the third year in a row, AbbVie was on the World’s Best Workplaces list from Fortune and Great
Place to Work.
DiversityInc Top 50 AbbVie was again named to the DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity in the United States,
Companies for Diversity as we have every year since 2014.
Working Mother’s For the second consecutive year, AbbVie was among the Top 10 companies on Working Mother’s
100 Best Companies 100 Best Companies list, in our seventh year on the list.
4 2019 Responsible Action Report
Creating real health improvement We recognize that health is of The health of our business
is our mission and the premise fundamental importance to all is intertwined with that of our
of our business. To be a leading people. To participate over the communities. We can use
health care innovator, we must long term in the provision of our unique resources to
attract, retain and support a health care, we must earn and support well-being, resilience
diverse workforce and invest in maintain the trust of patients, and growth in the communities
efforts to develop medicines health care providers, regulators, where we do business and help
that bring value for patients. policymakers and the public. lay the foundation for broader
community vitality.
Use our expertise Steward our ethical and Support long-term
priorities to improve health sustainable business community strength
4.1 Ensure all girls and boys complete free, equitable, quality Education enables the achievement of other goals, including health
education and prosperity.
4.4 Increase the number of people who have relevant skills for Supporting effective educational programs for school-age children
employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship is a philanthropic priority for AbbVie and the AbbVie Foundation.
4.5 Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal By engaging our highly educated workforce, we advance skill
access to education and training for the vulnerable development for underserved students through mentorship, training
4.A Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and exposure to STEM projects.
and gender sensitive and provide safe, nonviolent, inclusive
and effective learning environments for all
5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls At AbbVie, we respect the human rights of all individuals. We
5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls in the appreciate the contributions that women – and people of all
public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and backgrounds – make to an enterprise where diversity of thought
other types of exploitation drives innovation.
5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal Our anti-discrimination, anti-harassment and anti-violence policies
opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making extend through our organization and to our suppliers. We pursue
in political, economic and public life equality through deliberate action in our company, with our suppliers
and in our communities.
8.1 Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with We have employees around the globe and purchase goods and
national circumstances services from a supplier network spanning over 120 countries and
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through all 50 U.S. states.
diversification, technological upgrading and innovation We prioritize recruiting and hiring from historically underrepresented
8.5 Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for groups and provide economic opportunity and technical support to
all women and men, including for young people and persons small and diverse suppliers.
with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value Supporting communities is also a priority of the AbbVie Foundation.
We partner with nonprofit organizations and engage our employees
to provide learning and workforce readiness programs.
12.2 Achieve sustainable management and efficient use of We have set absolute targets for reduction of our carbon emissions,
natural resources water consumption and waste generation and are actively taking
12.4 Achieve environmentally sound management of chemicals steps to meet them.
and wastes; significantly reduce their release to air, water and Through participation in CDP, we are transparent in reporting our
soil to minimize adverse impacts on health and the environment environmental impacts.
12.5 Reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction,
recycling and reuse
12.6 Encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and
integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle
13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to As a provider of medicines that patients rely on, we anticipate
climate-related hazards and natural disasters in and mitigate climate-related risks that could impact our continuity
all countries of supply.
We also support disaster relief partners to help to strengthen
community resilience and recovery from climate-related hazards.
2019 Responsible Action Report 7
Our progress
We invested $5 billion in research and development in Investing in novel solutions also requires us to be
2019, continuing to focus on areas of very high need and courageous in the face of tough decisions and to learn
potential impact: from setbacks that are inevitable in the scientific process.
In 2019, we discontinued clinical development for some of
Working closely with regulators, we piloted the use of AbbVie researchers made important contributions to the
observational data and machine learning to improve the effort to eliminate hepatitis C (HCV). The World Health
efficiency of drug development. For example, using advanced Organization (WHO) has set a target to eliminate HCV by 2030,
analysis methods to characterize existing data, our researchers and AbbVie is committed to supporting that vision. Developing
were able to reduce the size of control groups for two clinical an effective strategy to eliminate a disease means knowing
studies by half, supplemented by information already learned where affected patients are located and understanding the
about control performance. characteristics of those populations. AbbVie is using digital
innovation to create the most comprehensive epidemiology
We continued to advance our efforts to measure the
resource available to those involved in developing and executing
practical treatment outcomes that matter most in patients’
local strategies to eliminate HCV in the United States. We have
everyday lives. Drug development often relies on data collected
integrated screening laboratory data from two large laboratory
at pre-determined intervals using site-visit observations and
companies and applied machine learning techniques to fill
retrospective patient surveys. The challenge is that not all relevant
gaps in the data. The result is a resource that states can use to
patient outcomes can be effectively measured using these
evaluate progress toward elimination and adapt their strategies
techniques. To address these challenges, we have been building
our knowledge and experience with the use of wearable digital
tools to collect data from patients, both in the controlled trial In 2019, we also formalized a collaboration with the Coalition
setting and in the real-world setting. These tools provide objective for Global Hepatitis Elimination to support the development of
measurement and remove the error associated with methods that tools and resources to track and advance progress toward HCV
rely on patient recall. elimination around the world. AbbVie is supporting this work by
providing key data insights, analyses and expertise around HCV
burden and the path to elimination. View the Coalition’s work here.
AbbVie is a partner in the HARMONY Alliance, a public-private network designed to gather and analyze
big data to uncover opportunities to speed the development of new treatments and more effective
treatment strategies for patients with blood cancers. In 2019, the Alliance hit a key milestone, identifying
data records for over 45,000 patients across Europe with blood cancer, hosted on a data platform that’s
one of the largest of its kind in the world.
2019 Responsible Action Report 11
Because we know that achieving lasting health impact takes Outside the U.S., our AbbVie Care program includes a wide
more than medicine, we continued to provide broad patient range of disease- and country-specific patient programs that
support, to enable the best possible health outcomes. provide meaningful, informative and empowering support to
In the U.S., our support programs help patients more fully patients who have been prescribed AbbVie medicines. These
understand their disease and the treatment they have been programs are tailored to the needs and regulations in each
prescribed. Through these programs, we offer one-to-one country and patient community.
education and support through personalized interactions,
AbbVie personnel do not give medical advice and are trained
help patients adjust to the use of their medicine and, in some
to direct patients to their health care professional for any
programs, provide lifestyle management support to further
treatment-related questions.
promote health.
Percent of compounds in clinical development with a novel mechanism of action 67% 67% 72% 72%
Research hours donated to neglected tropical diseases, malaria and tuberculosis 21,583 30,006 39,945 20,621
12 2019 Responsible Action Report
and beyond the company, actively advancing the field in Our global operations are subject to a wide range of risks that
collaboration with academic scientists, health authorities and have potential to impact the continuity of our business, the supply
industry peers. Our integrated, multi-disciplinary approach and of medicine for the patients who rely on them and our employees.
advanced technology are designed to identify potential safety Within Global Security, our Crisis Management function
signals early and minimize risk. We routinely achieve over 98 works across the enterprise to help ensure preparedness for
percent on-time expedited reporting of adverse events to FDA and resilience to these risks. These risks include, but are not
and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). limited to, natural disasters, cyberattacks, security breaches
and product-related issues such as supply chain interruptions,
Quality counterfeiting and diversion.
We have robust systems in place to ensure the medicines Counterfeiting and diversion of medicines pose risks to patient
we manufacture are high quality and available when patients health and safety. Our Global Anti-Counterfeiting Steering
need them. Our Quality Council oversees our quality strategy Committee is responsible for identifying and mitigating these
and is accountable directly to our CEO. Highly skilled and risks related to AbbVie medicines. They coordinate proactive
experienced teams oversee every aspect of our manufacturing strategies for preventing counterfeiting and diversion of our
processes, from the suppliers who provide the inputs to the medicines and conduct routine monitoring to identify signals of
product delivered. possible counterfeiting or diversion. Our measures include visible
We use an integrated enterprise quality management system and invisible product features to verify authenticity, multiple and
that complies with applicable standards from the International overlapping product tracking methods from origin to destination
Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International and close partnership with local law enforcement authorities
Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for around the world.
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use and regulatory authorities. We also take strong proactive measures to maintain the security
We use both internal and external audits to ensure ongoing of our supply chain. A secure supply chain helps to ensure not
product quality. only quality but also a faster and more efficient process to reach
Though we produce many of the most critical components of customers and patients. To ensure the security of our materials
our products in-house, we also purchase inputs from thousands as they move across borders, we participate in the Trusted Trader
of suppliers across the globe. From among these, we identify programs run by the U.S., E.U. and other customs authorities.
our most critical suppliers. This classification is based on many Through these programs, U.S. Customs and Border Protection,
criteria, but the potential impact of a supplier issue on product E.U. customs authorities, as well as additional countries’ customs
efficacy, safety, availability or patient experience is paramount. authorities inspect and certify our security measures. The
For our most critical suppliers, we require strong controls and primary sources for AbbVie of finished commercial products are
close involvement of AbbVie experts, including regular in-person received by locations in Trusted Trader programs.
and remote audits. Further, we continuously monitor the evolving
legal and regulatory landscape to ensure that the chemicals,
mixtures and commodities in our products, including purchased
inputs, are compliant with applicable regulations.
14 2019 Responsible Action Report
Our progress
To ensure quality and regulatory compliance, AbbVie Our goal is to have no backordered medicines, as
manufacturing sites received dozens of external inspections backorders can cause treatment interruptions and impact
and audits. Most were from major regulatory health authorities patient outcomes. We maintained a consistent supply to meet
such as the U.S. FDA, the European Medicines Agency and the demand at nearly all times. In 2019, backorders comprised fewer
Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency. None than 0.01 percent of the total orders we filled. Our assurance of
of these audits had findings resulting in production stoppages. supply program is designed to help us maintain supply even in
unpredictable circumstances, such as natural disasters or surges
We conducted our own quality assessments and audits of
in demand. We identify and qualify backup suppliers, scan the
our most critical suppliers to ensure they are upholding
environment for potential risks and plan for alternate scenarios.
our quality standards. The frequency and method of supplier
quality assessment is based on a detailed risk evaluation as In 2019, we implemented serialization of our medicines
specified in our supplier quality policies and procedures. In in Europe, in accordance with the E.U. Falsified Medicines
2019, we conducted in-depth quality assessments of 491 Directive. We also optimized our global supply chain security
supplier sites. We remained focused on those sites with the and product protection system, which will allow us to
greatest potential to impact product efficacy and safety, aiming continuously adapt to an increasingly complex supply
to assess each of these in-depth at least once every three chain landscape.
years. In the three-year period ending December 31, 2019, we
We expanded internal and external training on
conducted detailed assessments of more than 95 percent of
counterfeiting- and diversion-related risks and protocols.
these sites at least once—some more frequently—with the
More than 380 AbbVie employees were educated and trained
majority of these assessments taking place in-person.
on topics such as the social and health risks of counterfeiting
and diversion, common illicit trade practices and security
protocols. We also trained more than 1,600 health care providers
and law enforcement officials in higher-risk geographies on
challenges and impacts associated with diverted and/or
counterfeit medicines.
Number of employees certifying on the AbbVie Code of Business Conduct* 28,580 28,906 29,595 29,160
Rate of expedited adverse event reporting to EMA >98% >98% >98% >98%
Number of supplier sites assessed in-depth for quality 488 540 474 491
Percentage of supplier sites with greatest impact on product quality and safety 32% 41% 41% 48%
assessed in-depth†
Our progress
In 2019, we continued our support for unique and innovative • Education in the hepatitis C community that breaks down
educational programs for both patients and providers. barriers and moves the world closer toward elimination
We reached more than 415,000 patients through independent • An initiative involving cancer patients, caregivers and health
patient education grants and more than 580,000 health care care providers working together to determine a customized
providers through independent medical education grants. Some treatment plan
examples of programs we supported include:
Additionally, AbbVie was proud of the progress our partners
• A program to encourage young physicians to explore their
made to help families thrive by providing family-centered
interest and opportunities in the field of rheumatology
care, using AbbVie’s significant charitable donations.
• An educational award-winning program in inflammatory We provided financial support to nonprofit partners addressing
bowel disease that improved patient outcomes by addressing challenges that directly affect a family’s emotional, psychological
specific unmet educational needs in gastroenterology and financial well-being during a child’s illness.
• A digital health coaching program that helps patients live
well with their disease
Our progress
In 2019, we implemented our new global ED&I strategy
across the organization. This includes a five-year roadmap that
defines key global focus areas, objectives, associated initiatives
and implementation plans by function and geography. Our senior
leaders have taken formal 2020 goals aligned with executing
this strategy.
To help drive awareness and understanding, we We continued to create connections and a sense of
implemented key initiatives. We held small group community through our ERGs. AbbVie was proud to
listening sessions where employees had the opportunity to introduce a new ERG, Ability at AbbVie, to support employees
listen to ED&I strategies and offer valuable feedback and ideas. with disabilities, employees who have children with disabilities,
In the U.S., we added Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a paid caregivers and allies.
company holiday. Across the globe, we exhibited our belief
that “Love is Love” by raising the Pride flag at multiple AbbVie
locations. We were proud to host multiple cultural celebrations
for Black History Month, Women’s Equality Day, Hispanic
Heritage Month, Diwali, Kwanzaa, Veterans Day and more.
Percent of employees who indicate that AbbVie equips them 76% — 79% —
well to perform in their role*
*Source: Employee Survey, which is conducted every two years. Percentage favorable responses (“agree” or “strongly agree”) to the following questions:
• I have the tools and resources to do my job well.
• I have opportunities to learn new skills that help me succeed.
In 2019, we purchased goods and services valued at In 2019, AbbVie was named Corporation of the Year by
more than $13.8 billion from suppliers around the world. Diversity Alliance for Science, in recognition of our ongoing
This included more than $930 million from approximately commitment to mentorship and development of small and
2,000 small and diverse businesses in North America, diverse suppliers.
including Puerto Rico. Our Environmental, Health and Safety
team, in partnership with our office of Supplier Diversity,
offers support to small and diverse suppliers with pro bono
services including environmental, health and safety (EHS)
audits and sustainability training. Other supplier development
activities consist of annual mentoring on a variety of topics
by our experienced teams..
Total spend with small and diverse suppliers (millions) $516 $741 $894 $934
2019 Responsible Action Report 23
Brazil and Ireland: Committing to inclusion for all people with disabilities
Disability manifests in many forms, some not as readily In Brazil, the recently launched Equality, Diversity &
visible as others. We recognize that an environment where Inclusion Committee sponsors events throughout the year
all voices are heard and valued is vital to employees’ ability to celebrate disability awareness, raising the voices of those
to bring their best selves to work. with disabilities and striving to normalize their experience.
People managers have undergone training to disrupt bias
that can stigmatize people with disabilities.
Australia and New Zealand: Raising awareness for mental health in the workplace
Research shows mental health is one of Australia’s greatest In February 2019, AbbVie Australia and New Zealand
workplace challenges. In late 2018, AbbVie conducted launched a new mental health strategy. A key part of the
research, using both surveys and focus groups, to better program focused on providing employees with training, tools
understand the well-being of our workforce. The results and tactics to improve their mental health, help manage
showed that few staff felt comfortable talking about their stress and help employees better facilitate open and honest
mental well-being with colleagues, and that there was an conversations about mental health in the workplace. A
immediate need to destigmatize issues around mental health. follow-up survey has demonstrated that this new mental
health strategy has given many more employees the
confidence to speak openly about their mental health.
Lost time incident rate (per 200,000 hours worked)* 0.10 0.06 0.05 0.09
* Data reported in 2016-2018 has been restated due to changes in classification of injury/illness cases post year.
Periodically, cases will change Recordability or Lost Time status based on medical case management.
2019 Responsible Action Report 25
Our progress
In 2019, we continued our focus on the well-being of We received a Gold distinction from Best Employers:
our employees and their families. We encouraged our Excellence in Health & Well-being. Awarded by the
employees to ask for help, whether in their personal or National Business Group on Health, this award recognizes
professional lives. AbbVie implemented the Family Care the best workforce well-being programs in the U.S., particularly
Navigator program on March 1, 2019, a customized advocacy those with a holistic approach to well-being, encompassing
program that helps U.S. employee members navigate their financial, emotional, social and community aspects. It further
mental health benefits with special focus on accessing pediatric recognizes a connection between employee well-being and
care, including a primary contact to manage cases and provide key business outcomes.
patient advocacy.
We also have industry-leading parental leave policies and
We continued our focus on mental health through an on-site daycare to support our working parents. In addition,
awareness campaign in May 2019 in alignment with all U.S. employees are permitted to use up to two days of paid
Mental Health Awareness Month in the U.S. The goal of the work time to volunteer in the community.
campaign was to provide information and statistics on common
In 2019, the AbbVie Employee Assistance Fund (AEAF)
conditions (e.g., anxiety, depression, substance abuse disorders)
became fully operational, working to support our employees
affecting many adults and adolescents in an effort to eliminate
around the world. The AEAF funds programs that offer
the stigma and guide employees to help. We reinforced the
employees assistance at two pivotal moments – when a child
availability of AbbVie and external resources, including the
goes to college and when disaster strikes. The goal of the AEAF
Employee Assistance Program, that employees, as well as their
is to offer resources to employees and their families when they
spouse/domestic partner and dependents, can use for support
need it most.
and financial assistance.
Giving back is an integral part of who we are. We recognize that a corporation We support communities through
with global scale and unique resources has the responsibility to use those economic activity, employee
resources for social good. That’s why we encourage our employees to be community engagement and
engaged with their communities and support their volunteerism. And it’s why
we provide philanthropic support to build long-term community strength.
28 2019 Responsible Action Report
Since 2013, the AbbVie Foundation has supported the Baylor College of Medicine
International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) in providing a holistic approach to HIV care
and treatment, including prevention, comprehensive medical care and psychosocial support in
Romania and Malawi.
The AbbVie Foundation continues its long-term partnership with AMPATH (the Academic
Model Providing Access to Healthcare), seeking to make health care achievable and
sustainable in Kenya by helping to advance the vision of universal health coverage for all Kenyans
and developing an integrated approach to care that serves hard-to-reach populations and
addresses multiple health challenges.
The AbbVie Foundation similarly supports Partners In Health’s innovative community health
programs, which strengthen the capacity of community health workers in parts of Mexico and
Peru. Support from the AbbVie Foundation has enabled Partners in Health to add four new clinic
service areas to its community health worker program in Mexico.
Complementing AbbVie’s pro bono research program on neglected tropical diseases, the
AbbVie Foundation maintains a long-term partnership with MAP International, supporting their
multi-faceted, community-based approach to Chagas disease prevention and management in
Bolivia, which includes training community health workers, health education and diagnosis and
treatment support.
2019 Responsible Action Report 29
Our progress
In 2019, we expanded our U.S. patient assistance program, We established an innovative partnership with the U.S. state
which provides free AbbVie medicines to qualifying patients. of Washington to help eliminate hepatitis C in the state.
We gave the program a new name, myAbbVie Assist, expanded The collaboration includes a modified subscription-type pricing
eligibility for the program, simplified the application process and model for our pan-genotypic medicine, complemented by AbbVie
conducted an awareness campaign to ensure that qualifying support for a range of initiatives designed to help find, screen
patients knew of the program. myAbbVie Assist provided free and link patients to treatment, and advance the knowledge
AbbVie medicine, including many of our newest medicines, to and skills of nurses on the front lines of the elimination effort.
over 89,000 patients in 2019, up from nearly 81,000 patients in Globally, AbbVie supports approximately 300 micro-elimination
2018. Information about eligibility for myAbbVie Assist and other projects focused on eliminating HCV in targeted populations or
savings programs is available at geographies. Many of these programs are helping to address
challenges key populations face in accessing care.
In China, QC Tools, a suite of HIV/AIDS case management
tools developed with AbbVie support, achieved adoption
by 18 provinces that collectively house 90 percent of the “We were looking for a partnership
country’s HIV/AIDS patients. QC Tools is part of an approach because we really want to break
developed collaboratively with Chinese health organizations and
provincial AIDS administrators to help China address a surge through these barriers. It’s not just
in HIV/AIDS patients by sharing information to get them into about the price of a treatment; we
treatment faster. In 2019, we also worked with China’s largest
health publishing group to build a series of smartphone-based
need help across the entire spectrum
e-learning platforms called AIDS Hub, which provides information of care. That’s why we’re really excited
to health care providers to address the growing needs of their by the experience and support that
patient populations. Within three months of its initial launch,
AIDS Hub published 532 courses and registered 4,100 health AbbVie brings to the table.”
care providers. Together, these tools are helping China progress – Judy Zerzan, M.D., Chief Medical Officer,
toward 90-90-90 targets set by the Joint UN Programme on HIV Washington State Health Care Authority
and AIDS. Read more about the targets here.
We engaged with key policymakers, scientists, clinicians
and patient leaders in dialogue about how to build, fund
and implement successful cancer control programs at The
Economist’s 2019 War on Cancer event in Mexico City.
AbbVie sponsored a panel discussion on the needs of patients
with blood cancers, to help ensure they are part of the public
health agenda and addressed in the national cancer plans
being developed by the government of Mexico. AbbVie is
collaborating with the Mexican Institute of Social Security to
further document the burden of blood cancers in Mexico, and
with local patient organizations on policy briefs to further inform
national cancer plans.
Expanding access to health care and our medicines 2016 2017 2018 2019
U.S. patients provided medicine at no cost through the myAbbVie Assist patient 78,745 76,692 80,871 89,122
assistance program
30 2019 Responsible Action Report
Renewable 50% Landfill to
ste 20%
Recycling Rate
& cooling
and maintain 100%
combined recycling rate for hazardous & non-hazardous
Combined Recycling Rate for
Hazardous &
(excludes leased offices)
50% —
Zero WasteWaste
Non-Hazardous (excludes leased offices)
Non-Hazardous Waste
waste (excluding construction and demolition waste)
(excluding construction and
(excluding waste) and
construction (excluding construction and
to Landfill
demolition waste) demolition waste)
l Increase Achieve
nerated Recycling Rate Zero Waste
aste 50%
(excludes leased offices) to Landfill
us Waste
Combined Recycling Rate for
Hazardous &
Non-Hazardous Waste
Achieve zero waste t o landfill (excluding leased offices)
(excludes leased offices)
— 100%
ion and
(excluding construction and
ate Zero Waste
demolition waste)
to Landfill
(excludes leased offices)
2019 Responsible Action Report 31
Our progress
2019 marked the inaugural year for a new environmental We reduced water consumption through continued
sustainability strategy focused on reducing our investment in new technology. At our North Chicago sites,
environmental footprint, growing sustainably and we implemented a new process for generating purified water
inspiring, educating and engaging our workforce to steward for our manufacturing operations, resulting in annual projected
sustainability within and beyond AbbVie. The strategy is reductions of over 110,000 cubic meters (25 million gallons) of
grounded in three key pillars: operate responsibly, sustainable water consumption. Using new meters, the team at our Sligo-
growth and innovate and inspire. We have made notable progress Manorhamilton site in Ireland has identified water-saving projects
this year in each area of focus. delivering over 28,000 cubic meters of water savings annually.
We have continued to make progress on our absolute We completed two significant waste reduction projects in
environmental sustainability targets relative to our 2015 2019. By installing an on-site wastewater treatment unit at our
baseline. Since 2015, we have reduced our absolute carbon Sligo-Manorhamilton site, we are able to remove all of the active
dioxide emissions (scope 1 and 2) by more than 16 percent, pharmaceutical content from the cleaning process wastewater,
over halfway to our 2025 target of 25 percent. We increased the resulting in an estimated 70 percent reduction in hazardous
percentage of purchased electricity from renewable sources waste generated at the site going forward. We also completed
to more than 24 percent, up from 9 percent in 2016 and almost a non-hazardous waste reduction project at our North Chicago
halfway to our 2025 target of 50 percent. site that allows us to repurpose a portion of the waste for offsite
Reduction in carbon emissions is being achieved largely beneficial use, resulting in an estimated annual reduction of 740
through investment in technology, infrastructure and metric tons (1.6 million pounds) of waste to landfill.
processes to increase energy efficiency. In our Barceloneta, As we seek to grow our business, we are taking steps to
Puerto Rico plant, we installed a new combined heat and energy ensure we are incorporating environmental sustainability
system that is more energy efficient and reduces SOx, NOx and into our plans and programs. Over the past year, we have
particulate matter emissions. We continue to expand the use of updated our Global Facility Design Guidelines to integrate
electric and hybrid vehicles in our fleets. We also increased the more than 100 environmental sustainability opportunities and
amount of renewable electricity that we purchased to power sites best practices applicable to new, renovated and leased AbbVie
in North America. buildings worldwide.
Change in absolute carbon emissions vs. 2015 baseline* -8% -13% -13% -16%
(scope 1 and scope 2, market based) [2025 target: -25%]
Change in absolute water withdrawal vs. 2015 baseline* +4% +1% +4% -6%
(includes non-contact cooling water)++ [2025 target: -20%]
Change in absolute water consumption** vs. 2015 -5% -12% -11% -12%
(excludes non-contact cooling water)++
Combined recycling rate for hazardous and non-hazardous waste 37% 37% 32% 35%
(excluding construction & demolition) [2025 target: 50%]
Percentage of global waste diverted from landfills (annually) **,+ 77% 83% 85% 88%
(excluding construction & demolition)
*Figures exclude two R&D facilities which were not included in the 2015 baseline.
**This key performance metric includes manufacturing and R&D, which account for the majority of our operations.
+Includes waste disposed of in the following manner: beneficial use, recycled, composted, treated, fuel blending, incinerated with energy recovery and incinerated without energy
++Non-contact cooling water is returned to the source in the same amount and with the same quality as was withdrawn. The increase we’ve seen in our non-contact cooling water
use is generally due to seasonal variations in source water temperatures.
32 2019 Responsible Action Report
The winning ideas represented teams from Chicago, Puerto
Rico, Ireland, Germany and Singapore. Each winning team
is piloting its ideas and sharing monthly progress on a
global website for all employees to follow along.
...sustaining our business
Our progress
In its sixth year, our signature global volunteer event, Week Without a lawyer, non-detained asylum seekers prevail in only
of Possibilities, saw AbbVie employees in 50 countries 13 percent of cases, while legal representation increases their
donate more than 40,000 hours of community service. chances of success to 74 percent. On July 1, 2019, the Chicago
Through that event and other projects throughout the year, Asylum Office granted permanent asylum to one of our pro bono
AbbVie employees volunteered a total of 68,422 hours during clients. We are proud to be part of protecting human rights and
work time in 2019. In addition, over 12,000 employees – hopeful for more positive outcomes in the future.
85 percent of those eligible and triple the industry standard –
In 2019, AbbVie launched a pro bono program, Possibilities
participated in our North America employee giving and
Pros, with Taproot Foundation during Week of Possibilities,
matching program, generating $13.8 million to benefit more
pairing the minds of 50 employees with 11 local nonprofits to
than 6,000 charities.
walk through half-day design thinking session to address issues
Starting in 2018, through our legal pro bono program, such as marketing, project management, IT and human resource
AbbVie attorneys and legal staff have taken on 14 asylum challenges.
cases, donating their time and skills to represent people
As a committed employer in Puerto Rico, we were proud of
seeking asylum in the United States on grounds of political
the progress made by our partners, Direct Relief and Habitat
and gender persecution. They have teamed up with the
for Humanity, in moving the Puerto Rico community from
National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), a nonprofit that
recovery to resilience in the wake of Hurricanes Maria and Irma
provides legal services to immigrants and asylum seekers.
and the more recent earthquakes to hit the area.
Funds raised during employee giving campaign (millions) $6.5 $7.90 $11.80 $13.0
Total amount donated to disaster relief organizations $0.4 $4.5 $2.6 $1.5
(excluding product donations, millions)
2019 Responsible Action Report 37
Looking ahead
As we enter a new decade, we are both inspired by the immunology and oncology are forthcoming. Over the coming
possibilities of new medical breakthroughs and aware of the years, we also expect the early-stage pipeline that we’ve been
challenges that lie ahead. building to mature. We are confident that new proof-of-concept
successes will emerge, bringing with them renewed promise for
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the world as we know
better treatments for conditions that have for too long diminished
it and we will continue to feel the impact for years to come. While
patients’ quality of life. We aim to elevate the standard of care,
we are proud of our efforts to date, we know we will need to be
with patients at the heart of everything we do.
agile in our continued response to evolving needs.
As we welcome Allergan, we will gain new colleagues, serve
In addition, the global public debate on the cost and delivery of
new patients and health care providers and operate in new
health care and the climate crisis continue to inspire and motivate
communities. We are excited to combine our passion and
us to find innovative approaches. Most importantly, these global
responsibility to transform patients’ lives globally for years
challenges highlight our role in addressing the needs of patients
to come.
and communities, here, now and in the future.
On the horizon in 2020, a number of late-stage data readouts
and regulatory submissions for additional indications in
38 2019 Responsible Action Report
Stay up to date on recent news, stories Polices, Codes and Compliance Standards
and more by connecting with us. Our public positions and views align with our work to improve
lives—and to do so in a transparent and sustainable way.
Additional policies, codes and compliance standards on a
range of areas are also publicly available.
AbbVie Inc.
1 North Waukegan Road
North Chicago, IL 60064 U.S.A.