Nation-State: The CSS Point
Nation-State: The CSS Point
Nation-State: The CSS Point
Nations and states may seem identical, but they are not. States govern
people in a territory with boundaries. They have laws, taxes, officials,
currencies, postal services, police, and (usually) armies. They wage war,
negotiate treaties, put people in prison, and regulate life in thousands of
ways. They claim sovereignty within their territory. By contrast, nations are
groups of people claiming common bonds like language, culture, and
historical identity. Some groups claiming to be nations have a state of their
own, like the French, Dutch, Egyptians, and Japanese. Others want a state
but do not have one: Tibetans, Chechnyans, and Palestinians, for example.
Others do not want statehood but claim and enjoy some autonomy. The
Karen claim to be a nation trapped within the state of Burma/Myanmar. The
Sioux are a nation within the boundaries of the United States. Each of these
nations has its own special territory, rights, laws, and culture, but not
statehood. Some imagined nations are larger than states or cross-state
boundaries. The Arab nation embraces more than a dozen states, while the
nation of the Kurds takes in large areas of four states. Some people assume
that states are fixed and permanently established across most of the globe.
But in fact states are in flux.
The CSS Point
Diplomatic recognition confers legitimacy on a new state (or on the
government of a state) but sometimes there is a lack of consensus within
the international community. For example, the Palestinian people are largely
under the jurisdiction of other states, although they are seen by the majority
of the international community as having strong claims to independent
statehood. Other nations claiming the right to independent statehood fail to
win backing and are dismissed as frivolous or illegitimate (such as Kosovo).
When the United Nations was founded, it was composed of just 51
member states. Today there are nearly 190. The great majority of today’s
members were then either colonies (as in most of Africa) or parts of other
states (such as those that emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union).
The CSS Point
established by the former colonial regimes, acquired sovereignty before the
imported forms of state organisation could take root in a national identity
that transcended tribal differences. In these cases, artificial states had first
to be filled by a process of nation-building. Finally, with the collapse of the
Soviet Empire, the trend towards the formation of independent nation-states
in Eastern and Southern Europe has followed the path of more or less violent
secessions. In the socially and economically precarious situation in which
these countries found themselves, the old ethno national slogans had the
power to mobilize distraught populations for independence.
Some observers believe that the role of the nation-state has been reduced to
that of a municipality within the global capitalist system, responsible for
providing the necessary infrastructure and services to attract capital
investment. However, this is much too simplistic. Societies also demand
identity, and the nation-state has sometimes been successful in providing
this where other identities have been weak. It can therefore play an
important part in expressing to the outside world a unique identity
The CSS Point
associated with a particular locality. The nation-state is less successful in
those situations where the population is fragmented between several large
groups who do not wish to surrender portions of their different identities in
order to produce a national identity. Malaysia, Indonesia, and Yugoslavia are
just a few particularly good contemporary examples. In these cases, the
national ideology for various reasons fails to assimilate large sections of the
population, causing an ongoing crisis of belief within the society, that is
generally responded to with the use of (sometimes violent) coercion by the
apparatus of the state and by the dominant group.
The CSS Point
is changing, especially in critical areas such as monetary policy, interest
rates, commercial treaties, and immigration.
In the next century we may witness the further decay of the nation-state as
the all-powerful and sole centre of power, and with that we will see the
further growth of non-state organizations and the concentration of actual
power within the global cities. Some of these organizations stand above the
state – for example, the European Union. Others are of a completely
different kind, such as international bodies and multinational
corporations. What they all have in common is that they either assume
some of the functions of the nation-state or manage to escape its control.
Being either much larger than states or without geographical borders, they
are better positioned to take advantage of recent developments in
transportation and communications. The result is that their power seems to
be growing while that of the nation-state declines.