Brother Veritus Website English
Brother Veritus Website English
Brother Veritus Website English
Bringing Light to darkness
.`?.¸.?´ ? Live... ? Love... ? Laugh... ? ?
¸.?´¸.?´¨) ¸.?*¨) You are in my thoughts and heart always. ?? .?.:*
(¸.?´ (¸.?´ .?´ ¸¸.?¨‾`?.?¨* Sending continuous warm Reiki love to you.
Xoxox.?(-???-?)? ??? *?.¸?¸.?* ???
Meditation on the Key of Metatron. Intone: OD ER IM IS AL ? IS IS IM
AL ? KI RIS TI. (Ki is the vibration of Archangel Michael, Ris is the
vibration of Christ and Ti is the vibration of Mother Mary.)
Weekly Meditation Hour: Monday at 8:30PM, English Forum Time (it follows
the clock located in the upper right corner of the forum main page that
gives date and hour. Convert this hour to your local time).
Two Suns
Photograph taken by Liz Karen, a member of BVC, in Cahokia
(_, near St. Louis, Missouri, USA,
on December 26, 2010
[??????? ??????? ???????]
Christ Michael
How the Grain Will Be Separated from the Dust
Christ Michael channeled by Johan on Tuesday March 8, 2011. Message
taken from
Dearly Beloveds, I AM Christ Michael of Nebadon. As this chela was a
little afraid of taking on another message, he surely does not know yet
what he is in for in the near future (in a positive sense), I will keep
it short in as opposed to the amount of work that has been done now and
that only a handful of you are fully aware off. Go deep inside now and
fine-tune yourself with the fabric of Life, the Divine Life and Light
and Love that is about to undergo a major transmutation never seen
before on that scale.
As you know, many are here from far distant places to witness and learn
and take their experiences Home. That, my Warriors of Light, is what
you are awakening up to. Listen to the Internal Sound of Pure Living
Consciousness and that what you hear, you will Become and realize YOU
ARE. If what you see or shall see soon frightens you, GO WITHIN and
OBSERVE for that Inner Awareness will harness you at all times and
balance you.
When that Flash of Light that rolls like a Wave will embark fully upon
your shore, as it has begun, it will open every cell and every fiber of
your Being to FULL AWARENESS, to never forget WHO YOU ARE and you will
remember your purpose as clear as the Lightening that connects all of
Creation with its Creator. This Divine Process has happened before,
Know that it takes grain AND fertile soil to get to harvest!
You, my Children, are High Vibrational Organisms of Light, my Warriors
embrace and penetrate ALL that exists Within and Around you. This Flash
of Lightening issued by Creator Source leaves no shadow, is pure, all
good Light, absolves all polarity or duality, is Absolute, Omnipresent,
Omnipotent, Omniscient, is the Consciousness of Creation, penetrates
through ALL and this Gift of the Father, some have called the Wave, the
Black Light, The Purple Celestial Waters, The Celestial Sea of Violet
Healing and while you are moving into the Interdimensional Protection
Dome or Golden Shield (oh, this chela remembers well), the big
transmutation will transpire. In this you will bathe and Know your Being.
Cleanse yourself, purify your entire Being and this will Lift you unto a
Celestial High and you will ride that Wave with pride! For those that
choose their own superficial and concocted thrills, they will come
crashing down underneath that Wave and beg for mercy and lick their
wounds somewhere else.
May you reflect upon these words, more than merely giving them a
glimpse, and accept our Love and, before you know, Celebration will be
at hand. Cry ?like this chela who does write my words, for tears of joy
will be plenty? AND cleanse and lift your Soul even more. Carry that
joy and peace ?that surpass all understanding?, as many quote but very
few experienced. Love all I AM, ?Welcome Home to thy Heart", as said
before. Welcome Home for NOW IS THAT TIME. I AM Christ Michael of Nebadon.
PS: After taking this message, I thanked and asked CM Aton: "Is there
anything else you need me to know?" Answer: "After taking this message,
is there anything you can possible be missing still?'' I felt the
humorous intent and wit and wisdom, laughed, felt a Fatherly Embrace
that felt like a Heavenly Hug, and thanked again. Johan.
Christ Michael
The Sands of Time
Christ Michael channeled by Hazel on Tuesday March 22, 2011. Message
taken from _
The element of time cages man in a euphoric state of non-awareness. He
counts the milliseconds if he must and watches often the clock to direct
him in readiness for moments of importance. He cannot fathom that which
is of true import for if he did he would utilise his time more
productively. His measurement of time is now obscure for he has lost
control of it. It is no longer his to measure for I now control this
seemingly important facet of his life. All shall enter into a state of
timelessness being an interval of non-time. This fast approaching event
will be the culminating event which shall usher in the great change, the
momentous shift that so many are speaking off.
Time is man?s purchase, poorly used in the endeavour of progress. Yet
there has been no real or true progress and time has failed to serve
man. Man has become a veritable slave to time which now pinches him for
he no longer has time to secure his power as the brewing storm curtails
what little time remains. The planet and man are in the midst of great
upheaval, the mark of a planetary cycle?s end.
By his own hands man has created and will destroy the efficacy of time.
His jaundiced approach bestirs fruitless events and he cannot see that
the moments are spent in absolute internal and external mayhem. He
fails to use his time in preparation for the ?coming? for he believes
that he still controls that which he calls time. It is man?s endearment
for control that keeps him bound in regressive states of thinking and
will seal his downfall.
WE have warned them, dear ones, those whose intransigence is the very
rope from which they will seal their fate. They listen not to OUR
words. WE have efforted to place out there all manner of warnings but
few hear and many ignore. WE, the Celestials, must now manoeuvre this
ship to its next port regardless of the readiness of the masses. For a
timetable exist which must be adhered to. Man has been given chances ad
infinitum. He must now take responsibility for his actions and
choices. I am a compassionate God, and the Father, being the Source of
All, is most compassionate for WE are but ONE. Yet the infestation
cannot be allowed to continue lest our innocent ones become infected or
defect due to pressures.
What say I to you? Prepare. Know that what impends and now occur on
your earth plane is not the wrath of God but the result of man?s
continued disobedience. The outplay of events in your world at this
time is merely a transference of man?s inability to listen and learn.
He is fulfilling the prophecies of the wizen ones that came before.
The purse strings of the controllers are empty now and they must raid
the temples of others to secure their position of power in the world.
They are likened to flees sucking the blood of the innocent and
defenceless. Let them heed these words- WHAT YOU DO SHALL BE DONE UNTO
YOU. This law you will not be able to escape from.
Man has plagiarised the stories of the olden civilisations by re-writing
the script; for yet again another must come to an end for want of man?s
integrity, abuse and impoverishment of spirit. I declare here and now
that this shall be the last time, for the VOICE has spoken and the
righteous and awakened shall be led out of bondage into the land of true
life. I am coming to meet you, to seal our union with the remembrance
of ME, to take you to a brand new level of understanding. Yes, my
children, Light shall shine once again on your planet and the tears will
cease to flow. But I must admonish that before this time you will
witness the end of the old through destruction and collapse. All that
must go will turn to sand and be blown away by the heavy winds of
celestial encounter. You are living now in this time. There is no more
time left, beloveds; for these last days have assumed a speed which
portends the end of time as you know it. WATCH THE SAND TIMER AS THE
Every little moment now should be cherished in learning, observing and
reuniting with ME from within. Prepare yourselves for ME for I am
coming. I ask that in the remaining season that you hold on tightly to
your Spirit?s anchoring, that you may brave the harsh winds and energies
around you now. Allow ME to be your effort, your strength and you shall
remain standing.
I AM Christ Michael Aton. For those who can discern divinely read
these, MY words, and find the untold message within. The truth WE
cannot fully disclose at this time for you WE must preserve.
My seal I place hereto that you may know that I AM ALL AND ONE IN THE
Salu!, Hazel.
Esu Chats Briefly about Japan
Esu channeled through Eve on monday March 14, 2011. Message taken from
Japan has ignored the development of free energy brought to the world by
Nikola Tesla, both in the electrical energy production as well in the
production of automobiles and transportation vehicles in general, and
ignored the international petitions of We, the People, to stop the use
of nuclear energy for the production of electrical energy. Even more,
built its nuclear power plants on volcanic terrain in Fukushima, at the
north of Japan. Now the Freemason japanese secret society who rules
pays the consequences of its blunder, it is collective karma.
Eve: Esu, can you comment on Japan?
Esu: OK, Eve, short briefing: Japan is very serious. We are sucking off
the most of the radioactivity ?we are shift-working 24 hours a day. We
have taken care of the souls who were victims of the tsunami and there
is special care for the ones whose bodies were harmed by radioactivity.
Japan is an incredible mess of harm and grief.
A catastrophe like that ?in a place of such a high population density?
is a pure apocalypse. You see the volcanic underground of Japan. This
is merely the beginning. We've told you before, how hard Japan could be
hit. A chain reaction is likely to follow from this. The whole place
is like an open wound right now ?and this is in fact unveiled? a drama
when man sees what he has created.
So many of you have signed petitions for stopping that nuclear energy
thing. They have not been heard. To build these kind of nuclear plants
on volcanic ground makes it even worse. Chernobyl has not been bad
enough, so it seems -to turn the tide. The NWO players have placed a
big coup by this. Now they are trying to make you believe they had
arranged this by HAARP as a shock and awe scenario. Your internet is
already flooded by rage filled indictions and statements that HAARP had
been used to intentionally make a mess out of this. Not so, beloveds.
The Japanese in special have long played with the fire and now their
house is literally burning down. WWII, the nuclear bombs falling upon
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not bad enough to prevent them from building
these nuclear reactors. Japan is harvesting the grown up seed now, and
unfortunately not only Japan.
On the background info of availability and development of free energy
and the technology of Tesla in the first half of the last century even,
this whole nuclear thing comes out to be the crown of irresponsibility.
And I'm sorry, folks, this is merely the beginning. You have now Japan
as a building ground of drama and what does mankind do if further
building grounds will be added and become manifest?
Hopefully you will cry out for God to help you. I assure you, what we
see in Japan is tearing apart our hearts. You have heard about the high
number of missing people. It's more, dear ones. And it will get
worse. Go on joining your prayers and empathy to this location exposed
to the elements of nature, to Earth taking back her power, keep firmly
anchored while things will be adding up furthermore.
Yes, it's true, /"it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark"/. But now
the rain has set in and I hope you have finished your preparations.
This is the final rundown. Esu.
Saint Germain
Saint Germain channeled by Kitiara, on Sunday 26th of December, 2010,
for the Brother Veritus' Community (BVC), message shared in the Chatroom
of the English Forum of Brother Veritus' Website at the Meditation Hour
at 1:00PM, Colombian Hour. We invite you to participate. Original in
Spanish, translation to English by Miguel Stegensek.
Kitiara: Saint Germain?
St. G.: Yes, except from a brief message, we had not spoken. But these
days you have remembered and invoked me by doing the visualization about
Obama?s announcement. And I also see that you recommend the use of the
Violet Flame. Remember to use it for you, too.
It is true that we had to make a readjustment in our plans, but
everything keeps going on and we have done many things that you are not
seeing, but it will come a moment in which you will see them. It is also
true that much information is being hidden from you, especially
regarding to the movement of the Earth. I am not talking anymore about
the hidden plans that have dominated the world until now, about their
plans of war or extinction, because that, naturally, won?t be revealed
to you by them.
You are not sure about my role, nor you give me importance, rather I
create you confusion when you don?t know where to place me. It is true
that you have other Beings of Light closer to you with whom you
communicate better, but as I know that you are aware of my teachings,
that you use them without even noticing, and because you have addressed
me in these last few days, I wanted to come to show you my support, to
you and to the rest of the Lightworkers so that you may not fall into
the deception of disinformation or concealment of information, and so
that you may know that everything is going on and you will soon see the
results. You can see results if you become steady and look in the right
I will send messages again through the beloved sister Gardenia when I
may be able to give concrete data that may not be susceptible of being
changed later, causing discouragement. Everything is fine. Continue with
your visualizations. In service. Saint Germain.
Exclusive News: UFO Photographed in the Explosion of the Venezuelan
Fire Arms Factory and Depot, CAVIM
Fabruary 1, 2011. This picture was taken with a Blackberry cellular
phone and sent to BVW. The explosion happened at about 4:30AM on January
30, 2011, near Maracay, Aragua State, Venezuela, at CAVIM, the largest
cache of weapons and ammunitions in Venezuela. Were UFOs involved in the
incident? Were they the cause of the explosion, or were they just
witnessing? Observe two flying saucers, one faint in the background and
another very visible upfront. I have traced the shape of the clear UFO
and included also a spectral analysis picture of the original
photograph. In accordance with channelings from Akom of Andromeda and
St. Germain, channelings done by Gardenia of BVC on Tuesday February
1st, 2011, the Galactic Federation claims responsibility for the
explosions of that Venezuelan arsenal. St. Germain gave us the name of
the starship, Coperno. So the explosion was caused by the Starship
Coperno under the command of the Star Andromedan Brothers. Luis Prada
See video below and an analysis of the video.
In the sound of the explosions Liz Karen, Spanish channel for BVC, hears
the following words (translation) (as if the sound of the words is
compacted in each explosion, it's coded or encripted): /"The Light of
God expands in the universe, No more Wars, no more weapons, No more
destruction, the Light returns to Earth, Peace revives, Freedom. The
Peace of the Father with you. All united as a single Light, Light and
LOVE. The Violet Flame transmutes and vaporizes evil, Peace comes back
to Earth Here and Now."/
In minute 1:00 of the video appears the Violet Flame and in the minute
1:10 appears an angel who raises up in minute 1:11.
Saint Germain
The Violet Being
Saint Germain channeled by Gardenia, on Friday 14^_th_ of January, 2011,
for the Brother Veritus' Community (BVC), message shared in the Chatroom
of the English Forum of Brother Veritus' Website at the Alternate
Meditation Hour at 8:00PM, Colombian Hour. We invite you to
participate. Original in Spanish, translation to English by Miguel
Greetings on the Three Points of the Triangle! Lately I am not into
sending you messages because at the present time there is much
interference in the beloved channels and there are still some of you who
have not developed their ability of discerning the truth. Others before
a message instead of reading it more than once and meditating on it,
they take it lightly without reading between lines what the Light wants
to tell them. On the other hand you are full of anxiety for having news
and that feeling blinds you. All this is normal in the time that you are
living where the waiting for the desired Ascension has been stretched
longer than the expected.
I do not want you to think that I come to scold you, far is my intention
of telling you something that may displease you but I will try to advise
you on the use of My Sacred Violet Flame. You have the power to
visualize all the Violet you may wish but before doing so you must be
the first ones who feel yourselves as a Violet Being because otherwise,
when repeating the Sacred Violet Decrees, you are not doing a good job,
nobody can give what he does not have. I cannot understand that a few
are reading what they have before their eyes on their screens and
thinking about other necessities, that is to serve fifty-fifty. If you
have no time to do a good meditation you should better not do it. We
know that in the duality of the material world in which you live you
have inescapable commitments and if you are still tied to those
obligations, you have to attend them, you cannot serve two Lords because
one of them will be poorly served.
I speak this way because I consider that you have a good time serving
lovingly with the best of your intentions, but by having more
understanding of how things work in your Spiritual Being I cannot
consent that you continue repeating my decrees like a parrot would do it
with no understanding of the Sacred meaning. If you still have not
learned how to become a Violet Being, call me, look for me that I will
take you personally to one of my Temples to instruct you. By becoming a
Violet Being you will make a great step in the evolutionary process of
your soul-personality. Now, if there is someone who does not feel good
with the Violet Flame, he can become a Pink Flame Being, Blue, Green or
of any of the colors of the spectrum, you already know that each Sacred
Flame, regardless of the color, has its own scope and all of them serve
the Divine Purpose depending on the use you demand of It. For example,
when you work to heal the physical and spiritual bodies of your fellow
man, the priority is to become a very healthy being harmonizing
yourselves with the Sacred Green Flame and with all those who manage
that vibratory field. I am not going to speak about all the literal
knowledge that you have, only to give you an example of how you can
direct your meditations to the better.
I am not good at throwing flowers at the students, but I must manifest
that I am pleased to see you using My Violet Flame and repeating Its
Decrees, I only wish that you do it correctly. I have saluted you from
the Three Points of the Triangle so that you get used to see the
perfection that is in that figure of the Sacred Geometry. Saint Germain.
There Will Be No Mini Stasis, It's All Getting Done Now
By Christ Michael, General Radetsky, Esu, S333 and Our Faithful Media
Guy, and AA Michael Who Was Late to the Meeting, through Candace.
Tuesday Dec 21, 2010. See the complete update report in Stasis 101, Part
IV <stasis_101_iv.htm>at the end.
Esu channeled by Gardenia, on Friday 3^_rd_ of December, 2010, for the
Brother Veritus' Community (BVC), message shared in the Chatroom of the
English Forum of Brother Veritus' Website at the Meditation Hour at
1:00PM, Colombian Hour. We invite you to participate. Original in
Spanish, translation to English by Luis Prada, Director of BVC.
There has not been stasis, it has been postponed by few more days. You
should not be surprised of having dreams traveling in spaceships, from
some months ago you are doing it. Keep your questions for another
moment, respect the Silence of Creator Father Christ Michael as I do.
Gardenia: We will wait for stasis until it comes, we will wait with
confidence, faith and acceptance for the delays, I love you.
Poetic Section
I Love You, Olguita
The dawning Light
To the New Dimension
In its pure expression
Brings me your sight.
No greatest love, no other
But that simple sweetness
Fulfilled with your tenderness
Reminds me of Esu's Mother
The Pure Virgin beloved.
A Personal Prayer... I believe in the Power of my Heart, I believe in
the Power of my Will, I Am The One who can bring balance on the Universe
around Myself because I AM That I AM because God and Christ are inside
Myself... The Kingdom of God is inside Me and around Me... All is One...
unto the Ages of the Ages... Ah-Men.
Yes, some of the illegals working in the United States are Aliens from
the Galactic Federation! So, do not feel bad or guilty if your
migratory status is not legal yet, that your Brotherhood of the Light
from above is in the same condition. They walk the Earth sometimes
incognito, but, who gave them papers?
The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest
liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them
the truth. ?H. L. Mencken, American writer (1880-1956)
(Because people do not want to hear the truth and to be responsible.)
"...I, with the Second Coming event, become what is called a "Planetary
Prince" in our Universe. I will be the representative of the Universal
headquarters on Earth."?Sananda (Jesus), April 23, 2005, see the full
message at:No Other Planet Has Walked Personally with Christ Michael
<no_other_planet_has_walked_with_christ_michael.htm>As You Shall Do.
?There must be peace on Earth. There must be an end to wars and hatred
between brothers. The millions that come from other worlds, from far-off
galaxies, to assist in bringing Peace upon Earth, have My staunch
support and backing for all of their endeavors. They have come /in My
Name/ and they serve under My Banner, as Lord of this Planet. They come
not as intruders nor usurpers of My Authority, but in loving subjection
to the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Solar System, and the Divine Plan for
mankind, the deliverance from bondage that has long held Humanity in
subjection to darkness and sorrow.
?This shall be no more, for these come as My Angels, to reap that which
has been sown, to divide and set asunder the tares from the wheat, to
gather the wheat into My Barn. For I AM the householder who cometh at
the end of the day for an account from His Servants, and to give to all
men justly in the manner given by them to Me. So judgment must come;
divisions and sorrows must come, but the Earth shall survive all of its
totterings. The Just shall inherit the New Earth and the Meek shall know
the joy therein.
?I am SANANDA, known to you as JESUS THE CHRIST. I speak in the
Authority of My Name and My Office, and I say to you that in the
multitudes of the people of the Earth there shall be found that Remnant
who can steadfastly be faithful to those right principles of my
teaching. Those who come In My Name go from heart to heart, sealing them
against that day and marking them for deliverance and safety from all
that would destroy. But you shall NOT be taken out of your physical
forms, but you shall be spared to live on in those days that follow. So,
I shall call unto those who follow Me, to listen to the voices of these
who come from other worlds, and harden not your hearts against their
words nor practices. Rather, lift up LOVE unto them and desire for their
coming, for /They are the Angels of the Harvest!
//?I am SANANDA, and this is My Message to the World.?
Esu Immanuel Sananda through Tuella (Thelma Terrell) from the book The
Ashtar Command through Tuella, Project World Evacuation./
The Power of Unconditional Love <the_power_of_unconditional_love.htm>by
Elder Wanderer The Adventures of an Elder Wanderer
<the_adventures_of_an_elder_wanderer.htm>Perfect Food for Man
<perfect_food_for_man.htm>by Elder Wanderer Jesus Was a Vegan
<jesus_was_a_vegan.htm>, Elder Wanderer*Are You Prepared for the Coming
Earth Changes? <are_you_prepared_for_the_coming_earth_changes.htm>by
Elder Wanderer * Cigarette Smoking and Lung Cancer
<cigarette_smoking_and_lung_cancer.htm>by Elder Wanderer
*Quick-change Artists, David and Dania
Apollo 11 and the Landing on the Moon Was a Total Hoax Filmed in Area
51, here is the evidence in this series of videos:
<the_shift_is_happening_now.htm> #1:
#2:Here these crooked astronauts did not swear on the Bible under
penalty of perjury and treason and eternal damnation that they walked on
the moon except for Ed Mitchell of Apollo 14 who believes the Bible is
not a sacred book but a historical document, at the end he kicked the
reporter on his butt. These astronauts are all liars to the American
public and the world, see the interviews half way this video,
#3: Astronauts hanging on wires to simulate the alleged 1/6 of gravity
of earth:
Why NASA Never Return to the Moon?
Part 1/3:
<> Part 2/3:
<> Part 3/3:
*NESARA/GESARA and First Contact Updates, Galactic Federation*
Messages with alien face have new material
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence One man's truth could be
another man's folly
Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. ?Albert
Stand Down and Stand Aside <stand_down_&_stand_aside.htm>
Message of Admiral Jhonka of the Ashtar
Command<message_of_admiral_jhonka_of_the_ashtar_command.htm> . The
Second Order of Stand Down and Stand Aside, the terms are more severe
NESARA/GESARA Updates, Galactic Federation, II
Together We Have Made Known the Unknown
<together_we_have_made_known_the_unknown.htm>Christ Michael: Update on
the Coming Changes <christ_michael_update_on_the_coming_changes.htm>
Christ Michael: Stasis 101, Part I <stasis_101.htm>, Part II
<stasis_101_ii.htm>, Part III <stasis_101_iii.htm>and,
Part IV <stasis_101_iv.htm>
Understanding More About Stasis and the Aftermath
Christ Michael Aton Speaks on Man's Choices
Important Alert for Los Angeles and the Pacific Rim
Impending Magnetic Pole Reversal
<impending_magnetic_pole_reversal.htm>Soltec On Earth Changes
<soltec_on_earth_changes.htm>* *Soltec On the Ignition of Jupiter
<soltec_on_the_ignition_of_jupiter.htm> Germain Speaks to Casper
<germain_speaks_to_casper.htm>Armageddon as Prophesied Is Close upon Us
<armageddon_as_prophesied_is_close_upon_us.htm>, Christ Michael and
Candace Frieze
Jupiter Is Not Waiting Until Late December
<jupiter_is_not_waiting_until_late_december.htm>, Christ Michael and
Candace Frieze Writing to Pass the Time While I Wait for Stasis
<writing_to_pass_the_time_while_i_wait_for_stasis.htm>, Candace Frieze
Everything You Wanted to Know About Robotoids and Clones
<everything_you_wanted_to_know_about_robotoids_and_clones.htm>, Candace
Frieze Christ Michael: Concerning V. K. Durham Story
<concerning_v_k_durham_story.htm> Christ Michael On War and Terrorism
<christ_michael_on_war_and_terrorism.htm>Christ Michael: The "Psychic
Internet" Is as Close as Your Thoughts
<the_psychic_internet_is_as_close_as_your_thoughts.htm>Monjoronson On
the Axis Change <monjoronson_on_the_axis_change.htm>The Coming
Cataclysms <the_coming_cataclysms.htm>, Candace Frieze
Birthing a New Sun <birthing_a_new_sun.htm>
Jupiter is now a new sun of the solar system <birthing_a_new_sun.htm>
Jupiter is now a sun
Luis E. Prada
/May Our Mission Be Fulfilled in Thy Hearts, Dear Readers/
It cannot be believed what is not understood.
Wisdom is to know what must be done; virtue to do it.
/- P. Abablard
/ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Man finds God behind each door science is able to open. /- Albert Einstein
/ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
When we thought we had all the answers, suddenly, all questions changed.
Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
/- Mario Benedetti
/ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
All people are born as an original, the majority dies as a copy. /?
//Anonymous Author/
"Stars are always shining / But, it takes the cloak of darkness /
before the brilliance can be seen ..." /Poetry by Michael Levy/
"Unrealized truth clearly presented can cause a great disturbance. The
master at that was Joshua, or Jesus. The Bible does not do justice at
relating how angry he made the religious authorities of his time."/-
John the Beloved. / From the book "The Immortal", Book1, Chapter 12, by
J. J. Dewey
At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done.
Then they begin to hope it can be done. Then they see it can be done.
Then it is done and the world wonders why it was not done centuries ago.
?Frances Hodgson Burnett
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it
is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident. ?Arthur
Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
() after the history of NESARA is known, there will be many people who
will ask: ?why did it take so long?, and, ?who caused the blockages that
delayed NESARA?s announcement?? The fact that six World Court Judges
consistently voted against NESARA will become known... ?Dove Report of
February 5^_th_ , 2004
A Time Comes When Silence is Betrayal. ?Martin Luther King
Contents telepathically received from The Pleiadians and Krotron
StarBase Mother-ship Excalibur of the Ashtar Command
<../brother_veritus_store.htm>Brother Veritus' Store
This fantastic /e/-book contains the whole collection of Beloved
Ishtar's 10-year channeling from the Ashtar Command and Krotron StarBase
Mother-ship including up-to-date material. Here are some of the subjects:
Meditations for Connection With Ashtar Command; Three Waves of Ascension
and how they will happen; Preparations for Ascension; the 11: 11
Doorway, the Antarion Conversion (11: 11, 12: 12), the Antarion Doorway
(The New Heaven and The New Earth and what is awaiting for you after
12:12); Star People (where is Star People coming from?, why are you
here?, Star Children, your connection With Starry Brothers, your Divine
Mission); Spiritualization of Matter; Intimate Group Consciousness (Twin
Souls, Soul Mates and Soul Families and how we meet each other);
Ascension Time and preparation for it; Awakening from the Dream of
Duality; Release of Karma; your Angelic Presence; Releasing Attachments
of Duality; Love and the Power of Redemption; the Law of Manifestation;
Atlantis; Lemuria; Galactic Tantra; Islands of Light and how to create
Islands of Light; Starry Stones, their variety and how to use them; Life
in the Pleiades (Liquid Light and Ascension in the Pleiades);
Unconditional Redemption and the Technology of Redemption; Groups of
Ascension; The Order of the Star; the New Atlantis; World Light Grid,
Mer-Ka-Ba and Group Mer-Ka-Ba Activation; Meditation for meeting your
Soul Family with the help of Mer-Ka-Ba Body; the Vision 2012, /and many
/Ishtar is also a /Number-One/ writer on Galactic Wars and the Galactic
Federation and the true history of Earth blocked by the Illuminati. He
has contributed and published many articles in New Age magazines and
websites since the 1990s to present. He also is an international speaker
conducting Galactic Tantra seminars and workshops, a cosmic astrologer
and consultant, and regular contributor to "Brother Veritus' Website
<>." As a sample read some of his excellent
articles published here (click at title):
"Galactic Wars <galactic_wars_ii.htm>", "Journey Into the Resistance
Movement <journey_into_the_resistance_movement.htm>", "Liberation of
Planet Earth <liberation_of_the_planet_earth.htm>", "The Underground
Kingdom of Light <the_underground_kingdom_of_light.htm>" and "Vision
2012: Islands of Light and the Waves of Ascension
/ /
Shield of Purity His Protection
...These are testing times, but that is how it was meant to be. You will
sense within yourself that the challenges you are overcoming, are
forging your sword of Truth in the fires that clean away the dross.
You are drawing nearer to becoming a vessel that holds nothing but the
Truth. Your crowning glory will be when you rise up with Mother Earth,
and go quickly into the higher dimensions. No longer will you be held in
bondage to the lower vibrations, and no more will you have to experience
such duality. The Golden Age is thus named because it is of such a high
vibration, and nothing but the Truth can exist within it. ?St. Germain
through Mike Quinsey, excerpt of the message of May 25th, 2005.
Radiance, radiance, radiance may it shine through you. - Qala
/The Holographic Prison, Illuminati and Reptilians, Reptilian Addiction
and Manipulation, Dark Agenda. See the complete story
///You got trapped into the Matrix Cycle, a fabricated survival reality:
Get education and do what they ask you to do, work for the Dark Forces
for 35 years giving to them 50% of your money, freedom and energy,
comply with the Illuminati system and are mentally conditioned. After
some years later you recycle your life, go to the Astral Plane and come
back again inside the Matrix to repeat the same designed cycle but in
another life and so goes the Wheel of Karma/./ There is a escape to
this cycle, though./
"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its
Partner.?/ ?/George Duisman
"The lowest rung of Hell was reserved for those who, in times of great
moral crisis, stoutly affirm their neutrality.?/ ?/Dante Alighieri
We do not stand for the chaos, misery, mind control and disparity of the
New World Order (NWO) but for the order, love, kindliness, individual
freedom and sovereignty of the New Age Order (NAO)
The Word /"America"/ As a Cryptogram
?Luis E. Prada
The name for the continent America was proposed by the mapmaker Martin
Waldseemuller to consider the Spanish explorer Américo (or Amérigo)
Vespucci (1454-1512), instead of Columbus, as the man who discovered
North and South America. He suggested naming these portions of the new
continent after Américo to honor his expeditions. This word was also
initially adopted by Europeans as a second name for the United States.
However, the word /America/ may have been carefully selected, or
inspired to be selected, for other reason of an occult gematric value of
number five in the English language than the word Columbia or Colombia,
after Columbus, did not carry. And as can be seen in the graphic it is
an English cryptic acronym.
The acronym, /America/, names ?and is equal in value to? the Fifth Root
Race, or /I AM Race/, that will spring forth in the American continent
as a seat of the star seeded race. As the Land of the /Free/, or of the
/I AM Race/, this word is the name for the American country as an
Illumined and peaceful Golden Age Society
<brother_veritus_community_plan.htm>, /"America the Free"/, with the
merging of the gentle heart of the dove into the courage, vision and
strength of the eagle and with the expression of true freedom in the
hearts and minds of its citizens, the Return of the Dove. This name is
/not/ intended for an enslaved, warlike, materialistic and Imperialistic
society ruled by the corrupted Illuminati of the Secret Government
<the_secret_shadow_government.htm>. These are simply not the ideals of
its citizens.
The hint to this cryptogram ?and related concepts discussed above? was
given by Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain in the text below. The
proclamation of NESARA <nesara_law.htm> signals the beginning of St.
Germain's vision.
Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain"I did what I could to inspire the
founding fathers of this, your America, to be the land to receive the
dove and the eagle into a merging of a union, to plant the seeds that a
race of beings may come forth, an I AM race, Americathe Free. There is
much love in my heart for this..." ?Beloved Ascended Master Saint
Germain channeled through Claire Heartsong. From the book "St. Germain,
Twin Souls and Soulmates", by Azena Ramanda and Claire Heartsong,
Chapter 8: "St. Germain's Story". [Character emphasis added to the quote.]
God is within. Go within and find all answers and help you were looking
for. You were created self-sufficient.
"Wherever the footsteps of the master are, there the ears of whom is
ready to receive his teachings are wide open."
"When the ear is able to listen, then come the lips that have to fill
them with wisdom."
The Kybalion
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