Affidavit Blank Template
Affidavit Blank Template
Affidavit Blank Template
Filed in:
Family Court of Australia Client ID ________________________
Family Court of Western Australia
Federal Circuit Court of Australia File number _____________________
Other (specify)
Filed at
Filed on behalf of:
Full name:
Filed on
Family name as used now Family name as used now
Given names Given names
What is the contact address (address for service) in Australia for the party filing this affidavit?
You do not have to give your residential address. You may give another address at which you are satisfied that you will receive
documents. If you give a lawyer’s address, include the name of the law firm.
State Postcode
Phone Fax*
Lawyer’s code
* Please do not include email or fax addresses unless you are willing to receive documents from the Court and other parties in
that way.
State Postcode
Part D Evidence
Set out the facts divided into consecutively numbered paragraphs. Each paragraph should be confined
to a distinct part of the subject matter.
Attach extra page(s) if you need more space. Make sure that the page containing Part E is always the
last page of the form. You and the witness to your affidavit must sign the bottom of each additional
Signature of Deponent
Full name of witness (please print)