Revision Service Quality: Chapter 1 Defining Services
Revision Service Quality: Chapter 1 Defining Services
Revision Service Quality: Chapter 1 Defining Services
1)Servuction System:
2) Enable Employees:
Service employees need to learn:
Organizational culture, purpose and strategy
Get emotional commitment to core strategy and core values
Get managers to teach “why”, “what” and “how” of job
Interpersonal and technical skills
Both are necessary but neither alone is enough for performing a job well
Product/service knowledge
Staff’s product knowledge is a key aspect of service quality
Staff must explain product features and help consumers make the right choice
Empowerment: appropriate when:
Employee Involvement
Suggestion involvement: Employee make recommendation through formalized
Job involvement
Jobs redesigned
Employees retrained, supervisors reoriented to facilitate performance
High involvement
Information is shared
Employees skilled in teamwork, problem solving etc.
Participate in management decisions
Profit sharing and stock ownership
Job content :People are motivated and satisfied knowing they are doing a good job
Feedback and recognition: People derive a sense of identity and belonging to an
organization from feedback and recognition
Goal achievement : Specific, difficult but attainable and accepted goals are strong
a) Structural Bonds
Mostly seen in B2B settings
Dimensions Definition
5) Gap 5: Perceptions Gap: difference between what is actually delivered and what
customers feel they have received because they are unable to accurately judge
service quality accurately.
6) Gap 6: Summary of All Gaps: the difference between what customers expect to
received and their perception of service that is actually delivered.
I) Strategies To Close The Gaps:
1) Gap 1: Increase interactions between customers and management
Facilitate and encourage communication between frontline employees and
2) Gap 2: Offer customers different levels of service at different prices
Use a rigorous, systematic, and customer-centric process for designing and
redesigning customer service processes.
Marketing Function
Target “right” customers and build relationships
Offer solutions that meet their needs
Define quality package with competitive advantage
Operations Function
Create, deliver specified service to target customers
Adhere to consistent quality standards
Achieve high productivity to ensure acceptable costs
Human Resource Function
Recruit and retain the best employees for each job
Train and motivate them to work well together
Achieve both productivity & customer satisfaction