P.O.W. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jorhat Lecture Notes
P.O.W. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jorhat Lecture Notes
P.O.W. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jorhat Lecture Notes
For a complete estimate, besides the estimated cost of the different items of
main works also the cost of preliminary works and surveying, cost of land
including cost of acquisition, cost of levelling and dressing of ground
and the other external service costs are required to be provided in the
Purpose :
5) From a detailed estimate the quantities of various materials and labour
required may also be calculated.
6) From a detailed estimate an idea of thee time of completion of the project
can be obtained.
7) Estimate is also required for inviting tenders and to arrange contract .
8) For controlling the expenditure during execution of work an estimate is
also required.
1. Lime concretre in foundation cum Per cum
2. Cement concrete in Lintels cum Per cum
3. R.C.C.in slab cum Per cum
4. C.C. or R.C.C. Chujja, Sun-shade cum Per cum
5. L.C. in roof terracing (thickness specified) sqm Per sqm
6. Cement concrete bed cum Per cum
7. R.C. Sunshade (Specified cum Per rm
Width & Height
III. Damp Proof Course (D.P.C)
(Thickness should be mentioned) Sqm Per sqm
IV. Brick work:
1. Brickwork in foundation cum Per cum
2. Brick work in plinth cum Per cum
3. Brick work in super structure cum Per cum
4. Thin partition walls sqm Per sqm
5. Brick work in arches cum Per cum
6. Reinforced brick work (R.B.Work) cum Per cum
V. Stone Work:
Stone masonry Cum Per cum
VI Wood work:
1. Door and window frames or choukhat, rafters cum Per cum
beams, roof trusses etc
2. Door and window Shutters, panelled, sqm Per sqm
battened, glazed , wire gauged etc. (thickness
3. Doors and windows fittings (like hinges, tower Number Per number
bolts, sliding bolts, handles)
Sanitary Fittings :
1. Providing and fixing water closet including all
fittings ( Specification specified) Nos Each no
2. Providing and fixing urinals with all fittings
complete ( Specification specified) Nos Each no
Again, if the project gives no direct return, from preliminary estimate and
on the report submitted, proper justification on the necessity, utility, availability
of money etc. may be done before final decision is taken.
of works, such as cost of land, cost of each building, cost of roads etc are
shown separately. A brief report explaining the necessity and utility of the
project and the method of calculation of cost is also attached with the report.
Plinth area is calculated by taking the external dimension of the building at the
floor level without considering the courtyard and other open areas if any.
If the plan of the building is not available, plinth area is calculated from the
Carpet area (as per requirement) and 30% to 40% of the total area thus
obtained may be added for walls, circulation etc to get the approximate plinth
area i.e. PA = Carpet area + 30% to 40% of PA.
Plinth Area: plinth area is calculated by taking the external dimensions
of the building at the floor level excluding the plinth offsets if any. Court yard ,
balconies and cantilever projections are not included in the plinth area.
Floor Area: Floor area= Plinth Area- Area occupied by walls. Also area
occupied by pillars, plasters, and other intermediate supports are not included
in the floor area.
Circulation Area: This is the floor area which are used for movement of
persons staying in the building. Verandahs and Balconies, Passages and
corridors, Entrance halls etc. are the circulation areas of a building.
c) Tools and Plants : 1% to 1.5% of the estimated amount is left under this
head for purchasing Tools and Plants which will be required for the execution of
work .
Building Service items are Water supply and Sanitary , Electrification works,
internal roads , campus lighting , landscaping, fire fighting installations, Motor
Pumps etc.
Percentage of
the cost of the building
For water supply and sanitary works 8%
Approximately Rs 7,37,180.00
Approximate Estimated Cost of the building Project will be:- Rupees Seven Lac
Thirty Seven Thousand One hundred Eighty only.
Ex.2. Prepare a preliminary estimate of a four storied office building having a
carpet area of 1200 sqm for obtaining the administrative approval of the
Government given the following data . It may be assumed that 30 % of the
built up area will be taken up by the corridors , Verandahs, lavatories,
staircases , etc and 10% of the built-up area will be occupied by walls.
X= 2000 sqm
Prel. Estimate:-
iii) Special Architectural 0.5% of 2000000= 10000.00
@ 0.5% of building cost
iv) Water Supply and Sanitary 6% of 2000000= 120000.00
@ 6% of the building cost
v) Internal installations 12% of 2000000= 240000.00
@ 12.0 % of the building cost
vi) For Services @ 5% of bld cost 5% of 2000000= 100000.00
SUB TOTAL 2490000.00
vii) Contingencies @ 2.5% of total 2.5% of 2490000= 62250.00
Civil cost
viii) Supervision Charges @ 8% of 8% of 2490000= 199200.00
total Civil cost
TOTAL 2751450.00
Rounded to Rs. 2751500.00
Rupees Twenty Seven Lac Fifty one thousand five hundred only.
Ex.3 :
Prepare the rough estimate for a proposed commercial complex for a
municipal corporation for the following data.
Plinth Area = 500m2/floor
Ht of each story = 3.5m
No. of story = G+2
Cubical content rate = Rs. 1000/m3
Provided for a following as a percentage of structured cost
a) water supply & Sanitary arrangement -8%
b) Electrification -6%
c) Fluctuation of rates - 5%
d) Contractors profit - 10%
e) Petty supervision & contingencies - 3%
Sol :
Cubical content = No. of story x (Plinth Area x height of each story)
= 3(500x3.5) = 5250m3
Rounded to Rs : 70 59700.00
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