Witchcraft For Schema
Witchcraft For Schema
Witchcraft For Schema
Domain-Art Form
Thus, you might have a Beast-Dominating Taglock, or an
Air-Infusing Circle, or a Wyrd-Divining Tool. Read over
the full description of these pieces, as found in the next
few sections, and consider what sorts of things this might
result in. Potentially, brainstorm a number of such effects. Dream Warding Circle
Next, consider and discuss which effects might be useful
to the character, and which they would spend time and
energy to research. Once you have a particular spell in
mind, it's time to lay down some specifics.
A dream-warding circle might be:
A well-written spell is generally clear, whether explicitly or
implicitly about how it is cast, about what it targets and ♦A ring of iron-heavy stones all around a steading, made
how, about what it does to those targets, and about how to protect against faerie influence within.
long it lasts. It may also specify the ways it is dangerous ♦A sigil drawn on the forehead to block mental influence.
to cast, especially if it is always dangerous to do so.
♦A line drawn around a bed to keep nightmares at bay so
A spell can be written as working at only a very specific long as the caster watches over the sleeper and
scale or as something that can be cast larger or smaller as maintains the spell.
desired, if the Guide approves. Overall, combative spells ♦A circular device engraved on a round shield, so that the
should be restrained to a narrow focus; this is because shield can defend against faerie and illusory weapons.
setting stakes with variable spells takes longer and keeping
the pace moving in situations like this is critical.
Should you be stumped, reference the list of existing spells
for inspiration on what's possible and to get a very rough
idea of how strong effects should generally be made.
AND HER SPELLS Dayna's player and the Guide decide to make the first spell
a Flame-Conjuring Brew, which seems straightforward.
Getting ready to play, our example player decides to So, this is going to be some kind of compound made in a
name her character Dayna, grabs three health tokens and cauldron that reacts to use by making flames, light, or heat.
a little notebook, and makes the following core choices: The obvious "adventure" choice here is something that can
♦TRAIT: Fierce be thrown and ignites on impact, useful as a weapon or a
firestarter. But Dayna's player gets a little more creative, and
♦BOONS: Brewing Adept, Fire Adept, Warding Adept, goes with light instead of fire - a paint that glows when
Infusing Adept, Conjuring Adept. exposed to air.
That's about half the process, except... Spell creation?
Dayna needs three spells. Right off, we know they're all After a little discussion with the Guide, this spell takes
going to be about fire, and they're all going to be brews, shape, and is noted down as Firefly Salve; a bottle is as big
because those are the only form and domain she has. The as a fist. The paint within such a bottle glows for a whole
player sits down with the Guide to talk it over. night after opening - Dayna can use the bottle itself as a
light source until it's mostly empty. It's not exactly safe to
brew, though; flashes of radiance thrown off during the
process can blind the maker for days or burn them badly.
(Air-Conjuring Taglock)
A common spell cast by witches, and occasionally one
that has saved their lives. The caster, while underwater,
uses the air in their lungs as a taglock to create more air, WOLF NOSE MASK
casting the spell by exhaling, and then reaping the benefits (Air-Divining Tool)
by inhaling apparently from nowhere. Found after the death of the Grey Witch of Almoor, the
purpose of this wolf-like mask was divined and shared by the
THE DISTANT HAND three covens of that area. It appears that the Grey Witch
(Air-Dominating Poppet) would, while wearing it, breathe deeply through her nose and
Tilde, a weather witch of advancing years who cannot cast the magic bound within. One by one over that breath,
walk easily, uses this spell regularly and openly. It binds scents would come to the Grey Witch - each scent coming in
up a mass of air into an invisible hand - which may be order of how far away it was, and all along the direct line she
larger or smaller than that that of the caster (and may was facing.
even be as large as the caster is). Tilde casts it using a
ribbon-laced glove she wears on her right hand. SHEPHERD OF CLEAR SKIES
(Air-Banishing Rite)
FLYING OINTMENT This spell clears the skies. The caster of this spell, Marianne,
(Air-Infusing Brew) has long used it when bad weather threatens her flock and the
This pale ointment causes one who rubs it on to become pastures have seen enough rain. She plays her pipes loudly on
as light as a feather. It is typically combined with a wind- the hill, and all the shepherds in the area, looking to her hill,
controlling spell of some sort, allowing the user to take run to her. There, each comes to the sheep at her feet and
flight. The first caster of the spell is not known, but cuts a shred of wool. They walk in circles around her until all
recipes abound. have done this, and all then run back away, tearing apart the
"clouds" in their hands as they do.
(Beast-Banishing Circle)
After a kill is made in a hunt, Jalais of Taren uses this spell
to accelerate the butchering process. As she casts it, the
carcass is hung central to a circle of ash, near the ground,
and cut three times; it then falls into pieces, with all the
connections between bone, muscle, and skin severed.
(Beast-Conjuring Brew) TAMING COMPACT
Fist-sized and glassy brown lumps, these stone are brewed (Beast-Dominating Rite)
by Fionn, a witch of the fens. They can be dropped into a In this rite, the caster leads a group, often the residents of a
cauldron filled with hot water, and the stone dissolves farm or ranch, in addressing an animal. This is often a difficult
rapidly and changes that water into thick, heavy rabbit or wild creature that the group hopes to deal with in future.
stew. The stone can be created expecting large cauldrons; The group states the things they offer to the creature, and the
Fionn has fed whole troops with a single stewing stone. things they ask of it, and the spell is cast, enforcing the
requests of the people on the animal for the duration (often a
BEAR CLAW AMULET few months). Should the people break their promises to the
(Beast-Warding Tool) beast, the spell end immediately.
An ancient but well-loved bit of magic, a bear claw amulet
is created to guard against the teeth and claws of all SHAPING THE EGG
beasts. When its magic is called upon, the amulet also (Beast-Infusing Taglock)
often reduces the harm done by the fists and teeth of This spell is both ancient and disreputable. It requires an egg
humans, though not of weapons or spells. of whatever sort, and a taglock from some creature. The egg
is placed in contact with the taglock, and addressed, telling it
THE HERDING DEER what features it might learn from the beast the taglock ties to.
(Beast-Divining Poppet) After casting, the embryo within the egg takes on the
Another spell used by Jalais of Taren, this is a simple, described features, which it will often maintain and grow into
whittled wooden deer designed to float. When seeking in life. With several castings of this spell, a caster can create
deer, Jalais will drop it in water, focusing on it to have it wild hybrids of many creatures - however, there is no
point the way to the nearest group or invdividual. Jalais guarantee that those creatures will not be ravenous,
carries a small bowl to fill on occasions when natural water tormented, or vicious once hatched. When the duration fades,
isn't to hand. the changes remain, but are no longer functional or
comfortable unless well-suited to the anatomy of the creature.
(Blood-Banishing Poppet)
This spell requires a poppet for the target through which nails
have been driven. In casting the spell, the caster draws these
nails out of the poppet, naming them as infections, illnesses,
and other afflictions of the target to be likewise withdrawn.
(Blood-Infusing Rite)
This rite is used by the Umnaro, a coven founded within a RESURRECTION CAULDRON
leper colony. Many members are are missing hands, feet, (Blood-Conjuring Brew)
portions of their face, and so on. Their present wealth has This brew fills an entire, large cauldron, and brings life to
allowed them to acquire beautiful false hands and masks the first dead person entering within, though the sort of
sculpted as glorious faces. Those prostheses are anointed with life granted depends on the entrant. A corpse will be
oils during this rite, animating them; the hands move fluidly, animated but vacant of mind or spirit - though powerful
the masks carry expressions, and so on. dreams may be conjured for it, giving it a semblance of
mind. A shade that enters the cauldron will be wrapped
SWAN QUILL in a live body, albeit one that is plainly gaunt and
(Blood-Warding Tool) undying. If a shade and their own body are combined,
This plain quill pen is used, empowered, to write out short that person seems wholly resurrected. In all cases, the
missives addressed to various illnesses, and directing those ills to conjuration is temporary; the body created or
stay clear of the bearer. Such a missive is then pinned to the regenerated will rot and fall to pieces as the spell wears
cloak or other outermost clothing of the subject, warding them away.
against those issues.
HALT-BRAID (Blood-Divining Circle)
(Blood-Dominating Taglock) The spell acts as a diagnostic device for a single subject.
This spell can be cast using a taglock for a person, formed into This subject lies within a circle, and dyed dust of different
a cord or braid. It is cast by holding it in an one hand and colours is poured over them. The dust is asked to show
jerking the cord. This jerk yanks at the person; a hard pull can the flaw or flaws within. The subject rises, and the circle
throw them to the ground. After the taglock has been used is swept of dust. Dyed on the floor where they laid will
once, this same spell can be used to try and hold the target in remain a diagram of their body showing the issue. This
place or pull them sharply in some direction. diagram will often be abstracted or fanciful, but clear
about the issue regardless.
(Dream-Banishing Rite)
This rite is performed daily around the Glass Castle, the site of
the last invasion come from Faerie and home to recurring
illusions. The participants sweep outwards from a common
centre with long-handled brooms, to the edges of the castle. At
the edge, the spell is cast, dispelling all illusions in the area.
(Dream-Conjuring Tool) EMBERTIDE DRAUGHT
Use of this tool to cast a glamour requires only that it be (Dream-Infusing Brew)
brushed through the hair. As this is done, the appearance of Those who drink of an Embertide Draught fall into sleep.
the person brushed is changed to what the caster feels they They find themselves on rolling hills where long stalks
should look like. Such a comb is kept by Lady Tanwael, who grow, with all their powers and possessions intact. This
uses it on herself and on her husband each day; their servants dream-place is visited by all those who drink of the
have grown used to their shifting appearance from day to day. draught in an evening, and so can be used for meetings -
or even duels between witches with an issue that cannot
ADDER-STONE be resolved. In this one dream, damages done to a
(Dream-Driving Circle) person while dreaming do carry over fully to their waking
Common people have often sought out stones with natural self - and use or damage to items do so as well. This
holes through them, believing that these allow a holder to see dream-place is also the staging ground for all Faerie
truth. This spell, performed with the same simple act, brings invasions of the world.
those beliefs to actuality, allowing one to see illusions and
glamour for what they are through a hole in a stone. DREAMCATCH SCATTER
(Dream-Warding Taglock)
NIGHT DOUBLE This spell is used by witches who fear that their dreams
(Dream-Dominating Poppet) may be invaded or monitored. The caster pricks a
This poppet is dressed as a target, and held as the caster passes finger, and scatters a few droplets of their own blood,
into sleep. During that sleep, the caster appears in the using these as a taglock to guard their dreams. Should
background of dreams the target has, and may monitor or any attempt to enter their dreams, these droplets burn
shape those dreams as desired. Enacting violence on a subject away and reduce the power of those efforts as they do.
in their dreams causes them to awaken with a shock; if the Even should they fail, they leave tiny burns indicating
target is ill or elderly, this shock can be damaging or even fatal. that they have been used up in such a way.
(Earth-Banishing Brew)
This fist-sized bag of tarry liquid sinks into, stains black, and
weakens any stone it is poured onto or splattered across. A
stone subjected to this treatment becomes much easier to work,
but not able to bear a heavy load (much like soapstone).
Several witches make and sell this brew, to quarries, sculptors,
and sometimes in quantity to sappers.
Forge-Mold Scar-Welding
(Earth-Conjuring Circle) (Earth-Infusing Poppet)
Alais of Dunsmir casts this spell by piling stone dust onto a This spell employs a small metal poppet of a person. In
small, circular workbench carved with runes. She then demands the case of Frej of Varstead, the creator of the spell, one
that the dust multiply and form as she desires, to hold what she of a series of iron figures representing her tribesfolk
wishes. The dust then forms and grows into a hollowed form, hanging from her belt are used. The poppet is given to
into which metal can be poured. By the time the conjuration the subject, and that subject is exhorted to be as iron. A
ends, the metal has generally cooled to form whatever it is red-hot iron is then applied to the wounds of the subject
Alais has cast within. to seal them. The magic of the spell is such that the flesh
of the subject responds as iron, and melts shut under the
Knock Hammer heat. While this often leaves a terrible scar and the pain
(Earth-Divining Tool) causes exhaustion and often unconsciousness, the injury
Tapping this hammer on a stone surface yields a slight echoing itself is entirely removed.
noise. Channeling the magic through it while doing the same
results in the noise fading to lingering harmonics. The caster Blooding The Monilith
intuitively understands the meanings of these harmonics, which (Earth-Warding Taglock)
describe the composition of hundreds of tiny samples in the This combat-oriented spell is generally used discreetly,
stone around that tapped, for about a fifty feet radius. kept secret, and the effects excused away by wearing
armour. To cast it, the subject must bloody their own
Sowing Stones hand and place it against a block of metal or stone; anvils
(Earth-Dominating Rite) are sometimes used. The caster then asks that block to
This rite is cast by throwing a series of stones across a field. take the wounds of the subject three times, and the spell
Many rocks, each apple-size or larger, will then surface in the is done; caster and subject can be same person. For as
field over the duration. The stones are not creations, but called long as the spell lasts, injury inflicted on the subject by a
from within the dirt, down to a depth of about ten feet. They stone or metal weapon can be changed out for
thus do not vanish, and recasting nets much less effect. This rite exhaustion. If the subject is already exhausted, the attack
can be used to curse a field, making it so that much work will goes through as usual. If the exhaustion passes before the
be needed to bring it to use. If seeking raw material for spell ends, it can be used again. When a blow is warded
cobbling, or if a group is willing to take this time to clear the in this way, some damage is often done to the stone or
stone to improve the soil field in the long term, the spell is a
utility. metal used in the spell.
(Fire-Banishing Circle)
Ioris of Nanthrun makes use of this spell to maintain summer
stores in a small hollow-hilled vault. She paces the perimeter,
pouring thin trickle of water as she goes. When the circle is
complete, the area of and in the circle cools significantly.
Regular castings are needed to keep the cool within.
(Fire-Conjuring Tool) MIRRORED SUNSETS
A firecaller crystal focuses light readily as if it were a (Fire-Infusing Rite)
magnifying glass or similar. When the magic of the crystal is This ritual is performed each evening by the Ulkot
called ino play, this effect increases greatly; the point to which Coven. This coven makes their home in a group of caves,
the crystal focuses light can be near or far, and generates which they light with series of mirrors reflecting sunlight
enough heat to start fires in moments. one to another. The coven stretches out in processional
throughout the caverns, each positioned at one of their
SIGNAL COAL mirrors. Starting at the deepest mirror and working out,
(Fire-Divining Taglock) the coven shrouds the mirrors, asking the light of the
The seven covens of the Wealwood have developed a tradition sunset to linger with them. Until sunrise, the mirrors glow
for magical beacons. At intervals, they will dye a piece of coal softly, providing light throughout the night.
and break it into seven pieces, passing six to the other covens.
At sunset each evening, each coven casts this spell over all the CHAR MANNEQUIN
dyed coals, passing a torch over it. If a coal linked is burning, (Fire-Warding Poppet)
the coal passed over catches fire, burning in the colour of the This poppet is most often a log carved in a rough
coven (or covens) who have lit theirs; thus showing if any other resemblance of the subject. The caster addresses it as if it
coven calls for aid. were the subject, which may mean talking to it as if it was
themself. While speaking, the caster rubs it down with
BLAZE DUST ashes, and tells it that fire cannot harm it and will only
(Fire-Dominating Brew) blacken it. For the duration, damage done to the subject
This glittering yellow powder is used by rubbing it on the hands by fire will be redirected to their equipment so long as
and then throwing it into a fire. As soon as this is done, the they have any - they will not burn until they are naked
user feels the fire as if it were tied to their hands like a puppet, and covered in ash.
and can cause the fire to lash out, rear up, or otherwise move
under their control, by moving their arms and hands.
(Hearth-Banishing Brew)
This is a brew composed entirely of virulent poisons; when
poured out at the centre of a Hearth that has an intelligence, it
strikes at that intelligence, forcing it to a term of 'sleep'. If the
Hearth is weak or temporary, it may slay that spirit entirely.
(Hearth-Conjuring Rite)
This ritual is cast after discovering a natural (usually very weak) ASKING THE PEBBLE
hearth in the wild that some coven will settle at to form a (Hearth-Divining Taglock)
steading; it is a cause for witches to gather from miles around. To cast this spell, the caster picks up a pebble from
Each casting adds some feature (heart, hedge, genius, wonder) within the area of a Hearth, and steps out of the Hearth
or builds up the duration of one from days to weeks, weeks to area. The caster then sits, and draws out a talking board
months, months to years, and years to decades. It is often cast on the ground - they might quarter an area and name the
repeatedly with the full set of thirteen participants. quarters, write out yes and no, or create some other
form of board. Then, a finger is laid lightly on the
SEIZING THE STRENGTH pebble, and a question is asked regarding the nature and
(Hearth-Dominating Circle) disposition of the Hearth, with the pebble sliding to the
To cast this spell, the caster walks a circle around a Hearth, position appropriate. If the Hearth has a genius, it may
chanting a demand for the total service of the Hearth. On choose to seize the pebble through this spell, and write or
conclusion they can redirect the power there, deciding who is draw whatever it wishes on the ground.
welcome, dictating the actions of the spirit present, and so on.
The spell is normally only cast on weak Hearths; use of it on a BLESSING BOWL
strong Hearth can kill a caster or burn out their magic forever. (Hearth-Infusing Tool)
Witches with a strong hearth often mislike giving up
GOING FACELESS those benefits for travel. Most covens with such a hearth
(Hearth-Warding Poppet) eventually develop a spell like this one to carry some of
This poppet takes the form of a blank mask, which may be full- the benefit of their Hearth with them. The blessing bowl
sized or a pendant of some sort; when the spell is cast, the is filled with water from that found in the Hearth, and
subject (almost always the caster) become invisible to one of then poured out over the the subject while some
the effects of a hearth - they are not endangered by the hedge, incantation is made. The subject then gains some benefit
or cannot be found by the genius, or are not subject to the Hearth bestows to carry with them so long as the
whatever ongoing effect is present in a wondrous feature. spell lasts.
(Name-Divining Circle)
This circle reveals the reputation of someone who meditates
within it; it is typically created by pouring out ink. The rumours
and stories most often told about the person within appear on
their skin as they meditate, and need only be read from them.
(Name-Dominating Taglock)
The taglock for this spell is the written form of a legend about BURYING STORIES
someone, as it is most commonly told. Using valuable inks, the (Name-Banishing Poppet)
caster writes out a beautiful manuscript of it that is altered Iora of the Mabnogi has used this spell to greatly reduce
however the caster wishes. For the next few days, tellers of the the reputations of a number of would-be warlords,
story in the region will recall and tell the altered version stemming their recruitment. To cast it, she carefully
instead. The more subtle the changes, the easier the spell works. prepares effigies of the subject and their close allies in
clay, and buries them in coarse sand. The effects of the
BORROWED MANTLE spell do not cause anyone to forget about the subject,
(Name-Infusing Brew) but instead strike out at the menace and glamour of their
This oil is rubbed into the face and hands of a subject. When reputation, rendering the knowledge neutral - and much
this is done, those who see the subject will find themselves less likely to be shared further.
thinking of a storied figure when they see the subject. Should
the subject be at all believable in appearance and manner as the TELLING TALES
legendary figure, they will be recognized as that person. (Name-Conjuring Rite)
This casual, often-reinvented rite is performed when
BLANDEST GUISE mixing socially with others. The participants determine
(Name-Warding Tool) the story about a subject that they wish to spread, and
When the magic of these nondescript clothes is active, the tell it to three others over the course of some event. This
wearer becomes a secondary detail to their own actions in later is done while giving those others some symbolic gift,
telling, though it doesn't affect how others treat them in the serving them food or pouring them wine. The spell grants
moment. For example, killing someone while wearing the the tale-telling much greater force; those told will feel
blandest guise will still lead to all the normal reactions until the driven to share it on and on, as the popular new of the
wearer is out of sight. At that point, the cry will slowly shift day. When the spell ends, this drive passes with it; by
from pursuit of the assassin to mere news of the death, with the that point, the story has hopefully gained momentum of
description of the killer losing detail with each telling. its own.
(Plant-Banishing Taglock)
To cast this spell, the witch cuts a small sample of some plant,
rebukes it for growing where is unwelcome, and casts it into a
fire. The spell then radiates outward from that spot, killing all
examples of that plant in the area and causing them to crumble
to ash. Because the spell kills even buried roots and seeds, it is
an especially effective means of weeding a garden or field.
(Shade-Conjuring Poppet)
The necromancer Annaline is best known for this spell. When
she believes it would be useful or needful for a family to ANCESTRAL CIRCLE
consult with the shade of a relation, she has them lay out a set (Shade-Infusing Circle)
of clothes for the deceased in a quiet room lit by only one Valerie of Randunstin uses dust from a burial marker,
candle. These are preferably the clothes of the deceased, but poured out in a circle, for this spell. Meditating and
many smallfolk are buried in their only clothes, so that's not casting the spell within, the circle links her to the shades
always possible. Once this is done, Annaline calls the shade of of those she knows who have died, as if she was a shade
the departed up from the clothing. in the suspended state. Over hours and days, she
communes with her parents and grandparents,
IVORY INCENSE accumulating lore for her histories. She keeps a friend
(Shade-Divining Brew) nearby when she does so; an error in casting can mean
Laurence of Shinpick, an alchemist by trade and witch in fact, remaining suspended in this stste indefinitely unless the
sells this incense to the discerning and shares his recipe freely. circle is broken.
The pale smoke of this incense spreads widely, clinging to any
shades around. The effect is often strong enough that the faces SALT AND BREAD
of those shades are clear enough to recognize them, before the (Shade-Warding Rite)
smoke fades. This widespread ritual is ancient beyond easy reckoning.
For it, the caster and celebrants place a table in a field
BONE DUST near their town or village (a graveyard, in some cases).
(Shade-Dominating Taglock) The table is dressed and laden with heavy, dark bread
This pinch of dust is made from the ground bones of a dead and bowls of salt, and an invocation spoken in hopes that
person, and then consumed by the caster as the act of the dead who would come to walk instead take this
spellcasting. The spell then compels the shade of that person to sustenance away. This creates a ward over a great area, in
seek out the caster if the shade is active. It does not compel which anytime a shade would become active, it is instead
further action on the part of that shade - another spell is turned away (and a little of the bread and salt is gone).
needed for that.
(Water-Banishing Tool)
This cup is offered as a trap in dry places. When the magic of
the cup is active, water given with it instead makes the subject
much thirstier. If the subject already suffers from thirst and
exhaustion, draining the cup causes them to pass out.
(Water-Conjuring Taglock)
This spell is used on a sealed bottle, vial, or skin of liquid. A pin DROPLETS RUN TOGETHER
is driven into the seal and told to pour out that which lies (Water-Infusing Poppet)
within. The bottle is then poured entirely out into another This spell uses two soft clay poppets, which must be
vessel, but remains full despite this. If a brewed liquid is almost identical - and requires two subject objects or
duplicated in this way, the duplicate will not function as the (willing) creatures, also similar and of the same material
original - the Guide will invent whatever effect they like. or species. The subjects are placed close proximity, and
are exhorted to be as one, while the caster joins the two
TIDESTAY poppets together and sculpts a single, larger poppet from
(Water-Dominating Brew) them. When the magic takes hold, the two subjects also
This tiny vial is poured into some liquid with the user naming fuse, running together to form a new subject of twice the
some part or soluble thing within the liquid and asking it to stay size for as long as the spell lasts. Rebec of the moors uses
behind. The liquid is then poured away. The part named will this spell to meld her hunting dogs into a single great
resist pouring and remain behind. This can be used to keep salt beast - a creature feared all across her moorland.
while pouring seawater, to keep all that is not iron (the
impurities) while pouring liquid metal, and so on. It functions WELL WALKING
on vat-like quantities, and has been used to harvest all manner (Water-Divining Rite)
of solutions out of tidepools, which is how it came by its name. This rite is used to find the best location to dig a well
within an area. Humming and walking in time, the
OCEAN WINDOW participants walk the border of the area, then to the
(Water-Warding Circle) centre. There, they turn in place until all are drawn in
This circle is generally drawn on the inside of a hull with a nail, one direction; the best site lies in that direction between
along with demands shouted that the ocean remain outside, to the centre of the area and the edge. The rite is often cast
encircle a leaking spot of that hull. The circle then stops the again immediately to get a second line of direction, with
passage of water from one side to the other briefly - often long the intersection being the spot. While this finds the best
enough for a quick patch to be hammered on. site in the area, that does not guarantee a good well.
(Wyrd-Banishing Taglock)
This spell exists to weaken or destroy a personal Wyrd. The
taglock used is the hair of the subject - all their hair, shaved and
piled in a bowl. The hair is thrown into a fire and incantations
spoken over it, that the Wyrd may burn away with the hair.