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Prof Ed 9 Module

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that curriculum evaluation is important for improving education and involves evaluating curriculum at different levels from overall programs to individual components. It also serves the purpose of accountability and responding to reforms.

Curriculum evaluation is the process of establishing the merit and worth of a curriculum. It looks at how well planned courses and programs achieve desired outcomes and how the curriculum can be improved.

The two ways of looking at curriculum evaluation are 1) Curriculum program evaluation, which refers to evaluating overall aspects like subjects and programs, and 2) Evaluating individual components of a curriculum like its objectives and content.

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The Teacher and the School Curriculum

MODULE 5 and 6

This module is all about curriculum evaluation in the context of its definition and the role of the teacher
an evaluator. It will present the ways of evaluating the curriculum as written, planned or implemented. It
will reference popular curriculum models currently used in educational programs here and abroad.
Curriculum evaluation is a component of curriculum development that responds to public accountability.
It looks into educational reforms or innovations that happen in the teacher's classrooms, the school,
district, division or the whole educational system as well. It is establishing the merit and worth of a
curriculum. Merit refers to the value and worth of the curriculum. Test results will only be used as one of
the pieces of evidence of evaluation. For in the end, the purpose of evaluation is to improve and not to
prove. Curriculum evaluation is premised on the concept of alignment of planned, written and
implemented curriculum. It is an attempt to answer two big questions as:
1. Do planned courses, programs, activities as written and implemented produce desired outcomes?
2. How can these school curricula be improved?
This module brings you some curricular developments reforms and enhancement. As the Philippine
education braces itself with the ASEAN and the rest of the world, there is a need to embark on
enhancements and reforms in the curriculum. As a curriculum knower, designer, implementer, and
evaluator, substantial knowledge of some of these reforms is necessary.


At the end of these weeks, the students should be able to:

1. Acquire clear understanding of what curriculum evaluation is
2. Explain the need to evaluate the curriculum and how it’s being done
3. Expand knowledge about different curriculum evaluation models
4. Explain how a curriculum can be evaluated through the assessment of learning outcomes
5. Identify the levels of learning outcomes vis a vis levels of assessment
6. Match the levels of learning outcomes with the appropriate assessment tools
7. Interpret the value of assessment in terms of grades assigned
8. Analyze the relationship between planning and implementing in curriculum development
9. Explain the connection of curriculum implementation and evaluation
10. Discuss the interrelatedness of curriculum evaluation and curriculum planning
11. Interpret the overall relationships of planning, implementing and evaluating in curriculum
12. Gain comprehensive understanding of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum reform


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Module 5: Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher

What, Why and How to Evaluate a Curriculum
Curriculum evaluation is a new idea for many teachers, not knowing that every day, the teacher is
involved in several components of evaluation. There are two ways of looking at curriculum evaluation.
1. Curriculum Program Evaluation. Refers to the overall aspects of a curriculum as a subject, degree
program, curriculum reform program and the like. Some examples are: The Curriculum Development
as a Subject, Bachelor of Education as a degree, K to 12 as a curricular reform, Outcomes-Based
Education as a Process, Mother Tongue Based Multi-lingual Education as a program.
Program evaluation will be using program evaluation models like Bradley Effectiveness Model,
Tyler's Objective Centered Model, Stufflebeam's CIPP Model, and Scriven's Consumer-Oriented
Model among others.
2. Components of a Curricular Program. This will cover separate evaluation for a curriculum component
such as (1) Achieved Learning Outcomes (2) Teaching Learning Process (3) Instruction Materials (4)
Assessment of the Learning Outcomes.
Curricular program component evaluation refers directly to the assessment of curriculum contents
and processes as implemented every day in view of the learning outcomes as either formative or
The first lesson will attempt to teach us how to look into curriculum evaluation from two
examples which are curriculum program evaluation using the curriculum evaluation models and
curriculum evaluation of the specific component of curriculum program as in instructional materials
evaluation (Books or Modules)
Lesson 2 will be all about curriculum evaluation in the classroom for the formative and
assessment of the achieved learning outcomes.

Curriculum Evaluation: A Process and a Tool

Do you have a clear understanding of what curriculum evaluation is all about? Is it synonymous to
assessment of learning? An analysis of the various definitions reveals that evaluation is both a process
and a tool. As a process it follows a procedure based on models and frameworks to get to the desired
results. As a tool, it will help teachers and program implementers to judge the worth and merit of the
program and innovation or curricular change. For both process and a tool, the results of evaluation will be
the basis to IMPROVE curriculum.
Let’s look at how curricularists define curriculum evaluation. Read what each of them say.
Persons Definition
Ornsteins, A. & Curriculum evaluation is a process done in order to gather data that enables one to
Hunkins, F. decide whether to accept, change, and eliminate the whole curriculum of a
(1998) textbook.
McNeil, J. (1977) Evaluation answers two questions: 1. Do planned learning opportunities,
programmes, courses and activities as developed and organized actually produce
desired results? 2. How can a curriculum best be improved?
Gay, L. (1985) Evaluation is to identify the weaknesses and strengths as well as problems
encountered in the implementation, to improve the curriculum development
process. It is to determine the effectiveness of and the returns on allocated

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Oliva, P. (1988) It is a process of delineating, obtaining and providing useful information for
judging alternatives for purposes of modifying or eliminating the curriculum.
Reasons for Curriculum Evaluation
Why is there a need to evaluate a curriculum? The curriculum processes presented by Tyler, Taba and
others at the end of the line or cycle undergo an evaluation. All of them agree that planning, designing
and implementing are less useful unless there is evaluation. Here are some of the specific reasons.

 Curriculum evaluation identifies the strengths and weaknesses of an existing curriculum that will be
the basis of the intended plan, design or implementation. This is referred to as the needs assessment.
 When evaluation is done in the middle of the curriculum development, it will tell if the designed or
implemented curriculum can produce or is producing the desired results. This is related to monitoring.
 Based on some standards, curriculum evaluation will guide whether the results have equalled or
exceeded the standards, thus can be labelled as success. This is sometimes called terminal assessment.
 Curriculum evaluation provides information necessary for teachers, school managers, curriculum
specialist for policy recommendations that will enhance achieved learning outcomes. This is the basis
of decision making.
In curriculum evaluation, important processes were evolved such as (a.) needs assessment. (b)
Monitoring. (c) Terminal assessment and (d) decision making

Curriculum Evaluation Models

Curriculum models by Ralph Tyler and Hilda Taba end with evaluation. Evaluation is a big idea
that collectively tells about the value or worth of something that was done.
How can a merit or worth of an aspect of a curriculum be determined? Curriculum specialists
have proposed an array of models which are useful for classroom teachers and practitioners. Let us look
at some of these.

1. Bradley Effectiveness Model

In 1985, L.H. Bradley wrote a hand book on Curriculum Leadership and Development.
This book provides indicators that can help measure the effectiveness of a developed or written
curriculum. For purposes of the classroom teachers, some of the statements were simplified.
First, you have to identify what curriculum you will Example: Elementary Science
Curriculum, Teacher Education Curriculum, Student Teaching Curriculum, and Field Study
Curriculum. Then find out if the curriculum you are evaluating answers Yes or No. Answering
Yes to all the questions means, good curriculum as described by Bradley

Bradley’s Effectiveness Model for Curriculum Development Indicators

Indicators Descriptive Questions Yes or No
Vertical Curriculum Does the curriculum reflect the format (I,e. K to 12, OBE,
Continuity Inquiry, etc) that enables teachers to quickly access what is being
taught in grade/ year levels below or above the current level?
(Example: If you are looking at Science 5, below means Science
4 and above means, Science 6.)
Horizontal Does the curriculum provide content and objectives that are
Curriculum common to all classes of the same grade level?
Continuity ( Example: All English 101 for all 1st year college students)
Instruction Based on Are lesson plans/ syllabi/ course design derived from the
Curriculum curriculum and strategies? Are materials used correlated with the
content, objectives and activities?

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Broad Involvement Is there evidence of involvement of the different curriculum

stakeholders in the planning, designing and implementation and
review of the curriculum?
Long Range Is review cycle followed within the period of planning and
Planning implementation of the curriculum?
Positive Human Did the initial thoughts about the curriculum come from teachers,
Relations principals, curriculum leaders and other stakeholders?
Theory- Into Is there clarity of vision, mission, graduation outcomes, program
Practice philosophy, and learning outcomes in the curriculum?
Planned Change Are there tangible evidence to show that the internal and external
publics accept the developed program?
If any of the indicators is answered with a “No”, actions should be made to make it Yes.

2. Tyler Objectives- Centered Model

Ralph Tyler in 1959 proposed a curriculum evaluation model which until now continues
to influence many curriculum assessment processes. His monograph was entitled Basic Principles
of Curriculum and Instruction.
In using the Tyler’s model, the following curriculum components and processes are
identified in curriculum evaluation.

Curriculum Elements Evaluation Process Action taken:

Yes or No
1. Objectives/Intended 1. Pre-determine intended learning outcomes
Learning Outcomes or objectives
2. Situation or Context 2. Identify the situation/context that gives
opportunity to develop behavior or achieve
3. Evaluation 3. Select, modify and construct evaluation
Instruments/Tools instruments or tools. Check its objectivity,
reliability and validity
4. Utilization of Tools 4. Utilize the tools to obtain results.
Compare the results obtained from several
instruments before and after to determine
the change
5. Analysis of Results 5. Analyze the results obtained to determine
strength and weaknesses. Identify possible
explanation about the reasons for the
particular pattern.
6. Utilization of Results 6. Use the results to make the necessary

Using all the steps to evaluate the curriculum and obtaining all YES answer would mean the
curriculum has PASSED the standards. Tyler's model of evaluating the curriculum is relatively easy to
understand which many teachers can follow.

1. Daniel Stufflebeam's Context, Input, Process, Product Model (CIPP)

The CIPP Model of Curriculum Evaluation was a product of the Phi Delta Kappa committee
chaired by Daniel Stufflebeam. The model emphasized that the result of evaluation should

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provide data for decision making. There are four stages of program operation. These include (1)
PRODUCT EVALUATION. However, any evaluator can take only any of the four stages as the
focus of evaluation.
 Context Evaluation- assesses needs and problems in the context for decision makers to
determine the goals and objectives of the program/curriculum.
 Input Evaluation- assesses alternative means based on the inputs for the achievement of
objectives to help decision makers to choose options for optimal means.
 Process Evaluation- monitors the processes both to ensure that the means are actually
being implemented and make necessary modifications.
 Product evaluation- compares actual ends with intended ends and leads to a series of
recycling decisions.
For all the four stages, the six steps are suggested.
Stages of the CIPP Model Steps Taken in All the Stages
1. Context Evaluation Step 1: Identify the kind of decision to be made.
Step 2: Identify the kinds of data to make that decision
2. Input Evaluation Step 3: Collect the data needed
3. Step 4: Establish the criteria to determine quality of data
4. Process Evaluation Step 5: Analyze data based on the criteria
Step 6: Organize needed information needed for decision makers.
5. Product Evaluation

2. Stake Responsive Model. Responsive model is oriented more directly to program activities than
program intents. Evaluation focuses more on the activities rather than intent or purposes.
Robert Stake (1975) recommends the following steps to the curriculum evaluator.

The Curriculum evaluator follows the steps below.

Step 1 Meets with stakeholders to identify their perspectives and intentions regarding curriculum
Step 2 Draws from Step 1 documents to determine the scope of the evaluation.
Step 3 Observes the curriculum closely to identify the unintended sense of implementation and any
deviations from announced intents.
Step 4 Identifies the stated real purposes of the program and the various audiences.
Step 5 Identifies the problems of the curriculum evaluation at hand and identifies an evaluation
design with needed data.
Step 6 Selects the means needed to collect data or information.
Step 7 Implements the data collection procedure.
Step 8 Organizes the information into themes.
Step 9 Decides with stakeholders the most appropriate formats for the report.

5. Scriven Consumer Oriented Evaluation. Michael Scriven, in 1967 introduced this among many
others when education products flooded the market. Consumers of educational products which are
needed to support an Implemented curriculum often use consumer-oriented evaluation. These
products are used in schools require a purchasing decision. These products include textbooks,
modules, educational technology like software and other instructional materials. Even teachers and
schools themselves nowadays and produce these materials for their own purposes.

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Consumer-oriented evaluation uses criteria and checklist as a tool for either formative or
summative evaluation purposes. The use of criteria and checklist was proposed by Scriven for
adoption by educational evaluators.
A Simple of Curriculum Evaluation Process
For a very simple and practical way of curriculum evaluation, responding to the following
questions will provide an evaluation data for curriculum decision. Just ask the following questions and
any NO answer to an item will indicate a need for a serious curriculum evaluation process.
1. Does the curriculum emphasize learning outcomes?
2. Does the implemented curriculum require less demands?
3. Can this curriculum be applied to any particular level? (kindergarten, elementary, secondary,
tertiary levels)
4. Can the curriculum aspects be assessed as (a) written (b) taught (c) supported (d) tested and (e)
5. Does the curriculum include formative assessment?
6. Does the curriculum include summative assessment?
7. Does the curriculum provide for quantitative methods of assessment?
8. Does the curriculum provide for qualitative methods of assessment?
9. Can the curriculum provide the data needed for decision making?
10. Are the findings of evaluation available to stakeholders?

In summary, whatever models of curriculum evaluation to be used, ASCD, 1983 suggests the
following steps.
Steps in Conducting a Curriculum Evaluation

Steps What to Consider

1. Identifying primary Curriculum Program Sponsors, Managers and Administrators, School
audiences Heads, Participants (Teachers and Students) Content Specialists; other
2. Identifying critical Outcomes (expected, desired, intended) Process (Implementation)
issues/ problems Resources (Inputs)
3. Identifying data People (teachers, students, parents, curriculum developers) Existing
source documents; Available records; Evaluation Studies
4. Identifying techniques Standardized Test, Informal Tests; Samples of Students Work;
for collecting data Interviews; participant Observations, Checklist, Anecdotal Records
5. Identifying established Standards previously set by agency (DepEd, CHED, Professional
standards and criteria Organization)
6. Identifying techniques Content Analysis, Process Analysis, Statistics, Comparison, Evaluation
in data analysis Process
7. Preparing evaluation Written; Oral; Progress; Final; Summary; Descriptive, Graphic,
report Evaluative and Judgmental; List of Recommendations
8. Preparing modes of Case studies; Test Scores Summary; Testimonies; Multi-media
display representation; product Display (exhibits); Technical Report

The steps are easy to follow. Begin thinking of how curriculum evaluators will proceed in finding
out if there is a need to modify, enhance or continue with the implementation of the curriculum. After all,
the main purpose of evaluation is to improve the existing condition, so that it would benefit the students.

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Lesson 5.2 Curriculum Evaluation through Learning Assessment

We have gone a long way in understanding, interpreting and applying the concept of curriculum
development. We will continue to understand that curriculum can 'be evaluated right in the teacher's
classroom. Finding out if the planned, written, implemented curriculum are functioning as intended in the
assessment of learning is very crucial.
How does a teacher know, that the students have learned from what has been taught? Many
educational practitioners agree that the measure of one's teaching is indicated by what the children have
learned. The teacher cannot claim that he/she has taught if the students have not learned anything. We
have gone a long way in understanding, interpreting and applying the concept of curriculum development.
We will continue to understand that curriculum can 'be evaluated right in the teacher's classroom. Finding
out if the planned, written, implemented curriculum are functioning as intended in the assessment of
learning is very crucial. How does a teacher know, that the students have learned from what has been
taught? Many educational practitioners agree that the measure of one's teaching is indicated by what the
children have learned. The teacher cannot claim that he/she has taught if the students have not learned
Let us find out in this lesson, that assessment of learning is an evaluation process that tells
whether the intended learning Outcomes, through the teaching-learning process, have been converted into
achieved learning outcomes. We will also find out that learning outcomes can be measured through the
use of different assessment tools. Further, as future teachers, you should also understand and interpret the
grading system that has been derived from assessment of learning.

1. Philippines Qualification Framework (PQF)

PQF is a reference system of national standards of what qualifications one has earned by
education and training in the Philippines. It specifies what an individual has learned in and out of
formal schooling (lifelong learning) based on qualification, levels and degree of competencies on
knowledge, skills, applications, values and degree of independence. A person is deemed qualified
if he or she achieved the specific learning outcomes necessary for the academic, work and
community requirements for which an official qualification recognition shall be conferred. (RA
10968, s. 2018).

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Below is the diagram of the Philippine Qualification Framework, detailing the levels
from basic education to higher education in the Philippine Educational System.
The PQF is divided into eight levels, Level 1 to Level 8. The first level L1 is to be achieved by
Grade 12 graduates, who can be awarded a National Certification 1 (NC 1) if qualified by the TESDA.
The other levels of qualifications progress along the educational ladder in the Philippine Educational
System form Grade 12 in Basic Education to Higher Education from Baccalaureate to Doctoral and Post-
Doctoral Levels.
In all the eight levels, the individual is expected to achieve specific standards and competencies
as evidenced in the learning outcomes. The competencies are clustered into three domains, which are;
1. Knowledge, Skills and Values
2. Application
3. Degree of Independence in Responsibility
Table 3 – Levels and Competency Descriptors Required for Each Level for Basic and Higher Education
Domains PQF1 PQF 6 PQF 7 PQF 8
Grade 12 Baccalaureate Master’s Degree Doctoral and
Degree Post-Doctoral
Knowledge, 1. Possess 1. Possess broad 1. Possess broad 1. Generate new
skills, values functional and coherent and deep knowledge,
knowledge knowledge in knowledge in skills with
across range of the field of the field of established
learning areas discipline or discipline and values in the
and technical profession. profession. discipline or
skills in chosen profession
career tracks
with advanced
competencies in
critical and
thinking; and
use of
2. Understanding
of right or
wrong; one’s
history and
heritage,; deep
respect of self
and others.
Application Apply functional 2. Apply 2. Apply deep 2. Apply in
knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, professional
technical skills and skills and skills and work and
values in academic values in the values in the research as a
and real life professional professional leader or
situations through work work and initiator.

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sound reasoning, research

informed decision-
making and
judicious use of
Degree of Apply skills in 3. Apply skills 3. Work 3. Highly
Independence varied situations in varied independently independent
with minimal situations alone or in in work,
supervision. with minimal teams initiate and
supervision lead and
initiate others.

Note: Levels 1- NC 1, Level 2- NC 2, Level 3-NC 3, Level 4-NC 4 and Level 5-will be
certificated by the T ESDA while Level 5- Diploma may either be awarded by T ESDA or CHED in their
respective programs.
The ASEAN Qualification Framework (AQRF) is the ASEAN framework upon which the PQF
and the other ASEAN member countries are referencing so that there will be ease in the mobility of
professional, students among others.

2. Matching the Competencies and Outcomes with the PQF by Doing Learning Assessment
The mastery of the learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, process, and understanding
performances are measured in formal education starting with basic education. The measurement is
often referred to as assessment.
In 2012, DepEd issued Department Order No. 73 which the K to 12 Grading system.
It was known as the K PUP Grading System. It stands for Knowledge, Process, Understanding, and
Performance. For further understanding, let us look as how the KPUP is calibrated in the different levels,
with Level I as the lowest and Level 4 as the higher level for use in formative assessment.

Learning Level Description of Learning Sample Guide Questions

Level 1 KNOWLEDGE- factual l. What do you want your
knowledge; conceptual students to know in terms of
knowledge; procedural facts, concepts, procedure and
knowledge, metacognition. multiple thinking?
Example: Parts of the body
Is the sky blue?
How to dissect a frog.
Describe a typhoon
Level 2 PROCESSES- skills that the 1. What do you want your
students use based on the facts students to do, with what
and information for making they know?
meaning and understanding Example: Dissect a frog and
identify the different major
Level 3 UNDERSTANDING- making 1. What do you want students
meaning to big ideas and to understand?
concepts Example: How do the

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elements of weather interact

to produce climate change?
Level 4 PRODUCT/ PERFORMANCE- 1. Does your portfolio display
Products (material) or evidence to show learning
performance (oral, visual, outcomes achieved?
written) or projects are 2. Can you create a one act
evidences of learning play to show the principles
of dramatization?
3. What research paper can
you undergo to report on the
conservation of indigenous

Assessment Tools for Each Level of Learning Outcomes

Knowledge. Process. Understanding (KI) U) Learning Outcomes
Knowledge, process, and understanding are learning outcomes. Students who can show
that they have gained knowledge, can apply such knowledge and have achieved several meanings
on the particular knowledge have achieved the learning-outcomes. The three types of learning
outcomes and on the different levels can be assessed in many ways with the use of appropriate
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and Understanding
1. Objective Tests. Tests that require only one and one correct answer. It is difficult to construct but
easy to check.
1.1 Pencil-and-Paper Test. As the name suggests, the test is written on paper and requires a
pencil to write. However, in modern times, a pencil-and-paper test can also be translated to an
electronic version, which makes the test "paperless."
1.1.1 Simple Recall. This is the most common tool to measure knowledge. There are
varieties of Simple Recall Test, to include:
 Fill-in-the-Blanks
 Enumeration
 Identification
 Simple recall
1.1.2 Alternative Response Test. This is the type of paper-and- pencil test, where two options
or choices are provided. The items can be stated in a question or a statement form.
Examples of this are:
 True or False- Example: The Philippine population has reached one million.
 Yes or No- Example: Has the Philippine population reached one million?
1.1.3 Multiple Choice Test. This is the type identified as the most versatile test type because it
can measure a variety of learning outcomes. It consists of a problem and a list of
suggested solutions. The incomplete statement, or direct question is called the STEM.
The list of suggested solutions" in words, numbers, symbols or phrases are called
ALTERNATIVES, OPTIONS or CHOICES. There should be three to five options in
each item. The correct alternative is called the ANSWER while the remaining options or
choices are called DISTRACTERS, DISTRACTORS, or DECOYS. Some multiple
choice items are presented with a STIMULUS MATERIAL.

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 Correct Answer Type. Other alternatives are clearly wrong and only one is the correct answer. This
can be constructed in either direct question or completion of the sentence.
Direct Question:
What is NOT a member of ASEAN 2015 Economic Community?
A. Vietnam B. Korea C. Malaysia D. Philippines
Incomplete Sentence:
A country in Southeast Asia which is not a member of the ASEAN 2015 economic community is
A. Vietnam B. Korea C. Malaysia D. Philippines
- Best Answer Type. All the alternatives are correct but only one is the best.
Direct Question:
What do progressive educators consider as the most important factor in the teaching-learning
A. Teacher B. Learner C. Books D. Principal
Incomplete Sentence-
According to progressive educators, the most important factor in the teaching—learning process
A. Teacher B. Learner C. Books D. Principal
1.1.4 Matching Type Test. The most common matching type test is made up of two parallel
columns, the first column (A) is the premise that presents the problem, and the second column (B)
provides the answer. There are many modified matching types as well.
Matching type test is useful in measuring factual information as well as relationships
between two things, ideas or concepts. It reduces guessing to the minimum as compared to alternative
response test. Some of the relationships that can be matched are found in the matrix below:
Relationships that can be used in Matching Type Test
Persons Achievements
Dates Historical Events
Terms Definitions
Principles Illustrations
Parts Functions
Machines Uses
Diseases Causes Perfect Matching Type. The number of premises in Column A is less than the number of
responses in Column B. The response can only be used once.
In column A are popular descriptions of Presidents during their term of office. Match them with
the names of Philippine presidents in Column B.
Column A (Premise) Column B (Responses)
1. Ramon Magsaysay A. Man of Masses
2. Carlos P. Garcia B. People Power President
3. Corazon Aquino C. Filipino First Policy
D. Champions of First Land Reform Law Imperfect Matching Type. The number of premises in Column A is not equal to the number of the
responses in Column B, or the other way around. The response or the premise can be used more
than once.

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In column A are names of well-known curriculum evaluators. Match them with the evaluation
models they have been identified with in Column B. You can use the letter once or more than
Column A (Premise) Column B (Responses)
1. Consumer Oriented Model A. Michael Scriven
2. Responsive Model B. Daniel Stufflebeam
3. CIIP Model C. Robert Stake
4. Goal Free Model D. Ralph Tyler
5. Phi Delta Kappa Model
1.2 Subjective Test. Learning outcomes which indicate learner's ability to originate and express ideas is
difficult to test through objective type test. Hence in subjective type test, answers through
reflections, insights, and opinion can be given through essay.
1.2.1 Essay test items allow students freedom of response. Students are free to select, relate and
present ideas in their words. The type of answers would reflect the extent of the learner's
knowledge of the subject matter, ability to use higher order thinking skills and express ideas
in an accurate creative and appropriate language. Restricted Response Item. This is like an expanded form of short answer type objective
test. There is a limit on both the content scope and the form of student response. It is most
useful in measuring learning outcomes that require the interpretation and application of
data in a specific area.
1. What are the main body parts of plant? Describe each part.
2. Why is the barometer one of the most useful instruments to forecast the weather?
Explain in one paragraph. Extended Response Item. The student is generally free to select any factual information that
can help in organizing the response. The contents of an extended essay will depend on the
analysis, synthesis, evaluation and other higher order thinking skills of the test takers.
1. Evaluate the significance of the result of national referendum of Scotland to the global
peace condition.
2. What can you say about NATO’s position on the ISIS?
3. Comment on the term “new normal” that refers to the environmental condition and
climate change.
Types of Essay that Measure Complex Learning Outcomes

Type of Essay Test Item Examples of Complex learning Outcomes that can
be Measured
Restricted Response Essay Items Ability to:
 Explain cause-effect relationships
 Describe application of principles
 Formulate valid conclusion
 Enumerate and explain
 Explain methods and procedure
Extended Response Essay Items Ability to:
 Organize ideas
 Integrate learning
 Design an experiment

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 Evaluate the worth of ideas

Assessment Tools to Measure Authentic Learning Performance and Products (KPUP)

Level IV of the learning outcomes in KPUP can be assessed through Performance or Product. These
learning outcomes can be best be done through the use of authentic evaluation. Authentic evaluation is a
test that measures real life tasks, performances and actual products. The most common of the authentic
assessments are the performance assessment and the use of porftfolio.

Performance Assessment Tools

1. Checklist is a tool that consists of a list of qualities that are expected to be observed as present or
absent. The presence is to be marked (/) and the absence is marked (x).
Checklist on the use of microscope (10 points)
_______1. Wipes the slide with lens paper
_______2. Places few drops of water
_______3. Adds a few drops of water
_______4. Places slides on the stage
_______5. Turns to low power lens
_______6. Looks through eyepiece with one eye
_______7. Adjusts mirror
_______8.turns high power lens
_______9. Adjusts for maximum enlargement and resolution
_______10. Records results
2. Rating Scale is a tool that uses a scale in a number line as a basis to estimate the numerical value
of a performance or a product. The value is easier to score if the points are in whole numbers. The
most popular ratings scale is called Likert Scale.
Example: Rating Scale for a Science Project (name/title)
Instruction: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 as the lowest, and 10 as the highest score, rate the
on your following elements. Circle the choice of your answer.

1. Have a clear purpose/s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Are relevant to environmental problem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. Use local materials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. Show collaborative work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. Create an overall impact to humanity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Rubrics for Portfolio. A portfolio is a compilation of the experience as authentic learning

outcomes presented with evidence and reflections. To assess the total learning experiences as
presented in a wholistic package, an assessment tool called a RUBRIC is utilized.
Suggested Rubric for a Field Study Course Portfolio
Description and Numerical Value
1 2 3 4 5
Contents of Less that Less that Has 60-74% Has 75-89% Has 90-100%
the Portfolio 40% needed 59% of the of the needed of the needed needed
entries needed content content entries

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Objectives of Most Some Intended Intended Intended
Portfolio intended intended learning learning learning
learning learning outcomes are outcomes are outcomes are
outcomes are NOT SMART but SMART, and SMART and
NOT SMART, do cover only cover at least cover the
SMART and not cover the less than 75% 75% of the whole course
cover only whole course of the course course
Quality of Few entries Some entries Entries are of Entries are of Entries are of
Entries are of are of better quality, better quality, best quality,
acceptable acceptable many are many are well selected
quality, not quality, well well selected well selected and
well selected and and and substantial
selected, substantial substantial substantial
very minimal
Presentation Not creative, Minimal Creative, neat Creative, neat Creative,
of Entries in disarray, creativity, and an and has neat, very
less impact, neat but with average strong strong
no appeal minimal impact/appea impact/appea appeal/impact
impact l l
Promptness Submitted Submitted Submitted on Submitted on Submitted
after the 30 11-30 days schedule schedule ahead of
days after after schedule
the deadline schedule

Levels of Assessment Describe Levels of the Learning Outcomes

Levels of assessment describe levels of the learning outcomes which are (1) Knowledge, (2)
Process or Skills, (3) Understanding (4) Products or Performance. The levels of learning outcomes are
also used to describe the levels of assessment. Through the DepEd Order 73, s. 2012 levels of learning
outcomes are also the levels of assessment. In other words, the levels of assessment follow also the levels
of thinking skills from lower level to higher level.
Levels of Learning What to Test/Assess? Type of Assessment Percentage Value in
Outcomes/ Assessment Assessment
Level 1- Knowledge Who, What, When, Pencil & Paper/ Non- 15%
When, How, Why paper –and- pencil
Level 2- Process Skills Constructed meaning Pencil & Paper/ Non- 25%
from Knowledge paper –and- pencil
Level 3- Understanding Explanations, Pencil & Paper 30%
Applications, Empathy,
Perspective and Self
Knowledge. Big Ideas,
principles and

Placing Value to Assessment Results from KPUP (D.O. 73.2012) to work, Performance Task,
Quarterly Exam (WW-PT-QE) D.O 8, s. 2015

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While the KPÜP is still utilized in the grading system, however it has been slightly modified by
A summative assessment is composed of Written Work (W W) Performance Tasks (P T) and
Quarterly Assessment (QA). This will be explained in the table below.

Table 4- Components of Summative Assessment

Components Purposes When Given
Written Work 1. Assess learners’ understanding of concepts and At the end of the
(WW) application of skills in written form topic or unit
2. Prepare learners for quarterly assessments
Performance 1. Involve students in the learning process individually or in At the end of the
Task (PT) collaboration with team mates over a period of time. lesson focusing on a
2. Give students opportunities to demonstrate and integrate topic/skill lesson
their knowledge, understanding and skills about topics or
lessons learned in a specific real-life situation by Several times during
performing and / or producing evidence of their learning the quarter
3. Give students the freedom to express their learning in
appropriate and diverse ways
4. Encourage students inquiry, integration of knowledge,
understanding and skills in various contexts beyond the
assessment period
Quarterly Synthesize all the learning skills, concepts and values learned Once at the end of the
Assessment in an entire quarter quarter

Grades at the End of the School Year and how these are Computed
 Kindergarten: use of checklist, anecdotal record and portfolios are used instead of numerical
grades which are based on Kindergarten Curriculum Guide
 Grade 1 to Grade 10 (Junior High)
1. The average of the quarter grades produce the end of the year grade
2. The general average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by the total numbers
of learning areas. Each learning area has equal weight.
Components Languages, AP, ESP Science, Math MAPEH, EPP/ TLE
Written Work 30% 40% 20%
Performance Task 50% 40% 60%
Quarterly Assessment 20% 20% 20%

 Grade 11 and Grade 12 (Senior High)

1. The average of the Quarterly Grade produces the semester grade
2. The general average is computed by dividing the sum of all semestral Final Grades by the
Total Number of Learning Areas
3. The Senior High School Grading Components
Academic Track Tech Voc/ TVL Sports/ Arts/
Components All
Subject Work All other Work
Immersion/Research subject Immersion/Research
Written 25% 25% 35% 20% 20%

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50% 45% 40% 60% 60%
25% 30% 25% 20% 20%

Reporting Summative Grades by Quarter/ Semester or End of the Year

Interpretation of the numerical values of all subject areas is based on the minimum initial grade of
60, transmuted into an equivalent of 75 in the report card. The numerical grades are described in the
different levels of proficiency in the different competencies set in the subject areas.

Level of Proficiency Descriptors Grading Scale based on Transmuted Grades

Advanced 90% and above
Proficient 85 % -89 %
Approaching Proficient 80%-84%
Developing 75%-79%
Beginning Below up to 74%

Lesson 5.3 Planning, Implementing and evaluating: Understanding the Connections

Does curriculum development end with evaluation? Yes, according to some models presented by
Hilda Taba and Ralph Tyler. However, since curriculum development is a continuous process, it can also
be viewed like a PIE. Planning, Implementing and Evaluating (PIE) is a cynical process which means that
after evaluating, the process of planning starts again.

The Evaluation Cycle: The Connections

Planning, implementing and assessing are three processes in curriculum development that are
taken separately but are connected to each other. The cycle continues as each is embedded in a dynamic
change that happens in curriculum development.


Key Idea: Planning is an initial step in curriculum development.


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Planning is an initial process in curriculum development. It includes determining the needs

through an assessment. Needs would include those of the learners, the teachers, the community and the
society as these relate to curriculum. After the needs have been identified, the intended outcomes are set.
Intended outcomes should be smart, specific, measurable, attainable, with result, and within the frame of
time. Intended outcomes should be doable, achievable and desired. After establishing these, then a
curricularist should find out in planning the ways of achieving the desired outcomes. These are ways and
means, and the strategies to achieve outcomes. Together with the methods and strategies are the
identification of support materials. All of these should be written, and should include the means of
An example of a curriculum plan is a lesson plan. It is a written document. Many planners would
say: "A good plan is half of the work done." So, in curriculum development a well-written plan ensures a
successful implementation.
The end product of planning is a written document. Some outputs of curriculum planning are
lesson plans, unit plan, syllabus, course design, modules, books, instructional guides, or even a new
science curriculum plan.

Key Idea: Implementation continues after planning.


What should be implemented? The planned

curriculum which was written should be implemented. It has to be put into action or used by not remain
as a written documents. It will become useless.
A curriculum planner can also be a curriculum implementor. In fact, a curriculum planner who
implements the curriculum must have a full grasp of what is to be done. This is an important role of the
With a well-written curriculum plan, a teacher can execute this with the help of instructional
materials, equipment, resource materials and enough time. The curriculum implementor must also see to
it that the plan which serves as a guide is executed correctly. The skill and the ability of the teacher to
impart and guide learning are necessary in the curriculum implementation. It is necessary that the end in
view or the intended outcomes will be achieved in the implementation.

Key Idea: Evaluation follows implementation.


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The focus of this chapter is evaluation after planning, and implementation was done. It is very
necessary to find out at this point, if the planned or written curriculum was implemented successfully and
the desired learning outcomes were achieved.
Curriculum evaluation as a big idea may follow evaluation models which can be used for
programs and projects. These models discussed in the previous lesson guide the process and (he
corresponding tools that will be used to measure outcomes.
However, when used for assessment of learning, which is also evaluation, more attention is given
to levels of assessment for the levels of learning outcomes as defined by the Department of Education,
The use of the description for the proficiency the learner is described by the qualified values of the
weighted test scores in an interval scale. Key Idea: What has been planned, should be implemented and
what has been implemented should be evaluated.

Key Idea: What has been planned, should be implemented and what has been implemented should be

Finally the PIE. The cyclical flow of the three processes in curriculum development is very easy
to remember and follow. As a curricularist, these guiding ideas clarify your understanding that one cannot
assess what was not taught, nor implement, what was not planned. PLAN then IMPLEMENT then
EVALAUTE and the next cycle begins.

Module 6: Curriculum Development Reforms and Enhancement

Lesson 6.1 Reforms for Basic Education Curriculum
Curriculum designers need to enhance the curriculum and propose curricular innovations to
respond to the changing educational landscape in the country as well as in other parts of the globe. It is
most necessary that as a future curricularist and a teacher, you should be familiar with what is happening
and what will happen in our curriculum. There is no substitute for being READY and INFORMED.

In this module, you will have a comprehensive knowledge on curricular reforms initiated in the
Philippines and abroad to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Let’s study them one by one:

Curriculum designers need to enhance the recommended curriculum and propose curricular to
respond to the changing landscape in education regionally and globally. Are you aware of some curricular
reforms in the Philippines and other countries?
Republic Act 10533, otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, is the latest
educational reform in Philippine Education signed into law by President Benigno Aquino Ill last May 15.
2013. It is an act enhancing the Philippine Basic Education system by strengthening its curriculum and
increasing the number of years for basic education appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes.
The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 popularly known as K to 12 includes one (l) year of
kindergarten education. Six (6) years of elementary education, and six (6) years of secondary
education. This six-year secondary education includes four (4) years of junior high school and two (2)
years of senior high school. With K to 12, the existing 10 years of basic education is increased to 12
years with Kindergarten education as a prerequisite to entry in Grade I.

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Why K to 12?
K to 12 makes the Philippine education system at par with the International standard of basic
education thereby contributing to a better educated society capable of pursuing productive employment,
entrepreneurship, or higher education studies. After going through kindergarten. Elementary. Junior high
and a specialized senior high school program, every K to 12 graduate is ready to go into different paths-
higher education, middle level skills development, employment or entrepreneurship. The K to 12
graduates are also expected to be equipped with 21 st century skills like information, media and technology
skills, learning and innovation skills, effective communication skills and life and career skills.
When K to 12 was launched in 2012, many Filipinos were apprehensive because of the addition
of two (2) more years in secondary schooling. Some said, the additional two years are added burden for
the average Filipino family. Others said, the K to 12 program is doomed to fail since it does not address
the basic problems in education like lack of classrooms, chairs, books, teachers, quality teaching and
many more. Amidst criticisms, the Department of Education pushed for the K to 12 implementation.
What could be the reasons?
Let's consider these existing realities in Philippine education that became the bases of the K to 12
1. Mastery of basic competencies is insufficient due to congested curriculum.
The table below presents the national achievement test results of 4th year students in
Mathematics and Science. In 2005-2006 Mathematics results, only 15% of the students acquired mastery
of the Mathematics competencies while majority (59.09%) of the high school students belonged to the
low mastery level. The achievement results in Science were even more discouraging since only 3% of the
4th year high school students in 2005-2006 mastered the Science processes and skills. Majority belonged
to the low mastery category and a few were in the near mastery level.
Comparative Achievement Comparative Achievement
Achievement Levels in Mathematics Achievemen Levels in Science
Level SY SY t Level SY SY
2004- % 2005- & 2004- % 2005- &
2005 2006 2005 2006
Mastery 168, 371 16.41% 149,922 15.21% Mastery 17,921 1.75% 29,479 2.99%
Near Mastery 321, 305 31.31% 253,396 25.71% Near Mastery 246,207 23.99% 196,938 19.89%
Low Mastery 536, 439 52.28% 582,436 59.09% Low Mastery 761,987 74.26% 759,337 77.03%
1, 026,
Total 115
100.00% 985, 754 Total
100.01% 1,026, 115 100% 985, 754 100%

National Achievement Test- Fourth year (SY 2004-2006) Source: www.deped.gov.ph

In international examinations, the Philippines performed poorly as revealed in 2003 TIMSS

(Trends in International Mathematics and Science) scores. In Grade IV Science and Math, the Philippines
ranked 23 out of 25 participating countries. In High School II Science, the Philippines ranked 43 out of 46
and in Math ranked 34 out of 38. Even with the science high schools participating in the Advanced
Mathematics category in 2008 TIMMS, the country's ranking did not improve. In fact, it ranked the
lowest (10) among ten participating countries.
One of the factors that contribute to the low performance in achievement tests is the congested
basic education curriculum. What other countries teach in twelve (12) years the Philippines teach only in
ten (10) years. The ten (10) years would not be enough to master the competencies. Adding two years
would make possible the decongestion of the curriculum for comprehensive acquisition of basic
competencies and the 2151 century skills.

2. The Philippines is the only remaining country in Asia with a 10 year basic education program.

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The Philippines is the only country in Asia that has a ten-year basic education program. The short
duration of the basic education program also puts millions of Filipino worker, especially the professionals
and those intend to study abroad at a disadvantage Graduates of Philippine schools are not automatically
recognized professionals outside the country due to the lack of years in basic education. Bologna Accord
imposes twelve (12) years of education for university admission and practice of profession in European
countries. Washington Accord prescribes (12) years basic education as an entry to recognition of
engineering professionals.
With K to 12, Filipino professionals would have the same competitive edge with professionals in
other countries having gone through 12 years of basic education.
By the way, the recommendation to improve and to lengthen the short basic education in the
Philippines has been given since 1928. As one of the most well studied reforms, recommendations of
either adding or restoring 7th grade or adding an extra year to basic education have been put forward. (See
table 5).

Table 5- Researches on Philippine Basic Education Curriculum and their Recommendations

Year Source Recommendation

1925 Monroe Survey Training of graduate student in agriculture, commerce and industry because secondary
education did not prepare students for life
1949 UNESCO Mission Restoration of Grade VII in primary education
1950 Swanson Survey
1953 Education Act Revising the Primary school system by adding one year (Grade VII)
1960 Swanson Survey Restoring grade 7 in Primary education
1970 PCSPE Extending secondary education by one year to better prepare students who have no plans to
take up university education
1991 EDCOM Report Retaining the 10-year basic education phase while institutionalizing career counseling in
primary and secondary schools in preparation for higher education
1998 Philippine Education Prioritizing student learning through curricular reforms, the provision of textbooks, the use
Sector Study (World of the vernacular in lower Primary grades, and the institution of a longer basic education
Bank and ADB) cycle
2000 PCER Implementing a compulsory one-year pre-baccalaureate stage as prerequisite for students
interested in enrolling in higher education degree programs
2006 Philippine EFA 2015 Lengthening the educational cycle by adding two years to formal basic education (one each
National Action Plan for Primary and High school)
2008 Presidential Task Extending pre-university education to a total of 12 years, benchmarking the content of the
Force on Education eleventh and twelfth years with international programs

One frequently asked question raised during the advocacy period for the K to 12 Curriculum was
this: "Filipino students can do in ten (10) years students in foreign countries do in twelve (12) years. A
number of our Filipino graduates who went through ten years of basic education excel in studies as well
as in their place of work abroad, so why add two years more?"
This may be true. But for as long as the international standard is twelve years of basic education
that will remain to be the standard and will apply to all including brilliant and exceptional Filipino
students and graduates.
In fact, there are cases where our Filipino scholars with Master's degrees who have to enrol in
additional Master's subjects before being allowed to pursue their doctorate degrees applied for. Why the
additional Master's subjects? The reason given is the short, ten-year basic education in the Philippines. In
other words, the Philippines has no choice but to comply with the twelve-year basic education. In the first
place, this has been a consistent recommendation of past surveys done on the Philippine educational

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Employability of Filipino high school graduates

The K to 12 Curriculum prepares the students for the world of work, middle level skills
development, entrepreneurship and college education. As early as Grade 7 and Grade 8, the student is
made to explore at least 8 subjects in the four (4) areas of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
namely: Home Economics, ICT, Industrial Arts and Agriculture and Fishery Arts. In Grade 10 and Grade
12, the student is supposed to have obtained a National Certificate (NC) Level 1 and NC Level 11 from
TESDA. NCI and NC 11 make a Grade 12 graduate employable.
The short duration of basic education in the Philippines resulted to 15 year old graduates who are
not legally employable. With the implementation of the K to 12, the graduates of senior high is 18 years
old who is legally employable.

The K to 12 Curriculum
Section 5 of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, stipulates the following curricular
standards which the curriculum developers adhered to in crafting the K to 12 curriculum:
a) The curriculum shall be learner-centered, inclusive and developmentally appropriate;
b) The curriculum shall be relevant, responsive and research-based;
c) The curriculum shall be culture-sensitive;
d) The curriculum shall be contextualized and global;
e) The curriculum shall use pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective,
collaborative and integrative;
f) The curriculum shall adhere to the principles and framework of Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual
Education (MTB-MLE) which starts from where the learners are and from what they already knew
proceeding from the known to the unknown; instructional materials and capable teachers to
implement the MTB-MLE curriculum shall be available;
g) The curriculum shall use the spiral progression approach to ensure mastery of knowledge and skills
after each level; and
h) The curriculum shall be flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize and
enhance the same based on their respective educational and social contexts. The production and
development of locally produced teaching materials shall be encouraged and approval of these
materials shall devolve to the regional and division education units.

Core Curriculum
Below are the learning areas comprising the core curriculum. The description is based on DepEd
Memo 13 s 2013.
The Senior High School Curriculum
There are four tracks in Senior High School. These are Academic track, Tech Voc track, Sports
and Arts and Design Track. The academic track has four strands namely l) Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math (STEM) 2) Humanities and social Sciences (HUMSS), 3) Accounting, Business
and Management (ABM) and 4) General Academic Strand (GAS). This means that at Grade 11, a student
chooses which track to pursue and if he/she chooses the academic he/she must also choose which strand.
If a student intends to go to college after Grade 12, then he/she must take the academic track. The college
program which he/she wants to enrol determines which strand to take – STEM, HUMSS or ABM. If a
Senior High School student wants to pursue Tech Voc courses in Technical Education Skills
Development Authority (TESDA), he/she takes the Tech Voc track. He/she who is interested in Arts and
Design will pursue the Arts and Design track. The Sports track will be for any sports minded Senior High
School Student.

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The senior High School Curriculum has a total of thirty- one subjects. The thirty-one subjects are
grouped into fifteen (15) core subjects, seven (7) contextualized/ applied subjects and nine (9)
specialization subjects.

Grade 11 Academic

Tech Voc


Arts and Design

Grade 12

The following are the core subjects to be taken by all students regardless of track. There are also
common subjects for different tracks and the highly specialized courses for each track.

Core Subjects
Oral Communication
Reading and Writing
Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wikang Filipino at Kulturang Filipino
Pagbabasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t-Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik
21st Century literature from the Philippines and the World
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
Communication Media and Information Literacy
General Mathematics
Statistics and Probability
Earth and Life Sciences Lecture and Laboratory
Physical Sciences Lecture and Laboratory
Social Science Personal Development/ Pansariling Kaunlaran
Understanding Society and Culture
Intro to Philosophy of the human person/ Pambungad sa Pilosopiya ng Tao
PE and Health – Physical Education and Health

Below are the 7 contextualized subjects. The contextualized subjects apply to all tracks and
strands but the subjects are taught in the context of the track. For example, English for Academic and
Professional purposes for the Tech Voc track will center on tech voc terms, describing and reporting
techvoc-related procedures while for the Sports track, the English subject will focus on the language for
sports. Research may be a presentation and defense of a paper in management for ABM track or in STEM
but may be a culminating activity or exhibit for the Arts and Design track and end-of-the- term exhibits
for the Arts and Design track.

Academic Track Tech-voc, Sports, Arts and Design Tracks

English for Academic and Professional Purposes English for the Professions
Introduction to Research Methods - Quantitative Research Skills 1
Introduction to Research Methods- Qualitative Research Skills 2
Filipino Course Mga Diskurso sa Trabaho

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ICT for Learners ICT applications

Entrepreneurship Entreprenuership
Research project Research Project/ Culminating Activity

Other Descriptive Titles for the 7 Contextualized/Applied Subjects for All the Tracks
1. English for Academic and Professional Purposes
2. Research in Daily Life I
3. Research in Daily Life 2
4. Pagsulat sa Filipino sa Piling Larangan
5. Entrepreneurship
6. Empowerment Technologies (E-Tech): ICT for Professional Tracks
7. Research Project / Culminating Activity

Specialization Subjects, Academic Track, ABM

1. Applied Economics
2. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
3. Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management I
4. Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management I
5. Business Math
6. Business Finance
7. Organization and Management
8. Principles of Marketing
9. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating

Specialization, Academic Track, STEM

1. l. Pre-Calculus
2. Basic Calculus
3. General Biology 1
4. General Biology 2
5. General Physics 1
6. General Physics 2
7. General Chemistry 1
8. General Chemistry 2
9. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity Specialization, Academic
Track, HUMSS

Specialization, Academic Track, HUMSS

1. l. Creative Writing
2. Creative Non-Fiction: The Literacy Essay
3. World Religions and Belief Systems
4. Trends, Networks and Critical thinking in the 21st Century
5. Philippine Politics and Governance
6. Community Engagement, Social Participation and Citizenship
7. Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
8. Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Sciences
9. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity

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Specialization, Academic Track, General Academic Strand

1. Humanities 1
2. Humanities 2
3. Social Science 1
4. Applied Economics
5. Organization and Management
6. Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
7. Elective 1 (from any track/strand)
8. Elective 2 (from any track/strand)
9. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity

Specialization, Sports
1. Safety and First Aid
2. Human Movement
3. Fundamentals of Coaching
4. Sports Officiating and Activity Management
5. Fitness, Sports and Recreation Leadership
6. Psychosocial Aspects of Sports and Exercise
7. Fitness Testing and Exercise Programming
8. Practicum (in-campus)
9. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity

Specialization, Arts and Design

1. Introduction to Applied Arts and Design Production
2. Introduction to Performing Arts
3. Understanding Elements and Principles of the Different Arts
4. Work Environment in Various Arts and Fields
5. Developing Filipino Identity in the Arts
6. Leadership and Management in Different Arts and Fields
7&8. Apprenticeship and Exploration of Different Arts and Fields (Production and Performing:
Music, Dance and Theatre)
9 apprenticeship and Exploration of Different Arts Design Production (Media Arts, Visual Arts and
Literary Arts)


Take Action:

Secure a copy of a sample test paper of your own choice of subject. You can research, ask someone you
know or get it from a book. Have the following paper and pencil type of test.
- Multiple choice
- Matching type
- Fill in the blanks
- Enumeration
- Identification

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 Objective tests are tests that requires only one and one correct answer.
 Essay test items allow students with freedom of response.
 Checklist is a tool that consists of a list of qualities that are expected to be observed as present or
 Rating scale is a tool that uses a scale in number line as a basis to estimate the numerical value of
a performance or a product.


Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined above, it is now time for an
assessment to see how far you have improved. On every module’s “End of Module Assessment” (this
part), write your answers on separate sheet/s provided. (See separate sheets for the questions)


Please don’t forget to answer this part of the module. Your honesty in answering will help you and me in
improving the teaching-learning process.
Rate the module using the following:
1- Strongly disagree
2- Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly agree
The learning module: 1 2 3 4

Please check appropriate column

was engaging
allowed for self-checking (SAAs)
developed in gradual, manageable steps
provided independent, self-paced learning
contained relevant information I needed

Rate the extent of your learning in this module using the scale below. Check the column
corresponding to your rating in the space provided. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need
further assistance.

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4- I’m an expert. I understand and can teach a friend about it.

3-I’m a Practioner. I understand and can cite examples on the topics given.
2- I’m an apprentice. I understand if I get help or look at more examples.
1- I’m a novice. I do not understand the topic.

My learning: 1 2 3 4
I can now

(substitute your learning outcomes) Please check appropriate column

1. Acquire clear understanding of what curriculum evaluation is
2. Explain the need to evaluate the curriculum and how it’s being done
3. Expand knowledge about different curriculum evaluation models
4. Explain how a curriculum can be evaluated through the assessment of learning
5. Identify the levels of learning outcomes vis a vis levels of assessment
6. Match the levels of learning outcomes with the appropriate assessment tools
7. Interpret the value of assessment in terms of grades assigned
8. Analyze the relationship between planning and implementing in curriculum
9. Explain the connection of curriculum implementation and evaluation
10. Discuss the interrelatedness of curriculum evaluation and curriculum planning
11. Interpret the overall relationships of planning, implementing and evaluating in
curriculum development
12. Gain comprehensive understanding of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

The Teacher and the School Curriculum; Purita P. Bilanao, EdD, Filomena T. Dayagbil, EdD, Brenda B.
Corpuz, PhD; OBE-&PPST-Based, Lorimar Publishing
For Images: Http://www.google.com


Create your own paper and pencil type of test in each category. Make at least ten (10) items each.

- Multiple choice
- Matching type
- Fill in the blanks
- Enumeration
- Identification

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College of Teacher Education, Professional Education

Academic Year: 2020-2021, 2nd Semester




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