The Bible-God'S Unique Book!
The Bible-God'S Unique Book!
The Bible-God'S Unique Book!
To avoid confusion, please use a King James Version Bible when you study these
worksheets. If you do not have a King James Bible and if you are unable to borrow or
purchase one, you can contact the Middletown Bible Church and we may be able to
provide you with one. These studies are very simple and the answers are always found
in the Bible verse or verses that are given. To fill in the blanks and to answer the
questions, please look up the Bible verse or verses, even if you think you know what the
correct answer is. It is to your advantage to look at the verse, even if you think you
already know what it says. As you study God's precious Word, may God Himself be
your Teacher and show you wonderful things from His inspired Word (Psalm 119:18).
If you believe and obey the Bible, your life will truly be changed in a wonderful way!
Just as we learn about God from the Names that are given to describe Him, so
also we learn about the Bible from its various names. Here are some of names
given to describe the Bible:
IB. The Bible is called "the _____ of ____ " (Hebrews 4:12).
The Bible is not just man's book filled with man's ideas, man's thoughts
and man's personal opinions. It is God's Word. God is the Author of this
amazing Book. Compare Romans lO:I 7-"Faith cometh by hearing and
hearing by the of God." The Bible is divine in its origin. It
came from God. It is true that God used human authors to be the penmen
of His Word, but, as we shall see in this study, what they wrote was
exactly what God intended.
2B. The Bible is called the "W ____ of ____ " (2 Timothy 2:15).
This Book is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It is
completely trustworthy. We can believe what God says. There are no
mistakes, no errors, no contradictions. It is God's Word, and "God cannot
____" (Titus I:2), and therefore the Bible contains only truth and not
error. Did Jesus believe that God's Word is truth (John I7:I 7)?
We live in a day when many people reject the idea of
absolute truth. It is an age of moral relativism. That is, if it seems right
to one person, then it is true for him, but it may not be true for someone
else. And one person's views cannot be condemned because his ideas are
Page lB
just as good as the ideas ofanyone else. But this kind ofthinking rejects and
ignores the God oftruth who decides what is right and wrong, what is good and
evil. We must reject anything that does not line up with God's Word oftruth.
"Ifyou continue in My ... ye shall know the T , and
the shall make you free" (John 8:31-32).
(John 6:47). The Lord Jesus once said, "The words that I speak unto you, they
are spirit, and they are " (John 6:63, and see also John 6:68).
2A. The Testimony of Christ. No one knows more about the Bible than Jesus Christ.
What did the Lord Jesus Christ say about the BIBLE?
lB. John 17:17. The Lord Jesus said that the Word ofGod is . Jesus
said it and that settles it! We know that the Bible is true because the Son ofGod said so! The
Bible is God's Word and it must be true because....
"It is impossible for God __ ____ " (Hebrews 6:18).
"God cannot " (Titus 1 :2).
"God is " (John 3:33).
In contrast to the above, notice what the Bible tells us about the Devil in John 8:44: "Ye are of
your father the devil, and the lusts ofyour father ye will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and abode not in the , because there is no in him. When
he speaketh a , he speaketh ofhis own: for he is a , and the father ofit." In
John 8:45-46 Jesus said, "And because I tell you the , ye believe me not....And
ifI say the ____ , why do ye not believe me?"
2B. John 10:35. The Lord Jesus Christ said that the Scripture cannot
What God has said can never be annulled or destroyed.
------ ·
3B. Luke 24:44 (compare Mark 14:49). The Lord Jesus said that the Scripture must be
F ____________
4B. Matthew 5:18. The Lord Jesus said that till heaven and earth pass (away), one or
one ------- shall in no way pass from the law, till ___
· Therefore everything God says in the Bible will most
certainly be F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The "jot" (or "yod") is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet:
The word printed above is the Hebrew word for God ("Elohim"). It is the word that Moses wrote
in Genesis 1: 1-"In the beginning created the heaven and the earth." Find the smallest letter in
this word and circle it. You have just circled a "jot" (yod).
The "tittle" is a very small mark that helps you to tell the difference between two Hebrew letters
that look almost the same.
nn nn
Written above are 6 Hebrew letters grouped into three groups of two letters each. In each group
the two letters look very much alike. In each group, one of the letters has a small part added to it which
distinguishes it and makes it different from the other letter. Circle this part (and do it for each group of
letters). You have just circled a "tittle. "
We have something similar to this when we write English letters in script. If we don't dot the "i"
it could look similar to an "e" . If we don't cross the "t" it could look similar _to an "l" . If
Jesus were speaking to us today in English, He might say it this way, "Every dotting of the 'i' and every
crossing of the 't' in the Word of God will be fulfilled. " Every letter and every word in the Bible is
important and is true. We need to understand God's infallible Word, believe it and live it!
SB. Matthew 24:34-35. The Lord Jesus said that heaven and earth shall pass away, but His
Words -------
3A. The Testimony of the Bible. What does the Bible say about itself?
lB. 2 Timothy 3:16. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God" can also be translated this
way: "All Scripture is God-breathed." How much of the Bible is God-breathed? __
Whenever we talk we are breathing out words. It is impossible to speak words without breathing
them out. Try holding your breath and speaking at the same time. Can you do it? The verse
above tells us that God has breathed out certain words. God has breathed out the Scriptures. "All
S is God-breathed" and this means that the whole Bible is from the mouth of God!
The whole Bible is God's Word. "For the of the hath
it" (Isaiah 40:5). Compare Psalm 33:6 where the expression "the -------
of the ______ " is equivalent to the expression "the of His _______ "
Problem: "Wait a minute! Youjust said that all Scripture is God-breathed and that the whole Bible
is the Word of God, but I thought men wrote the Bible (such as David, Moses, Paul, Luke and Matthew).
How can the Bible be God's Word if it was written by men?"
We find the answer to this problem in 2 Peter 1:21: "For the ------ (the
Word of God) came not at any time by the will of man, but (such
as Moses and David and Paul) spoke as they were by the Holy Spirit."
Illustration: David wrote Psalm 23:1 as he was moved (carried along) by God the Holy Spirit:
rn nt.
., v n z-5_�
The LORD is
my Shepherd,
I shall not
(Psalm 23: 1)
God was preparing David to write Psalm 23:1 even before David was born! The same was true for
Jeremiah. God was preparing Jeremiah to be a prophet even before he came forth out of his mother's
(see Jeremiah 1:5).
David grew up and became a shepherd. One day as he realized the loving care and protection of
the LORD, he wrote, "The is M S . God the Holy Spirit
was moving David in such a way that the words that David wrote were exactly the words that God wanted
him to write. Listen to what David himself said at the end of his life in 2 Samuel 23:2-"The
______ of the L S by __ , and His was m ___
tongue. According to this verse, who was the One who really spoke?
3B. Isaiah 40:8 (see also 1 Peter 1:23-25 and Matthew 24:35).
4B. Search through some of the writings of the prophets (such as Isaiah,
Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi, etc. ) and notice how often you read such
expressions as . . .
1A. Why do all men need to be saved?
Introduction (Luke 5:27-32)
Read Luke 5:32. Do righteous people need to be saved? ____ What kind of a person
2. Luke 19:10 "For the Son of man is come to ------- and to ------
3. Matthew 1:21 "And thou shalt call His Name ; for He shall
4. John 3: 17 "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn (judge) the world,
but that the world through might be
According to Luke 5:32, Jesus came into the world to save what kind of people?
------ Righteous people do not need to be saved. But read
Romans 3: 10. How many righteous people are there? ______ Therefore, how
many people need to be saved? Read Luke 5: 30 and then
circle the correct answer:
b. ThePharisees and Scribes thought they were righteous. They were SELF-righteous.
In doing these worksheets, it is important to take time to look up all the verses that are listed,
even if you think you know the answer. Read the verses carefully and find your answer in the
Scriptures. In this way you will learn exactly what the Bible teaches. The question that you
should constantly be asking yourself is this: "What saith the Scriptures?" (See Romans 4:3)
Page 5 SALVATION Name ______________
According to verse 2 of Psalm 14, who was it that looked down upon the
righteous men and women did He find? As other people look at us and
examine the way we live, we may appear to be righteous and good and kind. Read 1 Samuel
16:7. Does God see as a man sees? "for man looketh on the ------
but the LORD looketh on the . " Read Hebrews
4:13. Can we hide anything from the eyes of God? ____ Therefore, we must see
As we read Romans 3:10-18 we discover how sinful we really are in the eyes of God!
Verse 11-How many men understand and seek after God? __________
Verse 18-How many men fear God? _______ [To "fear God" means that
a person reverences and respects God so much that he is afraid to displease Him.]
According to Proverbs 8:13 and Proverbs 3:7, what does it mean to fear God?
Romans 3:23. How many have sinned? Does this include you? ___
According to 1Peter 2:21-22 and 2 Corinthians 5:20-21, who was the only exception to what
In Luke 1 :46-47 the virgin Mary said that God was her S
______ . What kind of
kind of a person was Mary? Does Romans 3:23 include the virgin
Mary? Mary was a God-fearing woman who was greatly used by God to be the vessel God
would use in bringing His Son into the world, but Mary was not sinless.
From what we have learned in Romans 3: 10-18 and Romans 3:23, how many men and
3C. 1 Kings 8: 46. How many med are there who never sin?
"for there is no man who ' "
including _______ (write your own name).
God's Word we make God a . By not believing what God has said we are
actually accusing God of being a liar!] If the statements found in 1 John 1: 8 and 1
John 1: 10 are true for believers (and they are! ), do you think that these statements
are also true for those who are unsaved? ------
2B. All men need to be saved because all men are WICKED.
In this verse, the expression "desperately wicked" really means "incurably sick. "
We are so wicked that God says we are like a person who has a deadly, incurable
disease. It is a disease far worse than cancer or heart disease or AIDS. It is the
number one killer-SIN!
2C. Mark 7: 20-23. The Lord Jesus, the Son of God, spoke these words.
Did Jesus agree with Jeremiah 17: 9? According to the Lord Jesus (Mark
7:20-23) is man's heart basically evil or basically good? ___________
Write down six of the things that go out (proceed) from within us, proving that our
hearts are wicked and diseased (Mark 7: 21-22):
1. 4. --
2. 5. ___________
3. 6. ___________
In Mark 7: 23, Jesus described these things as " _____ things." After studying
Mark 7: 20-23 we must conclude that man's basic and biggest problem is (circle the
correct answer):
3C. Matthew 7:9- 1 1. According to these verses, did the Lord Jesus say
that men are good or evil? ______ According to these same verses (especially
verse 11), is it possible for an evil person to do good things? ___ Therefore, when
we see people doing what seem to be kind and good deeds, does this mean that these
people are not evil? __ _
38. All men need to be saved because all men are LOST.
1C. Luke 19: 10. What one word did the Lord Jesus use in order to
describe those people for whom He came to seek and to save? ______
2C. Isaiah 53: 6. In this verse, Isaiah said that we are like lost
According to Isaiah 53: 6, how many of us have gone astray and
wandered away from the Lord? ______ Therefore, how many men
and women, boys and girls are really lost? In Isaiah
53:6 we learn that instead of following God's way, we have all turned to our ___
way and in Judges 2 1: 25 we learn that every man did that which was right __
[ Note: the word "bishop" means somebody who watches over us and looks out for us,
lest we should fall into danger].
48. All men need to be saved because all men are DEAD.
1C. Genesis 2: 17. What did God say would happen to Adam if he
should eat the forbidden fruit? _ _________ _____ ______
Did Adam die physically on the very same day that he ate the fruit (Genesis 5: 3-5
may help you answer this question)? _____ (continued on the next page)
Page 8 Why Do All Men Need to be Saved? Name _ __________
3C. John 5:24. The moment a person is saved he passes from (out
of) unto (into) (see also 1 John 3: 14). Therefore,
before a person is saved he is in a state of D ______ . According to John
6: 47, what does a person have the moment he believes on the Lord Jesus Christ?
_______ Therefore, the unsaved man is spiritually
dead because he does not have eternal . In Ephesians 4: 17-18 we learn
that the unsaved man is alienated from (separated from) the _____
Therefore, the dead person (Ephesians 2: 1) is the person who does not
have God's life. The moment a person is saved he is "quickened"(Ephesians 2: 1)
which means he is "made alive." According to 1 John 5: 11, where is eternal life to
be found? Read 1 John 5: 12. If a person
has the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord, what does he also have?
The person who does not have the Son of God (has never received Him,
see John 1: 12) does not have (1 John 5: 12). If a person does not
have life, then he is dead! Therefore, we learn in 1 John 5: 12 that the person who
does not have the Son of God is D . In John 17: 3 what does Jesus say
eternal life really is? -------
Therefore the person who does not know the Father and the Son (in a personal and
real way) does not have eternal _____ We conclude, therefore, that the
person who does not know God is D ______ (compare 1 Thess. 4: 5).
What must dead men and dead women do in order to have life? -----
Page 9 Why Do All Men Need to be Saved? Name___________
SB. All men need to be saved because all men are BLIND.
Who is the perfect Teacher that Jesus spoke about in John 14:26? _ _ __
2) ��
[Note: The name "Comforter" means "Helper, One who comes to our side to help us
and aid us." The Holy Spirit is the One who comforts and helps and encourages and
teaches the believer.]
The Lord Jesus promised His disciples (the apostles) in John 16: 13 that this
Teacher would guide them into what? ___
lives and dwells in every believer. Read Romans 8:9. If a person does not have the
Holy Spirit dwelling within, does he really belong to Christ? Who dwells in
every true believer according to Romans 8: 11? _ _____________
According to Romans 8: 15-16, what did we receive the moment we were saved?
_______ Therefore, how many Christians have the Perfect
Teacher, the Spirit of Truth, living in them? _ ____ _
Page 10 Why Do All Men Need to be Saved? Name. ___________
Verse 9-How can we learn about the things that God has prepared for believers?
Can we learn about such things by using our eyes? __ by using our ears? __
by thinking and using our minds? __
Verse 10-The only way we can learn God's truth is by (circle the correct answer):
a. Going to college for four years (especially a Bible college)
b. Reading books about religion and the Bible
c. Having God's truth revealed to us by God
d. Watching beautiful sunsets
e. Thinking and meditating for long periods of time
We learn from 1 Corinthians 2: 10 that God reveals His truth to us by (through)
____.__ Is there anything about God or about God's truth
that the Holy Spirit does not understand? [ Remember, the Holy Spirit is
God-see Acts 5:3-4] . According to 1 Corinthians 2: 10, who is it that really
understands the deep truths and the deep things of God? __________
Verse 11-Without the Lord's help, is it possible for a man to know and understand
the things of God? Who does know the things of God according to this
verse? Read Isaiah 55: 8-9. Are God's thoughts far
above and far greater than your thoughts? Read Romans 11:33-34. Do
you think the Lord needs a teacher? Is there anything that the Lord does not
know? Is there anything that you do not know? Do you need a teacher?
__ Who must this teacher be (1 Cor. 2 : 13 ) ? _________
(1 Corinthians 2:9-16)
Verse 13-Do we learn God's truth by our own wisdom or by the Holy Spirit teaching
us? -------
Verse 14-The "natural man" is the unsaved person. This verse teaches us that
unsaved men and women, boys and girls are blind when it comes to God's truth. Can
the natural man receive the truths of God's Word? Can he know and
understand them? What one word in this verse shows us what the unsaved
man really thinks about God's truth? Therefore, when
you share something from the Bible with an unsaved person, should you be surprised
if he should make fun of you or ridicule you for believing what God says? __ Should
you be surprised if he cannot really understand God's Word? [Do you
remember when you were unsaved? Did you understand the things of God or were
you blind? ] The word that is translated "natural" in 1
Corinthians 2: 14 is the same word that is translated "sensual" in Jude 19. Thus as
we look in the book of Jude, verse 19, we learn that the natural (sensual) man is the
man who does not have the _______ . From what we have learned already,
who is the only Person who can teach us and reveal to us God's truth?
______ If a person does not have the Teacher, can he
learn the truth? ___ Does the natural man (the unsaved man) have the Teacher?
Read 1 Corinthians 1: 18. Does the natural man understand what Jesus did
on the cross for us? What one word best describes the way the unsaved
person feels about the cross? If you share with a
person that the only way he can be saved is by believing in a crucified Saviour, should
you be surprised if he thinks you are foolish? According to 1 Corinthians 1: 18
what kind of person really understands the meaning of the cross?
______ Only God can open the eyes of the blind (see
Acts 16: 14 and 26: 18) . The natural man is spiritually blind and he cannot understand
God's truth. Only God can open the eyes of a natural man through the miracle of the
new birth (John 3:3-5). The moment a person is born again (by believing in Christ
as Saviour) he receives the Holy Spirit and as a newly born baby he begins to desire
the pure milk of the Word of God so that he might learn and grow (see 1 Peter 2:2).
The Holy Spirit is now his Teacher!
Verse 15-The spiritual man is the person who has the Holy Spirit (he is a believer
in Christ) and who also allows the Spirit to teach him. The spiritual man loves the
Word of God (Psalm 119: 97) and his constant prayer to God is this: " Thou
mine , that I may behold out of
Thy "(Psalm 119: 18).
Page 12 Why Was Christ's Death Necessary? Name _ ________ _
Consider John 10, verses 11-18. According to verse 11, did Jesus freely give
His life or did others take it from Him? --------�
In verse 15 Jesus said, "I ___ _ _____ my life for the sheep. " Could
any man take the life of the Son of God from Him (verse 18)? ___ Who was it
that freely gave His life on the cross (v.18)? Read Luke
4:28-30. What happened when the angry mob tried to kill Jesus (verse 30)?
_______ Do you think it would have
been possible for the Lord's enemies to kill Him before it was time for Him to die on
the cross (see John 7:30)? ___ _ Read Matthew 26:47-54. We learn in verse
53 that Jesus could have prayed and the Father would have given Him _ ____
to rescue Him from those men
who were seeking to arrest Him and kill Him [Note: A "legion" was part of a Roman
army that comprised between 3,000 and 6,000 men. The word is used to describe
a very large number, as in Mark 5:9]. Did Jesus pray this prayer? __ Read John
18:2-6. What happened to the band of officers when Jesus said, "I AM
HE"? Who
was really in complete control of the situation, the arresting officers or the Son of
God? ------
Read John 3:14. Was it necessary for the Son of man to be lifted up on the
cross? -----
The Son of man (circle the correct answer): a. Should be
lifted up. b. Might be lifted up. c. Must be lifted up d. May be
lifted up. His death on Calvary's cross was an absolute necessity!
Page 13 The Four Basic Facts of the Gospel Name __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
We have seen that it was absolutely necessary for Jesus to die on the cross.
Now we must learn why He had to die. To understand why the Lord Jesus had to die
Romans 3:19: "that ____ mouth may be stopped and the world
2B. FACT NUMBER 2- There is a penalty for our guilt.
Ezekiel 18:4 that the person who sins shall . Therefore, because of our
penalty. In Genesis 2: 17 we found that the penalty for Adam's sin was also the
you were paid $10.00 per hour and you worked a 40 hour week, then you deserve
to be paid how much money that week? If your boss were fair
and honest, then your wages for that week would be . God is
perfectly fair and just. Because of our we deserve to die. We have
earned for ourselves the penalty. God the Righteous Judge knows what
kind of work we do as we live in sin each day and God's Word tells us that the wages
of is (Romans 6:23).
Page 14 The Four Basic Facts of the Gospel Name __________
sin (Gen. 3:19). Death means SEPARATION from God and unless a person is saved
- he will suffer eternal separation from the Lord. It also involves eternal punishment.
According to 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, those who do not believe on the Lord Jesus
we learn that this eternal separation from God is called the _______ death.
According to Revelation 20: 15, what will happen to those who are not found written
o· You,R£
Page 15 The Four Basic Facts of the Gospel Name ___ ____ ____
God the Righteous Judge cannot say, "You deserve the death penalty, but
because I'm a merciful God I'll forget about that and I'll let you live!" If God were to
longer be Holy and He would no longer be Righteous! Imagine a human judge saying
to a criminal, "I know you robbed that bank and shot the teller at the window but
because I'm so merciful I'll forget it ever happened and I'll let you go free!" Would
Romans 3:19 and 3:23, are you a guilty person? Do you deserve to be
should justify him (declare him to be innocent). If the person is innocent then the
judge should say, "You're not guilty!" If the person is guilty, then he should be
Remember, God is the Perfect Judge. Is God ever unfair? __ Does God
ever make a mistake? Does God see and understand all things? Does
God know all the facts? Is God ever wrong? Is God ever
anything hidden from the eyes of God (Hebrews 4: 13)? Is God's verdict
ever wrong? Therefore, as God the Perfect Judge sees you, what is the
We deserve the _____ penalty and this penalty M ___ be paid! We are
all condemned sinners deserving an eternal death in the LAKE OF FIRE which is
God sent His beloved Son into the world (read John 3:17) not to __ _____
the world, but that the world through Him might be ___ _____
Page 16 The Four Basic Facts of the Gospel Name _________
The Lord Jesus Christ came to pay the DEATH P ENALTY for Me! He took my
r, You DESERVE \: \e;")
0 A.'" :JESUS
(1 CORlNTHlAfJS JS: 3)
According to 1 Corinthians 15:3, what did the Lord Jesus do for you? ______
yet ______ Christ ____ for . In Galatians 1:4 we learn that Christ
gave Himself on the cross for whose sins? Therefore, who paid the
penalty for our sins? Who deserved to pay the penalty for our
sins? ______ Who paid the penalty even though He didn't deserve it?
______ Christ bore whose sins in His own body on the tree (1 Peter
2:24)? _____ What do you think "tree" means in this verse (compare Acts
5:30 and 10:39)? _______ How many times did Christ suffer for sins
cross? ______ Who is the Just One (the Righteous One) that this verse is
Who was made sin for us? _______ Why was He made sin for us?
Page 17 The Four Basic Facts of the Gospel Name ___________
Read Isaiah chapter 53 and circle every verse that tells us about Christ dying for our
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The following statements are either True or False. Put a T before those statements
that are True and put an F before those that are false:
5. As the Righteous Judge of the Universe sees you and sees the way you
have lived, the verdict is "Not Guilty!"
6. All men are guilty before God, but because God is loving and merciful,
there is no penalty for our guilt.
7. The wages of sin is a free trip to heaven.
8. The penalty of death which sinful man has earned for himself (Rom. 6:23)
has nothing to do with eternal separation from God and punishment by
God, but it merely means that someday we must die physically.
9. A Holy God must judge and punish sin.
10. All men will spend eternity in the lake of fire.
1 1. --
No one will spend eternity in the lake of fire.
12. --
The lake of fire is called the second death which involves separation from
a Holy God and eternal punishment.
13. A fair and righteous judge is one who does not punish the criminal.
14. --
God sent His Son into the world to condemn the world.
16. --
Jesus the Righteous One died for unrighteous me.
17. __
Jesus died so that I might live!
18. God showed His great love towards us by forgetting about our sin.
19. __
God showed His great love towards us by sending His Son to die for our sin.
20. I believe with all my heart that the Lord Jesus Christ paid the death penalty for
my sin and I'll always be thankful for what He did for me on the cross.