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Human beings are social beings and hardly ever live and work in isolation. We always plan,
develop and manage our relations both consciously and unconsciously. The relations are the
outcome of our actions and depend to a great extent upon our ability to manage our actions.
From childhood each and every individual acquire knowledge and experience on
understanding others and how to behave in each and every situation in life. Later we carry
forward this learning and understanding in carrying and managing relations at our workplace.
The whole context of Human Resource Management revolves around this core matter of
managing relations at work place.
There is no best way to manage people and no manager has formulated how people can be
managed effectively, because people are complex beings with complex needs. Effective
HRM depends very much on the causes and conditions that an organizational setting would
provide. Any Organization has three basic components, People, Purpose, and Structure.
Today, companies that offer products with the highest quality are the ones with a leg up on
the competition; But the only thing that will uphold a company’s advantage tomorrow is the
calibre of people in the organization.
That predicted future is today’s reality. Most managers in public- and private sector firms of
all sizes would agree that people truly are the organization’s most important asset. Having
competent staff on the payroll does not guarantee that a firm’s human resources will be a
source of competitive advantage. However, in order to remain competitive, to grow, and
diversify an organization must ensure that its employees are qualified, placed in appropriate
positions, properly trained, managed effectively, and committed to the firm’s success. The
goal of HRM is to maximize employees’ contributions in order to achieve optimal
productivity and effectiveness, while simultaneously attaining individual objectives (such as
having a challenging job and obtaining recognition), and societal objectives (such as legal
compliance and demonstrating social responsibility).
Definitions of HRM
Human resources management (HRM) is a management function concerned with hiring,
motivating and maintaining people in an organization. It focuses on people in organizations.
Human resource management is designing management systems to ensure that human talent
is used effectively and efficiently to accomplish organizational goals.
HRM is the personnel function which is concerned with procurement, development,
compensation, integration and maintenance of the personnel of an organization for the
purpose of contributing towards the accomplishments of the organization’s objectives.
Therefore, personnel management is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of
the performance of those operative functions.
Generally, HRM refers to the management of people in organizations. It comprises of the
activities, policies, and practices involved in obtaining, developing, utilizing, evaluating,
maintaining, and retaining the appropriate number and skill mix of employees to accomplish
the organization’s objectives. The goal of HRM is to maximize employees’ contributions in

order to achieve optimal productivity and effectiveness, while simultaneously attaining
individual objectives (such as having a challenging job and obtaining recognition), and
societal objectives (such as legal compliance and demonstrating social responsibility).
In short Human Resource Management (HRM) can be defined as the art of procuring,
developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in
an effective and efficient manner.
Nature of HRM
HRM is a management function that helps managers to recruit, select, train and develop
members for an organization. HRM is concerned with people’s dimension in organizations.
The following constitute the core of HRM:
1.HRM Involves the Application of Management Functions and Principles. The functions and

principles are applied to acquiring, developing, maintaining and providing remuneration to

employees in organization.
2.Decision Relating to Employees must be Integrated. Decisions on different aspects of
employees must be consistent with other human resource (HR) decisions.
3.Decisions Made Influence the Effectiveness of an Organization. Effectiveness of an
organization will result in betterment of services to customers in the form of high quality
products supplied at reasonable costs.
4.HRM Functions are not Confined to Business Establishments Only but applicable to non-
business organizations such as education, health care, recreation and like.
5.HRM refers to a set of programmes, functions and activities designed and carried out in
to maximize both employee as well as organizational effectiveness.
Scope of HRM
The scope of HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the working life of a worker – from
the time of his or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves the organizations comes
under the purview of HRM. The major HRM activities include HR planning, job analysis, job
design, employee hiring, employee and executive remuneration, employee motivation,
employee maintenance, industrial relations and prospects of HRM.
The scope of Human Resources Management extends to:
•All the decisions, strategies, factors, principles, operations, practices, functions, activities
methods related to the management of people as employees in any type of organization.
•All the dimensions related to people in their employment relationships, and all the dynamics
that flow from it.

The scope of HRM is really vast. All major activities in the working life of a worker – from
the time of his or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves it comes under the
purview of HRM. American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) conducted fairly
an exhaustive study in this field and identified nine broad areas of activities of HRM.
These are given below:
• Human Resource Planning
• Design of the Organization and Job
• Selection and Staffing
• Training and Development
• Organizational Development
• Compensation and Benefits
• Employee Assistance
• Union/Labour Relations
• Personnel Research and Information System
a) Human Resource Planning: The objective of HR Planning is to ensure that the
organization has the right types of persons at the right time at the right place. It prepares
human resources inventory with a view to assess present and future needs, availability and
possible shortages inhuman resource. Thereupon, HR Planning forecast demand and supplies
and identify sources of selection. HR Planning develops strategies both long-term and short-
term, to meet the man-power requirement.
b) Design of Organization and Job: This is the task of laying down organization structure,
authority, relationship and responsibilities. This will also mean definition of work contents
for each position in the organization. This is done by “job description”. Another important
step is “Job specification”. Job specification identifies the attributes of persons who will be
most suitable for each job which is defined by job description.
c) Selection and Staffing: This is the process of recruitment and selection of staff. This
involves matching people and their expectations with which the job specifications and career
path available within the organization.
d) Training and Development: This involves an organized attempt to find out training needs
of the individuals to meet the knowledge and skill which is needed not only to perform
current job but also to fulfil the future needs of the organization.
e) Organizational Development: This is an important aspect whereby “Synergetic effect” is
generated in an organization i.e. healthy interpersonal and inter-group relationship within the
f) Compensation and Benefits: This is the area of wages and salaries administration where
wages and compensations are fixed scientifically to meet fairness and equity criteria. In
addition, labour welfare measures are involved which include benefits and services.
g) Employee Assistance: Each employee is unique in character, personality, expectation and
temperament. By and large each one of them faces problems every day. Some are personal

some are official. In their case he or she remains worried. Such worries must be removed to
make him or her more productive and happy.
h) Union-Labour Relations: Healthy Industrial and Labour relations are very important for
enhancing peace and productivity in an organization. This is one of the areas of HRM.
i) Personnel Research and Information System: Knowledge on behavioural science and
industrial psychology throws better insight into the worker’s expectations, aspirations and
behaviour. Advancement of technology of product and production methods have created
working environment which are much different from the past. Globalization of economy has
increased competition many fold. Science of ergonomics gives better ideas of doing a work
more conveniently by an employee. Thus, continuous research in HR areas is an unavoidable
requirement. It must also take special care for improving exchange of information through
effective communication systems on a continuous basis especially on moral and motivation.
Objectives of HRM
The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of competent and willing
workforce to an organization. The specific objectives include the following:
1. Human capital: assisting the organization in obtaining the right number and types of
employees to fulfil its strategic and operational goals.
2. Developing organizational climate: helping to create a climate in which employees are
encouraged to develop and utilize their skills to the fullest and to employ the skills and
abilities of the workforce efficiently.
3. Helping to maintain performance standards and increase productivity through effective
job design; providing adequate orientation, training and development; providing
performance-related feedback; and ensuring effective two-way communication.
4. Helping to establish and maintain a harmonious employer/employee relationship.
5. Helping to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
6. Developing programs to meet the economic, psychological, and social needs of the
employees and helping the organization to retain the productive employees.
7. Ensuring that the organization is in compliance with provincial/territorial and federal was
affecting the workplace (such as human rights, employment equity, occupational health
and safety, employment standards, and labour relations legislation).
8. To help the organization to reach its goals.
9. To provide organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees.
10. To increase the employee’s satisfaction and self-actualization.
11. To develop and maintain the quality of work life.
12. To communicate HR policies to all employees.
13. To help maintain ethical polices and behaviour. The above stated HRM objectives can be
summarized under four specific objectives: societal, organizational, and functional and
Role of HRM
The role of HRM is to plan, develop and administer policies and programs designed to make
optimum use of an organizations human resources. It is that part of management which is
concerned with the people at work and with their relationship within enterprises. Its
objectives are: (a) effective utilization of human resources, (b) desirable working
relationships among all members of the organizations, and (c) maximum individual
development. Human resources function as primarily administrative and professional. HR
staff focused on administering benefits and other payroll and operational functions and didn’t
think of themselves as playing a part in the firm’s overall strategy.
HR professionals have an all-encompassing role. They are required to have a thorough
knowledge of the organization and its intricacies and complexities. The ultimate goal of every
HR person should be to develop a linkage between the employee and organization because
employee’s commitment to the organization is crucial.
The first and foremost role of HR personnel is to impart continuous education to the
employees about the changes and challenges facing the country in general and their
organization in particular. The employees should know about the balance sheet of the
company, sales progress, and diversification of plans, share price movements, turnover and
other details about the company. The HR professionals should impart such knowledge to all
employees through small booklets, video films and lectures.
The primary responsibilities of Human Resource managers are:
• To develop a thorough knowledge of corporate culture, plans and policies.
• To act as an internal change agent and consultant.
• To initiate change and act as an expert and facilitator.
• To actively involved in company’s strategy formulation.
• To keep communication line open between the HRD function and individuals and groups
both within and outside the organization.
• To identify and evolve HRD strategies in consonance with overall business strategy.
• To facilitate the development of various organizational teams and their working
relationship with other teams and individuals.
• To try and relate people and work so that the organization objectives are achieved
efficiently and effectively.
• To diagnose problems and determine appropriate solution particularly in the human
resource areas.
• To provide co-ordination and support services for the delivery of HRD programs and
• To evaluate the impact of an HRD intervention or to conduct research so as to identify,
develop or test how HRD in general has improved individual and organizational
Different management gurus have deliberated different roles for the HR manager based on
the major responsibilities that they full fill in the organization. Few of the commonly
accepted models are enumerated below.
Pat Mc Lagan has suggested nine roles that are played by HR practitioners

1. To bring the issues and trends concerning an organization’s external and internal people to
the attention of strategic decision makers and to recommend long term strategies to
support organizational excellence and endurance.
2. To design and prepare HR systems and actions for implementation so that they can
produce maximum impact on organizational performance and development.
3. To facilitate the development and implementation of strategies for transforming one’s own
organization by pursuing values and visions.
4. To create a positive relationship with the customer’s by providing them with the best
services; to utilize the resources to the maximum and to create commitment among the
people who help the organization to meet the customer’s needs whether directly connected
or indirectly connected to the organization.
5. To identify the learning needs hence to design and develop structured learning programs
and materials to help accelerate learning for individuals and groups.
6. To enable the individuals and groups to work in new situations and to expend \and change
their views so that people in power move from authoritarian to participative models of
7. To help employees to assess their competencies, values and goals so that they can identify,
plan and implement development plans.
8. He also assists the individual employee to add values in the workplace and to focus on the
interventions and interpersonal skills for helping people change and sustain change.
9. He assesses the HRD practices and programmes and their impact and to communicate results
so that the organization and its people accelerate their change and development.
According to Dave Ulrich HR play’s four key roles:
1. Strategic Partner Role-turning strategy into results by building organizations that create
2. Change Agent Role- making change happen, and in particular, help it happen fast
3. Employees Champion Role—managing the talent or the intellectual capital within a firm
4. Administrative Role—trying to get things to happen better, faster and cheaper.

The role HR in organizations has undergone an extensive change and many organizations
have gradually oriented themselves from the traditional personnel management to a human
resources management approach. The basic approach of HRM is to perceive the organization
as a whole. Its emphasis is not only on production and productivity but also on the quality of
life. It seeks to achieve the paramount development of human resources and the utmost
possible socio-economic development.

Current Classification of HR roles

According to R.L Mathis and J. H. Jackson (2010) several roles can be fulfilled by HR
management. The nature and extent of these roles depend on both what upper management
wants HR management to do and what competencies the HR staff have demonstrated. Three
roles are typically identified for HR. The focus of each of them, as shown in Figure 1.is
elaborated below:

Administrative Personnel Practices Strategic HR Organizational/business
Operational Actions strategies
Legal compliance forms and Managing employee
paperwork HR strategic or planning Evaluation of
relationship issues
Employee advocate HR effectiveness.

Figure 1.4: Current Classification of HR roles

HRM in the New Millennium

Human Resources have never been more indispensable than today. The competitive forces
that we face today will continue to face in the future demanding organizational excellence. In
order to achieve this extended quality, organization’s need to focus on learning, quality
development, teamwork, and reengineering. These factors are driven by the way
organizations implement things and how employees are treated.
1.HR Can Help in Dispensing Organizational Excellence: To achieve this paradigm shift
in the organization excellence there is a need for organizations to reform the way in which
work is carried out by the Human Resource department. By designing an entirely new role
and agenda that results in enriching the organization’s value to customers, investors and
employees, HR can help in delivering organizational excellence. This can be carried out by
helping line managers and senior managers in moving planning from the conference room to
the market place and by becoming an expert in the way work is organized and executed. HR
should be a representative of the employees and should help the organization in improving its
capacity for change. HR will help the organizations in facing the competitive challenges such
as globalization, profitability through growth, technology, intellectual capital, and other
competitive challenges that the companies are facing while adjusting to uncontrollably
challenging changes in business environment. The novel role of HR is to rapidly turn strategy
into action; to manage processes intelligently and efficiently; to maximize employee
contribution and commitment and to construct favourable conditions for flawless change.
2.Human Resource Should be a Strategy Partner: HR should also become a partner in
strategy executions by propelling and directing serious discussions of how the company
should be organized to carry out its strategy. Creating the conditions for this discussion
involves four steps. First HR need to define an organizational architecture by identifying the
company’s way of doing business. Second, HR must be held responsible for conducting an
organizational audit. Third, HR as a strategic partner needs to identify methods for restoring
the parts of the organizational architecture that need it. Fourth and finally, HR must take
stock of its own work and set clear priorities. In their new role as administrative experts they
will need to shed their traditional image and still make sure all routine work for the company
is done well.
3.HR Accountability Should Be Fixed to Ensure Employee Commitment: HR must be
held accountable for ensuring that employees feel committed to the organization and

contribute fully. They must take responsibility for orienting and training line management
about the importance of high employee morale and how to achieve it. The new HR should be
the voice of employees in management discussions. The new role for HR might also involve
suggesting that more teams be used on some projects or that employees be given more
control over their own work schedules.
4.The New HR Must Become a Change Agent: The new HR must become a change agent,
which is building the organization’s capacity to embrace and capitalize on change. Even
though they are not primarily responsible for executing change it is the duty of the HR
manager to make sure that the organization carries out the changes framed for
5.Improving the Quality of HR: The most important thing that managers can do to drive the
new mandate for HR is to improve the quality of the HR staff itself. Senior executives must
get beyond the stereotypes of HR professionals as incompetent support staff and unleash
HR’s full potential
6.Change in Employment Practices: The balance sheet of an organization shows human
resource as an expense and not as a Capital. In the information age, it is perceived that the
machines can do the work more efficiently than most people however; technology to work is
dependent on people.
The challenges for Employment Practice in the New Millennium will require that there
should be strategic involvement of the people and labour-management partnerships as they
both have to take organization ahead.
7.Benchmarking Tool Must Be Mastered by HR Professionals: HR professionals must
master benchmarking, which is a tool for continuous improvement- directing the human side
associated with the strategic path adopted by the organization. Through this, HR department
will start appreciating the changes happening within and outside the environment while
expanding the knowledge about how to add value to decision making at the highest level of
the organization.
8.Aligning Human Resources to Better Meet Strategic Objectives: Too often
organizations craft their strategy in a vacuum. Some organizations don’t even include key
people during strategy formulation resulting in lacunae between the actual problems and the
solutions implemented- as critical inputs are not sought from those individuals who are
supposed to implement the new strategies. A past CEO of Sony once said that organizations
have access to the same technology and the same information. The difference between any
two organizations is the “people”- the human resource. Empowering the workforce is an
essential tool for aligning human resources with the achievement of corporate objectives. It is
the duty of HR manager to hire talented human resource and to provide them with a positive
environment where they will be able to utilize their skills and potentials and to create an
environment in which these individuals are comfortable taking risks.

9.Promote from Within and Invest in Employees: Promoting employees from within sends
a powerful message that the organization’s employees are valued. New blood and fresh ideas
often come from newcomers to the organization. To avoid stagnation of the firm, new ideas
and approaches are critical. Yet to improve employee morale, promoting individuals from
within the organization is essential. This communicates that the organization values their
employees and invests in their human resources.
10.Review the Recruitment and Selection Process: A key element of human resource
planning is ensuring that the supply of appropriate employees (with the right skill mix) is on
board when needed. This requires a proactive approach whereby the organization anticipates
its needs well in advance. It is important to identify the competencies being sought. That is,
the criteria upon which selection decisions are to be made should be decided in advance. A
firm must identify those skill sets required by employees to be successful. Charles O’Reilly
suggests that companies should hire for attitude (perhaps even more so than technical skills).
That is, the fit of the individual with the values of the organization and the culture of the firm
should also be considered when selecting employees. This has been referred to as the person-
organization- fit. It is no longer enough to simply consider the person’s fit (and technical skill
set) with the job. Part of the employee’s fit with the organization should focus on the core
values and beliefs of the organization. This will increase employees’ contributions to the
overall success of the organization if they already embrace the core values of the organization
prior to their selection
11.Communicate Mission and Vision: If employees are expected to contribute to the
attainment of the organization’s strategic objectives, they must understand what their role is.
This can be achieved in part by clearly communicating the mission and vision statements of
the firm. The old adage is certainly true. If a person does not know where he or she is going,
any road will get him or her there.
The mission communicates the identity and purpose of the organization. It provides a
statement of who the firm is and what their business is. Only those employees who
understand this purpose can contribute to the fullest extent possible. The vision statement
provides a picture of the future state of the firm. It should be a stretch to attain. This keeps all
the organization’s employees pulling in the same direction with a common end point. It is
much easier to align human resources with corporate objectives when these employees are
familiar with the mission and vision of the firm.
As the mission and vision statements are articulated, organizational members begin to more
closely embrace their very meaning on an individual level. These statements provide a road
map leading employees down the road to achieve organizational objectives. Employees then
identify how they can contribute their unique talents toward the attainment of these goals.
12.Use Teams to Achieve Synergy: Synergy can be concisely defined as “two plus two
equals five”. In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. So much more can
be achieved as people work together. Through the effective use of teams, organizations can
often achieve synergy. Team goals, however, must be aligned with the organization’s

The, system of performance appraisal compels the management to have a promotion policy
within the organization. It also gives motivation to those employees who are efficient and are
capable of working in a best way. An organization’s goals can be achieved only when people
within the organization give their best efforts. How to know whether an employee has shown
his or her best performance on a given job? The answer is performance appraisal.
In the organization context performance appraisal is an evaluation of personnel in a
systematic way by superiors or others familiar with their performance. It is also described as
merit rating in which one individual is ranked as better or worse in comparison to others. The
basic purpose in this merit rating is to determine an employee’s eligibility for promotion.
However, performance appraisal is a broad term and it may be used to ascertain the need for
training and development, salary increase, transfer, discharge, etc. besides promotion.
In simple terms, performance appraisal may be understood as the review of an individual’s
performance in an orderly way, the performance is measured by considering factors like job
knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, supervision,
dependability, co-operation, judgment, versatility, health, and the like. Evaluation should not
be restricted to past performance alone but, the future performances of the employee should
also be assessed.
Meaning of Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal system has been defined in many ways. The easiest way to
understand the meaning of performance appraisal is as follows:
It is the systematic assessment of an individual with respect to his or her performance on the
job and his or her potential for development in that job. Thus, performance appraisal is a
systematic and objective way of evaluating the relative worth or ability of an employee in
performing his job. The two aspects of performance appraisal considered to be important are:
systematic and objective. The appraisal is said to be systematic when it evaluates all
performances in the same manner, by applying the same approach, so that appraisal of
different persons is comparable. Such an appraisal is taken from time to time according to
plan; it is not left to probability. Thus, both raters’ and rates know the system of performance
appraisal and its timing. Appraisal has objectivity also.
It is a systematic way of judging the relative worth of an employee while carrying out his
work in an organization. It also helps recognize those employees who are performing their
tasks well and also- who are not performing their tasks properly and the reasons for such
(poor) performance.
In short, we can say that performance appraisal is expected to result in an assessment of:
development potential of the employees, training needs for the employees; capabilities of
employees being placed in higher posts, behaviour and obedience of the employees; and the
need of the organization to evolve a control mechanism.

Objectives of Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal in any organization is undertaken to meet certain objectives which
may be in the form of salary increase, promotion, recognizing training and development
needs, providing feedback to employees and putting stress on employees for better
An employee in an organization may think that performance appraisal is basically used by the
organization to blame employees and to take corrective actions. An employee may feel that
performance appraisal is introduced in an organization for punishment in such a case well
thought out performance appraisal may result into failure. If the objectives set in a more
positive, problems may arise as they may not all be achievable and they may cause conflict.
For Example, an employee who is likely to be appraised will never discloses his loopholes as
it may affect his appraisal. Thus the objective of performance appraisal should be clear and
specific. Thus including objectives into the appraisal system may draw attention to areas for
improvement, new directions and opportunities.
1. Salary Increase: Performance appraisal plays an important role in making decision about
increase in salary. Increase in salary of an employee depends on how he is performing his
job. Evaluation of an employee takes place on a continuous basis which may be formally
or informally. In a large as well as in small organizations performance appraisal takes
place but it may be in a formal or informal way.
2. Promotion: Performance appraisal gives an idea about how an employee is working in his
present job and what his strong and weak points are. In comparison to his strength and
weaknesses it is decided whether he can be promoted to the next higher position or not. If
necessary, what additional training is required. Similarly, it could be used for demotion,
discharge of an employee and transfer.
3. Training and Development: Performance appraisal gives an idea about strengths and
weaknesses of an employee on his present job. It gives an idea about the training required
by an employee for overcoming the limitations that an employee is having for better
performance in future.
4. Feedback: Performance appraisal gives an idea to each employee where they are, how
they are working, and how are they contributing towards achievement of organizational
objectives. Feed works in two ways. First, the person gets view about his performance and
he may try to conquer his weaknesses which may lead to better performance. Second, the
person gets satisfied after he relates his work with organizational objectives. It gives him
an idea that he is doing a meaning full work and can also contribute in a better way.
5. Pressure on Employees: Performance appraisal puts a sort of stress on employees for
better performance. If the employees are aware that they are been appraised in comparison
to their performance and they will have positive and acceptable behaviour in this respect.

Methods of Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal methods are categorized in two ways traditional and modern methods.
Each organization adopts a different method of performance appraisal according to the need
of organization. In small organization, it may be on an informal basis where personal opinion
of a superior about his subordinates may consider for appraisal.
Traditional Methods Modern Methods
Ranking method Management by Objectives (MB0)
Paired comparison Behaviorally anchored rating scales
Grading method Assessment centers
Forced distribution method 360-degree appraisal
Forced choice method Cost accounting method
Checklist method
Critical incidents method
Graphic scale method
Essay method
Field review method
Traditional Methods
1. Ranking Method: It is the oldest and simplest method of performance appraisal in which
employees are ranked on certain criteria such as trait or characteristic. The employee is
ranked from highest to lowest or from worst to best in an organization. Thus if there are
seven employees to be ranked then there will be seven ranks from 1 to 7.
2. Paired Comparison: In method is comparatively simpler as compared to ranking method.
In this method, the evaluator ranks employees by comparing one employee with all other
employees in the group. The rater is given slips where, each slip has a pair of names, the
rater puts a tick mark next those employees whom he considers to be the better of the two.
This employee is compared number of times so as to determine the final ranking.
3. Grading Method: In this method, certain categories are defined well in advance and
employees are put in particular category depending on their traits and characteristics. Such
categories may be defined as outstanding, good, average, poor, very poor, or may be in
terms of alphabet like A, B, C, D, etc. where A may indicate the best and D indicating the

4. Forced Distribution Method: This method was evolved to abolish the trend of rating
most of the employees at a higher end of the scale. The fundamental assumption in this
method is that employees’ performance level conforms to a normal statistical distribution.
For example, 10 per cent employees may be rated as excellent, 40 per cent as above
average, 20 per cent as average, 10 per cent below average, and 20 per cent as poor.
5. Forced-choice Method: The forced-choice rating method contains a sequence of question
in a statement form with which the rater checks how effectively the statement describes
each individual being evaluated in the organization.
6. Check-list Method: The main reason for using this method is to reduce the burden of
evaluator. In this method of evaluation, the evaluator is provided with the appraisal report
which consist of series of questions which is related to the appraise. Such questions are
prepared in a manner that reflects the behaviour of the concerned appraise. Every question
has two alternatives, yes or no.
7. Critical Incidents Method: This method is very useful for finding out those employees
who have the highest potential to work in a critical situation. Such an incidence is very
important for organization as they get a sense, how a supervisor has handled a situation in
the case of sudden trouble in an organization, which gives an idea about his leadership
qualities and handling of situation.
8. Graphic Scale Method: It is one of the simplest and most popular techniques for
appraising performances of employee. It is also known as linear rating scale. In graphic
rating scale the printed appraisal form is used to appraise each employee. Such forms
contain a number of objectives, and trait qualities and characters to be rated like quality of
work and amount of work, job knowhow dependability, initiative, attitude, leadership
quality and emotional stability.
9. Essay Method: In this method, the rater writes a detailed description on an employee’s
characteristics and behaviour, Knowledge about organizational policies, procedures and
rules, Knowledge about the job, Training and development needs of the employee,
strengths, weakness, past performance, potential and suggestions for improvement.
10. Field Review Method: In this method of appraisal direct superior is not going to appraise
an employee but appraised by another person, usually, from personnel department. The
rater, in such a case, appraises the employee on the basis of his past records of
productivity and other information such as absenteeism, late corning, etc.
Modern Methods
1. Management by Objectives (MB0): The concept of ‘Management by Objectives’
(MBO)was coined by Peter Drucker in 1954. It is a process where the employees and the
superiors come together to identify some goals which are common to them, the employees
set their own goals to be achieved, the benchmark is taken as the criteria for measuring
their performances and their involvement is there in deciding the course of action to be

The basic nature of MBO is participative, setting their goals, selecting a course of actions
to achieve goals and then taking decision. The most important aspect of MBO is
measuring the actual performances of the employee with the standards set by them. It is
also said to be a process that integrates organizational objectives into individual
Entire program me of MBO is divided in four major steps i.e. setting up of goal, action
planning, comparison and timely review.
2. Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales: This method is a combination of traditional
rating scales and critical incidents methods. It consists of pre-set critical areas of job
performance or sets of behavioural statements which describes the important job
performance qualities as good or bad (for e.g. the qualities like inter personal
relationships, flexibility and consistency, job knowledge etc.). These statements are
developed from critical incidents.
These behavioural examples are then again translated into appropriate performance
dimensions. Those that are selected into the dimension are retained. The final groups of
behaviour incidents are then scaled numerically to a level of performance that is
perceived to represent. A rater must indicate which behaviour on each scale best describes
an employee’s performance.
3. Assessment Centres: It is a method which was first implemented in German Army in
1930. With the passage of time industrial houses and business started using this method.
This is a system of assessment where individual employee is assessed by many experts by
using different technique of performance appraisal. The techniques which may be used are
role playing, case studies, simulation exercises, transactional analysis etc.
4. 360 Degree Performance Appraisals: In 360-degree performance appraisal an employee
can be appraised by his peers, managers (i.e. superior), subordinates, team members,
customers, suppliers/ vendors - anyone who comes into direct or indirect contact with the
employee and can provide necessary information or feedback regarding performance of
the employee the “on- the-job”.
The four major component of 360-degree performance appraisal are
1. Employees Self-Appraisal
2. Appraisal by Superior
3. Appraisal by Subordinate
4. Peer Appraisal.
5. Cost Accounting Method: In this method performance of an employee is evaluated on the
basis of monetary returns the employee gives to his or her organization. A relationship is
recognized between the cost included in keeping the employee in an organization and the
benefit the organization gets from him or her. The evaluation is based on the established
relationship between the cost and the benefit.
The following factors are considered while evaluating an employee’s performance:

1. Interpersonal relationship with others.
2. Quality of product produced or service given to the organization.
3. Wastage, damage, accidents caused by the employee.
4. Average value of production or service by an employee.
5. Overhead cost incurred.

Importance of Employee Performance Appraisal

 Performance Appraisal information is used to find out whether an employee
requires additional training and development. Deficiencies in performance may be
due to inadequate knowledge or skills.

 Performance appraisal is a means of validating both internal (promotions and

transfers) and external (hiring new employees from outside) sources. Organizations
spend a lot of time and money for recruiting and selecting employees

 Performance appraisal is a way of finding out which employee should be given a


 Performance appraisal is also useful for taking transfer decisions. Transfers often
involve changes in job responsibilities, and it is important to find out the employees
who can take these responsibilities.

 Performance appraisal is a good way of taking layoff decisions. Employees may be

asked to lay off, if the need arises
Performance is always measured in terms of outcome and not efforts. Performance
Appraisal is needed in most of the organizations in order:
(1) To give information about the performance of employees on the job and give ranks
on the basis of which decisions regarding salary fixation, demotion, promotion,
transfer and confirmation are taken.
(2) To provide information about amount of achievement and behaviour of subordinate
in their job. This kind of information helps to evaluate the performance of the
subordinate, by correcting loopholes in performances and to set new standards of
work, if required.
(3) To provide information about an employee’s job-relevant strengths and &
(4) To provide information so as to identify shortage in employee regarding ability,
awareness and find out training and developmental needs.
(5) To avoid grievances and in disciplinary activities in the organization.

(6) It is an ongoing process in every large scale organization.

Performance appraisals in an organization provide employees and managers with an

opportunity to converse in the areas in which employees do extremely well and
those in which employees need improvement. Performance appraisals should be
conducted on a frequent basis, and they need not be directly attached to promotion
opportunities only.

It is important because of several reason s such as:

1. Personal Attention: Performance appraisal evaluation, gives employee to draw
personal concern from supervisor and talk about their own strengths and

2. Feedback: Employees on a regular basis get feedback of their performances and

issues in which they lack, which needs to be resolved on a regular basis.

3. Career Path: It allows employees and supervisors to converse goals that must be
met to grow within the company. This may encompass recognizing skills that must
be acquired, areas in which improvement is required, and additional qualification
that must be acquired.

4. Employee Accountability: Employees are acquainted that their evaluation will

take place on a regular basis and therefore they are accountable for their job

5. Communicate Divisional and Company Goals: It not only communicates

employees’ individual goals but provides an opportunity for managers to explain
organizational goals and in the manner in which employees can contribute in the
achievement of those goals

The systematic study of performance appraisal practices in India is very limited.

According to few studies in India the performance appraisal is mainly undertaken
for three objectives such as to determine increments in salary; to assist
organizational planning, placement, or suitability; and for training and development
purposes. Other objectives of appraisal were: informing employee where they stand
in organization, follow-up interviews, etc.
Every company uses different criteria to evaluate their employees. There are
basically three groups of criteria being used for appraisal purpose: evaluation of
qualitative characteristics, such as, intelligence, reliability, honesty, leadership and
attitudes, abilities, etc., evaluation of actual performance- qualitatively and
quantitatively; and evaluation of development and future potential and development
by an employee during the period under consideration. Evaluation criteria vary from
company to company. There is vast deviation in periodicity of appraisal of

employees. Few companies appraise annually, some appraise half- yearly, and a few
quarterly; however, annual appraisal is most common among many.

Few innovative performance appraisal practices are:

• Managerial personnel are allowed to challenge or appeal appraisal decisions
by evaluator.
• Employee management skills are important in performance appraisal.
• Personnel department gives a clear instruction of policy and its implementation.
• Evaluation to be made only on the basis of performance of employee at work.
• It has also enhanced role clarity in the Organization.
The performance appraisal practice by Dabur India Limited is as follows: The main
purpose of performance appraisal system is to evaluate the performance of
employee, promote their employees and to make necessary arrangement for their
training needs if required.
Employees are evaluated by how well they accomplish a specific set of
objectives that have been determined to be critical in the successful completion of
their job. This approach is frequently referred to as Management by objectives.
The latest mantra being followed by organizations across the world being – “get
paid according to what you contribute” – the focus of most of the organizations is
turning to performance management and specifically to individual performance.

1. The focus of the performance appraisals practice in today’s environment is

changing by concentrating more on career development relying on the dialogues
and discussions with the superiors.
2. Performance measuring, rating and review systems have become more thorough,
structured and individual employee specific than before.
3. Appraisal through a 360-degree feedback system takes place.
4. In India, the performance appraisal processes are faced with a lot of problems,
most important is the need of quantifiable indicators of the performance.

The emergence of following trends related to Performance appraisal practices can be

seen in the global scenario: 360-degree feedback, Team performance appraisal,
Rank and yank strategy.

1) 360 Degree Feedback: It is also known as ‘multi-rater feedback’, where the

feedback about the employees’ performance comes from all the sources that come in
contact with the employee on his job.

2) Team Performance Appraisal: In this method each employee performance is

measured as a team member as well as individually.

3) Rank and Yank Strategy: It is also known as up or out policy where the
performance appraisal model is prepared in which best-to-worst ranking methods

are used to identify and separate the poor performers from the good performers.
Then certain plans are chalked out for improvement. Some of the organizations
following this strategy are Ford, Microsoft and Sun Microsystems.

Effective Performance Appraisal

The performance appraisal system is always questioned in terms of its effectiveness
and the problems of reliability and validity. It is always difficult to know whether
what is appraised is what was supposed to be appraised. As long as subjective
judgment is there this question cannot be answered perhaps, the following steps can
help improve the system.

a) The supervisors should be told that they themselves will be evaluated on the
basis of how seriously they are performing their duties.

b) To perform assigned task of evaluation in a better way superior should be

provided with better training of writing report.

c) To carry out job evaluation studies and prepares job descriptions/roles and
prepares separate forms for various positions in the organization.

d) The system should be designed in such a way that it is neither difficult to

understand nor impossible to practice.

e) The supervisor should monitor whether the improvement in performance in the

areas found weak is taking place or not and, if not, help the employee to achieve the
required improvement.

f) Finally, reviewing, the appraisal systems every now and then help updating it, and
making appropriate changes in it. This is the most important factor in making
performance appraisal effective, with the passage of time necessary changes in
tasks, abilities and skills to perform has to be made. If changes in the format are not
considered the reports may not generate the kind of result needed to satisfy appraisal

The following measures could also be adopted for improving the effectiveness of an
a) Behaviorally Based Measures: The research strongly favors behaviorally
measures over those developed around traits.
b) Ongoing Feedback: Employees like to know how they are performing the

duties assigned to them.

c) Multiple Raters: If a person is evaluated by a large no of superior then chance

of getting more frequent information increases

d) Peer Evaluations: Peer evaluations are conducted by employees’ co-workers,

people explicitly familiar with the jobs involved mainly because they too are

doing the same thing, they are the person who know the co-workers’ day to-

day work behavior and should get a chance to provide the management with

some feedback.


• The primary objective is to know how effective is the execution of appraisal system in
Aurobindo Pharma Limited., Hyderabad.
• To identify the common goals of the organization, define each individual’s major areas of
responsibility in terms of the results expected of him/her
• To review the individual performance progress in a job and his potential for future
improvement. It aims at providing data to managers with whom they may judge future job
assignments and compensation programs.
• To establish an objective basis for the different levels of performance and to identify
executives with potential to grow in the organization.
• To counsel the employees appropriately regarding their strengths and weaknesses and
assess them in developing to realize that they have full potential in line with the
company’s objectives and goals.


The need of the performance appraisal is to determine what aspects of performance are
required to be evaluated.

1. To identify those who are performing their assigned task well and those who are not and
the reason for such performance.
2. To provide information about the performance ranks basing on which decisions regarded
salary fixation, confirmation, promotion, demotion and transfer are taken.
3. To provide feedback information about the level of achievements and behaviour of an
4. To provide information and counsel the employee.
5. To Compare actual performance with the standards and in out deviations (positive and
6. To facilitate fair and equitable compensation.


 In the present study, an attempt has been made to know the actual implementation
of performance appraisal techniques in general and some other aspects such as
awareness of the workers, effectiveness of the performance appraisal system in

 Human resource projections are valid on appraisals.

 By improving job skills, the employees have lot of scope for development and
prepare themselves for higher responsibilities.

 A thorough analysis of the performance appraisal system will help the management
to know the shortcomings, if any.

 It also helps the company in knowing whether the performance appraisal techniques
are used to the full extent or not, there by the researcher can understand the effective
implementation of the performance appraisal system.


Every study has its limitations because of some particular reasons in the organization.

• My study is limited only to know the feedback of the employees about performance
• Lack of cooperation of some employees.
• Employee’s responsibilities are not mentioned in my performance appraisal.
• Problems parting with the confidential information.
• There is a great tendency of fluctuation in the response and their behaviour.
• The study is conducted at factory level.
• The sample does not cover all the employees in the organization due to logistical


Source of Data
The study is based on primary as well as secondary data collected from different
a) Primary Data
The primary data is collected with the help of questionnaires, which consists of 20
questions each. The questionnaires are chosen because of its simplicity and liability.
Researcher can expect straight answers to the questions. The respondents are informed
about the significance of the study and requested to give their fair opinions.
b) Secondary Data
Secondary data is collected through the documents provided by the personnel
department. The documents include personnel manuals, reports, books, journals etc.

Sampling Process
a) Sample Unit
The executives and employed at AUROBINDO PHARMA LIMITED., Hyderabad
constitute ‘universe’ of the present study. A part of it is taken as sample unit for the
present study. It includes Additional General Manager(AGM), joint General Manager
(JGM) Deputy General Manager (DGM) and other employees of AUROBINDO
b) Sample Size

The sample size consists of 100 respondents employed in AUROBINDO PHARMA
LIMITED, Hyderabad. Of these 30 are executives, 20 are senior executives and the
remaining 50 are employees.
Period of The Study
Since so many years AUROBINDO PHARMA LIMITED, Hyderabad has been
following the same procedure of appraisals for their executives & employees and for
the study of my project last on-year data has collected on performance appraisals.


India is the largest provider of generic drugs globally. Indian pharmaceutical sector
supplies over 50% of global demand for various vaccines, 40% of generic demand in
the US and 25% of all medicine in the UK. India enjoys an important position in the
global pharmaceuticals sector. The country also has a large pool of scientists and
engineers with a potential to steer the industry ahead to greater heights. Presently, over
80% of the antiretroviral drugs used globally to combat AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome) are supplied by Indian pharmaceutical firms.

Market Size
Indian pharmaceutical sector is expected to grow to US$ 100 billion, while medical
device market is expected to grow US$ 25 billion by 2025. Pharmaceuticals export
from India stood at US$ 20.70 billion in FY20. Pharmaceutical export includes bulk
drugs, intermediates, drug formulations, biologicals, Ayush and herbal products and
surgical. India's biotechnology industry comprising biopharmaceuticals, bio-services,
bio-agriculture, bio-industry, and bioinformatics is expected grow at an average growth
rate of around 30% a y-o-y to reach US$ 100 billion by 2025. India’s domestic
pharmaceutical market turnover reached Rs 1.4 lakh crore (US$ 20.03 billion) in 2019,
up 9.8% y-o-y from Rs 129,015 crore (US$ 18.12 billion) in 2018.

Investments and Recent Developments
The Union Cabinet has given its nod for the amendment of existing Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) policy in the pharmaceutical sector in order to allow FDI up to 100%
under the automatic route for manufacturing of medical devices subject to certain
conditions. The drugs and pharmaceuticals sector attracted cumulative FDI inflow
worth US$ 16.50 billion between April 2000 and March 2020 according to the data
released by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
Some of the recent developments/investments in the Indian pharmaceutical sector are as
 In May 2020, Jubilant Generics Ltd entered into a non-exclusive licencing
agreement with US-based Gilead Sciences Inc to manufacture and sell the
potential COVID-19 drug Remdesivir in 127 countries, including India.
 Affordable medicines under Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana
(PMBJP) achieved record sales turnover of Rs 52 crore (US$ 7.38 million) in
the month of April 2020.
 During December 2019, on moving annual total (MAT) basis, industry growth
was at 9.8%, with price growth at 5.3%, new product growth at 2.7%, while
volume growth at 2% y-o-y.
 In October 2019, Telangana Government proposed Hyderabad Pharma City with
financial assistance from the Central government of Rs 3,418 crore (US$ 489
 As on August 2019, the moving annual turnover (MAT) for biosimilar
molecules sold in the domestic market stood at Rs 1,498 crore (US$ 214.31
 Healthcare sector witnessed private equity of total US$ 1.1 billion with 27 deals
in H12019.
 Indian pharmaceutical industry’s export to the US will get a boost as branded
drugs worth US$ 55 billion will become off-patent during 2017 2019.

Government Initiatives
Some of the initiatives taken by the Government to promote the pharmaceutical sector
in India are as follows:

 India plans to set up a nearly Rs 1 lakh crore (US$ 1.3 billion) fund to provide
boost to companies to manufacture pharmaceutical ingredients domestically by

 In November 2019, the Cabinet approved extension/renewal of extant

Pharmaceuticals Purchase Policy (PPP) with the same terms and conditions
while adding one additional product namely, Alcoholic Hand Disinfectant
(AHD) to the existing list of 103 medicines till the final closure/strategic
disinvestment of Pharma CPSUs.

 Under Budget 2020–21, Rs 65,012 crore (US$ 9.30 billion) has been allocated

to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is. The Government has allocated
Rs 34,115 crore (US$ 4.88 billion) towards the National Health Mission under
which rural and urban people will get benefited.Rs 6,400 crore (US$ 915.72
million) has been allocated to health insurance scheme Ayushman Bharat –
Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY).

 As per Economic Survey 2019–20, Government expenditure (as a percentage of

GDP) increased to 1.6% in FY20 from 1.2% in FY15 on health. The National
Health Protection Scheme is the largest Government funded healthcare
programme in the world, which is expected to benefit 100 million poor families
in the country by providing a cover of up to Rs 5 lakh (US$ 7,723.2) per family
per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalisation. The programme was
announced in Union Budget 2018–19.

 The Government of India is planning to set up an electronic platform to regulate

online pharmacies under a new policy to stop any misuse due to easy
availability. Government of India unveiled 'Pharma Vision 2020' to make India a
global leader in end-to-end drug manufacture. Approval time for new facilities
has been reduced to boost investment. Government of India has offered Rs 6,940
crore (US$ 942.8 million) production linked incentives between 5–20% for
incremental sales and plans to set up three mega drug parks to drive sustainable
cost competitiveness.

Road Ahead
Medicine spending in India is projected to grow 9 12% over the next five years, leading
India to become one of the top 10 countries in terms of medicine spending. Going
forward, better growth in domestic sales would also depend on the ability of companies
to align their product portfolio towards chronic therapies for diseases such as such as
cardiovascular, anti-diabetes, anti-depressants and anti-cancers, which are on the rise.
The Indian Government has taken many steps to reduce costs and bring down
healthcare expenses. Speedy introduction of generic drugs into the market has remained
in focus and is expected to benefit the Indian pharmaceutical companies.

 Sun Pharmaceuticals is the largest pharmaceutical company from India and the fifth
largest specialty generic company in the world. It has capabilities across dosage forms

like injectable, sprays, ointments, creams, liquids, tablets, and capsules. Its businesses
include producing generics, branded generics, speciality, over the counter (OTC) prod.

 Cipla is a leading pharmaceutical from India with presence across the world. It was
established in 1935 as Chemical Industrial & Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ltd and
changed to its current name in 1984. The company has a vast portfolio with more than
1,500 products in the market. The company’s business is divided into three strategic
units –

 Lupin Ltd. is a leading pharmaceutical company from India and is amongst the top 10
generic companies in the world. It started its business in 1968 and over the years has
become one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in India and the world. Its
businesses include formulations, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), drug
delivery systems an.

 Indian pharmaceutical sector supplies over 50% of the global demand for various
vaccines, 40% of the generic demand for US and 25% of all medicines for UK. India
contributes the second largest share of pharmaceutical and biotech workforce in the
world. India’s domestic pharmaceutical market turnover reached Rs 1.4 lakh crore
(US$ 20.03 billion) in 2019, up 9.8% y-o-y from Rs 1.29 lakh crore (US$ 18.12
billion) in 2018. In May 2020, pharmaceutical sales grew 9% y-o-y to Rs 10,342
crore (US$ 1.47 billion).

 During December 2019, on moving annual total (MAT) basis, industry growth was
at 9.8%, price growth was at 5.3%, new product growth was at 2.7%, and volume
growth was at two% y-o-y.

 Indian drugs are exported to more than 200 countries in the world, with US being the
key market. Generic drugs account for 20% of the global export in terms of volume,
making the country the largest provider of generic medicines globally. It is expected

to expand even further in the coming years. Pharmaceutical export from India, which
include bulk drugs, intermediates, drug formulations, biologicals, Ayush & herbal
products and surgical, reached US$ 16.28 billion in FY20.

 Medical devices industry in India has been growing 15.2% annually and is expected
to reach US$ 8.16 billion by 2020 and US$ 25 billion by 2025. Affordable medicines
under Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushdhi Kendra's (PMBJKs) achieved an
impressive sale of Rs 100.40 crore (US$ 14.24 million) in the first two months of
FY21. ‘Pharma Vision 2020’ by the Government’s Department of Pharmaceuticals
aims to make India a major hub for end-to-end drug discovery. The sector received
cumulative Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) worth US$ 16.50 billion between April
2000 and March 2020. Under Union Budget 2020-21, allocation to the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare stands at Rs 65,012 crore (US$ 9.30 billion), whereas, Rs
6,429 crore (US$ 919 million) has been allocated to health insurance scheme,
Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY). In
November 2019, the cabinet approved the extension/renewal of extant
Pharmaceuticals Purchase Policy (PPP) with the same terms and conditions, while
adding one additional product, namely Alcoholic Hand Disinfectant (AHD), to the
existing list of 103 medicines till the final closure/strategic disinvestment of pharma

 Government expenditure on healthcare increased to Rs 3.24 lakh crore (US$ 45.96

billion) in FY20, growing at a CAGR of 18% from FY16. As per Economic Survey
2019-20, Government expenditure (as a percentage of GDP) increased to 1.6% in
FY20 from 1.2% in FY15 for health. FDI increased to 74% in existing
pharmaceutical companies and 100% in new projects. India plans to set up a nearly
Rs 1 lakh crore (US$ 1.3 billion) fund to provide boost to companies to manufacture
pharmaceutical ingredients domestically by 2023.

PVR Reddy and K N Reddy founded Aurobindo Pharma Ltd (Aurobindo) in 1986.The
Company commenced operations in 1989with a single unit manufacturing semi-
synthetic penicillin. The company made an IPO in1995. In Apr 2000, Aurobindo
amalgamated Sri Chakra Remedies Ltd with itself. In 2003, it set up Citadel
Aurobindo Biotech Ltd, in JV with Citadel Fine Pharmaceuticals Ltd and transferred
its ethical allopathic branded formulations business to this JV. Founded in 1986 by
Mr. P.V. Ramaprasad Reddy, Mr. K. Nityananda Reddy and a small group of highly
committed professionals, Aurobindo Pharma was born off a vision. The company
commenced operations in 1988-89 with a single unit manufacturing Semi-Synthetic
Penicillin (SSP) at Pondicherry.

Aurobindo Pharma became a public company in 1992 and listed its shares in the
Indian stock exchanges in 1995. In addition to being the market leader in Semi-
Synthetic Penicillin, it has a presence in key therapeutic segments such as
neurosciences, cardiovascular, anti-retroviral, anti-diabetics, gastroenterology and
cephalosporin, among others.

Through cost effective manufacturing capabilities and a few loyal customers, the
company entered the high margin specialty generic formulations segment. In less than
a decade Aurobindo Pharma today has evolved into a knowledge driven company
manufacturing active pharmaceutical ingredients and formulation products. It is R&D
focused and has a multi-product portfolio with manufacturing facilities in several

The formulation business is systematically organized with a divisional structure, and

has a focused team for key international markets. Leveraging on its large
manufacturing infrastructure for APIs and formulations, wide and diversified basket of
products and confidence of its customers, it aims to achieve USD 2 billion revenues
by 2018-16. Aurobindo's nine units for APIs / intermediates and seven units for
formulations are designed to meet the requirements of both advanced as well as
emerging market opportunities.

A well-integrated pharma company, Aurobindo Pharma features among the top 10

companies in India in terms of consolidated revenues. Aurobindo exports to over 125
countries across the globe with more than 70% of its revenues derived out of
international operations. Our customers include premium multi-national companies.
With multiple facilities approved by leading regulatory agencies such as USFDA, EU
GMP, UK MHRA, South Africa-MCC, Health Canada and Brazil ANVISA,
Aurobindo makes use of in-house R&D for rapid filing of patents, Drug Master Files
(DMFs), Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) and formulation dossiers
across the world. Aurobindo Pharma is among the largest filers of DMFs and ANDAs
from India.

Aurobindo deals in APIs, intermediates, and specialty generic formulations. It has
manufacturing facilities in India, US, Brazil and China. The company operates through
four divisions: Indus (focusing on gastro respiratory, infection and pain), Argus
(focusing on cardiology and dialectology), Imunus (focusing on HIV/AIDS) and Genus
(focuses branded specialty generic formulations). The company’s product portfolio
comprises therapeutic areas such as antibiotics, anti-retroviral, CVS, CNS,
gastroenterological and anti-allergic and65 APIs in non-antibiotics and 55 APIs in
antibiotic segments. Aurobindo exports to over 100 countries. It has 10 subsidiaries and
three JVs. In FY05, the company filed 64 Deffand 25 ANDAs. APIs contributed to 59%
of its revenue. In 2005, Aurobindo purchased a sterile plant of Dee Pharma at Bhiwadi,

Rajasthan, for Rs 38.

Key Persons
Chairperson Company Secretary
PVR Reddy B A Reddy
Managing Director Bankers
K N Reddy AB, Canara, Exim, HDFC Bank, ICICI
Directors Bank, SCB, SBH, SBI
M Sivakumaran, Auditors
BSP Reddy, S R Batliboi & Co
L Srinivas,
I Sathyamurthy,
V S Janardhanam,
S B Singh, K A Balasubramanian,
K S Butalia,S Lanka,
V S Janardhanan,
S B Singh

Equity Market suits to those clients who believe in Higher the Risk, Higher the Profits.
For such clients we translate fundamental research in to practical investment advice.
The transparent online trading system of NSE and BSE, adopted by us enables the
clients to get best value out of their investments. Through investment in Derivative
Products, you can expect even higher returns. In addition to that we are also backed by
an efficient back office which provides all the information with regards to your dealings
with us and also helps us in timely pay-in and pay-out.
Aurobindo Pharma
Received US FDA approval for Glyburide tablets in strengths of 1.25mg, 2.5mg and
5mg. Glyburide belongs to a class of drugs called sulfonylurea’s used to control blood
sugar levels. It is used to treat type 2 diabetes.
Corporate Governance
Aurobindo long-standing commitment to high standards of corporate governance and
ethical business practices is a fundamental shared value of its Board of Directors,
management and employees. The Company's philosophy of corporate governance stems
from its belief that timely disclosures, transparent accounting policies, and a strong and
independent Board go a long way in preserving shareholder trust while maximizing
long-term shareholder value.
The company has identified and articulated its core purpose, mission and values
in keeping with its desire for achieving corporate excellence. Aurobindo believes in
creating an environment where the parameters of conduct and behaviour of the
company and its management is constantly aligned with the business environment.

Committees of The Board
Committees appointed by the Board focus on specific areas and take informed
decisions within the framework of delegated authority, and make specific
recommendations to the board on matters in their areas or purview. All decisions and
recommendations of the committees are placed before the Board for information or for

Awards and Accolade

 The Appreciation Certificate of the District Collector for being the Best Clean
Production Industry for the year 2012 was awarded to API Unit V.
 The CII Southern Region Leadership Excellence Award was awarded to
Aurobindo for the year 2010.
 The CII National Award for Excellence in Water Management for the year
2005 was awarded to both API Units II and VI.
 The FTO III Unit of Aurobindo achieved the ISO 14001:2004 standard on June
9, 2005.
 The Genentech Environmental Excellence Silver Award for the year 2004-
05 was awarded to the API Global Business Unit.

Core Strengths

Scales and Leadership

Large manufacturing facilities approved by leading regulatory bodies
Large diversified product portfolio
Large R&D facility in India for formulations and active ingredients

Operational Excellence
Vertical integration
Proven regulatory expertise
Technology and know-how for specialty formulations

Service Delivery
Global marketing network
Customer centric approach and relationship oriented marketing
Speed and effectiveness in execution with TQA

"To become Asia's leading generic Pharma company and one among the top 15 in the
world, by 2018"

Aurobindo's mission is to become the most valued Pharma partner to the World
Pharma fraternity by continuously researching, developing and manufacturing a wide

range of pharmaceutical products that comply with the highest regulatory standards.

Our Values
Aurobindo values



Data analysis has been done by arranging the data in simple table from and
percentages are calculated. The quantitative data has been represented by drawing
out the charts where ever necessary. The data related to the respondents is also
analysed and an interpretations are given.

1. Are you satisfied with the present performance appraisal system?

a) Satisfied b) Dissatisfied

Present Performance Appraisal System Responses

Options No. of % of response
Yes 88 88
No 12 12
TOTAL 100 100








No. of Respondents % of response

Present Performance Appraisal System Responses

To question on whether the employees are satisfied with the present appraisal
system, almost 88% of them have agreed that they are satisfied. About 12% of
them have expressed that they are not satisfied. From it can be set that the
Appraisal System carried out by the Management is almost Satisfactory.
2. Are you aware of all the factors on which your performance is appraised?
a) Yes b) No

All Factors Responses

Options No. of % of response

Yes 84 84
No 16 16
TOTAL 100 100








No. of Respondents % of response

All Factors Responses

To this query, 16% of the employees have responded that they are not aware of all
the factors on which their performance is appraised. About 84% of them said that
they are aware of all factors. From the above it is clear that the employees are
aware of all factors on which their performance is appraised.

3. How frequently does performance appraisal take place in Aurobindo Pharma

a) Half yearly b) Once in a year

Timeframe Responses

Options No. of Respondents % of response

Half Yearly 30 30
Annually 70 70
TOTAL 100 100







Half Yearly Annually TOTAL

No. of Respondents % of response

Timeframe Responses

To this query, 30% of the employees have responded that appraisals are conducted at
every 6 months. About 70% of them said that the appraisals are conducted annually
i.e., every one year. As per Aurobindo Pharma Limited, Hyderabad, for executive’s
appraisals are carried out annually and for workers it is every six months or once in a
year. From the above it is clear that appraisals are carried out periodically for
executives & workers.

4. Performance Appraisal in AUROBINDO PHARMA LIMITED is mainly

useful for you to:
a) Identify ways of improvement
b) Identify areas of training and development
c) Set performance targets
d) All the above

Uses of Performance Appraisal Responses

% of
Options No. of Respondents

Identify areas of improvement 40 40
Identify areas of training &
16 16
Set performance targets 14 14
All the above 30 30
TOTAL 100 100

Identify areas of Identify areas of Set performance All the above TOTAL
improvement training & targets

No. of Respondents % of response

Uses of Performance Appraisal Responses

About the useful of Performance appraisal system, 40% have said that Appraisal
system helped them to identify areas of improvement, to 16% it helped in
identifying training & developmental needs, to 14% it helped in setting
performance targets and to 30% it was helpful in all the above areas. By this we
can say that performance Appraisal is helpful in one way or the other for the
5. Do you feel that continuous assessment is useful in improving your
a) Yes b) No

Continuous Assessment Responses

Options No. of % of response


Yes 74 74
No 26 26
TOTAL 100 100








No. of Respondents % of response

Continuous Assessment Responses

About 74% of the employees responded that continuous assessment is improving
their performance. About 26% of them feel it is not helpful in improving their

6. To what extent does the system help you and your boss to desire on
promotions, transfers, rewards and training and help you in the area where

you need improvement?

a) Great extent b) Limited extent c) Can’t say

Need Improvement Responses

Options No of Respondents % of response

Great extent 40 40

Limited 60 60
Can’t say 0 0
TOTAL 100 100







Great extent Limited Can’t say TOTAL

No of Respondents % of response

Need Improvement Responses

About 40% of the respondents replied that their involvement is to a great extent at
the end of review. As against 60% of them said that they are involved to a limited
extent and 0% of them said that they can’t say anything. From the above it is clear
that the employees’ involvement is to a limited extent bat the end the review.

7. Do you agree with the assessment of your reporting/reviewing officers?

a) Yes b) No c) Can’t say

Assessment of your reporting/reviewing officers Responses

Options No of Respondents % of response

Agree 80 80
Disagree 20 20

Can’t say 0 0
TOTAL 100 100







Agree Disagree Can’t say TOTAL

No of Respondents % of response

Assessment of your reporting/reviewing officers Responses


About 80% of the employees responded that Reporting officer was good at grading
the performance. Nearly 20% were disagreeing his duties as per the guideless laid

8.Are you able to express all difficulties and problems which you have been
facing regarding your job and achievements of your performance areas
a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes

Difficulties and Problems regarding your job and achievements of your
performance areas responses

Options No. of Respondents % of


Yes 75 70
No 30 30
TOTAL 100 100








No. of Respondents % of response

Difficulties and Problems regarding your job and achievements of your

performance areas responses

A majority of 70% of the respondents said that they were able to express their
difficulties and problems, which they have been facing regarding their job
effectively only 30% have answered that they were not able to express their
difficulties regarding their work and job performance. From the above it is definite
that the top management is very particular in listening to the appraisal system.

9. The appraisal system is an opportunity for self –review and reflection.

a) Yes b) No
Self-Review and Reflection Responses

Options No. of % of response

Yes 80 80
No 20 20
TOTAL 100 100








No. of respondents % of response

Self-Review and Reflection Responses

To this question, about 80% of the respondents have agreed that it’s an opportunity
to review themselves. About 20% of them said that it does not help them in
reviewing themselves.

10. Do you think that reward system is fair and adequate?

a) Yes b) No
Reward System Responses

Options No. of % of response

Yes 80 80
No 20 20
TOTAL 100 100

Reward System Responses

In replay, 80% said that the reward system is fair and adequate and 20% responded
that it is not fair. From the above it is concluded that the employees are satisfied
with the reward system.

11. Is your subordinate / superior helpful in terms of your work?

a) Yes b) No

Subordinate / Superior assistance Responses

Options No of respondents % of response

Yes 90 90
No 10 10
TOTAL 100 100








No of respondents % of response

Subordinate / Superior assistance Responses

A major of 90% of the respondents opined that were able to get the support from
the concerned superior/subordinate in terms of their work. Only 10% have
answered that they were not able to get supports from superior or subordinates.
From the above it is definite that the employees in the organization listen to each
other and solve the problems relating to work.

12. Do you think performance appraisal is time consuming?

a) Yes b) No

Time taken by performance appraisal Responses

Options No of Respondents % of response

Yes 06 6
No 94 94
TOTAL 50 100








No of Respondents % of response

Time taken by performance appraisal Responses

A majority of the 94% of the respondents said that the performance appraisal is not
time consuming and 6% of the respondents said that the performance appraisal is
time consuming.

13. In your experience the outstanding performance of an employee is due to:

a) Actual performance b) Qualification
c) Experience d) All the above

Outstanding Performance of Employee Responses

Options No of Respondents % of response

Actual 4 4
Qualification 6 6
Experience 10 10
All the above 80 80
TOTAL 100 100

Outstanding Performance of Employee Responses

Above 80% of the employees responded that the outstanding performance of an
employee is to actual performance qualification. About 10% answered that it is due
to Experience and 4% said that it is due to actual performance. Remaining 6% said
that outstanding performance of an employee is due to qualification and

14. DO agree that the existing system has the scope to correct the biases of the

assessor through a review?

a) Agree b) Disagree c) Can’t say

Existing System Scope Responses

Options No of Respondents % of response

Agree 78 78
Disagree 16 16
Can’t say 06 06
TOTAL 100 100







Agree Disagree Can’t say TOTAL

No of Respondents % of response

Existing System Scope Responses

Above 78% of the employee responded that existing has the scope to correct the
biases of the Assessor through a review. Nearly 16% disagreed and 6% of them did
not say anything. It seems that the existing system has the scope to correct the
biases in the organization.

15. Do you think a good workman gets demotivated because of under rated by
the supervisor or any of the higher officers? Does this happen in your
a) Yes b) No
De-motivation Responses

Options No of Respondents % of response

Yes 90 90
NO 10 10
TOTAL 100 100








No of Respondents % of response

Figure 4.15: De-motivation Responses

Above 90% of the employees responded that a good workman does not get
demotivated because of under by the superior or any of the higher officers. But 10
% of the workmen disagree with this.

16. What are your suggestions for the increased effectiveness of performance
appraisal system?

The suggestion given by the respondents are,
 Feedback information should be the appraise with respect to their areas of
weakness and suggestions to be provided for improving the performance.

 Frequent & mutual discussions should be established to analyse strengths &

weaknesses and given a share their feelings & sort out work related problems.

 Training & Development classes to be conducted frequently to achieve the


 The performance appraisal system should act as a platform on which appraise

appraiser can exchange view and arrive at a best decision.


 In the light of the above discussion the following findings and conclusions are made:

 It is revealed that the executives are getting feedback on their performance though
which they can review their performance. Sort on the problems and can
overcome the difficulties

The management has a clear understanding about the problem that the workers are
the best with moreover, they are eager to solve the problems of the worker as
and when they arise.

The management was giving requisite training to the workers in the areas workers
in the areas where they are weak. It thus helps the workers to focusing targets.

Workers awareness about the fact that appraisal is one of the factors for promotion
was cent percent. This has per included the workers to work hard, aspiring better

Performance appraisal system is considered as a means that aim at identifying the

areas of improvement, identifying areas of training and development, setting
performance targets for the future. It is helpful in one way or the other to the

Form the employees it is found that appraisals are reflecting their positive attitude
towards work. Despite some are dissatisfied with the present’s system of
appraisals. It necessitates few change in present appraisal system

The management desire having cordial relations with the worked to hold

Mutual discussions. Thus, the workers are denied an invaluable opportunity to

share their ideas, feelings, what so ever with the management.

The performance appraisal systems it exists as it exists now, is properly worked

out and appropriately evolved. This revealed from the opinion given by the
majority of the employees.

 To question on whether the employees are satisfied with the present appraisal
system, almost 88% of them have agreed that they are satisfied. About 12% of
them have expressed that they are not satisfied. From it can be set that the
Appraisal System carried out by the Management is almost Satisfactory.

 To this query, 16% of the employees have responded that they are not aware of
all the factors on which their performance is appraised. About 84% of them said
that they are aware of all factors. From the above it is clear that the employees
are aware of all factors on which their performance is appraised.

 To this query, 30% of the employees have responded that appraisals are
conducted at every 6 months. About 70% of them said that the appraisals are
conducted annually i.e., every one year. As per Aurobindo Pharma Limited,
Hyderabad, for executive’s appraisals are carried out annually and for workers it
is every six months or once in a year. From the above it is clear that appraisals
are carried out periodically for executives & workers.

 About the useful of Performance appraisal system, 40% have said that Appraisal
system helped them to identify areas of improvement, to 16% it helped in
identifying training & developmental needs, to 14% it helped in setting
performance targets and to 30% it was helpful in all the above areas. By this we
can say that performance Appraisal is helpful in one way or the other for the

 About 74% of the employees responded that continuous assessment is

improving their performance. About 26% of them feel it is not helpful in
improving their performance.

 About 40% of the respondents replied that their involvement is to a great extent
at the end of review. As against 60% of them said that they are involved to a
limited extent and 0% of them said that they can’t say anything. From the above
it is clear that the employees’ involvement is to a limited extent bat the end the

 About 80% of the employees responded that Reporting officer was good at
grading the performance. Nearly 20% were disagreeing his duties as per the
guideless laid down.

 A majority of 70% of the respondents said that they were able to express their
difficulties and problems, which they have been facing regarding their job
effectively only 30% have answered that they were not able to express their
difficulties regarding their work and job performance. From the above it is
definite that the top management is very particular in listening to the appraisal


 To this question, about 80% of the respondents have agreed that it’s an
opportunity to review themselves. About 20% of them said that it does not help
them in reviewing themselves.

 In replay, 80% said that the reward system is fair and adequate and 20%
responded that it is not fair. From the above it is concluded that the employees
are satisfied with the reward system.

 A major of 90% of the respondents opined that were able to get the support from
the concerned superior/subordinate in terms of their work. Only 10% have
answered that they were not able to get supports from superior or subordinates.
From the above it is definite that the employees in the organization listen to each
other and solve the problems relating to work.

 A majority of the 94% of the respondents said that the performance appraisal is
not time consuming and 6% of the respondents said that the performance
appraisal is time consuming.

 Above 80% of the employees responded that the outstanding performance of an

employee is to actual performance qualification. About 10% answered that it is
due to Experience and 4% said that it is due to actual performance. Remaining
6% said that outstanding performance of an employee is due to qualification and

 Above 78% of the employee responded that existing has the scope to correct
the biases of the Assessor through a review. Nearly 16% disagreed and 6% of
them did not say anything. It seems that the existing system has the scope to
correct the biases in the organization

 Above 90% of the employees responded that a good workman does not get
demotivated because of under by the superior or any of the higher officers. But
10 % of the workmen disagree with this.



Majority of the employees says that the superiors must be transparent when it comes to
performance appraisal and all the employees at administrative level wants all the
monetary benefits to be linked with the performance appraisal other than the income of
the hospital.

All the employees believe in the transparency of the performance appraisal system and
all the factors that are going to be discussed and measured in the performance appraisal
must be clearly defined.

Only 30% of the employees agree that performance appraisal at Aurobindo Pharma
Limited leads to Employee retention, but most of the employees feel that performance
appraisal is not effective enough in retaining the employees.

Different aspects of performance appraisal factors have got mixed opinion among the
employees. Few factors are highly favoured by them and few are not.

Overall the employees at Aurobindo Pharma Limited are satisfied with the current
performance appraisal as well as want some improvements in the appraisal program.

Based on the findings of the study and personal discussions held with various
executives and employees at Aurobindo Pharma Limited, Hyderabad possible
suggestions and recommendations are given:

 It is recommended that employees should be immediately communicated

 The results of the appraisal particularly when they are negative.
 It is recommended that supervisor should try to analyse the strengths.
 Weaknesses of an employee and advise him on correcting the weaknesses
 It is commended to counsel the employees appropriately regarding their
strengths & weaknesses and assist in developing them to realize their full potential
in line with the company’s objectives & goals.
 It is recommended that atmosphere of confidence and trust should be existed so
that both supervisor and employee may discuss frankly and after suggestions may
be given for improvement in those areas.
 The top management is very much committed in implementing the performance
appraisal system as it is. The performance appraisal system is considered as an
essential tool for bridging gap between the top management and the executives It
thus helps them to develop cordial relations and mutual understanding.
 It is recommended that the employees should be communicated information about
his performance, again his acceptance of it and draw up a plan for future
improvement, if necessary.



1.Bohlander, 2006, Human Resource management, 10th edition, Thomson.
2. Aswathappa, 2006, Human Resource management, 4th edition, TMH.
3. Subba Rao, Human Resource management, 6th edition, Himalaya publications.
4. T.V. Rao, Performance Management & Appraisal Systems, wiley,2004
5. Malhotra k. Naresh, 2005, Marketing Research, An Applied orientation, 4th edition,
Pearson Education/ Printice Hall of India.

 www.incrediableindia.org
 www.citehr.com
 www.google.com
 www. aurobindo.com



Name :
Gender : ( ) Male ( ) Female
Age Group : ( ) 20-30
( ) 31-40
( ) 41-50
( ) 51-60
Experience : ( ) Less than 3 Years
( ) 4-8 Years
( ) 9-15 Years
( ) More than 15 Years
Qualification : _________________

1)Are you satisfied with the present performance appraisal system?

a) Yes b) No
2)Are you aware of all the factors on which your performance is appraised?
a) Yes b) No
How frequently does performance appraisal take place in Aurobindo Pharma Limited?
a) Half yearly b) Once in a year
3)Performance appraisal in Leo Labs is mainly useful for you to:
a) Identify ways of improvement
b) Identify areas of training and development
c) Set performance targets
d) All the above
4)Do you feel that continuous assessment is helpful in improving your performance?
a) Yes b) No
5)To what extent does the system help you and boss to desire on promotions, transfers,

rewards and training and help you in the area where you need Improvements?
a) Great extent b) Limited extent c) Can’t say.
6)Do you agree with the assessment of your reporting / reviewing of officers?
a) Yes b) No
7)Are you able to express all difficulties and problems which you have been facing
your job and achievements of your performance areas?
a) Yes b) No

8)The appraisal is an opportunity for self-review and reflection
a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes
9) Do you think that reward system is fair and adequate?
a) Yes b) No
10) Are your subordinate / superior helpful in terms of your work?
a) Yes b) No
12) Do you think performance appraisal is time consuming?
a) Yes b) No
13) In your experience the outstanding performance of an employee is due to:
a) Actual performance b) Qualification
c) Experience d) All the above
14. Do you agree that the existing system has the scope to correct the biases of the
though a review?
a) Agree b) Disagree c) Can’t say
15. Do you think that a good workman gets demotivated because of under rated by the
supervisor or any of the higher officers? Does this happen in your department?
a) Yes b) No
16. What are your suggestions for the increased effectiveness of performance appraisal


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