Phase 3 - Sample Exam Set
Phase 3 - Sample Exam Set
Phase 3 - Sample Exam Set
1. What does the Statue of Frauds require when it comes to contracts related to real estate?
a. That the parties to the contract must be at least 21.
b. That the contract for that sale of real estate must comply with the vendors and purchasers Act.
.--. ;
The contract must be in writing and signed by all the party in order to be enforceable .
d. That the parties to a contract for the sale of real estate situated in Ontario must use an Ontario Real Estate
Association form.
2. Jane is a buyer who has signed a buyer representation agreement with ABC Reality Inc. Jim is a salesperson who is
employed by XYZReal Estate Ltd. Are there any circumstances under which Jim can have Jane sign a second buyer
representation agreement with his brokerage while the original agreement is still active?
a. Yes, provided that there is no commission obligation in Jim's agreement with Jane.
b. Yes, provided the geographic locations entered in the two agreements are different. ,""
c. No, it would be considered interference with another registrant and therefore a violation of REBBA2002.
d. No, in Ontario only one brokerage is permitted to represent the interests of a buyer at anyone time.
3. What are the requirements of the Real Estates and Business Brokers Act 2002 with respect of providing copies of a
listing agreement to the sellers of a property?
a. Seller must be given a copy of the listing agreement at the same time as an ofi~r is~eiBgpresented to them.
b. Eachseller must be given a copy of the listing agreement upon signing it'4~ +\.
c. One copy of the listing agreement must be given to the sellers within 2A/Q"oursof it being signed.
d. A copy of the listing agreement must be given to the seller within 2~.hourS'0fa~eguest to do so.
4. Jim Smith has signed a listing agreement with ABC Reality Inc. MandyJ8l~gS~aSSigQ$8a customer service
agreement with the same brokerage. Mandy wants to make an offer on Jim's prop erty. What does ABC Reality Inc
A "
needs to do in order to comply with REBBAwith respect to this relation~hip? '
a. Prior to showing the property and presenting an offer, ABC must ob '.'in written permission from seller that it can
provide customer service to the buyer. \; l'
b. Prior to presenting any offer, ABCneeds to inform seile~"an uye. "the relationship it has with each of
them. J/"
c.Prior to presenting any offer, ABCneeds to obtain informed written consent of seller and buyer agreeing to the
multiple representations.
d. Prior to showing the property and presenting an offer ABC must obtain written permission from the buyer that it
can provide client service to the seller.
5. According to the Real Estate and BusinessBrokers Act 2002, at what point in time must a registrant advise sellers of
the potential for multiple representations?
a. As soon as the seller has sign~d the listing agreement.
~. Prior to entering into ,i;\7r,epresE!n.!atig.p
agreement with sellers to sell their property.
c. Prior to an offer on th'ei~;'8rppertyb.ejng presented to the sellers.
d. Prior to marketing and adV~hi!!i(lg the sellers property.
6. The proceeds of crime and terrOriSt'financing act requires that a brokerage must maintain all record relating to
identifj.catjon, verification and receipt of funds for a period of:
a. /5 year~
b7 10 years",
./c. 3 months~
d. 7 years
7. ABCReal!ylps, is representing a buyer for the first time. What is the latest point in time that the brokerage must
complete ~9)individuaIID for records?
a. When the subject of agency ID first explained to the buyer.
/6. When an offer is being submitted by that buyer.
c. At the first meeting between the buyer and the sales representative.
d. At the time the buyers deposit is placed in the trust account.
8. A property sells using aREA Agreement of Purchasing and Salewith June zs'' inserted as the Requisition Date.
Which of the following would not be included in a buyer's lawyer's requisition letter to a seller's lawyer?
L~" A request for a transfer of existing fire insurance from the seller to the buyer.
b. A request for a declaration that the seller has occupied the premises.
c. A request for existence that all buildings have been built in compliance with municipal by laws.
c. The seller reviews the'" 'ers i~\~~~rticular order, rejects all 4 and requests that each buyer come back with a
better offer.
d. The seller revn order in which they were received and decided to counter one of the offers at a
higher price $405,0 Oi.lff
22. There are 2 basic types of l~meshare projects; one gives a fee ownership interest and the other gives a right-to-use
interest. Which ofthgjoll6wing statement correctly describe a right-to-use interest timeshare?
a. A requires a registering the property as a condominium .
.11. Each timeshare period is separately registered on title.
\.f:.. The timeshare owner obtains a contractual notice of lease that designates the specific period of time.
d. Timeshare owner obtain shares in the corporation that owns the property.
23. A property owner has complained to the municipality that a nearby farm is creating a nuisance. There is an awful
smell and noise coming from the farm. The municipality looks into it and finds that the farm practice is violating its
zoning by law with respect to noise and odour. Are there any circumstances under which the farm could be allowed
to continue these nuisances even though it is a violation of zoning by law?
Answer: Yes, farmers are protected.
24. Various techniques can significantly reduce energy consumption in a residential home. Which of the following would
Sales person Ahmed of ABC is preparing an offer for, his buyer clients~ohaprbperty)isted with XYZ. The offer of $460,000
nd; ••. »cu;•../. ./'
is irrevocable until 6pm on April 2 . The names of theb~y ng the offer ar~ Angel Chow and her spouse Peter
Chow. The buyers are planning to use the property as their matrimonial home. Both names are entered on the OREA
agreement as buyers and signed by both at 9am on April 1 . There is a $375,000 mortgage on the property held by the
bank but the buyers do not want to assume it. The seller is going to payout the mortgage from the proceeds of the sale
and there are sufficient funds to do so. However, the actual registration of the discharge ofthe mortgage will not take
place until a few weeks after the transaction closes. The offer was presented to the seller at 1 pm on April i" At 3 pm the
seller Signed the offer back at $475,090 but the irrevocable time period remained the same. The counter offer was
presented to the buyers and they at~epted the counter offer. The following day on April 2 prior to the expiration of the
irrevocable period the seller was given"his
"'- copy of the accepted agreement.
"<, . ">.:;,;
27. With respect to the buve . hose nar:n~ or names must be registered on title at the closing of this transaction?
a. It is up to the bYXTr ~o de+.lJ'rYH'bs~ name should be on it.
b. For the property to bea mathmbnial home, both buyers must be registered on title on the closing of this
c. Neither of the buyers can be registered on the title on closing of the property is being designated as a
matrimonial home.
"-@ Onl'i 6rfebf the buyers name in the agreement can be registered in the title.
28. Is the seller's mortgage going to prevent the transaction from closing because it cannot be discharged on or before
I . 7
crosmg. J~
a. Yes, thl~js"a problem that can only be resolved by having the buyers agree to assume the adjusting mortgage
and apply to the bank for approval.
b. No, it will not be a concern since the seller mortgage is not an encumbrance on the property and as a result the
buyers do not care if the mortgage is discharged or not.
'-Ej No, it is not a problem as one of the pre printed clauses in the offer allows for the discharge of the mortgage
after closing based on the seller giving direction of payment and a lawyers undertaking to do so.
d. Yes, this is a problem because clause 10 states in the first line that the property will be free and clear from
charges and encumbrances on closing and the seller must ensure that the mortgage is discharged prior to
29. Which of the following would be a realistic completion of the confirmation of acceptance clause on the agreement
of purchase and sale given the information in this scenario?
taken from the reserve fund to pay for any expenses including facilities such as a recreation centre.
c. Is money is to be taken from the reserve fund from the project propg'sed by the board then the condominium
, v'·; .,.c,.
act requires that 100%of the unit holders must vote in favour of dojpg;so.
"'" , I.iF ;;<f"'>"
d. There is no problem here at all. In fact, th~condo b~;~;~,d/~idQ9t~~en ne~9to request a vote for this proposal as
the Condominium Act allows directors to use the res~iv~fundto'build new common elements at their sole
Case Study
Salesperson Grewal of ABC is working with a buyer client Nathan Brand, who is interested in purchasing a home in
Anycity. Grewal finds three properties that r:nJ~etNathan's criteria and arranges to show them to Nathan today. One of
the properties 43 Abitibi Lane is being sold by Lender Inc. under power of sale.
35. While showing 43 Abitibi Lane, Grewal informs Nathan that the property is being sold under power of sale. Nathan is
not familiar with this kind of sale and aSRs.Grewal to explain what it means. Select the correct explanation from the
choices below: ~;;'f;.'
a. Power of sale is a court~t51ered actjon arising from default of mortgage in which the home owner is forced to list
and sell the propert. Tiill';
b. Power of salerfg>~'ffa taken by a home owner when in default of a mortgage in order to sell the property to
satisfy, a debt.
r:\ c.)Power of sale is a legal rjght of a mortgagee to force the sale of a property in the event of default without having
"'_.-, to go to court. ""='c;:F
d.Power of sale is an action in which the title of the property passes to the mortgagee when the mortgage is in
default and is subsequently sold by the mortgagee.
36. Nathan finds this type of sale interesting and would like more information about a power of sale. Grewal responds
with the following statement:
'If a mortgage is in default for 15 days, the mortgagee can send a Notice of Sale Under Mortgage. The mortgagor is given
35 days to bring the mortgage into good standing. In a power of sale, at least one appraisal is typically undertaken to
establish the value of the property. A property is often down priced just below market value in an effort to get a fast sale,
hopefully within a day or two, to enable the mortgagee to be repaid as soon as possible.'
The explanation given by Grewal is not entirely correct. Which of the following statements best describes this
a. The Mortgage Brokers, Lenders and Administrators Act requires that a mortgagee have three professional
appraisals of property prior to commencing any action.
b. A mortgagee is required to request the court for a Notice of Sale Under Mortgage application in order to
proceed with power of sale.
c. The buyer will be responsible for any money owing if the purchase price of the property is lessthpr1 the amount
owing on the mortgage in default. #""'~> .• d '!
d. Once the sale has been completed, if the financial situation of the mortgagor who wentinto def~tilt improves
and the mortgagor
can pay the mortgage amount, the sale may be nullified by the co
Case Study
Jim is a salesperson with ABC. Mary and Bob are interested in purchasing a cottage anq.~ n
Jim and sign a buyer representation agreement with ABC. Mary and Bob live in Anyt00ri·an. ay.~.)1ever owned a cottage
before. Over the course of a few weeks, Jim takes the buyer to a number of different cottage.?.~
38. Jim has made an appointment to show the buyers a cottage on a fairly remote lake abOLla 2 hours drive from
Any town. During the drive they start asking questions about wells, zoning; utilizes and municipal services to the
property. Jim makes the following statements in response to their questions:
." 1. Some cottage owners may actually own the hydro lines and poles'carrving electricity to their cottage and have to
pay for their upkeep and repair.
2. All homes, even cottages in remote areas of Ontario, are r~'uire o 04be provided fire protection by the
local municipality.
3. Bell Canada may not provide Telephone service toa cot~ag~ even though hydro service is already provided to
that property.
4. Municipalities use the low water mark in lakes to determine the setbacks of cottage properties fronting onto
5. The most common type of wells being installed in cottage properties today are either drilled or bored.
Evaluate each of the above statements made by Jim and select those statements that are correct.
a. Options 2 and 4 are correct.,
(G) Options 2 and 5 are correct~,'
c. Options 1, 2, 3 and 4 qr~ correct.
d. Options 1, 3 and 4 ari:ic8r~.ect.
39. Jim's second appoi~trr~fl~ Rd. which is located 90 minutes from Any town. This property has a 75
year old cottage with awell.andfront onto a small lake. The septic system is only 2 years old and has a raised
absoq:~tft>Qbed. There is an 'old boathouse. The buyers tell Jim that if they bought the property they would knock
down the old boathouse and replace it with a brand new 2 storey boathouse that would have accommodation for
.gtrest. ThJy,would
also like to create a sandy beach using infill, In response, Jim makes the following statements:
;' 1 The t/oothouse sits on shore lands at the water's edge. Shore lands can be publicly or privately owned and they
include land that is seasonally covered by water.
2. Shore Ipnds are regulated by the ministry of the environmental and certain types of work on shore land require
obtailJl~~ a work permit.
3. You Will not need a work permit to remove the old boathouse or to create the beach, but you will need a work
permit from the ministry of the environment to construct the new boathouse.
4. A permit is required for any dredging or infilling on shore land.
5. Two storey boathouses with living accommodation are allowed in Ontario on public land but you may have to
pay rent under a boathouse leasing program.
Evaluate each of the above statements made by Jim and select those statements that are correct:
a. Statements 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
b. Statements 1and 5 are correct.
c. Statements 2, 3, and 4 are correct.
~') Statements 1, 4, and 5 are correct.
septic system with its raised absorption bed. They would like to be sure that the system had.~all the requisite
approvals, was installed correctly and is in good working order. Jim responds with the following statements:
1. A new septic system has to be installed in accordance with the Ontariq(B~il~jng Code.
2. Raised absorption beds are usually needed when there is rocky terr in, ina'd~ uate drainage and poor soil
3. You should obtain a bacteriological analysis of the septic system prior e 'reJ!l6ving the home inspection clause.
This is common practice. '.<~ :/
4. Raise absorption beds have been designed in such a way that they remove the need for minimum clearances
from wells or dwellings. . 'W
5. I will include the following home inspectiori'clause and that will cover any concerns that you might have. This
offer is conditional upon inspection of the;?ubjectprop.~rty by a home inspector at the buyers own expense and
the obtaining of a report satisfactory to the buyers sole and absolute discretion. Unless the buyer gives notice in
writing delivered to the seller not later than 6 pm on the lath of June, 2009, that this condition is fulfilled, this
offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be.teturned to the buyer in full deduction. This condition is
included for the benefit of the buye(Ohd may be waived at the buyer's sole option by notice in writing to the
seller within the time period stateCt'herein.
Evaluate each of the above st<;ltefuen '. ade by Jim and select those statements that are correct.
a. Statements 4 and 5 are correct
b Statements 1, 2 and 4are correct
c. Statements 1, 3 and 4 are' correct'
% "
d. Statements 1 an e correc!';;,
42. Jim now prepare n .....for 123 Beach Rd. and it is for $290,000. The deposit is $8,000 and it is to be submitted
upon acceptanc of the ~ff.~~.There will be a supplementary deposit of $17,000 payable on the is"
of June. The
deposits will eo .....out of t~e buyer's down payment of $94,000. The offer is conditional on being approved to
assume an existi~'g,firstm"6"rtgage on the property of $146,000. To make the sale attractive to the buyers, the seller
has agreed to take back the mortgage for the balance of the offer price for a period of three years at a rate of 5%
with an amortization of 15 years.
The agreement is presented to the seller who, after much discussion with his representative, counters the offer by
increasing the purchase price by $8,000; increasing the deposit by $2,000 and increasing the supplementary deposit
by $3000. The buyers are not in a position to increase their down payment so the seller agrees to increase his seller
take back mortgage to cover the purchase price.
Calculate the balance due on completion based on the counter offer outlined in this question.
~) $64,000
b. $152,000
c. $122,000
d. $268,000
43. John has successfully passed the 80 hour Course 3 General and Advanced Residential exam and has submitted his
application to RECD. He intends to work as a full time salesperson with ABC Realty Inc. and is not waiting to obtain
a. One copy of the listing agreement must be given to the sellers within 24 h04(s of it beingsig~ed.
b. Sellers must be given a copy of the listing agreement at the same as an ,C(fferi~ being s!gned.
c. Each seller must be given a copy of the listing agreement immediatel:stt:pon signing it:'
d. A copy of the listing agreement must be given to the sellers withio,74 hoOr ""'Of a request to do so.
4. Can a listing agreement have a term of more than 6 months?
a. Yes, providing the seller initials the multiple listing service agreement o~tion9n the first page.
b. No, local real estate boards will not accept listings on their.MLS syst~ms for'! period of more than 6 months.
c. Yes, providing the seller initials the listing agreement next/to the ~~p'lry;date.
d. No, REEBA 2002 limits the term of a listing agreement to a'maximum of 6 months.
5. According to the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act 200:2, at what point in time must a registrant advise buyers of
the potential for multiple representations? ..~::,'~.
a. As soon as the buyers have signed a buyer representation; agreement.
b. Prior to entering into a buyer representation agreementw'ith those buyers. N
c. Prior to representing the buyers offer. »
d. Prior to preparing an offer of property for the buyers.
6. Adriana has signed a listing agreement'iiwith ABC Reality Inc. Marvin has signed a customer service agreement with
the same brokerage and is not a client o'h~e brokerage. Mohan wants to make an offer on Adriana's property.
What does ABC Reality Inc. needto do in<qrder to comply with REBBA 2002 with respect to disclosing the nature of
relationships? p
a. Prior to showing the property and presenting an offer, ABC Reality Inc. must obtain written permission from the
seller that it can ·p[@ytde cu~tomer serviced to the buyer.
b. Prior to pres\'!rftlng(anyqffe?ABC Reality Inc. needs to obtain written informed consent for multiple
representation for the 'b'uyer customer.
c. Prior to showingJ.~e property and presenting an offer, ABC Reality Inc. must obtain written permission from the
buyer that it can provide client services to the seller.
d. . Prior to presenting any offer ABC Reality Inc. needs to inform both the seller and the buyer in writing of the
relationship it has with each of them.
7. Both chattels and fixtures are often included in the sale of the property. What is the best description of chattels?
a. Items that are included in the property unless they are listed in the agreement of purchase and sale as excluded
b. Items in a property that are leased rather than owned.
c. Property that is permanently enriched to a building.
d. Personal moveable items that are not part of the real property.
8. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to an agreement for sale?
a. An agreement for sale provides the buyer with more security and protection then a sale financed with a
b. The buyer has a contractual interest in the property that gives the buyer possession but the seller redeems title
to the property until the required payments are made.
b. The buyer should verify or make the offer conditional on verifying which services are available to the property.
c. If a severance is required there is no heed for a condition as it is covered in the pre-printed clauses.
d. The lot dimensions should not be included as minor discrepancies in lot sizes are common.
14. Anna wants to buy a cottage with a frof)tage on a small lands locked lake, and then construct a dock or boathouse
on the shoreline. \AI ..~~X\(ould ~h~a n'ee'd to contact to obtain the requisite permit?
a. The local conse:rvatl~}A:uthc5Ht(.
b. Ministry of Environment)
c. Ministry of Natural Resources.
d. Department of Caflgdian Heritage.
15. What might be one of the indications that a suspicious transaction could possibly be taking place?
a. A client purchasing multiple properties in a short space of time without inspecting them.
b. A buyer client with substantial assets not wanting to give a large deposit with their offer.
c. A seller client insisting on over pricing their property and not seeming concerned whether it sells or not.
d. A buyer client that is insisting on putting numerous conditional clauses in their offer but not insisting on
additional inspections prior to closing.
16. Which of the following would be an environmental concern for a buyer when purchasing a residential property?
a. Access to the property is by way of a private road.
b. The property has an oil fired furnace but had no visible oil tank.
c. The property is being sold by a mortgagee under a power of sale.
d. The property is zoned for both residential and commercial.
17. Which of the following is a correct statement with respect to a property designated as a heritage property?
a. Alternatives to a property require the written approval of the municipal council.
b. Because of the value inherent in the historical nature of the property municipalities tend to FRI reality taxes.
36. The buyer's offer is accepted and prior to closing it is revea.I••;..~\tb,a~.!r!'l!Selle~iof 93 elm street is a non resident of
Canada, and a significant amount of capital gains tCl.~~o@:t'?,e.;o;ing·on the property.
Which of the following describes how the buyer can 'protect himself from the possible liability to pay the sellers
capital gains tax?
a. The buyer must file a declaration with the Canada revenue agency stating that he is a resident of Canada.
b. The seller will need to provide the buyer with a ministry of national revenue certificate within 30 days after
closing showing that the taxes owing on the property have been paid.
c. If the seller cannot prove thN the capital gains tax has been paid prior to closing, the buyer cannot declare the
agreement null and void and,refuse to close the transaction.
'~d.J On closing the buyer c n withh "d he amount that is necessary to pay the sellers capital gains tax for the
Case Study
Tim is a salesperson working for.the C Reality Inc. His client Jane Arckett has just been shown a suite 50675 Danforth
St. A 2 bedr;?Q!llluxury condominium, based on Jane's instructions, Tim has prepared an agreement to lease in which the
monthly, lent and deposit is $1750 and there is a 1year lease term. Jane signs the agreement and it is faxed to the
owner's sales r~presentative at XYZ Real Estate Ltd. The owner counter offer with a monthly rent of $1800 and a deposit
of $2500 and ad(j~a no pet provision into the Schedule A of the agreement. Jane does not have a pet and accepts the
owners counter offer.
Answer the foJloWing three questions based on the information provided.
37 i--'s there a PJiPblem with respect to the owners respect for a rent deposit?
I _0/ Yes a rent deposit is allowed but it cannot be more than a monthly rent of $1800.
b. Yes the residential tenancies act prohibits both security and rent deposits.
c. Yes another residential tenancies act. Rent deposits are not allowed although security deposits are allowed.
d. No a landlord is entitled to negotiate a rent deposit with the tenant and it is up to the parties as to what amount
is agreed.
38. Jane moves into the condominium and five months later she buys a dog. The property manager the owner about the
dog and the owner demands that Jane remove the dog from the premises. Does Jane have to comply with the
~ lane will have to comply and remove the dog, if there is a no pet provision in the condominium declaration
document.' .
Ill. $11000 in cash is handed over by a buyer customer to the salesperson working with them as a deposit for an offer
on a property.
IV. A $20000 uncertified cheque is handed over by a buyer client to their salesperson as a deposit for an offer on a
a. I, 11, and III only
b. I, III and IV only
c. 11 and III only
d. III and IV only
30. Registrants should ensure that all registered owners names appear on the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and that
they all sign the Agreement. Which of the following statements is correct as it related to owners and signatures?
a. When dealing with a corporation, in lieu of a seal, the person signing the offer should have signingCluthority and
beside their signature, they should write 'I have the authority to bind the corporation'.
b. When dealing with an estate where there is more than one trustee, only one trustee's signature is required on an
Agreement to make it valid and enforceable.
c. A power of attorney to sign for the owner of a property can be verbal rather th n'tf theperson appointed
" -:%J;\:.:L'
as the power of attorney is a relative or the lawyer of the owner. '/>;t"
d. All persons who have an interest in a property must be shown as owners OHtl1e Agreemint of Purchase and Sale.
31. John has successfully passed the 80 hour course 3 General and AdvancedResid~htial e~~m'··and has submitted his
application to RECO. He intends to work as a full time salesperson with ABC ReClJty Inc and is now waiting to obtain
confirmation from RECO. Which of the following activities can John g~til}~olvedlfl yvhile he is waiting for his registration?
a. Build a database of potential clients from his list of friends, acquairjtances and business contacts.
b. Call friends, acquaintances and business contracts to ask them if the\/~~~ interested in selling their homes.
c. Develop his marketing material and then send fliers marketing hirnselfte.his friends, acquaintances and business
d. Assist at an open house for the public with another salespersonfrom ABC Realty Inc to get a feel for the business.
32. A mortgage is in default. What would most likely be the reason why a lender would choose a power of sale as the
remedy for the default?
a. Because the borrower prefers power of sale over foreclosure.
b. Because there is no need to obtain possession of the property when using a power of sale.
c. Because the amount of the mortgage is small in comparison to the value of the property.
d. Because it is relatively inexpensive and the most fair to the mortgagor.
33. An environmental contractor who is working on remedial steps and costs associated with the process is performing
which of the following stages of ~nvironrD~ntal audit?
a. Phase 1\[;("
b. Phase 2
c. Phase 3
d. Pha~.~4;, .
34. Whicji"of the following statements is correct regarding a stigmatized property?
a, TtJe valu~j$likely to increase due to stigma associated with the property.
b. Stigma ty~Tcally reflects real risk to the buyer as opposed to a perceived risk.
c. Stigma can remain as such for many years, particularly given the widespread media coverage and associated
d. Stigma can ri'~ver be remedied.
35. Developer Andrew is planning to renovate an existing old factory and convert it into condominium lofts. The property,
in addition to a factory, contains eight existing row houses which will be retained, renovated and sold as condominium
town houses within the same development. Will Tarion warranty cover Andrew's project if he is a registered builder with
a. Yes, because Andrew is a registered builder .:
b. No, because the condominium units are not new but only renovated.
c. No, because the Tarion does not cover any property that was previously being used as a factory.
d. Yes, because the property will be registered as a new condominium.
36. Farms are typically divided into various types. Which of the following is not one of them?
a. Viable farm
Case Study
Ben and EllenQ't..eary and their two young daughters have recently moved into town and have signed an offer to lease a
house at 147 Edgeware Road for one year, commencing Feb 1st• when the offer is presented to the owners, they are
satisfied with all of the terms but make a counter offer to the O'Leary's in which they include a no pet clause because
they are concerned about any possible damage being done to their property by a pet. The O'Leary's have no pets and do
not object to the clause being included. As a result, they accept the counter offer, sign a lease with the owners and move
into 147 Edgeware road on Feb. 1st.
43. It is now the rs" of June and the O'Leary's have bought a dog for their daughters. The owners have found out and are
furious. They remind the O'Leary's of the no pet clause in the lease and demand that they get rid of the dog. According to
the Residential Tenancies Act, can the owners legally enforce their demand that the dog be removed from the home?
a. Yes, the O'Leary's are bound by their lease which has a no pet provision and must remove the dog.
b. No the O'Leary's cannot be forced to get rid of the dog. A no pet clause in a lease agreement is void.
c. Yes the no pet provision is valid because at the time the O'Leary's signed the lease, they did not have a dog.
Case Study
It is the s"
of May, 2009 and Sarah Graham, a salesperson with A is preparing an offer on an aREA
agreement of Purchase and Sale for a property at 98 SampsCln Co . Judv Dempster. The property is listed
with XYZ Real Estate Ltd. Judy would like to offer $~;is,ooo for t~;p y~The an existing first mortgage with an
interest rate of 7% which Judy is willing to assume i~grq~[rt9helpZhe seller avoi a penalty for early discharge of the
mortgage. To make the sale more attractive to Judy, the ~eller is willing to take back a second mortgage for $25,000 at S%
interest. Judy will be paying the balance of the purchase price fr9rtl her own resources. The offer is for $21S,OOO with a
$10,000 deposit submitted upon acceptance and is condiHopaluhtil May 11th on the buyer being approved to assume the
sellers existing first mortgage. The followin rtgage clauses appear on Schedule 'A' to the Agreement:
This offer is conditional upon the Buyer a g to assume the existing first Charge/Mortgage held by Lender Inc. for
approximately One Hundred and Forty Dollars ($140,000), bearing interest at the rate of 8% per annum,
calculated semi-annually not in adv(Jhc~/.repa:,~(rln blended monthly payments of One Thousand and Fifteen Dollars
and Sixty Cents (1,015.60), inc/yqing bothprjnci,5bl and interest, and due on the ir" of December, 2012. Unless the Buyer
gives notice in writing deliveredtbthe setJ~f;riot later than 6pm on the 11th of May, 2009, that this condition is fulfilled,
this offer shall be null an and the deposit shall be returned to the Buyer in full without deduction. The Buyer hereby
agrees to proceed im .; mafetm application and provide such material as may be required by the
The buyer agrees to g and the,seller agrees to take back a second Charge/Mortgage in the amount of $25000 bearing
interest at the rate of 5prnum, calculated semi annually not in advance, repayable in blended monthly payments
$164.28 based on a 20 year amortization, including both principal and interest and to run for a term of five years from the
date of completion of this transaction.
The offer is signed by Judy at 6pm on May s", is irrevocable until 6pm on May ih and the completion date is set for July
46. How would Sarah Graham have explained the irrevocable time period in Clause 1 of this offer to Judy?
a. You are giving the seller until 6pm on the t" of May to accept the offer and for the mortgage condition to be
b. You are giving the seller until 6pm on the y'h of May to consider and accept the offer. You are agreeing not to
withdraw the offer within that time period.
c. You have been given until 6pm on the r:
of May to decide whether you wish to proceed with the offer and after
that the seller can accept or reject the offer.
d. You are giving the seller until 6pm on the ih of May to consider and accept the offer. You can withdraw your offer
at any time within that time period.
Case Study
Landlord Samson owns a four unit apartment building on a quiet street in Any town. He lives in one of the 2 bedroom unit
and the other three are rented out. Most of his tenants are nice and pay rent on time and abide by verbal, rules and
regulations that Samson tells them from time to time. Samson has some knowledge of the Residential t~narides act and,
generally follows them. Based on this scenario, answer the following three questions.
48. Landlord Samson is always concerned about creditworthiness of tenants in his fourplex apartmilit b~iI9!rlg:Atenant
who is new in the country approaches Samson for renting his 2 bed room apartment. Since theJ~r)ant does'nolhave any
credit history in this country, Samson wants to make sure that the tenant does not default on re'~(pa ments. Which of
the following is a valid option for Samson?
a. Ask the tenant to provide post-dated cheques for rent for the next one year.
b. Ask the tenant to bring a guarantor or a co-signer.
c. Insert a condition of automatic withdrawal of rent from tenant's chequing.account."
d. Ask the tenant to provide six month's rent as security deposit. '"
49. Two months into the tenancy, one of the tenants brings in a big dog. Samson does not like pets at all in his building.
Which of the following is a valid option for him to terminate the tenancy?
a. Samson can terminate the tenancy any time by giving a 120 davsnotice.
b. Termination notice can be served to the tenant if the dog is creating.signlficant nuisance in the building.
c. Samson is not permitted to terminate the tenancy on any grounds., '.", '
d. Samson can serve termination notice to the tenant and the tenant can terminate tenancy within 10 days of
receiving the notice.
50. Tenant Brown's lease has already ended with Samson but he is still staying in his 2 bedroom unit. Brown is paying rent
and Samson is accepting it. Samson's mother is coming from UK in two months and is planning to live with him. Samson
needs to vacate Brown's 2 bedroom unit for his mother. Which of the following is a correct statement regarding
termination of tenancy of one of the tenants?
a. Samson can serve a 60 days notice to Brown to get the unit vacated.
b. Samson must serve a minimum of 120 days notice to Brown.
c. Brown can reject sarnson'sriotlce because he is paying rent and Samson is willfully accepting it.
d. Brown can vacate within week er receiving termination notice from Samson.