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St5491E 2-Wire Seismic Vibration Transmitter: Installa On Manual

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Installa on Manual

The Model ST5491E Seismic Vibra on Trans-
mi er is the latest version of an established
series of transmi ers from Metrix. The
ST5491E is the indica ng version of Metrix
Model ST5484E and comes with an integral
2-1/2 digit LCD indicator for local vibra on
readout. It incorporates state-of-the-art
electronic components and circuits. It also
offers several new op ons in terms of fea-
tures and configura ons.

The transmi er combines a vibra on sensor

and signal condi oner in a single package.
They provide the ideal solu on for sensing
machinery vibra on level and transmi ng
a propor onal 4-20 mA signal directly to a
PLC, DCS, monitor, or computer. Typical ap-
plica ons include low- and medium-speed
machines such as fans, blowers, pumps, mo-
tors, and centrifuges. The transmi er can
be supplied with op onal screw cover elbow
fi ngs for connec ng flexible conduit.

The transmi er is all solid state, has no

moving parts, and is encapsulated in a
stainless steel housing. The LCD indicator
is packaged in a sealed module that can be
posi oned in 90° increments with the elbow
fi ng to allow proper viewing when the
transmi er is installed. Each transmi er is
factory calibrated to the sensi vity marked
on the label.

DOC# M9344 • REV J (Feb 2019)

The transmi er body must be solidly mounted to the machine surface. See the sec on
Typical Transducer Placement. Different machine prepara ons are required for the two
basic transmi er moun ng styles; NPT (Na onal Pipe Thread) and machine thread (UNF and
Metric). Transmi ers with the NPT type moun ng stud are secured by the thread engage-
ment and the base of the transmi er does not come in contact with the machine surface.
On the other hand, transmi ers with the machine thread studs must make contact with the
machine surface. The transmi er base must make square and direct contact. This requires
preparing the surface of the machine with a 1 1/2 inch counter bore (surfacing tool). This
tool can be used with a portable drill equipped with a magne c base take care such that the
tapped and threaded hole is perpendicular to the machined surface. The transmi er must
make contact all the way around its base surface. Contact Metrix for more detailed instruc-
ons for using a counter bore.

If installing a transmi er with a standard 1/4 inch NPT stud, drill a hole using a 7/16 inch bit,
5/8 inch deep. Then tap using a 1/4 - 18 NPT (tapered pipe tap). Hand ghten the transmit-
ter and then turn an addi onal 1 to 2 turns using a wrench on the wrench flats. Do not use
a pipe wrench. A pipe wrench can apply extreme forces to the body and poten ally damage
electronic components. A minimum of five threads of engagement should be made. A 1/4
inch to 1/2 inch NPT bushing is available for moun ng the transmi er in exis ng 1/2 inch NPT
holes. Also, a Metrix Model 7084 Flange Adapter can be used between the transmi er and
the machine surface when there is not enough surface thickness to drill and tap a hole. The
flange adaptor mounts with three small screws. See Accessories.

If installing a transmi er with one of the straight machined thread sizes, follow standard
drill and tap procedures. Be sure to not drill a hole larger that the counter bore pilot diam-
eter before using the counter bore to prepare the machine surface. Drill out the hole with
the correct tap drill size a er preparing the surface.

The sensi ve axis of the transmi er is in line with the moun ng stud. The transmi er can
be oriented in any (0 to 360 degree) posi on.

The ST5491E is connected like any other loop powered transmi er. The following is a sum-
mary based on area designa ons.


Connect the field wiring in accordance with the appropriate diagram on page 3. The ST5491E
transmi er requires a minimum of 13 VDC for proper opera on. The minimum loop power
supply voltage required is 13 VDC plus 1 volt for each 50 ohms of loop resistance.
ST5491E Example: Signal wire resistance = 10 
Resistance of receiver = 250 
Total loop resistance = 260 

Minimum supply voltage = 260  (1 VDC/50 ) + 13 VDC = 18.2 VDC

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The maximum loop power supply voltage that may be applied is 30 VDC. The maximum loop
resistance (RL) is calculated by the equa on:

RL = 50 (VS - 13) 
Example: RL = 50 (24 - 13) = 550  for 24 VDC loop supply.


ST5491E transmi ers are CSA cer fied explosion-proof, Class I (C & D); Class II (E, F & G,).
Connect the field wiring in accordance with the appropriate diagram on page 3. Refer to
paragraph 2.A for loop voltage and resistance requirements. All conduit and junc on boxes
used must be cer fied explosion-proof for the class, division and group required by the
applica on. Installa on of the transmi er must meet all of the explosion-proof installa on
requirements of the local governing agency and facility safety procedures.

To meet the requirements of electromagne c compa bility in areas of high electromagne c
interference, the field wiring must be:

1. Shielded twisted pair cable enclosed in grounded metallic conduit, or

2. Double shielded twisted pair cable with a metallic body cable gland fi ng and with the
outer shield grounded.


Use standard two-conductor, twisted pair, shielded wiring for the long run to the instrumenta-
on enclosure. The transmi er is connected like any other loop powered end device.


The first step in configuring the PLC, DCS, or other recording instrument is to determine the
source of power. The ST5491E requires loop power be supplied to it. Some Analog Input
channels, on a PLC or DCS, for example, provide this power from within. If they do not
provide power, an external power supply must be provided. Connect the transmi er field
wiring using standard instrumenta on prac ces.

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Scaling of the display is on the basis of the range of the transmi er. The measurement pa-
rameter name is “vibra on” and the units are “ips” (inches per second) or “mm/s” (millime-
ters per second). The example below is based on a standard 1.0 ips transmi er.

VibraƟon Level TransmiƩer Output PLC (or other) Scale

None 4mA +/-0.1mA 0.00 in/s
1.0 in/s 20mA +/-0.4mA 1.00 in/s

To prevent nuisance alarms, due to transient opera ng condi ons, program an alarm me
delay. Momentary “jolts” that can occur at start-up or during some opera ng condi on
changes, do not reflect a machines steady state opera ng condi on. The indicated vibra on
level must cross the threshold level and stay above it for a preset me before any alarm ac-
on is taken. A 2- to 3-second delay is normally applied to most machinery. Consult Metrix if
you have a ques on about your machines opera ng characteris cs.

Some rough star ng machinery may also need a start-up me lockout for alarms. A start-up
lockout is different than a me delay. Both may be needed.


The ST5491E measures seismic vibra on at the a achment point on the machine. Its
sensi ve direc on is through its cylindrical body. It will not measure side to side mo on. It
measures velocity vibra on in ips (inches per second). Velocity vibra on is a common mea-
surement for a large variety of machinery.

Figure 1 shows a typical transmi er moun ng for casing vibra on measurements is in the
horizontal direc on at the bearing housings. Usually the horizontal direc on is more sensi-
ve because of the way machinery is typically mounted. Figure 2 shows the flying leads be-
ing spliced in the conduit elbow. Please be aware the splice can not be made at this point if
in a hazardous area. In this case, make the splice in a second conduit hub (mee ng splicing
requirements) at the end of the flexible conduit.

The standard lead length is 24 inches. We recommend using the “Y” conduit elbow because it
prevents the conduit from extending too far away from the transmi er, limi ng the likelihood
of ge ng snagged while working near the machinery. If a 1 inch to 3/4 inch reducer is used at
the elbow, a smaller diameter flexible conduit can be used. It is always a good idea to limit
the mass that “hangs” on the transmi er. The flexible conduit should make a bend in order to
be sure any rigid conduit mo on can not feed into the transmi er body.

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Figure 1: Horizontal mounƟng for casing vibraƟon measurements.

Figure 2: Flying leads spliced in conduit elbow.

The ST5491E transmi er has been factory calibrated for the full scale vibra on level marked
on the label. If the calibra on is in doubt the unit can be verified in the field by following
the procedures outlined below. Note that there are no Zero and Span adjustments on the
transmi er.

1. Zero VerificaƟon In the absence of vibra on the output current should be 4 mA ±0.1
mA. If the ambient vibra on is more than 2% of full scale, the transmi er should be
removed from the machine and placed on a vibra on free surface for this measurement.
O en a piece of foam can be used to isolate the transmi er from external mo on.

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2. Span VerificaƟon Subject the transmi er to a known vibra on within the full scale range
marked on the label. If using a portable vibra on shaker where it can be tested at full scale,
the output should be 20 mA ±0.4 mA. If using another reference, like a similar machine,
calculate the current value on a propor onal basis.

The output level can also be compared to a vibra on level read on a portable vibra on me-
ter. This reading should be taken as close to the transmi er loca on as possible.

If you shake the transmi er by hand you can produce a high output as long as there are
no high pass filters. Check the configura on for filters. There is no way of knowing the
expected output when shaking it by hand.

3. Digital Indicator Calibra on of the Digital Indicator requires par al disassembly of the
ST5491E. Remove the Digital Indicator threaded cover. Carefully remove the electronics
module using a small flat head screwdriver. Note how the transmi er wires are connected
before disconnec ng them. Remove the retaining wire from the bo om of the module and
carefully remove the electronics board assembly from the module housing. Connect the
electronics module is series with a current loop that can be accurately set from 4.0 mA to
20.0 mA +/- 0.1 mA.

NOTE: If a voltage source is used to generate a

current, a load resistance must be connected
in series with the ST5491E indicator module.
Failure to do so may damage the unit.

Set the current loop to the zero current reading of the transmi er and adjust the ZERO (R7)
control for a reading of 0.00. Next set the current loop to the full scale current value and
adjust the SPAN (R6) control for the proper indica on. Alternately adjust the ZERO and SPAN
controls as adjustments interact.

Label Full Scale Reading

1.0 in/s 1.00
19.9 mm/s 19.9
100 mm/s 100

A er calibra on, reassemble the module, reconnect the wiring, and reassemble the unit.

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The ST5491E is available with different moun ng op ons. The performance of the transmit-
ter does not change (except for the dynamic output op on, discussed).


8201-001, Conduit Union

Fits between transmi er and 8200-001 conduit elbow to facilitate installa on and
wiring where there is not enough room to rotate the elbow. Suitable for Class I, Div.
1 (Grps A, B, C & D) and Class II, Div. 1 (Grps E, F & G), hazardous areas. Material: zinc
plated steel.

7084-001, Stainless Steel Flange Mount Adaptor

Provides a means to surface mount transmi ers rather than NPT stud (½”: NPT center
hole). Three equally spaced 6.6 mm (0.26’) diameter moun ng holes on 38 mm
(1.50”) diameter circle.
7084-002, Flange Mount Adaptor
Same as 7084-001, except center hole is ¼” NPT. Material: stainless steel

8253-002, Bushing
Bushing for ½” NPT mount when screwed onto standard ¼” NPT base. Material: stain-
less steel.


8169-75-002-XXX, Two-wire, Cable Assembly

2 conductor (20 AWG) twisted, shielded PVC jacketed cable, with plated steel grip for
cable strain relief, male ¾” NPT end. Specify -XXX for length in feet. Example: 8169-
75-002-010 =10 (3.1M). Material: zinc plated steel.

93818-004, Cable Grip Strain Relief Fiƫng

3/4” NPT male thread to cable grip. Diameter range: .156” to .25”. Complete with
sealing ring, locknut and hot dip / mechanically galvanized finish. Suitable for NEMA 4

93818-018, Armored Cable Grip Strain Relief Fiƫng

3/4” NPT male thread to cable grip. Armor diameter range: .40” to .50”. Complete
with sealing ring, locknut and a hot dip / mechanically galvanized finish. Suitable for
NEMA 4 enclosures.

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This electronic equipment was manufactured according to high quality standards
to ensure safe and reliable opera on when used as intended. Due to its nature, this
equipment may contain small quan es of substances known to be hazardous to the
environment or to human health if released into the environment. For this reason,
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (commonly known as WEEE) should never be dis-
posed of in the public waste stream. The “Crossed-Out Waste Bin” label affixed to this product
is a reminder to dispose of this product in accordance with local WEEE regula ons. If you have
ques ons about the disposal process, please contact Metrix Customer Services.

info@metrixvibra on.com
www.metrixvibra on.com
8824 Fallbrook Dr. Houston, TX 77064, USA
Tel: 1.281.940.1802 • Fax: 1.713.559.9421
A er Hours (CST) Technical Assistance: 1.713.452.9703

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