Mejor 2010 - WanliKanjur-book
Mejor 2010 - WanliKanjur-book
Mejor 2010 - WanliKanjur-book
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3 authors, including:
Agnieszka Helman-Wazny
University of Hamburg
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A Preliminary Report
on the Wanli Kanjur
Kept in the Jagiellonian
Library, Krakow
Marek Mejor
Agnieszka Helman-Wazny
Thupten Kunga Chashab
A.D. 1932
A Preliminary Report
on the Wanli Kanjur
Kept in the Jagiellonian
Library, Krakow
Marek Mejor
Agnieszka Helman-Wazny
Thupten Kunga Chashab
Praca naukowa finansowana ze środków na naukę w latach 2007-2009 jako projekt badawczy
nr N N I 03 1906 33: „Zaginiony berliński fragment Wanli Kandżuru w Bibliotece
Jagiellońskiej? Ocena autentyczności tybetańskich książek z kolekcji Pandera w Polsce”.
Research project financed from the funds for scientific research - N N103 1906 33: The lost
fragm ent o f Wanli hka' 'gyur in the Jagiellonian Library? The value o f authenticity o f Tibetan
books from Pander Collection in Poland.
ISBN 978-83-903229-3-3
Skład i łamanie
Zakład Graficzny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Zam. nr 1065/09
E. Pander, Das Pantheon des Tschangtscha Hutuktu. Berlin, 1890: 67.
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 7
A cknow ledgm ents............................................................................................................................... 9
General Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 11
The present first volume o f the Studia Buddhica series contains a preliminary report
on the research project carried out in the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków in 2007-2009, w ith
the financial support o f the Ministry o f Science and Higher Education. The inceptive idea of
the project was given by Agnieszka Helman-Ważny, then a Ph.D. student at the Mikołaj
Kopernik University in Toruń, w ho was collecting materials for her dissertation about the art
o f Tibetan b o o k s.1 In response to her questionnaire which was sent to many cultural
institutions in Poland, the information from the Jagiellonian Library' proved to be the most
interesting o f all. Sincc the late 1940s, in the Library’s Department o f Manuscripts, there has
been kept a large collection o f (mainly) Tibetan books, xylographs and manuscripts, once
belonging to the so-called “Sammlung Pander" o f the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin."
During his stay in Beijing Eugen P ander, a German scholar and art collector, was on
good terms with Thu'u bkwan Hutukhtu from the Yung-ho-kung Temple (Yonghegong). In
the years 1881-1888 Pander gathered a large collection o f Tibetan religious objects
(approximately 700 bronze figures, 300 objects o f cult etc.), as well as several hundreds of
Tibetan, Chinese and Mongolian books, including a fragmentary Wanli Kanjur set, initially
believed to be the Yongle Kanjur from 1410/ The collection was sent to the Museum of
Ethnography in Berlin (Königliches Museum für Völkerkunde zu Berlin), bearing the
accession date 1889. and was later moved to Staatsbibliothek in Berlin, where it was kept
until the Second World War (see Eimer 2000).
Due to massive raids o f the allied air forces the valuable cultural collections kept in
Berlin were in great danger. Therefore, for the purpose o f their rescuc and protection, a
special action o f redistribution o f the collections and placing them in several safe places on
the then territory o f the Reich was undertaken. It is estimated that approximately three
millions o f volumes w ere evacuated from Berlin. One part o f books and manuscripts, w hich
included also the Pander collection, was deposited first in the Fürstenstein (now Książ) castle.
Since it was decided in 1943 that the castle was to be prepared as the quarters for Hitler, the
collection was moved to another place. Consequently, 505 containers were deposited in the
church o f a baroque Cistercian monastery6 in Grüssau (now Krzeszów) in Silesia. They safely
surv ived military operations and after the war. in 1945. were discovered by a group o f Polish
scholars and librarians, who had been assigned with the task o f protecting the cultural goods.
In 1946 the whole collection including Pander's books was moved to Kraków and in 1947
1 Now available in a book form: A. Helman-Ważny, Sztuka tybetańskich ksiąg klasztornych. Warszawa, 2009.
: The available data on Eugen Pander and his collection, with a particular focus on the set o f Wanli Kanjur, was
meticulously put together by Helmut Eimer (Himer 2000).
’ Eugen Pander, b. in Livonia (2.01.1854-1894), between 1875-1877 studied commerce in Riga. 1880 worked in
Moscow, 1881 went on a tour to Germany, England and France; obtained his doctorate (Dr. phil.) degree - place
and date unknown; from 1881 w as a professor o f economics and a lecturer in Russian and German at the College
o f Foreign Sciences (probably Tongwenguan) in Beijing. See Eimer 2000.
4 According to his own words ‘in friendly relations', sec Eimer 2000: 30 n. 9; cf. Pander 1889b: 73 = Lohia
1994: 57 n ^ ó .
5 Cf. Eimer 2000: 30.
6 The monastery was founded in 1242. Cistercian monks came there in 1292; in 1728 it was rebuilt in baroque
deposited in the Jagiellonian Library, it was due to the political situation that the Berlin
collection deposited in the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków (the so-called “ Berlinka” ) has been
kept top secret for a long time and the access to the collection was strictly prohibited. Now it
is fully available for research.
When the existence o f the Pander collection in Kraków was discovered, at the
initiative o f A. Helman-Ważny a research project was designed aiming first o f all at the
identification o f the volumes belonging to the Wanli Kanjur. The research team was formed
by the authors o f the respective parts o f the present volume: Prof. Dr. Marek Mejor (head o f
the project). Dr. Agnieszka llelman-W ażny, and Dr. Thubten Kunga Chashab. The results o f
our preliminary investigations arc included in the present volume. The contributors are
responsible for the opinions expressed in their papers.
The collection o f xylographic prints and manuscripts from the former Prussian State
Library in Berlin kept in the Department o f Manuscripts o f the Jagiellonian Library in
Kraków, the so-called „Sammlung Pander”, consists o f the following six parts:'*
On account o f strict library regulations it was not possible to inspect the whole
collection in the stacks; each volume had to be separately ordered and investigated in the
reading room. For the obvious reasons no printed catalogue, and not even a hand-list was
available, except for a simple list only enumerating the existing items (as shown above). We
therefore started our work in the Jagiellonian Library in a haphazard way, beginning with the
part labelled ‘Pander A '. After checking sample volumes from each o f the six parts o f the
collcction it turned out that our "target” is to be found in the ‘Pander Pantheon' part.
Accordingly we focused our attention on the investigation o f the sixty volumes o f the ‘Pander
Pantheon' collection.10 However, the work o f describing and listing the items o f the ‘Pander
A' collection was continued by Thupten Kunga Chashab. All photographic documentation
was made by A. Helman-Ważny. 1 By a lucky coincidence, during the implementation o f our
project, in her capacity o f an affiliated member o f the Cornell University, Dr. Helman-Ważny
was able to consult the preserved volumes tsa and ku o f the Wanli Supplement in the
Harvard-Yenching Library, as well as the folio 12 o f the Samadhiraja-sutra from the Yongle
Kanjur. kept in the Library’ o f the University o f Michigan.12
In short, the result o f our investigation can be described as follows - it has been
established (beyond doubt) that among the sixty volumes o f the ‘Pander Pantheon'
collection13 -
>twenty-eight volumes (27 + 1 index dkar chag) belong to the Wanli Kanjur
edition from 1605/1606 A.D.
> ten volumes are different from the Wanli Kanjur edition (their provenance is
not yet identified),14
> twenty-two volumes belong to the so-called Supplement o f the Wanli Kanjur.
viz. nos. 1-22.
It should be borne in mind that the present volume is a preliminary report on the contents
o f the Pander collection.15 First o f all we focused our research on the identification o f the
preserved volumes o f the Wanli Kanjur. Still much work remains to be done, and many
questions arc left without answer, therefore we beg the indulgence o f the readers for all
inconsistencies and possible mistakes. A list o f desiderata is long, including e.g. the
digitization o f the whole collection and preparing a complete catalogue o f "Sammlung
Pander”. A detailed research on the preserved volumes o f the W'anli Kanjur in comparison
with the Berlin as w ell as the Taipei Manuscript Kanjurs should become a project o f its own.
A facsimile edition with transliteration o f the Wanli Kanjur dkar chag is under preparation by
Marek Mejor.
The Editor
It is our pleasant duty to express our sincere thanks to the authorities and staff o f the
Jagiellonian Library in Kraków, first o f all to Prof. Zdzisław Pietrzyk. Director, for his
encouragment and keen interest taken in the project; to Dr. Andrzej Obrębski, Deputy
Director, for permission to publish the illustrations; to Dr. Monika Jaglarz. Head o f the
Manuscript Department, and to its staff, for their kind assistance provided during the
implementation o f the project.
The list o f institutions and individuals who were helpful at diferent stages o f our
project is too long to be included here; we acknowledge with many thanks their assistance.
It is our pleasure to acknowledge the help we received from Helmut Eimer. Helmut
Eimer started his investigation o f the vanished ‘Sammlung Pander' many years ago and was
now the first reader o f the present volume. We are enormously thankful to Helmut Eimer, a
great authority in Kanjur research, w ho took the trouble to go through the final version o f the
Report and offer a number o f corrections and improvements. Needless to say that any errors
that remain are the sole responsibility o f the authors.
Very special thanks go to Jonathan Silk for his comments and encouragment.
We thank very much Filip Majkowski for checking the English o f the present book.
Last but not least our thanks go to the Faculty o f Oriental Studies, the University of
Warsaw, for their financial support in printing o f this volume.
General Bibliography and Abbreviations
Agnieszka Helman-Wazny
Conservation Survey of the
Eugen Pander Collection
kept in the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków
The Eugen Pander collection, which by a twist o f fate found its way to Poland during World
War II. was viewed primarily in order to search for the Wanli Kanjur edition among Pander’s
books. 6 However, preparing the conservation survey and photo documentation o f this
collection were also priorities. Pander’s books were forgotten since they were believed to
have vanished without trace during World War II. as Eimer mentioned in his artiele published
in 2000.17 In fact, the existence o f the Eugen Pander collection was confirmed during my
library search for Tibetan books in Poland in 2003.1 Access to this collection was very
limited and for many years, impossible. This is why the collection was untouched and no
conservation procedures were applied to it until the present time.
Even though written or printed documents play an important role in the discipline o f history,
there can be no doubt that important evidence comes primarily from a variety o f different
sources, such as documents, artifacts, oral tradition, etc. Written documents such as
manuscripts and printed books, however, are also artifacts, and their physical properties can
be studied in much the same way as those o f a sculpture, painting, or ceramic object. Thus,
not taking note o f the non-linguistic aspects o f books may deprive one o f important historical
evidence. Study into techniques and materials, book structure, and book condition has proved
useful in reconstructing the history' o f Tibetan books, finding the origin and provenance of
particular volumes or book collections, and planning their conservation program and
procedures. The variations exhibited in the different versions o f the collection o f the Tibetan
Buddhist canon were also connected to a wide-ranging geographical area in which Tibetan
has served as the language o f learning and medium o f communication among Asian
Buddhists. Communities using the Tibetan language did not adapt uniform methods of book
production and did not use the same materials. This is why all material features o f books are
potentially meaningful and traceable. They may indicate the time as well as the region o f
origin o f these editions. I studied Pander’s books in the Jagiellonian University Library in
Cracow with regard to differences in style, arrangement, formats, materials, and techniques
used in their creation. I extracted some data by means o f analytical methods such as optical
microscopy. Material analyses were particularly emphasized since they provided a wealth o f
information about a given book's origin and sometimes helped in dating the creation o f a
certain piece o f art or craft. In addition, such analyses often provided clues about the artist’s
outlook, such as whether their choice o f materials was conscious, or less deliberate.
Examination o f paper was emphasized during this study. This included: fibre composition,
techniques o f creating particular types o f paper (documentation o f the paper structure and
16 For the history and circumstances o f the so-called "Berlinka” collection acquisition by the Jagiellonian
Library, sec: Schochow 2003: 116-124; Pietrzyk 2005: 81-87: Jaglarz 2008: 49; Pietrzyk 2008: 16; llelman-
Waźny 2009c.
17 Eimer 2 0 0 0 : 2 7 -5 1 .
18 See: Helman-Ważny 2009c.
transparency, including patterns o f chain and laid lines), and the study o f how the paper
surface absorbed ink.
Identification o f fibre composition allows to distinguish the Tibetan type o f paper from other
types. In Tibet, primarily the Thymelaeaceae family plants were used for paper production.
This makes Tibetan paper very distinct from Chinese, which is composed o f varieties o f
plants such as ramie, paper mulberry, hemp, bamboo, straw, and many others.19 Identifying
raw material used for paper production can also help in discovering paper origin. When
comparing the results o f fibre analyses o f ancient books with the location o f occurrence o f a
plant they were made from, we can obtain information about the possible region o f a book
origin.20 The area suggested by plant occurrence can be critically evaluated by other sources
o f information, such as textual content, layout o f pages, and manuscript form. This way, we
can find out whether all mentioned features originate from the same area, whether that area is
best understood as a cultural context, country, or region.
The typology established regarding the differences in technology can mark o ff the region o f a
given book's origin too, since we generally know the geographical range in which a particular
type o f papermaking mould was used, as well as the differences in sheet formation. It will still
be quite a wide region, but by comparing with the other two criteria we can achieve much
higher precision. In this way, handmade woven paper, handmade laid paper, and machine-
made paper can be distinguished.-1
A further level o f criteria regarding the preparation o f leaves includes construction o f the leaf
and visual properties o f its surface, such as the presence o f dyes in the paper (or o f insect-
repellant substances, which also change the color o f raw paper), the size o f the paper, how
many layers o f paper were glued together, as well as polishing o f the surface in case o f
manuscripts. This level o f criteria particularly shows the difference between paper prepared
lor manuscripts and that used for prints.
It often proved helpful to link particular items to the already identified groups. It is easier to
classify particular volumes into categories on a visual basis than by textual content only.
Altogether, the Pander collection in the Jagiellonian University Library includes 865 volumes
in six parts which are labeled as Pander A, B, C, F„ F, and Pantheon. I would like to stress that
this is a slightly different arrangement than the type I noticed on the list o f acquisitions from
1906 preserved in the Berlin State Library." This list indicates exactly the same number o f
volumes as we evaluated in Cracow. This suggests that the entire original Pander collection is
now preserved in the Jagiellonian Library as it was acquired by Berlin State Library, and that
nothing was lost during World War II. The Pander collection was divided into six parts too,
with the same number o f volumes as it has now. However, what we have in Poland as the
“Pander Pantheon” was originally known as “Pander D” and was separated into two parts:
volumes 1-22 and volumes 23-60. Unfortunately, there is currently no information on the
19 For more information on Tibetan and Chinese papermaking, see: Hunter 1932: Trier 1972; Tsien 1973: 510-
519; Hunter 1978; Tsien 1985; McClure 1986; Koretsky 1986; Helman-Wafciy 2005: 27-37.
" Helman-Wazny 2009b: 173-186.
1 Methods o f paper examination and the record o f paper features arc discussed in: Meisezahl 1958: 17-28;
Helman-Wazny 2006: 3-9; van Staalduinen, et al. 2006: 346-353.
" The accession list o f the Pander collection prepared when it was relocated from the Königliche Museum lur
Völkerkunde to the Preußische Staatsbibliothek. This document has not been published, and unfortunately I
found it only recently after our project was finished (December 2009). The author o f the document is not
mentioned. There is a stamp o f the library with the year 1906 indicated and some notes made possibly by another
person later on, with a date o f 1929. Taking into consideration the time span, it is possible that Wilhelm Grube
might have prepared this document. See: Walravens 2007: 169. Additionally, according to personal
communication with Prof. Dr. Hartmut Walravens, a comparison o f handw riting performed by him confirms that
W ilhelm Grube was probably the author.
reason/purpose for this rearrangement, or rather renaming, o f the collection in Cracow. The
name “Pander Pantheon” might be associated with the title o f Eugen Pander's book Das
Pantheon i/es Tschangtscha Hutuktu. Ein Beitrag zur Iconographie des Lamaismus published
in 1890 and based on his collection." '
This collection contains 370 volumes, the majority o f which were printed with xylography
(223 volumes), usually using black, but occasionally also red ink. However, a significant
group o f the books is handwritten (147 volumes) and they are distinguished by the dbu m ed
script and by the page outline different from that found in the prints.'4 Ruling is usually done
with red ink. Text is written in black ink and composed between two double red lines in the
side margins in all o f the volumes, except for the first one up to the fifth page, where text was
composed within a variety o f full rectangular frames usually drawn with red lines (Fig. I).
Printed text in most cases is composed within a full rectangular shape printed from the same
wooden block as the text (Fig. 2). A provisional hand-list o f this collection has been prepared
by Thupten Kunga Chashab.25 Most o f the books arc in a loose-leaf forms called by the
Tibetans dpe cha or glegs bam, or described as being in a pothi format (Fig. 3).26 However,
there is also a representation o f books bound in the deb ther format, such as, for example,
volume 74 in the Pander A collection (Fig. 4). Such bound book form is much rarer than the
loose-leaf pothi; however, the format and methods o f sewing are characteristic to Tibetan
book culture (Figs. 5 and 6).2 Most o f the volumes within the Pander A catalog are bound
tightly with Chinese paper strips, sealed with a black inked seal with Chinese characters on it.
and, additionally, described in Tibetan with black ink and in English in pencil, indicating if
the text is w ritten or printed, and how many leaves a given book is composed of. Most o f the
volumes also have shelf marks o f the Museum für Völkerkunde written in green pencil with
the year o f acquisition (1889) on the first folios, and the acquisition number o f the Museum
(Fig. 7).
23 Pander 1890.
24 Handwritten volumes: Pander A 121-204, 220-232, 234-277, 307-308, 310, 354. 368-369. The rest o f Pander
A is printed with xylography.
25 For information about textual content, see: Thupten Kunga Chashab's chapter o f this book.
The character o f Tibetan books is unique, and is closely related to the Tibetan Buddhist culture and history o f
book in Inner Asia (closely related to the history o f Tibetan language and literature inspired by late Indian
Buddhist culture). Tibetan monastery books should thus be considered to be a kind o f homage paid by the
Tibetans to their Indian masters and teachers, the content and form being directly inspired by the traditional
Indian palm-leaf books called grant ha or later pus taka. The text o f such books in Southern India was drawn with
a sharp stick on the surface o f the leaf; ink rubbed on the leaf remained in the scored depressions; in Northern
India the text was usually written. The leaves were joined together by a string loosely threaded through the holes
in the middle o f the text, like beads, and put together into a pile. In this form they were placed between two
boards. The string was attached to these wooden boards. Despite the Indian origin o f Tibetan books, they were
written not on palm leaves as are the Indian pus taka, but on birch bark and paper; and they were never joined
with a string. However, their page shape is similar to that o f a palm leaf and so Tibetan books with loose leav es
are called potlii type. See: Helman-Wazny 2009a: 38-44.
' 7 A common view o f many researchers is that very few Tibetan books which are bound exist, and most o f them
are thought to be recent. However, many sewn books written in Tibetan do exist around the world and arc dated
from the 9Ih century to the present. One o f the possible origins o f this type o f binding can be derived from Persia.
This form is called in Tibetan deb ther. from the Persian daftar. These books were largely made for official,
chancellery purposes. They are bound at the top. Persian daftar is understood as a collection o f written leaves or
sheets (forming a book for registration).
The stamps o f the Prussian State Library (Preußische Staatsbibliothek) were found on a very'
few volumes, and they clearly come from the time o f “Preußische Staatsbibliothek,” as is
indicated on the seal: “Pr. St. Bibliothek Berlin”.25' (Fig. 8).
Altogether, seven types o f ownership seals w ere found w ithin the 370 volumes o f the Pander
A collection (Figs. 9, 10. II, 12 and 13). When these strips o f paper are taken off in order to
gain access to the books, there is no way to put them on again in the same way due to the
paper leaves’ deformation over time. This suggests that these books have not been opened
before, since they were bound with paper strips and sealed with Chinese seals before being
packed and sent to Germany. The existence o f all those provenance marks is rather
compatible with the Pander collection’s history. Only the pencil descriptions in English
cannot be explained, since we do not have enough information at this moment. Additionally,
the European type o f paper strips were attached to a few volumes, and the watermark: "Note
paper London” is readable in this paper structure. The origin o f this “London paper" and
English handwriting can only suggest that an English speaker had this collection in hand
sometime. (Fig. 14)
In general, the Pander A collection is very well preserved, considering especially the
vicissitudes o f its history. Most o f the books were w ritten on high-quality paper characteristic
to Tibet and the Himalayan regions. Traditionally made books were printed or written on
leaves prepared w ith a few layers o f paper. These layers have fallen apart in some cases due
to deterioration o f materials. Additionally, mechanical damages can be observed to some
extent, especially such deformities as creases, tears, and small holes. All books need basic
conservation procedures to be applied, such as cleaning and proper packing.
The Pander B collection contains 315 volumes, the majority o f which are xylograph printed
books (268 volumes altogether), with only 47 handwritten books (vols. 167-200. 202-212,
294. 308). Despite the fact that the books are in the Tibetan language, their format, binding
style, and type o f paper suggest Chinese craftsmanship. For example, a typical Chinese
binding style element which modifies Chinese pothi is the use o f loose leaves joined w ith
paper strings, exactly in the same way as in the most typical Chinese bound books (Fig. 15).
Also, the format o f the books is more related in shape (leaves are shorter in length and w ider
in height) to a Chinese concertina, rather than to Tibetan pothi or Indian p m taka oblong
leaves. The paper in many books suggests Chinese papermaking methods, rather than Tibetan.
The volumes are also bound tightly w ith Chinese paper strips, similarly as in Pander A. and
are described in Tibetan with black ink and in English in pencil (Fig. 16). Pencil descriptions
appear as “Chin. Man.” or “Chin. Print" (depending on whether text is w ritten or printed), and
name the total number o f leaves in each volume. “Chin.” probably suggests “Chinese”, and
indicates the provenance o f the books, which supports the results o f my research on the
books' structure and materials. Most o f the volumes have shelf marks o f the Museum fur
Völkerkunde written in green pencil, often without the year o f acquisition (1889), as in the
case o f the Pander A volumes. Sometimes these green numbers are written directly on the first
pages o f the books, not on the paper strips. Additionally, many o f the volumes have a blue
cross mark on the paper strip binding, which, according to the Berlin State Library list o f
acquisitions mentioned above, indicates that these volumes originate from Peking (Fig. 17). A
new type o f seal, still unidentified, was noticed on volume 206 (see also Fig. 17). The
condition o f the books is very similar to that o f books in the Pander A group.
‘ 8 The library was called ‘Preußische Staatsbibliothek’ from 19IS to 1946. I consulted Dr. Michael Balk from the
Berlin State Library about this seal, and I am grateful for his comments.
Pander C contains 40 Tibetan and Sino-Tibetan volumes printed with xylography. Most of
these books are in concertina format and some are in Chinese pothi format, mainly on Chinese
paper. They represent typically Chinese craftsmanship. The descriptions on paper, however,
are also attached to particular volumes and they show similar information as is present in the
books o f the other parts o f the Pander collection. Green pencil descriptions indicate accession
numbers o f the Museum für Völkerkunde, name and part o f the collection (“ Pa C” ), with the
Library ordering number noted in blue pencil. Additionally, the black-ink Tibetan script, as in
all Pander collections, is a part o f the description o f every volume (Fig. 18). A red cross mark
is visible on the volumes' descriptions.
The Pander E collection contains 12 volumes in the Mongolian language, o f which nine are
handwritten and three are printed.29 All volumes have paper bands with pencil descriptions
indicating their Mongol origin and the number o f leaves in each volume. Additionally, there is
a collection symbol and volume ordering number (“ Pa E” and “3”) written in blue copy
pencil, and Tibetan descriptions written in black ink. A circle drawn in red pencil is also
visible, which might indicate the origin o f volumes or some other properties o f marked books
- similarly to the “blue cross” in Pander B and “red cross” in Pander C (Fig. 19). The most
typical format o f these books is a rectangle - narrow leaves resembling the shape o f palm
leaves in proportion. Text is written vertically, and there are no frames or margin ruling,
which are usually found in Tibetan books. Books are written on laid paper glued in layers. In
general, dirt, especially in the margins, covers the surface o f the volumes and is visible. Water
stains are noticeable in a few places. Creases, tears, and small holes are visible along the
edges o f the leaves.
Collection Pander F contains 68 volumes o f the Chinese Buddhist Canon, mostly printed with
xylography with original acquisition numbers o f the Library from 600 to 668. Accession
numbers of the Museum are from 1133 to 1201.30
Collection Pander Pantheon contains 60 volumes o f Tibetan canonical literature printed with
xylography and distinguished by their significant format and size.31 The volumes are very
heavy. In this collection, we were able to identify and confirm the existence o f the Berlin
Wanli Kanjur. ’2
29 Among these, Pander E 12 (no. 141 o f the whole collection), acc. 1889.1132 P. (in green pencil), is a booklet
containing 12 colour applications on paper (flowers, ornamental motifs, birds, butterflies, etc.), size 24 x 15,8
cm. - Editor.
30 E.g. Pander F 600-602 (no. 142/600-602 o f the whole collection): 3 Chinese style books: nos. 600 - 1133, 601
- 1134, 602 - 1135. Concertina, size: 11 x 34.3 cm. Xylographie prints, in black ink, follow ing the title and
inscription in siddham script: om ... hum. Title: da cheng ntiao fa lian jing (Saddharmapimdanka). Parts: 4, 5. 6.
- Editor.
31 The term 'format' in the most general way is defined as 'the shape and size o f a book’. In a bibliographical
context it is used to indicate the structure o f a volume in terms o f the number o f times the original printed sheet
was folded to form its constituent leaves. For other bibliological terminology see also: Carter et al. 2004: 4 1.
3 For the textual content see the chapter written by Marek Mejor in this book.
The volumes were not bound with paper strips, as was the case in Pander A and B. However,
some descriptions written in blue, green, or lead pencil are visible on the recto side o f the first
folio or on the additional paper cover page attached to a volume. For example, on the tlrst
folio o f volume 23 o f the Pander Pantheon, which in fact is the tlrst volume from the
collection o f the Wanli Kanjur edition, there is a note “ Pander D 23“. (Fig. 20) This
corresponds perfectly to the Berlin acquisition list, which locates the Wanli Kanjur volumes
in Pander D, with “number 23“ indicating the volume number. Additionally, there is a
collection name, the number o f leaves in a volume (“329” ), and also the number o f leaves
containing the Emperor’s Laud and Postface text from the Yongle edition (the Roman
numeral “V" written in pencil)." The Laud-cum-Postface is attached to nineteen volumes, as
follows: 23-27, 41-46. 51-55. 57. 59-60. Most o f the volumes in the Pander Pantheon
collection are described in a very similar way, and occasionally the acquisition numbers o f the
Museum Für Völkerkunde, written in green pencil, are also visible on the first cover page.
The format o f all volumes in the Pander Pantheon collection is pothi, which is the most
typical format o f Tibetan books.
Tibetan pothi format binding elements include loose leaves, fabric overlapping the entire
book, textile labels, and paper or wooden covers. The leaves are made o f one or a few layers
o f papers glued together. The fabric is usually made o f cotton, but sometimes also o f silk or
brocade. The labels are sewn with cloth and brocade, and they are usually placed on the
volume wrapped in fabric. The covers may be made o f many layers o f paper that were later
painted. However, usually they arc made o f wood, or wood and metal fitting. Even within the
same pothi book formats, various types o f techniques and materials, such as one-layer or
multi-layered papers or different elements o f the binding style, were found. Since most parts
o f this type o f binding are separated and easy to replace, a loose leaves construction can pose
limitations to the unification o f the binding style.
Most volumes from the Pander Pantheon collection are composed only o f loose leaves. Other
parts o f the binding have not been preserved, except for the wooden covers o f volume 58
(which does not belong to the Wanli set). The beautifully painted fore edges o f every volume
suggest that these volumes were never overlapped with cotton cloth or attached with textile
labels, which are standard elements o f Tibetan pothi binding. (Fig. 21). The fore-edge
paintings suggest Chinese origin. These volumes were probably also stored in a Chinese way,
with the titles and numbers o f volumes visible on the fore edges directly. '4 Additionally, there
is a practical aspect o f such decoration. If the loose leaves o f pothi are not in the proper order,
the painting's bad fit is immediately visible on the volume edges. (Fig. 22). The coloring o f
the painted fore edges in all volumes is quite similar in color and style.35 The shade o f red in
the background as well as particular patterns and ornaments arc found on all volumes;
however, the volume paintings are definitely not identical. The present results allow to make a
conclusion that the variations in those paintings cannot identify the edition (set). Fore-edge
painting seems to be rather more connected to the text content, and can differ among parts o f
Kanjur volumes o f the same edition. For example, within the Wanli Kanjur set. two types o f
fore-edge paintings can be observed.
Each volume usually has more than 300 leaves, and every leaf is composed o f many layers o f
paper glued together. The sizes o f book leaves usually differ, so they can also be distinctive
features o f the technical identity o f one edition. Generally two sizes can be distinguished in
the volumes from the Pander Pantheon collection.
33 See Part Two in this hook for the facsimile edition. F.ditor.
34 This type o f fore-edges painting can be observed in some o f the Chinese and Mongolian Buddhist books, see
for example jin guäng ming zui sheng wängjing shijuan preserved in the National Library o f China in Beijing:
(National Library o f China) 2006: 105.
5 This refers to any decoration on the lore edges o f the leaves o f a book.
The page outline is particularly important - it reflects the print features readable from wooden
blocks, and allows grouping and identification. This is why a precisely measured page outline
is o f vital importance. The number o f text lines on a page, si/e o f the marginal lines outlining
the text, distances between text lines, type o f script, proportions o f letters, and ca n ing style
(tool traces) were examined. All studied volumes are printed in Tibetan dhu can, but the
proportions and carving style o f letters differ in particular sets o f volumes.
Historical and archival information combined with research conducted on technical features
and materials helped to group particular Kanjur volumes from the Pander Pantheon collection
in sets, and make further research much easier. The results o f codicological and conservation
study o f particular volumes from the Pander Pantheon are presented in the tabular form in the
following chapter.
The documentation and research carried out on particular volumes show a variety o f
techniques and materials used, with such pieces o f information allowing us to make links
between volumes and to group them basing on the particular features o f the edition.36 The
general style o f a given edition derives from the wooden blocks; however, different editions
may be printed from the same wooden blocks, such as in the case o f the Yongle. Wanli, and
possibly also other editions printed later on in Peking. In this case, the types o f materials and
techniques used for the books' preparation define a set.3' However, classification becomes
complicated when we consider many re-editions, reprints, and only fragmentary copies made
from wooden blocks that were in some cases used for hundreds o f years. For instance the
Yongle and Wanli were printed from the first set o f blocks and that is why they belong to the
first edition. For the following issues a new set o f blocks was cut in the years 1684-1692
under the Kangxi Emperor, and it was in use until the end o f the 19th century (Pander's time
36 There are some differences in the use o f the term "edition’ by scholars representing different disciplines. From
the view o f philology the concept o f 'edition' concerns the form and contents o f the text only. From the
viewpoint o f a librarian ’edition' is a number o f prints struck from one set o f wooden blocks, usually at the same
time. However, this definition does not put a clear boundary on this concept in the context o f Tibetan printing
culture. Jonathan Silk in his paper (1996: 155, note 7) referred to the distinction between re-edition and re-printing.
Following this way o f thinking the difference between 'edition.' for which a fresh set o f blocks was prepared, and
're-printing' from already existing blocks still causes confusion. According to an explanation by Helmut t imer: "For
preparing the second set o f wooden blocks printed copies from the first serv ed as master copies were pasted w ith
starch glue on the prepared wooden planks." So. regarding text content it could be the same edition despite a new set
o f wooden blocks used. According to the art terminology we could call such edition a reproduction. Japanese
scholars who visited China during World War II brought back the information that for printing the Kanjur in Peking
mainly two different sets o f blocks were used. Since we cannot be sure at the moment about the total number of
wooden blocks prepared for the so-called Peking editions 1 would like to make clear that I am using the term
'edition' in this paper in a general w ay, also for a set o f volumes (number o f prints) struck from one particular set o f
w ooden blocks representing the same physical features, such as page outline, type of paper and ink and the same
style o f painting.
I found the term 'technical identity', used by Helmut tim er (2007: 39), very accurate in the context of'Kanjur
research’. However, 1 should explain that 1 understand this term slightly differently than it was explained by him.
Rimer refers to technical identity mostly as a relationship between master copy and its re-issue: when new
w ooden blocks produced for the re-issue o f Kanjur w ere prepared using the technique o f transferring a text from
the primary wooden blocks to the new ones by pasting a one-side print on a new block. This way a page outline
o f both master copy and the successive issue are very close to each other, and the same distribution o f Tibetan
letters/words can be visible in both issues. I used this term in the context o f complex physical descriptions o f
particular volumes' features derived from the page outline, type o f paper and ink, and from technology o f
printing and papermaking. My present research on successive editions o f the Tibetan Kanjur shows that in order
to define a particular set, which can contain more than a hundred volumes, the technical identity must be based
on precise physical and technical observations.
in Peking).38 Many aspects o f this problem can be resolved with the help o f historical sources,
but some can be answered only by a penetrating investigation o f every volume. '9
My codicological and conservation study led me to classify the Pander Pantheon collection
into four sets. These are -
1) twenty-eight volumes40 o f the Wanli Kanjur re-printed from the wooden blocks o f the
Yonglc Kanjur edition,
2) twenty-two volumes41 o f the Wanli Kanjur supplement,
3) nine volum es42 which are somehow related to the Wanli Kanjur volumes, and
4) one volume4 which was definitely produced later than the Yongle or Wanli editions from
another set of wooden blocks.
The Wanli Kanjur edition (Pander Pantheon, volumes 23-28, 38-57, 59-60)
This set includes 28 volumes o f the Wanli Kanjur re-printed from the wooden blocks o f the
Yongle Kanjur edition from 1410 A.D. The leaves measure 23,8-24,5 cm in height (width)
and 68,5 cm in length.
The fore-edge paintings are not unified in all volumes in this set. Regarding textual content,
two groups can be distinguished. The twenty-six volumes, i.e. volumes 23-28, 38-46, 48, 50-
57, and 60, are painted on long side edges in the same style, with eleven flowers, each
containing twelve blue petals and six green leaves (Figs. 23 & 24). The shorter side edge
contains the Chinese and Tibetan text completed with a 2,5 cm column ornament along each
comer. (Fig. 25). This ornament depicts Buddhist symbols such as the vase, flowers
resembling lotuses, and crossed gems composed in a column form. (Fig. 26). In the central
part of the opposite, shorter side edge, there is a green halo over the dark blue lotus petals
outlined in gold, with a Chinese inscription in gold in the center. (Fig. 27).
The other group, represented by three volumes (vols. 47. 49, and 59), shows a klrtimukha
( ‘the face o f glory’) ornament against the red background on the long edges.44 (Fig. 28). Short
edges were painted in the same style as the other Wanli volumes. (Figs. 29 & 30)
The page outline o f the Wanli Kanjur edition volumes 23-28, 38-57, and 59-60 meets the one
set requirements. (Fig. 31). Tibetan foliation in the left margins o f the recto side only and
Chinese pagination (on both the recto and verso sides in the right margins) regularly appear in
the Wanli Kanjur volumes. The printing area is limited by two side margins at a distance o f
58-59 cm. The eight text lines per page are printed with the dbu can script. The distances
NOn the so-called Peking editions o f the Kanjur see Imaeda 1977 and Eimer 2007.
4 The volumes were not clearly classified within the sets as Eugcn Pander informed us. For example, within the
sixty volumes o f the Pander Pantheon, there are no volumes from the Yongle Kanjur edition. Eugen Pander
believed that in Yong he gong Monastery in Beijing he obtained twenty-seven volumes o f the Yongle Kanjur,
including twenty-four volumes o f Tantra and thirty-two other canonical volumes printed during the late Ming
Dynasty. By examining the Pander statement in the Lamaist Pantheon, I can explain that he identified Wanli
volumes as the Yongle edition. The captions to his iconographical study clearly show that exactly the same
pictures as those which 1 found in volume 46 were identified by Eugen Pander as the Yongle Kanjur. For further
information, sec: Pander 1889a: 201; Eimer 2000: 27-51; Hclman-Wazny 2009c.
40 These volumes are numbered as follows: vol. 23-28, 38-57 and 59-60.
41 These are volumes 1-22.
4‘ This set is represented by volumes 29-37. These volumes differ from the Wanli set (23-28, 38-57, 59-60) by
measurements o f printing area, type o f paper, technique o f painting miniatures over the originally printed
xylograph, and the red frame added probably at the same time as the xylographs were painted on the first folios
o f every volume from this set. That is why 1 decided to leave this set as ‘unidentified’. However, I still take into
account the fact that these volumes may belong to the Wanli edition/set.
4’ This set is represented by only one volume numbered as 58.
44 Beer 2003: 78-79.
between the upper lines of the text (head o f the script) measure 1,5-1,7 cm. The first folio is
distinguished by two printed pictures representing the Buddhist pantheon.4> (Fig. 32).
The letters’ proportions and characteristics confirm this classification by the page outline.
Regarding the carving style and tool traces, 1 was able to observe the slightly rounded parts o f
letters forming their upper line - an upper part which is closer to a triangular shape
distinguishes the shape o f letter in the Wanli/Yongle editions from the rectangular shape
found in later editions. This is due to the rounded type o f chisel used. In fact, this feature
appears in all studied volumes except for volume 58 from the Pander Pantheon (Fig. 33).
However, this kind o f fingerprinting can provide information about the workshop and area in
which the book was made, rather than about edition different editions could be printed in
the same area or even workshop and not be the same set.
The paper used for printing the volumes o f the Wanli Kanjur is a very thin Chinese type o f
paper with tiny laid lines visible, glued together in six or more layers. The paper on which the
text o f Laud-cum-Postface is written is thinner, and has about 4 layers. Increasing the
thickness o f the paper by gluing it in layers was necessary, because such a thin type o f paper
did not allow making a thicker leaf o f a large format, as the Tibetan Kanjur volumes usually
The sheets were created with the use of dipping technique and a papermaking mould with a
movable type o f sieve characterized by laid and chain lines in a fingerprint pattern. (Fig. 34).
This type of mould with such line laid lines was not used in Tibet, which confirms the
Chinese origin o f the paper. Chain lines were hardly visible, due to the gluing together of
many layers o f paper, but were still possible to be observed. For example, in volume 28 (eight
laid lines in 1 cm) it was also possible to measure the distances between chain lines as
follows: 3 cm - 2 cm - 3 cm - 2 cm - 2,5 cm - 2,5 cm - 2,5 cm - 2,5 cm. Most o f the
volumes contain laid paper characterized by eight laid lines in I cm. However, some o f the
papers show the presence o f five or six laid lines in 1 cm.
Paper mulberry - Broussonetia sp. was identified. The fibres were stained reddish brow n with
Herzberg and were placed in a ribbon-like shape. (Figs. 35 & 36). The lumen was marked, but
interrupted at intervals. Cross-markings were clear but irregular. The transparent membrane
identified as a primary wall (stained violet to bluish purple by Herzberg test4'1) is clearly
visible in the pictures. This transparent membrane usually envelops the fibres. The membrane
(primary wall) associated with paper mulberry fibres is usually considered to be their most
characteristic feature. While this element exists also in other plant species, it is not as clearly
visible as in paper mulberry, in whose fibres the diameter o f the membrane is visibly larger
than the diameter o f the secondary wall. Blunted fibre endings w ere found during observation.
The Chinese origin o f the paper is also confirmed by its fibre composition, the paper mulberry
fibres which compose the paper in the Wanli volumes, and the fact that paper mulberry is
typically a Chinese component.4 (Figs. 37 & 38).
1 was able to observe differences in the quality o f paper. In general, the paper o f Wanli Kanjur
volumes is much whiter and o f better quality than the one used in the other volumes. The best
quality (longest) fibres were used for volume 60 (Jkar chag). (Figs. 39 & 40). The volumes of
the Tantra (rGyud) section were made on medium quality paper. However, even the best
quality paper often has foxing stains (dark yellow-brown dots) on the surface, which is a
typical deterioration mark o f the Chinese paper. (Fig. 41).
4<1 For more information about iconographical aspect see: Pander 1890; Karmay 1975: 55-62; Lohia 1994.
46 The llbres w ere treated with ller/berg stain applied to the tlbre field on the slide. The stained material was
observed under the microscope with transmitted light (OLYMPUS BX 60) and . further, in polarized light. The
slide was examined for different fibres, with attention given to their color after staining and their morphology.
4 Fibre examinations were carried out by the author o f this article at the Department o f Plant Biology, Cornell
University. For reference on fibre anatomy, see: llvessalo-Pfaffli 1995.
The Wanli K a n ju r Supplement (P ander Pantheon: volumes 1-22)
This set includes twenty-two volumes identified as the Wanli Supplement. The leaves
measure 23,8-24,5cm in leaf height and 68,5cm in leaf length.
The long fore edges o f the Wanli Supplement volumes are painted with tlower ornaments
against the red background. (Fig. 42). There are three o f these flowers, resembling lotuses,
eaeh with blue petals and four buds on both sides, and small auspieious symbols in the central
area between the flowers. (Fig. 43). These symbols can be classified into a group called by
Dagyab “the Seven Gems,” which were taken over as individual symbols from Chinese art.
Certain figures which often recurred on the Chinese broeades were interpreted by the Tibetans
as symbols o f good fortune and depicted as offerings on painted scrolls and miniature cult
pictures for religious u se.4S Those depicted on the Wanli supplement volumes can be
described as the Unicom (bse ru), the K ing's and Q ueen's Earrings (<rgyalpo 7 rna cha, btsun
mo ’i rna cha), the Crossed Gems (nor hu hskor cha), the Eight-Branched Coral (hyu ru van
lag brgyad pa), and the Elephant's Tusks (glang t hen mche ha). Additionally, there is a
symbol resembling a book and a wheel found on a couple o f volumes in this set. The
ornament in the comers (1,5-2 cm) is hardly visible; only its green color is noticeable.
Chinese characters sketched in a stupa shape or as the Buddha's halo over the lotus are visible
on the short side edge, and Chinese script only on the opposite short edge. (Fig. 44).
Volumes 1-22 from the Pander Pantheon contain six lines of text on each page within the
printing area o f 58,5-59 cm. (Fig. 45). Tibetan pagination in the left margins and Chinese
pagination on the right margins on the recto and verso sides appear in the Wanli Kanjur
Supplement volumes.
These volumes represent worse quality paper than other volumes, similarly to volumes 29-37,
which contain the Prajnaparamita texts. However, this is also a very thin Chinese type of
paper with tiny laid lines visible, glued together in six or more layers. (Fig. 46).
Volumes o f the Wanli Supplement are written on paper made o f paper mulberry, straw, and
bamboo - very similar to volume 58. (Figs. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52). Three types o f cells were
found in this paper: paper mulberry fibre cells (cut short), pitted wood/bamboo tracheids or
vessels stained blue-and-gray with Herzberg stain, and narrow straw fibres with pointed ends
stained with olive-gray-and-yellow.
The discoloration on the first folio o f volume 12 resembles exactly the ornament carved on
the verso side o f the Yongle book covers that have been preserved in the Metropolitan
Museum o f Art collection in New York.49 (Fig. 53). This may be a hint for identification,
since no cover from the Yongle or Wanli editions have been preserved in the Pander
collection. Thus, this discoloration o f paper located exactly where the wooden cover was
placed in the past is quite important and suggests that this type o f cover was used for a longer
period, since this kind o f discoloration would not appear in a short time. Preserved covers
from later editions produced in the Beijing area usually have a different construction, which is
represented, for example, by the upper cover from volume 58. They are covered with textile,
not painted with lacquer as the Yongle covers are.
This set from the Prajnaparamita section o f the Kanjur includes nine volumes slightly larger
in size: the paper leaves measure 25-25,5 x 71 cm. This unidentified edition, however, is
related to the Wanli Kanjur set and I cannot reject the possibility that these volumes may
belong to the Wanli edition.
This type o f edge painting contains a flower ornament on the red background and a precious
jewel in flames on the shorter side edges. The long side edges are painted w ith 11 flowers
with blue petals (similar to the 11 flowers painted on the Wanli Kanjur volumes) in the upper
area and garlands o f other flowers growing out o f those flow ers. A 2,5 cm ornament strip is
painted on every corner. (Fig. 54). There is a precious jewel in flames on the lotus throne
surrounded by a flower garland on the shorter side edge. (Fig. 55). On the opposite edge, the
title and volume number are w ritten in Tibetan on the left and in Chinese on the right side in
gold over the lotus flower or throne ornamented with lotus petals outlined in gold on the dark
blue background. (Fig. 56).
Like the Wanli Kanjur volumes, these volumes also contain eight lines of text on each page,
and the printing area limited by two side margins in a distance of 58-59 cm. In volume 37
from the Pander Pantheon, the length of a wooden block was readable on folios 12 to 14
(64,5-65 cm) and this was repeated in different volumes as well. The full rectangular frame
was drawn later by hand with red paint. Also, only these volumes are decorated with
beautifully painted miniatures. However, it should be stressed that these miniatures are based
on figures printed with xylography, exactly in the same way as in the Wanli Kanjur volumes.
(Figs. 57, 58 & 59). Tibetan foliation in the left margins and Chinese pagination (on both the
recto and verso sides in the right margins) appear in these volumes.
This is also a Chinese type o f paper with tiny laid lines visible, glued together in six or more
layers. The volumes 29-35 from the Prajnaparamita section are w ritten on paper characterized
by five or six laid lines in 1 cm. This lower quality paper was found in these volumes. (Fig.
60). However, the quality differs in particular volumes, possibly due to the fact, that the three
types o f fibre cells found differ in proportion in particular volumes (Figs. 61, 62, 63). Finally,
the paper in volumes 36 and 37 is composed o f paper mulberry' only. (Figs. 64 & 65).
The volume of a later edition of the Peking Kanjur, possibly from kangxi times (Pander
Pantheon: volume 58)
Volume 58 is easy to distinguish from the rest o f the collection. It was definitely produced
later, without being directly modeled on either Yongle or Wanli editions. This is the only
volume with two covers attached. (Figs. 66 & 67). The upper cover was made o f a plank
measuring 24,2 cm to 71.5 cm, and four strips o f wood joined together into a frame on the
verso side. (Fig. 68). The covers are finished with silk, and the verso side o f the upper cover
contains tw o miniatures and the title o f the volume.
Again, volume 58 from the Pander Pantheon differs from others by the type o f ornament;
however, the coloring is not much different. (Fig. 69).
This is the only volume among the Pander Pantheon books w hich is printed in red ink, and it
features text in a full rectangular frame also printed in red (Fig. 70). Such a page outline
suggests a later, post-Ming Dynasty origin. The leaves are slightly larger than in the Wanli
Kanjur and the Wanli Kanjur Supplement, and measure 24.5-25,5 cm x 71,5 cm - exactly the
same size as in volumes 29-37.
This volume is also made o f a Chinese type o f paper with tiny laid lines visible, glued
together in three or more layers. The leaves are thinner than those o f the Wanli volumes. The
structure of paper in this volume is hardly visible, but I could identify the paper components
as three types o f cells in its structure: paper mulberry fibre cells (cut short), pitted
wood/bamboo tracheids or vessels stained blue-and-gray by Herzberg stain, and narrow straw
fibres with pointed ends stained with olive-gray-and-yellow (Figs. 71, 72 & 73). Volumes o f
the Wanli Supplement (1-22) are written on very similar paper regarding the components
(such as paper mulberry, straw, and bamboo).
Conservation approach
All examined volumes represent good condition in terms o f their preservation state; however,
evidence o f biological, chemical, and physical deterioration o f materials was observed in all
volumes. Every volume was packed separately. All books were covered by dust and dirt in
general. Some o f the leaves were slightly damaged by water. A few volumes, such as volumes
19 and 22, displayed signs o f microbiological attack. The microorganisms’ activity caused
decomposition o f glues in paints, and resulted in the loss o f some colors on the fore-edge
paintings (Fig. 74). Additionally, fungus caused discoloration o f paper and characteristic
stains on the paper surface (Fig. 75). Particular volumes have been damaged to different
degrees; however, those with symptoms o f biological degradation should be treated first. All
volumes are printed on very thin pieces o f Chinese paper glued in many layers. The quality o f
paper in the Wanli Kanjur Supplement volumes (1-22) and in the Prajnàpàramità section
volumes (29-37) seems to be worse than that in the volumes included in the Wanli Kanjur
collection. That is beause the Supplement and the Prajnàpàramità section volumes are more
stained with foxing spots - the staining is due to the quality o f paper, but also to the amount
o f glue used between the very thin layers o f paper. In addition to microbiological and physical
damage, chemical changes were also v isible. Breaks in the paper fibres, fragility o f paper, and
a brownish color visible under light revealed the effects o f aging. Furthermore, weakness of
the paper and the loss o f its flexibility, especially in the areas that touch on the side margins,
and lower corners and edges, all make the paper very brittle. (Figs. 76 & 77).
At this initial stage, general cleaning and proper packing (in separate boxes made o f standard
conservation materials) is recommended for the entire collection. The volumes with fungi
activity (stains) should be treated first and eventually disinfected and cleaned if necessary.
The preliminary examination o f the whole Pander collection allows the identification o f the
W'anli Kanjur volumes among many books contained in the storage rooms o f the Jagiellonian
Library in Cracow, previously deemed to be lost. Additionally, all data noted down on the
paper binding and directly on the volumes contributed greatly to our understanding o f the
Pander collection's history and provenance. All data derived from penetrating investigation o f
particular volumes, together with the documentation preserved in the Berlin State Library (cf.
Eimer 2000). made the evaluation o f this collection possible, and the conclusive statement
that all Pander books acquired by the Berlin State Library before 1906 were safely preserved
in the Jagiellonian University Library until present time has been made.
The results o f the studies described above allowed to establish a typology o f techniques and
materials employed in the Tibetan Kanjur production in Peking. Furthermore, this typology
helped to draw links between different sets o f volumes found in the Pander Pantheon
collection, and to classify them into particular Kanjur editions (sets). The available editions o f
the Tibetan Kanjur at present arc o f different sizes, ranging from fragments to complete multi
volume collections (of about a hundred volumes). It is sometimes very difficult to identify the
newly found volumes or collections, and fit them into the already existent classifications o f
the Tibetan Kanjur editions. The study o f the physical corpus o f books demonstrates the
potential o f such archaeological research to be applied in order to facilitate judgments about
the technical identity o f a same-set edition and also to identify the relationship between the
master copy and the subsequent edition o f a Kanjur (which is modeled on this master copy).
Thus, this study contributes to the available knowledge o f the Pander collection history, but
also to the “fingerprinting'’ o f chronology, regional origin, and provenance o f its particular
volumes and sections.
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O F T H E V O L U M E S 1-60
O F T H E ‘P A N D E R P A N T H E O N ’
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£ > • £ £ 2 «.5= S> rr— _)
_ Z <N Z ^ Z vc Z
-r u — ü
>< > < > < > < > <
As above
. 1
<. fN
£ e
I« sX
As above As above, 300 l< As above. As above -C
C d O i
> < > <
Distance between side 24 x 68,5 cm A (lower ornament is
margins ruling: 58 cm painted on the edges:
3 lotuses in each
margin, each with 14
petals (more petals
than in the previous
volumes) and 4 buds
os z
> <
o y
The size of the Pothi format
wooden block is 24,2 x 68.4 cm
readable on a few
pages: 15.5-16 cm to
65-66 cm. Extremely
narrow letters in the
part of the folios that
is in the book block
As above
As above, 300 fi As above As above
E z
C d
Distance between side 24,2 x 68,5 cm A flower ornament is
margins ruling: 58-59 painted on the edges:
cm; the height of the 3 lotuses in each
wooden block is margin, each with 13
readable on folio 1 , petals and 4 buds, and
the recto side is about a small symbol of a
15,5 cm wheel and a rhombus
which can be
interpreted as King's
and Queen’s Earrings
in the central area
between the flowers
on one side, and 2
other symbols on the
other side (?) between
the flowers
= 1
O d
Distance between side 24 x 68,5 cm
margins ruling: 58 cm
Tibetan text on the
other side, which is
completed with a 2,5
cm column ornament
along each corner.
This ornament depicts
Buddhist symbols
such as the vase,
flowers resembling
lotuses, and crossed
gems composed in a
column form. In the
central area of the
opposite, shorter side
edge, there is a green
halo over the dark
blue lotus petals
outlined in gold, with
a Chinese inscription
in gold in the center.
As above As above As above As above
.8 ? 1 !
S S < a
£ ^
Chain line distances
in cm: 3-2-3-2-2,5-
Tibetan dbu can; As above, 320 folios This type of edge leaves glued in layers Broussonetia sp.
l !
> <
ir s i
o y
2 ©
xylograph printed in 25 x 71 cm painting contains a (6 or more), Chinese (paper mulberry) and
• i l l
¡2 J5 f
black ink, X lines o f flower ornament on type laid paper, 6-7 addition of other
text on each page; the red background laid lines in 1 cm fibres, such as straw
Tibetan foliation in and a precious jewel or bamboo; lower
the left margin and in flames on the quality paper, fibres
Chinese pagination shorter side edges. damaged, cut short
(on the recto and The long side edges and with an
verso sides) are painted with 11 unidentified filling
Distance between side flowers with blue substance
margins ruling: 59- petals (similar to the
59,5 cm. Miniature 11 (lowers painted on
paintings arc first the Wanli Kanjur
printed as xylographs volumes) in the upper
from wooden blocks area and garlands o f
and later painted by other flowers growing
hand. Also, a double out of those flowers.
frame is later painted A 2,5 cm ornament
by hand with red paint strip is painted in
on every leaf (recto every corner. There is
and verso sides) a precious jewel in
flames on the lotus
throne surrounded by
a flower garland on
the shorter side edge.
On the opposite edge,
the title (the
section of the Kanjur)
and volume no. are
written in Tibetan on
the left and Chinese
on the right side in
gold over the lotus
flower or a throne
ornamented with lotus
petals outlined in gold
on the dark blue
background. A bright
red color is visible
underneath the
painting where the
upper painting layer is
As above As above The structure of the As above
| |
0 i
g 1
> <
paper is hardly Sample for fibre
sJ —
Distance between side
S 1 =
visible, but when laid composition
> r- —
margins ruling: 57,5-
58.5 cm; distance lines could be examination taken
between the upper observed, there were from folio 5 (the inner
lines of the text is 1,5- 8 in 1 cm. The paper layer of paper is o f
1,7 cm; distance is thinner than in the worse quality and the
between the miniature Tantra volumes o f outer layer seems to
paintings (14 x 13,5 Wanli (about 3-4 be of better quality)
cm) on folio 1 recto: layers of paper glued
30.5 cm together). The middle
layer of paper in a few
leaves seems to be o f
much w orse quality
(yellow paper, very
Kanjur: p As above As abov The structure of the As above
l l
> <
J cf
g d
belongs t Distance between side 25,3 x 7 paper is hardly
^ x -S
s !
edition margins ruling: 59 height 0 visible, but when laid
cm; distance between 15 cm lines could be
the miniature observed, there were
paintings (13,2-13.6 x 5-6 in 1 cm. The
13,2 cm) on folio 1 paper is thinner than
recto: 32,1 cm in the Tantra volumes
of Wanli (about 3-4
layers of paper glued
together). In general.
paper seems to be o f
much worse quality
than that used in the
tantra volumes of the
Wanli edition (yellow
paper, very brittle)
Kanjur: possibly As above
As above, 310 folios As above The structure of the As above
> <
-, jr
C y
belongs to the Wanli Distance between the 25,2 x 71 cm paper is hardly
edition two sides miniature height/w idth of the visible, but when laid
paintings (13,8-14 x volume: 14,5 cm lines could be
13,8-14 cm) on folio observed, there were
1 recto: 31.8 cm. Next 6-9 in 1 cm. The
to the illustration on paper is thinner than
the right, the overprint in the Tantra volumes
of the wooden block of Wanli (about 3-4
is visible. layers of paper glued
Additionally, a double together). In general,
frame was later the paper seems to be
painted by hand with of much worse quality
red paint on every leaf than that used for the
(recto and verso side): Tantra volumes of the
about 64,5 x 18 cm Wanli edition (yellow
paper, very brittle)
Kanjur: possibly As above As above, 323 folios As above As above As above
s i
> <
belongs to the Wanli 25 x 70 cm
Kanjur: possibly As above As above, 336 folios As above As above As above
s i
> <
O ÿ
belongs to the Wanli 25 x 70,6 cm
5 2
> <
O <3
25 x 70,8 cm
Kanjur: possibly As above As above, 319 folios As above As above Pure paper n
> <
o 8
belongs to the Wanli 25x71 cm as above
Kanjur: possibly Distance betw een side As above, 330 folios As above Leaves glued in layers As above
> <
O 8
belongs to the Wanli margins ruling: 58 25,3 x 70,9 cm (6 or more), laid lines
edition cm; distance between hardly visible: 5 in 1
the upper lines of the cm
.2 -
a E 2 II
cJ »/', « I? I
i t -
I~ ”’
X 1 -1 5 2 ri
<?T+ J
J j 'M
*■ -i
< n^
? z 5= z
8 •5 8 ■3 Si c a o a ■5 8 ©8
> < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <
and Chinese and
Tibetan text on the
other side which is
completed with a 2,5
cm column ornament
along each comer.
This ornament depicts
Buddhist symbols
such as the vase,
flowers resembling
lotuses, and crossed
gems composed in a
column form (hardly
visible on this volume
due to damage to the
paint, and also,
possibly due to some
parts not having been
finished by the
craftsman). In the
central area of the
opposite, shorter side
edge, there is a green
halo over the dark
blue lotus petals
outlined in gold, with
a Chinese inscription
in gold in the center.
Red background, 11 As above
> i
c i
> <
lotus flowers on long
§ ?
l - l
side edges, each with
12 blue petals and 6
green leaves;
On the shorter side
edges we have: a
haloed lotus with a
Chinese inscription in
gold, and Chinese and
Tibetan text on the
other side which is
completed with a 2,5
cm column ornament
along each corner.
This ornament depicts
Buddhist symbols
such as the vase,
flowers resembling
lotuses, and crossed
gems composed in a
column form. In the
central area of the
opposite, shorter side
edge, there is a green
halo over the dark
blue lotus petals
outlined in gold, with
a Chinese inscription
in gold in the center.
1.49 As above KTrlimukha ornament As above As above
1 $
< n
~ !
> <
0 3
:. No. 11 10 Distance between side against the red Texture c
I s
i t
* !
Acc. No. 1 111 Distance between side lotus flowers on long (6 or more), Chinese
margins ruling; 60 - side edges, each with type laid paper, 9-10
60,5 cm; distance 12 blue petals and 6 laid lines in 1 cm
between the upper green leaves; on the when structure v isible
lines of the text is 1 ,6- shorter side edges w e (not clearly visible on
1,8 cm. Distance have: a haloed lotus every folio).
between the with a Chinese
illustrations ( 14,8 x inscription in gold,
14.2 cm and 1 4 x 1 4 and Chinese and
cm) on folio 1 verso: Tibetan text on the
31 cm (text printing other side which is
area) completed with a 2,5
cm column ornament
along each corner.
This ornament depicts
Buddhist symbols
such as the vase,
flowers resembling
lotuses, and crossed
gems composed in a
column form. In the
central area of the
0 —
y. Si ^
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— x: o
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-° E "°
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c ¿* û ; o c <2 £ S c •-= .E "2 •_E
C 5 ÇJ O
- ^
- Z3 ^M u
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? í ! e * « 3 !A . i Í5 c' i> X - 3
<! 2 E 2 ¿ ii - S 2 *5 3 *5 E S 6 2 Q E -
S i Ź
"5 y
> < > <
printing area).
Laud/Postface text is
in the full double line
frame (outer line is 4-
5 mm thick and inner
line is 1 mm thick):
15,2 x 58.X cm.
As above As above, 342 folios As above Leaves glued in layers As above
> <
■5 a
Distance between side + 5 f. of Emperor’s (6 or more), Chinese
margins ruling: 58.3 Laud & Postface type laid paper, 8-9
cm; distance between 24 x 68,5 cm laid lines in 1 cm
the upper lines of the Height/width of the when structure visible
text is 1,5-1,7 cm. volume: 18,5 cm (not clearly visible on
Distance between the every folio).
illustrations (13,8 x
13.3 cm and 13,9 x
13.4 cm) on folio 1
verso: 30,8 cm (text
printing area).
Laud/Postface text is
in the full double line
frame (outer line is 4-
5 mm thick and inner
line is 1 mm thick):
15,2 x 59,4 cm.
As above As above, 313 folios As above Leaves glued in layers As above
> <
2 Z
— y
Distance between side + 5 f. of Emperor’s Painting foreheads (6 or more). Chinese
margins ruling about Laud & Post face very well preserv ed, type laid paper. 8 laid
59 cm; distance 24 x 6X,5 cm clearly visible. The lines in 1 cm when
between the upper height (width) of the first 5 leaves of the structure visible (not
lines of the text is 1,5- volume: 17 cm Laud/Post face are clearly visible on
1,7 cm. Distance painted in the same every folio).
between the colors as the rest o f
illustrations (14.2 x the volume; however,
13 cm) on folio 1 the outline of the
verso: 31,3 cm (text painting does not fit
printing area). well with the rest o f
Laud/Postface text is the volume - this
in the full double line suggests that this
frame (outer line is 4-
Laud/Post face was
5 mm thick and inner not originally attached
line is 1 mm thick): to this volume. Also,
15,4 x 59,6 cm. leaves 2 and 3,
written in Chinese,
have an additional
pattern/color - they
might have been
placed in a different
volume when vol. 54
was painted.
As above
^ ¿I
Distance between the
+ 5 f. of Emperor's (6 or more), Chinese
> <y
upper lines of the text Laud & Postface type laid paper, 9-10
is 1,5-1,7 cm; 24 x 68,7 cm laid lines in 1 cm
distance between the when structure visible
illustrations (14 x (not clearly visible on
13,9 cm) on folio 1 every folio).
verso: 30,5 cm (text
printing area).
Laud/Postface text is
in the full double line
frame (outer line is 4-
5 mm thick and inner
line is 1 mm thick):
15,1 x 59,2 cm.
As above As above, 307 folios
> <
© u
U-i *-
Distance between side height (width) of the (6 or more), Chinese
margins ruling about volume: 15 cm type laid paper, 8-10
58,5 cm; distance laid lines in 1 cm
between the upper when structure visible
lines of the text is 1,5- (not clearly visible on
1.7 cm. Distance every' folio).
between the
illustrations (14,1 x
13.7 cm) on folio 1
verso: 30,2-30,4 cm
(text printing area).
As above As above, 312 folios
As above
Leaves glued in layers | As above
Distance between side
(6 or more), Chinese
margins ruling is type laid paper, 9-10
f i !
° r- i
-Ô 5
about 58,5-59,2 cm; laid lines in 1 cm
" I I I
distance between the when structure visible
upper lines of the text (not clearly visible on
is 1,5-1,7 cm. every folio).
Distance between the
illustrations ( 14 x
13,7 cm) on folio 1
verso: 30.8 cm (text
printing area).
Laudation text is in
the full double line
frame (outer line is 4-
5mm thick and inner
line is 1 mm thick):
15,4 x 59-59,5 cm
Kanjur: a Tibetan dim can As above, 375 folios This volume differs Leaves glued in layers Different types o f
3C 7
> <
i/". ^
of the Pe xylograph printed in 24,2 x 71,5 cm from others by type of (6 or more), laid lines cells: paper mulberry
| |
possibly red ink. 8 lines of text ornament; however, hardly visible, mould fibre cells (cut short),
times on each page, the coloring is not type is not identified. cells stained with
rectangle frame size: much different. blue-and-gray and
59 cm pitted similarly to
tracheids or vessels,
and narrow fibre cells
with pointed ends
stained olive-gray-
As above in the Wanli As above, 330 folios KTrlimukha ornament Leaves glued in layers
1 !
> <
Kanjur volumes. + 5 f. of Emperor’s against the red (6 or more), Chinese
Distance between side Laud/Postface background on the type laid paper, 9-10
margins ruling is 24 x 68.5 cm long edges. On the laid lines in 1 cm
about 57.5-58 cm; shorter side edges we when structure visible
distance between the have: a haloed lotus (not clearly visible on
upper lines of the text with a Chinese every folio).
is 1.5-1,7 cm. inscription in gold,
Distance between the and Chinese and
illustrations (12,5 x Tibetan text on the
13 cm) on folio 1 other side which is
verso: 32 cm (text completed with a 2,5
printing area). cm column ornament
Laud/Post face text is along each corner.
in the full double line This ornament depicts
frame (outer line is 4- Buddhist symbols
5 mm thick and inner such as the vase.
line is 1 mm thick): Mowers resembling
15-15.5 x 58,6-59 cm. lotuses, and crossed
According to the gems composed in a
numbering of the column form (hardly
leaves in pencil made visible on this volume
in the upper right due to damage to the
corner, folio 3 of the paint, and also,
Laud comes from possibly due to some
volume 58, but it parts not hav ing been
might be incorrectly finished by the
numbered. craftsman). In the
central area of the
opposite, shorter side
edge, there is a green
halo over the dark
blue lotus petals
outlined in gold, with
a Chinese inscription
in gold in the center.
Vol. 60 Tibetan Catalogue to
the Kanjur originally
Tibetan clbu can “ Fragment of the same Leaves glued in layers Broussoneiia sp.
Ace. No. 1121 xylograph printed in i :=• pattern that exists on (6 or more). Chinese (paper mulberry),
— 2 v
belonging to the first black ink, 6 lines o f many Wanli volumes: type laid paper, 8 laid very long tlbres.
S 5 | x
< « " ?.
volume of the set, viz. text on each page, lotus flowers with 12 lines in 1 cm. exceptionally good
"rgyud, ka ( 1 )", side margins frame blue petals and 6 quality of paper.
Pander Vol. 23: Wanli size: 56 cm. green leaves, against
edition (dkar chag) the red background:
on the shorter side
edges we have: a
haloed lotus with a
Chinese inscription in
gold, and Chinese and
Tibetan text on the
“-"«r Vÿà.ItW’ffjiWy
^ - r r '' •' .......i" ■ '
Fig. 3. Fancier A. No. 2.
Fig. 6. Pander A. No. 74.
Fig. 8. Pander A. No. 80.
Fig. 10. Pander A. No. 237.
Fig. 12. Pander A. No. 27.
Fig. 14. Pander A. No. 67.
Fig. 16. Pander B. No. 207.
Fig. 18. Pander C. No. 25 (1046).
Fig. 20. Pander Pantheon No. 23.
Fig. 22. Pander Pantheon No. 50.
Fig. 24. Pander Pantheon No. 56.
Fig. 26. Pander Pantheon No. 54.
Fig. 28. Pander Pantheon No. 47.
Fig. 30. Pander Pantheon No. 59,
. --------------- —
Fig. 32. Pander Pantheon No. 52, fol. 1.
Fig. 34. Pander Pantheon No. 24.
Fig. 37. Pander Pantheon No. 23.
Fig. 41. Pander Pantheon No. 23.
Fig. 44. Pander Pantheon No. 12.
‘ ■
: v:;;-
v . .Vv 4 . '...
Fig. 46. Pander Pantheon No. 17.
Fig. 49. Pander Pantheon No. 5.
Fig. 53. Pander Pantheon No. 12.
« 5
Fig. 56. Pander Pantheon No. 29.
Fig. 58. Pander Pantheon No. 31, fol. 1.
* j |^ f |w ;
Ijji i
Fig. 60. Pander Pantheon No. 31.
Fi”. 64. Pander Pantheon No. 36.
Fig. 68. Pander Pantheon No. 58.
Fig. 71. Pander Pantheon No. 58.
Fig. 74. Pander Pantheon No. 19.
Fig. 76. Pander Pantheon No. 7.
aw gävisnw ^t
^wni- ^ T ^ T I^ W F a ?
*»*#3«*7WW\C| awsy»»«.
Marek Mejor
Introduction. Synopsis.
The first xylograph edition o f the Tibetan Kanjur was printed (in red ink) in Beijing50 in
1410 A.D. by order o f the Yongle Emperor51. Copies o f the Yongle edition o f the Kanjur
were offered as a gift to Tibetan hierarchs who visited the Ming em peror’s court. From the
preserved sources it is possible to trace the history o f a few copies o f the Yongle Kanjur. At
present we know the whereabouts o f two (almost complete) copies - both are preserved in
Lhasa, one in the Pótala Palace, and another in Se ra monastery. The Pótala copy comes from
Sa skya monastery, where it was kept until the so-called Cultural Revolution. (According to
some other information it is kept at present in ’Bras spungs.) This copy was obtained in 1414
by Chos rjc Kun dga' bkra shis (1349-1425), the head o f the Lha khang branch o f Sa skya pa.
by order of the Ming Emperor Chengzu. The number o f preserved volumes is 106. The
second copy was obtained by Byams chen chos rje Shákya ye shes (1352/54-1435) as a gift
from the same Emperor in 1416. when he was leaving China. After his return to Tibet he
deposited the precious gift in Dga’ Idan monastery, founded by Tsong kha pa (1357-1419).
Later he moved the set to Se ra monastery, which he founded in 1419, where it was kept since
then. The number o f preserved volumes is 103. Each volume is bound in wooden boards by
leather bands.52
It is also known that in 1940 a copy o f the Yongle Kanjur was kept in the temples o f
Wutai Shan (IT .fiill) in China. This copy was studied by a Japanese scholar. Shinten Sakai.53
The next xylograph Kanjur edition was executed by order o f Wanli in Beijing in 1605-6
A.D. It was made from the same wooden blocks as the Yongle edition, and printed in black
ink. It contained 105 volumes plus I index volume (dkar chag). The Chinese text o f
Em peror's „Laud” gives the precise date o f the printing: „Reprinted in the 33rd year of
Wanli, 12th month, 1st day (= 9 January, 1606).”55
Moreover. 42 volumes o f a ‘Supplement' (Xutianzang) were added to this Kanjur edition.
The Emperor's edict was appended to the Supplement ( Yuzhi zangjing chiyu, 2 fols.) - it
bears the date: 2nd day o f the 8th month o f the 34th year o f the Wanli era (= 2 December,
1606).56 Index to the Supplement (5 fols. in Chinese, 15 fols. Tibetan) has not been preserved
with the present set.
This is the only known existing Wanli Kanjur edition which has been preserved - an
incomplete set is included in the Pander collection under the label 'Pander Pantheon'.
• 28 (27 + 1 index) volumes belong to the Wanli Kanjur edition from 1605/1606 A.D,
> Nos. 23-28 (rgyud), 38-57 (nos. 38-55 = rgyud:; 56 = m do\ 57 = rgyud), 59
(rgyud), 60 (index - dkar chag).
• 10 volumes are different from the Wanli Kanjur edition(s) (not yet identified because
o f the lack o f comparative materials), viz.:
> Nos. 29-37, 58 (sherphyin).
• 22 volumes belong to the so-called Supplement o f the Wanli Kanjur, viz. nos. 1-22.
Many volumes o f the Supplement contain colophons in which the date o f printing is
indicated (34,h or 35th year o f Wanli era).
At the beginning of the following description there are given several tables in which one
can find a succinct survey o f the contents of the ‘Pander Pantheon’; next comes a systematic
review o f all sixty volumes. All sixty volumes o f the ‘Pander Pantheon’ collection are
described one by one, according to their accesion numbers, from I to 60. Accordingly, the
volumes forming the so-called Supplement come first, before the volumes o f the Kanjur
proper. Those volumes which do not belong to the Wanli Kanjur are clearly labelled. Some
volumes have been described in full detail, i.e. all texts were listed individually like in a
catalogue. However, at this stage o f research it was not possible to apply such method
consistently to all volumes. At the same time it must be emphasized that all sixty volumes
have been surveyed. The photographic documentation appended at the end o f this part will
give insight into their form and character.
The Tibetan text has been transliterated as precisely as possible, although there may have
crept here and there some misreadings due to the difficulty o f deciphering single letters or
syllables.5 As a rule it has been admitted to keep the text as it is transmitted, without making
attempts towards ‘correcting’ it, with only occasional insertions o f editor’s remarks, clearly
marked as such.
A comparison with the catalogue o f the so-called Berlin Manuscript Kanjur from 1680
A.D. compiled by H. Beckh shows a close relationship between Wanli and B. It was not
possible to supply systematical comparative references to all texts listed below, however, the
editor tried his best to provide them in many cases. It goes without saying that creating a
comprehensive comparative catalogue o f the available volumes o f the Wanli Kanjur is an
urgent desideratum.
11 /1072 35 rdo rje mdo / Sakai - 28 s a - l - 281
gang ban mo tuo luo ni
12/1073 brungs 'khor m i’i rgval po Sakai - 7 ja - 2 - 300
hu guo ren wang to tuo luo
13/1074 35 mtshan brjod / Sakai - 39 khi - l - 302
ji xiang
zhen shi ming jing
1 4/1075 34 gsang rto/rdo/mdo (?) / Sakai - 24 ya - 6 - 3 0 1
shu mi ju wang tan chang
j'n g
15/1 0 7 6 34 shakya thub pa / Sakai - 5 ca - 5 - 300
jia mu ni to tan chang jing
1 6/1077 35 yongs su mya ngan / Sakai - 3 1 am - 1 0 -2 9 3
VM P£H / S n i e pan
tuo luo ni jing
1 7/1 0 7 8 sa'i snying po / Sakai - 40 kau - 1 - 301
W M ming fu
shi wang gong de jing
1 8/1079 35 klu’i rgyal po / Sakai - 32 ah - 11 - 294
ftllEsu f^$r. long w ang
qing wen jing
1 9 /1 0 8 0 34 ’od dpag med / Sakai - 29 ha - 1 - 3 0 0
fo shuo a
mi tuo jing
20 /1 0 8 1 35 bde m chog/ Sakai - 2 1 zha - 6 - 301
xiang shang le lun tan
chang jing
21 /1082 35 lha thogs mtshan / Sakai - 38 kam - 1 - 302
Ff ba i ba i
qian fo chan hui jing
2 2 / 1083 ka mdo sna tshogs / Sakai - 25 ra - 1 - (lost)
shi gong ke zhu pin jing
Kanjur W = Kanjur, Wanli edition
Kanjur **'*’ = Kanjur, not identified edition(s), different from Wanli
B = Berlin Manuscript Kanjur, numbers according to Beekh’s Catalogue
3 7 /1 0 9 8 Kanjur ** KHA, sher phyin, 330 25. sher phyin, 1 0 9 8 -1 5 /3 7
f. kha (2); Bl. 330
3 8 /1 0 9 9 Kanjur W GA. rgyud, 357 f. / 3. rgyud. ga (3); 1 0 9 9 - 16/38
B. rgyud 3, Ga (87), p. Bl. 357
3 9 /1 1 0 0 Kanjur W KHA, rgyud, 358 f. / 2. rgyud. kha 1100 - 17/39
B. rgyud 2, Kha (86), (2); Bl. 358
p. 75
40/1 1 0 1 Kanjur W CA, rgyud. 320 f. / 5. rgyud. ca (5); 1101 - 18/40
B. rgyud 5. Ca (89), p. Bl. 320
41 / 1102 Kanjur W THA, rgyud, 304 f. / 10. rgyud, tha 1 1 0 2 - 19/41
B. rgyud 10, Tha (94), (10); Bl. 304
p. 93
4 2 / 1103 Kanjur W TA, rgyud. 323 f. / 9. rgyud, ta (9); 1 1 0 3 -2 0 /4 2
B. rgyud 9, Ta (93), p. Bl. 323
4 3 /1 1 0 4 Kanjur W NY A, rgyud, 311 f./ 8. rgyud. nya 1 1 0 4 -2 1 /4 3
B. rgyud 8, Nya (92), (8); Bl. 31 f
p. 91
4 4 /1 1 0 5 Kanjur W JA, rgyud, 255 f. / 7. rgyud. ja (7); 1 1 0 5 -2 2 /4 4
B. rgyud 7, Ja (91), p. Bl. 255
4 5 /1 1 0 6 Kanjur W BA, rgyud. 3 1 0 / 14. rgyud, ba 1 1 0 6 -2 3 /4 5
B. rgyud 15, Ba (99), (15); Bl. 310
p. 114
4 6 / 1107 Kanjur W ZA, rgyud, 285 f. / 2 1 .rgyud,za 1 1 0 7 -2 4 /4 6
B. rgyud 22, Za (106), (22); Bl. 285
p. 138
4 7 / 1108 Kanjur W NYA, yum (sher 30. sher phyin, 1 1 0 8 -2 5 /4 7
phyin), 367 f. / nya (8); Bl. 367
B. yum 8, Nya (24), p.
4 8 /1 1 0 9 Kanjur W ’A, rgyud, 279 f. / 22. rgyud, ’a 1 1 0 9 -2 6 /4 8
B. rgyud 23, 'A (107), (23); Bl. 279
p. 138
49 / 1110 Kanjur W NA, sher phyin, 310 f. 34. „dasselbe
/B . yum 12, Na (28), wie No. 10/32.
p. 7 Band 12, aber
Ausgabe”; Bl.
50 / 1111 Kanjur W YA, rgyud. 283 f. / 2 3 .rgyud, ya 1111 - 28/50
B. rgyud 24. Ya (108), (24); Bl. 283
p. 142
51 / 1112 Kanjur W TSA, rgyud, 332 f. / 16. rgyud, tsa 1112-29/51
B. rgyud 17, Tsa (17); Bl. 332
(101), p. 124
5 2 /1 1 1 3 Kanjur W TSHA, rgyud, 323 f. / 17. rgyud, tsha 1 1 1 3 -3 0 /5 2
B.rgyud 18, Tsha (18); Bl. 323
(102). p. 127
53 / 1114 Kanjur W DZA. rgyud, 342 f. / 18. rgyud. dza 11 1 4 -3 1 /5 3
B. rgyud 19, Dza (19); 131. 342
(103), p. 133
54 / 1115 Kanjur W WA, rgyud, 313 f. / 19. rgyud. wa 1115 - 32/54
B. rgyud 20, Wa (20); Bl. 319
(104), p. 134
5 5 /1 1 1 6 Kanjur W NA, rgyud. 299 / 1 2 .rgyud. na 1 1 1 6 -3 3 /5 5
B. rgyud 12, Na (96), (12); Bl. 299
p. 97
5 6 / 1117 Kanjur W PA, mdo, 307 f. / 37. mdo, pa 1117 - 34/56
B. mdo 13, Pa (65), p. (13); Bl. 307
5 7 /1 1 1 8 Kanjur W PH A, rgyud, 312 f. / 13. rgyud, pha, 1 1 1 8 -3 5 /5 7
B. rgyud 14, Pha (98), (14); Bl. 311
p. 102
5 8 / 1119 Kanjur *** No volume mark, yum 31. sher phyin, 1 1 1 9 -3 6 /5 8
(sher phyin), fol. la: tha (10)
yum gi gcig gong; 375 [„andere
f. Ausgabe”]; Bl.
5 9 / 1120 Kanjur W KHA, yum (sher 26. „dasselbe 1 1 2 0 -3 7 /5 9
phyin), 330 f. / [wie No. 7/29]:
B. yum 2, Kha (18), p. Band 2. (andere
6 Ausgabe)”; Bl.
6 0 / 1120a Kanjur W - Makes the upper part 38. „Index zum 1120a-3 8 /6 0
c/kar chag o f the volume KA. Kandjur” ; Bl.
(index rgyud (no. 23 supra), 90
volume) 98 f. /
B. - not listed
Available volumes
from the Pander Pantheon collection
List o f the W anli Kanjur volum es kept at the Todai,
destroyed during the earthquake on 1 Septem ber 1923 s
The following tentative list o f the Wanli Kanjur volumes kept at the Tôdai (Tokyo
University) has been drawn up on the basis o f the information gathered by Jonathan Silk (Silk
1996). In the left column are given the volume numbers which were “identified with
certainty” by Silk, and in the right column the volume identifications have been supplied by
the present editor.
It was said that in addition to the above mentioned 19 volumes, the set contained also
4 volumes o f Vinaya and 12 volumes o f Sutra, which makes the total number o f 35 volumes
which were kept in Tokyo.59
Number Volume
4. Rgyud. Ga
5. Rgyud. Nga
8. Rgyud. Ja
10. Rgyud. Ta
17. Rgyud. Ma
42. Sher phyin 2. Ga
43. Sher phyin 2. Nga
51 Dkon brtsegs. Kha
54 Dkon brtsegs. Ca
59 Pliai po che, Nga
60 Pliai po che. Ca
63 Mdo sde. Kha
64 Mdo sde. Ga
86 Mdo sde. Ra
68 Mdo sde, Ja
69 Mdo sde. Nya
70 Mdo sde. Ta
71 Mdo sde, Tha
84 Mdo sde. ’A
Pander Pantheon
Philological Description of the Vols. 1-60 of the ‘Pander Pantheon" Collection
Left margin: 'brang (xyl. 'pru/'bru until fol. 19) ma chen mo.
Right margin: Pl<|<$i§PÈjR /EΧ! sui qiu fo mu tuo luo ni jing60; cf. Silk 1996: 187.
First page, fol. la l : // sngon 'gre gtor ma byin brlabs mdzad par zhu //
Last page. fol. 300al: ta'i ming wan li gsum bcu rtsa Inga lo sbyin pa'i bdag po mi ’i rgyal
chen po sa'i rgyal ba lha’i lha mchog (2) 'i mchog khri lo khri lo khri khri lo bsod nams (xyl.
bsodnams) ring tshe mtha' yas kra shig rtsa du so / (...)
First page, fol. la l : // phyogs dus kun khyab skyabs gsum bka' bstod bcas /
Last page, fol. 300b5: sangs rgyas sku gsum bmyes pa’i byin brlabs dang // chos nyid mi
'gyur bden pa'i byin brlabs dang // dge 'dun mi phyed (6) ’dus pa'i byin brlabs kyis / / ji ltar
smon pa de bzhin 'grub gyur cig / orh ma ni pad me hum // om ah hrih hum // //
First page, fol. la l : sngon 'gro tor ma byin brlabs mdzad par zhu /
Last page, fol. 300a5: // ta'i ming dwam li lo gsum bcu bzhi / zla ba bcu gnyis pa'i nying //
First page, fol. la l: // tshe dpag med lha dgu’i dkyil 'khor bzhugs s.ho // // (2) sngon 'gro
gtor ma byin brlabs mdzad ba zhu //
Last page, fol. 312b5: ta'i ming dwan li' lo gsurp (6) bcu so bzhi son pa’i zla ba dgu nyi ma
shu nyer gcig lasogs pa // thams cad bsrungs gcig // bkra shis bar gyur cig // //
First page, fol. 1a l : / mchod pa bsang sbyangs byin brlabs mdzad par zhu /
Last page, fol. 300a6: / ta ’ mang (recte: ta’i ming) dban la' lo sum bcu rtsa Inga zla baInga
ba’i nya ma bkra shis grub pa nas / raksah raksah svaha / /
First page, fol. l a l : / sngon 'gro gtor ma byin brlabs mdzad par zhu /
Last (preserved) page, fol. 300b6: / gla ma mams kyi der 'dir rtsol / / yid (...) (end o f page,
fol. 301 - missing).
First page, fol. l a l : // rgya gar skad du // maha ma yu ra bi dya ra dznyi // bod skad du // rig
sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya chen mo chos / / 6I.
Last page, fol. 295a6: rims thams cad (xyl. ? dad) kyis 'gal bar bya ma ma yin pa'o //
First page. fol. l a l : // dpal rdo rje jigs hyed bdag bskyed bzhugs s.ho // // rang nyid skad cig
gis dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed zhal cig phyag gnyis pa gri gug (2) dang thong pa 'dzin pa'i yum
dang bcas pa'i skur gsal bar gyur //
Last page. fol. 30()bl: ta'i ming wan li' lo gsum bcu rtsa bzhi zla ba bcu f...]s cig mdzad ba'i
spar tu bskos // // (2) orp khyed kyis scms can don gun mdzad / rjes su m[....]'i dngos grub
rtsol / / sangs rgyas yul dug (3) shags nas kyang / / slar yang thugs rjes 'byon par m[dza]d /
orn badzra muh mgon po thugs rje chen (4) po dang / ldan ba mams kyis bdag dang / sems
[can thajms cad kyi don mdzad ba lag ba (?) kyi / so so'i (5) zhing khams su rdzu 'prul gyis
'khor dang bcas ba gshegs [...] gsol lo // sangs rgyas sku gsum brnyes (6) ba'i byin brlabs
dang / / chos nyid mi 'gyur bden ba'i byin g[..]s dang / / zhes pa na / ja (rccte: ji) Itar smon
lam btab ba 'gru bar gyur cig
First page. fol. l a l : / hri pad ma ta krid badzra kro ta ha ya gri ba hu lu hu lu hu phat // orn
sva bha wa shud dha sarva dha rma sva bha wa shud dho ham /
Last page, fol. 300b 1: ta'i (xyl. tad) ming wan li gsum bcu Inga lo yi dger dri bkra shig bar
'gyur cig / mgon po byams ba la na mo / om a dzT ta a dzT ta tan (2) a ba ra dzi te dza ya dza
ya ha ra ha ra mai tri a wa lo ki ni ka ra kar maha sa ma ya bha ra bha ra maha bud dhe si dhe
mana ta bi dza sma (3) ra sma ra a sain ma sa ma ya bhu dhe pud dhe maha bud dhe ye sva ha
First page. fol. la l: // skad cig gis rang nyid he ru ka sngon po zhal cig phyag gnyis rdo rje
dang dril bu 'dzin pa g.yas brgyad gis (2) bzhugs pa la yum rdo rje phag po dmar mo zhal cig
phyag gnyis gri gug dang thog pa 'dzin pas 'khyud par gyur /
Last page. fol. 300b5: dge ba 'di yi skye bo kun // bsod nams (6) ye shes tshogs bsags shing //
bsod nams shes las byung ba // dam pa gnyis ni thob bar shog .
Left margin: rdo rje mdo; from fol. 23a: rdo rje gcod pa
Right margin: jin gang ban ruo tuo luo ni jing; cf. Silk 1996: 188.
First page, fol. la: / sngon 'gro'i gtor ma byin brla mdzad par zhu /
Last page, fol. 281 b5: // ta'i ming dwarn li'i lo gsum bcu so Inga zla ba bzhi pa'i tshe drug
pa’i bkra nyi bar shog / (6) dza ya dza ya sid dhi sid dhi // // mam gha la bha warn tu // //
shubham //
First page, fol. la: // bsrungs 'khor m i’i rgyal po mdo bzhugs s.ho //
Last page, fol. 300b5: thabs dang shes rab gnyis med pa’i / kha sbyor nyi zla'i 'phro 'dus (6)
la / bgegs rigs stong phrog 'joms mdzad pa / 'khor lo'i bdag po la phyag 'tshal / mam gha lha
bha warn tu [/]
First page, fol. l a l : // rgya gar skad du / a rya manydzu shri na ma sang gl ti / bod skad du /
'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa / 63
Last page, fol. 302b6: ta’i ming dban li' lo sum bcu rtsa Inga pa zla ba Inga pa'i nyi ma bkra
shis grubnas [/]
First page, fol. l a l : // om shunya tadznyana badzra sva bha wa a tma ko haiii / stong pa'i dad
las rang nyid 'jam pa'i rdo rje sku mdog ser po ser sngo (2) dkar ba'i zhal gsum phyag drug gi
dang po gnyis kyis rang 'dra'i yuiii la mkhyung cing /
Last page, fol. 301 b5: ta’i mung (recte: ming) dwam li bsum (recte: gsum) bcu pa bzhi nyen
bcu gcig zla ba (xyl. zlab) bkra shis par gyur cig (6 )// //
Right margin: $5^1*818! shi jia mu ni to tan chang jing; cf. Silk 1996: 187.
First page. fol. l a l : // sngon 'gro gtor m a’i byin rlab mdzad par zhu /
Last page. fol. 300b5: ta’i ming wan lir lo (xyl. lo.u/lu.o) gsum bcu rtsa bzhi zla ba bcu nyi
ma tshes cig mdzad pa'i spar tu bkos // //
Fol. 217b5: // sbyin (xyl. sbyan) pa'i bdag po chen po ta’i (6) ming gyin shang hong (?) ti'i
dang tsun mo rin chen thog drangs pa’i nam nikha’i mtha' dang mnyam // // (218a 1) pa'i
sems (xyl. sengs) can thams cad dus 'di nas bzung ste ji srid byang chub snying po la mchis
kyi (2) bar du bla ma yid dam sangs rgyas chos dang 'phags pa'i dge 'dun mams la skyabs su
m chi'o [/] (3) (...)
Fol. 219a5: // sbyin pa'i bdag po chen po ta'i ming (6) gyin shang hong (?) ti'i dang tsun mo
rin chen thog drangs pa'i nam m kha’i mtha' dang mnyam pa'i sems (219b 1) can thams cad
bde ba dang bde ba'i rgyu dang ldan par gyur cig //
Fol. 286b4: // rgya gar skad du / / d! da sha ka ra na ma na ya sta tra64 / / bod (5) skad du /
mdzad pa bcu gnyis kyi tshul la bstod pa zhes bya ba /
First page. fol. la l: // chos dbyings ye shes (xyl. shas) rnam par dag // // mam par snang
mdzad bcom ldan 'das // // ting nge ’dzin ldan (2) phyag rgya can // // phyag 'tshal bcom
ldan kun rig la'o //
Fol. 293b6: ta'i ming wan li (xyl. gligs !) lo sum bco so Inga zla ba Inga pa’i tshes bcu Inga la
bzhengs pa'o //
Fol. 21 la5 (beginning): / rgya gar skad du / bha ga wa ti pra dznya pa ra mi ta hri da yam /
bod skad du (6) // bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa'i snying po'o //
Fol. 215a3 (end): bcom ldan 'das ma shes (4) rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po zhes
(xyl. zhos) bya ba / theg pa chen po’i mdo' rdzogs s.ho / 65
First page, fol. la: // sngon 'gro gtor ma byin brlabs mdzad bar zhu //
Last page, fol. 301 b4: ina 'byor pa dang nyams pa dang / / gang yang bdag rmongs (5) bio
yas na / / bgyis pa dang ni bgyis brtsal gang / / de kun mgan pos bzod par mdzod / / gtso bo
nus pa ma inchis shing / / (6) ma 'byor ma rnyed ma tshang ba / / 'dir na bgyi ba gang bgyis
ba / / de yang ingon pas b/od par mdzod // orii bde lags su gyur cig svaha //
First page, fol. la: // oiii badzra yaksa hum // // om sva (xyl. sra) bha vva shud dha sarva
dharma sva bha wa shud dho ham // // gtor ma mi dmigs pa stong pa (2) nyid du gyur // //
stong pa'i ngang las bhrurh las rin po che'i snong yangs shing rgya che ba mams kyi nang du
orh ah hum //
Last page. fol. 294b6: // ta'i ming wan li (xyl. gligs !) lo sum bcu so Inga pa zla ba Inga tshes
bco Inga la bzhengs ba’o // mam gha la ghebho /
Fol. 260b - printed inversely to fol 260a.
First page, fol. la: // rgya gar skad du / arya su kha ba ti byu ha na ma maha ya na su tra / bod
skad du / ’phags pa bde ba can gyi bkod (2) pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo / 66
Last page, fol. 300b6: // warn li'i lo gsum bcu rtsa bzhi zla ba bcu tshe cig gi nyin yi gi bris [/]
The text o f the SukhavatTvyuha is repeated many times (about 20). On fol. 226a 1: / bod skad
du / 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa I61. From fol. 251 a 1 continues the
text o f the Sukhavatlvyiiha.
Left margin: bde mchog; from fol. 9a: bde mchog 'khor lo
Right margin: "o # ji xiang shang le lun tan chang jing; cf. Silk 1996: 188.
First page, fol. l a l : // sum bha n i’i sngags kyis bsang / oiii sva bha wa shut! dha sarva dharma
sva bha wa shud dho harii / stong par gyur / stong pa'i ngang las (2) yarn las byung ba'i rlung
gi dkyil 'khor sngon po gzhu'i dbyibs can g.yas g.yon gnyis su rgyal mtshan gyis mtshan pa /
Last page, fol. 301 b5: / ta'i ming warn li' lo gsum bcu so (6) Inga zla ba bzhi pa'i tshe gnyis
pa / / dza ya sid dhi marh gha la shubharh //
First page, fol. l a l : // bconi ldan 'das skal bzangs lha’i stong tshogs kyi mams la phyag 'tshal
lo // // dang po yang // (2) sngon 'g ro'i gtor ma byin brlabs mdzad par zhu //
Last page, fol. 302b6: / ta'i ming (xyl. mang) dban li'i lo sum bcu rtsa Inga zla ba Inga pa'i
nyi ma bkra shis 'grub 'gyur cig /
Left margin: ka mdo sna tshogs; from fol. 31: dog sna tshogs
Right margin: H B f san shi gong ke zhu pin jing zhou; cf. Silk 1996: 188.
First page, fol. la: // snira bsam brjod med shcs rab pha rol phyin / ma skyes mi ’gag naiii
mkha'i ngo bo nyid / so so (2) rang rig ye shes spyod yul ba / dus gsum rgyal ba’i yum la
phyag 'tshal lo //
Last page, fol. 300b6: orii svu pra tistha badzra ye sva ha // oiii rah ksah rah ksah hum sva ha
// orh ma ni pad me hum // // //
Left margin: KA
Left picture: 'Jam dpal ye shes sems dba’ la na mo //
Right picture: Dpal dus kyi ’khor lo la na mo //
First page, fol. l a l : / rgya gar skad du / manju sri jna na satva sya pa ra ma artha na ma sarh
gi ti / bod skad du / ’jam (2) dpal ye shes sems dpa’i don dam pa'i mtshan yang dag par brjod
pa /
Ending: fol. Ka 15b.
= Beckh, rgyud. 1. Bd. (85), Ka [1],
h!< Vol. RA (25) was missing from the set kept at Wutai shan as described by Sakai, cf. Silk 1996: 187f.
69 Eimer 2000 = 1084 1/23 - I. rgyud. ka (I); Beckh (p. 72): VI Abt.. rgyud. 1. Bd. Ka (85).
Fol. Ka 16a 1: Se kod de sa / dbang mdor bstan
Ending: fol. 23a.
= Beckh. rgyud. Ka [2],
Fol. 23b 1: Pa ra ma a di bu dhod hri ta srl ka la ca kra na ma tan tra ra ja / mchog gi dang po'i
sangs rgyas las phyung ba rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal dus kyi ’khor lo zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 141 a7-8; second Ending: 141 a8 -141 b8. Final stanza: yedharm a...
= Beckh, rgyud, Ka [3].
Fol. 142a 1: [no title]: ’Jam pa'i dbyangs la phyag ’tshal lo // ’di Itar chos dbyings dkyil ’khor
dri ined 'jam dpal gyis ni dge dang mi dge bas / sangs rgyas pa dang mu stegs pa dag lha dang
dmyal ba nyid ces (2) gang thos pa ...
Ending: 158a2: Dpal dus kyi ’khor lo'i rgyud phyi ma rgyud kyi snying po rdzogs so //
= Beckh, rgyud. Ka [4],
Fol. 158a3: srl ka la ca kra garbha na ma tan tra // dpal dus kyi 'khor lo zhes bya ba'i rgyud
kyi snying po / 70
Ending: fol. I59b8-160al.
= Beckh, rgyud. Ka [5].
Fol. 160a 1: rgya (2) gar skad du / se ka pra kri ya / bod skad du / dbang gi rab tu byed pa /
Ending: fol. l64a4-5.
= Beckh, rgyud. Ka [6],
Fol. 164a5: sri sarva bud dha sa ma yo ga da ki ni ja la sam ba ra na ma ud ta ra tan tra // dpal
sangs rgyas thams cad dang mnyam par sbyor ba mkha' ’gro ma sgyu ma bde ba'i mchog ces
bya ba'i rgyud bla ma /
Ending: fol. 209a 1-2.
= Beckh. rgyud. Ka [7],
Fol. 230a3: he vajra tan tra raja na ma / kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal po /
Ending: fol. 262a4-5.
= Beckh, rgyud. Ka [9],
Fol. 301 b4: srl ma ha mu dra ti la kam nil ma ma ha yo gi ni tan tra ra ja athl ra jam // dpal
phyag rgya chen po'i thig le zhes bya ba rnal 'byor (5) ma chen m o'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i
mnga' bdag /
Ending: fol. 329a5-6.
= Beckh, rgyud, Ka [11].
First page, fol. l a l : / rgya gar skad du / sri gu hya vajra tan tra ra ja / bod skad du / dpal gsang
ba rdo rje rgyud (2) kyi rgyal po dpal rdo rje mkha' 'gro la phyag 'tshal lo //
Ending: fol. 4a7-8. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [ 1].
Fol. 4a8: sri gu hya sarva cchina dha tan tra ra ja / dpal gsang ba thams cad (4b 1) gcod pa’i
rgyud kyi rgyal po /
Ending: fol. 13a2-3. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [2].
Fol. 13a4: sri ca kra sam va ra gu hya a ci nta tan tra ra ja // dpal ’khor lo sdom ba'i gsang ba
bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i rgyud kyi rgyal po /
Ending: fol. 16b3-4. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [3].
Fol. 16b4: sri kha sa ma tan tra r a ja na ma // dpal nam m kha' dang mnyam pa’i rgyud kyi
rgyal po zhes bya ba dpal (5) bde mchog la phyag 'tshal lo //
Ending: fol. 19a6-7. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [4].
Fol. 19a7: sri ma ha kha sa ma tan tra ra ja // dpal nam m kha’ chen po’i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 20b6-7. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [5],
Fol. 20b7: sri ka ya va ci tta tan tra ra ja // dpal sku gsung thugs kyi rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 25b8. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [6].
Fol. 26a 1: sri rad na ma le tan tra ra ja // dpal rin chen phreng ba’i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 31a5-6. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [7],
Fol. 31 a6: sri ma ha sa ma ya tan tra ra ja na ma // dpal dam tshig chen po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po
zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 33b5-6. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [8].
Fol. 33b6: sri maha ba la tan tra ra ja na ma // dpal stobs po che’i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya
ba //
Ending: fol. 36b5-6. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [9],
Fol. 36b6: sri jna na gu hya tan tra ra ja // dpal ye shes gsang ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 38a4-5. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [10],
Fol. 38a5: sri jna na ma la tan tra ra ja // (6) dpal ye shes phreng ba'i rgyud kyirgyal po //
1Eimcr 2000 = 1085 2/24, 4. rgyud, nga (4); Beckh (p. 77): rgyud, 4. Band (88), Nga.
Ending: fol. 39b4-5. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [11].
Fol. 39b5: sri jna na jvala tan tra ra ja // dpal ye shcs ’bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 41a4-5. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [12].
Fol. 41a5: sri can dra ma la tan tra ra ja // dpal zla ba'i phreng ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 42b2-3. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [ 13].
Fol. 42b3: sri rad na jva la tan tra ra ja na ma // dpal rin chen ’bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes
bya ba //
Ending: fol. 45b3-4. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [14],
Fol. 45b4: sri surya can kra tan tra ra ja na ma // dpal nyi m a’i 'khor lo’i rgyud kyi rgyal po
zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 47a3-4. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [ 15].
Fol. 47a4: sri jna na raja tan tra ra ja // (5) dpal ye shes rgyal po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 48a5. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [16],
Fol. 48a6: sri vajra da ka gu hya tan tra r a ja // dpal rdo rje mkha' 'gro gsang ba'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 49b8-50al. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [17],
Fol. 5 0 a l: sri jva la ag ne gu hya ya tan tra ra ja // dpal gsang ba (2) me 'bar ba'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 51 b6. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [ 18].
Fol. 5 lb6: sri a mri ta gu hya tan tra (7) ra ja // dpal gsang ba bdud rtsi'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 53b7. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [19],
Fol. 53b8: sri sma sa ni a lang ka ra tan tra ra ja // dpal dur khrod rgyan gyi rgyud gyi rgyal po
Ending: fol. 55b8. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [20],
Fol. 5 6 a l: sri vajra ra ja ma ha tan tra // dpal rdo rje rgyal po chen po'i rgyud //
Ending: fol. 57b4. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [21 ].
Fol. 57b4-5: sri jna na a sa ya tan tra ra ja // dpal ye shes bsani ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 58b5. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [22],
Fol. 58b4-5: sri ra ga ra ja tan tra ra ja // dpal chags pa'i rgyal po’i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
* fol. 60b 1: namkha ’ m th a ' ya s las 'das te / rnam shes nit ha ’ yas la gnas shing m a m ' shes
mtha’ yas rdzogs pa te //
Ending: fol. 62a3-4. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [23].
Fol. 62a4: sri da ki ni sam va ra tan tra ra ja na ma // dpal mkha' ’gro m a’i sdom ba’i rgyud
kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 63b7-8. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [24],
Fol. 63b8: sri da ki nl gu hya ja la tan tra ra ja // bod (64al) skad du / dpal mkha' 'gro ma
gsang ba 'bar ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 65a8. = Beckh. rgyud, Nga [25].
Fol. 65b 1: sri vajra bha ra va vi da ra na tan tra ra ja // dpal rda rja 'jigs byang mam par 'joins
pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 66a7. = Beckh. rgyud, Nga [26].
Fol. 66a8: Sri ag ne ma le tan tra ra ja // dpal m e'i phreng ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 67b8. = Beckh. rgyud, Nga [27].
Fol. 68a 1: sri vajra sid dha ja la sam va ra tan tra ra ja // dpal rdo rje grub pa dra ba’i sdom
pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 69b8-70al. = Beckh, rgyud. Nga [28].
Fol. 70al: sri ma ha ba la jna na ra ja tan tra ra ja // (2) dpal stobs chen ye shes rgyal po'i
rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 71b8. = Beckh. rgyud, Nga [29],
Fol. 72a 1: sri ca kra sam va ra tan tra ra ja ad bhu ta sma sa ni a lam ka ra na ma // dpal ’khor
sdom pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po dur khrod kyi rgyan rmad du byung ba zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 77b4-6. = Beckh. rgyud, Nga [30].
Fol. 77b6: a na va lain tan tra ra ja na ma // (7) rgyud kyi rgyal po myog pamedpa zhes bya
ba rdo rje mkha' 'gro la phyag 'tshal lo //
Ending: fol. 801-3. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [31].
Fol. 80a3: sri sam va ra kha sa ma tan tra r a ja na ma // dpalbdc mchog nam mkha' (4) dang
mnyam pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 82a5: kha che'i mkhan po jna na vajras rang (6) 'gyur du mdzad pa rdzogs s.ho //
ye dharma ... // = Beckh. rgyud, Nga [32].
Fol. 82a8: da ki nl sarva citta a dva ya a cin tya jna na vajra va ra hi a bhi pa tan tra ra ja na
ma // m kha’ 'gro ma thams cad kyi thugs gnyis su med pa bsam gyis mi khyab [paj'i ye shes
(82b 1) rdo rje phag mo mngon par 'byung ba’i ruvud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba //
Ending I.: fol. 93a6-7.
„Addition“ : 2 le'u. fol. 93a7-95al.
Ending 2.: fol. 95a 1-2. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [33].
Fol. 95a2: sri vajra ma ha ka la kro dha na tha ra ha sya sid dhi bha va tan tra na ma // dpal rdo
rje nag po chen po khros pa'i mgon po gsang ba dngos grub ’byung ba zhes bya ba’i rgyud //
Ending: fol. 126b 1-4. = Beckh. rgyud. Nga [34],
Fol. 126b4: sri bud dha ka pa la na ma yo gi tan tra ra ja // dpal sangs rgyasthong ba zhes bya
ba mal 'byor m a'i rgyud kyi rgyal po //
Ending: fol. 153a5-6. = Beckh. rgyud. Nga [35],
Fol. 153a6: ma ha ma ya tan tra na ma // (7) sgyu ’phrul chen po'i rgyud ces bya ba //
Ending: fol. 157a3-4. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [36],
Fol. 157a4: vajra ä ra li ma hä tan tra rä ja nä ma // rdo rje ä ra li zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal
po chen po //
Ending: fol. 162a2-3. = Beckh. rgyud. Nga [37],
Fol. 162a3: ri gi ä ra li tan tra rä ja nä ma // ri gi ä ra li'i rgyud kyi rgyal po (4) zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 167a7-8. = Beckh. rgyud, Nga [38],
Fol. I67a8: sri ca tur pi tha ma hä yo gi ni tan tra rä ja nä ma // mal 'byor m a’i rgyud kyi rgyal
po chen po dpal (167b 1) gdan bzhi pa zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 216b8-217a2. = Beckh, rgyud, Nga [39],
Fol. 217a2: gdan bzhi pa’i rgyud kyi ni / gsum pa yi ni dang po'o //
Ending: fol. 244a6: mal 'byor sbyor ba’i don ni spas pa nyid // brda'i skad kyis bshad pa'o //
gdan bzhi pa las yang dag par btus pa sngags kyi phyi’i rgyud (7) bshad pa sbyor ba'i dkyil
’khor zhes bya ba rdzogs so // rgya gar gyi mkhan po gha ya dha ra dang / zhu chen kyi lo
tstsha ba 'gos lhas btsas gyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o //
= Beckh, rgyud, Nga [40].
Fol. 217a7: dpal rdo rje (8) sems dpa' la phyag 'tshal lo //
Ending (?): fol. 260b3: bdun gyi bdun pa zhes bya ba rdzogs so //
Fol. 271a6: bde bar gshegs pas gsungs pa rab tu byed pa bcu [bcva!] brgyad las rtsa ba'i 'khor
lo zhes bya ba drug bcu rtsa bzhi’i mam par dbye ba rdzogs so [s.ho!] // thams cad mkhyen
pa la (7) phyag 'tshal lo // [16 le'u]
Fol. 288a4: srl can da ma hä ro sa na tan tra rä ja nä ma // dpal gtum (5) po khro bo chen po’i
rgyud ky i rgyal po zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 330a2-4. (3) / bla ma dus ’khor ba chen po shes rab seng ges bskul zhing sbyin
bdag mdzad pa (4) la brten nas dpal ldan sa skya’i gtsug lag khang chen por pandi ta ra dna
sri’i zhal snga nas lo tstsha ba grags pa rgyan la mtshan gyis sprul gyi lo smin drug gi zla ba'i
dkar po'i tshe sa bcu la rdzogs par (5) bsgyur ro // ye dharmä... //
= Beckh. rgyud, Nga [42].
’ Eimer 2000 = 1086 3/25. 6. rgyud, cha (6); Beckh (p. 86): rgyud. 6. Band (90). Cha.
74 Cf. Grünwedel 1900. Fig. 132; Imaeda 1977: 35.
5 Cf. Grünwedel 1900. Fig. 128; Imaeda 1977: 35.
First page, fol. la l: / stong phrag gi tshad du nyi m a'i dkyil ’khor chen po byin gyis brlabs
nas / de'i (2) dbus su gnas par gyur to //
Ending: fol. 42b2: 'phags pa gnyis su med pa mnyam ba nyid mam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba'i
rtog pa'i rgyal po chen po rdzogs so [s.ho!] // mkhan chen thar ba lo tstsha ba'i phyag dpe'i
gseb nas shog (3) yar Inga byung bsngar bsgyur ba las // phyis nyan stong smon gro'i gtsug
lag khang nas rgya dpe lhag ma mams myed nas bsgyur bar rtsom ba na / dpal dus kyi ’khor
lo'i phyi nang gzhan gsum gyis tshul la mi 'jigs pa'i spobs pa thob (4) ba'i bla ma yang dag
pa'i dge ba'i bshes gnyen chen po legs par sbyar pa’i skad kyi brda sprod pa'i tshul la bio
gros shin tu byang ba'i 'jig rten gyi mig chos grags dpal bzang po'i bkas bskul zhing sbyin
bdag mdzad nas // bu ston gyis (5) bsgyur ba'i / yi ge pa ni dge slong rin chen rgyal mtshan
no // 6
= Beckh. rgyud. Cha [1],
Fol. 282a3: a rya nT la ma va ra dha ra vajra pa ni ru dra (4) pi tri vi na tan tra na ma // ’phags
pa lag na rdo rje gos sngon bo can drag bo gsum 'dul ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud //
Ending: fol. 283b6-7. = Beckh. rgyud, Cha [3].
Fol. 283b7: ru dra tri tan tra gu hya vi (bi) va (wa) ri ti va ni ya na (8) ma // gsang ba’i rgyud
mams kyi mam par 'byed pa drag po gsum 'dul zhes bya ba //
Ending: fol. 288a6-7. = Beckh. rgyud. Cha [4J.
Fol. 288a7: vajra pa ni ni lam va ra ta na tra // lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can gyi rgyud //
Ending: fol. 292a8: 'phags pa lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can gyi cho ga rdo rje be con (?) gyi
rgyud rdzogs so (xyl. s.ho) //
= Beckh, rgyud. Cha [5].
Fol. 292a8: // de nas gsang ba'i bdag po 'khor de dag la rnam par (292b 1) gzigs nas rang nyid
mkha' dbyings mam par dag pa zhes bya ba'i ting nga 'dzin la snyoms par zhugs so //
Ending: fol. 295a4-5: bconi Idan 'das phyag na (5) rdo rje gos sngon po can gyi rdo rje
gdengs pa’i rgyud las khams gsum mam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba’i le'u rdzogsto // pan di ta a
da ya śri ma ti zhes bya ba dang / bod kyi lo tstsha ba ban de chos kyi dbang phyug grags kyis
bsgyur (6) cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o //
= Beckh, rgyud, Cha [6],
Fol. 295a6: śri vajra can da cit ta gu hya tan tra // dpal rdo rje gtum po thugs gsang ba'i rgyud
dpal gtum bo phyag na rdo rje la phyag ’tshal lo //
Ending: fol. 31 Obi: dpal rdo rjc gtum po thugs gsang ba'i rgyud (2) las yongsu btad pa'i le'u
ste nyi shu rtsa bzhi pa'o // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po a pa yu gha ta'i zhal snga nas zhus nas //
bod kyi lo tstsha ba chos kyi brtson 'grus kyis bsgyur ba rdzogso //
= Beckh, rgyud, Cha [7],
Fol. 310b2: srl vajra (3) can da cid ta gu hya ya tan tra ut ta ra // dpal rdo rje gtum po thugs
gsang ba'i rgyud phyi ma /
Ending: fol. 316b 1: dpal rdo rje gtum po thugs gsang ba'i rgyud phyi ma las dpal rdo rje gtum
po thugs gsang ba'i rgyud phyi ma rdzogsto // // rgya gar gyi srob dpon (2) a pa yu ga ti la
dang / bod kyi lo tstsha ba bla ban chos kyi grtson bgrus kyis zhus te bsgyur cing gtan la phab
pa'o //
= Beckh. rgyud, Cha [8].
Fol. 3 10b2: sri vajra can da ci ta gu hya tan tra ut ta ra ud ta ra gar ka rar (?) bod skad du /
dpal rdo rje gtum po thugs gsang (3) ba’i rgyud phyi m a'i phyi ma //
Ending: 319b7: dpal rdo rje gtum po thugs gsang ba’i rgyud phyi m a'i phyi ma rdzogs sto
[s.ho] // // rgya gar gyi slob dpon a ba yu ga ti la dang / bod kyi lo tstsha ba (320a 1) bla ban
chos kyi brtson 'grus kyis zhus te bsgyur cing gtan la phab pa’o //
= Beckh. rgyud. Cha [lacking!].
Fol. 320a 1: dkon mchog gsum la phyag 'tshal lo // // gnod sbyin gyi ded dpon (2) chen po lag
na rdor rje drag po la phyag ’tshal lo // // om mu cin svl ha // mu khe se sva ha // mo ha ni sra
ha // da na ti ri sva ha // cho ga ni chu khyor ba gad la (3) bzlas pa te °thungs nas sems bzhin
du nyal na lag na rdo rje sa rmi lam ston par 'gyur ro // // mi lam mthong ba zhes bya ba’i
gzungs // // rdzogs sto // // (4) ye dharma ... // (5) //... //... //
= Beckh. rgyud, Cha [9],
Left margin: Da
Left picture: rnam snang la na mo /79
Right picture: rdo rje sems dpa' la na mo Ml
First page, fol. la: / arya badzra pa ni a bhi se ka ma ha tan tra / "phags pa lag na rdo rje dbang
bskur ba'i rgyud chcn po / bam po dang po /
fol. 100 missing!
fol. 166a6: tri sa ma ya bhu ha ra dza na ma tan tra /
= Beckh p. 96: no 5;
fol. 230a5: arya sapta ta tha ga ta...
= Beckh p. 96, no 6;
7,1 tim er 2000 = 1 1 . rgyud, da ( 11); Beckh (pp. 95-97): rgyud 11.. Band (95). Da.
79 *Vairocana; Beckh: Rdo rje 'chang (Vajradhara).
s" *Vajrasattva.
fol. 253b7: arya bha ga ba to bhc sa dzya gu ru be du rya pra bhasya pu rka pra nidha na bi
she sha bi sta ra na ma ma ha ya na su tra /
= Beckh p. 96, no 7;
fol. 263a 1: arya ta tha ga ta bai du rya pra bha na ma ba la dha na sa ma dhl dha ra ni /
= Beckh p. 97, no 8.
Left margin: Ma
Left picture: mam par snang mdzad la na mo / [*Vairocana]
Right picture: ’jam dbyangs la na mo / [*Manjughosa]
First page, fol. la: / arya a mo gha pa sha kal pa ra dza / 'phags pa don yod pa'i zhags pa'i
cho ga zhib m o'i rgyal po / bam po dang po /
fol. 255b2: arya mo gha pa sha hri da yam(?) na ma ma haya na su tra / ’phags pa don yod
zhags pa'i snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo /
fol. 263a4: 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phvug phyag stong (5) spyan stong du sprul pa
rgya chen po yongs su rdzogs pa thogs pa med par thugs rje chen po dang Idan pa'i gzungs /
fol. 270a6: ’phags pa byang chub sems dpa' spyan ras gzigs (7) dbang phyug phyag stong...
First page, fol. 1a 1: / de bi dza li ma ha ma ya tan tra na ma / lha mo sgyu 'phrul dra ba chen
mo zhes bya ba'i rgyud /
1 10
First page, fol. la: / shes rah kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu bcu bzhi
pa / (2) bam po nyis brgya brgyad bcu pa /
Bam-pos 280-?
Left margin: Ca
Left picture: chos kyi 'od zer par mos rab brgyan la na mo /
Right picture: shag kya thub pa la na mo /
Firs page, fol. I a 1: / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu Inga pa /
bam po brgyad bcu (2) Inga pa /
Last page, fol. 339a6 (ending): thugs dam 'bum 'di ; 'u shang (7) rngo (rdo?) rgyal po'i bla
'bum la phyi mo byas nas zhus dag lan gnyis dang dge ba'i bshes gnyen myang gong chos
'bra gyi thugs dam gscr "bum gyi steng nas sum zhus legs par bgyis pa'i phyi mo la (8) btugs
tc dag der dgos pa mams skar m a'i ming can gyis legs par bgyis nas / gong ma m i'i dbang po
sa'i bdag chen po'i thugs dam par gyi phyi mo la bkod pa bkra shis par gyur cig // shu bham
Cover page bearing the inscription written in pencil:
1091 - 30 - B 21 - 339 Bl. - Bl. 277 fuget85 - Prajnap. Bampo 85-107 Nr. 8/30.
First page, fol. l a l : / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu drug pa
bam po brgya brgyad pa ; (2) (...)
Last page, fol. 330a8 (ending).
Cover page bearing the inscription written in pencil:
1 0 9 2 -3 1 - B 22 - 3 3 0 B l.- N r . 9/31 - Prajnap. Bampo 108-130.
Left margin: Na
Left picture: snang ba mtha' yas la na mo /
Right picture: shag kyat hub pa la na mo /
First page, fol. 1a 1: / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dumb u bcu
gnyis pa / bam po nyis brgya sum bcu brgyad pa /
Bam-pos 238-258.
Left margin: Da
Left picture: rin chen yon tan sna tshogs la na mo /
Right picture: ’jam pa'i dbyangs la na mo /
First page, fol. la: / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu bcu gcig
pa / bam po nyis brgya sum bcva Inga pa /
Bam-pos 215-237.
Left margin: Pa
Left picture (without caption): Buddha in bhumisparsa-mudra
Right picture (without caption): Buddha in teaching gesture / abhaya-mudra
First page, fol. 1a 1: / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu bcu
gsum pa / bam po nyis brgya Inga bcu dgu pa /
Left side o f the volume:
Tib.: yum kyi pa dum
Chin.: t H p i i da ban ruo jing di shi san han
Bam-pos 259-279.
Left margin: Ga
Left picture: rin chen gtsug gtor can la na mo /
Right picture: ’od dpag med la na mo /
First page, fol. l a l : / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu gsum pa
/ bam po bzhi bcu gnyis pa /
Left side o f the volume:
Tib.: yum gyi ga dum
Chin.: da ban ruo jing di san han
Bam-pos 42-?.
Left margin: Ka
Left picture: shag kyat hub pa la na mo /
Right picture: spyan ras gzigs la na mo /
First page, fol. l a l : / rgya gar skad du / sha ta sa ha sri ka pradznya pa ra mi ta / bod skad du /
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu dang po / bam po thog ma /
Left side o f the volume:
Tib.: yum gyi ka dum
Chin.: '$ \ da ban ruo jing di yi han
Bam-pos 1-19.
First page. fol. l a l : / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / durn bu gnyis pa
/ bam po nyi shu pa /
Left side o f the volume:
Tib.: yum gyi kha dum
Chin.: iS da ban ruo jing di er han
Bam-pos 20-41.
Left margin: Ga
Left picture: kye'i rdo rje la na mo /
Right picture: bdag med ma la na mo /
First page, fol. l a l : / shrl da ka rnna ba ma ha yogi nl tan tra ra d /a na ma / dpal mkha’ 'gro
rgya mtsho chen po rnal 'byor m a’i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba //
First page. fol. l a l : / shrl dznya na gar bha na ma yogi ni ma ha tan tra ra dza ya de ra dza /
dpal ye shes snying po zhes bya ba rnal ‘byor ma chen m o'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i rgyal po //
Left margin: Ca
Left picture: na ro mkha* spyod la na mo /
Right picture: mi ti mkha' spyod la na m o / 97
First page. fol. la l: / a rya a tsa la kalparp tan tra ra dza / ’phags pa mi gyo ba'i rtog pa'i
rgyud kyi rgyal po //
93 F.imer 2000 = 3. Rgyud. ga (3) [1099, 16/38); Bcckh (p. 76): rgyud 3, Band (87) Cia.
94 F.imer 2000 = 2. Rgyud. kha (2) [1100, 17/39]; Bcckh (p. 75): rgyud 2, Band (86) Kha.
' Reproduced in: Pander 1994: 53. Fig. I l;c f. Imaeda 1977: 35.
96 F.imer 2000 = 5. Rgyud, ca (5) [1101, 18/40]; Bcckh (p. 83): rgyud 5. Band (89) Ca.
Reproduced in: Pander 1994: 55. Fig. 13; Waddell 1895: 80; cf. Imaeda 1977: 35.
98 F.imer 2000 = 10. Rgvud. tha (10) [1102, 19/41]; Bcckh (p. 93): rgyud 10, Band (94) Tha.
1 14
Right picture: phyag na rdo rje la na mo /
First page, fol. 1a 1: / shri bad/ra manta a lam ka ra na ma ma ha tan tra ra d /a / dpal rdo rje
snying po rgyan ces bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po //
Left margin: Ta
Left picture: jig s byed la na mo / 101
Right picture: gshed dmar la na mo /
First page, fol. 1a 1: / trai lokya bi dza ya ma ha kal pa ra dza / ’jig rten gsum las mam par
rgyal bar tog pa'i rgyal po chen po //
First page, fol. I a 1: / sarva ta tha ga ta tvad tva sa gra ha na ma ma ha ya na su tra / // de bzhin
gshegs pa thams cad kyi de kho na nyid bsdus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo /
Left margin: Ja
Left picture: gsang 'dus mi skyod rdo rje la na mo /
Right picture: gsang 'dus 'jam dpal rdo rje la na mo / 105
First page, fol. 1a 1: / rgya gar skad du / nl lam bar a dha ra badzra pa m yak$a ma ha ru dra
badzra a la dzi hva bhan hri (2) dzhi tan tra na ma / bod skad du / phyag na rdo rje gos sngon
po can gnod sbyin drag po chen po rdo rje me Ice'i (3) rgyud ces bya ba /
Left margin: Ba
Left picture: rdo rje chos la na mo /
Right picture: rdo rje las la na mo /
w Reproduced in: Pander 1994: 44. Fig. 7; cf. Imaeda 1977: 35.
100 Eimer 2000 = 9. Rgyud. ta (9) [1103, 20/42]; Beckh (p. 91): rgyud 9. Band(93).
1 " Reproduced in: Pander 1994: 52. Fig. 10b; cf. Imaeda 1977: 35.
102 Eimer 2000 = S. Rgyud. nya (8) [1104. 21/43]: Beckh (p. 91): rgyud 8.Band (92) Nya.
Reproduced in: Pander 1994: 56, Fig. 14; cf. Imaeda 1977: 35.
"u Eimer 2000 = 7. Rgyud. ja (7) [1 105. 22/44]; Beckh (p. 88): rgyud 7. Band (91) Ja.
Reproduced in: Pander 1994: 54. Fig. 12; cf. Imaeda 1977: 35.
106 Eimer 20(H) - 14. rgyud. ba (15); Beckh (p. 114): rgyud 15. Band (99) Ba.
First page. fol. la I : / pu je me gha na ma dha ra nl / rnchod pa’i sprin zhes bya (2) ba'i gzungs
List o f texts in Tibetan on the left side o f the volume (in 8 lines):
gsang sngags rgyud sde'i (2) ba dum bco Inga pa'i nang du mchod (3) sprin gi
gzungs nas 'phags pa (4) spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug (5) gi rtsa ba'i rgyud kyi
rgyal po pad (6) na 'dra ba shes bya ba la svo gs (7) pa mdo rgyud gzungs
sngags mi 'dra (8) ba brgyad bcu rtsa gnyis bzhugs sto //
On the right side a similar list in Chinese, difficult to decipher.
Cover page bearing the inscription written in pencil:
1106 - 45 - B 99 - 1 Vorbl. V + 310 Bl. - Nr. 23/45.
Left margin: Za
Left picture: rdo rje 'chang chen po la na mo / l08
Right picture: gsang bdag phyag na rdo rje la na mo /
First page. fol. l a l : / om ah namah shakya mu na ye sarvva siddhimme pra yatstshantu hum /
First page, fol. la l: / shes (xyl. shas) rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum
bu brgyad pa / bam po brgya (2) Inga bcu gnys pa /
Cover page bearing the inscription written in pencil:
11Q8 - 4 7 - B 24 - 367 Bl. - Prajnap VIII - Bampo 152-169 - Nr 25/47
152- 1 1 5 6 -9 8 1 6 0 - 170 1 6 4 -2 4 7 1 6 7 -3 0 9
1 5 3 -2 0 1 5 7 - 119 161 - 188 1 6 5 -2 6 8 168 - 3 2 9
1 5 4 -4 7 1 5 8 - 135 1 6 2 -2 0 6 1 6 6 -2 8 9 1 6 9 -3 4 6
1 5 5 -7 4 1 5 9 - 157 163 - 2 2 4
107 tim er 2000 = 21. Rgyud. za (22) [ 1107. 24/46]; Bcckh (p. 138): rgyud 22, Band (106) 7.a.
,os Reproduced in: Pander 1994: 33, Fig. 1; Waddell 1895: 61. Cf. Imaeda 1977: 35.
109 tim er 2000: 47= 30. ser phyin. na (8) [„nicht Wanli-Ausgabe”]; Beekh (p. 7): yum 8, Band (24) Nya (yum).
110 Eimer 2000 - 22. Rgyud, 'a (23) [1109. 26/48]; Beckh (p. 138): rgyud 23. Band (107) 'A.
First page, fol. 1a 1: / spyan 'dren rgyud gsum pa / bla m a'i bla ma bla med dkon mchog gsum
Left margin: Na
Left picture: snang pa m tha’ yas la na mo /
Right margin: shag kya thub pa la na mo /
First page, fol. 1a 1: / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu bcu (2)
gnyis pa / bam po nyis brgya sum bcu brgyad pa / gsol pa / bcom ldan (3) ’das de ltar thabs
phra bas / phyir mi ldog pa’i byang chub sems dpa' sems (4) dpa' chen po gzugs las kyang
bzlog mya ngan las 'das pa yang bstan / tshor (5) ba las kyang bzlog mya ngan las 'das pa
yang bstan / 'du shes las kyang bzlog (6) mya ngan las 'das pa yang bstan / ’du byed las
kyang bzlog mya ngan las (7) 'das pa yang bstan / mam par shes pa las kyang bzlog mya ngan
las (8) 'das pa yang bstan / mig las kyang bzlog mya ngan las 'das pa yang bstan / (NA gnyis)
/ rna ba las kyang bzlog mya ngan las 'das pa yang bstan / sna las kyang bzlog mya ngan las
'das pa yang bstan / Ice las kyang bzlog mya ngan las 'das pa yang bstan / lus las kyang bzlog
mya ngan (2) las 'das pa yang bstan / (...)
Last page, fol. 310a5-7 (ending): (5) de ltar mi dmigs pa'i byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa'
chen po la dgongs pa mdzad do // (6) ye dharma he tu pra bha te shan ta tha ga to hya ba dat /
te shanytsa yo ni ro dha e bam ba dl ma ha shra ma nah // bra shis (7) sarba pa pa sya ka ra
narp ; ku sha la syo sampa dam / sva tsittam pa ri da ma nu : me ta dbu da ta [subscribed] nu
sha sa narp //
Cover page bearing the inscription written in pencil:
1110 - 49 - Vorblatt zu 32 - B 28, 310 Bl. - nr 27/49.
Prajnap. bampo 238— 258:__________________________________________________________
Bampo - Blatt
238 - Ifa l]" - 242 - 61 |a5] 2 4 6 - 117[b41 2 5 0 - 175[b8] 254 - 236[a2]
239 —21 [a4] 243 - 7 2 [b l1 247 - 132[a31 251 - 188[a6] 255 - 252[b3]
240 - 34|b7| 244 - 86[b8] 2 4 8 - 146[b8] 252 - 206[a21 256 - 267[a4]
241 - 49[b7] 245 - 99[bl] 2 4 9 - 162 [b3 ] 253 - 227 257 - 282[b4]
[221a l ]
258 - 296[a8]
Left margin: Ya
Left picture: gtsug tor rnam rgval la na mo //
Right picture: gdugs dkar can la na mo //
111 Eimcr 2000: 47 = 34. 1110 27/49 [„Das zweite Exemplar gehSrt offensichtlich nieht zum Wanli-Druck."]; cf.
Bcckh (p. 7): yum 12, Band (28) Na (yum).
112 The exact folio numbers supplemented by the present editor.
113 Eimer 2000 = 23. Rgyud. ya (24) [1111. 28/50]; Beckh (p. 142): rgyud 24. Band (108) Ya.
[1.] First page, fol. l a l : / rgya gar skad du / arya rna ha badzra me ru shi kha ra ku ta ga ra
dha ra nT / bod skad du ; (2) 'phags pa rdo rje ri rab chen po'i rtse m o’i khang pa brtsegs pa’i
gzungs /
End: (fol. 33b6) 'phags pa rdo rje ri rab chen po'i rtse mo'i khang pa brtsegs pa'i gzungs /
rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po shi len dra bo dhi dang / dznya na sid dhi dang / zhu
chen gyi la [sic] tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes sdes bsgyur (7) cing zhus te skad gsar chad kyis
kyang bcos nas gtan la phab pa //
[3.] (fol. 45b5) / arya nT lamba ra dha ra badzra pa ni kal pa na ma dha ra nT / bod skaddu /
"phags pa lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can gyi cho ga zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (fol. 46b5) / 'phags (6) pa lag na rdo rje gos sngon po can gyi cho ga zhes bya ba'i
gzungs / rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dT pam ka ra shri dznya na dang / bod gyi lo
tstsha ba rgya brtson 'grus seng ges dpal na len dra'i sgo 'gram du (7) bsgyur //
[4.] (fol. 46b7) / badzra bi da ra na na ma dha ra nT / bod skad du / rdo rje mam par 'joins pa
zhes bya ba'i kzungs [sic] /
End: (fol. 48a5) / rdo rje mam par 'jom s (6) pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs sto // // rgya
gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang / da na shT la dang / bod gyi lo tstsha ba ban dha ye shes
sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab ba //
[5.] (fol. 48a6) / 'phags pa lag na rdo rje'i (7) mtshan brgyad po gsang sngags dang bcas pa /
End: (fol. 4% 4) lag na rdo rje'i mtshan brgyad po gsang sngags dang bcas pa / rdzogs s.ho //
[6.] (fol. 49b4) / arya da sha badzra pa ni na hri da ya / bod skad du / ’phaks (rectc: 'phags)
pa lag na rdo rje bcu'i snving po /
End: (fol. 50b3) / 'phag s pa lag na rdo rje bcu'i snying po rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang / da na shT la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes
sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la (4) pha pa ;
[10.] (fol. 55a5) badzra su kshma a pra ti ha ta na madha ra nT / rdo rje phra mo thogs pa med
pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (fol. 55b8) rdo rje phra mo thogs pa med pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs sto //
[1 l.J (fol. 55b8) arya bad/ra bhai ra ba dha ra nl na ma / 'phags pa rdo ije 'jigs (xyl. s
subscribed) bycd kyi gzungs (56a 1) zhcs bya ba /
End: (fol. 56b8) 'phags pa rdo rje 'jigs (xyl. s subscribed) byed kyi gzungs (56a 1) zhes bya ba
/ ma rungs ba phyir bzlog pa / rdzogs so // 'phags pas gsungs pa'i gzungs mams mam mang
yang / rdo rje (57a 1) 'jigs byed zhal nas gsungs pa'i gzungs / / bsrung bya'i las bdun ldan
ba'i gzungs mchog 'di / / kun gyi thun mong ma yin rnal 'byor dam pa’i gzungs / / rnal 'byor
gyi rnal ’byor chen (2) po don yod rdo rje'i zhal snga nas bsgyur nas / bod kyi ban dhe skye
(xyl. skyo) 'od 'byung la gnang ngo //
[ 12.J (fol. 56a2) 'phags pa bdud rtsi thab sbyor gyi snying po bzhi pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (fol. 58b3) ’phags pa bdud rtsi thab sbyor gyi snying po / rdzogs s.ho //
f 13.J (fol. 58b4) arya ma ha dan da na ma dha ra nl / 'phags pa be con chen po zhcs bya pa'i
g zu n gs/
End: (fol. 60b7) 'phags pa be con chen po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i (8) mdo / rdzogs s.ho
// // rgya gar gyi mkhan po 'dzi na mi tra dang / da na shl la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba
ban dhe ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te / skad gsar chad kyis kyang bcos nas gtan la phab ba
[14.] (fol. 61 a 1) arya bi bha na bi na ya ka ra dha ra nl / 'phags pa bgegs sel ba'i gzungs /
End: (fol. 61a7) 'phags pa bgegs sel ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho // gu gul ser po dang
/ pha pad gi rtug pa kun la rku ba'i (8) rtug pa sbyar pa'i du bas bdugs (xyl. btugs?) na / 'go
ba'i nad pa'i gan du phyin yang mi tshugs / gos pa la thug na nyur du sel / khyim du 'byung
po gnod pa dag la rab tu bsngags so //
[15.) (fol. 61a8) arya ba la pa tl na ma pra tyang gi ra / ’phags pa phyir zlog pa stobs can zhes
bya'o //
End: (fol. 61 b8) 'phags pa phyir zlog pa stobs can zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho //
[16.] (fol. 62a 1) arya tsau ra bi dhva na sa na na ma dha ra pi / 'phags pamirgod mam par
'joins pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs [/]
End: (fol. 62b2) 'phags pa mi rgod mam par 'joins pa (3)zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzags.hvo //
[ 18.] (fol. 62b5) arya a tsa la na ma dha ra ill / (6) ’phags pa khro bo mi gyo ba'i gzungs zhes
bya ba /
End: (fol. 63b3) 'phags pa khro bo mi gyo ba zhes (4) bya ba'i gzungs rd/ogs.hyo // // pan ti
ta dharma ta shi dang / latstsha ba dge slong chos kyi bzang pos bsgyur ba'o //
[19.] (63b4) badzra dun dana ma na ga sa ma ya / rdo rje mchu zhes bya ba klu'i dam tshig
[20.] (86a8) rdo rje gnam lcags mchu zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (88a5) rdo rje gnam lcags mchu zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs.ho //
[21.] (88a5) arya sa dhri sha a ya austha / ’phags pa lcags (6) mchu nag po;
End: (90a2) 'phags pa lcags mchu nag po'i gzungs rdzogs s.hyo //
[22.] (90a2) ärya o dza pra tyam gi ra ni su tra / 'phags pa mdangs phyir 'phrog pa zhas (recte:
zhes) bya ba'i mdo /
End: (90b5) 'phags pa mdangs phyir 'phrog pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo rdzogs.ho
[23.] (90b5) ä rya bi dza ya ba ti nâ ma pra tyam gi ra / phyir zlog pa 'phags pa rnam par rgyal
ba can (6) zhes bya ba'o;
End: (92a4) phyir zlog pa 'phags pa maní par rgyal ba can zhes bya ba / rdzogs.ho //
[24.] (92a4) ’phags pa rig sngags kyi rgyal po dbags chen po zhes bya ba /
End: (92b5) ’phags pa rig sngags kyi (6) rgyal po dbugs chen po zhes bya ba rdzogs.ho // rgya
gar gyi mkhan po pradznyä bar ma dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba san de ye shes sdes bsgyur
cing zhus te gtan la phab pa //
[25.] (92b6) ärya ma ni bha dra nâ ma dhä ra ni / (7) 'phags pa nor bu bzang po'i gzungs shes
bya ba /
End: (93a7) 'phags pa ñor bu bzang (8) po'i gzungs shes bya ba rdzogs.hyo // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po bid dya ka ra sing ha dang / lo tstsha ba ban de klu'i dbang pos bsgyur //
[26.] (93a8) ka ru ni ka sya ärya dzam bha la dzalen dra su shang ka ra nâ ma dhä ra ni /
(93b 1) 'phags pa gnod 'dzin chu dbang snying rje can gyi gzungs bde byed ces bya ba /
End: (93b7) 'phags pa gnod ’dzin chu dbang snying rje can gyi gzungs bde byed ces bya ba
rdzogs s.hyo //
[27.] (93b8) arya jem bha la nâ ma asta sha ta ka / ’phags pa gnod 'dzin gyi mtshan brgya rtsa
brgyad pa /
End: (95b4) ’phags pa gnod 'dzin gyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa / rdzogs.hyo //
[28.] (95b4) arya dzam bha la shri nâ ma dhä ra ni / ’phags pa gnod 'dzin dpal zhes bya ba'i
gzungs [/]
End: (96b2) ’phags pa gnod 'dzin (3) dpal zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs.ho //
[29.] (96b3) ärya bha dra rä tri nä ma sü tra / ’pags pa mtshan mo bzang po zhes bya ba'i mdo
End: (98b7) 'phags pa mchan mo bzang po zhes bya ba'i mdo rdzogs.ho // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang / dä na shl la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes (8)
sdes bsgyur cing zhus te / skad gsar chad kyis kyang beos gtan la phab pa //
[30.] (98b8) ärya dhanna sä ga ra nâ ma dhä ra ni / ’phags pa chos kyi rgya mcho zhes bya
ba’i gzungs /
End: ( 102a 1) 'phags pa chos kyi rgya mtsho zhes bya ba’i gzungs rdzogs.hyo // / rgya gar gyi
mkhan po su ren dra bo dhi dang / pradznyä bar ma dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe
ye shes sde la sogs pas (2) bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa //
End: ( 102b2) 'phags pa bu mang po ston pa zhes bya ba’i gzungs rdzogs.hyo // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po 'dzi na mi tra dang / dä na shl la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes
sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa //
[32.] (102b3) ârya ni shtsa ya nâ ma dhâ ra ni / ’phags pa gdon mi za ba zhes bya ba’i gzungs
End: ( 103a 1) 'phags pa gdon mi za ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs.ho //
[33.] ( 103a 1) ma hä bi dyâ a pa ra dzi ta / gzhan gyis mi thub pa’i rig pachcn po (2)
End: ( I03a4) gzhan gyis mi thub pa’i rig pa chen po rdzogs.ho //
[34.] (103a4) ârya bra ti tya sa niud bä da hri da ya bi dhi dhä ra nl / 'phags pa (5) rten cing
'brel bar 'byung ba'i snying bo'i cho ga’i gzungs /
End: ( 1()5b2) 'phags pa rten cing ’brel bar 'byung ba’i snying po'i cho ga'i gzungs /
rdzogs.ho //
[35.] ( 105b2) ärya pra tl tya sa mud pâ da nä ma ma hâ yä na sü tra / / (3) 'phags pa rten cing
'brel bar 'byung ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo //
End: (106a8) ’phags pa rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo /
rdzogs.hyo //
[37.] (106b3) ârya rasmi bi ma la bi shud dhe (4) pra bha nä ma dhä rani / 'phags pa 'od zer
dri ma med pa mam par dag pa'i 'od ces bya ba'i gzung lags ...
End: (1 17b2) ’phags pa 'od zer dri ma mad pa mam par dag pa'i (3) 'od cesbya ba'i gzungs
rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po bidya ka ra si ha dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban
de dpal gyi Ihun po'i sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa’o //j o bo a dhi sha dang dge
bshes ’brom ston (4) pas sngags rnams dag par bsgyur ba'o //
[38.] ( 117b4) sa man ta mu kha pra be sha ra shmi bi ma losni sha pra bhâ sa sa rba tathä ga tä
hra da ya sa ma ya bi lo ka te nä ma dhä ra ni / kun nas sgor 'jug ba'i (5) 'od zer gtsug tor dri
ma med par snang ba de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi snying po dang dam tshig la rnam par
lta pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (I27b3) ’phags pa kun nas sgor ’jug ba'i ’od zer gtsug tor dri ma med par snang ba de
bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi snying po dang dam tshig la mam par lta pa zhes bya ba'i
gzungs / rdzogs s.ho // // (4) rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang / shl len dra bo dhi
dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban de ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te btan la phab pa //
[39.] (127b4) ârya sarba durga ti pa ri sho dha ni u snl sa bi dza ya nä ma dhä (5) ra ni /
'phags pa ngan 'gro thams cad yongs su spyod ba gtsug tor mam par rgyal ba zhes bya ba'i
End: ( 132b6) 'phags pa ngan 'gro thams cad yongs su spyod ba / gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba
zhes bya ba’i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang / su ren dra
bo dhi dang / zhu chen gyi (7) lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la
phab ba //
[40.] ( 132b7) ärya sarba ta thä ga to snl sa si tä ta pa trä nä ma a pa rä dzi tä pra tyarn gi ra ma
hä bi dyä rä jä / ’phags pa de (8) bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor nas byung ba’i
gdugs dkar po nan zhes bya ba gzhan gyis mi thub phyir zlog pa'i rig sngags kyi rgyal mo
chen m o'o //
End: (141 a2) ’phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gcug tor nas byung (3) ba gdugs
dkar po can zhes bya ba gzhan gyis mi thub ma phyir zlog pa rig sngags kyi rgyal mo chen
mo / rdzogs s.ho //
[42.] ( 146al ) shl de bi usnl sa la II tan tra / dpal lha mo gtsug tor rol ba'i tan tra /
End: ( 149a4) dpal lta mo gtsug tor rol ba'i tan tra / rdzogs s.ho //
[43.] ( 149a4) ä rya mä rî tsyai nâ ma dhä ra ni / ’phags ma "od zer can zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: ( 150a5) 'phags pa 'od zer can zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho // // pan di ta a mo gha
badzra dang / lotstsha ba dge slong ba ri rin chen grags pas bsgyur ba'o //
[44.] (I 50a5) ä rya tsun de de bi na ma dha ri ni / ...(6) ’phags pa lha mo skul byed ma zhes
bya ba'i gzungs /
End: ( 151 al ) 'phags pa lha ma skul byed ma zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho //
[45.] (151 al ) arya dza gu lä nä ma bidya / 'phags pa dug (2) sel ces bya ba'i rig sngags /
End: ( 151 b6) ’phags pa dug sel ces bya ba'i rig sngags // rdzogs s.ho //
[46.] (151 b6) ärya hi ra nu ba tl nä ma dhä ra ni / 'phags pa dbyig dang Idan (7) pa zhes bya
ba'i gzungs /
End: ( 153bI ) ’phags (2) pa dbyig dang ldan pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho // // rgya
gar gyi mkhan po 'dzi na mi tra dang / dä na shl la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tshtsha ba ban de ye
shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te skad gsad gsar chad kyis kyang beos nas (3) gtan la phab pa //
[47.] ( 153b3) äryä ya sho ba ti dhä ra nï / ’phags pa grags Idan m a'i gzungs /
End: ( 154a5) 'phags pa grags ldan m a’i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho //
[48.] ( 154a5) klags pas grub pa bcom Idan 'das ma 'phags ma sor mo can zhes bya ba rig ba'i
rgyal mo //
End: ( 155a3) klags pas 'grub pa bcom ldan 'das ma 'phags ma sor mo can zhes bya ba rig ba'i
rgyal mo chen mo / rdzogs s.ho //
[50.] ( 156a5) ä rya parna sha ba ri dhä ra nï / "phags pa ri khrod lo ma gyon ba'i gzungs /
End: ( 156b5) 'phags pa ri khrod le (6) ma gyon ba'i gzungs /
[51.] (156b6) ärya sarba dharma ti kanâ ma dhä ra nï / chos thams cad kyi yum zhes bya ba'i
gzu n gs/
End: ( 157a3) chos thams cad kyi yum zhes bya ba (4) rdzogs s.ho //
[52.] ( 157a4) arya gra ha mä hri ka nä ma dhä ra nT / 'phags ma gza' rnams kyi yum zhes bya
ba'i gzungs /
End: (160a6) 'phags ma gza' mams (7) kyi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho // // rgyal
blon byang chub sems dpa’ rnams kyi sku ring la bsgyur ba las dus phyis dge bsnyen grags pa
rgyal mtshan gyis dpal Idan sa skya’i dben gnas su rgya dpe la (8) gtugs nas shin tu dag par
by as pa’o //
[53.] ( 160a8) gra ha mä tri ka nâ ma dhä ra nT / gza' rnams kyi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: ( 163a2) gza’ rnams kyi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs so //
[54.] ( 163a2) ä rya asta de bi dhä ra nT / ’phags pa 1ha mo brgyad kyi gzungs /
End: ( 164a8) 'phags pa Iha mo brgyad kyi gzungs / rdzogs so // // rgya gar gyimkhan po shl
len dra bo dhi dang (xyl. rad?) / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ( 164bl ) ba ban de ye shes sdes bsgyur
cing zhus ta gtan la phab pa //
[55.] ( 164b 1) ärya tä ra bha dhä ra ka nä ma asta sha ba ka / rje btsun 'phags ma sgrol ma'i
mchan brgya [rtsa illegible] brgyad pa /
End: ( 166b4) rje bcun 'phags ma sgrol m a'i mchan brgya (5) rtsa brgyad pa / rdzogs s.ho //
[57.] (166b6) ärya tä rä sva pra ti dznyä nä ma dhä ra ni / ...(7) 'phags ma sgrolma rang gis
dam bcas pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: ( 167a3) 'phags ma (4) sgrol nía rang gis dani bcas pa'i gzungs / rdzogs so //
[58.] ( 167a4) ä rya dza ya ba ti nä ma ma hä bidyä rä dzä / 'phags ma rig sngags kyi rgyal mo
chen mo rgyal ba can zhes bya ba /
End: (173a6) 'phags pa rig sngags kyi rgyal mo chen mo rgyal ba can zhes bya ba // rdzogs
s.ho // / rgya gar gyi mkhan po ’dzi na mi tra dang / pän shl la dang / zhu chen gyi lo (7)
tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa //
[59.] (173a7) ärya dza ya ba ti nT nä ma dhä ra nT / ’phags pa rgyal ba can zhes bya ba'i
gzu ngs/
End: ( 177a8) 'phags pa rgyal ba can zhes bya ba’i gzungs; rdzogs s.ho //
[60.] ( 177b 1) ä rya ma hä shri ya sü tra / 'phags pa dpal chen m o'i mdo /
End: ( I78a3) 'phags pa dpal chen mo’i mdo ; rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po ’dzi na
mi tra dang / zhu chen gyi (4) lo tstsha ba man dhe ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la
phab pa //
[62.] ( 178b6) ärya ba su dha ra nä ma dhä ra nï / 'phags pa nor gyi rgyun ces bya ba'i gzungs /
End: ( 182b7) 'phags pa nor gyi rgyun ces bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho //
[63.] (182b8) ä rya ca k§ur me bi sho dta (recte: dha) ni nä ma bi dyä / ’phags pa mig mam
par sdod (? xyl. not clear) pa zhes bya ba'i rig sngags /
End: (184a8) 'phags pa mig mam par sbyong ba zhes bya pa'i rig sngags rdzogs s.ho //
[64.] ( 184a8) a rya sarba karma a ba ra na bi sho dha ni na dha ma dha ra nl / 'phags pa las kyi
sgrib pa thams mam par sbyong ba zhes bya ba’i gzungs ;
End: (I85a8) ’phags pa las kyi sgrib pa thams [s subscr.] (185b 1) cad rnam par sbyong ba'i
gzungs rdzogs s.ho //
[65.] (185b 1) a rya sarba an ta ra sam gra sa dha ra nl man tra / ’phags ba bar du good pa
thams cad sel ba'i gzungs sngags /
End: (185b8) 'phags pa bar du gcod pa thams cad sel ba'i gzungs sngags rdzogs s.ho //
[66.] ( 185b8) daksi na pa ri sho dha ni na ma / yon yongs su sbyong ba zhes bya ba /
End: (186a5) ’dul ba lung las rnam par nges pa'i mdo las byung ba yon yongs su sbyong ba
rdzogs s.ho //
[69.] (186b3) a rya sarba ro ga pra sha ma ni na ma dha ra nl / ’phags pa nad thams cad rab tu
zhi bar byed ba'i gzungs /
End: (187a3) 'phags pa nad thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed ba'i gzungs ; rdzogs s.ho //
[72.] ( 187b7) arya aksi ro ga (8) pra sha ma na su tra / 'phags pa mig nad rab tu zhi bar byed
pa'i mdo /
End: (188a5) 'phags pa mig nad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i mdo ; rdzogs s.ho //
[74.] ( 188a6) a rya arsha (7) pra sham ni su tra ; 'phags pa gzhang 'brum rab tu zhi bar byed
pa’i mdo /
End: ( 189a6) ’phags pa gzhang ’brum rab tu zhi byed pa'i mdo ; rdzogs s.ho // // (7) rgya gar
gyi mkhan po 'dzi na mi tra dang / da na shl la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye
shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa //
End: (189H3) ’phags pa sdang ha thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ;
rdzogs s.ho //
[78.] (189b5) sarba duh / kha pra sha ma na ka ra na ma dha ra nl / sdug bsngal (6) thams cad
rab tu zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs ;
End: ( 190a5) sdug bsngal thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs / bcom ldan
'das (6) shakya thub pa'i zhal nas gsungs ; ba rdzogs s.ho //
[80.] ( 190a7) 'phags pa khros pa zhi bar byed pa'i (8) gzungs /
End: ( 190a8) 'phags pa khros pa zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho //
[89.] (191 b5) a gra bi dya man tra / mchog thob pa'i rig sngags ;
End: (192a2) 'phags pa mchog thob pa rdzogs s.ho //
[90.] ( 192a2) bradznya ba ra dha ni na ma dha ra nl / shes rab skyid pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: ( 192a8) shes rab skyed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po
dznya na garbha dang lo tstsha ba ban dhe klu'i dbang (192b 1) los bsgyur ; rgya gar gyi
mkhan po bi dya ka ra sim ha dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe de ba tsan tras zhus te
gtan la phab pa //
[91.] (192b 1) pra dznya bar dha ni na ma dha ra ni / shes rab skyed pa (2) zhes bya ba’i
gzungs ;
End: (192b3) shes rab skyed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi nikhan po
dznya nagarbha dang / lo tstsha ba ban de klu'i dbang pos bsgyur ; rgya gar (4) gyi mkhan po
bi dya ka ra sirn ha dang / zhu chen gyi lo tsa ba ban dhe de ba tsan dras zhus te gtan la phab
[92.] ( 192b4) pradznya bar dha ni na ma dhu ra nl / shes rab skyed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs [/]
End: (192b6) shes rab skyed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho // // (7) rgya gar gyi mkhan
po dznya na gar bha dang / lo tstsha ba ban dhe klu’i dbang pos hsgyur / rgya gar gyi mkhan
po bidva kara sirn ha dang ; zhu chen gyi lo tsatsha ba ban dhe de ba tsan dras zhus te gtan la
phab pa //
[ 101.] ( 194b 1) 'phags pa rims dang ; srog chags kyis mi tshugs pa zhes bya ba ;
End: (194b3) rims dang srog chags kyis mi tshugs pa'i gzungs ; rdzogs s.ho //
End [?]: ( 194h7) // rd/.ogs s.ho //
[104.] ( I94b7) 'phags pa bdud thams cad skrag par byed ba zhes bya ba ;
Knd: ( 195a 1) bdud skrag bar byed ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho //
[105.] (195a 1) rma 'byor bar byed ba zhcs bya ba'i gzungs sbags (recte: sngags) [/]
End [?]: ( 195a3) rdzogs s.ho //
[ 106.] ( 195a3) m e'i zug rngu rab tu zhi bar byed ba’i gzungs ;
End [?]: ( 195a4) rdzogs s.ho //
[108.] ( 195a5) bad kan gyi nad sel ’ (recte: ba) 'i gzungs sngags:
End [?]: ( 195a6) bad kan gyi zur kazcre (?) rab tu sel lo //
[113. = Beckh (116)] ( I95b4) a ta na tl ya ma su tra (5) na ma ha su tra / mdo chen po kun tu
rgyu ba dang kun tu rgyu ba ma yin ba dang 'thun ba'i mdo zhcs bya ba /
End: (2IOa3) mdo chen po kun tu rgyu ba dang kun (4) du rgyu ba ma yin ba dang / ’thun ba'i
mdo zhcs bya ba rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po ’dzi na mi tra dang / pra dznya ba ra
ma dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes sde lasogs pas sgyur cing zhus te (5) gtan
la phab pa //
[1 14.] (21()a5) ma ha sa ma dza su tran na ma ma ha su tram / mdo chen po 'dus pa chen po’i
mdo zhcs bya ba ;
End: (219b 1) mdo chen po ’dus pa chen po’i mdo zhes bya ba ; rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po ’dzi na mi tra dang / pra dznya bar ma dang / zhu (2) chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe
ye shes sdc la sogs pas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa //
[116.] (233b3) árya ma ha me gha ba ta manda li sarba ná ga hri da ya na ná ma ma ha yá na
su tra / 'phags pa sprin chen po rlung gi dkyil 'khor gyi le’u klu thams cad kyi snying po zhes
bya ba (4) theg pa chen po'i mdo //
End: (238b3) 'phags pa sprin (4) chen po rlung gi dkyil ’khor gyi le’u klu thams cad kyi
snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na
mi tra dang / su ren dra bo dhi dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes sdcs (5)
bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa //
[117.] (238b5) árya na ma svl ná gá rá dzá pa ri pri tstshá ná ma dhá ra ni / 'phags pa klu'i
rgyal po gzi can gyis zhus pa zhes bya' (6) gzungs /
End: (239a5) 'phags pa klu'i rgyal po gzi (6) can gyis zhus pa zhes bya' gzungs rdzogs s.ho //
[118. = Beckh (121)] (239a6) árya ga nu a larn ka ra a gra ná ma dhá ra n! / 'phags pa sdong
(xyl. sdod ?) po rgyan gyi mchog ces bya ba'i (7) gzungs /
End: (239b8) 'phags pa sdong po rgyan gyi mchog ces bya ba'i gzungs ; rdzogs.ho //
[119.] (240a 1) sangs rgyas kyi chos gsal zhing yangs pa snang brgyad ces bya ba'i mdo /
End: (243b 1) 'phags pa snang brgyad ces bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo // rdzogs s.ho //
[120.] (243b 1) pü dza me gha ná ma dhá ra ni / (2) mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i gzungs
(xyl. gthungs) /
End: (244a 1) mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho //
[123.] (244a8) árya pra daksá radanatra yá ná ma dhá ra ni / (...) (244b 1) ’phags pa dkon
mchog gi rten la bskor ba bya ba'i gzungs zhes bya ba /
End: (244b4) bskor ba'i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho //
[126.] (245a7) yi dags mo kha 'bar ma dbugs dbyung ba'i gtor m a'i cho ga /
End: (247a4) yi dags mo kha 'bar ma dbugs dbyung ba'i gtor m a’i cho ga / rdzogs s.ho //
[ 127.] (247a4) yi dags kha ñas me 'bar (5) ba la skyabs mdzad pa'i gzungs /
End: (249b7) yi dags kha ñas me 'bar ba la skyabs mdzad pa'i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho //
[128.] (249b7) 'jur 'gyegs (recte: 'gegs) zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (252a2) 'jur 'gyegs zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs s.ho // // zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban
dhe ye shes bsgyur (3) te gtan la phab pa'o //
End: (252a5) / ’di dag ni bla ma rdo rje gdan bas mdo rgyud nas phyung (6) ste ; ba ri lo
tstsha bas bsgyur ba'o //
[130.] (252a6) ä rya basata be tä da ka nâ ma dhâ ra ni / 'phags pa ro längs bdun pa zhes bya
ba'i gzungs /
End: (256a3) 'phags pa ro längs bdun pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po bi shud dha sing ha dang / ban dhe ye shes (4) snying po sdes bsgyur / rgya gar gyi
mkhan po bid dya ka ra sing ha dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes sdes zhus te
gtan la phab pa //
[131.] (256a4) ârya ga na pa ti hri da ya / 'phags (5) pa tshogs kyi bdag po’i snying po'o //
End: (256b8) 'phags pa tshogs kyi bdag po’i snying po rdzogs s.ho //
[ 132.] (257a 1) shri ma hä kâ la nâ ma dhâ ra ni / dpal mgon po nag po zhes bya ba’i gzungs /
End: (257b 1) 'phags pa dpal mgon po nag po zhes bya ba'i gzungs / rdzogs s.hyo //
[ 133.] (257b 1) 'phags pa nag po chen po'i gzungs rims nad thams cad las thar par byad (2) pa
End: (257b5) ’phags pa nag po chen po'i gzungs / rims nad thams cad las mam par thar par
byed (6) pa ; rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po pradznyâ bar ma dang / zhu chen gyi lo
tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa //
[135.] (257a5) shrî de bi kâ li nâ nía asta sha ta ka / dpal lha mo nag m o'i mtshan brgya rtsa
brgyad pa /
End: (259b7) dpal lha mo nag mo chen mo'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa yon tan dang bcas
pa / rdzogs s.ho //
[140.] (261 b8) ä rya bai shä IT bra be sha ma hä yä na su tra / ’phags pa yangs pa'i grong
khyer du 'jug pa'i mdo chen po /
End: (266a3) 'phags pa yangs pa'i grong khyer du 'jug pa'i mdo chen po / rdzogs s.ho //
[141.] (266a3) ’phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug yid (4) bzhin gyi nor bu’i rtog pa las
smon lam ' byung pa /
End: (268a 1) rtsa ba’i sngags / rdzags sa (recte: so) //....
(268a2) sngags snying bzhin du 'byung / smon lam dang tshigs su bead pa dang sngags su
bead pa / rd/ogs s.ho //
[142.] (268a2) ârya bha dra tsâ rya bra ni dhâ na râ dza / (3) ’phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i
smon lam gyi rgyal po /
End: (271b3) ‘phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i / (4) smon lam gyi rgyal po / rdzogs s.ho //
[144.] (272b6) a gra câ rya pra ni dhâ na / mchog i spyod pa'i smon lam /
End: (273b8) mchog i spyod pa'i smon lam / rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po
bradznyâ warmma dang / zhu chen gyi lo (274a 1) tstsha ba ban dha ye shessde lasogs pas
bsgyur cang zhus te gtan la phab pa //
[147.] (275b6) de ba pa ri pri istsha mam ga la gâ thâ / lhas zhus pa'i bkra shis kyi tshigs su
bead pa /
End: (276b2) lhas zhus pa'i bkra shis kyi tshigs su bead pa / rdzogs s.ho //
[148.] (276b2) sva sti gâ thâ / bde (3) legs kyi tshigs su bead pa /
End: (278a5) bde legs kyi tshigs su bead pa : (6) rdzogs s.ho //
[ 149.] (278a6) sva stya ya na gâ thâ / bde legs su 'gyur ba'i tshig (recte: tshigs) su bead pa /
End: (278b6) bde legs su 'gyur ba'i tshig (recte: tshigs) su bead pa / rdzogs s.ho //
[150.] (278b6) mam ga la gâ thâ /... (7) bkra shis tshig (recte: tshigs) su bead pa /
End: (280a2) dkon mchog gsum dang mdzad pa bcu gnyis kyi bkra shis kyi tshigsu (recte:
tshigs su) bead pa rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po ’dzi na mi tra dang / zhu chen gyi
lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes bsgyur eing zhus te gtan la (3) phab pa //
[151.] (280a3) bud dha ka ma la sa pta mam ga la gâ thâ / sangs rgyas rabs bdun gyi bkra shis
tshigs su bead pa /
End: (280b3) sangs rgyas (4) rabs bdun gyi bkra shis tshigs su bead pa // rdzogs s.ho //
[152.] (280b4) pa nytsa ta thâ ga ta mam ga la gâ thâ / de bzhin gshegs pa lnga'i bkra shis
tshigsu (recte: tshigs su) bead pa /
End: (281 a2) de bzhin gshegs pa lnga'i bkra shis tshigs su bead pa / rdzogs s.ho //
[153.] (281 a2) tri ku la mam ga la / rigs gsum gyi bkra shis /
End: (281 a5) dpal rigs gsum gyi bkra shis / rdzogs.ho //
End: (283a2) 'phags pa rgya cher rol pa'i mdo'i tshong dpon ga gan dang b/ang po'i le'u las
'byung ba shis par brjod pa'i tshig su bead pa / rdzogs s.ho //
[ 155.] (283a3) rad na tri svasti ga tha / dkon mchog gsum gyi bkra shis kyi tshigs su bead pa /
End: (283a7) dkon mchog gsum gyi bkra shis kyi tshigs su bead pa / bcom ldan 'das kyis
khyim bdag de spa la gsungs pa / rdzogs s.ho // // (8) rgya gar gyi mkhan po 'd/.i na mi tra
dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban dhe ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o //
[End o f the volume rgyud YA].
First page. fol. 1a 1: // 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi gsang pa'i mdzod thogs pa
med pa'i (2) yid bzhin gyi 'khor lo'i snying po zhes bya ba’i gzungs / [ 1. = Beckh ( I )]
End: (10a4) 'phags pa byang chub sems dpa' spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi gsang ba'i
mdzod thogs pa med pa'i (5) yid bzhin gyi 'khor lo'i snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs
sto // // zhu chen gyi mkhan po dang lo tsa ba bcom ldan 'das kyi ring lugs pa ban de chos
grub kyis rgya'i dpe las bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o ;
[2.] ( 10a6) a rya a ba lo ki ti shva ra na ma dha ra nl / 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug
gi gzungs zhes bya ba /
End: (10b5) ’phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi gzungs rdzogs s.ho //
[4.] (11 a 1) a rya a ba lo ki te shva ra e ka da sha mu kha na ma dha ra nl / 'phags pa spyan ras
gzigs dbang phyug zhal bcu gcig pa zhes bya ba’i gzungs /
114 Eimer 2000 = 16 [29/51]; Bcckh (p. 124): rgyud 17, Band (101) Tsa.
End: (13a2) 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug zhal bcu geig pa zhes bya ba’i gzungs
rdzogs s.ho // // (3) rgya gar gyi inkhan po shi lan tra bo dhi dang / zhu chcn gyi lo tstsha ba
ban de ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa rdzogs s.ho //
[5.] ( 13a3) ’phags pa zhal bcu geig p a 'i rig sngags kyi snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (21b5) 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs (6) dbang phyug zhal bcu geig pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs
rdzogs s.ho // // zhu chen gyi mkhan po / lo tstsha ba bcom ldan 'das kyi ring lugs pa ban de
chos grub kyis rgya'i dpe las sgyur cing gtan phab pa'o //
[6.] (21 b7) pad ma mu ku ta tan tra nä ma / pad ma cod pan zhes bya ba'i rgyud /
End: (29a6) pad ma cod ban zhes bya ba'i rgyud le'u bcu geig pa rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar
gyi mkhan po / pan di ta dharma shrT mi (7) tra dang ; bod kyi lo tstshaba dge slong chos kyi
bzang pos bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab bo //
[8.] (35a2) ä rya sa man ta bha dra na ma dhä ra nT / (3) 'phags pa kun tu bzang po zhes bya
ba'i gzungs /
End: (37b2) 'phags pa kun tu bzang po zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs sto // // rgya gar gyi
mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang / dä na shi la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban de ye shes sdes
bsgyur cing zhus te skad gsar chad kyis kyang bcos nas (3) gtan la phab pa //
[9.] (37b3) ärya nT la kan tha nä ma dhä ra nT / 'phags pa nT la kan tha zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (39a 1) 'phags pa nT la kan tha'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho //
(10.] (3 9 a l) ärya (2) ä ba lo ki te shva ra ha ya gri ba dhä ra nT / 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs
dbang phyug ha ya gri ba'i gzungs /
End: (39b6) 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs (7) dbang phyug ha ya gri ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs
rdzogs s.ho //
[12.] (43a6) ärya ba lo ki te shva ra nä ma sha ta asta / 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang (7)
phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgvad pa /
End: (45a4) 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa / rdzogs
s.ho //
113.] (45a4) ku ru ni ka sya a rya dzam bha la dza len dra su shad ka (5) ra nä ma dhä ra nT /
'phags pa gdon 'dzin ehu dbang snying rje can gyi gzungs bde byed ees bya ba /
End: (45b4) 'phags pa gdon ’dzin chu dbang snying rje can gyi gzungs bde byed ees bya ba
rdzogs s.ho //
[14.] (45b4) klags pas grub pa bcom ldan 'das ma 'phags ma sor mo can /hes bya ba rig pa'i
rgyal (5) mo ;
End: (46b2) klags pas grub pa bcom ldan 'das ma (3) ’phags ma sor mo can zhes bya ba rig
pa'i rgyal mo chen mo rdzogs s.ho //
[ 15.] (46b3) ä rya ru tsi ra am ga yasthi nâ ma dhâ ra nï / 'phags pa lus kyi dbyibs mdzes zhes
bya ba'i gzungs ;
End: (48a5) 'phags pa lus kyi dbyibs mdzes pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar
gyi mkhan po pradznya bar ma dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban de ye shes sdes bsgyur
cing zhus te gtab la phab ba //
[ 16.J (48a6) sim lia nada tan ira nâ ma / seng ge sgra'i rgyud ces bya ba /
End: (49a8) seng ge sgra'i rgyud ces bya ba rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po pa ndi ta
pra dznyä kä (49b 1) ra dang ; bod kyi lo tstsha ba 'gos khu pa lha btsas kyis zhus shing
bsgyur te gtan la phab ba'o //
[ 17.1 árya ba lo ki te shva ra ya sing ha nâ da nâ ma dhâ ranï / 'pags pa spyan ras gzegs (2)
dbang phyug seng ge sgra'i gzungs zhes bya ba /
F.nd: (55b 1) 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug seng ge sgra zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs
s.ho // // kha che’i yul dur khrod 'bris ka rang byung gi mchod rten tsar / dngos grub bmyes
pa'i rje btsun ma rdo rje sems ma dang / sgra bsgyur gyi lo tstsha ba 'gar shes rab 'byung gnas
zhes bya bas (xyl. bs - s subscr.) (3) bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab ba'o //
[19.] (55b6) ’phags pa snying rjes mi bshol ba (7) zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (56b3) 'phags pa spyan (4) ras gzigs kyi dbang po thugs rje chen po mi bshol ba zhes
bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho //
[20.] (56b4) äryä wa lo ki te shva ra mä ta nâ ma dhâ ra nï / ’phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang
phyug (5) gi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (58a4) 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho
// // (5) rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang / dâ na shï la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha
ba ban de ye shes sdes bsgyus cing zhus te / gtan la phab pa /
[21.] (58a5) sarba ta thâ ga ta mi ta ni ta ra bi shva kar ma bha ba tan tra nâ ma / de (6)bzhin
gshegs pa thams cad kyi yul sgrol ma las sna tshogs ’byung ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud /
End: (74a8) bcom ldan 'das ma sgrol ma’i rgyud las sna tshogs bstan pa zhes bya ba rdzogs
s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dharma shrï mi dra dang / bod kyi lo tstsha ba dge slong chos
kyi bzang pos bsgyur ba'o //
[22.] (74a8) ârya tâ (74b 1) ra pâ ta ri ka nâ ma asta sha ta kam / rje btsun ma ’phags ma sgrol
m a’i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa zhes bya ba /
End: (76b6) rje btsun ma 'phags ma sgrol m a’i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa // 'phags pa
spyan ras gzigs dbang gis gsungs pa rdzogs s.ho //
[23.] (76b6) ... (7) tâ ra de bï nâ ma asta sha ta ka na / lha mo sgrol m a’i mtshan brgya rtsa
brgyad pa /
End: (79b7) sgrol m a’i mchog ces bya ba’i gzungs te lha (8) mo sgrol m a’i intshan brgya rtsa
brgyad pa rdzogs s.ho //
[25.] (8 0 a l) ... (2) arya ta ra sva pra ti dznya na ma dha ra ni / 'phags ma sgrol ma rang gis
dam bcas pa zhcs bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (80a7) "phags ma sgrol ma rang gis / dam bcas pa'i gzugs sogs s.ho //
[26.] (80a7) arya ta ra asta gho re ta spl su tra / (8) ’phags ma sgrol ma 'jigs pa brgyad las
skyob pa'i mdo //
End: (82a5) rje btsun ma sgrol ma 'jigs pa brgyad las skyob pa'i mdo // rdzogs s.ho //
[29.] (83b5) arya shri ma ha de bi bya ka ra na / 'phags pa lha mo chen mo dpal lung bstan pa
End: (88a4) 'phags pa lha mo chen mo (5) dpal lung bstan pa rdzogs s.ho //
[30.] (88a5) arya ma ha shri ya su tram // ’phags pa dpal chen m o’i mdo //
End: (88b7) ’phags pa dpal chen m o’i mdo / rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi
tra dang / zhu chen (8) gyi lo tstsha ba ban de ye shes sdes bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phan pa
[32.] (89b3) a rya sarba karma (4) a ba ra na be sho dha ni na ma dha ra ni / 'phags pa las kyi
sgrib pa thams cad mam par spyod ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs /
End: (90b3) 'phags pa las kyi sgrib pa thams cad mam par spyod ba zhes bya ba’i gzungs
rdzogs.ho //
[33.] (90b4) arya bidya ud ta ma ma ha tan tra / ’phags pa rig pa mchog gi rgyud chen po /
End: (332a 1) // bcom Idan ’das kyis gsungs pa la mngon par bstod do // // 'phags pa rig pa
mchog gi (2) rgyud chen po rdzogs s.ho // // rgya gar gyi mkhan po bidya ka ra pra bha dang /
lo tstsha ba ban de dpal brtsegs kyis sgyur (3) ba'o // // zhus gsum zhus dag // ye dha rma he
tu bra bha ba he tun te san ta tha ga to hyaba dad te / / sanytsa yo ni ro dha e bam ba dl ma ha
shra ma nah //
52. P ander Pantheon 52 (1113).
Wanli Kanjur, rgyud. vol. TSHA, fol. 1-323.'15
First page, fol. 1a 1: / rgya gar skad du / arya badzra pa tala na ma tan tra ra dza / bod skad du /
"phags pa rdo rje sa ’og gi rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba /
First page, fol. 1a 1: / rgya gar skad du / sarva dharma ma ha san ti bo dhi tsid ta ku la ya ra
dza / bod skad du / chos thams cad rdzogs pa chen po byang chub kyi sems kun byed rgyal po
Left margin: wa
Left picture: rta 'ghrin (recte: mgrin) la na mo /
Right picture: ral cig ma la na mo /
First page, fol. l a l : / rgya gar skad du / sarva ta tha gat a tsi tta gu hya dznya na a rva garbha
badzra kro dha ku la tan tra pin tha rtha bi dya yo ga sid dhi na ma ma ha ya na su tra / bod
skad du / de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi thugs gsang ba'i ye shes don gyi snying po khro
rdo rje'i rigs kun 'dus rig pa'i mdo mal ’byor grub pa'i rgyud ces bya ba theg pa chen po'i
mdo /
Left margin: Na
Left picture: khams gsum mam rgyal la na mo /
Right picture: rdo rje rin chen la na mo /
First page, fol. l a l : / bod skad du / byang chub kyi snying po'i rgyan 'bum gyi gzungs /
fol. 39b7-41a5: BhagavatT-prajnaparamita-hrdayasutra ("Heart Sutra"). See below.
115 tim er 2 0 0 0 - 17. Rgyud, tsha (18) [1113, 30/52]; Bcckh (p. 127): rgyud 18. Band (102) Tsha.
I,A tim er 2000 = 18. Rgyud, dza (19) [1114, 31/53]; Beckh (p. 133): rgyud 19. Band (103) Dza.
1,7 tim er 2000 = 19. Rgyud, va (20) [1115. 32/54]; Beckh (p. 134): rgyud 20. Band (104) Wa.
"s tim er 2000 ^ 1 2 . Rgyud. na (12) [ 1116. 35/55J; Beckh (pp. 97-100): rgyud 12. Band (96) Na.
56. P ander Pantheon 56 (1117).
Wanli Kanjur. nido, vol. PA, fol. 1-307.119
Left margin: Pa
Left picture: // tshangs pa'i 'od zer mam par rol pas mngon par mkhyen pa la na mo //
Right picture: // pad m a'i 'od zer mam par rol pas mngon par mkhyen pa la na mo //
First page. [ 1.] (fol. 1a l ): / rgya gar skad du / arya a bi kal pa pra be sha na ma dha ra nl / bod
skad du / (2) 'phags pa mam par mi rtog par 'jug pa zhcs bya ba'i gzungs / [= Beckh (1)].
End: (6b7) 'phags pa mam par mi rtog par 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs rdzogs s.ho // // (8)
rgya gar gyi mkhan po 'dzi na mi tra dang / da na shi la dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba dka'
ba dpal brtsegs kvis bsgyur te gtan pa phab pa //
[2.] (7a 1) gatha dva ya dha ra nl / tshigs su bead ba gnyis pa'i gzungs /
End: (7a6) tshigs su bead gnyis pa'i gzungs rdzogs so //
[7.] (293a3) arya mai tre pa ri pri tstsha na ma ma ha ya na su tra // (4)'phags pa byams pas
zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo //
End: (293b6) 'phags pa byams pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo // rdzogs s.ho //
"g Eimer 2000 = 37 [34/56]; Beckh (p. 37): mdo 13, Band (65) Pa.
[8.] (293b6) arya pa lo ki te shva ra pa ri pri tstsha sap te (7) dharmma ka na ma ma ha ya na
su tra / 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gis zhus pa chos bdun pa zhes bya ba theg pa
chen po'i mdo /
End: (294a8) ’phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gis zhus pa chos bdun pa zhes bya ba
theg pa chen po'i mdo / rdzogs s.ho // // (294b 1) rgya gar gyi mkhan po dl pang kara shri dza
na dang / lo ctsha ba dge slong dge ba'i bio gros kyis bsgyur ba //
[9.] (2 9 4 b l) arya pra ti bha na ma ti pa ri pri tstsha na ma ma ha ya na su tra / (...) (2) ’phags
pa spobs pa’i bio gros kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo /
End: (307a4) ’phags pa spobs pa'i bio gros kyis zhus pa zhes bya theg pa chen po'i mdo /
rdzogs s.ho // rgya gar gyi mkhan po pradznya barma dang / zhu chen gyi lo tstsha ba ban de
ye shes (5) sde lasogs pas bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa // // ye dha rmmah he tu pra
bha ba he tunte santa tha ga to hya ba dat / tesanytsa yo ni ro dha e bam ba dl ma ha shra ma
iiah / mam ghalambhawatu //
Foil. 124ab, 125a, 126a, 127ab, 128a, 129b, 264b, 268ab, 270a, 272a, 274b, 276ab, 277b,
282b - corrections, mostly o f the diacritics, made in red colour.
First page, fol. l a l : / rgya gar skad du / a rya su barna pra bha sod ta ma su tren dra ra dza na
ma ma ha ya na su tra / bod skad du / 'phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal
po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo /
First page, fol. l a l : / shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu (2) bcu
pa / bam po brgya dgu bcu gsum pa / bcom ldan 'das (3) byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa'
chen po gang gis go cha 'di ’tshal ba (4) de dag ni phyag bgyi bar 'os pa'o // bcom ldan 'das
gang gis go cha ’di (5) ’tshal ba de dag ni nam m kha’i don du brtson par mos / ’bad par mos /
rtsol (6) bar mos pa dag ste / bcom ldan 'das gang gis sems can rnams kyi slad (7) du go cha
’tshal ba de dag ni / nam mkha' yongs su smin par ’tshal zhing yongs (8) su grol bar 'tshal
b a’o // bcom ldan 'das byang chub sems dpa' (2a 1) (...)
Cover page bearing the inscription written in pencil:
120 Eimer 2000 = 13. rgyud. pha (14) [1118, 36/58]; Beckh (p. 102): rgyud 14. Band (98) Pha.
121 Eimer 2000 = 31. ser phyin. tha (10) [1 119, 36/58],
1119 - 58. - B 26. - 2 Hol/tafel, 375 Bl. - Prajnap. X Bampo 193-214.
193- 1 1 9 6 -5 2 199 - 104 202 - 153 205 - 207 208 - 254 211 -3 0 2
1 9 4 -2 0 1 9 7 -6 8 200 - 117 203 - 175 206 - 224 209 - 270 212 - 322
1 9 5 -3 6 1 9 8 -8 9 201 - 135 204 - 194 2 0 7 - 236 2 1 0 -2 8 5 2 1 3 -3 3 8
2 1 4 -3 5 6
First page. fol. l a l : / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa / dum bu gnyis pa
/ bam po nyi shu pa /
(A) Cover page bearing the inscription written in pencil:
59 - Vorblatt zu 37 - B 18 - 1 Vorblatt + V + 330 Bl. — Prajnap. II - Bampo 20-41. - Preface
+ Laud.
(B) Cover page bearing the inscription written in pencil:
1120 - 59 - Vorblatt zu 37 - B 18 - 37/59. Prajnap. Bampo 20-41:___________ ____________
2 0 - 1[a 1]123 24 - 71[ b l] 28 - 136[a 1] 3 2 - 188[a6] 36 - 239[a3] 40
298[a I ]
21 - 24[b6] 25 - 86[b5] 2 9 - 148[b3] 33 - 200[a8] 37 - 251 [a8] 41
314 [b 1]
22 - 40[al ] 2 6 - 104[a4] 3 0 - 161 [a2] 34 —210[al ] 38 - 265[b5] [End:
330a3; a4:
ye dharmä...]
23 - 57fa3] 2 7 - 120[a8] 31 - 173[b2] 35 - 222[a51 39 - 281 [a4]
Left margin: Ka
Right margin: 11 t'k Da zang jing zong mu lu.
First page, fol. la l: / orp svasti siddham // bde bar gshegs pa'i gsung rab rin po che’i dkar
chags / bstan pa rgyas pa'i (2) nyi 'od ces bya ba / phyogs bcu dus gsum gyi rgyal pa sras
dang slob (xyl. slop) mar bcas pa mams la phyag ’tshal lo // tshogs gnyis (3) gser gyis 'dzin
dbus su kun nas rab brjid (xyl. brdzid) sku bzhi’i bid (?) rim mngon par mtho // rim gnyis zab
m o'i gser gyi ri bos kun nas rab bskor (4) dbang bzhi’i rgya mtshor kun nas brjid // sgrib
Eimer 20()0: 46 = 26. [1120. 37/59] (..nicht Wanli-Druck”); Beckh (p. 6 ): yum 2. Band (18) Kha.
123 Exact folio numbers inserted by the present editor.
1:4 The dkar chug makes the upper part o f the volume rgyud Ka. Cf. Eimer 2000 = 1120a 38/60 Index zum
Kandjur. In Beekh’s Verzeichnis the description o f the Index volume is missing. Cf. also Eimer 2006: 3 1 5 -3 1 6 -
it contains a transliteration o f the text o f the Yongle dkar chag, fol. la-2bl, and from 97b 1 to the end: the
wording is identical with the Wanli.
gnyis dri m a’i mun tshogs stug po kun nas rah sol 'phrin las mam bzhi'i 'od z e r (5) 'phro i l*5
hden gnyis don gzigs dus gsum rgyal pa'i lha dbang gis brten bla na ma Ihun po'i dbang por
'dud // mtshan dpc’i dpal gyis (2a 1) phreng bas rab 'khrigs yan lag drug bcu'i chos kyi sgra
chen bsgrogs // rtag tu mnyam bzhag dngos kun rab mkhyen mam dag yon tan rgya (2)
mtsho'i dpal gyis 'byor // phrin las mam bzhis srid ba'i ji (xyl. ja) srid 'gro ba'i don mdzad
dus gsum rgyal ba'i tshogs // rtag du gus ba'i (3) yid kyis bstan dngags me tog bsnyim bas rab
tu mchod par bgyi // gang zhig gdod nas mam dag bio bur tri m a’i chu 'dzin las grol skye 'gro
’i (4) gzugs can kun tu khyab gyur cing // rtag chad 'gro 'od skyc ’gag dang bral 'gog pa'i
bdcn pa rgyu skar mams kyi lam mchog mngon du bya ba'i thabs (5) bdag Ita’i tshang tshing
kun nas bsreg byed bdag med rtogs pa'i dkyil ’khor rab rgyas phan bde'i pad mo rgyas mdzad
pa’i // lam gyi bden pa nyin (6) mo'i dbang phyug dang bcas 'jig rten kun gyi mig cig dam
chos de la gus bas 'dud // dus gsum rgyal ba'i dbang bo'i 'bras bus legs ( 2 b i) skrun sri nad (?)
gsum skye rgu'i yon gnas bla na med // blabs gsum rin chen brgyan gyis kun nas rab slu pas
theg gsum dam chos sgra chen bsgrog // (2) sa gsum kun nas 'gran gyi dpes dben gsum rtsen
dbang bos nyer mchod ba'i // sa bcu'i dbang phyug bsc ru'i tshogs dang slob m a’i tshogs bcas
'phags ba'i dge 'dun de la (3) ’dud i sdom brtson rgya mtsho’i tshogs kyi gtsug brgyan
mkhas pa'i mkhas mchog zhi ba mtsho // sngags 'chad rgya m tsho’i tshogs kyi gtsug brgyan
drag (xyl. trag) ba'i drag (xyl. trag) mchog pad ma 'byung (4) bio gsal rgya m tsho'i tshogs
kyi gtsug brgyan rig pa'i gnas rig ka ma la // Inga rig rgya m tsho'i tshogs kyi gtsug brgyan
rgyal ba'i rgyal sras a ti sha // mkhas (5) brtsun rgya m tsho'i tshogs kyi gtsug brgyan shakya
shri zhes grags la sogs // bstan ’dzin rgya m tsho'i tshogs kyi gtsug brgyan gangs ri'i khrod
'dir brtan ba'i // (6) sngon med nyi ma ches (xyl. nyimches) cher gsal mdzad ston pa gnyis pa
Ita bu yi // ban chen tshogs mams ba ka' drin dran 'di sgo nas rtag tu phyag 'tshal lo // mam
dag (3a 1) smon lam skrun bas gangs ri'i khrod 'dir dur smig 'dzin pa'i srol gdong cing //
sngon med dam chos nyi m a’i dkyil 'khor legs par (2) bsgyur nas bod vul mun pa yi // dmag
rum 'dzoms mdzad sgra bsgyur dbang po sang (sad?) mi mi bdun ka cog zliad gsum svags //
'gro ba'i gnyen cig (3) mtshungs med skyes chen mchog mams rtag tu gus pa'i yid kyis 'tshal
// sangs rgyas kun gyi mdzad pa rab mdzad sprul pa'i mam 'phrul 'gro kun bde mdzad srong
btsan (xyl. bean) (4) sgam po dang / mgon po ’jam dbyangs khri stong Ide btsan zhes grags sa
chen 'di na 'gran zla med da'i (nga'i ?) sa skyed mchog / zhi bas mi 'dul 'gro ba 'dul phyir
drag po'i tshul sdon (5) rdo rje 'dzin pa ral pa can la gsogs // bstan pa'i sbyin bdag gangs can
chos rgyal bean por byon pa'i mes dang dbon mams rgyal gyur cig // bdud rigs (6) 'byung
bo'i sprin gyis thub bstan nyi ’od sgribs pa las // slar yang gsal ba'i bdag rkyen mnga' bdag
khri pa yab sras dang // bstan ba'i srog shing (3b 1) dinar gyo rtsangs gsum bla chen dge ba
gsal // bstan pa spel mdzad dbus gtsang mi drug sogs la 'ang phyag 'tshal lo // sngon gyi yab
mes (2) mdzad ba gzigs nas bde gshegs bstan pa gsal bya'i phyir / rang gi sku 'ang gtod
mdzad rgyal bas lung bstan lha'i bla ma ni / ye shes 'od dang byang chub thugs (3) mnga'
byang chub ’od zhes grags pa la / bdag eag dad bas yan lag mchog gis mam pa kun du 'dud
bar bgyi // sprul ba'i skyes mchog lo chen rin bzangs (4) dang / rgyal bas lung bstan bio Idan
shes rab dang / 'jam dbyangs rjes bzungs sa skya pan chen dang / thams cad mkhyen pa bu
ston lo tstsha sogs // slar yang (5) dka' drin che ba mams la 'dud // rdo rje 'chang chen gdul
bya'i don du dge spyod (xyl. sbyong) tshul bzung nas / rdo rje gdan mtshungs kun bzangs
nags khrod seng (6) ge'i khrir gzhugs te / rdo rje theg ba'i chos 'khor bskor nas dpag med
'gro don mdzad // rdo rje rgyal po dpal ldan pha mo grub ba de la 'dud (4a 1) bka' ’gyur tshad
dang dag par rtogs phyir dang // gang gis ’gyur dang gang gis bsgyur ba dang // bka'i mam
gyeng bde blag rtogs bya’i phyir / (2) bde gshegs bspan (?) pa'i pad (?) tshal rgyas byed pa'i
// dkar ehag nyi m a’i ’od ’di bdag gis spro / // ’dir (3) bdag eag gi bla ma chos thams cad gyi
’byung gnas sha kya'i rgyal po des // 'gro ba ma rig pa'i btson dod du (4) Ihung ba // 'dod
chags dang /h e sdang gi Icags sgrog dam pos beings shing / sdug bsngal sna tshogs kyi cho
nges 'byin pa mtha' yas (5) pa bskyab pa'i don du zhing ma dag pa mi mdzad kyi khams /
sems can ma rungs pa mi dag pa bcu tshang bar spyod pa / (6) 'tshams mcd pa Inga byed pa
shin tu gdul bka' ba mams la thugs rjes lhag par gzigs nas smon lam (4b 1) chen po Inga
brgyas byang chub du thugs bskyed de / sems can re re'i phyir du yang bskal pa grangs med
gsum du bdud chud ma dang rgyal (2) srid dag kyang yongs su btad (?) ba mdzad la / (xyl.:
bya ra?) ka pa'i spyod pa mig phyur (?) nas ster pa dang / sku srog kyang phangs pa med par
sbyin pa la sogs (xyl. svogs) pa (3) byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa brlabs po che du mas
bdag cag mams la phan pa mang po bsgrubs shing / sangs rgyas kyi chos thams cad mngon du
(4) gyur nas bog niin du mngon par rdzogs pa sangs rgyas te / rang gi sangs rgyas kyi zhing gi
mdzad pa sgrub bzhi don du / dga' Idan du dam pa tog dkar du sku (5) 'khrungs pa'i tshe ma
pham pa rgyal tshab du dbang bskur nas zas gtsang gi sras don thams cad grub par 'khrungs /
bslab bar bya ba'i gnas thams cad la mkhas (6) shing rgyal bar mdzad de / nyes pa thams cad
'byung ba'i sgo khab spangs zhing / mchod rten rnam dag gi drung du nyid la nyid rab tu
bvung (5a 1) ste rdo rje'i spo la sangs rgyas pa'i tshul bstan nas / chos kyi 'khor lo ma lus pas
gdul bya mams smin pa dang grol bar mdzad cing / mthar (2) grong khyer rtsva can gyi vul
dang nye ba'i shing sal zung gi bar du khri bcas byang phyogs su dbu bstan nas bod du chos
dang bar byin gyis brlabs te mya ngan las 'das pa'i tshul (3) bstan to / des gsungs pa'i chos
kyi 'khor lo ma lus pas mams / dus ston pa 'das pa'i phyi re'i dpyad (xyl. dpyar) / gnas nya
gro dha'i phug tu / sbyin bdag (4) rgyal po ma skyes dgras byas te (xyl. ta) / bsdud pa po 'od
srung dang / kun dga' bo dang / nye ba 'khor la sogs pa dgra bcom pa Inga brgyas bka' sdu ba
dang po mdzad do // (5) dus ston pa ’das nas lo brgya dang bcu na / gnas yangs pa can gyi ku
sma bu ra'i gtsug lag khang du / sbyin bdag chos rgyal mya ngan med kyis byas te / dgra (6)
bcom ba bdun rgyas / bka' sdu ba gnyis pa mdzad do // dus ston pa 'das nas lo sum brgya nas
/ gnas kha che’i yul gun ba na zhes pa'i dgon par / (5b 1) sbyin bdag ja la dha ra'i rgyal po ka
ni kas byas te / bsdud pa po pur na ka la sogs (xyl. lasvo) par dgra bcom pa Inga brgya / ba su
mi tra la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pa byang chub sems dpa' Inga brgya / so (2) so'i skye'o pandi ta nyi
brgya Inga bcus bka' bsdu ba (xyl. 'a) gsum pa byas te (xyl. ta) / glegs bam la bris nas gtan la
phab pa mams kyi dgongs pa ji Ita ba bzhin gnas Inga la (3) mkhas pa'i pandi ta mang pos
bka'i dgongs pa 'grel pa'i bstan bcos mang po brtsams te bstan pa rgyas par mdzad do // de'i
rjes su lha mo dri ma med ba'i 'od lung (4) bstan pa'i m d o r/ da yongs su mya ngan las 'das
nas lo nyis stong Inga brgya nas gdod mar can gyi yul du dam pa'i chos dar bar 'gvur ro zhes
lung bstan pa dang rjes (5) su mthun par / thub pa dgongs pa 'das nas lo nyis stong Inga brgya
tsam nas gangs ri'i khrod 'dir lha mtho do re snyan sha la la dam pa chos kyi dbu bmycs /
srotig btsan (6) sgam po la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pa chos rgyal mes dpon mams dang lo pan skyes
mchog khyad par can mams kyis / rgya gar dang / kha che dang / za hor dang / bal yul dang /
li'i (6a 1) yul dang / rgya nag la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pa nas bde bar gshegs pa'i bka' bstan bcos
dpag tu med pa'i rgya gar gyi skad las bod kyi skad du bsgyur nas 'chad pa dang (2) nyan pa
la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pas srol cher btod / mnga' bdag khri ral gyi ring la dam pa'i chos mang po
bsgyur cing / yab mes kyi dus su (xyl. dusu) bsgyur ba mams kyang skad gsar bead kyi gtan
la phab pa nas ming (3) du brtags pa mams kar chag du bris te nam du yang gzhungs lugs de
las mi ’gyur zhing / kun gyis bslab du rung par gyis shig ces bka' stsal nas dar zhing rgyas par
mdzad pa'i (4) rgyal blon byang chub sems dpa' mams kyis sbyin bdag mdzad / lo pan mams
kyis gzhung tshad go rims 'gyur byang la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pas gtan la phab ba'i bka' bstan
bcos bod du ’gyur ro 'tshal (5) mams i pho brang chen po stong thang lhan dkar dang /
’phang thang ka med gnyis na bzhugs zhing kar chag du bkod pa mams / rgyal po bdud sdig
can kyi dbang du song ba dag gis bstan pa (6) bsnubs nas thub pa'i gsung rab mams 'thor te
bstan pa me shi ba'i dud ba tsam du gyur to // dus phyis sangs rgyas kyi phrin las kyis bstan
ba'i me ro smad nas blangs te rim gyi chos dar bar gyur cing lta (lha?) bla ma ye shes (6b 1)
'od dang i lha btsun pa byang chub ’od la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pa'i chos rgyal chen po mams kyi
sbyin bdag mdzad nas lo pan mang pos chos 'gyur / khyad par du jo bo chen po rje Iha cig
zhes pa'i pandi ta gnan (2) grangs nas bstan pa shin tu rgyas par mdzad do // siar yang dbang
phyug dam pa'i mnga' bdag bstan pa'i sbyin bdag chen po se chen gan gyi bdag rkyen la
brten nas / bla ma 'jam dbyangs dpag shis sbyin bdag (3) mdzad de ï mkhas pa chen po
bcom ldan rai khri (xyl. gri) dang / dbus pa blo gsal la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pa rnams kyis / bka'
'gyur ro cog mains phyogs cig du bsgrigs shing dkar chag tu btab ste bzhengs pa'i glegs bam
la phyi mo bgyis (4) te ï rgya'i yus dang gangs ri'i khrod du rin po che dang gnag tshas
bzhengs pa'i glegs bam mang du 'phel bar gyur cing / shin tu rgyas par mdzad do // bde
gshegs ba'i bka' klog pa dang bshad pa la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pa'i go nas rgyas par mdzad pa'i
bod (5) kyi chos grva rnams su bka' (xyl. dka’) 'gyur gyi glegs (xyl. klegs) bam gyis 'gengs
par bzhed nas / bzhengs pa rnams kyi mam grangs dang / gang mdo sngags gang du gtogs
(xyl. gtoks) pa dang / yang dag dang ltar snang gi mam dbye dang chos kyi 'khor lo'i mam
bzhag la sogs (xyl. lasvo) ba bde glag (6) tu rtogs par bya ba'i phyir / chos kyi main grangs re
re'i bam po dang le'u dang / shlo ka'i grangs dang 'gyur byad la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pa'i sgo nas
bstan la phab ste dkar chag du bri bar bya'o // de yang bcom ldan 'das kyis / gdul bya 'dod
chags dang / zhe sdang dang / gti (7a 1) mug dang / de dag cha mnyam pa la spyod pa'i gang
zag nyi khri cig stong yod pa'i rgyu mtshan gyis / chos kyi phung po brgyad khri stong gsung
pa rnams kyang brjod bya bslab ba gsum ston par (2) byed pa'i sgo nas sde snod gsum dang /
brjod byed kyi sgo nas gsung rab beu gnyis dang / gdul bya ma zhugs pa 'jug cing / zhugs pa
smin par byed pa dang / smin pa grol bar byed par (?) bgrol ba mthar phyin (3) par byed pa'i
dbang du byas te / 'khor (xyl. 'khar) lo rim pa gsum la sogs (xyl. lasvo) pa'i mam par bzhag
pa mang du mehis kyang 'dir mam pa gnyis te / gsang sngags 'bras bu'i theg pa rgyud kyi
dbye ba rnam par bzhag pa sngon gyi bka’ (4) Icog zhang (?) gsum gyis bsgyur pa dang /
bstan pa phyi dar la rim par byon ba'i lotstsha chen po rnams kyis / skad gsar chad la gtan la
phab pa las / slar yang mkhas pa'i dbang po // bod kyi pandi ta chen (5) po lotstsha ba pu ston
kha ches / rig pa'i gnas lnga'i sgo nas / so so'i gzhung tshad / theg pa che chung dang rgyud
sde'i rnam dbye / 'gyur byad la sogs (xyl. lasvo) gtan la phab pa'i gsung rab kyi rjes su
'grangs nas / 'dir (6) yang bkod par bya'o // de yang 'dir glegs bam rnams kyi thog ma ngo
mtshar rmad du byung ba'i bde bar gshegs pa'i bka' bod kyi yul du 'gyur b aji snyed pa'i dkar
(xyl. gar) chag gi (7b 1) rim pa rnam par bzhag pa don rnam pa gnyis / gsang sngags 'bras bu'i
theg par rgyud kyi dbye ba rnam par gzhag pa dang / mtshan nyid rgyu'i theg pa mdo'i dbye
(2) ba rnam par bzhag pa'o // dang po la don mam pa grug / mal 'byor chen po bla na med
pa'i rgyud kyi dbye ba / mal 'byor gyi rgyud kyi dbye ba / bya ba'i rgyud (3) kyi dbye ba /
gsang sngags snga 'gyur gyi dbye ba / gnas skabs su nyer 'kho'i dbye ba bstan pa'o // dang po
la gsum / thabs shes gnyis su med pa rgyud (4) shes rab mal 'byor ma'i rgyud / thabs mal
'byor pha'i rgyud do // dang po thabs shes gnyis su med pa'i rgyud ni / glegs bam thog ma /
ka pa la ï rgyud (5) thams cad kyi dbang po tshad mar gyur pa 'jam dpal ye shes sems dpa'i
mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i le'u beu bzhi pa / pandi ta ka ma la (6) gu pta dang / lo tstsha
ba rin chen bzang pos bsgyur ba las / lo tstsha ba shong blo bstan gyi beos pa gzhung tshad
shlo ka sum brgya nyi shu dang rgad pa gnyis yod do // 'di la (8a 1) [...]
(95a 1) / de ltar bkra shis smon lam / (2) beva brgyad bzhugs so // gang gis bsgrubs pa'i bsod
nams brlabs chen 'dis / mtha' yas ske dgu'i rgyud pa nyer zhi zhing / (3) thub bstan bstan pa
'phel ba'i rkyen gyur nas / 'jig rten khams 'dir bkra shis byed gyur cig // (4) de ltar sdeb legs
tshig gi brlabs 'phed gyo / dgongs don zab m o'i sting m tha' rtogs par bka' / rin chen bye bas
stams pa'i mcho (5) chen bzhin / blo gsal klu dbang (dbad) tshogs kyis brten par mjod / de ltar
plia roi tu phyin pa la ma grags pa'i sngags kyi khyad pa'i kyi chos gtso che (6) chud gi sgo
nas mdo sde dang / rgyud sde 'g a' zhig thun mong pa ltar snad ba rnams kyang so sor phye
ste / rgyud du gtogs pa ya rgyud sde bzhi / gsang (95b 1) sngags snga 'gyur dang / bde bar
gshegs pa'i sku gzugs bzhengs pa la / nad bzhugs kyi gzungs gal che zhing / gzungs 'khrugs
(2) pa dang / gong 'og 'jol ba lasvo byung na / brten de la'ang byin brlabs mi 'jug ba dang /
sbyin bdag la'ang bkra mi shis pa ’byung ba dgongs nas (3) rgyud sde thams cad kyi gzungs
sngags mams / rgyud sde so so'i go rims ma 'jol bar / chos kyi rje thams cad mkhyen pa bu
ston kha ches sdebs pa'i (4) nyer mkho’i gzungs mams dang bcas pa la chos kyi mam grangs
bdun brgya dang nyi shu rtsa gnyis / mdor gtogs pa la / sher phyin gyi chos kyi mam (5)
grangs bcu bdun / shes rab sna tshogs kyi spong zhabs nas gsar du bsgyur ba'i mdo bcu gsum
/ phal po che dang / dkon mchog brtsegs pa (6) gnyis la mdo sna Inga bcu / gzhan theg pa
chen po'i mdo sna nyis brgya dang so drug / theg pa thun mod gi mdo bdun bcu rtsa drug /
'dul (96a 1) lung brgyad : bsdo ba smon lam bkra shis bcva brgyad mams dri la bas / chos kyi
mam grangs stong dang brgya phrag cig dang / (2) bzhi bcu bzhugs pa las / 'g a ' zhig dgos
pa'i dbang gis zlos te bris par zad kyi / gzhan du brgyad brgya drug bcu rsta gsum du nges par
bya'o // (3) 'gro 'ong med pa'i de nyid gzigs kyang 'gro ba'i don du 'byon dad bzhung par
ston / / brdzod du med pa'i ngo dam gzigs kyang ra' [?] rang bsam pha'i (4) dbang bzhin
chos 'khor bskor / mam pa kun du bya byed spangs kyang ba na bde rgyas mdzad thub pa'i
dbang po de / ku sha'i grong du mya ngan (5) *das kyang glegs bam gzugs kyis gzhan phan
mdzad pa bzhin / de yang ; ston pa nyid kyis / ma 'ongs dus na da nyid ni / (6) yi ge'i gzugs
kyis mam par gnas / zhes gsungs pa ltar / bde bar gshegs pa'i bka' 'di dag (96b 1) bcom Idan
'das nyid yin par bio dang ldan pa mams kyis rig par bya ste / bcom ldan 'das kyi gang mdzad
pa'i de dag 'dis kyang mdzad pa'i phyir (2) de yang bdag nyid che chen po mams ni / ring gi
bde ba 'chi 1 m a'i thal ba bzhin du bor nas mtha' yas pa'i 'gro ba mams 'a la bu geig pa'i ma
(3) bzhin du rjes su brtsebs / sems can re re'i ched du yang / bskal pa mang por thabs kyi
mam pa dpag du med pa goms par (4) mdzad pas / ji lta ba dang ; ji snyedi ba'i chos mams
ma lus par thugs su chung cing / smon lam rgya mtsho'i pha rol du son bas lhun gyis (5) grub
pa dang rgvun mi gcad pa'i 'phrin las kyis tshul bsam gyis mi khyab pa mnga' ba la brtan nas
/ 'jig rten gyi rgyal po lasogs pa sems (6) can gyi tshogs shin tu mang po la phan pa dang
gnod par mis pa mams su skye ba bzhes sing / yul thag shin du ring pa mams kyang sems shin
du (97a 1) nye bar mdzad nas / 'gro ba mang po phan pa dad bde ba la 'god par mjad do // de
yang 'di ltar (2) byad phyogs kyi rgyud / gangs ri mu tig gi phreng ba mtshar du dadar ba lta
bus kun nas bskor ba'i dpus / yan lag brgyad dang ldan pa'i chu klud (3) rgya mtsho chen por
dal gyis 'bab pa'i bzhi / ro dang / bcud dang / nus pa phun sum tshogs pa'i sman sna tshogs
kyi 'byung killings su (4) gyur ba'i bod kyi yul 'd ir /
go bdun (97a4): gyur pa’i bod kyi yul 'dir / byang chub sems dpa' chen po 'jig rten dbang
phyug des / srog gtsan sgam po zhes bya ba'i rgyal por skye ba la blangs te / (5) byang chub
sems dpa'i sprul ba / rgya'i rgyal po chen po thang tha'i dzud (dzung?) zhes pa dang / yul
thang ring yang thugs shin tu 'thun par (6) mdzad de / rgyal po de'i sras mo wang shing kong
jo khab du bzhes shing / rgyal po ko da jo des / gtsug lag khang brtsigs te / (97b 1)l2(> bod du
dam pa'i chos dar bar mdzad pa nas bzung ste / rgya bod gnyis 'brel shin tu zab cing / de nas
grangs pa'i gdud rabs Inga brtsigs (2) pa bod kyi rgyal po mes ag tshoms gyis / rgya'i rgyal po
dzung dzung gi nu bo wing (?) dbang bya ba'i bu mo kim shing kung dzu khab du bzhes pa la
/ (3) 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi sprul pa chos skyong ba'i rgyal po chen po khri srong sde btsan
'khrungs nas / rgya bod kyi ’brel pa ches zab cing / ’gro ba (4) dpag tu med pa phan bde la
bkod do // de'i dpon po / phyag na rdo rje'i sprul pa m nga' bdag ral pa can gyi dus su / dbon
zhang cung thugs (5) ma mthun pas / rgyal po ral pa can gyis rgya'i yul du mi dad mi ma yin
pa'i dmag mang du grangs nas byon pa'i skabs su / dbon zhang 'jal dum mdzad de (6) sangs
rgyas dang / byang chub sems dpa’ dang / de dag bka' stod chos skyod bsrungs ma mams
dang / 'jig rten kyi lha (9 8 a I) 'dre dregs brtsal can thams cad ‘par du gtsugs te / sngar bod
dang rgya gnyis yar mar du dmag khyer la sogs byed res (2) mang du byung 'dug na 'ang /
dus de nas bzung ste bod dang rgya gnyis dmag 'dren pa la sogs cig gis cig la gnod pa mi
skyel zhing / phan ci thogs byed pa'i (3) m na’ dang rtsigs mdzad de / chos ’khor chen po lha
sa dang / rgya hod kyi so 'tsham s gong bu smig ru zhes pa'i sa char / rdo rings la yi ge bris so
// (4) de'i rten 'brel gyis i de nas bzung ste ding sang gi par du rgya bod gnyis 'brcl zab cing
/ chos 'jig rten gyi sgo nas / pan ci thogs byed (5) pa'i 'brel pa shin du zab par gyur pa yin no
// // bkra shis dang bde (6) legs chen pos khyab par gyur gcig // // mam glia lam bha vva tu V
ye dharmah he tu pra bha wa he tu nhe san ta tha ga to hya ba dat / te sanca yo ni ro dha e
wamba dl ma ha srani na //
Cover page bearing the inscription written in pencil:
1120 a ; Pander D 60, Index zum Kandjur, 1 Dubbl. + 98 Bl.
Below are presented a few specimens o f the texts from the Wanli Kanjur.
First, there are given two versions o f the famous Heart Sutra - one is excerpted from
the volume Na, rgyud, and the other from the Supplement, volume Am. The former version
agrees fully (except for a very few minor points) with the text o f the recension A o f the Berlin
Manuscript Kanjur (B) and the Taipei Manuscript Kanjur (F).127
Next is given the full text o f the short versified SrT-kdlacakragarbha-nama-tantra
(Dpal dus kyi klior to zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi snying p o ), rgyud, vol. Ka. According to the
dkar chag, the text was translated by the Indian pandita Sribhadrabodhi and the Tibetan
lotsava Gyi jo Zla ba’i 'od z e r.'^ T h e translation was done around the middle o f the 1l lh
century.1“ It may be o f interest to the Buddhologists since it seems that it does not have its
direct counterpart either in the catalogue part o f Bu ston’s 130 History o f Buddhism (Chos
’byung)n \ or in his Tantra Catalogue (Rgyud 'bum gvi dkar chag)'i2.
The Candamaharosana-tantral3\ an important tantra belonging to the Anuttarayoga
class, in its 16th chapter contains an interesting explanation o f the fundamental Buddhist
teaching on the dependent origination (pratityasamutpadd). Below is published the Tibetan
text o f that chapter according to the Wanli Kanjur.
In addition, the chapter divisions of the Candamaharosana-tantra as well as o f the
Hevajra-tantra, another important tantra o f the same class, are presented.
127 Silk, Jonathan, The Heart Sutra in Tibetan: a Critical Edition o f the Two Recensions Contained in the Kanjur.
Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, 1994: 100-151.
I2S Wanli Kanjur dkar chag , Ka. fol. 9a2 : dus ky i khor Io 7 rgy ud kyi snying po phyi ma / gnyan Io tstsha ha dar
ma grags kyi bsgyur ha / bsdus pa 7 rgyud kyi hkol ha dum hu 7 rgyud (3) rgyud kyi snying po zhes bya ha / pan
ti (recte : dO tu srJ bha tra (recte : dra) bo dhi dang / Io tstsha ba : gvi jo zla ba 7 'od zer gyis bsgyur ha dang /.
129 Cf. Newman, John R.. „A Brief History o f the Kalachakra" in: Geshe Lhundub Sopa. Roger Jackson, John
Newman, The Wheel o f Time. The Kalachakra in Context. Snow Lion, Ithaca, New York 1991: 73f.
1 The name o f Bu ston ( 12 9 0 -1364) is mentioned in the Wanli Kanjur dkar cliag. fol. 3b4. 7a5. 95b3 (sec
above, PP 60; cf. PP 25 [= rgyud. Cha, fol. 42b4]); the opening part o f the dkar chag contains a division scheme
o f the tantras which requires a meticulous comparison with those o f Bu ston's and other relevant materials.
1,1 Cf. Nishioka, Soshu, “’Putun bukkyöshi' Mokurokubusakuin" [Part II] Tökyö-daigaku-bungakubu Runka-
köryü-kenkyü-shisetsu Kenkyü-kiyö 5, 1981 : 70 : No. 1550 ( bKol ba 7 rgyud kyi dum bu Gyi co 7 gyur /) =
Peking No. 6( ?).
132 Cf. Eimer 1989: 60, 190 (=005?).
1,3 Cf. C.S. George, The Candamahärosana-tantra. chs. I- VIII. Sanskrit and Tibetan texts with English
translation. New Haven 1974.
T h e H e a r t S u t r a
(39b7) / rgya gar skad du / bha ga ba ti pradznya (F: pra dznya) pa (B: pa) ra mi ta hri ta ya /
bod skad du / boom Idan "das ma shcs rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po'o (F: po'i) // (F:
/) bcom ldan 'das ma shes (8) rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa la phyag 'tshal lo // 'di skad bdag gis
thos pa dus gcig na / bcom ldan 'das rgyal po'i khab bya rgod kyi phung po'i ri la dge slong
gi dge 'dun chen po dang / byang chub sems (40a 1) dpa'i dge 'dun chen po dang thabs gcig tu
bzhugs te / de'i tshc bcom ldan 'das zab mo snang ba zhes bya ba chos kyi mam grangs kyi
ting nge 'dzin la snyoms par bzhugs so // yang de'i tshe byang chub (2) sems dpa' sems dpa'
chen po 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab mo spyod
pa nyid la mam par lta zhing / phung po Inga po de dag la yang rang bzhin gyis stong par
mam (3) par Ita'o // de (B: des) nas sangs rgyas kyi mthus / (F: //) tshe dang ldan pa sha ri'i
bus byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug la 'di
skad ces smras so // rigs kyi bu (4) gang la la shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab mo spyod
pa spyad par 'dod pa des ji ltar bslab par bya / de skad ces smras pa dang / byang chub sems
dpa' sems dpa' chen po 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs (5) dbang phyug gis tshe dang ldan ba sha
ri!" 'i bu la 'di skad ces smras so // sha ri'i bu rigs kyi bu 'am rigs kyi bu mo gang la la shes
rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab mo spyod pa spyad par 'dod pa des (6) 'di ltar rnam par lta bar
bya ste / phung po Inga po de dag kyang rang bzhin136 gyis stong par rnam par yang dag par
rjcs su blta'o // gzugs stong p a'o // stong pa nyid gzugs so // gzugs las stong pa nyid gzhan ma
(7) yin no // stong pa nyid las kyang gzugs gzhan ma yin no // de bzhin du tshor ba dang / 'du
shes dang / 'du byed dang / rnam par shes pa mams stong pa'o // sha ri'i bu de lta has na chos
thams cad stong pa nyid de / mtshan (8) nyid med pa / ma skves pa (B: dpa. dap?) / ma 'gag
pa137 / dri ma med pa / dri ma dang bral ba med pa / bri ba med pa / gang ba med pa’o // sha
ri'i bu de lta has na stong pa nyid la gzugs med / tshor ba med / ’du shes med / (40b 1) 'du
byed med / mam par shes pa med / mig med / m a ba med / (B inserts: sna ba med) sna med /
Ice med / lus med / yid med / gzugs med / sgra med / dri med / ro med / reg bya med / chos
(B: mchos) med do // (F: /) mig gi khams med pa nas / yid kyi khams med (2) yid kyi mam
par shes pa'i khams kyi bar du yang med do // ma rig pa med / ma rig pa zad ba med pa nas
rga shi med / (F om. /) rga shi zad ba'i bar du (B om. du) yang med do // sdug bsngal ba dang
/ kun 'byung ba dang / 'gog pa dang / lam med / ye (3) shes med / thob pa med / ma thob pa
yang med do // (F: //) sha ri'i bu de lta has na byang chub sems dpa' mams thob pa med pa'i
phyir / shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa la rten cing gnas te / sems la sgrib pa med pas skrag pa
med de / (B: do //) (4) phyin ci log (B: logs) las shin tu (BF: du) 'das nas mya ngan las 'das
pa'i mthar phyin to // dus (B: dug) gsum dul3x rnam par bzhugs pa'i sangs rgyas thams cad
kyang shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa la brten nas / bla na med pa yang dag par (5) rdzogs
m PP 55 (1116). vol. Na. rgyud. = Beckh (p. 100): 12. Band (96) |22], Silk 1994: 100-151 (sigla: B = Berlin Ms;
F = Taipei Ms).
135 Space between ri - 7.
gi-gu reversed, because over the syllable :hi there is the word smras.
1' Space between pa - / dri.
1 ,s Space betw een du - rnam.
pa'i hyang chub tu mngon par rdzogs par sangs rgyas so // do lta has na shes rab kyi plia roi tu
phyin ba’i sngags / rig pa chen po'i sngags / bla na mod pa'i sngags / mi mnyam ba dang
mnyam ba'i sngags / sdug bsngal (6) thams cad rab tu /hi bar byed pa'i sngags / mi brdzun
has na bden bar shes par bya ste / shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i sngags / smras pa / (F: //)
tadya tha / orp ga te ga te pa ra ga te / (B om. /) pa ra sam ga to / bo dhi sva ha / sha ri’i bu
byang chub (7) sems dpa' sems dpa' chen pos de Itar shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab (F:
zad) mo la slab par bya'o // de nas bcom Idan 'das ting nge 'dzin de las bzhengs te / byang
chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po (F: po'i) 'phags pa (8) spyan ras gzigs (5) dbang phyug la
legs so zhes bya ba byin nas / legs so legs so / rigs kyi bu de de bzhin no // (B om. //) de de
bzhin te / ji ltar khyod kyis bstan pa de bzhin du shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab mo la
spyad par (41 a l ) bya ste / de bzhin gshegs pa mams kyang rjes su yid rang ngo // bcom Idan
'das kyis de skad ces bka' stsal nas / tshe dang Idan pa sha ri'i bu dang / byang chub sems
dpa' sems dpa’ chen po (2) ’phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug dang / thams cad dang
Idan pa'i 'khor de dag dang / lha dang / mi dang / lha ma yin dang / dri zar bcas pa'i 'jig rten
yid rangs te / bcom Idan 'das kyis gsungs pa la mngon (3) par bstod do // (F: /) bcom Idan 'das
ma shes rab gyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo rdzogs sto
// rgya gar gyi mkhan po b i139 ma la mi tra dang / lotstsha ba dge slong rin chen sdes bsgyur
cing zhu chen (4) gyi lo tstsha ba dge slong nam m kha’ la sogs pas zhus te gtan la phab pa'o //
dpal bsam yas Ihun gyis grub pa'i gtsug lag khang gi dge rgyas bye ma gling gi rtsig ngos la
bris pa dang zhu dag legs par bgyis (5) so / / 140
(211 a5) rgya gar skad du / bha ga \va tl pra dznya pä ra mi ta hri da yam / pod skad du (6) //
bcom Idan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rel (recte: rol) du phyin pa'i snying po’o / bcom // //
(211 b 1) Idan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa la phyag 'tshal lo / ’di skad bdag gis
thos pa'i (2) dus geig na / bcom Idan 'das rgyal po'i khab / bya rged (recte: rgod) phung po'i
ri la dge slong ga (recte: gi) dge 'dun (3) chen po dang / byang chub sems dpa'i dge ’dun che’
(recte: chen) po dang / thabs geig tu bzhugs te / de'i (4) tshe bcom ran (recte: Idan) 'das rab
(recte: zab) mo snang ba zhes bya ba'i chos kyi mam grangs kyi ting nge 'dzin la snyoms par
/ (5) zhugs so // yang de’i tshe byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po 'phags ma spyan ras
gzigs (6) dbang phyug shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa zab m o'i spyad pa nyid la nam (recte:
mam) par Ita zhing / phung po Inga (212a 1) po de dag la yang rang bzhin gyis stong par mam
par blta'o / de nas sangs rgyas kyi / ma thus (recte: mthus) / tshe dang Idan pa sha ri'i bus
byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chan (recte: chen) po 'phagsba (recte: 'phags pa) spyan / (3)
ras gzigs dbang phyug la 'di skad ces smras so / rigs kyi bu gang la la shes rab kyi pha rol du
phyin pa (4) zab m o'i spyad pa spyod pa 'dod pa des ji ltar bslab par bya / de skad ces smras
pa dang / // byang (5) chub sems dpa’ sems dpa' chen po ’phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang
phyug gis / / tshe dang Idan pa (6) sha ri'i bu la 'di skad ces smra (recte: smras) so / sha ri'i
bu rigs kyi bu 'am / rigs kyi bu / (212b 1) mo gang la la shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa zab
139 . ,
gi-gu reversed.
140 Wanli Kanjur, dkar chag, Ka. fol. 29a3: na pa la / byang chub .snying po 7 rgyan 'bum nas btus pa 7 gzungs /
'Ji 7 rgyud tshang ba geig bod du ’g yuryong pas dug pas btsal bar bya o // (...)/shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin
pa 7 snying po zhes bya ba 7 mdo / / pandi la bi ma la mi tra dang / lo tstsha ba dgro rin chen (5) sdes bsgyur
cing lo tstsha ba dge slong nam m kha' lasvo (recte: la sogs) pas zlius te gtan la phab ba / 'di ang yum g\ i bskor
du byas na 'thad mod kyi / klu sgrub kyis thub pa gtso 'khor (6) Inga pa 7 sgrub thabs mdzadpas de la brten nas
thub par byas so //
141 PP 16(1077).
m o'i spvad pa spyed (recte: spyod) par 'dod pa des / 'di Itar marh (2) par lta bar bya ste /
phung po Inga po de dag kyang rang bzhin gyis stong par yang dag par rjes su blta'o // (3)
gzugs stong ba'o // gzugs stong ba'o // stong pa nyid kyang gzugs so // gzugs las kyang stong
/ (4) pa nyid gzhan ma yin no // stong pa nyid las kyang gzugs gzhan ma yin no // de bzhin du
tshor ba dang (5) "du shes dang // "du byed dang // mams (recte: mam) par shes pa mams
stong pa'o // sha ri'i bu de (6) lta bas na // chos thams cad stong pa nyad (recte: nyid) de //
mtshan nyid med pa / ma skyes pa // ma gag (xyl.: gg - superscribed) (213a 1) pa / dri ma mod
pa / dri ma dang / bral ba med pa / bri ba med pa / gang ba / / (2) med pa'o / sha ri’i bu de lta
bas na / song (recte: stong) pa nyid la gzugs med / chor (recte: tshor) ba med 'du (3) shes med
/ 'du byed mad (recte: med) / mam par shes pa med / mig med / ma ba med / snga (recte: sna)
med / / (4) lea (recte: lee) med / lus med / yid med / gzugs med / sgra med / dri med / ro med
/ reg bya med / / (5) chos med do // mig gi khams med pa nas / yid kyi khams med yid kyi
mam par shes pa'i (6) khams kyi bar du yang med do / ma rig pa med / ma rig pa zad pa med
pa nas / / rga / / (213b 1) shi med / rga shi zad pa'i bar du yang med do / sdug bsngal ba
dang / kun ’byung ba dang / / (2) ’gog pa dang / lam med / ye shes med / thob pa med / ma
thob pa yang med de (recte: do) / sha (3) ri'i bu de la (recte: lta) bas nas (recte: na) / byang
chub sems dpa' mams la thob pa med pa'i phyir shes rab kyi pha rol / (4) du phvin pa la brten
cing gnas te / sans (recte: sems) la sgrib pa med cing skrag pa med de / phyin ci log la (recte:
las) shin (5) du 'das nas / mya ngan las 'bas (recte: ’das) pa ehen po'i mthar phyin to / dus
gsum du mam par bzhugs pa'i (6) sangs rgyas thams cad kyang / shas (recte: shes) rab kyi pha
rol du phyin pa la brten nas / bla na med pa yang / / ( 2 14aI) dag par rdzogs pa'i byang chub
tu mngon par rdzogs par sangs rgyas so // de lta bas na bden (2) par shes par byas te / shes rab
kyi pha rol du phyin pa'i sngags / rig pa ehen po'i sngags / bla na (3) med pa'i sngags / mi
mnyam pa dang / mnyam pa’i sngags / sdug bsngal thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed (4) pa'i
sngags / mi brdzun pa dang / bden par shes bar bya ste / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa’i
sngags / (5) smras pa / tadya tha / orii ga te ga te / pa ra ga te / pa ra sarii ga te / bo dhi svaha /
sha (6) ri'i bu / byang chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ ehen pos / de Itar shes rab kyi pha rol tu
(214b 1) phyin pa zab mo la bslab par bya'o / de nas bcom ldan 'das kyi ting nge 'dzin de las
bzhengs te / / (2) byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' ehen po / 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang
phyug la legs so / (3) zhes bya ba byin nas / legs so legs so / rigs kyi bu de de bzhin no / de de
bzhin te / (4) ci Itar khyod kyis bstan pa de bzhin du / shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa zab mo
la spyad par byas (5) te / de bzhin gshegs pa mams kyang / rjes su yid rang ngo / bcom ldan
'das (6) kyis de skad ccs bka' stsal nas / tshe dang ldan pa / sha ri'i bu dang / byang chub
sems (215a 1) dpa’ sems dpa’ ehen po'i 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug dang / thams
cad dang / ldan (2) pa'i 'khong (recte: ’khor) de dag dang / lha dang mi dang lha ma yin dang
/ dri zar bcas pa'i 'jig rten yid rangs / (3) te / bcom ldan 'das kyis gsungs pa la mngon par
bstod do / bcom ldan 'das ma shes (4) rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po zhas (recte:
zhes) bya ba / theg pa ehen po'i mdo rdzogs s.ho /
Wanli K a n ju r-v o l. Ka, rgyud, fol. 158a3-160al.142
( 158a3): / sri ka la ca kra garbha na ma tan tra // dpal dus kyi 'khor lo zlies bya ba'i rgyud kyi
snying po / ’jam dpal gzhon nur gyur pa la phyag 'tshal lo // tham cad mkhyen pa (4) ye shes
sku // nyin mor byed pa'i 'od Ita bu // pad ma’i 'dab ma 'dra ba’i spyan // sanga rgyas seng
ge'i gdan la bzhugs // lha yi mchog gis phyag byas pa // spyi bos gtugs de phyag ’tshal lo //
rgyal po zla ba bzang pos zhus ; (5) yan lag pad ma sbyar ba ni // yan lag mchog la bzhag
byas te // dus kyi 'khor lo’i sbyor ba ni // rtsod pa dag gi dus kyi ni // mi mams grol ba'i rgyu
ru'o // so sor bsdud pa mam pa bcu // rgyal bo yi ni dbang por 'gyur // (6) de bzhin bsam gtan
mi bskyod pa // srog dang rtsol ba ral gri can // slar la yang ni mam pa bcu // gzung ba rin
chen phyag rgya can // gyung mo rjes su dran ba ni // pad ma 'dzin pa ai ni 'gyur // dpal gyi
ting 'dzin 'khor lo can ; (7) re re yang ni Inga ru dbye // slar la yang ni gang dbye ba // a las
sogs dang ka las sogs // so sor sdud pa yul dang ni // yul can mam pa bcu po mams // yul la
'jug pa med pa'o // shes rab rtog dang dpyod pa'o // (8) dga' ba mi gyo bde ba dang // bsam
gtan sems ni rtse gcig pa'o // srog dang rtsol ba gnyis kyi lam // mi 'khrug pa ru 'gyur ba ni //
dbus mar srog ni 'jug pa'o // thig le ru ni srog 'jug cing // gnyis ka 'gro dang 'od (158b 1) ba
dang // gzung ba yid ni sems gcig pa // gtum mo yi ni snang ba gang // lus la nges par gsal
'gyur pa // nam mkha' de ni rjes dran 'gyur // shes rab thabs kyi bdag nyid kyi // Ilian cig
skyes pa'i bden dbang (2) gis ;; ye shes sku ni ting 'dzin te // 'di ni chu sogs dbye ba yis //
gsum du yang ni ’gyur ba yin // sna tshogs bdag po'i sgrub thabs so // phyag rgya gsum dang
tshad ni gsum // mam pa gsum gyi srid dbang gis // las (3) dang kun rtog bzang po yi // so sor
sdud pa rnal 'byor pa // yul du mam par bral ba dang // sngags kun gyis ni byin gyis brlabs //
bsam gtan sbyor ba dag pa yis // mngon shes Inga ni thob par 'gyur // srog dang rtsol (4) ba
dag pas ni // zla ba nyi ma dag pas bral // byang chub sems dpa' mams kyis mchod // gzung
ba yi ni stobs kyi ni // nyon mongs las sogs bdud 'joins shing // stobs bcu la ni 'jug par 'gvur
// dri med 'od ’phro (5) dkyil "khor te // gzhan yang ye shes sku las so // de pliyir dag pa'i ting
'dzin gyis // nyi ma cung zad tsam gyis ni // ye shes sku ni 'grub par 'gyur // so sor sdud las
sogs pa yis // gal te gzir bar de ’gyur na // sngags (6) pa m am s kyis 'dod mi 'grub // sgra la
goms pa yan lag m a'i // pad mong rdo rje nor bu yi // thig le bsgrub par song bar bya // bsnyen
pa dang po sbyor pa ni // nam mkha' ru ni mam pa bcu // 'khor lo can ni kliro Ita ba'o //
bgegs (7) ni mthar byed kyi Ita ba // bdud rtsi lam du song ba yang // nye ba'i bsnyen pa yan
lag drug // shes rab las 'phros zla thig le // gzhan yang rdo rje nor bbu ste // yi ge gsum ni
bsgrub par 'gyur // bde ba ma nyams gcig zhi ba // (8) Ihati cig skyes pa ru ni 'gyur // sgrub
chen ye shes sbyor ba'o // srog dang rtsol ba kun nas ni // nigo bo'i bar ni phan be ste //
mnyam pa'i bde ba 'bras ster ba // de las steng ni mi phan ba // ’chi ba'i 'jigs pa byed pa'o //
sems (159a 1) can nges par klog pa'i rgyu // gtsug tor sgo ni phug nas su // mchog tu bde ba'i
go ’phang du // ’di ni sbyar bar bya ba nyid // phung po med pa'i rnal ’byor ma // mnyam ba'i
bde ba la bzhugs mod // ’on kyang (2) ’jig rten grags pa med // dbus su srog dang 'jug pa ni //
yul dang mam par bral ba nyid // sna tshogs yul gyis ’khyud pa'o // pad mar 'jug pa'i rang
rrdo rje // spro ba yang ni de bzhin te // rdo rje dbus su gzhag (3) par bya // sa bon ma lhung
pa bde ba // shin du chags pa'i chags par song // rnal 'byor ba yi 'byor ba nyid // mchog tu
142 PP 23 (1084);cl'. Beckh. p. 73: I. Band (85). rgyud. Ka [5J. Bl. 209a8-2212a3;Otani 6 (rgyud, Ka. I58a3-
16 0a I). Cf. Eimer 1989: 60. 190; Nishioka II. 1981: 70.
yang ni khyab pa'i bdag // dpal ni gsang las gsanng ba 'o // gtsug tor du ni rtsc Inga pa'o // rdo
rje yi (4) ni 'gyur ba yin // phyi yi rtsc mo nyis 'gyur du // 'gyur pa chos kyi dkyil ’khor ro //
de ni gnyis su 'dres pa dang // do ni gzhan yang nyis 'gyur ro // dc yi yang ni gzhan nyis ’gyur
// lhan cig skyes dang longs spyod rdzogs // (5) sprul pa yi ni ’khor lor ro // de yi nang du rtsc
gcig go // mnyam pa'i bad (?) ba'i 'bras ster ba // gsang ba'i pad m a'i nang gsang ba’o // rnal
'byor ba dang srog good pa // nyin dang mtshan du phye ba ni // de ni srog 'jig pa ru gsungs
[//] (6) sgra gang kha dang bral pa ni // snying la yod par rab 'gyur ba // de ni brdzun du smra
ba nyid // kun mkhyen gyi ni ye slies sar // ’dzin par yang ni dbye ba gang // rnal 'byor ba la
de gsungs so // bde ba'i thig le ma lhung ba // gzhan gyi (7) bud mang du ni 'gyur // sten pa
chags bral min pa’o // srog dang rtsol ba'i me yis ni // ri bong ean la zhu ba yi // btung ba can
gyi btung ba'o // mthe bo'i tshigs nas gtsug tor du // tshes kyi dbang gis 'gro ba ni // nya (8)
m(?)thar thug par rang gi sems // gtsug tor gnas nas mthe bo ru // yang ni 'dir ni 'gro 'gyur te
// nag po'i phyogs kyi mthar thug par // rnal ’byor ma spyod pa des ni // nyi ma re re’i dus su
ni // 'dod pa'i dngos grub rab tu star (?) ( 159b I ) ster ;; spyod dang 'dod pas lus cha na //
mchog gi kha yi pad ma las // tshig mi 'byung dang gnyid log dang // 'gul dang na ba lkug ba
dang // yid ni 'khrug dang brgyal ba ni // du ba las sogs rdo rje can // de m am s gsal ba (2)
mam pa beu // srog can lus kyi gnas skabs so // 'jig rten 'dod pa'i gnas skabs ni // nges pa kho
nas gsal ba las // su zhig rgyal ba su 'dod pa // thig le dkar po'i rgyun ni gang // nyin dang
mtshan mor ltung ba ni [//] (3) ma ma kl ni de chang ngo // go ku las sogs mig las sogs // nyi
ma re re bzhin spro has // sha gzhan res 'g a ' yang ma yin // bdud rtsi Inga mams bsten pa ni //
rang gi rigs kyi sar song ba // lha mams dag pa'i lus (4) las so // stong pa'i sems de rtsod pa
yis // lhan eig skyes pa khyab bde has // de ni skye gnas 'khrigs pa med // nor gyi sbyin ba
btang ba dang // bud med sbyor la yid kyis ni // mi 'dzag (? 'jig) pa ni tshul khrims so // bzod
pa sgra (5) sogs mi 'jug pa // gnyi gar 'gro ba'i le lo ni // mam par 'jig pa brtson 'grus so //
bsam gtan shes rab sems dang ni // bde ba lhan cig par song ba // kun 'gro thams cad brjod
pa’o // sems can don du de rdzu 'p h ru l; (6) srid pa don ni med bycd pa // thob pa gzhan ni
bzhi pa'o // lus geig la ni nus Idan pa // cha dgu dang ni lhan cig pa // nyi shu rtsa Inga bdag
nyid sogs // bsam gtan phyag rgya'i gnyis dag nyid // cung zad tsam gyi nyi ma yis // (7)
dngos grub yang dag ’byung bar 'gyur // zhi ba dbang dang rengs pa dang // srid pa 'jig par
byed pa ni // zhal gyi dbye bas phye be nyid // 'byung ba mams kyi dkyil 'khor gnas // lha
min lag ’gro dag gi rigs // ’di bsgoms (8) nas ni bsgrub par bya // // dpal dam ba dang po'i
sangs rgyas stong phrag beu gnyis pa las gsungs ba dpal dus kyi 'khor lo zhes bya ba las thabs
dang shes rab gnyis su med pa // sbyor ba yan lag drug pa'i ( 1 60al) thabs bkol ba’i dum bu'o
// rgya gar gyi mkhan po shri bha dra bo dhim 'i zhal snga nas dang / bod kyi lo tstsha ba gyi
jo ban dhe zla ba'i zer gyis 'bro dge slong gi phyir bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa'o //
• • • • 43
Chapter XVI: Pratïtyasamutpâda-patalaUA
14’ Dpal gtum po khru ho chen po 'i rgyud kyi rgyal po Jpa ’ bo gcig pci zhes bya ba / / (Tr. by Ratnasri, (irags pa
rgyal mtshan).
UJ For the Sanskrit sec L. de La Vallée Poussin, Théorie des douze causes, Ciand 1913: 12 5 -127.
14 Peking Kanjur No. 70. Rgyud 5. Nga. fol. 288a5-330a5.
Derge Kanjur No. 431. Rgyud, Nga. fol. 304bI-343aI.
Cone Kanjur No. 70, Rgyud 4, Nga. fol. 322b3-37la8.
Narthang Kanjur No. 404, Rgyud, Ca. fol. Ibl-64a7.
Tokyo Ms Kanjur (Toyo Bunko), No. 391, Rgyud 7. No. 391, Nga. fol. 240a2-289b2.
Stog Palace Kanjur No. 397, Rgyud, Nga. fol. 321a6-377a2.
Lhasa Kanjur No. 415, Rgyud, Nga. fol. 369a7-432b6.
146 Double shad below the line.
14 *-* in small letters.
/ mam pa bcu gnyis tshul gyis gsungs //
de la ma (2) rig pa ma spangs pas len pa dang 'chi ba'i nang du gzugs nub pa'i sems kyi lus
can zhes pa'i don no // de las 'du byed du 'gyur ro // de yang rnam pa gsum ste / de la lus kyi
'du byed dbugs 'byung ba dang mgub pa dag dang / (3) ngag gi 'du byed dag dang / rtog pa
dang dpyod pa dag go // yid kyi 'du byed 'dod chags zhe sdang gti mug mams so // de mams
dang ldan pa ni ma rig pa ste / dbugs 'byung ba dang / dbugs mgub pa ste / mam par rtog pa
ni rags (recte : rigs) par (4) ’dzin par byed do // mam par dpyod pa ni phra mor 'dzin par byed
do // rjes su chags pa dang zhe sdang ba yang yin no // de las mam par shes par gyur pa mam
pa drug ste / mig gi mam par shes pa dang / rna ba'i mam par shes pa (5) dang // sna’i rnam
par shes pa dang / lce'i mam par shes pa dang / lus kyi rnam par shes pa dang / yid kyi mam
par shes pa ste / de mams dang ldan pa ni ma rig pas Ita bar byed do // nyan par byed do //
snom par byed do // za bar byed / (6) reg par byed / mam par rtog par byed do // de las ming
dang gzugs te / tshor ba ming bzhi la sogs pa mams so // gzugs la gzugs kyi de bzhin148 nyid
ces gnyis su mngon par bsdus shing sdom nas ming dang gzugs zhes (7) gsungs so / nye bar
len pa'i phung po lnga'i gzugs kyis ma rig pa yongs su gyur ba zhes pa'i don no // de la tshor
ba mam pa gsum ni bde ba dang // sdug bsngal dang / sdug bsngal yang ma yin bde ba yang
ma yin ba zhes bya'o // 'du (8) shes ni dngos po mams kyi rang bzhin gzung ba'i mthar
mngon bar brjod pa ste // 'du shes byed ni spyi'i khyad par gyi gnas skabs la 'di na b al4) can
gyi sems dang sems las byung ba mams so // mam par shes pa ni sngon du (314b 1) gsungs pa
bzhin no // ’byung ba chen po bzhi' i bdag nyid kyi gzugs ni / sa ni lei ba nyid dang / chu ni
gsher ba nyid dang / mngon par 'dzag pa nyid do // me ni dro ba nyid do // rlung ni brkum
brkyad b a1 dang / yang ba dang gyo ba nyid (2) do / de las skye niched drug po mams ni
mig dang / rna ba dang / sna dang / Ice dang / lus dang / yid do // de mams dang ldan pa ni /
sngon bzhin du lta bar byed pa la sogs pa'o // de las reg pa'o // gzugs dang / sgra dang / dri
dang / ro (3) dang / reg bya dang / chos kyi khams yang dag par thob po // de las sred pas bde
ba mngon par 'dod pa'o // de las len pa'o // de las thob pa'i las so // de las srid pa mngal du
'jug pa'o // de las skye ba rab tu gsal bar (4) byed pa mngon bar rgyu 'thun par byed pa'o //
mngal gyi phung po Inga 'thob po // de nas mngal nas skye bar 'gyur ro // 'chi ba'i sems dang
sems las byung ba 'gog pas / de nas rga shi'i sems mya ngan dang 'khrug pa med par (5)
'gyur ro / grol na bdag gis smre sngags 'don pa tshol bar mi "gyur ro // zhes so // nad la sogs
pa'i bar du gcod pas kyang sdug bsngal pa can du 'gyur ro // de nyid la yang dang yang du yid
sbyor bas yid mi bde ba (6) can yin no / yid mi bde ba can gyis kyang bar du gcod pas 'khrug
pa can yin no //
'd i'i don ni ma rig pa la sogs pa skye niched drug gi mthar thug pas bar do'i sems can gcig
nyid du gnas pas / 'jig (7) rten gsum po lta zhing lta bar byed do // pho mo rjes su chags pa la
de las 'das pa'i skye ba'i skye ba'i las gang gis 'phangs nas gang zhig tu skye ba len par 'gyur
ro // de'i skye ba ni pho mo dag gi dga' ba dag la Ita bar byed (8) pas / de'i shin tu bdag gis
reg pa skye'o // de la gal te skyes bur 'gyur ba de’i tshe bdag nyid skyes bu'i mam par lta bar
byed do // sems ma la mchog tu chags par 'gyur ro // yang pha la sems zhe sdang chen por
'gyur ro // ( 3 15a I ) 'dod chags dang / zhe sdang dag gis bde ba dang sdug bsngal gyi tshor ba
la // de las 'di yis lhan cig byed pa gang gis dga' bar byed do zhes sems par byed pas / sdug
bsngal yang ma yin bde ba yang ma yin pa'i tshor (2) ba'o / de yis gdong phyir Idog pa'o // de
nas sngon gyi las kyi rlung gis 'phangs pa'i sred pa chen pos de la bdag nyid dga' bar bya'o
zhes zhen pa'i cha yis so // gang 'ig (recte : zhig) skyes bu yin na rang gi ma la 'dod par bya'o
/ snyam (3) nas / sems skar m da' bzhin du pha'i mgo bo'i lam nas rab tu zhugs nas / de'i khu
ba la gnas nas sems gnas pa'i phyir main par shes pa bde ba la chags pas bdag nyid lta bar
byed do // bde ba'i rgyus nye bar len par (4) byed do / de nas khu ba dang / ro cig tu gyur pas
chags pa chen pos rjes su chags pas a badhu tl’i rtsa1' 1 pha’i rdo rje’i lam nas m a'i pa da
(recte : pad) m a’i bu ga'i gnas rdo rje dbyings kyi dbang phyug m a’i rtsa mngal gyi skye ba'i
rtsa la gnas nas (5) 'jag (recte : ’jig) pa’i sems bzhin du / de las skye ba yin no // de yang rim
pa bzhin mer mer po dang / kleng kleng po dang / ltar Itar po dang / 'khrang 'gyur dang / yan
lag dang nying lag tu gyur ba’i bu ni zla ba dgu ’am / bcu nas (6) lam gang nyid nas rab tu
zhugs pa de nyid kyi lam nas skye bar 'gyur ro // gal te yang bud med du ’gyur na // de’i tshe
sems pha la rjes su chags par 'gyur ro // ma la sems zhe sdang par 'gyur ro // de nas bdag (7)
nyid m a’i gzugs la lta bar byed do // mam par shes pa m a’i mgo bo’i lam nas pad mar rab tu
zhugs nas pha’i khu ba dang ’dres par 'gyur nas de’i skye ba’i rtsa la gnas nas // de nas sngon
bzhin du 'byung zhing skye (8) 'o // de bzhin nyid du ma rig pa la sogs pa dang bcas pa mams
kyis ’jig rten du skye ste // 'jig rten mams kyang phung po Inga po mams de bzhin du de
mams kyang / sdug bsngal 'khor zhing ’jug pa'i phung po Inga (315b 1) po mams so / thar pa
don du gnyer ba mams la // ma rig pa la sogs pa phung po’i rang bzhin ’gog pa’i phyir // sdug
bsngal gyi bya bar gyur pa yang med do // stong pa nyid dang snying po med pa nyid kyis
sdug bsngal gyi (2) bya ba yang med cing thar pa’i don dang Idan pa’o // de’i phyir thar pa'i
bsam pa med pa cing / med pa’i bsam pa yang med pa’o // d e’i phyir dngos po med pa dang
bral ba’i thabs dang shes rab yang dag par sbyor ba’i (3) bde ba chen po’i gzugs can ni // dpal
ldan mgon po mi gyo ba’i bdag nyid can dga’ ba bzhi'i sku can / srid pa dang mya nan (recte :
ngan) las ’das pa la rab tu mi gnas pa’i thugs can no // thar pa ni ’dod chags las skyes (4) pa
ste / ’jig rten pa’i ’dod chags kyi ’dod chags zad pa dang zad pa ma yin par gyur pa / mi gyo
ba’i don yongs su shes pa sangs rgyas kyi dngos grub yang dag par grub par byed do // gyo
bar byed pa ni / shes rab dang (5) yang dag par sbyor ba'i bde ba'i ros dga' ba'i sems gang
yin pa'o // zla ba’i khyad par gyi dga' bas mchog gi snying po de mi gyo ba zhes gsungs so //
zhes pa ni dpa' bo cig pa nyid du gsungs pa'i dpal gtum (6) po khro bo chen po'i rgyud la /
rten cing ’brel bar 'byung ba’i rim par phye ba ste bcu drug pa'o //
C h ap ter division o f the C a n d a m a h a ro sa n a ta n tra
VVanli Kanjur, rgyud, vol. NGA . fol. 28 8a 4-3 30 a5 .l5:
(288a4) // rgya gar skad du / sri tsan da ma ha ro sa na tan tra radza nama // bod skad du / dpal
gtum (5) po khro bo chen po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba / bcom Idan 'das dpal gtum po'i
khro bo chen po la phyag 'tshal lo // 'di skad bdag gis thos pa'i dus gcig na // bcom Idan 'das
rdo rje sems dpa' // de b/hin gshegs (6) pa tham(s) cad kyi sku dang // gsung dang / thugs kyi
snying po rdo rje dbyings kyi dbang phvug m a’i bha ga mams la bzhugs so //
End o f a chapter:
1. 289a6 (tantravatarana-patala).
ii. 290a8 (mandala-).
iii. 292b 1 (abhiseka-).
iv. 294b5 (devata-).
V. 295b3 (mantra-).
V 11. 299b6 (nispannayoga-).
vii. 3()()b3 (dehaprmana-).
viii. 302a5 (svarupa-).
ix. 303a5 (dhydna-).
304b8 (
xi. 305b 1 (visvarupa-).
xii. 310a 1 (sarvamantrakalpa-).
xiii. 311 a7 (carva-).
xiv. 312a3 (acaldnvaya-).
XV. 313a8 (visuddhi-).
xvi. 3 15a6 (pratltyasamutpdda-).
xvii. 317b8 (sukradivrddhi-).
xviii. 320a4 (vyadhivrddhatvahani-).
xix. 322a 1 (sukras tambhddi -).
XX. 324b4 (ncinabhibhedanigaditayantramantra-).
A 326b7 (kutuhala-).
xxii. 328a6 (vayuyoga-).
xxiii. 329a I (mrtyulaksana-).
xxiv. 329a5 (dehasvarupa-).
XXV. 330a 1 (devatdsadhana-).
(330a2) // dpal gtum po khro bo chen po'i rgyud kyi rgyal po rdzogs sto // // theg pa chen po
yang dag pa'i dge ba'i bshes gnyen mkhyen pa dang (3) brtse bdang phrin las dpag tu med pa
152 Sri Can^umuharosana-tantraraja-nama\ Dpal gtum po khro bo chen po 7 rgyud kyi rgyal po zhes bya ba. PP
24 (1085): Beckh: 4. lid. (88) Nga [42]. CT. C.S. George, The Caiulamaharosana-tantra. Chapters I-VIII. New
Haven 1974.
m nga’ ha hla ma chen po rin chen rgyal mtshan gyi sgu drin la brten nas / / bla ma dus 'klior
ba chen po shes rab seng ges bskul zhing sbyin bdag m d/ad pa (4) la brten nas dpal Idan sa
skya'i gcug (recte: gtsug) lag khang chen por pandi ta ra dna (recte: tna) srT'i zhal snga nas Io
tstsha ba grags pa rgyan mtshan gyis sbrul gi Io smin drug gi zla ba'i dkar po'i che sa bcu la
rdzogs par (5) bsgyur ro //l53 ye dha nnä... etc. // //
153 Wanli Kanjur, dkar chag, Ka. t'ol. 13 b I: nga pa la / gsang ba rdo rje 7 rgyud kvi brgyalpo le 'u bzhi pa /( ...)
(17a3): / dpal khro bo chen po 7 rgyud g} i (recte: kyi) rgyal po chen po le u nyi shu rtsa Inga pa / (4) pan di ta
rad (recte: rat) na sri dang / Io tstsa ba grags pa rgyal mtshan k)-is bsgyur ba rnams bzhugs / / di la dkyil ’k hor
Inga / yum yod med kyis phye bas bcu o //
C hapter division o f the H ev a jra -la n tra
Wanli Kanjur, rgyud, vol. Ka, fol. 230a3-262a5.154
1. 231 b5: rdo rje rigs kyi le'u ste dang po // // sngags kyi le'u bshad par bya’o //
2. 233b2: sngags kyi le'u ste gnyis pa'o // // de nas lha'i le'u bshad par bya'o //
3. 234a8: lha'i le'u ste gsum (234b 1) pa'o // // de nas lha dbang bskur ba'i le'u bshad
par b y a 'o //
4. 234b5: dbang gi le'u ste bzhi pa'o // // de nas de kho na nyid kyi le’u bshad par bya'o
5. 235b3: de kho na nyid kyi le'u ste Inga pa'o // // de nas gzhan yang (4) rab bshad bya
6. 236b4: spyod pa'i le'u ste drug pa'o // // de nas ccho (?tstsho) m m a’i le’u bshad par
bya'o //
7. 237b7: brda' dang gnas gtan la phab pa'i le'u ste bdun pa'o // de nas rnal 'byor m a’i
’khor lo bshad par bya'o //
8. 240a2: rnal 'byor m a'i 'khor lo zhes bya ba 'du ba'i (3) le'u ste brgyad pa'o // // de
nas mchog tu mam par dag pa'i le'u bshad par bya'o //
9. 241 a l : rnani par dag pa'i le'u ste dgu pa'o // // de nas ji ltar dkyil 'khor gyi // rim pa
yang dag rab tu bshad /
10. 242b5: dbang gi le'u zhes bya ste bcu (6) pa'o // // mnyan bar ma rungs dpral ba can
// rtag tu ltung bar byed bar brjod //
11. 243a7: kye'i rdo rje m kha’ ’gro ma dra ba'i sdom pa las rdo rje snying po mngon par
byang chub pa zhes bya ba (8) brtag pa'i rgyal po rdzogs so //
// // rdo rje snying pos gsol ba /
1. 244a 1: kye’i rdo rje mkha' 'gro ma dra ba'i sdom pa las brtag pa gnyis pa rab
gnas kyi le'u ste dang pa'o //
2. 246b4: kye'i rdo rje mkha’ 'gro ma dra ba'i sdom pa las dngos grub gtan la phab
pa zhes bya ba'i le'u ste gnyis pa'o //
3. 250a2: kye'i rdo rje mkha' ’gro ma dra ba’i sdom pa las rgyud thams cad kyi
gleng bzhi dang gsang ba’i skad (3) ces bya ba'i le'u ste gsum pa'o //
4. 254b5: kye’i rdo rje las rgyud thams cad kyi phyag rgya bsdus pa’i don zhes bya
ba'i le'u bste bzhi pa'o //
5. 257b3: kye’i rdo rje las kye’i rdo rje mngon bar 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i le'u ste
Inga pa'o //
6. 258a3: kye’i rdo rje las bris sku'i cho ga’i le'u ste drug pa'o //
7. 258b4: kye'i rdo rje las bza' ba'i le'u ste bdun pa’o //
8. 259a5: kye’i rdo rje las ’dul ba'i le'u ste brgyad pa'o //
9. 261 a2: kye'i rdo rje las sngags btu ba'i le'u ste dgu pa'o //
10. 261 a5: kye'i rdo rje las bzlas pa'i le'u bcu p a 'o //
11. 261 b7: kye'i rdo rje las lham cig skyes pa’i sbyor ba don gyi le’u zhes bya ba ste
bcu gcig pa'o //
154 PP 23 (1084): cf. Otani 10; Beckh, p. 74: 1. Band (85), rgyud Ka (9), fol. 309a5-352a3. Cf. D. L. Snellgrove,
The Hevajralanlra. 2 vols. London 1959.
12. 262a4: // rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po sgyu m a'i brtag pa zhes bya ha brtag pa sum
bcu rtsa gnyis las phyud (?) pa brtag pa gnyis kyi bdag nyid kye'i (5) rdo rje mkha'
'gro ma dra ba'i sdom ba // rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po / rdzogs s.ho // / rgya gar gyi
mkhan po glia ya dha ra’i zhal snga nas / bod kyi lo tstsha ba dgc slong shakya ye
shes kyis bsgyur cing zhus te gtan pa phab pa // 155
Additional note
The two stanzas Hevajratantra 11:v: 1-2 are missing from the Wanli edition (rgyud,
Ka). The text starts with the stanza 3* (fol. 254b5):
/ / phyag ni bcu drug zhal brgyad pa //
zhabs bzhi pa dang 'jiks (recte: ’jigs) pa (6) po / /
d p a ' bo thod pa 7 phreng ba can //
bdag m ed mas ni m gul nas ’khyud //.
Cf. tim e r 1992: 165-174, esp. nn. 11 and 19; Snellgrove, The Hevajratantra, Part 11, pp. 76-
77, and Part I, pp. 109-110. See also Ch. Willemen, The Chinese Hevajratantra, Leuven
1983, p. 103 (Taisho 892, p. 589c 19), which follows the version with two additional stanzas.
155 Wanli Kanjur, dkar chug, Ka. fol. 9b6: gnyis pu he ru ka'i rigs gtso bor ston pa'i rgyud la Inga / kye'i rdo
rje 7 bskor dang / hung mchog khor lo 7 hskor dung / sangs (lOuI) / rgyus thong hu 7 bskor dung / sgvu phru!
chen mo 7 hskor dung / a ru la 7 hskor ro // dung po kye 7 (xyl. kyi i) rdo rje 7 bskor lu bdun (2) rtsu 7 ha 7 rgyud
; bshad pa 7 rgyud / rgyud phyi ma / phyi ma 7 phyi mu / bshud pa 7 rgyud / snying po 7 rgyud / 'hrus bu 7 rgyud
do / / dung po rtsu 7 bu 7 rgyud kye 7 rdo rje (3) bum phrag Inga ha las hsdus pa kye 7 rdo rje zhes hyu bu 7
rgyud kyi rgyul po brtag pa dung kho le u hat gcig pu / hrtugs pa gnyis pa le 'u bcu gnyis pu : pundi ta ghu ya
dha ru (4) dung / lo tstsha ha hrog mi shu kyu ye shes kyi bsgur ba / di la dkyil klwr drug yod do //
VOLS. 1-60
! & S 'T P S W ^ V ^ I ^ T -n fv
b I T v X '^ ^ S j « i-o y | l <*V ^ «IÇ^V
itflw J Î N s F W
! s v s iV T fu
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if'ylM 'l^’^ ' ^ 'V ^5 ^ ^ w ^ 'T ^ V ? i **• *J!3 *J 3 w ^
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f gVM’S'M ufaj} S'Ji j W ’M-¿^ -i'V tJ'i n ^ n n T j
Fig. 81. PP 3 (1064), fol. la:
NP51! "
îw â I^ ü frsfw g f.v 1î i ï œ w s f St ?
f i
Fig. 83. PP 5 (1066), fol. la:
S 3' I #q
f»'W |
Fig. 85. PP 7 (1068), fol. la:
^ ł ft
‘ »f
Fig. 89. PP 11 (1072), fol. la:
^ <í; 5 «í ^ ï ^ ! ; w %k’ « ï k
|ñ 5T-Ï 5=»íjí j Hfö «¡5ŚŚ&!
*ga?f '!g'Bp-SÑ',! ^ í % ! i ^ . ru
■>9iW' ^ I v ü ü i v^-nán vi fa * ;wo¡.vt¡|-3«i i
t - ' ? , = ■''fi^'V
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-;T, . . ^ . v ..,.„ .r ^ ^ - . . t, , j ^ .^ .ru ^ ..v _ ^ ç . V ) #••_«-.R r.v ^ r -
Fi«. 93. FP 15(1076), fol. la:
¡ ä f = ! S Żitigg'*«*-*-«*,?
^ 5 j « r * s ^ ü R ^ n - w
v%i ’^'V^ïJ-fV>**§V <ä%-^-|-«J-!»MM-^ü-^^jjfc«*K.«;^'jft*»l'*»•»V« 3 ^ '
V» &•w '^jîj| â **»i *»**$' ą i
I h w H H b H H H H H H H H Í
Fig. 94. FP 16(1077), fol. la:
4 ü ^ y p y ia i« ii^ ^
_— _______ ______________________
Fig. 97. PP 19 (1080), fol. la:
..; .J
------ -
- J
Fig. 99. PP 21 (1082), fol. la:
- l§¡«S£|§
^vL r Ç v w i p i f. „ . ^ , . . . v
*: i
r X x iw w : ^ v n , . ( , v i „ .
" ~ - - ' v ' ^ • ^ ' F<^ ' ^ ' ' | ; ’»Ñ?-«»>'«-af <v?ż,"<£> % i y .s ^ -n ? ' >'5 j
ï ? "■’’ '3^áf’*-g{£í¥ ^ ^ ^ '^ v íV '^ íé‘^ 'S ^ ' <í¡ 5jw'¿s >^5-^‘
Fig. 101. PP 23 (1084), fol. la:
w r o ^ í f i «Hf.§ÑsW^f^w^’»5Íí^v,J|>S^4'
'jftw/A.CiJIS-liJ.V! iví"»¡^<^ ‘^','1!(-^'('■{!
***w-yík\ |Ä^i Wfv^^ñj|Wi wj ¡çÿ&
x ä ra ro a ä ä B M
-. , --------jV v -v ,
1 . &! , k.
|| , <,«-•}«& ç a-K jfl > -są*® S ^ í^ q .ij« ? j ę t . f
Ą^ • > ~ <qł>\ C¿%Z¡?; i ?y\ ^Jf&jQ
HĄ f. 3. ~4s^¿t ¿
■'*-:~.§k ¡hr-y^ •*<. •:".’ •A-<-4>iyí} i|
Fig. 105. PP 27 (1088), fol. la:
Fig. 108. PP 30(1091), fol. la:
I iVs^t \3^’'5v!Ł<t*łpłł'^vy*j (
fjij ojs » w * q f c ít =>3.\
|v!2tnV^! 1
■J Íí níjv'ifí’.js i'.n i’i£<^íi «s » j o>i\»V>í«i «íiiwi;*i* *n
Fig. 109. PP 31 (1092), fol. la:
H'iâPi ł'5*w^l!«n
Fig. 113. PP 35 (1096), fol. la:
i «wv- v i $■t?¡-í+<fefr<)$*tï*r
?&?’?**»*íiMví¡V<fc^=?!¿-.,f îtttf««! '**3*1#'
V<3*'<«-„v<3•>^<.%r«^-îS'-,fit' ! w w r,
Fig. 117. PP 39 (1100), fol. la:
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tr*?« 'W*
. R A , I ...... «M
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i í?gwfí«v;|íw<p?,} wpkft«» »â^.l p/
■•'•ÎwÆV' -^1îj*(«^5><f; w^ws^-t £,
'rjwi-î î i *çn:
------------ • r... i ——
Fig. 121. PF 43 (1104), fol. la:
■; y~^Xîy^x-.' \ąt$ I f ;r^vrńę^r^xv^- '/. í
s-^V^t|»y^^ a^w^ « Y<çÿwfa4i
,- ñ'Í''T'
__ —ü
Fig. 125. PF 47 (1108), fol. la:
-■‘ ' ’ ■’• T '' ■■. ■• i ' -'-' t'
v>001 |-^«róS^^V^gSIT^'l?TT!g!l !
JTf^ił J-Í1n jjif - y f q j^ h ju * ,r t j i q?j[a|z; | q%qój^ 7 . \ 'r v I
\r \*iJ3 «rwi^ą ] •:' '■’<-? ¿ '^ ¡¡'.fe JŁ
w ę J$ę ź ;$ <HtíV»ww<i'“K'1!«^ i
çi.<prq'U(çqw \ ^P&^'q'°W3^4f%Jro*W
I xTT*-r «y nt ç
Vat*^ í¡i >
Fig. 129. PP 51 (1112), fol. la:
i j jr ^ W
■-r<^ « K t . t o W } ] | r>XÚ
I U^nt^^«p?w^^«U^pw
'¿if! I
BAffUKft&w&VvîPP&s'-' .■¡an9f!551»'£'*'>■frt
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1^!ÿMCT5W !W«$j r$Vf<¥j«llSM|
**|P*«âNjfc,}1S'äSI :V'i,
Fig. 137. PP 59 (1120), fol. la:
----------------------- • 1 1111 r
-~ :X ! ’ I ^ I LJSÇqîtia? « j S f j - ^ v X
TA-î^i^iï^îsiîi wSr^yaw
Îviÿrripypssiasîi iaSi^^wij.q^.»p^śwcw»fi<!>;gę^!
»:*>.•«"••:wsalifcNvWsj^^'rvogwss*\ \*itrf*
••¿v-^śpi=iajj=tiisęVj myv'jí
-- -
Fig. 138. PP 60 (1 120a), fol. la:
'às&îi s ^
«Sg^j^x-j Wjsaą^śf
«^WVnnf^ ^wr-v%%3/ I
t h e L a u d a n d t h e P o s t f a c e
( C h i n e s e a n d T i b e t a n t e x t s
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e Y o n g l e K a n j u r )
Below are reproduced the texts o f the so-called "Laud" and "Postface”, in Tibetan and
Chinese, which were originally attached to the Yongle Kanjur print from 1410 A.D. Both
texts were edited and translated by Jonathan Silk.1'*’ His transcription was based on the text of
the Wanli print available from the Harvard Yenching Library and on the text o f the exemplar
from Wutai-shan published by Sakai (Sakai 1981).1 7 According to the information given by
Silk, the Chinese text o f the Laud attached to the Wanli Kanjur was provided with a note
stating: “ Reprinted in the thirty-third year o f Wanli, twelfth month, first day [January 9.
Interestingly, to some volumes o f the present Wanli Kanjur from the Pander Pantheon
collection were attached - without any rule, just accidentaly it seems - the texts o f the Laud
and the Postface o f the Yongle version, in Tibetan ‘9 and Chinese, printed in black, with the
date o f the Yongle printing: “The eighth year o f Yongle,third month, ninth day [April 12,
1410]“.160 The above additional note about the date o f the Wanli reprint is missing from all
the available copies o f the Laud/Postface attached to the Wanli Kanjur in the Pander Pantheon
collection. However, the informations concerning the printing o f the Wanli Kanjur
Supplement are found in the colophons o f some volumes, as specified in the summary table
(see above).
The L a u d 161
2. Tibetan text: Lung gis m dzad ba 7 bka ’ ’g yur bstod ba gcig [gnyis, gsum]
' i J , V 5 r o '* n i | ,
[ .
1 1 1 j , V i ^ ^ C 1 ^ W V * W ! $ » W
v< • , ! * * « >_ I 1 I q w w ^ q 'iV & W ( w n
vn ’ X \ \
i ^ V ; ; - j;.\ | ^ k w ^ ) i w y i « i } 1
i W i4 * V iv A y i i ^ ^ ^ q g 'w K s q 'W l I W ^ ^ ¥ # W $ t o v «3 m ° W f t J»
« a
* % ^ W K V W ' ^ 3 $ ^ V % * a j ' , 5
w \s ' t * i m S r
V ’
■f ft
The Postface"12
• wT -g*
vi 4^ uj>£-
t%it ; <«3»'*'* ^ À jfc. ifc
v « « t t f f < <îj ^ -*• *
v-v'i.. V v,“«^■Kfcft'.ww t»>( ,2. Jr,
It has already been said above much about the German collector Eugen Pander and his
collection kept at the Jagiellonian Library in Krakôw, therefore I am not going to repeat this
information here again. The aim o f this paper is to give readers a general idea o f the contents
o f the so-called ‘Pander A ’ Collection. On our first visit to the Jagiellonian Library all
members o f the project set to work on checking and listing each and every book from the
Pander A ' collection. Later my co-workers focused on searching for the Wanli Kanjur
volumes. Thus, listing the items o f the ‘Pander A ' collection was solely put on my shoulders.
Therefore, during our project I concentrated on this task and I was able to occasionally make
some deeper observ ations o f some selected texts. It is the future task for the scholars to work
on the Pander collection in order to enrich the field o f Tibetan studies in Poland and abroad as
well as to make more practical use o f those materials for research purposes.
From among the books in the "Pander A ' collection which 1 have checked up to the accession
no. 1889. 336-636, accession numbers 337-341 are m issing.16"' iVlost o f the books in the
‘Pander A ’ collection arc related to Tibetan Buddhist prayers and rituals, mainly o f the Dge
lugs pa school and a few o f the Rnying ma pa school. Despite the fact that majority o f the
books contain religious texts, one can also find here some works on Buddhist philosophy,
Vinaya practice, Tibetan grammar, arts, astrology, history, guide to a monastery, etc.
Altogether I have checked three hundred items o f the "Pander A' collection. In those checked
texts one hundred and fourteen authors are mentioned and some o f them are authors o f more
than one text. The rest come without the name o f the author as it very often happens with
Tibetan religious texts. Here I would like to mention the names o f some authors who played
important roles, according to my knowledge, in Tibetan history. They are such people as
Sakya Pandita. the Second, Fifth. Seventh and Eighth Dalai Lamas, Panchen Bio b/ang chos
rgyan. Bu ston, Zha lu lo tsa ba, Skyong ston. Klong chen rab ’byams, Lcang skya, and many
others. Among the manuscripts there are also some treasure texts (gter ma) related to the
Rnying ma pa practice revealed by Ratna gling pa [Nos. 167-170. 172. 184]. Mdo sngags
gling pa [No. 190], and others.
Below I compiled a list o f several texts which, in my opinion, could be a good material for
further research work. What I put here is just a small part o f our list. There may be some more
interesting materials in the collection. It all depends on one's individual interests. Therefore,
one has to thoroughly check our draft list. I also publish some pictures o f those texts at the
end of the paper lo show what they originally look like.
163 The complete set o f ‘Pander A" consists ol"370 volumes arranged into 87 larger units; vol. 370 bears the old
call number 706. - Hditor.
Occasionally one may find other stamps with Mongolian or Tibetan inscriptions, for example
the stamp on ‘Pander A ’ No. 11 bears the name o f the 17th son o f the Manchu emperor [Fig.
140; cf. Fig. 11, Pander A No. 54], On some texts we could find the name Lcangskya written
at the front o f the first folio. I was unable to study what is written inside o f the black stamp.
We may presume that the ‘Pander A ' collection belonged to a holder o f those stamps but not
necessarily. I assume we may get some information regarding the original owner o f the
collection from those stamps and their script. It is also possible that the stamps did not belong
to the collection's original owner, from whom Pander obtained it. instead Pander may have
stamped those texts himself. However, it is difficult for us to determine that this or that person
was an owner o f the collection at this stage o f the research, even if our assumption is correct. I
am certain that the thin rice paper bindings o f the books, with the accession number, number
o f folios and a brief identification, mostly written in pencil in the opening part o f the 'Pander
A ' collection and further on in black ink, on each and every side o f the text had been
definitely made still in Peking, probably with the help o f a Mongolian-Tibetan speaker. In
some text the sequence o f leaves is not in order; in such cases I tried to put them in numerical
order, but was unable to do so with all books due to the time limitation and due to unclear
signatures given at the side o f the folios or torn sides.
The manuscripts found in the ‘Pander A ' collection were mostly written in the Tibetan U med
(dbu med) script, with the exception of a few texts in the U chen (dbu can) script. Among the
U med manuscripts there are a few different categories o f the writing style. In the ‘Pander A '
manuscript collection we could find mostly the U med dpe yig [‘book-letters'] script, which
was used for copying religious texts for daily use. Some texts were written in the U med
tshugs yig [‘larger cursive'] script. Their size and style o f writing proves that those
manuscripts were originally definitely were not produced by a single person. Manuscripts in
U med. both dpe yig and tshugs yig, were written using special abbreviations called bskungs
yig [‘shortened words']. The Tibetan bskungs yig abbreviating system creates a lot of
difficulties in understanding the meaning o f words. In some cases Tibetans themselves have
problems in recognizing the exact words and the meaning o f a particular shortened word. I
have written an article, “Shortened Words Skung Yig in Tibetan U med (dBu med) W riting” 164
in which 1 presented in a table the methodology o f shortening the words, with original
shortened words, their complete equivalents as well as the missing letters. I also discussed
briefly the reasons why the Tibetans practiced such a method in copying texts etc.
The Eugen Pander Tibetan collection kept in the Jagiellonian Library is very rich and taking
into account its vastness, we may assume that the collection must have belonged to a famous
and learned lama. As it was said above, I was able to prepare a preliminary' list o f only three
hundred texts from the ‘Pander A ' collection out o f the total number o f 370 items. I also
worked on the Pander Pantheon. Our research connected with the Pander collection is not yet
completed. One must check the rest o f the Pander A collection as well as the Pander B, C, E,
and F which are waiting in the Library for competent scholars.
164 Altaica et Tibetica. Anniversary Volume dedicated to Stanisław Godziński on His Seventieth Birthday.
Rocznik Orientalistyczny LX1II: 1, 2010: 68-72.
P ander A. 11.
Pander A. 15.
Accession no: acc. 1889.350, No. 15. Tib. print. 16 1. Tcmbril tot’oin Rilva (Kung fa). Author:
I itle: Rje thams cad mkhyen pa’i gsung ’bum thor bu las rten 'brel bstod pa’i tshig don bshad
pa bla na med pa’i 'jug ngogs zhes bya ba bzhugs so //
Text identification: The meaning and the word explanation o f Rten 'brel bstod pa, "Praising
Prayer o f Interdependency” from collected works ofT song kha pa. = Cf. Tohoku 5568 (La. 1-
16) [ad Tohoku 5275(15) (Kha. 13a-16a).]
Author: Dge ’dun rgya mtsho [2nd Dalai Lama, 1476-1542]
Place of origin: Brasspungs
Type of text: Dpe cha, xyl.
Script: U chen
Text lines on folio: 6
Text marking: A black stamp is on the first folio.
165 Cf. Taube 1966, No. 2689: Bodhor gyi brdayig. - Editor.
u,<’ According to Taube, the work was compiled in 1514 (Taube 1978: 178 n. 49); Smith 1969: B l-l 1,1. - Editor.
167 Q . 'jail|>c 1955 No. 9 4 1: "Jam dbyangs brtse chen rgyal po'i sras bcu bdun pa Khen ze chin wang ( 1697-
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 16.
Pander A. 19
Accession no: acc. 1889.354. No. 19. Tib. print. 53 1. Lamdu nürchug.
Title: Dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i lam rim pa gnyis ji ltar nyams su len pa'i tshul bde ba chen po'i
lam du myur du jug pa zhes bya ba bzhugs so//
Text identification: The method o f practicing two levels o f Kalachakra path called "Quick
Entry to the Great Blissful Path”. = Tohoku 5422 (Ka. 1-58).
Author: Dge slong dar ma rin chen [Rgyal tshab Darma rin chen, 1364-1432],<ss
Place of origin: Dga' Idan
Scribe: Rin chen chos rgyal
Type of text: Dpe cha, xyl.
Script: U chen
Text lines on folio: 6.
Text marking: A black stamp is on the first folio.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 54. Text is incomplete. Folio 52 is missing.
Pander A. 35.
Accession no: acc. 1889.370, No. 35. Tib. print. 7 1. Logsal gahdsit. Essay on divination.
Title: Gtsug lag rtsis kyi bskor 'go gson rtsis rdc'u zhe bdun gyi gsal byed bio gsal dga' byed
ces bya ba bzhugs so //
Text identification: Explanation o f forty-seven pebbles o f living astrology called “Inducing
Joy for Intelligent (person)”. [Work on astrology, horoscopy.]
Author: Shä kya'i Dge slong Bskal bzang thub bstan 'jigs med rgya m tsho169
Place of origin:
Scribe: -
Date of origin: -
Type of text: Dpe cha, xyl.
Script: U chen
Text lines on folio: 3, 4, 5, 6.
Text marking: A black and a red stamps are on the first folio. Some red marks arc inside the
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 7.
Pander A. 37.
Accession no: acc. 1889.372. No. 37. Tib. print. 43 I. Dulvin laglin by Budan Lama.
Title: 'Dul ba'i lag Ion gyi cho ga dri ma med pa'i phreng ba zhes bya ba bu ston gyis mdzad
pa bzhugs so //
Text identification: Explanation o f the practical rules o f Vinaya called “ Pure Garland". =
Tohoku 5188 (Za. 1-43).
Author: Bu ston [Rin chen grub. 1290-1364]
Place of origin: -
Scribe: Dbang mon, at the request ofTshul khrims rin clien
Date of origin: Gser 'phyang year, 12* day ofC hu stod month.
Type of text: Dpe cha, xyl.
Script: U chen
Text lines on folio: 5, 6, 7
Text marking: A black stamp is on the first folio. Text is very much used and the edges o f
the left lower corners are tomed.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 43.
Pander A. 59.
Accession no: acc. 1X89.394, No. 59. Tib. print. 15 I. Lisi Gurkhang. Explaining written
Title: In lantsa, Sanskrit
Tib.: Bod kyi skad las gsar rnying gi brda'i khyad par ston pa legs par bshad pa li shi’i gur
khang zhes bya ba b/.hugs //
Text identification: (Monolingual) Tibetan dictionary showing differences between the old
and new terms called “Excellent Teaching, Cloves Palace”. = Cf. Tohoku 7064 (15 f.).170
Author: Skyogs ston [Skyogs ston Lo tsa ba Rin chen bkra shis]1' 1
Place of origin: Reg Zeg
Scribe: -
Date of origin: Gdong ngan [= 1536 A.D.]172
Type of text: Dpe cha, xyl.
Script: U chen
Text lines on folio: 5, 6
Text marking: A black and a red stamps are on the first folio.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 15.
Pander A. 69.
Accession no: acc. 1889.404, No. 69. Tib. print. 113 1. Cholmu luyang.
Title: In lantsa. Sanskrit: kai la sa de sa narp bhau mi ka go ra dza nsa hga teh pra dha nam ba
tsya sya la khi ta ni dhi sa tya yu gi ku ma rau ta bi ka ba sa nta sya ra dza nya gi ti sva ra na
ma bi ha ra ti sma //
Tib.: Gangs can yul gyi sa la spyod pa'i mtho ris kyi rgyal blon gtso bor brjod pa'i deb ther /
/ rdzogs Idan gzhon nu’i dga’ ston dpyid kyi rgyal m o'i glu dbyangs zhes bya ba bzhugs so //
Text identification: Chronicle describing heavenly kings and the ministers o f Tibet called
“Complete Joy o f Youth. Song o f the Spring Queen”. = Tohoku 5664 (Dsa. 1-113).173
Author: Ngag dbang bio bzang rgya mtsho [5lh Dalai Lama. 1617-1682]
Place of origin: Dga' Idang pho brang
Scribe: Ngag dbang dge legs174 and requested by Stobs kyi dbang phyug bstan 'dzin chos kyi
rgyal po
Date of origin: Water Sheep Year, Glu dbyang month.175
Type of text: Dpe cha, xyl.
Script: U chen
Text lines on folio: 6
Text marking: A black stamp on the first folio. The text is in good condition; the first folio is
decorated. Paintings o f Bstan 'dzin chos rgyal and 'Phrin las rgya mtsho on the last folio.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 113.
Pander A. 134.
Accession number: acc. 1889.470, No. 134. Tib. pr. [recte: ms.] 1. 6.
Title: 'Di na bstan pa spyi'i mamg (mam bzhag) skad (?) che zhing legs pa gcig bzhugs so //
Text identification: An excellent and popular general explanation o f the doctrine. [“About
the tenets“.]
Author: Legs pa don grub
Place of origin: Dpal ldan gnas snying176
Type of text: Dpe cha, ms.
Script: U med
Text lines on folio: 8, 9
Text marking: A black stamp is on the first folio. The text seems to be old (dusty, torn and
very much used).
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 6.
Pander A. 140.
Pander A. 142
1 5 According to Smith (Smith 1969: BI-10, 8), the text was composed in 1643. Editor.
I7h The author o f this short text is dPal ldan legs pa don grub (1479-1555). Ilis commentary on Vinaya practice
published by Shichuan National Printing Press says in the introductory part that he was bom in the 8lh cycle,
around 1505 A.D., and was the fifth throne holder o f Bkra shis Ihun po shar rtse gra tshang. The present text is
not mentioned among his works as listed in the above book nor in the Tibetan Buddhist Research Centre.
177 Sec Jackson 1987: 52, 57, 59. etc.; Smith 2001: 202. - Editor.
Accession no: acc. 89.478, No. 142. Tib. man. 23 I.
Title: Gnas gsum pa'i 'grel bshad mkhas pa'i dbang po bio gros las bzang kyis mdzad pa
bzhugs so //
Text identification: Commentary on the third chapter [of the Abhidharmakosa\.
Author: Bio gros las bzang
Place of origin: Brar rtse temple
Type of text: Dpe cha. ms.
Script: U med
Text lines on folio: 9
Text marking: A black stamp is on the first folio. Two side lines are in red colour. Text is
very much used. Sides o f all folios are torn. Last page is reinforced with a paper leaf. Title is
not clearly visible.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 23.
Pander A. 146.
Pander A. 149.
Pander A. 151.
Accession no: acc. 89.487, No. 151. Tib. man. 2 1.
Title: Bar do 'phrung sgrol gyi gsol 'debs 'dzigs sgrol gyi dpa' bo zhes bya ba bzhugs so //
Text identification: Prayer liberating from the dangerous path of the intermediate state,
between death and rebirth called "Hero, Liberating from Fear”.180
Author: Bio bzang chos kvi rgyal mtshan [1 Panchen Lama. 1567-1662]lsl
Place of writing/origin: In the chamber o f ’Bras spungs.
Type of book: Dpe cha. ms.
Calligraphy (type o f script): U med
Number of text lines on page: 6
Text marking: Black and red stamps on the first folio. Red stamps on the left side o f the folio
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 2.
Pander A. 169.
Pander A. 198.
ISHMHTL I: 109 (No. 870). Cf. Tohoku 5977 („collection o f 165 opuscules”). Editor.
181 Cf. Smith 2001: chapter 10. - Editor.
I8: Ratna gling pa (1403-1478). see Smith 2001: 18. 239. 240. - Editor.
.1889. 535, No. 199. Tib. man. 36 1.
; missing. Rig pa 'd/in pa'i pho nya (according to the colophon)
n: Guide letter o f Shanibala for the father Dharma king Ngag dbang rnam
pter 2. - F.ditor.
Type of book: Dpe cha, xyl.
Calligraphy (type of script): U chen
Number of text lines on page: 6
Text marking: Left margin: bla ma yang tig Zha. A black stamp is on the left side o f the first
folio. Sides o f the text were painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 11.
ls4 Cave hermitage o f Longchen Rabjampa on the Mount Gangri Tokar (Gangs ri thod dkar) in Chushul County;
see Tibet Handbook 1999: 156. - Lditor.
Calligraphy (type of script): U chen
Number of text lines on page: 6
Text marking: Left margin Bla ma yang tig Na. A black stamp is on the first folio. Sides o f
the text were painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 3.
ls' Monastery in Bhutan founded by Lonchen Rabjampa. See Tibet Handbook 1999: 858; Smith 2001: 34. -
Text marking: Left margin. Bla ma yang tig LA. A black stamp is on the first folio. Sides o f
the text were painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 9.
i: A commentary on the meaning o f “Hard Cutting",
in rab 'byams
; cha, xyl.
of script): U chen
nes on page: 6
ft margin, Bla ma yang tig Wa. A black stamp is on the the first folio. Sides
inted with light red colour.
: fol. 6.
:n rab 'byams
; cha, xyl.
of script): U chen
les on page: 6
ft margin, Bla ma yang tig 'a. A black stamp is on the first folio. Sides of
;d with light red colour.
fol. 11.
n rab 'byams
cha. xyl.
of script): U chen
es on page: 6
t margin, Bla ma yang tig Ra. A black stamp on the first folio. Sides o f the
ith light red colour.
N um ber of leaves: fol. 5.
(17) Pander A 98
Accession number: acc. 1889.493, No. 98. Tib. print. 5 I.
Title: Khregs chod kyi yang yig nam mkha' klong yangs bzhugs so //
Text identification: Supplementary commentary on “Hard Cutting".
Author: Klong chen rab 'byams
Type of book: Dpe cha, xyl.
Calligraphy (type of script): U chen
Number of text lines on page: 6
Text marking: Left margin. Bla ma yang tig Ya. A black stamp is on the first folio. Sides of
the text were painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 5.
a. Bde stong bdud rtsi’i sprin phung bzhugs so //
b. Rtog mod nam m kha'i sprin phung bzhugs so //
Text identification:
a: Blissful emptiness called “ Heap o f Nectar Clouds",
b: Non-existence o f conception called “Heap o f Space Clouds”.
Author: Klong chen rab 'byams
Place of writing: Gangs ri thod dkar
Type of book: Dpe cha, xyl.
Calligraphy (type of script): U chen
Number of text lines 011 page: 6
Text marking: Left margin. Bla ma yang tig Sha, Ha. A black stamp is on the first folio.
Sides o f the text were painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 4 + 4.
Calligraphy (type of script): U chen
Number of text lines on page: 6
Text marking: Left margin. Bla ma yang tig So. A black stamp is on the first folio. Sides of
the text were painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 5.
hen rab 'byams
>pe cha, xyl.
)c of script): U chen
lines on page: 6
-eft margin, Bla ma yang tig Ge. Ngo, Ci. A black stamp is on the first folio,
were painted with light red colour.
;s: fol. 4 + 1 + 1.
*s: fol. 3.
[)8 .
er: acc. 1889.443. No. 108. Tib. print 5 1.
; Ultimate Jewel”.
insoming the impending death, “The Mirror o f Remembering” ,
hen rab ’byams
Gangs ri thod dkar
pe cha, xyl.
ie of script): U chen
ines on page: 6
eft margin, Bla ma yang tig Mo. Wo. A black stamp is on the first folio,
vere painted with light red colour.
s: fol. 2 + 3.
Text marking: Left margin, Bla ma yang tig Ka. A black stamp is on the first folio. Sides o f
the text were painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 4.
Text marking: Left margin, Bla nía yang tig Ri, Lu. A black stamp is on the first folio. Sides
o f the text w ere painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 3 + 3.
Author: Klong chen rah 'byams
Type of book: Dpe cha. xyl.
Calligraphy (type of script): U chen
Number of text lines on page: 6
Text marking: Left margin, Bla ma yang tig Cha. A black stamp is on the first folio. Sides o f
the text were painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
Number of leaves: fol. 9.
Text m arking: Left margin, Bla ma yang tig - Dkar chag. A black stamp is on the first folio.
Sides o f the text were painted with light red colour.
Ink: Black
N um ber of leaves: fol. 7.
Jackson 1987
Jackson. David P., The Entrance Gate fo r the Wise (Section III). Sa-skva Pandita on Indian
and Tibetan Traditions o f Pramäna and Philosophical Debate. 2 vols. Wien 1987. (Wiener
Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 17.1,2.).
Lokesh Chandra, Materials fo r a History o f Tibetan Literature. 3 Parts. R insen Books, Kyoto
1982 (Orig. Ld. New Delhi 1962.) Sata-pitaka Series 28-30.
Schuh 1981
Schuh, Dieter, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke. Teil 8. (Sammlung Waddell der
Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin.) VOHD XI.8. Kranz Steiner Verlag,
Wiesbaden 1981.
Smith 1969
University o f Washington Tibetan Catalogue (Part I), by E. Gene Smith. University o f
Washington, Seattle, 1969.
Smith 2001
Smith, E. Gene, Among Tibetan Texts. History & Literature o f the Himalayan Plateau. Edited
by Kurtis R. Schaeffer, with a foreword by Jeffrey Hopkins. Wisdom Publications, Boston
Taube 1966
Taube. Manfred, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke. Teil 1-4. VOHD XL 1-4. Franz
Steiner Verlag. Wiesbaden 1966.
Taube 1978
Taube, Manfred, „Zu einigen Texten der tibetischen brda-gsar-rnin-Literatur”, in:
Asienwissenschaftliche Beiträge, Johannes Schubert in memoriam. Hrsg. Von E. Richter, M.
Taube. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1978: 169-201.
A Catalogue o f the Tohoku University Collection o f Tibetan Works on Buddhism. Edited by
Yensho Kanakura. Ryujo Yarnada, Tokan Tada. Hakuyu Hadano. The Seminar o f Indology,
Tohoku University, Sendai 1953.
Vostrikov 1962
Vostrikov, A.I., Tibetskava istoriceskava literatura. Moskva 1962. (Bibliotheca Buddhica
Fig. 144. Pander A. No. 37.
?.•/y / / j
Fig. 148. Pander A. No. 140.
f| w i -^v 4 f a s t e n s m
I j z f in w m ir ^ o s ^ ^ -a \* fx iQ v
Fig. 152. Pander A. No. 149.
to . mm
Fig. 156. Pander A. No. 199.
Fig. 158. Pander A. No. 242, fol. 1-2.
Fig. 161. Pander A. No. 111, fol. 1-2.
; v
m m *
:i.S r
Fig. 163. Pander A. No. I l l , fol. 3-4.
j s ■wS.7Ar-.^,rt i^ ,; >.,£.
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Fig. 165. Pander A. No. I l l , fol. 5-6.
fr i» « ¡r t i. '* * ¿ v » ;^ v i»«a * S r i
y .. il-r^: f t W g -V’. ^
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