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Week 10 (GrPA)

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GrPA 1

In [ ]: class Point :
def __init__(self,x = 0,y = 0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def move(self,dx = 0,dy = 0):
self.x += dx
self.y += dy
def value(self):
return self.x,self.y
def duplicate(self):
return Point(self.x,self.y)

GrPA 2

In [ ]: import math
class Point :
def __init__(self,x = 0,y = 0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def move(self,dx = 0,dy = 0):
self.x += dx
self.y += dy
def value(self):
return self.x,self.y
def duplicate(self):
return Point(self.x,self.y)
class Line:
def __init__(self,A,B):
self.A, self.B = Point.value(A),Point.value(B)
def length(self):
return math.hypot(self.A[0]-self.B[0],self.A[1]-self.B[1])
def slope(self):
if self.A[0]-self.B[0] != 0:
return (self.A[1]-self.B[1])/(self.A[0]-self.B[0])
return math.inf

GrPA 3

In [7]: class TimeConverter: #check 'divmod' function of python

def __init__(self,a):
self.sec = a
def Second_to_Minutes(self):
m = divmod(self.sec,60)
s = m[1]
return f'{m[0]} min {s} sec'
def Second_to_Hours(self):
h = divmod(self.sec,60*60)
m = divmod(h[1],60)
s = m[1]
return f'{h[0]} hr {m[0]} min {s} sec'
def Second_to_Days(self):
d = divmod(self.sec,60*60*24)
h = divmod(d[1],60*60)
m = divmod(h[1],60)
s = m[1]
return f'{d[0]} days {h[0]} hr {m[0]} min {s} sec'

In [ ]: #Alternative Code for understanding purpose but two codes are the same
class TimeConverter():
def __init__(self,a):
self.sec = a
def Second_to_Minutes(self):
m = self.sec//60
mx = self.sec%60
s = mx
return f'{m} min {s} sec'
def Second_to_Hours(self):
h = self.sec//(60*60)
hx = self.sec%(60*60)
m = (hx)//60
mx = hx%60
s = mx
return f'{h} hr {m} min {s} sec'
def Second_to_Days(self):
d = self.sec//(60*60*24)
dx = self.sec%(60*60*24)
h = (dx)//(60*60)
hx = (dx)%(60*60)
m = (hx)//60
mx = hx%60
s = mx
return f'{d} days {h} hr {m} min {s} sec'

GrPA 4

In [ ]: class UserLoginInfo:
def __init__(self,UserName,old_passwords):
self.UserName = UserName
self.old_passwords = [old_passwords,]

def RetrievePassword(self):
return self.old_passwords[-1]

def ChangePassword(self,New_Password):
if New_Password[0].isupper() and len(New_Password) > 7 and New_Password.isalnu
if New_Password in self.old_passwords:
return 'Password already used'
return 'Password updated successfully'
return 'Invalid password'

def Login(self,UserName,Password):
if self.UserName == UserName and self.old_passwords[-1] == Password:
return f'Welcome {UserName}'
return 'Username or Password incorrect'

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