Rubrics For Acrostic Poem
Rubrics For Acrostic Poem
Rubrics For Acrostic Poem
Structure and format The poem does not have a clear The poem has a topic, but 1-2 The poem has a clear topic. Each
topic. More than 2 lines do not line(s) of the poem does/ do not line of the poem begins with a
start with a letter in the topic start with a letter in the topic letter in the topic word. Each line
word. More than 2 lines do not word. 1-2 lines of the poem does/ describes or relates to the topic of
describe or relate to the topic of do not describe or relate to the the poem.
the poem. topic of the poem.
creativity The poem does not contain any The poem contains a couple of The poem contains more than
interesting word choice, vivid, interesting word choices, uses two interesting word choices.
language, or poetic elements or some vivid language, and makes Uses vivid/ describe language
techniques. use of only one poetic element or throughout the poem, and makes
technique. use of more than 1 poetic
element or technique.
Mechanics The poem contains 3 or more The poem contains 1 - 2 spelling, The poem does not contain any
spelling, grammatical, or grammatical, or punctuation spelling, grammatical, or
punctuation errors errors punctuation errors
Legibility Writing is not legible and the Writing is not legible in some Writing is legible and the paper is
paper is messy. places. neat.