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EC - Compliance - Report - June - 2019

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Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban
Estate – II, Gurugram, Haryana
M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.

SEIAA/HR/2018/73, Dated 5.02.2018

Name of Consultant & NABET Accreditation No.

Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd. | www.aplinka.in

Corp. Office : A-48, Ground Floor, Sector-64, Noida – 201301
NABET Accreditation No:NABET/EIA/1619/SA 068
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


Environmental Clearance Letter
I Introduction
A Purpose of the Report
B About the Project Proponent
C About the Project
D Salient Features of the Project
E Status of Environmental Clearance & Consents
F Status of Compliance Submission
G Project Location
II Site Visit Report & Site Photographs
A Status of Project
III Post-environmental Compliance Status
A Compliance of Conditions as mentioned in EC letter
IV Environmental Monitoring Analysis
A Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
B Ambient Noise Quality Monitoring
C Water Quality Monitoring
V Implementation in Next Six Months

Annexure I Acknowledgement Copy of previous compliance report
Annexure II Log book of first aid
Annexure III Drinking water bills
Annexure IV Diesel Purchasing Slips
Annexure V Environmental Monitoring Report
Annexure VI Electricity Bills
Annexure VII Environment Management Plan
Annexure VIII Audit Report
Annexure IX Forest NOC
Annexure X Aravalli Clearance
Annexure XI AAI NOC
Annexure XII CSR activities
Annexure XIII PUC Certificate

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


A. Purpose of the Report

As per EIA Notification 2006, it is mandatory to submit six monthly compliance report to the
regulatory authorities concerned, in order to show the status & on-ground compliance of all the
Conditions mentioned in Environment Clearance letter, along with monitoring of various
environmental parameters (as per CPCB Norms) in June and December of each calendar year.

The regulatory authorities concerned are Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB), Regional
Office-MoEF&CC, Northern Region (Chandigarh) and SEIAA-Haryana. Site visit was conducted by a
team of experts to monitor pollution related parameters as defined by CPCB. Samples for ambient
air and ambient noise were collected for further analysis. All the analysis results, current
implementation status of conditions on site and proposed implementations have been incorporated
in the report.

B. About the Project Proponent

“India is a key market for Hyundai Motor Company and the new Hyundai Sales and Marketing
Headquarter will be a true reflection of Hyundai’s commitment to India. This has been a dream
project for us and will come true in June 2020.”
The new sales and marketing headquarter will act as the command centre of Hyundai Motor India
for its domestic and global operations.
A certified green building with centralized air pollution protection through 3 stageHEPA Filter air
purifier will headquarter Hyundai’s 7 subsidiary companies in India with over 650 employees
under one roof. In-line with Government of India’svision and plan to implement all electric vehicles
in India by 2030 this office will be future ready with EV charging infrastructure at 4 basement
parking levels.
This 6-floor building will have an exclusive Brand Shop which will provide customers a complete
Hyundai brand.

C. About the Project

The Corporate Office Building project is located at Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Haryana and is spread over a plot area of 1.93 acres. The proposed project shall comprise of 4
Basements + GF+ 05 Floor. It will have Office blocks, lounge etc. The orientation of the building will
be done in such a manner that most of glazed areas in north and east. Several measures such as use
of dust screens, GI barriers, regular water sprinkling and use of tarpaulin covers will be taken to
keep the surrounding pollution free in construction phase. Authorized vendor will be hired for
collection and segregation of solid waste inside the premises.

D. Salient Features of the Project

Project Name Corporate Office Building project at Sector – 29 at
Urban Estate – II, Gurugram, Haryana
Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address

Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.

Plot Area 7820.80 sq. m. (1.93 acres)
Built-Up Area 28,334.42 sq. m
Landscape Area 1955.70 sq. m. (25% of plot area)
Total Water Requirement 115 KLD
Height of the Building 39.3 metres
STP Capacity 100 KLD
Total Power Requirement 1380 KVA supplied by DHBVN
No. of RWH pits 2
Solid waste generation 405 Kg/day

E. Status of Environmental Clearance & Consents

Environmental Clearance SEIAA/HR/2018/73, Dated 5.02.2018
Consent to Establish HSPCB/Consent/ : 313116318GUNOCTE4952955,
Dated 08.02.2018

F. Status of Previous Compliance submission

Six monthly compliance reports is being submitted to the SEIAA-Haryana, Haryana State Pollution
Control Board (HSPCB) and Regional Office MOEF&CC Northern Region (Chandigarh).
Acknowledgement copy is attached as Annexure – I

G. Project Location
The Corporate Office Building is located at Sector – 29, Urban Estate – II, Gurugram, Haryana. The
location of the project is close to National Highway 236.

Table 1. Site connectivity (Road Distance)

Sl. No. Connectivity Distance
1. Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway Approx. 100 m towards N
2. IFFCO Chowk Metro Station Approx1km towards NE
3. NH – 236 Approx1.1 km towards NE
4. Umkal Hospital Approx1.1 km towards E
5. Medanta Approx3.85 km towards SW
Schools/ Colleges
6. Gurukul vidyapeeth Institute of Engeeniring& Approx0.67km towards SE
7. ABCD Institute of paramedical management and Approx1.54 km towards SW
Railway station
8. Gurugram Railway Station Approx5.4 km towards NW

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address

Figure 1.1 Showing Location of the Project

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


A. Status of Project

The project is in construction Phase. Basement is almost completed and floor work is under

Construction status of Blocks & Towers

S. No. No. of Floors Structure RCC Work Plumbing Plaster Electric

work (Steel work work work
1 Basement 1 100% 100% 10% Not Started 10%
2 Basement 2 100% 100% 15% 100% 15%
3 Basement 3 100% 100% 20% 100% 20%
4 Basement 4 100% 100% 20% 100% 20%
5 Ground Floor 100% 100% Not started Not Started Not Started
6 floor 1 100% 90% Not started Not Started Not Started
7 floor 2 100% 90% Not started Not Started Not Started
8 floor 3 100% 80% Not started Not Started Not Started
9 floor 4 100% 50% Not started Not Started Not Started
10 floor 5 90% Not Started Not started Not Started Not Started
11 Landscape status Not started

B. Site Photographs

Figure 2.1.Construction Phase Figure 2.2.Fire Fighting Facility

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address

Figure 2.3. DG Set Figure 2.4.Training Room

Figure 2.5.Safety Hoardings Figure 2.6.Barricading at the Project site

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address

Figure 2.7.Mobile Toilets Arrangements Figure 2.8.First Aid Room

Figure 2.9 Basement Figure 2.10 Workers with PPE

Figure 2.11 Provision of Storm Water Control Figure 2.12 Isolated Diesel Storage Area

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


Name of the project:Corporate Office Building Project at Plot No. C-11 inCity Center, Sector – 29 at
Urban Estate – II, Gurugram, Haryana

EC letter no.: SEIAA/HR/2018/73, Dated 5.02.2018

A. Compliance of conditions as mentioned in the EC letter

Part A- Specific Conditions: Construction Phase
1. “Consent for Establish” shall be obtained from Consent to Establish is obtained from
Haryana State Pollution Control Board under Haryana State Pollution Control Board
Air and Water Act and a copy shall be under Air and Water Act before the start of
submitted to the SEIAA, Haryana before the construction and copy of the same was
start of any construction work at site. submitted with June 2018 compliance
2. A first aid room as proposed in the project First aid room is being provided for
report shall be provided both during construction workers. Same will be
construction and operation phase of the provided during operation phase. The
project. Photograph is enclosed in Chapter II. A copy
of the First aid Logbook is attached as
Annexure II.
3. Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities a) Adequate drinking water and sanitary
should be provided for construction workers at facilities is being provided for workers
the site. Provision should be made for mobile at site. A copy of drinking water bills is
toilets. Open defecation by the labours is attached as Annexure III.
strictly prohibited. The safe disposal of solid b) Toilet and other sanitation facilities is
wastes/ waste water generated during the being provided at construction site.
construction phase should be ensured. Efforts Photograph is enclosed in Chapter II.
shall be made to provide mobile STP for c) Safe disposal of wastewater and solid
treatment of waste water during construction waste is being done.
4. All the top soil excavated during construction All the topsoil excavated during
activities should be stored for use in construction phase has been given to the
horticulture/landscape development within local contractors for refilling and for reuse
the project site. for construction activities and partially will
be utilized in landscape development.
5. The project proponent shall ensure that the a) A temporary store room is constructed
building material required during construction on site for storage of the construction
phase is properly stored within the project material
b) For the storage of diesel and Steel
area and disposal of construction waste should
Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


not create any adverse effect on the material diesel room and steel yard is
neighbouring communities and should be provided at site. Construction waste
disposed off after taking necessary precautions including empty cement bags; broken
bricks, etc. is being segregated properly
for general safety and health aspects of people,
by the labor on site.
only in approved sites with the approval of
competent authority.
6. Construction spoils, including bituminous a) No bituminous material is being
material and other hazardous materials, must generated from construction
not be allowed to contaminate watercourses projects. Negligible amount of used-
service oilis being generated from
and the dump sites for such material must be
DG sets and is being taken away by
secured so that they should not leach into the the contractors owning the DG sets.
ground water and any hazardous waste b) Hazardous waste as used service oil
generated during construction phase, should is being handled as per
be disposed off as per applicable rules and TheHazardous and Other Wastes
norms with necessary approval of the Haryana (Management and Transboundary
State Pollution Control Board. Movement) Rules, 2016.
7. The diesel generator sets to be used during Agreed. DG sets are proposed in case of
construction phase shall be of ultra low power failure only.
sulphur diesel type and should conform to Noise Abatement: DG sets are enclosed
with acoustic enclosure type.
Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for
Air Pollution Abatement: DG Sets are
air and noise emission standards. provided with adequate stack height as per
CPCB norms.
Fuel: Ultra low Sulphur diesel is being used
in DG sets.
8. The diesel required for operating DG sets shall DG sets is being used in case of power
be stored in underground tanks and if failure only. There is no bulk storage of
required, clearance from Chief Controller of diesel. The diesel purchasing slips is
Explosives shall be taken. attached as Annexure IV.
Clearance from Chief Controller of
Explosives will be obtained if necessary.
9. Ambient noise levels should conform to a) Incremental pollution load on the
residential standards both during day and ambient air and noise quality are
night. Incremental pollution loads on the being closely monitored. Emissions
ambient air and noise quality should be closely are within the permissible limits.
monitored during construction phase. b) Environmental monitoring analysis
Adequate measures should be taken to reduce is incorporated in Chapter IV and lab
ambient air pollution and noise level during reports are attached as Annexure-V.
construction phase, so as to conform to the
stipulated residential standards of CPCB/

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


10. Fly ash should be used as building material in Fly ash / fly ash bricks is being used in
the construction as per the provisions of Fly construction as per the provisions of Fly Ash
Ash Notification of September, 1999 and Notification of September, 1999 and
amended as on 27th August, 2003. amended as on 27th August, 2003.
11. Storm water control and its re-use as per It will be ensured that the provisions for
CGWB and BIS standards for various storm water control and its reuse are as per
applications should be ensured. CGWB and BIS standards. A photographof
the same is enclosed in Chapter II.
12. Water demand during construction should be Premixed concrete and curing agents is
reduced by use of premixed concrete, curing beingused to reduce the water demand
agents and other best practices. during construction.
13. In view of severe constrains in water supply During operation phase the demand for
augmentation in the region and sustainability fresh water will be fulfilled by HSVP
of water resources, the developer will submit (Haryana Shahari Vikas Pradhikaran). No
the NOC from CGWAspecifying water groundwater extraction will be done.
extraction quantities and assurance from
HUDA/ utility provider indicating source of
water supply and quantity of water with details *Haryana Shahari Vikas Pradhikaran
of intended use of water – portable and non- (HSVP), formerly known as Haryana Urban
portable. Assurance is required for both Development Authority (HUDA)
construction and operation stages separately. It
shall be submitted to the SEIAA and Ro, MOEF,
Chandigarh before the start of construction.
14. Roof must meet prescriptive requirement as This will be followed.
per Energy Conservation Building Code by
using appropriate thermal insulation material.
15. Opaque wall must meet prescriptive The design of the building will be as per the
requirement as per Energy Conservation National Building Code, 2005.
Building Code which is proposed to be
mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while
it is desirable for non-air-conditioned spaces
by use of appropriate thermal insulation
material to fulfil requirement.
16. The approval of the competent authority shall a) Adequate fire-fighting equipment as per
be obtained for structural safety of the building the National Building Code 2005
on account of earthquake, adequacy of fire including protection measures from
fighting equipment, etc. as per National lightening etc. are proposed for the site.
Building Code including protection measures b) The project falls under seismic active
from lightening etc. Zone IV indicating high damage risk
zone. The building will be designed as
earthquake resistant and comply with
the required IS specifications, structural
Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


safety of the building due to earthquake.
17. Overexploited groundwater and impending Agreed.
severe shortage of water supply in the region
requires the developer to redraw the water
and energy conservation plan. Developer shall
reduce the overall footprint of the proposed
development. Project proponent shall
incorporate water efficiency/savings measures
as well as water reuse/recycling within 3
months and before start of construction to the
SEIAA, Haryana and RO, MOEF, GOI,
18. The project proponent as stated inshall a) 2 rain water harvesting pits are
construct 02 nos. rain water harvesting pits for proposed for the project. There will be
recharging the ground water within the project provision for silting chamber and
premises. Rain water harvesting pits shall be removal of floating matter before
designed to make provisions for silting entering harvesting pit.
chamber and removal of floating matter before b) RWH pits will be designed such that
entering harvesting pit. Maintenance budget contaminated water does not enter any
and persons responsible for maintenance must RWH pit.
be provided. Care shall also be taken care that
contaminated water do not enter any RWH pit.
19. The project proponent shall provide for It will be provided for operation phase.
adequate fire safety measures and equipments Permission regarding fire safety schemehas
as required by Haryana Fire Service Act, 2009 already been submitted in compliance
and instructions issued by the local Authority/ report Dec 2018.
Directorate of fire from time to time. Further
the project proponent shall take necessary
permission regarding fire safety scheme/ NOC
from competent Authority as required.
20. The project proponent shall obtain assurance A temporary connection has been obtained
from DHBVN for total supply of 1145KVA of from DHVBN before the start of
power supply before the start of construction. constructionand a copy of electricity bill is
In no case project will be operational solely on attached as Annexure VI.
generators without any power supply from any
external power utility.
21. Detail calculation of power load and ultimate Calculation of power load has already been
power load of the project shall be submitted to submitted to DHBVN and SEIAA.
DHBVN under intimation to SEIAA, Haryana
before the start of construction. Provisions

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


shall be made for electrical infrastructure in
the project area.
22. The project proponent shall not raise any There is no natural depression or water
construction in the natural land depression/ course in the construction area and water
Nallah/ Water course and shall ensure that the flow is not being obstructed as weep holes
natural flow from the Nallah/ water course is will be maintained for flow of water coming
not obstructed. during rains.
23. The project proponent shall keep the plinth The building is designed as per the National
level of the building blocks sufficiently above Building Code, 2005. All the guidelines
the level of approach road to the project as per regarding the plinth levels and levels of
prescribed by- laws. Levels of the other areas other areas in the Project will be kept
in the Project shall also be kept suitably so as to suitably above so as to avoid flooding.
avoid flooding.
24. Construction shall be carried out so that The project is designed as per the norms of
density of population does not exceed as population density as set by Department of
approved by Director General Town and Town and Country Planning, Haryana.
Country Department, Haryana.
25. The project proponent shall submit an affidavit Ground water will not used for construction.
that with the declaration that ground water Only treated water will be used for
will not be used for construction and only construction.
treated water should be used for construction.
26. The Project Proponent shall not cut any There are no trees on the project site except
existing tree and project landscaping plan for few shrubs and herbs. Hence, no tree-
should be modified to include those trees in felling activity is required.
green area.
27. The project proponent shall ensure that ECBC Agreed.AECBC report has been submitted in
norms for composite climate zone are met. compliance report Dec 2018.
28. The project proponent shall provide 3 meter The project is surrounded with
high barricade around the project area, dust approximately 3meter high barricade. All
screen for every floor above the ground, proper the necessary precautions will be taken to
sprinkling and covering of stored material to restrict the dust emission during
restrict dust and air pollution during construction phase.A Photograph of the
construction. same is enclosed in Chapter II.
29. The project proponent shall construct a A sedimentation basin structure will be
sedimentation basin in the lower level of the constructed at the project site to trap
project site to trap pollutants and other wastes pollutant and other wastes during rains.
during rains.
30. The project proponent shall provide proper A proper rasta of proper width and proper
rasta of proper width and proper strength for strength will be provided by the project
the project before the start of construction. proponent before start of construction

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


31. The project proponent shall ensure that the U- This will be followed at the time of glass
value of the glass is less than 3.177 and work.
maximum solar heat gain co-efficient is 0.25 for
vertical fenestration.
32. The project proponent shall adequately control Water sprinkling is being done to suppress
construction dusts like silica-dust, non-silica the dust generation at the site. Proper
dust, wood dust. Such dusts shall not spread respiratory protective equipments are being
outside project premises. Project proponent provided to all the construction workers on
shall provide respiratory protective equipment site for their proper safety.
to all construction workers.
33. The project proponent shall provide fire This will be followed according to norms of
control room and fire officer for building above National Building Code.
30 meter as per National Building Code.
34. The project proponent shall obtain permission Mining Permission has been obtained before
of Mines and Geology Department for the start of construction.Construction work
excavation of soil before the start of of the basement has been completed and no
construction. excavation will be done further. A copy of
the same has alreadybeen submitted with
compliance report Dec 2018.
35. The project proponent shall provide one refuge Agreed.
area till 24 meter and one till 39 meter as per
National Building Code. The project proponent
shall not convert any refuge area in the
habitable space and it should not be sold out/
36. The project proponent shall seek specific prior The project will carried out storm Drainage
approval from concerned local and sewer system as per plan.
authority/HUDA regarding provision of storm
drainage and sewerage system including their
integration with external services of
HUDA/Local authorities beside other required
services before taking up any construction
37. The project proponent shall discharge excess of Wastewater generation will be 68.7 KLD
treated waste water/ storm water in the public which will be treated in the STP of 100 KLD
drainage system and shall seek permission of capacity. Treated water from STP will be
HUDA before the start of construction. reused in flushing, landscaping etc. within
the project premises making it zero exit
discharge. Permission for excess treated

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


water discharge will be taken, if required.
38. The project proponent shall maintain the The distance between STP and water supply
distance between STP and water supply line line will be maintained.
39. The project proponent shall ensure that the The height of DG Stacks will be raised at
stack height is 6 meter more than the highest least 6m above the highest roof level or as
tower per CPCB norms.
40. The project proponent shall ensure that This will be followed.
structural stability to withstand earthquake of
magnitude 8.5 on Richter scale.
41. Vertical fenestration shall not exceed 60% of Noted.
total wall area.
42. The project proponent shall submit the copy of Fire Rescue Planhas been submitted in
fire safety plan duly approved by fire compliance report Dec 2018.
department before the start of construction.
a. “Consent to Operate” shall be obtained from Consent to Operate will be obtained after
Haryana State Pollution Control Board under completion of construction phase and prior
Air and Water Act and a copy shall be to operation phase of the project.
submitted to the SEIAA, Haryana.
b. The Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) shall be a) STP of 100 KLD capacity will be
installed for the treatment of the sewage to the installed for the treatment of sewage
prescribed standards including odour and generated and treated effluent will
treated effluent will be recycled to achieve zero be recycled to the maximum extent
exit discharge. The installation of STP shall be possible to achieve zero exit
certified by an independent expert and a report discharge.
in this regard should be submitted to the b) Tertiary treatment based technology
SEIAA, Haryana before the project is is proposed for the STP.
commissioned for operation. Tertiary c) STP is proposed to be installed prior
treatment of waste water is mandatory. The to the occupancy.
project proponent shall not only remove Ortho-
Phopohorus but total Phosphorus to the extent
of less than 2 mg/ litre. Similarly total Nitrogen
level shall be less than 2 mg/litre in tertiary
treated waste water. Discharge of treated
sewage shall conform to the norms and
standards of CPCB/ HSPCB, whichever is
environmentally better. Project proponent
shall implement such STP technology which
does not require filter backwash. The project
proponent shall essentially provide two
numbers of STPs preferably equivalent to 50%
Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


of total capacity or as per the initial occupancy
as the case may be.
c. Separation of the grey and black water should a) Dual plumbing system is proposed
be done by the use of dual plumbing line. for the separation of black water and
Treatment of 100% grey water by grey water.
decentralized treatment should be done b) The recycled water will be used for
ensuring that the re-circulated water should flushing, and landscaping.
have BOD maximum upto 10 ppm and the c) As this water is to be reused in
recycled water will be used for flushing, flushing BOD will be maintained <5
gardening and DG set cooling etc.. ppm.
d) For disinfection of the treated wastewater ultra Ultra-violet technology will be used for
violet radiation or ozonization process should disinfection.
be used.
e) Diesel Power generating sets proposed as a) DG Sets will be used only in case of
source of backup power for lifts, common area power failure.
illumination and for domestic use should be of b) The height of DG Stacks will be
enclosed type and conform to rules made raised at least 6m above the highest
under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. roof level or as per CPCB norms.
The location of the DG sets shall be in the open c) To avoid noise pollution acoustic
as promised by the project proponent with enclosure will be placed over the DG
appropriate stack height i.e. above the roof Set as per rules made under the
level as per the CPCB norms. The diesel used Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
for DG sets should be ultra-low sulphur (35 d) Ultra low sulphur diesel will be used
ppm sulphur), instead of low sulphur diesel. in DG sets instead of low sulphur
f) Ambient Noise Level should be controlled to Ambient noise level will be controlled both
ensure that it does not exceed the prescribed within and at the boundary of the project so
standards both within and at the boundary of that it does not exceed the prescribed
the proposed Commercial Complex. standards.
g) The project proponent as stated in the proposal Greenbelt will be developed as per plan
should maintain at least 25% as green cover submitted to SEIAA, Haryana. Trees will be
area for tree plantation especially all around planted all around the periphery of the
the periphery of the project and on the road project and on the road sides preferably
sides preferably with local species which can with local species so as to provide
provide protection against noise and protection against particulates and noise.
suspended particulate matter. The open spaces Landscape plan has been submitted in
inside the project should be preferably compliance report Dec 2018.
landscaped and covered with vegetation/grass,
Herbs & shrubs. Only locally available plant
species shall be used.

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


h) The project proponent shall strive to minimize Water demand will be minimized in
water in irrigation of landscape by minimizing irrigation of landscape by minimizing grass
grass area, using native variety, xeriscaping area, using native variety, xeriscaping and
and mulching, utilizing efficient irrigation mulching utilizing efficient irrigation
system, scheduled irrigation only after system. Irrigation will be scheduled only
checking evapo-transpiration data. after checking evapo-transpiration data.
i) Rain water harvesting for roof runoff and a) Total 02 rain water harvesting pits
surface runoff, as per plan submitted should be are proposed.
implemented. Before recharging the surface b) Rainwater harvesting as per plan for
runoff, pre treatment through sedimentation roof run-off and surface run-off will
tanks must be done to remove suspended be implemented.
matter, oil and grease. The bore well for rain c) Suspended matter, oil and grease
water recharging shall be kept at least 5 m will be removed by treatment before
above the highest ground water table. Care recharging with surface run-off.
shall be taken that contaminated water do not
enter any RWH pit. The project proponent shall
avoid rain water harvesting of first 10 minutes
of rain fall. Roof top of the building shall be
without any toxic material or paint which can
contaminate rain water. Wire mess and filters
should be used wherever required.
j) The ground water level and its quality should The ground water quality and its level will
be monitored regularly in consultation with be monitored from nearby villages in
Central Ground Water Authority. consultation with CGWA, if required.
k) A report on the energy conservation measures This will be followed.
conforming to energy conservation norms
finalize by Bureau of Energy Efficiency should
be prepared incorporating details about
building materials & technology; R & U factors
etc. and submit to the SEIAA in three month
l) Energy conservation measures like installation a) LEDs will be used at most of the
of LED for lighting the areas outside the locations inside the project & near
building should be integral part of the project boundary wall as a measure of
design and should be in place before project energy conservation.
commissioning. Use of solar panels must be b) Solar lights have been proposed for
adapted to the maximum extent possible for open spaces, common area, and
energy conservation. landscape area.
c) Used LEDs will be properly collected
and disposed of as per the guidelines

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


mentioned in the E-Waste
(Management) Rule, 2016.
m) The project proponent shall use zero ozone This will be followed.
depleting potential material in insulation,
refrigeration, air-conditioning and adhesive.
Project proponent shall also provide Halon free
fire suppression system.
n) The solid waste generated should be properly a) The solid waste generated will be
collected and segregated as per the collected and segregated as per the
requirement of the MSW Rules, 2000 and as requirement of the Solid Waste
amended from time to time. The bio- Management Rules, 2016.
degradable waste should be treated by b) Bio-degradable waste will be composted
appropriate technology (proposed OWC) at the by using organic waste converter at the site
site earmarked within the project area and earmarked within the project area or as per
dry/inert solid waste should be disposed off to the latest available technology.
the approved sites for land filling after c) Dry/inert solid waste will be disposed off
recovering recyclable material. to the approved sites for land filling after
recovering recyclable material.
o) The provision of the solar water heating As per the latest amendment dated
system shall be as per norms specified by 14.03.2016 in Office order vide no.
HAREDA and shall be made operational in each 22/52/2005-5Power, dated: 29.06.2005 of
building block. Haryana Govt, Renewable Energy
department, the mandatory use of Solar
Water heating system has been omitted. The
same will be used as per the requirement of
the project.
p) The traffic plan and parking plan proposed by All the parking during operation phase will
the PP should be adhered to meticulously with be as per the parking plan. There will be no
further scope of additional parking for further traffic congestion as bell shaped entry and
requirement. There should be no traffic exit will be provided. Parking-cum-traffic
congestion near the entry and exit points from circulation plan has been submitted in
the roads adjoining the proposed project site. compliance report June 2018.
Parking should be fully internalized and no
public space should be used.
q) The project should be operationalized only Permission has been obtained from HSVP
once HUDA will provide domestic water supply for supply of domestic water during
system in the area. operation phase. Copy of the same has been
submitted in compliance report Dec 2018.
r) Operation and maintenance of STP, solid waste Operation & maintenance of STP & other
management and Electrical Infrastructure shall waste management systems will be done on

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


be ensured even after the completion of the basis of Annual Maintenance Contracts.
project. A copy of the same will be submitted as
soon as the waste management systems are
installed & operated before the project
comes into operational phase.
s) Different type of wastes should be disposed off a)Different type of solid waste will be
as per provisions of municipal solid waste, collected in colored bins (green, blue and
biomedical waste, hazardous waste, e-waste, dark grey) separate for bio-degradable and
non-biodegradable are proposed to be
batteries & plastic rules made under
provided at the strategic locations within
Environment Protection Act, 1986. Particularly the site and will be done according to solid
e-waste and Battery waste shall be disposed as waste management plan submitted too
per existing E-waste Management Rules 2011 SEIAA, Haryana.
and Batteries Management Rules, 2001. The b) Biodegradable waste will be subjected to
project proponent should maintain a collection composting. The inert solid waste will be
centre for E-waste and it shall be disposed of to transported to a local Solid Waste dumping
only registered and authorized dismantler as
c) E-waste and battery waste will be
per existing E-waste Management Rules 2011.
disposed off as per existing E-waste
Management Rules 2016 and Batteries
Management Rules 2001.
t) Standards for discharge of Environmental The entire standards for discharge of
pollutants as enshrined in various schedules of environmental pollutants will be followed as
rule 3 of Environment Protection Rule 1986 enshrined in various schedules of rule 3 of
shall be strictly complied with. Environment Protection Rule 1986 and
subsequent amendments.
u) The project proponent shall make provision for This will be followed.
guard pond and other provisions for safety
against failure in the operation of wastewater
treatment facilities. The project proponent
shall also identify acceptable outfall for treated
v) The project proponent shall ensure that the Stack Height of DG Sets will be maintained 6
stack height of DG sets is more than the highest m above the height of the tallest building or
tower and also, ensure that the emission as per CPCB norms. The emission standards
standards of noise and air are within the CPCB of noise & air will be within the CPCB
latest prescribed limits. Noise and emission prescribed limits.
level of DG sets greater than 800 kVA shall be
as per CPCB latest standards for high capacity
DG sets.
w) All electric supply exceeding 100 amp, 3 phase This will be followed.
shall maintain the power factor between 0.98
Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


lag to 1 at the point of connection.
x) The project proponent shall minimize heat This will be followed.
island effect through shading and reflective or
pervious surface instead of hard surface.
y) The project proponent shall not use fresh This will be followed.
water for HVAC and DG cooling. Air based
HVAC system should be adopted and only
treated water shall be used by project
proponent for cooling, if it is at all needed. The
project proponent shall use evaporative
cooling technology and double stage cooling
system for HVAC in order to reduce water
consumption. Further temperature, relative
humidity during summer and winter seasons
should be kept at optimal level. Variable speed
drive, best Coil type cooling DG sets shall be
used for saving cooling water consumption for
water cooled DG sets.
z) The project proponent shall ensure that the This will be followed at the time of
transformer is constructed with high quality transformer installation.
gain oriented, low loss silicon steel and virgin
electrolyte grade copper. The project
proponent shall obtain manufacturer’s
certificate also for that.
aa) Water Supply shall be metered to different Noted.
residential units and different utilities.
ab) The project proponent shall ensure that exit Agreed.
velocity from the stack should be sufficiently
high. Stack shall be designed in such a way that
there is no stack-down wash under any
meteorological conditions.
ac) The project proponent shall provide water Water sprinklers will be provided in lawn
sprinkling system in the project area to area and open area for the suppression of
suppress the dust in addition to the already dust during operation phase.
suggested mitigation measures in the Air
Environment Chapter of EMP.
ad) The project proponent shall provide additional This will be followed.
green area on terrace and roof top.
ae) The project proponent shall ensure proper Air This will be followed.
Ventilation and light system in the basement

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


area for comfortable living of human being and
shall ensure that number of Air Changes per
hour/ (ACH) in basement never falls below 15.
In case of emergency capacity for increasing
ACH to the extent of 30 must be provided by
the project proponent.
af) The project proponent shall install solar panel Agreed.
for energy conservation.
1. The Project proponent shall ensure the Agreed. Commitments made in Form-1,
commitments made in Form-1, Form-1A, Form-1A, EIA/ EMP and other documents
EIA/EMP and other documents submitted to submitted to SEIAA will be complied with. A
the SEIAA for the protection of environment copy of EMP Plan is attached as Annexure
and proposed environmental safeguards are VII.
complied with in letter and spirit. In case of
contradiction between two or more documents
on any point, the most environmentally
friendly commitment on the point shall be
taken as commitment by project proponent.
2. The project proponent shall also submit six Six monthly compliance reports is being
monthly reports on the status of compliance of regularly submitted to Haryana State
the stipulated EC conditions including results Pollution Control Board and Regional Office,
of monitored data (both in hard copies as well MoEF&CC, GOI, Northern Region,
as by e mail) to the northern Regional Office of Chandigarh and SEIAA, Haryana.
MoEF, HSPCB and SEIAA Haryana. Acknowledgement copy of previously
submitted compliance report is attached as
Annexure I.
3. STP outlet after stabilization and stack Agreed. The Copy of the Audit Reports on
emission shall be monitored monthly. Other Quaterly Basis (Oct- Dec 2018 and Jan- Mar
environmental parameters and green belt shall 2019) is attached as Annexure VIII.
be monitored on quarterly basis. After every
three months, the project proponent shall
conduct environmental audit and shall take
corrective measure, if required, without delay.
4. The SEIAA, Haryana reserves the right to add Agreed. The SEIAA Haryana reserves the
additional safeguard measure subsequently, if right to add additional safeguard measure
found necessary. Environmental Clearance subsequently, if found necessary.
granted will be revoked if it is found that false
information has been given for getting
approval of this project. SEIAA reserves the

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


right to revoke the clearance if conditions
stipulated are not implemented to the
satisfaction of SEIAA/MoEF.
5. The Project proponent shall not violate any Agreed.
judicial orders/ pronouncements issued by the
any Court/Tribunal.
6. All other statutory clearances such as the All the required and necessary permissions
approvals for storage of diesel from Chief have been obtained.
Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil a) NOC from Deputy Conservator of
Aviation Department, Forest Conservation Act, Forests has been obtained. Copy of
1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, the same has been submitted as
Forest Act, 1927, PLPA 1900, etc. shall be Annexure IX.
obtained, as applicable by project proponents b) Aravali NOC has also been obtained
from the respective authorities prior to and copy of the same has been
construction of the project submitted as Annexure X.
c) NOC from Airport Authority of India
has also been obtained. Copy of the
same has been submitted as
Annexure XI.
d) Other permissions regarding
operation phase will be obtained.
7. The project proponent should inform the An advertisement in two local newspapers
public that the project has been accorded was published to inform the public that the
Environment Clearance by the SEIAA and project has been accorded Environment
copies of the clearance letter are available with Clearance by the SEIAA, Haryana. A copy of
the State Pollution Control Board & SEIAA. This the same has been submitted in compliance
should be advertised within 7 days from the report Dec 2018.
date of issue of the clearance letter at least in
two local news paper that are widely circulated
in the region and the copy of the same should
be forwarded to SEIAA, Haryana. A copy of
Environment Clearance Conditions shall also
be put on project proponent web site for public
8. Under the provision of Environment Agreed.
(Protection) Act, 1986 legal action shall be
initiated against the project proponent if it was
found that construction of the project has been
started before obtaining prior environmental

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


9. Any appeal against this Environment Clearance Agreed.
shall lie with the National Green Tribunal, if
preferred, within a period of 30 days as
prescribed under Section 16 of the National
Green Tribunal Act, 2010.
10. Corporate Environment and Social Corporate Environment and Social
Responsibility (CSER) shall be laid down by the Responsibility (CSER) activities is attached
project proponent (2% shall be earmarked) as as Annexure XII.
per guidelines of MoEF, GoI Office
Memorandum No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I)
dated 18.05.2012 and Ministry of Corporate
Affairs, GoI Notification Dated 27.02.2014. A
separate audit statement shall be submitted in
the compliance. Environment related work
proposed to be executed under this
responsibility shall be undertaken
simultaneously. The project proponent shall
select and prepare the list of the work for
implementation of CSER of its own choice and
shall submit the same before the start of
11. The fund ear marked for environment This will be followed.
protection measures should be kept in separate
account and should not be diverted for other
purposes and year wise expenditure shall be
reported to the SEIAA/ RO MoEF, GoI under
rules prescribed for Environment Audit.
12. The project proponent shall ensure the Forest NOC has been obtained and a copy of
compliance of Forest Department, Haryana the same has been attached as Annexure IX.
Notification no. S.O 121/PA2/1900/S.4/97
dated 28.11.1997.
13. The project proponent shall ensure that no PUC certificate of the vehicles during
vehicle during construction/operation phase construction phase is attached as Annexure
enter the project premises without valid XIII.
‘Pollution Under Control’ certificate from
competent Authority.
14. Besides the Developer/applicant, the Agreed.
responsibility to ensure the compliance of
Environmental Safeguards/conditions imposed
in the Environmental Clearance letter shall also

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


lie on the licensee/licensees in whose
name/names the license/CLU has been granted
by Town and Country Planning Department,
15. The proponent shall upload the status of Agreed.
compliance of the stipulated EC conditions,
including results of monitored data on their
website and shall update the same periodically.
It shall simultaneously be sent to the Regional
Office of MoEF, the respective Zonal Office of
CPCB and the SPCB. The criteria pollutant
levels namely; PM2.5, PM10, SOx, NOx, Ozone,
Lead, CO, Benzene, Ammonia, Benzopyrine,
Arsenic and Nickel. (Ambient levels as well as
stack emissions) or critical sect oral
parameters, indicated for the project shall be
monitored and displayed at a convenient
location near the main gate of the company in
the public domain.
16. The environmental statement for each financial This will be followed.
year ending 31st March in Form-V as is
mandated to be submitted by the project
proponent to the HSPCB Panchkula as
prescribed under the Environment
(Protection) Rules, 1986, as amended
subsequently, shall also be put on the website
of the company along with the status of
compliance of the EC conditions and shall also
be sent to the respective Regional Offices of
MoEF by e-mail.
17. The project proponent shall conduct At every three months interval an
environment audit at every three months environmental audit has been conducted
interval and thereafter corrected measures and submitted with six monthly compliance
shall be taken without any delay. Details of report.
environmental audit and corrective measures
shall be submitted in the monitoring report.
18. The project proponent shall seek fresh Agreed.
environmental clearance in case any
modification/ revision is required at a later
stage due to exchange of revenue rasta existing

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


in the project area or change in any plan due to
combined zoning plan
19. The Validity of this environment clearance is Agreed.
valid up to 7 years from the date of issuance of
EC letter. The environment clearance
conditions applicable till life space projects in
case of residential project will continue to
apply. The resident welfare
association/Housing co-operative societies
shall responsible to comply conditions laid
down in EC. In case of Violation the action
would be taken as per the laid down law of
land. Compliance report should be sent to this
office till life of the project.
20. If project is not completed within the validity Agreed.
period then the project proponent shall submit
the application for extension of validity within
one month before the lapse of validity of
Environment Clearance i.e 7 years

B. Compliance of Conditions as mentioned in the NGT Order Dated 10.04.2015

S. No. NGT Order dated 10.04.2015 Status of Compliance

1. Every builder or owner shall put tarpaulin on Tarpaulin covers are being provided around the
scaffolding around the area of construction and area of construction, wherever required. All the
the building. No person including builder, owner construction material is stored within the project
can be permitted to store any construction site and is covered completely to avoid dust
material particularly sand on any part of the generation.
street, roads in any colony.
2. The construction material of any kind that is Construction material on site is fully covered using
stored in the site will be fully covered in all tarpaulin.
respects so that it does not disperse in the Air in
any form.
3. All the construction material and debris shall be The trucks carrying construction materials and
carried in the trucks or other vehicles which are debris are suitably covered by tarpaulin to prevent
fully covered and protected so as to ensure that dust generation.
the construction debris or the construction
material does not get dispersed into the air or
atmosphere, in any form whatsoever.
4. The dust emissions from the construction site Water sprinkling is being done regularly to control
should be completely controlled and all the dust emission. The construction material is
precautions taken in that behalf. being covered using tarpaulin.

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address

S. No. NGT Order dated 10.04.2015 Status of Compliance

5. The vehicles carrying construction material and Vehicles carrying construction material and
construction debris of any kind should be construction debris are being cleaned after
cleaned before it is permitted to ply on the road unloading the material and before leaving the site.
after unloading of such material.
6. Every worker working on the construction site All the safety measures for workers are being taken
and involved in loading, unloading and carriage during construction phase. Workers are provided
of construction material and construction debris with PPEs. Regular safety trainings are being
shall be provided with mask to prevent provided regularly to laborers.
inhalation of dust particles.
7. Every owner and or builder shall be under First aid facility is being provided at the
obligation to provide all medical help, construction site.
investigation and treatment to the workers
involved in the construction of building and
carry of construction material and debris
relatable to dust emission.
8. It shall be the responsibility of every builder to Construction material and debris waste is being
transport construction material and debris disposed off from construction site as per the
waste to construction site, dumping site or any Construction & Demolition Waste Management
other place in accordance with rules and in Rules, 2016.
terms of this order.
9. All to take appropriate measures and to ensure Regular sprinkling of water is being done on site and
that the terms and conditions of the earlier all other related measures of earlier order and this
order and these orders should strictly comply order are being strictly complied with.
with by fixing sprinklers, creations of green air
10. Compulsory use of wet jet in grinding and stone Wet jet in grinding and stone cutting is being used.
11. Wind breaking walls around construction site GI Sheet barricading is provided all around the
shall be provided. project site.

12. All the builders who are building commercial, Green area will be developed as per the landscape
residential complexes which are covered under plan submitted to SEIAA.
the EIA Notification of 2006 shall provide green
belt around the building that they construct. All
Authorities shall ensure that such green belts
are in existence prior to issuance of occupancy

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


Site visit was conducted along with team of NABL Accredited Laboratory “Chemical Analysis Lab”
for monitoring of the emission levels and contamination level of different parameters. The
monitoring and collection of samples were done as per CPCB Norms. Following parameters were
analyzed and observations are mentioned below. Monitoring results are attached as Annexure IV.

A. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring: Air Quality has been monitored in the month of Month 2019.
The levels of PM10 and PM2.5 are 284μg/m3 and 156μg/m3 respectively. SO2, NOx and CO was
also observed to be within the corresponding stipulated limits.

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring







PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOx CO Lead Ozone Benzene
CPCB Standard 100 60 80 80 4 1 180 5
Value on site 284 156 23.17 29.41 0.5 0.044 54.59 0.57

B. Ambient Noise Quality Monitoring: Noise measurements were carried out at the boundary of
project site and within the project site in the month of March 2019. Ambient standards with
respect to noise both for Lday and Lnight are met and all the parameters are within the
prescribed limits set by CPCB.

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address

Noise level at the boundary of project site

Lday (6.0 AM TO 10.0 Lnight (10.0 PM TO 6.0
Value at site in dB 53.42 42.89
CPCB Standard in dB 65 55

Noise level within theProject Site

Lday (6.0 AM TO 10.0 Lnight (10.0 PM TO 6.0
Value at site in dB 53.42 42.74
CPCB Standard in dB 65 55

C. Water Quality Monitoring: Water quality has been monitored in the month of March 2019. No
significant observation was made during the monitoring and analysis.All the parameters are
within the prescribed limits.

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address

Construction water Quality

ent of
ent of
0.02 N-
0.02 N-
NaoH to
H2So4 to
neutralize Suspende
neutralize Sulphate
100 ml. of Organics, Inorganic, Chloride d
100 ml. of as SO3. pH
water mg/l mg/l as Cl, mg/l matter, m
water mg/l
sample g/l
Value at Project Site 3.9 21 99 389 174 391 7.3 72
Limit as per CPCB 5 25 200 3000 400 0 0 2000

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh
Project Name Six Monthly Compliance report for Corporate Office Building
Project Proponent M/s Hyundai Motor India Ltd.
June 2019
Plot No. C-11 in City Center, Sector – 29 at Urban Estate – II, Gurugram,
Project Address


Following measures will be taken in the next six months to comply with the conditions as mentioned
in the Environmental Clearance letter:

1. Structure Work of STP and Rain water harvesting pits will be started
2. Water sprinkling will be increased so that fugitive dust emission gets reduced.
3. DG set to be used at construction site will be regularly monitored and servicing will be done.
4. Safety training provided to the workers will be increased.
5. Landscape development will be started.

Environment Aplinka Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Noida Uttar Pradesh

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