Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Project Proposal
Mosquito is an insect that does both good and bad for the environment. But nowadays it
becomes a problem for the students who are staying in the hall. Though the mosquito
problem is a common problem to the people who live in Dhaka mainly for lack of waste
management and unhealthy living condition, this problem is now threatening the hall life in
Dhaka University’s students. So, this project is for killing mosquito, clean the hall area and
suggesting vital treatment who are suffering from fever-like Dengue or Malaria.
2 Organisation of Profile
The project will be implemented in a manner that enriches the knowledge of the mosquito
population and students' health status with the day-to-day operational program. The program
organization reflects this need. The program organization will be formed so that there are
clear lines of responsibility and functional departments to provide all the services needed for
success. These include an operations unit, an entomological unit, a medical unit and a
financial controllership unit. The operations unit will be responsible for all equipment, all
aerial operations, all ground application of chemicals, all storage of equipment and supplies,
and all logistics. It will also facilitate practical training so that a group of student can also
participate in this project. An entomological unit will be responsible for all aspects of the
scientific analysis of the mosquito in the context of the project's operational needs, and to
satisfy project goals. This department will coordinate with the outside organization as needed,
like city corporation and especially the experts at Dhaka University. A medical unit will
address all the issues of malaria, dengue including assessing the program's performance and
progress in reducing the incidence of the mosquito problem. This will be done in cooperation
with units of the Ministry of Health, including local health clinics and hospitals where many
morbidity statistics originate. A financial controllership unit will also be established so that
the financial affairs of the program are well managed and there are performance
accountability and good stewardship of Program resources. The program will measure
progress in both operational and financial terms, and relate this to the economic benefit being
derived in the local economy as a result of the improved health environment.
A strong general management team needs to be in charge of and responsible for all aspects of
the program. The team must have expertise in all the functional areas that impact Program
outcomes, including technical operations (both ground and air), entomology, medical science,
training and management accountancy. The key positions are:
• General Manager
• Financial controller
• Manager – Air operations
Functional areas
The Project is organized into functional areas which need to have qualified and experienced
professionals who are fully capable of doing the work that needs to be done and also to train
local staff to take critical responsibility. The staff within a functional unit have clear
responsibility for the activities within the function. Each member of the team must good at
his or her work, but also needs to integrate that work with that of the other functional
departments. The success of the program depends on all the functions of doing the work that
is needed. Feedback between the departments is critical.
Dengue is taking an epidemic proportion in the capital and Dhaka University (DU) is not
excluded from the impact. An epidemic form of dengue and malaria are being reported from
the university, with students blaming mosquito menace for the situation.
“Earlier, it was just mites and bed bugs. But now, mosquito bites make it hard to sleep at
night. Also, there is the anxiety of contracting dengue,” a student of a residential hall told The
The problem is more evident in the “Gono rooms” (mass rooms) where 25-30 students live
together. As the rooms are piled and messy, the doors and windows are always open, giving
an easy way to mosquitoes can easily access in there. Even if students use mosquito repellent
coils, there is the risk of fire at night.
Given the alarming situation on campus, many students leave for their homes in the monsoon
period or the winter season. The reasons for mosquito infestation on campus are not hard to
find—bushes around residential halls are not clear, there is not proper garbage disposal and
sanitation system is so poor. As a result, just spraying pesticides is not helping curb the
winged menace. Meanwhile, the Dhaka University Medical Centre (DUMC) is failed to
provide proper treatment with four to five students coming in with high fever almost daily.
Sources said 57 students were admitted to DUMC between June 19 and July 24. Of them, 44
tested positive for dengue and were referred to hospitals. The medical centre itself is in very
poor condition. It doesn’t even have proper first aid facilities and source of fresh water. The
washrooms are dysfunctional and one can hardly find a nurse or doctor on duty.
There are only two ward boys, a peon and some staffs who double up as caretakers. They
complained that they have been hearing that the facilities will be upgraded and an 11-storey
building will be built for decades. “But the land earmarked to upgrade this medical centre is
taken up by the Metrology department’s observatory lab,” a staff said.
DUMC’s acting chief medical officer Dr Sarwar Jahan Muktafi said, “We don’t have any
resources in here. It’s just for primary treatment. As the dengue situation has worsened this
year, we are advising the students to seek treatment from proper hospitals.”
On the mosquito menace in the university, Proctor Professor Dr AKM Golam Rabbani said,
“We are concerned about the issue and working with the city corporation to curb it. Also, we
have allocated a budget for a pesticide spraying machine for each hall.”
DU is located in ward 21 of Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC). Mizanur Rahman, the
civic official responsible for curbing mosquito infestation in the ward, said, “Anti-mosquito
fog spray is done in each area after every two weeks. The outbreak of mosquitoes has
increased more than ever before. At present, we have no additional instructions to tackle the
situation. As per the rules, the medicine will be administered.”
4.Project Description
4.1 About Dhaka University
The University of Dhaka is the oldest in Bangladesh. Established in 1921 during the British
Raj, it has made significant contributions to the modern history of Bangladesh. After the
partition of India, it became a focal point of progress and movements against Pakistan. Its
students and teachers played a central role in the rise of Bengali nationalism and
the independence of Bangladesh. This campus is made over 240 hectares land ( without the
institutions of leather Engineering and technology. 2156 academic kinds of stuff and 3887
administrative kinds of stuff work here. As well about 30,000 students come regularly to take
academic courses. Two third of them take their accommodation in a different hall of Dhaka
University. Though it started with 3halls, it possesses 23halls and hostels now.
Last year about thousands of students and staff were affected by different types of mosquito
problems like Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow fever etc. Of them, malaria and
dengue were in horrific condition. The medical centre of the university is so poor that they
Though some pesticides and other types of the anti-mosquito chemical were applied
regularly, they were not working. Most of these were low branded products.
4.5 Objective
Objectives of this project are:
1. Focusing on the integration of novel control and cheap mosquito contamination
2. Repealing the mosquito larva.
3. Helping the sufferers by medical treatment, mosquito net and other necessaries.
4. Renew the hall rooms and make them neat and clean on daily routine basis.
5. Keep the nature unpolluted.
4.6 Activities
This project took to kill mosquitoes and parasites in the hall. Not only that the project also
proposes measures to change the hall's condition so that this problem cannot be returned. The
activities of this project are :
5. Implementation
As all the activities are discussed in the description part, here I will present an organised chart
which shows the implementation timeline as well framework. This project will take six
months with 4 crore budget issue. There are 23 halls in the university which needs to be
reformed as the planning design of the project. Here the project activities are divided into pre
months, concerned months and post months periods. That why here management has to
implement three types of framework. The budget is quite large because this project will cover
all the halls both inside and outside.
5.1 Timeline
Basically from June to August, this types of mosquito or insects problems are created more.
So, in this project June, July and August will be the concerned months. The project will start
in March and end in November. The timeline is
5.2 Framework
This project’s framework will be its design and the process of implementation. Here the
management system will be the main issue. Three types of manager will manage three kinds
of activities which will cover the following activities :
Flight operations
Flight operations define everything to do with aerial dimensions of the work, including
performance and safety. Safety not only relates to flying but also the use of chemicals and the
impact on the environment and the human population.
Mechanized operations are concerned with everything to do with the mechanical staffs of
insecticide and vector control.
Support for operations is delivered by a skilled managerial team and an inventory and
logistics team that is responsible for provisioning the program.
A program unit is engaged for all the work-related to the recruitment, training and operational
supervision of people undertaking manual applications.
Data collection
A data collection unit is responsible for activities associated with both entomological and
medical data needed to measure Program progress. The unit will coordinate with existing
organizations that are already collecting and using the needed data, as well as organizing to
collect additional data that will be required. The unit will also ensure that the data are reliable
and can be used responsibly by the Program.
Data analysis
A data analysis unit is responsible for the analysis of data and the drawing of conclusions
needed to operate the program in the most effective way. The unit has a very important
responsibility and will draw on expertise not only within the program team but also within
the professional community and the research and academic issues of Dhaka University.
Feedback and operational planning is the key to ongoing program optimization. Things that
work will be replicated, and things that do not work changed. The results of data analysis will
drive the planning so that ongoing results are good.
The program will establish a public presence as fast as possible so that the population and
leadership of the country and communities know what the program is trying to do and how
they can help. The program will encourage active feedback from the community about the
program and its performance.
It is hoped that personal security will not be a serious issue, but to the extent that it becomes
an issue, the program will take aggressive measures to ensure that the program staff are safe
The success of the program will be assessed internally continuously and the results will be
easily accessible by stakeholders. The impact of all the operations is measured in a very
timely way so that critical decisions about ongoing operations can be made based on
feedback from very recent activities and their latest impact. For the mosquito control
activities, the Program managers need to know almost in real-time how the population of
mosquitoes is responding to various spray interventions. Mosquito population information
needs to be collected from many locations, recorded in a suitable information system, and
tracked to understand cause and effect, and the next decisions that need to be made. This is
part entomology and part operations research or management science. A different set of
The accounting information must also be organized for use in the management information
model. This provides both information to help with decision making about Program activities,
and also feedback that ensures that fund flows are fully accounted for.
7. Programme Management
7.1 Organization
A medical unit will address all the issues of malaria, including assessing the performance and
progress of the program in reducing the incidence of malaria. This will be done in
cooperation with units of the Ministry of Health, including local health clinics and hospitals
where many morbidity statistics originate.
A financial controllership unit will also be established so that the financial affairs of the
program are well managed and there are performance accountability and good stewardship of
Program resources. The program will measure progress in both operational and financial
terms, and relate this to the economic benefit being derived in the local economy as a result
of the improved health environment.
7.2 Management
General management
A strong general management team needs to be in charge of and responsible for all aspects of
the program. The team must have expertise in all the functional areas that impact Program up
outcomes, including technical operations (both ground and air), entomology, medical science,
training and management accountancy. The key positions are:
• General Manager
• Financial controller
• Manager – Training
The Program is organized into functional areas which need to have qualified and experienced
professionals who are fully capable of doing the work that needs to be done and also to train
local staff to take critical responsibility. The staff within a functional unit have clear
responsibility for the activities within the function. Each member of the team must good at
his or her work, but also needs to integrate that work with that of the other functional
departments. The success of the program depends on all the functions of doing the work that
is needed. Feedback between the departments is critical.
The program will have excellence in accountancy as the foundation for transparency and
accountability. Critical data that are used for operational decisions will be made available in a
web-accessible database so that progress of the Program can be easily monitored by all
interested stakeholders and performance objectively assessed. Modern information
technology will be used with content optimized for management and oversight purposes.
Monitoring and evaluation will be done as an integrated part of the operational and
management processes so that costs can be related to results. Every month, managers and
staff will provide internal management information that relates entomological and medical
data with operational activities and operational costs. This will be an ongoing process that,
inter alia, aims to get the best results from scarce funding resources.
8. Sustainability
9 Budget
Budget for this project is based on total 5years financial need of 4 corers with an ongoing
requirement to sustain the mosquito problems estimated at 1 corer in a year. Here will be:
2. Further funding for the operations of the programme for a further four years.
The following table shows the possible mix of funding that would support the programme-
Source Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Multilatera 3000000 2000000 2000000 2000000 2000000
l funding agencies
Bilateral funding 2000000 1000000 1000000 1000000 1000000
Private 2000000 2000000 1500000 2000000 2000000
Corporate support 3000000 2000000 1500000 1500000 1500000
Though the Dhaka South City Corporation has implemented many programmes to control
mosquito problem, they ignored the halls of Dhaka University. Even the steps taken by the
university authorities were not sustained enough. This programme is a multidimensional and
large extent, truly integrated based on the past programme which was successful in this issue
There has been growing interest in funding mosquito problem like Dengue Control,
Malaria repellent, treatment for Chikungunya etc since the UN highlighted the Malaria crisis
in the 2005 MDG Programme report. In the achievement of Digital Bangladesh, Prime
Minister has emphasized that issue.
Moreover, many initiatives have already funded by private cooperations. Halls of Dhaka
University are the place where mosquito control programmes are important for the residential
students and other communities living in the hall. Its efforts to ensure a healthy environment,
healthcare of students and staffs, corporate social responsibility programmes and ultimately
makes the students more active.
University authorities are using their resource to the extent that they can fund for controlling
this problem but this fund is inadequate and limited. Overall faith-based support for mosquito
problem is likewise small, but growing as a result of being highlighted last year as one of the
most critical problems of Dhaka University.
9.2Budget Cost
Though we have taken 6 months in a year, we have to sustain this project through 5years for
its proper implementation. So, the financial costs are estimated at 5 corer minimum. It is
projected that the cost of the programme will be-
Startup mobilization
The Programme’s first need is for funding start-up and mobilization process including all the
preliminary work described in the start-up and mobilization section.
The programme’s requirement included air spraying, aircraft, pick up trucks, ground spraying
and ground spraying equipment, storage tanks for chemicals, storage facilities, security
equipment, and office equipment. If there needed any delivery charge this will be associated
in substantial costs. The hall should be upgraded so that they are suitable for all activities.
Operating cost
The operating cost is estimated to be 2 corers over five years. Initially, it needs expatriate
staffs but during this programme, this group will be phased down. The budget needed funding
for training so that phase-down can be carried out effectively.
The operating cost also included chemicals. It is to be noted that DDT, which is low cost and
high performed insecticide and spatial repellent chemical, might not be permitted because of
regulatory mandates. The issue of resistance will also be kept under scientific analysis.
The aerial operation has a high aggregate cost, but in terms of cost-effectiveness, the
performance of air operations is extremely low based on almost all metrics including the area
covered, number of students and mosquito kill rate. The aerial spray will be initiated in the
halls garden, narrow areas, behind the kitchen space and around the dustbins. More than 50%
of the budget will cost for chemical.
Since the project’s success depends to a very large extent, a substantial budget has been
allocated to management function. The programme needs a lot of data and for this, a group
among the students will be used and they will be paid for this.
2. Nesler, William, 1986, Economic Costs and Social Impact, Liberia: Schwenk, Inc.
3. Sarwar, M., 2014, Proposing Solutions for the control of Dengue Fever Virus carrying
Mosquitos (Diptera, Culicidae) Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes allopictus
( skuse), Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Studies.
7. News portal:
9. Irish, Al- Amin, Harbach, 2016, A review of the mosquito species (Diptera:
Culicidae) of Bangladesh.