Chop Suey!
Mary Hada
Little Lamb
The People
That We Love
St. Thomas
The Best'Lessons!
Oe ass
Chop Suey!
SO srearturouch arrist 118 META
st famous expr since ob and Doug Nice ad... Nickelbac . Nothing Else Matters
84 ce 4 ee ‘The People That
Ne ‘We Love
100 oun
St. Thomas
0 Mary Had a
Little Lamb
Piano Man
our getont aed
27 Sevendust
Breaking Point
Billy Sheetan
ke Stem
Tay taste
31 4azz JOINT
be MeLean
Gitar new on
ol ne strc paws
Recais in ee
Oe ht woeder
is et
ult es andreews
59 Peavey Triple XX
60 Fernandes Native Pro
62 BOSS RC-20 Loop Station
Cetn 12 entry
(68 WEAR & NOW
Extn ne eqdpment
Sve Sens
Hat ees
tof ck
178 FRET BUZZFirst Note
Mark of Growth —
Qs aa
Gultar One covers? Ai
Creed guitarist Mark
Tremonti is true, With
the issue you nov hold
inyour hands, Tremont
makes his third cover
appearance in a short
bbut immensely successful eareer spanning litle aver four yeas,
Tremonti fistadorned our cover in December 1988, ack hen, Creed was enjoying rock
prosperity for the first time: Thee debut album, My Ou Prison, was exploding across the
country on the strength ofits ike"My Own Prison” “Torn,” and “Whats This Life For.” At
the time of his rst conversation with Gultar One, everthing was fresh and nev tothe wide
eyed guitarist:"We got thrown into this. We were four litle riends playing ina band, and
the nex thing you know. we were in New York City playing for 20 record labels. And now it
seems ike playing fr record labels is nothing, You ust grow” And grow they i. My Qu
Prison went on to produce four #1 hits and sell more than five million copies
levers monthslater Tremonti found himselfbackon the cover of Guitar One(NOVI)
«lscussing the release of Crees second alum, Human Clay. “Life now fs much diferent
than it used tobe.” he state at that time. "We've al grow tpl
these past couple of years, and that’s reflected on this album.” The
{guitarist talked openly about the enormous success of Aly Own
Teqgca goon
ots Satna To ka,
Prison, what fans couldexpect rom Human Clayandhistong-term
goal for Creed: "The only thing missing from my life the level
respect that ‘super’ rock band woul get—ke Metallica, But you
gotta earn it frst. And I donit think we'll ear that respect until
prove our longevity” Of course, Tremonti had no idea atthe time
{hat Human Clay woul sel over 10 milion copies and spawn the
‘megahits “Higher” and "With Arms Wide Open,
Creed that much closer to the rarfied airofbandslke Led Zeppe
and Metallica, and Tremont closer to the respect he so desired
Fastforward tothe present 'm pleased to present our read
he dise brought
cerswith the third—and1 believe the best—instllment ofthe Mark
Tremonti trilogy. On the eve of the release of Creed's third album, Weathered, the gut ‘Sargae Rts
tarist sat down with Executive Editor Bob Gulla to talk about everything from his new i Stone
found admiration for the blues of Stevie Ray Vaughan and Buddy Guy (se p. 100) to his Pnooucrion cooRomaTon
bass-playing duties in the studio and what lies ahead for Creed—ane of rock’ big
But grow isthe key word here. We feel that the growth of Creed has coincided wit
the growth of Guitar One. Each of Tremonti’ frst two cover appearances marked a hug
milestone for the magazine, Our December 1998 ise say Our f
six to nine issues per year. And Guitar One oficially became a monthly magazine with
‘our November 1999 issue. Since then, we have continued to evolve into one ofthe most
diverse and educationally minded music magazines on the marke, And, with the help of
s7ea guitar players ike Mark Tremonti, we eel weve become one ofthe freshest and most
Friis wel Digi Fe
issn Bale
& Sto he winner ofthe OCT Whois Gand Giana, Allon Kendlof Greensboro, NC:
$10,600 pre packag ‘utare drome ampa, merophores spe
dimontors~couroey of Anat, Aoeg, Crate, Aiea and Gul” OreNoise & Feedback.
psnlophimees Canyoushowmesomeother | diverse hard rockers to come out ofthat | halt-raising elements of Bettencourt style
intervals chat lean se to open up my Lines?
Jerry Hetcher
Most excellent question’ Since youtealready
sng dhs in your leads, you Tikely have &
prety modern sound happening, You may
have also noticed tharjazz geniuses ranging
om Joe Diorio so Mike teen excel at this
proach! For yar purposes, le’ look
toward expanding your interval arsenal by
turing into wider terriiory—interals of
Sts and Gt, for instance
A it relates (0 the C major scale, the
interval ofa si can he most easily ration
ined by counting seale steps irom the
nic(C)uptothesth scale tone (G),Allthe
Sths shat occur naturally inthe C scale
ese are referred to as petect Shs (P).
Meanie, the note pair B-F isrefered 1
sthvor diminishedth (aka. titone
an, take a crack at analyzing Fig. I
i reminisceat of Steve Vai and John
erucelsleadwork—andsee ifyoucan find
where each of the aforementioned Sths
cur across the leetboard
Dirgrapingfor the nexthigher ses tone
er the note Gin elation tothe Cseale, we
aera eve aninterval called a6th—inthiscase,
PE = Soong, Due te aig tena
ie fentofthe majorscate 6thsoceurin two
aa jes when used to harmonize the scale:
ors YA) and minoe 6s). The
ic ypesofésinherentto the major
Sisto ae indicated in Fig. 2
Other means of achieving interest
alc pater result from intpratng 8
of efferent intervals into a specific
dshape,thenusingitiooutine other
that occur nat sa ey nF
ible pattern—acombinationofSths.
Saeed and this used .oimplyan.Am
beats 1 und 2 and is hen restated
Sai in higher rgions of de fretboard
wand Ferd. you feeling
Soverurous try crating some of your oom
posers by ming up interval types as You
point. Ato poiex—or from the
(Is sting. And Temember: The
ofines you eeate, Good luck.
ear Guitar One:
gt fa of "80s hard ruck, and my
jearist {ram that era is Nuno
(out fot Extreme. Can you sbowme
ature Hicks?
Honald Pintabone
Cyst City Missouri he ee
“uany 2002 G1 The Magesine You Con Ply 23,fs his ability to create insane two-han
tapping passages—free ofthe typical ple.
Dasedlichés. lisdeep understandingofthe
guitar’ fethoard enabled him to play the
«hanges with his tappingshapes—asingdit
ferent arpeggios to outline each chord
‘change ina partculac song's solo seetion. A
prime example of this occurs in the ely
moments af Hettencoutts staggering "Get
the Funk Out” solo (2:35-3:04). (See Guitar
‘OneDECIO| fora complete transcription)
To get deeper understanding of the
rmechanies behind Nuno's tapping tech:
Noise & Feedback
niques, take a gander at the Nuno-esque
tapping lick presented in Fig. 4—a spiral:
{ng tapped phrase fearuringdilferent nver
sionsofaCmajortriad (> 1-G)vallof whieh
tre arranged in a three-notes-per.string
format along strings 1-3. In the second
measure, a similar pattern Is used, only
tefingered in a mance thar outlines a D
‘minor triad (D-F-A),
Another element of Hettencourt’s lead
style thars not so frequenty explored Is his
use of digital delay to generate staggering
single-note lines, lathe intzo co "He-Man
Woman Hater” (a.k.a. “Flight of the
Wounded Humblebee"i, Nuno would also
often utilize this approach in his unaccom:
panied guitar solo segment in live Extreme
shows. In Fig, 5, adelayis eto deliver asin
ple repeat eedhnack’ set to"U") very 875,
mnilseconds. The outpatof the delay should
lsu be setat 100 percent,sothe echo repeats
‘match your guitars wolume. Ata tempo of
120 beats per minute, this delay configu
tion generatesanecho three L6thnutesaler
the inivial atack, meaning fyouplay some
thing on beat 1, an echo will occur at
‘one-ee-and-h.” If you play wsingle-note
phrase in steady eighth notes using this
delay setting, these echoes sil Hiterally fil
inthe geps of vou ines, eransformingthem
into ultea-cpeedy t6th-nnte licks!
esr Guitar One:
1ve had my guitar for about a year now, ad
blackresidueisstartngtoaccurmlate near the
fies How can gecridofthisgunk.anddovou
have any tps on fretboard maintenancet
Bryee Miller
Shenandoah, Pennsyleania
Dear Bryce!
That gunkisprabablya melange ot body ul
sweat, dit, and whatever sticky heverages
you may have nearby whenever you play
The good news is that its a snap to clean,
Feeiboards are most commonly made of
rosewood (which ean range in color from
chocolate to reddish brown), maple (pale
yellow), of ebony franging from choedlate
to black), Maple frerboards always have a
shulny Iaequer finish, and they're the easiese
to clean. Any ight guitar polish will simul
taneously dissolve the gunkand leavea thin
protective coat of waxon the finish. Puta
tle on a elean cloth and wipe firmly across
the fretboard and your gunk will be histor:
Rosewood aiid ebony Lretboards are
almost always unlisted: the one excep:
tion to the rule is found on Rickenbacker
‘guitars, which feature lacquezed rosewood
Jnfinished wood requitesadit
ferent approach, In fact, guitar polish Is
something you don't want on eaw wood, a5
the wax wil clog the wood pores and tend
Lacolleet more gunk-The appropriate treat.
rt is lemon oil, aailable in any guitar
shop oF your local hardvsare store. ewwon't
take much lemon ol to dn the job a small
drop per fret is more than enough. Use a
clean rag to wipe it off and simultaneously
femove the accumulated gunk, Lemon oll
wil dissolve the dir and soak into the ras
svond, keeping other isis out ofthe wood
pores. (his will tend to stabilize the Ie
board in extreme weather conditions since
the lemon oll won't evaporate as wacer
For esteme cases of encrusted gunk on
ingwithafarpieceofplastcsuch asan expiredoccasionally say to each other in the studio, ‘Man, what
Seen nn can re
SU ener re cna
pete ees
sieve Ree Ne
snoty the other half ofthe quintet’ brutal guitar tag team. “There
pee presen EST cera a
*oached differently, We weren't quite as good at what we were
seen ORT
aarti ent Dent RS et
serene emetic
Fanart eee eer Seto
eee cette ae ener
The Ben Grosse-produced Animasityleaturesfeto
cous rhythmic attacks and pile-drivingrifs.on tracks
eerie eartr benre ea
pomeeererent ret eres
pape nee Ctr ee
pentane ree ce
Perret etc ccs
ire cos
Pete ent)
Perna eu
reece arn
ere reny
lose bond with Snot during
eine toe es
rere en
an eT ca)
area a
‘think people were understanding
eet ray
ery kee
nero ny
peer at restr
ee ere es TS
eens retr rt crs
eeetne recy
ery and Connollyassure they Halways
maar eT
+ the meantime, they have no plans
Speer a
meen te Cie cna
Peer nen RCC Tg
o want that edge to our
Says Lowery, “But wee big fans of that more
ieee none
eee ees
acme ere
pone eRe s TU ol
eet aS
eer oneOpening Axe
Having played bass alongside verienily hecom
some of the greatest guitar uniquein hat my approach to
players on the planet over the i
teComoression hismewrolease You've worked with countess
‘onwhichhemakes his debuts guitar legends. Telus about them,
2 guitarist,
‘ell ue abou ily Sheehan te
nothing he couldn't do on
After fronting separate death metal most
bands in high school in influenced my play
‘Memphis, Tenn, trash Ing—I was a speed
master lustinRimer and player. It still shines
Zeppelin disciple Brett through, even thou note—justalitle pe ~
Erickson didn't cross what we do fs n sonal projeet forse >
paths again until eight heavy. Now, I just tr discipline
years later, when 2 for
tultous encounter at
8 local music store
sparked a string of jam
sessions. Despite their
that fuses moshable
riffing and heartfelt
‘melodie tensibility
‘men you fist get
Int the guitar? chords, hell
Hendler that saved alli
high schoo! unch money You guys dwt seem ata 0 soo
Jidniteat forthe irs'semester— | Brett Ifit'stasteful and needs
to buy my first guitar, It was | bethere,then one ofuswillsolo
ony that wouldnt | but you cant
Justin: | starced playing when 1
tan bane? Roadstae
we are your biggest guitar
Justin ett, James another way to snOpening Axe
SONG: “Maiden Voyage,’ from Herbie
Hancock's Maiden Voyage (Blue Note)Opening
hen San Francisco guitarist
Tommy Castroran into John Lee
Hooker a couple of years ago, the
fe legend greeted him with
“Everywhere | go they're talkin’
about you” Without question,
more mere mortals should, too,
From 1985's Exception tothe Rule
(lind Pig) to his latest blast of
fatback R&B, Guilty of Love (on
which John Lee guests), Castro
hes been copping deep grooves,
Squeezing out funky blues licks
that really count, and singing like
‘hip Memphis soul man. His play
Ing is devoid of flash, bursting
with power, emation, and his die
Linctive tone. A camplete must
‘ian, Castrois emerging as one of
{he finest songwriters in the genre,
Your sling is rhythmically a strong asthe
vera band sound
dowith thesmall
sizeof the group. the the drums and the
oer instruments so well that ike to have
ute notes lack in
Your playing seems tobe evohving.
122.8. Kingon ourplayafewnotes
hw say, "Why ean’ Ido that
oundsso good tojustlet the ir
1s Youtegoingto have those
ie trying to get over and
ngand you end up playing
oA a7 \(-
that when he got nervous he just started
Playing relly as.
No esrespect, ut he must have been
nervous 2 a
How as this teen reflected on
‘he record?
think my playingon this recondis,
closer 1o my personality | had @
tendency to go too far over tothe
rock side on previous recordings,
thinking its what people want
Another thing that has influenced
iny playing is that 1 have become
friends with Carlos Santana, and
have been hanging out and jam
ming with him. thave been a fan of his for
«Tong time, and Te noticed that | some
mes sound litle ike him onaminor-key
blues. Hereminded me that a Latin guy
boeing of Portuguese descent and he even
played some soulful Portuguese music with
AMrican rhythms for me, We had actualy
‘metafew years back andheistheonewho
suggested I do a cover of “Chairman ofthe
Board” on Right as Rain [Bind Pig
grat choice. Tat tue sounds ke you mote it
Some people think did! They call me"The
Chairman.” If Frank Sinatra was still
und and heard that, Fd probably be in
trouble aug. ave uy
New Blues Releases
Joe “Guitar” Hughes. Stuff Like That
(Blues Express) Tough Texas blues from a
Lone Sta legend
BB. King A Christmas Celebration of
‘Hope (NCA) The King’s fist dsc of bluesy
and traditional Christmas classics,
Rab McCullough Belfast Blues (Iie
Storm) Big blues from Ireland by way ofthe
American South
Kid Ramos Greasy Kid's Stuff
(Evidence) Axeman James Harmon gets
Jiggy with guest harpists
Various Artists Biue Xmas (ividence)
Cool Christmas elassies performed as
instrumentals by Son Seals, Otis Rush,
Tommy Castro, Rusty Zinn, Michael
Burks, and others
Various Artists Get the Blues! (ARM)
Blues sampler from the Blues Music
Assocation, including Stevie Ray Vaughan,
Robert Cray Ru Burnside, Walter Trout and
Otis Taylor.
Various Artists Rhythm Room Blues
{ightone) Selection ohot tacks recorded
ata Phoenix blues elu,
Lonnie Shields
Terra Blues, New York City
It asa night fr bes guitarists unafraid
tooperate outside the couboy-hatted Strat-
slinger box. Local bluesman Irving Lous
Latien opened with solo set of striking,
‘mostly original contemporary RAB material
‘on his chorused electri guitar. Singing with
conviction and authority he was the perfect
Prelude to contemporary Mississippian
Lonnie Shields and his quartet, featuring
guitarist Billy Batterea, bassist Jimmy
Pritchard, and drummer Chris Sherlock
‘Shields commanded the stage with his
charismatic presence, impassioned vocals,
and thumb-powered syncopated rhythm gu
tar that at times was reminiscent of Jimmy
Nolen. He began with the minorkey Latin
rove of Fistul of Dollars the stat sev-
fetal numbers trom his Rooster Blues album
Portrait. alternating between an Ibanez
[Artist anda black Les Paul Custom, Shields
Claimed his tur a funky sou! man with
‘deep blues roots az Hil Johnny Taylor,
4nd Tyrone Davis. The highlight was an
extended, “sancti” version of “The Trl
Gone! where hestoled int the audience,
stopping to serenade the lovely laces while
‘working ahanatul choice bives scale notos
Into riveting emotional statement. Dk
weeuff Like That
ues froma
a Frankenstein” says John McLean,
fedration of Jescribinghisone- off semi-hollewbod
sco osy itar—a Gibson ES-835 body mated
sis, 1 a 356 neck. “It wasnt just slapped
acther, though; somebody custom
4 Blues (Blue fered it from the factory I've enjoyed
by way ofthe ingthis guitar for 20 years:i"sgotsueh
nusual vibe.” MeLean’s moder jazz
tion, with its carefully conjoined
kid's Stuft ‘onentsof nimble lecttie ebopping
- Harmon gets Steet acoustic rhapsodizing evinces
(Lean cecallshisfirstencounterwith
nas (Fvidence) ‘fy earliest lessons were witha Long,
performed as 72 guitars Jus listening to hit
Dis Rush me excited about jaz. Iwas about
a, Michael he time—way too young to be
ing the Village Vanguard—so I got
theough recordings. Fusion
ves! (NARMD heavy kind of muse, was happen
Blues Music «il got started by listening to guys
ay Vaughan, an MeLaughlin
Trout.and graduated from the venerable
eof Music, MeLean migrated
herein 1988 hereceiveda Master of
m Room Blues Music degree from the University of Mian
seconded ited guitarist enlightened univer
1 hereafter Living in the Nort,
igh. MeLean began to feel
udents were of Jrums), MeLean deftly renders
quali butiherewasno LT Standards Blue In Green
Miter thre years of Ticvasoraseeerane | SWING SETS
needed to go cise srinalcompostions conn” | Mew Jazz Releases
oy nated Stat i aive int playing . at Chancee among others
man ing Lous relocated to Chica \wivulltheacclanedgutaris [| Jean Paul Bourelly Jungle Cowboy
0 set ot sik ished himself a8 for wait so long t step ito te {Wver a: Winter) Exqusitely pack
ary RAB Mat ideman,accompanying fround?"Asaleaderthethingllove f)-aged fresh fusion dise from the intre
tar. Singing with tricia Barber and Terry nest fs playing in live situations, [pid global six-stringer
me was the perfec «thorn players such as rather than the removed processof
ry Mississippian roman Randy Brecke ocumentinga physiealact inthe | Fred Frith/Massacre Meftdown
cuarte, featuring Me later McLeanhas Studio Forme. recording sstaie, |) (Teadik)Ablisteringlive performance
bassist Jimmy nore than 20 record ikeposingioraphoto. hope that [J by the improvising superstrio of Frit,
"Chris Sherlock Vly revently released his, in listening to my CD people will sense | [Bill Laswell, and Charles Hayward.
se stage with his vondicader Fasy'Go, With the | more Walker Evans than Annie Liebowitz.” | [| Recorded at Robert Wyatt's Meltdown
reasoned vor aE a Nase ea fine image eptred bythe former, | fl Fesval 200 in London
Saco ot a9 ron ean Shlomi anys aarmmates |) Bucky Pearl Swing Live Chest
miners maser datated crepe
arth tattser from the logan old-school maste
reuse came AT THE IMPROV -