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ASHP Peds Guidelines

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Medication Therapy and Patient Care: Specific Practice Areas–Guidelines   287

ASHP Guidelines for Providing

Pediatric Pharmaceutical Services in
Organized Health Care Systems
Patient care consists of integrated domains of care, including Inpatient Services
medical care, nursing care, and pharmaceutical care. The
provision of pharmaceutical care involves not only medi- A lack of availability of commercially prepared dosage
cation therapy but decisions about medication selection, forms, combined with the documented risk of calculation
dosages, routes and methods of administration, medication errors, requires the use of comprehensive unit dose drug
therapy monitoring, and the provision of medication-related distribution systems and intravenous (i.v.) admixture services
information and counseling to individual patients.1 The for pediatric patients. Appropriate dosage standardization in
pediatric patient population poses some unique challenges both oral and parenteral drug distribution systems may
to the pharmaceutical care provider in terms of these med- facilitate the provision of these services.
ication-related activities. These challenges include the lack
of published information on the therapeutic uses and moni- Unit Dose System. The pediatric unit dose system must meet
toring of drugs in pediatric patients; the lack of appropriate the original intent of these systems, which is to minimize
commercially available dosage forms and concentrations of errors and provide drugs to the patient care areas in ready-
many drugs for pediatric patients; and the resulting need to to-administer form. Multidose containers and stock medica-
develop innovative ways of ensuring that the patient receives tions should be avoided. An extemporaneous preparation
the drug in a manner that allows the intended therapeutic service should facilitate the preparation and packaging of
effect to be realized.2 These guidelines are intended to assist medications according to sound compounding principles.
pharmacists in meeting the special needs of the pediatric
patient in any organized health care setting. I.V. Admixture Service. The drugs provided by the i.v.
admixture service should include all i.v. push, i.v. minibag,
General Principles intramuscular, and subcutaneous doses; large-volume
injections; antineoplastic agents; parenteral nutrient fluids;
The pharmacy service should be organized in accordance ophthalmic products; peritoneal dialysis solutions; and
with the principles of good management. It should be under irrigation fluids. Knowledge of pediatric fluid requirements
the direction of a pharmacist and be provided with suffi- and limitations, drug administration techniques and devices,
cient physical facilities, personnel, and equipment to meet and acceptable volumes for intramuscular injection is
the pharmaceutical care needs of the pediatric population. critical. Care should be taken when making dilutions to
Resources necessary for compounding and testing alterna- maximize concentrations of drug products (when safe to do
tive doses and dosage forms of commercially available prod- so) for fluid-sensitive patients, as well as to minimize hyper-
ucts are essential. The pharmacy should comply with all ap- osmolar solutions that might lead to destruction of vascula-
plicable federal, state, and local laws, codes, statutes, and ture or, in the neonate, intraventricular hemorrhage. Quality
regulations.3 The setting should meet applicable accredi- controls for both manually prepared and computer-driven
tation criteria of the Joint Commission on Accreditation preparation should exist to ensure that each product contains
of Healthcare Organizations. Organizations such as the the ingredients ordered and that they are properly labeled.
National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Knowledge of products that contain benzyl alcohol and the
Institutions, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the risks of this substance in neonates is essential in a pediatric
Pediatric Pharmacy Administrative Group are useful sources i.v. admixture service.
of further information on pediatric health care services. The labels of all products should be evaluated for
legibility, clarity of expression, and their potential for lead-
ing to a medication error.5 Labels should include the drug
Orientation and Training Programs name; the drug concentration; the route of administration;
the expiration date or time; appropriate instructions for
Orientation, training, and staff development programs for administration, additional preparation, and storage; and the
pharmacists providing services to pediatric patients should lot number (if a batch-prepared product).6
emphasize dosage calculations, dosage-form selection
appropriate to the patient’s age and condition, and specialized
drug preparation and administration techniques. Pharmacists Ambulatory Care Services
should be familiar with the pharmacokinetic and pharma-
codynamic changes that occur with age (e.g., in volume of Ambulatory care pharmacy services should be attentive to
distribution, protein binding, renal elimination, metabolism, the unique drug needs of the pediatric patient. These include
muscle mass, and fluid requirements) and with disease- the need for special dosage forms (e.g., liquids and chew-
specific conditions that might affect drug choice or admin- able tablets), measuring devices, and detailed counseling on
istration (e.g., short-gut syndrome, lactose intolerance). A drug administration. When product stability is a problem,
sensitivity to the nature, frequency, and severity of medication- caregivers may have to be taught how to prepare an appropri-
related errors in the pediatric population is important for all ate dosage form in the home. Consideration must be given
pharmacy personnel.4 to taste and the need for an extra prescription container to
288   Medication Therapy and Patient Care: Specific Practice Areas–Guidelines

be taken to school or daycare. Children should be included The prevention of accidental ingestion of medications should
whenever possible in discussions concerning their medica- also be emphasized. The benefits of educational programs are
tions. In the ambulatory care setting, the pharmacist is well best realized when a cooperative multidisciplinary approach
positioned to play a role in preventive health care, including is used. Sharing of pertinent information by all participants
poison prevention and immunization.7 is fundamental to the success of patient education services.9

Drug Information Medication Errors

Drug information services should provide the pharmacist Systems for the recognition, documentation, and prevention
practicing in the pediatric setting with information unique of medication errors are essential for the pediatric population.
to the pediatric population. References should include Pharmacist participation in quality-improvement committees
pediatric medical texts and current information on pediatric and the participation of pharmacists, nurses, physicians, and
dosages, extemporaneous formulations, drug compatibilities risk managers are important in minimizing medication errors
and stability, poison control, and drug effects during preg- in pediatric patients. The development and enforcement of
nancy and lactation. Drug information should be available policies and procedures for minimizing medication errors
in areas where decisions are being made about drug therapy. are essential. Pediatric patients are especially vulnerable
Literature supporting the use of drugs for unlabeled uses to errors caused by mistakes in calculations. Pharmacists
in pediatric patients should also be available.8 Pharmacists should recognize that since some commercially available
should provide other health care professionals with informa- products are available in strengths that can be potentially
tion on new and investigational drugs, adverse effects of and toxic to a pediatric patient, special scrutiny of these products
contraindications to drug therapy, compatibility and stability is necessary.5
information, dosage computations, pharmacokinetics, and drug
interactions. This may be accomplished through educational Adverse Drug Reactions
presentations, seeing patients in conjunction with other care-
givers (“rounding”), and printed materials (e.g., newsletters). Pediatric patients frequently have the same kinds of adverse
drug reactions that adults have, but adverse reactions in
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring the pediatric population may be harder to recognize or of
greater or lesser intensity. The lack of literature on newly
Therapeutic drug monitoring enables assessment of thera- introduced therapeutic agents makes it imperative to monitor
peutic outcomes and recognition at the earliest moment of an experience with new drugs initially used in the pediatric popu-
undesirable response to a drug. Both desired and undesired lation. Comprehensive adverse drug reaction monitoring and
effects should be documented. The person performing thera- reporting programs are important in reducing the occurrence
peutic drug monitoring should take into consideration the of these reactions in pediatric patients.10
age-related differences in dosage when recommending or
reviewing drug therapy. Drug-Use Evaluation

Pharmacokinetic Services Drug-use evaluation should be directed at drugs with a low

therapeutic index that require extensive monitoring, those
For both oral and injectable drugs, pharmacokinetic services that are responsible for serious medication errors in the
should ensure that the drug has been administered appropriately institution, and those that are found to be associated with
before samples are taken for the measurement of serum drug high frequency of preventable adverse drug reactions. Cost-
concentrations. The frequency and timing of sampling should related issues may also become important in the evaluations,
also be monitored to avoid excessive and traumatic sampling in since many expensive drugs are not available in package
children. Knowledge of age-related differences in absorption, sizes appropriate for the pediatric patient.
distribution, metabolism, and elimination is essential for the
pharmacist who is involved in pharmacokinetic services for Research
pediatric patients. The collection and publication of accurate
pharmacokinetic data on the pediatric population are encouraged. Pediatric patients have long been recognized as “therapeutic
orphans” because of a relative absence of therapeutic trials
Patient and Caregiver Education in this patient population. The reasons for this are numerous
and include ethical issues, potential adverse publicity, possible
Pharmacists should counsel and educate patients and care- litigation, methodological hurdles, and an inability to justify
givers about their medications, including the purpose of each such studies for economic reasons. Nonetheless, the need for
medication, dosage instructions, potential drug interactions, timely and effective research on medication safety, effi-
potential adverse effects, and any specific age-related issues cacy, and practical application in the pediatric population is
(e.g., compounding and diluting techniques, measuring and compelling. The paucity of pediatric drug information, the
administration instructions). Caregivers should be informed impact of new drug delivery systems, the expansion of adult
of any drug products for which crushing, chewing, dividing, diseases (such as AIDS) into the pediatric population, and
or diluting should be avoided. Suggestions about masking expanded applications of new and established therapeutic
the taste of an unpleasant medication should also be pro- agents are all areas warranting additional research. The
vided. Administration of products, including ophthalmics, pediatric pharmacist can be directly involved in collabora-
otics, inhalers, and injectables, should be demonstrated. tion with other health care providers in conducting pediatric
Medication Therapy and Patient Care: Specific Practice Areas–Guidelines   289

research. Examples of pediatric research topics include, but 3. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP
are not limited to, the following: guidelines: minimum standard for pharmacies in
institutions. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1985; 42:372–5.
• Safety and efficacy of drug products in pediatric patients; 4. Folli HL, Poole RL, Benitz WE, et al. Medication er-
• Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of new ror prevention by clinical pharmacists in two children’s
medications; hospitals. Pediatrics. 1987; 79:718–22.
• Stability, safety, and efficacy of extemporaneously 5. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP
compounded sterile and nonsterile drug products; guidelines on preventing medication errors in hospitals.
• Safety and efficacy of administration techniques; Am J Hosp Pharm. 1993; 50:305–14.
• Comparative evaluations of medications addressing 6. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP
treatment regimens, outcomes of therapy, and their technical assistance bulletin on single unit and unit
relative costs; dose packages of drugs. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1985;
• Behavioral and socioeconomic compliance issues in 42:378–9.
pediatric pharmaceutical care; and 7. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP
• New and existing pharmacy drug distribution systems technical assistance bulletin on the pharmacist’s role
and services for pediatric patients. in immunization. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1993; 50:501–5.
8. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP
Examples of direct involvement include statement on the use of medications for unlabeled
uses. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1992; 49:2006–8.
• Serving as a member of an institutional review board; 9. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP
• Maintenance, oversight, and dissemination of all guidelines on pharmacist-conducted patient counseling.
information on investigational drug studies and com- Am J Hosp Pharm. 1993; 50:505–6.
parative trials involving medications in the pediatric 10. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP
population; and guidelines on adverse drug reaction monitoring and
• Maintenance, coordination, and oversight of policies reporting. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1989; 46:336–7.
and procedures involving investigational drug studies
and comparative trials involving medications in the
pediatric population. Approved by the ASHP Board of Directors, April 27, 1994.
Developed by the ASHP Council on Professional Affairs.
Copyright © 1994, American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Inc.
1. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP All rights reserved.
statement on pharmaceutical care. Am J Hosp Pharm.
1993; 50:1720–3. The bibliographic citation for this document is as follows: American
2. Pediatric Pharmacy Administration Group Committee on Society of Hospital Pharmacists. ASHP guidelines for providing pe-
Pediatric Pharmacy Practice. Pediatric pharmacy practice diatric pharmaceutical services in organized health care systems.
guidelines. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1991; 48:2475–7. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1994; 51:1690–2.

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