Diskusi Klasikal Kak Vica
Diskusi Klasikal Kak Vica
Diskusi Klasikal Kak Vica
1. Fishermen ...... a living from the Citarum, but now the only thing 10. ... of heavy industries is equivalent to self dependence.
they catch is plastic. A. Present C. Presence
A. Used to making B. Presentations D. To present
B. Are used to making
C. Use to make 11. most efficient industrial plans are that ones able to attain high and
D. Used to make rapid rates of ....
A. Economics grow
2. Industrial technology ... could be easily digested from developed B. Economical grow
countries is intensively advanced compared by the agriculture C. Economical growth
technology. D. Economic growth
A. Which C. Of which
B. That D. Whose 12. This is due to the .... of accumulated increased production, with
high value, which leads to increase of income consequently savings
3. This could be interpreted as the ...... for utilization of utmost and reinvestment
technical and scientific development produced by developed A. Affect C. effect
countries. B. Affects D. Effective
A. Continuous need
B. continuously need 13. It is equally important .... the profit objective particularly.
C. Continuously needs A. Knowing C. Knew
D. Need continue B. Knowingly D. To know
4. Limited progress in neighbouring societies is achieved in case of 14. The time lag between bringing the factors of production into use .....
developing the ... the marketing of the product.
A. Sector agricultural A. Or C. To
B. agriculture sector B. And D. Nor
C. Sector agriculture
D. agriculturally sector 15. .... the most advantagous combination is not necessarily the one
with the lowest total cost of factors.
5. Countries ..... the problem of increasing population, natural A. That it is abvious
resources, should depend on industrialization B. It is abvious that
A. Faced C. To face C. There is abvious that
B. Facing D. Have faced D. That is abvious
6. Developing countries .... their growing industries by applying taxes 16. The transformation to the ...... state includes the transfer of
A. Could easy protect appropriate technologies to developing countries.
B. could easily protect A. Industrial
C. could easily be protected B. Industry
D. easily could protected C. Industrially
D. Industrialization
7. One of the major problems facing developing countries on their way
of industrialization .... The preference of light. 17. A National Production Council .... in 1953.
A. Is C. To be A. Established
B. Were D. Have B. Was establishing
C. Has established
8. ..... States that starting with heavy industries will definitly cause the D. was established
emergence of economic inflation.
A. Economics C. Economical 18. These industries were mainly in the groups of food, textile and
B. Economist's D. Economists chemical industries, ..... was not sufficient to meet domestic needs.
A. the production whose
9. To start ..... this problem we should start by define such procedures B. the production which
of industrialization. C. the production of which
A. Discussing C. Be discussed D. Which the production
B. To discussed D. Discuss
19. Because some uncontrolable internal and external problems, these plans were faced with many difficulties.
20. Prior with the Second World War technical progress was still in a primitive stage.
21. The main element which inter into the calculations before doing a fundamental choice between various possible combinations of
production factors for a technology are capital and productivity.
22. The basic elements necessary for elaboration and implementation of well define development plans were realised.
23. Light industries in early stages of development is compatible with the market Demand
24. Moderate capital investment which allows developing countries depend on self financing or short term loans for such projects.
25. The surplus of this product is recirculated in farther investment causing increased rates of economic development