Module Odel
Module Odel
Module Odel
-Models of communication
-Levels of communication
-Feedback in communication.
-Overcoming barriers.
-What is reading?
-Reading strategies
(a) Paraphrasing
(b) Summarising
(c) synthesising
-Critical reading
When you have read and understood this unit, you will be able to:
-Define communication
and writing
1.0 Preamble
Studying communication is essential for you. It can help you to solve problems.
your life is at the root of many problems and effective communication is one solution to
these problems. You cannot avoid communication and you will engage in communication
nearly every minute and every day of your life. Thus, communication plays a major role
in nearly every aspect of your life. Studying communication has a number of advantages;
It can improve the way you see yourself. Communication is vital to the
realise that your self-confidence will also increase. Thus, communication studies
social settings.
Studying communication can improve the way others see you. People generally
like communicating with others who can communicate well; a person who has a
information and smoothly exchanges talk turns with you, would be more preferred
Studying communication can increase what you know about human relationships
since the field of communication includes learning about how people relate to
each other and about what communication is appropriate for a given situation.
Communication can enhance your academic career. Consider the centrality of oral
questions in class and to make presentations. Your oral and written work depends
Communication studies can help you succeed professionally. You will realise that
most employers identify effective speaking and listening skills as the most
important factors for hiring people and important skills of graduate students.
Employers view your written and oral communicative competencies and your
You have now realised how important communication is to your studies and your career
but you have probably wondered what communication is. We are now introducing you
Dumont and Lennon (1985) and Pearson et al. (2003) say that the word communication
comes from the Latin word communicare which means “to make common” or “to share”.
Words such as commune, communion, communicant which belong to the same semantic
area easily come to mind and have been associated with sharing, exchanging, and holding
in common.
disciplines, to the extent that different people end up holding different views as to what
communication is. However, for the purposes of this module, three definitions shall be
ideas are expressed as verbal and or nonverbal messages, sent, received and
resulting in shared meaning between two or more people. Messages occur through formal
From the first definition it can be inferred that sometimes we send messages fully aware
of the communication purpose we want to achieve and indeed achieve that purpose but
there are times when we do not communicate the intended purpose. In other words the
receiver can interpret the message differently. And there are serious implications that go
Why conscious or unconscious? Sometimes you are fully aware that you are
communicating but at other times you may not be aware that you indeed are
communicating ideas and feelings .Is there anything other than ideas and feelings that can
be communicated? I wonder!
The final element is that every message has a “sender” and a “receiver” and for
“interpreted” or “understood”.
activity, an exchange or a set of behaviours that occur over time. When something is
labelled as a process it means that it does not have a beginning, an end and a fixed
sequence of events, it is not static, is moving and the elements within the process interact
affecting each other. Thus, communication involves several elements such as; the sender,
The other aspect is that communication involves meaning, which is the shared
understanding of the message. Understanding the meaning of the other person’s message
only occurs when two communicators can elicit common meanings of words, phrases,
The third definition from Staley and Staley (1999) points to the fact that communication
verbally and nonverbally through our eye-contact, posture, gestures, and facial
sender and a message receiver. Also, communication changes as the context in which it
occurs changes. Communication also includes verbal and nonverbal messages. The words
one speaks constitute the content of the message, but one’s nonverbal message
communicates her feelings about her relationship with her conversational partner.
Therefore, each time one communicates, messages contain (content and relationship) or
Messages are exchanged through both established formal means of contact and informal
In this unit we will present three models of the communication process. These are
illustrations intended to help you to understand the elements and interactions involved.
You should note, however, that no model can accurately represent the reality it stands for.
These models illustrate significant aspects of the communication process and thus, can
Source Channel Receiver
encodes decodes
message message
Noise Noise
Communication Environment
Tubbs and Moss (1980) and Berko et al. (1997) point out that the linear model of
the message, a channel through which the message is sent and a receiver. The source
encodes a message and sends it through the channel to the receiver. The receiver then
makes the expected response without selecting or interpreting. In this model, there is very
limited feedback, if at all. The sender has a more active role. This is normally associated
with mass communication and is also evident in almost all work places, for example,
when one is listening to a tape-recorded message from a manufacturer after buying a new
computer. It is most dominant in the army, air force and the Police where orders are given
by superiors to juniors. At a school, when memos are sent to teachers from the
headmaster, the teachers are not expected to provide feedback but simply to act as per the
memo’s instruction.
The model ignores the role of the receiver in responding to the message by providing
feedback which can enable the sender to check to see if an order is understood or a
message is clear. Real life situations call for feedback during communication. However,
Communication Environment
Source Channel Receiver
encodes decodes
message message
Noise Noise
Communication Environment
communication. The notion of feedback is introduced since the receiver now selects,
cyclical process in which each person has dual roles. Thus, the sender can assume the
role of the receiver alternatively. Take for example, when you are in class and engage in
question and answer session. You can ask your students questions which they can answer
verbally or orally or through writing and you can as well provide feedback through oral
comments or written comments, grades etc. This model is applicable to several situations
in our lives.
Communication Environment
Encoder Encoder
Communicator A Communicator B
Decoder Decoder
Noise Noise
Communication Environment
This model provides the most contemporary view of communication. It takes all the
elements of the interactional communication and builds upon them. From the
simultaneous activities going on all the time, some verbal, others nonverbal. Thus, the
transactional view also emphasises that all behaviours are communicative. The model
supports the view that communication is a transaction in which the sender and the
receiver play interchangeable roles throughout the act of communication. It stresses the
transactional and continuing nature of communication since the sender and the receiver
are constantly exchanging messages until they reach understanding and meaning is
event and are simultaneously influencing one another. The transactive view is that a
provides room for face- to- face interaction and instant feedback. It promotes co-
operation and builds team work. It is involving, as participants exchange roles and share
experiences/ ideas.
In this model, communication is not a static process in which the encoder or decoder can
send messages but at the same time receive and interpret non-verbal feedback from those
with whom they are communicating. When you ask your student a question, as he or she
responds, you are likely to nod your head or smile as a sign of approval of the correct
answer being provided and at the same time your student can interpret your nonverbal
It can be noted that these three models of communication can be used concurrently in a
single situation. There are times when one-way communication is more effective than the
others while at other times, interactional and transactional models are very effective. For
television pertaining to an urgent meeting to be held before the closure of schools. At the
meeting, he can explain the reasons for the meeting and allow parents to ask questions.
One parent can ask a question which the headmaster will answer; as he responds to the
ACTIVITY 1.1 Using practical examples drawn from your teaching environment,
classroom situation.
Intrapersonal communication
Public communication
Organisational communication
Mass communication
Intercultural communication
or she weighs the value of the idea whether it is worth sharing or not. One becomes both
the sender and the receiver. This type of communication is also known as ‘Me VS. Me”
transaction. This communication accounts for most informal everyday conversations. For
example, friendship pairs, marital couples, business partners, parent- child relationship.
Thus, it includes personal and intimate relations as well as many business situations. The
This level of communication is distinct in that it occurs between three or more persons
who perceive themselves as belonging to or being identified with a group. The group may
interdependency. Thus, the same values and norms should be developed within the group
communication tends to occur within a more formal and structured setting than either
getting different work loads to move along together smoothly calls for order in planning
It is the transmission of a message to a mass audience and it is the most formal and
expensive of all levels. It is basically one-way communication with limited feedback and
there is no contact between the sender and the receiver. Mass communication activities or
events sometimes require the efforts of hundreds of people, months of preparation and
millions of dollars. The events of mass communication involve media such as, radio,
basically characterised as public, rapid and fleeting. The source of communication works
through a complex organisation rather than in isolation and the message may represent
This is communication between people who belong to different cultures. Rogers and
Berko et al (1997) distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communication. They say
communication involves, not only actions but the cultural interpretation of those actions
used for giving instructions, making inquiries, receiving feedback, informing others,
comprehension between the speaker and the listener, the tone of the voice, and the non-
verbal cues that accompany the utterance, the attitude of the speaker and the topic under
setting where the listener does not understand the language of the speaker, the verbal
communication becomes ineffective. Where the non-verbal cues that accompany the
one speaks, the listener gets messages not only from what one says but also from how
one looks and acts. Nonverbal cues speak louder than words in some cases. Eye-contact,
facial expression, body movements, space, time, distance, appearance influence the way
the message is interpreted, or decoded, by the receiver. When verbal and non-verbal
messages conflict, receivers put more faith in the nonverbal messages. Verbal messages
Considered to be the most accurate predictor of a person’s true feelings and attitudes,
most people cannot look another person straight in the eye and lie. Therefore, we tend to
believe people who look directly in the eye. Guffey (2000) argues that, the eyes have
been called the “windows of the soul” because they are true to us. Sustained eye-contact
suggests trust and admiration. Brief eye-contact signifies fear or stress. However,
prolonged eye-contact can be intrusive and intimidating. Thus, a successful teacher can
tell from the pupil’s eyes whether they are focused, receptive, or distant. Good eye-
contact can enable the message sender to determine if a receiver is paying attention,
responding favourably, or feeling distress. Taylor (1999) asserts that “looking someone
directly in the eye suggests openness, honesty, confidence, and comfort”. Thus, looking
away gives the impression of being shy or unsure and uncomfortable. In the context of
the teaching field, a teacher can roam his or her eyes regularly to all corners of the
classroom to let everyone feel involved when speaking to the whole class, rather than
The expression on a communicator’s face can be as revealing of emotion just like the
eyes. According to Taylor (1999), human faces are capable of communicating a wide
range of expressions and emotions. A smile conveys good humour, raised eyebrows
1.9.3 Proxemics
According to Berko (1997), proxemics refers to, “ people use and perceive their
personal and social space.” Space in any institution communicates power, status, position
ownership and territory. There are four zones of social interaction. The intimate zone, the
The intimate zone is the distance reserved for those with whom we are intimate or
for those who must interact with us at close range, for example, a physician,
tailor, or a barber. It is a zone mostly for members of the family and other loved
The personal zone is reserved for people that we are close to but not so intimate as
those that we would allow into the intimate zone. It is also known as the comfort
zone. Relatives and friends are ideal for this zone. It is also common when people
conduct business.
The social zone is for those people with whom we carry out business transactions.
interaction in which the person in control stands and the other person sits”
Examples of such relationships are those obtaining between the teacher and his or
The public zone is to place a barrier between the sender and the receiver. It is
used between people who are not very close socially. The public zone is used in
the classroom and for speeches before groups. In this zone nonverbal cues
1.9.4 Chronemics
Chronemics refers to the use of time and the meaning that is conveyed by how people use
it. How people structure and use time tells us about their personality and attitudes.
People’s respect for time is usually dependent on the culture in which they were brought
up. It is important to note that there is a difference between monochromic cultures and
time. When one arrives late for a meeting it could mean that the meeting is unimportant,
it has low priority and that the person has little self-discipline. In polychromic cultures,
people have no fixed concept of time. Nine o’clock can be anytime between ten or
1.9.5 Kinesics
According to Berko (1997), kinesics, “is the study of communication through body
movement”. These movements often convey more meaning than what is communicated Illustrators
Berko et al (1997, p. 111) define illustrators as, “kinesics acts that are used to aid in the
description of what is being said and trace the direction of speech.” For example, moving
one’s hand up as he or she asks someone to stand up. These are therefore, nonverbal
Affect displays, according to Berko (1997), “... are facial gestures that show emotions
such as anger, happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, and surprise.” These include pointing,
winking, and raising or lowering the eyelids and eyebrows. These affect displays are
culture oriented. Regulators
These are nonverbal acts that maintain and control the back and forth nature of speaking
and listening between two or more participants in the communication process. They are
used for purposes of encouraging or discouraging conversation. They are the subtle
signals used to control the give and take of conversations. For example, when a manager
glances at his watch or browse through a newspaper when engaged in a conversation with
an employee who is asking for salary increment, such nonverbal actions would most
likely be intended to send a message to the employee that there is no further negotiation
and what the manager has said is final. Other regulators are raising of the voice and
acceleration of speech. Adaptors
These are speech related gestures and according to Berko et al (1997), these movements
show boredom, internal feelings or regulate a situation. Guffey (2000) points out that
adaptors are nonverbal movements designed to meet a physical or emotional need, for
example, rubbing your eyes, biting your fingernails, tapping of fingers on the table. Emblems
These are nonverbal signals that have direct verbal translations, for example, you can
point to the empty chair to invite your visitor to sit. Other examples include the sign
language used by the deaf and the gestures used by behind-the-scenes television
personnel. However, not all emblems are universal, some are culture specific.
1.9.6 Olfatics
Another form of nonverbal communication is olfatics. This refers to body smells, scents
and sometimes odours and the meaning that they convey to the people around us.
According to Berko et al (1997, p. 122), “our sense of smell is very selective and helps us
gives rise to people wanting to relate with or avoid others on the basis of the smell-related
1.9.7 Paralanguage
paralanguage is ‘paravocalics’. This refers to all the elements in the human voice during
communication except the words themselves. Thus, we can also make some pretty
judgments about the emotions and feelings of the people with whom we communicate by
their paralinguistic presentation (Berko et al., 1997, p. 114).We can tell whether one is
happy or angry from the tone of their voice or the speed with which they speak.
expressed in many ways showing sincerity, jealousy, sacarsm.You may vary a message
by changing the pitch of certain words from low to high, rhythm from smooth to halting,
the rate from fast to slow, the articulation from forced to relaxed. Therefore, how you
say what you say is considered the non-verbal component of the spoken language. In
short, paralanguage involves using voice variation, using pauses and non-word sounds
example, the colours of buildings, vehicles and clothes worn by employees communicate
a great deal of information to both internal and external stakeholders of the company.
1.9.9 Appearance
The way you look, your clothing, grooming, and posture communicates an instant non-
verbal message about you. People who are careful about their appearance avoid flashy
garments, clunky jewellery and garish makeup and pay attention to good grooming, a
neat hairstyle, body cleanliness, polished shoes and clean nails. Verderber & Verdeber
1.9.10 Posture
convey anything from high status and self-confidence to shyness and submissiveness. For
example, leaning towards a speaker suggests attraction and interest. Pulling away or
shrinking back denotes fear, distrust, anxiety, or disgust. Taylor (1999) notes that the way
people stand or sit can say an awful lot about how they feel. Someone who is nervous or
anxious will fidget with her hands, tap her feet, and drum the table with her fingers.
Someone who sits well back in his or her chair legs with crossed at the ankles would be
seen as being relaxed and confident. Many gestures are used as we speak, for example,
shaking a fist to denote anger, sweeping arms in excitement, using hands for emphasis. In
Staley and Staley (1992, p. 429) state that, “we shape our buildings, thereafter they shape
us.” Offices are basically an extension of our personality. Extroverts are likely to place
their desks facing the door and tend to position the visitor’s chair in a side-by-side
arrangement. Introverts prefer to face the wall. Thus, in many institutions, office features
such as accessibility, floor space and layout and decoration are symbols of status.
Features of the environment are counted as non-verbal communication because they can
affect your behaviour and mood as well as that of one’s listener or audience. These
1.9.11 Touch
Touch plays a predictable, although limited communication role. Staley and Staley (1992,
relationships (a male boss who feels free to put his arm around a female
However, laws against sexual harassment have intensified our awareness of the dangers
Verbal and nonverbal messages are inextricably related, the messages coordinate.
confusion, or distance.
verbal and nonverbal communication occurs, speakers are often unaware that they send
conflicting messages.
Nonverbal messages substitute for verbal messages (nodding or shaking your head).
Nonverbal messages regulate the back- and- forth flow of verbal messages.
only one type of non-verbal message, you may inaccurately read the non-
verbal communication of others. One area of the body does not tell all.
interactions, you will be able to tell how others are responding to you
and your ideas through the non-verbal messages they send. You will use
Dodd, C.H. (1998). Dynamics of intercultural communication. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
Staley, C.C. and Staley, R.S. (1992). Communication in Business and the Professions:
Tubbs, S. L. and Moss, S. (198O). Human communication. New York: Random House.
Guffey, M. E. (2000). Business communication Process and Product. New York: South-
Verderber, R. F. (1994). Speech for effective communication. New York: Holt Rinehart
and Winston.
2.1 Introduction
This unit explores the barriers that hinder or interfere with the communication process.
well as public communication. The unit will also suggest how the barriers can be
solution is offered.
Reading list
Mifflin Company.
Fielding, M (1997). Effective Communication in Organizations. Cape Town. Juta
Feathers, G. (1997).
Lee-Davis, L. (2007). Developing Work and Study Skills. London: Thomson Learning.
Verdeber, R.F. and Verdeber, K.S. (2008). Communicate! Belmont C.A: Thomson and
Noise: any interference added to the message between the sender and the receiver
Physiological barriers
Physical barriers
Linguistic barriers
Perceptional barriers
Noise barriers
Medium barriers
Feedback barriers
2.4 Overview
Communication has been defined in Unit One and implications to the definitions have
been discussed. It has also been established that a communication conversation can never
be 100% efficient since there are always barriers of one type or the other. This unit will
deal with most of the barriers we encounter in general communication. The unit will also
look at ways of reducing the negative effect of these barriers. In other words, we will
discuss how we can enhance communication, even in the face of barriers. It is important
to note that no matter how hard we may try, some of the barriers will never go away yet
we still go ahead and pass on the messages. Therefore, it is seldom that the whole
the same as examining what might go wrong in/during the communication process, so
barrier. A barrier hampers or disrupts the smooth flow of a message from the sender to
the receiver or, in the case of feedback from the receiver to the sender.
physiological, psychological, linguistic and cultural. Cleary et al. (1999) classify barriers
to communication as frame of reference barriers, which are the same as Fielding’s (1997)
barriers and feedback barriers. Verdeber and Verdeber (2008), list down physical noise,
Krizan et al. (2008) attribute failure in effective communication to two categories. The
first category relates to choice of words used by the sender, denotative and connotative
grammar/sentence structure and the wrong type of message. The second category lists
the appearance of the message, the appearance of the sender (credibility), environmental
factors (physical noise), receiver’s capability and ineffective listening skills. Obviously,
it will not be possible to discuss the barriers to communication under the various
categories suggested by the writers above. We will, instead, fuse these together for
purposes of discussion. We shall also try and discuss how each of the barriers can be
term, is the study of meanings of words and can be extended to the meaning of
semantic barriers have something to do with what the sender of a message uses to
example will best illustrate this. The word suffer is always associated with pain,
discomfort and hunger but when in the Bible, Jesus says, ‘Suffer little children,’
surely He does not mean that the little children would undergo pain, misery and
hunger. Instead He means that the little children should be allowed to come to
Him. Here, it can be seen that the word “suffer” has two different meanings to
two people. If one has only one meaning of suffer there will be communication
unpack information so that the meaning of words is not in doubt. There is also
nonverbal ones.
From another perspective, semantic noise can be in the form of mental pictures of what
words mean. As an example, one can refer to a forty-year old secretary as “the girl in the
office”. A first time visitor to your place will expect to see a young graceful lady serving
as secretary. The visitor will be surprised to see this old woman sitting behind the
secretary’s desk. What is in question here is the two people’s interpretation of the word
‘girl’. Further examples are the meanings of words such as valuable/invaluable, which
many people have mistaken as opposites, the words chilly (nippy cold) and chillies
Semantic noise also relates to the choice of words used by the sender. If the sender
chooses words that are too different, too technical or too easy for his/her receiver, this
can become a barrier to communication. If words are too different or too technical, the
receiver may not understand them; if the words are easy/simple, the receiver may become
bored or feel insulted. In either case, the message falls short of its goal, that is, to share
meaning. Misusing a word will not only impair meaning but will reflect badly on the
sender. For example, quite often people confuse the words “continuous and continual, so
that, instead of saying ‘The rain was continual throughout the night’, we say ‘The rain
was continuous’. The following are some of the words that are often misused or
dictionary and make sure you know them so that when next your friends confuse them
you can help. We are sure that you can come up with more such confusing words.
To overcome the barrier of word meaning and/or usage, we have to rely on dictionaries
and word -finders so that we do not send the wrong message or interpret a message
sentence. If the order is changed, then the import of the sentence also changes. The
statement “Can I see Beulah?” is perceived as a polite request to see the said Beulah.
Imagine someone coming to your class while you are busy teaching and saying, “I can
see Beulah?” What would be your reaction? Obviously you would like to respond by
saying, “So what? Go away I am teaching” or you might think that the person is
downright rude or disruptive. All this person has done is to transpose the words ‘can’
and ‘I’ and the whole meaning has changed. So, there you are, the next time when you
are on teaching practice and a student says, “I can go to the toilet” do not get offended,
just correct them because they have committed a syntactic error! There is a place in
Harare known as Market Square but we have often heard people coming from out of
Harare calling the place, Square Market! This is another classical case of syntactic errors.
Such cases of syntactic errors occur when someone does not have a high level of
competence in a language, say in our case, English, which is the official language as well
as the language of instruction in our school and in trade. With various nationalities
coming to visit or to set up business in Zimbabwe, we will come across such people
because they speak Mandarin (Chinese official language), French, Portuguese, German or
Dutch. It is important that we listen carefully to the person you are communicating with
in order to get the meaning of what they are saying. We need to be sensitive as well as
sympathetic to people who cannot speak our language. Bear in mind that they are trying
hard to communicate! What might help a lot is to concentrate on the content words the
Verdeber and Verdeber (2008) define psychological barriers as internal distractions based
thoughts or feelings that compete for attention and interfere with the communication
process. A student who attends a lesson with earphones stuck in his/her ears listening to
music coming from an MP3 player has his/her attention divided between the music
coming from the radio and what the teacher/lecturer is saying. It is obvious that such a
student will not grasp 100% of the lecture or lesson, and so the radio acts as a barrier to
effective communication. The same applies when a student has anxiety, fear and/or lacks
confidence. They will not be part of the class because they have a lot on their mind. Their
bodies are present in the classroom but their thoughts are elsewhere. As a teacher, when
you call for their attention, they will behave as if they were coming from somewhere or
The solutions to psychological barriers are varied, suffice to say, that, in any
communication, there should be minimal distractions of a mental nature. The reason why
lecturers are constantly asking their learners to sit up, look in certain direction or to close
and put away their books is to ensure that the students pay attention to what the lecturer
is saying. Such communication as classroom discussions needs to take place where there
are a few things that compete for the attention of the communicants (students + teacher).
people who pass by or cars that drive past the church venue. This way, the pastor is
assured of the full attention of the congregation. In like manner, if a teacher were to
conduct/hold a class under a tree in the open, she/he would have difficulty in controlling
the students because their attention would easily wander. For those that lack courage
and/or confidence, they should be encouraged to speak and contribute during discussions
as this will help them build on their confidence. The more confidence they have the more
when both the sender and the receiver are ignorant of the accepted rules of behaviour in
the other’s culture. As an example, in the western culture, and also in Zimbabwe, it is
standard practice or customary to wrap a gift before offering it, while in Japan it is
customary to bear the gift open so that everyone can see it. In Japan, a wrapped gift is a
bad one and when one wraps it, one is trying to conceal that fact. In a situation where a
Japanese and a westerner/or a Zimbabwean are exchanging gifts, the westerner would
offend his/her Japanese friend by presenting a wrapped gift; the inverse would be true if
the Japanese presented a ”naked’ gift. Nowadays, however, these differences are fast
disappearing because of the concept of the global village. The global village concept
means that differences between people from different cultures are becoming less and less
as we exploit and highlight similarities that exist among the various nationalities.
Another example of a cultural barrier is between Africans and Westerners on one hand
and Arabs on the other. In the African culture, it is customary that visitors will announce
the end of their visit and thank the host before taking leave. In Arabic cultures, this
would be regarded as offensive behaviour because the host is the one who is supposed to
announce that the visit has lasted enough and to tell the guests that they may go. On the
interesting observation was noted in Ghanaian culture when it comes to leave taking. In
both Zimbabwe and Ghana, it is normal practice to wave goodbye to our visitors when
they depart. While Zimbabweans are not particular about which hand is waved,
Ghanaians are. In Ghana, if you wave goodbye using the left hand, then you are wishing
your visitor(s) bad luck! So a Ghanaian would naturally wonder in askance why you
would wish them bad luck if you had spent the whole afternoon entertaining them.
Nearly all societies have become multicultural and it is important for us to be familiar
with the behaviour and communication codes of all cultures in order for us to be good
Let us start by defining the term perception so that everything we are going to discuss
will fall into place. Perception is the process of relating and organizing information
gained through the senses in such a way that it makes sense. It is a way of interpreting
information or giving meaning to the world around you. You are surrounded by sensory
stimuli all day, but your perception – because it is selective – filters out certain stimuli
and allows other stimuli through to register and so make sense to you.
Because perception is selective, two people can witness the same event (experience the
same sensory stimuli) but their perception of the event will differ. In fact, perception is
Frame of reference and perception are separate concepts that are, however, interrelated.
Perception has already been defined, now we will attempt a definition of “frame of
An individual’s frame of reference is not static but can change because of experience
over a lifetime, for example, how we see things at the age of 8, 18 or 87 is different.
Generally speaking, no two individuals have identical frames of reference; the differences
in frames of reference bring about barriers to communication. People can have different
When one thinks of a bed and a shower, the other conjures up an ornate room with a
double bedroom suite, a bath tub, a butler unit, a thick carpet and visitors’ comfortable
There are three attributes/aspects of a person’s frame of reference. One’s values and
beliefs are ideas which one holds about what is good or true. Values and beliefs cannot
be seen but we can see the manifestation of these through a person’s behaviour. When
two people have different values, they cannot see eye to eye. This is because what they
value as good and/or true is different. As an example, let us take the topical issue of
abortion where there has not been a consensus as to whether it is good or bad. Any
debate on the issue of abortion can never reach an agreement because of the differing
values and beliefs. Here it is a case of Christian values and beliefs against scientific
We say one has a negative attitude towards another person or thing if one disapproves.
For example, old men and women, especially those from the communal lands, have a
negative attitude towards miniskirts because they associate this with wayward behaviour.
Definitely, there will be a frame of reference barrier if two communicants who have
At times people’s attitude towards others or things are not guided by sound reasons or
reasons. In Zimbabwe, there is a general belief that members of the coloured community
are aggressive and so people approach them with caution. This attitude may have been
based on one incident where a group of coloureds may have been involved in a bawl
among themselves or against a group of non-coloureds. This attitude may have been
caused by the fact that during colonial times, coloureds were kept in a closed community
and so viewed anyone different from them as an enemy. This form of prejudice seems to
have died down because, at independence, all communities were integrated under the unit
Closely linked to attitudes, belief and values are emotions. We tend to perceive other
people, things or events according to the feelings we have at the time. If we are angry,
we tend to perceive what a person says in a different way from if we were happy. In
emotionally. Discussions among Jews, Muslims and Christians (on ZTV) have always
turned emotional when one religious sect felt that their beliefs and were being shaken.
The moderator of such discussions was always quick to come in and cool down tempers.
Such is the strong relationship between emotions and beliefs, values and attitudes that it
The solution to frame of reference barriers lie in individual communicants in that they
need to develop tolerance of other people’s beliefs and values, and to respect them. The
common practice in Zimbabwe is to start a meeting or function with a prayer, and the
prayer is usually, Christian, meaning that all those gathered are Christians. This has the
effect of encouraging negative attitudes in those people who are not Christians. They feel
they have not been given enough recognition or are not regarded altogether.
Feedback is the response that a receiver will give to the sender. For communication to be
successful, the sender should get a response that s/he intended to receive from the
receiver. This means that the message that the sender transmitted was received as it was
sent. Viewed this way, feedback is used to assess the success/failure of the
communication. If the sender does not get the intended response, s/he makes adjustments
to the message before resubmitting or resending it. Adjustment can be in the form of re-
stating the ideas, stressing key issues or repeating them in order to enhance the chances of
effective communication. What we need to remember is that we are wasting our time
when we ask if the receiver has understood. If we ask “Do you understand?” the
receiver will say yes because no one wants to be viewed as a dunce! (a dunce is a very
dull person). Rather we need to ask “What did you understand?” This allows us to
Let us hasten t add that feedback will depend on the medium chosen to send the message,
that is, what we refer to as the message flow. Written communication allows for one-way
communication with little or no immediate feedback. On the other hand, spoken or face-
to-face conversation allow for two-way communication. There is a great deal of feedback
in the form of direct questions, comments and the reading of body language such as a
smile, a frown, a nod of the head and the use of hands or related gestures through which
meanings and feelings can be assessed. Lastly, telephone messages also allow for two-
way communication and have more immediate feedback than written communication.
captured. To sum up, barriers to effective communication can arise from any part of the
between sender and the receiver. Because the communication process is complex, there
are many possible breakdowns or barriers that can arise. Even when we think we are
good communicator should anticipate and try to avoid the occurrence of barriers.
Specific Objectives
Demonstrate the ability to summarize the main points in your own words and
This unit examines the various ways of adapting your reading to the various tasks you
will come across in your studies. You need to pay attention to the reading techniques
given in this unit as these will come in handy when you are required to do some exercises
later on in this and subsequent units. The main techniques in reading/writing interface
are summarizing, paraphrasing, and synthesizing, and these will be discussed in detail in
Compulsory reading hph
Additional Reading
Greendale, S. and Swan, M. (1986.) Effective reading: reading skills for advanced
Key words
Reading: a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols with the intention of deriving
is an interaction between a text and the reader and is shaped by the reader’s own
Skimming: a process of speed reading that involves visually searching the sentences of a
page for clues to meaning. The aim is to get an overall view of a text and is done at a
much faster speed than normal reading (700 or more words per minute).
Summarizing: Writing an abridged version of a long passage, by taking the main points
and leaving out less important information. This is done in one continuous paragraph.
The summary is usually shorter than the original passage. By the of thumb, a summary
demonstrate that you have understood the text. The paraphrase may be longer than the
original text.
Scanning: this is a fast reading technique meant to locate specific information e.g.
understand other words except the one you are looking for.
Synthesizing: putting together ideas from the various sources you have consulted on a
given topic. You may be putting together, ideas that concur or disagree.
SQ3R/4R: also known as critical reading, study reading or interactive reading. The
Context may refer to context of the passage being read or context of the reader.
Context of the passage refers to the circumstances in which the reading occurs. For
example, we cannot read a passage from an entertainment magazine in the same way we
would read the same passage if it came in an examination. In the context of leisure
reading, we do not pay attention to detail but we just pick up the main points of the event
being narrated. In the second context, we read closely because we anticipate answering
questions on the passage after reading it. So, it can be seen that the same passage can be
The context of the reader refers to the different personal characteristics that the reader
brings to the text. These characteristics differ from individual to individual and may
include linguistic competence, that is, mastery of the language, knowledge of the
language in terms of codes and structures, and life experiences. The characteristics may
also include prior knowledge of the topic being read or discussed, means for reading and
frame of reference. We hope that by now you are familiar with the term frame of
reference because it was dealt with in the previous unit when we discussed barriers to
effective communication. In other words, this means that when an individual reads a
passage, the individual brings in a lot of experience to the text being read. The interplay
3.2 Reading Process
will agree that words in isolation have very limited meaning and that possibilities of
meaning increase as words are combined with others. As an example, we can have
individual words used as ‘play’, ‘team’, ‘soccer’, ‘ground’, or even ‘yesterday’. The
words have limited meaning as single isolated lexical items but can be more meaningful
if they were combined in a sentence such as The team play soccer at he ground. In
reading, focus is not on individual letters or on single words, but on groups of words
which form meaningful phrases. Once meaningful phrases have been identified, the
reader can make informed guesses on what is to follow. This, as we have already said,
will depend on the reader’s characteristics. For example, if we hear the phrase, Once
upon a time …, there is no doubt in our minds that we are about to hear a narrative story.
Similarly, when we hear In summing up…, we are certain that the presentation is coming
to an end and not starting. These are just general guiding points when we read because
Much of university learning comes from reading but the sheer volume of books and
academic papers which it is necessary to read can be worrying. This is why students
often say that there is too much to read and they can never have enough time to get
through it all. Students also complain that the text books that they are supposed to read
are difficult to understand, and lastly, they do not know which sources to read for various
assignments they are given. There are, however, a number of techniques that can be
employed to enable more efficient reading. Remember that each time you read, you do
so for a purpose, which should affect the way you approach your reading. If you are
reading a novel or magazine, you generally do so for relaxation and entertainment and so
your reading tends to be quick and effortless because there is no need for critical analysis.
In contrast, much academic reading involves a more careful approach where the main
ideas of what you are reading about are identified and evaluated. In reading for academic
purposes, note-taking is also necessary. There is need for university students to adjust
their reading style and speed to suit the purpose for reading. Avoid unnecessary reading,
that is, reading the whole chapter when all you need is a piece of information contained
in one paragraph. Also, avoid the wrong type of reading, e.g., reading generally, when
you should be reading critically, or trying to get a detailed understanding of each page yet
REMEMBER: Books, articles or any reading material must be read at different rates,
and in different ways, for different purposes. Therefore before you start reading, you will
c) Entertainment or enjoyment?
3.3.2 Select the type of reading suitable for your purpose. There are five main types of
e) Critical reading: reading for stimulus or to challenge and assess ideas, values and
In academic situations, there are three styles or types of reading that can be used. There
are skimming, scanning (also called search reading) and the SQ3R/4R also known as
reading for mastery). We will now go over each of the styles in detail to help you have
an insight into these important processes. Remember, these processes will be the main
ways through which you will get information for your assignments or when you
This is a very fast way of reading, not every word is read. The general purpose is to get
an overview of the text. You will go through the material quickly and, in addition to
finding the main idea, try to identify how the material is organized, and get an idea of the
tone and intention of the writer. Normally, you will skim for three purposes, that is, to
This is done to get some idea of the content of a passage/text, for example, an article, in
the shortest possible time. When you preview you will have to answer the following
In order to answer the questions, you have to read the heading/title, the chapter headings
and subheadings, opening and closing paragraphs and the first and last lines of each
paragraph. This way, you have a general idea of what is contained in the article and you
can determine whether or not it is relevant to what you are reading about. Skimming to survey
We do this in order to get a mental picture or outline of the material you have to study in
depth. You will need to fit in the details into a given framework in order to have a clear
understanding of the material. When skimming to review, use the following strategies:
b) Read the introduction. Usually, writers of articles/books tell the reader where
they are going and how they are going to get there in the introduction.
c) Read the summary, if there is one, or the conclusion. This gives you an overview
d) Read the main headings and check if there are any further subheadings.
e) Pay attention to other techniques used by the writer to draw the reader’s attention,
This is done as a revision strategy. You will have to read the material you have already
gone through, quickly and concentrate on the main points and leave out less important
previously been studied. You are employing all the elements covered under previewing
3.4. Scanning
Scanning is something called search reading. It is the fastest reading technique and is
used to locate specific information within a text. Firstly, you need to have a clear idea of
the information required and then allow your eyes to glance quickly over the text until the
particular detail is found. Scanning does not involve understanding the whole passage.
The secret here is to concentrate on the detail you require and not let your attention
wander to some interesting paragraph or item that may be irrelevant to the task.
Find the section where you think the detail you are searching for is located and then read
in detail. If the detail you are searching for if there, re-read in depth, making notes. If
the detail is not there go to another site/source. Do not waste time reading the whole
book or chapter, hoping to find information that is not there. You will normally use
scanning to look for a particular name, key word, date, a number or amount, for example,
d) Beware of the visuals in the material such as capital letters in the middle of
Scanning is usually used in conjunction with other reading activities such as skimming.
As an example, as you read this module, you can scan the contents page for information
on barriers to communication and then skim a certain section to see how relevant the
information is.
ACTIVITY 3.1: What are the differences between skimming and scanning?
This is intensive reading and is usually done slowly and carefully. It involves reading in
interact with the text rather than just reading the material without thinking. In study-
reading, you will obviously start by skimming the material for an overall impression.
Then, taking a paragraph, section or chapter at a time, you use the SQ3R approach.
Firstly, we need to familiarize ourselves with the acronym SQ3R/4R. It stands for
Survey, Question, and the Rs stand for Read, Review, Recite and Record. Record
presupposes that everything that a student reads ends up being written down either as
a) Note how the chapter (or section) you want to read fits into the total plan of the
b) Note the major divisions or main topics of a chapter in order to decide on the
amount of work you are going to over, e.g. the main ideas of the whole chapter or
c) Study the chapter title. Think about what the title says or means and what you
d) Read the heading and subheadings. They tell you about the key words and ideas
e) Read the introduction and the summary of the first and last paragraphs.
g) Look at any visual aids e.g. charts and read their captions. Question
c) Ask yourself if you have read some related literature on the topic under review.
d) Is the information contained in the article sufficient to meet the needs of the topic
or argument?
e) What is/are the main point(s) or argument(s) of the writer and how is this different
f) Ask yourself what you already know, e.g. about the meaning of the chapter title,
g) Ask yourself if you have read some related literature on the topic under review.
h) Is the information contained in the article sufficient to meet the needs of the topic
or argument?
i) Ask the questions you would want answered as you proceed with your reading.
k) Bear in mind, the questions you have asked and determine if they are being
There is need to re-read the passage if it is dense or challenging if read for the first time.
Using a pencil (if the book is yours), mark the text by underlining or writing notes in the
margins to help you identify the main points or parts that answer the questions you have
asked above. Select key words or phrases in the sentences and paragraphs, i.e., the most
reader what the paragraph is all about. Make notes as you read or shortly after you have
finished, showing the relationship of the different parts of the passage/article to each
other. Identify linking words and connectors as these can show the development of ideas
…,Secondly …, To sum up …, To conclude ... These linking words give you the general
Put your passage/article away and try and remember as much of what you have read as
possible. Now answer the questions you have set yourself to see how much you can
remember without looking at the text. Review cumulatively and routinely to note the
chronological ordering of events, to see if you get these right when you were reciting. In
other words, you are checking the corrections of what you were saying at the recall/recite
stage. The number of correct/wrong responses will indicate whether you understood the
text/passage or not. Now revisit all the areas where you got the information wrong and
Establish a relationship between the facts you are dealing with so that they easily form
something logical to understand. You can even form your own acronyms or prompters to
help you remember. Look at the acronym ADIDAS (for the sports wear). It stands for
All Day I Dream About Sports! We are sure you can come up with your own to help you
Record what you wish to remember as the main points of the passage, that is, what you
deem to the most important facts that you need to have on your finger tips. Recording
forms the most important skill linked to reading, that is, the ability to make notes from
lectures, discussions and reading. The writing of notes on any given text is evidence that
you have already read the text and you have notes for purposes of revision. This brings
Note- taking means a personal version of someone else’s ideas, be it a lecturer, an author
interesting to produce an exact replica of the original lecture or speech, the notes you
make, are in essence, a summary of the proceedings. Notes serve the following
When you attend a mass lecture or a symposium, you may want to write something to
take home with you. You may also write it to keep a record of the proceedings because it
system, when the Ministry wants to introduce an innovation, they train a few
representatives at national level and then cascades this to the provinces. The provinces
also cascade the innovation down to the districts until it reaches the school teachers in the
classroom. In such cases, it is important to take accurate notes of the proceedings – at the
meetings so that you will be able to give an unbiased account of what is required of the
people involved. In coming up with good notes, you should use the following strategies:
a) Use headings for the main title and subtitles of the lecture.
c) Use space. The organization of your notes should show the relative
NB - note well/important
You can invent your own system and shorten words that are regularly used. For example,
with one-syllable words, use the first and last sound, e.g. take - tk
great - grt
chair - chr
With words of two or more syllables, try to use the first syllable, or as much as you need
secretary - sec
engineering - engrg
inform - inf
information - info
Use the context for clues when you read notes. For example, in a lecture, the lecturer
may require students to find information in the library: the shortened notes in that context
can appear as: “Lec says info in lib” (the lecturer says this information can be found in
the library). Be attentive to the lecturer’s emphases. If the lecturer says “This is
important” or “These are three points to note”, take note and highlight this in your notes.
Revise notes as soon after as possible. Some detail will come back as you read. Or you
may want to draw lines to indicate connection between ideas. The notes you have made
are a rough first copy and can be expanded with further reading.
Getting the main points of a text you have read is very important. Students can achieve
a) Skim-read first to get a general idea of what the text is about and its structure.
b) Then read in detail, the first paragraph, identify the topic sentence or
controlling idea and make note of it, by either underlining (if the text is your
d) Read through the topic sentences to see if they contain all the essential
information of the original text. If not, add in the extra detail. Your improved
The direct words or phrases from the writer should be placed in inverted commas and
acknowledged. Failure to acknowledge when you have used another’s words will be
lecturers will give you a zero (0) should they discover that you have used an author’s
ideas as if they were your own. It has already been mentioned that most of the reading
we do will end up being written down in the form of assignments notes, seminar notes,
and for presentations. We have also indicated that it is impossible to copy everything that
we read about. So what we end up with are summaries of what we read. Our next
section looks at how we can deal with large chunks of reading materials that you have to
Summarizing, paraphrasing and synthesizing are skills associated with reading as well as
writing, so you will discuss these three skills again when you deal with reading for
academic purposes. This will not be repetition but emphasis to help you understand the
concepts more. We will now discuss each of the three skills in more detail. Summarizing
The term summary has already been defined in the glossary section of this unit. We will
define it here in more detail. The briefest form of a summary is the heading or title of an
article or passage because it is generally argued that the heading seems to capture
everything that an article/passage is going to say or to discuss. In everyday use, the term
summary usually refers to a prose reduction of an original text. It is written in your own
words, in complete sentences, and, as a rule of thumb, should be a third of the length of
shape/form the summary will take. In general, the skills involved in summary writing are
those we have already discussed under study reading (SQ3R). Use a pencil to work
directly on the passage to be summarized, in order to underline key words or ideas that
will be included in the summary and delete unnecessary phrases. Use the following
a) Read the passage slowly and thoroughly in order to understand the message.
b) Check the requirements, i.e., is it for another audience with specific needs? Is
e) Read the original passage again and check that all points have been included.
f) Choose the most suitable format for the first and final draft (even though we Paraphrasing
Paraphrasing can be defined as expressing the meaning of a passage in one’s own words
(Cleary 1999). The original writer’s wording and phrasing should not be used if you
decide not to quote directly but to paraphrase. At times, you choose to write the idea
using the same phrases or omitting a few words. This is plagiarism. To avoid
plagiarism, do not refer to the original passage when you write notes that are not direct
quotation for your paraphrase. A good paraphrase will accurately capture the impact of
the original source on meaning and emphasis, but using different vocabulary and
different order in the presentation of the aspects contained in the original text. A
paraphrase will enable you to use a writer’s work in supporting your point/argument in an
academic essay or discussion without necessarily writing out that writer’s exact wording.
You can change the words into your own but when it comes to technical expressions,
these remain unchanged and should be copied as is. Below are some useful hints to bear
c) Look at the original source to ensure that all relevant points have been
e) Finally write the paraphrase from your notes NOT from the original source.
you paraphrase, then use your own words but when you quote, write the passage out Synthesizing
presentation or an assignment, you will have to read many sources on a given topic.
There will be sources that will concur on issues and others that will contradict on the
same issue. In other words, two sources can have different approaches or perspectives
on the same topic. Synthesizing is putting together, ideas from the various sources you
have consulted on the topic you are going to write on/about. In synthesizing, we have to
Remember that you are using the sources to support your case and so we want to hear
what this case you are supporting is. Your presentation or assignment should not be
made up of excerpts of writers agreeing and/or contradicting throughout without your
own line of argument. This view will be dealt with in greater detail in the next unit.
Reading is a complex process that involves interacting with symbols in order to come up
with meaning. Both the reader and writer of text bring meaning that is based on their
experiences and frame of reference. Readers should have purposes for reading and also
identify the writer’s purpose in writing. Each reading purpose has its own reading style
and readers should select their reading style to suit the reading purpose. Reading
improves with practice. Note-taking happens within lectures and personal reading and
study. Notes should reflect the material being read and the purpose for reading.
Specific objectives
b) Discuss what sets academic writing apart from all other types of writing.
g) Identify and describe any two reference and in-text citation styles.
h) Identify the process of gathering information, writing the first draft, editing
Compulsory Reading
Courtrell, S. (1999). The Study Handbook. Basingstoke: Macmillan
Sotiriou, P.E. (1993). Integrating college Study Skills: Reasoning in Reading, Listening
Academic writing: is writing by scholars for other scholars. Academic writing refers to
Claim: is also known as a thesis statement. This is a position you take and argue for in
academic writing.
Thesis statement: this is the same as claim. Without a claim or thesis statement, there is
no academic writing.
Evidence: refers to all facts that you use to support your claim. For example, if your
claim is “Zimbabwe has the most beautiful tourist attractions in Africa”, your evidence
will include mention of Victoria Falls, Great Zimbabwe, Dhlodhlo Monuments, Chinhoyi
Counterargument: this is information that you provide your would- be critics. You
foresee what your critics are going to say and you give them the answers or explanations
address or the person who is going to read what you are writing e.g. age, gender mix,
In-text citation: this refers to citing sources to support your claim within the body of the
Plagiarism: is the bad practice of copying another author’s words or ideas without
paying! It is the most serious crime, which can be committed in academic writing.
References: a list of all the books, articles (in journals), papers and online information
that you referred to in your assignment or in the compilation of your presentation. These
are sources that can be traced to the essay and so should not contain sources that have not
We will start by describing what academic writing is and then go on to discuss its
characteristics. We will discuss the components of academic writing, that is, the
structure, and give details of what each aspect of the process means to the whole. The
unit will also look at elements of academic writing that set it apart from all other forms of
writing. The unit will take you step by step, through the writing process, including
Academic writing has as many definitions as authorities who have attempted to write on
the concept. Despite the diverse definitions of academic writing, the definitions share
for other scholars. Now, you may begin to think that this definition excludes you the
tertiary student. Far from it, your being a tertiary student, makes you a member of the
scholars’ fraternity. The assignments you will be required to write in university courses
are all part of academic writing. As a university student, you will be engaged in activities
that scholars have engaged in from time immemorial that is, reading about, arguing about
and writing about ideas. Being a scholar requires that you read, think, argue and write in
Academic writing is writing that is devoted to topics and questions that are of interest to
the academic community. What this means is that when you want to write a paper, you
must first find a topic or question that is relevant and appropriate. In the case of
assignments that your lecturers or tutors give you, the academic value of such
assignments has already been determined. Should you come up with your own topic, find
out if the topic is going to be of interest to other students and scholars such as your
lecturers? For example, you may wish to write on Mathematics and Science teaching
teachers and general educationists. There might be some scholars who may have
researched on the topic before you. In such a situation, you are seen as contributing to
newspaper or magazine articles we have read before or a novel by your favourite write
such as Nick Slaughter, Peter Chain or Danielle Steele. These materials (novels and
magazines) have entertainment value rather than academic significance. Perhaps we need
to emphasis that, not all writing is academic writing, and we can do this by defining
further, what academic writing is all about. We look at the structure of academic writing
Academic writing has a set structure that is discernible in pieces of academic writing.
While the order of the components of academic writing do not follow the set order
religiously, one should be able to identify these components wherever they are placed
within a piece of academic writing. Here we will discuss with examples, the structure of
academic writing. Academic writing has the following parts: thesis statement or claim,
claim then there is no argument, and therefore no academic writing. A claim is a guide
that the writer provides so that we know his/her point of view. As a student, you may
come up with a claim that “Today’s students lack discipline, hence the poor performance
in class”. You should be able to compose an essay that brings out the fact that, indeed
students are performing badly because of lack of discipline. In other words, a claim is
specific and provable. Another example of a claim/thesis statement is “The land Rover is
the strongest vehicle ever made”. From such a statement, the reader has an idea of what
ACTIVITY 4.1 Think of a general topic of academic interest and formulate a thesis
statement from where you can write an academic essay. Ensure that the thesis statement
Now that you have formulated a thesis statement, we wish to go onto the next
component, which is the evidence. We have already said that the claim or thesis
statement should be provable. If you wish to prove something, you need evidence or
facts to support your proof. These facts you use to support your claim or thesis statement
4.2.2 Evidence
4.2.3 We have made the thesis statement that Land Rovers are the strongest cars that
were ever manufactured. The next question we ask is, “What proof is there to
show that indeed the car in question is the strongest?” We can give facts such as
1) 75% of Land Rovers that were manufactured since 1945 are still on the road.
2) All Land Rovers involved in accidents have never been declared write offs. 3)
The fatalities in Land Rover accidents are the least when compared to other
makes of vehicles. We can have as many pieces of evidence to support the Land
Rover thesis statement and indeed any thesis statement. We can conclude that we
support what we are claiming or what we are convinced in. As you read around
this topic, you will come across some books, which do not use the term evidence
but grounds. You often hear the question “On what grounds do you claim to be
When a footballer is asked such a question as the one above, the football player has to use
proof/evidence/grounds that point to the fact that he was indeed the best player of his
time. We can also come to the conclusion that if there is no evidence or grounds to
support a claim, then that writing is not academic writing. In addition to the claim and
evidence/grounds, academic writing needs to look at the other side of the argument/topic
being discussed, because the position you take is but only one of the many positions to
the argument. This brings us to the third component of academic writing, which is the
4.2.4 Counterargument
The counterargument arises from the fact that a claim or thesis statement is an arguable
point. Because of this, you, as a writer, should acknowledge in your work, the other side
of the argument. Here you are considering what your opponents are going to say against
your argument. When you have anticipated what your critics are going to say, you decide
how you are going to dispatch them. You may decide to deal with their points one by
one or you can discuss them as one. This will mainly depend on the structure of your
Going back to the thesis statement that the Land Rover is the strongest car ever
manufactured; one counterargument that comes to mind is the fact that the research can
be biased. Your opponents will raise the concern that the research may be biased since it
was carried out in the United Kingdom. If you have anticipated that this is what they are
going say, you will say it before they say so, and provide your defence. Here is an
example of how this can be said in the course of a speech or a written document, “I am
well aware that some, among you, are of the view that the research might be biased
because it was carried out in the United Kingdom, let me assure you that even though the
study was done in the United Kingdom, the team that did the study comprised members
from Germany, Italy, Sweden, The USA, South Africa and the two Koreas.”
If there were members of your audience who were about to raise that concern, you have
silenced them. Still on the same claim, you can have another counterargument like this,
“Some may say that the Land Rover has the most unattractive shape among all vehicles, I
totally agree but the thrust of the research was on durability not aesthetics of the body.
The counterargument is evidence that you have looked at all possible perspectives of the
topic under discussion. It means you have explored all avenues before taking your point
of view or position. You can convince the hardest of all critics if you do this well. In
academic writing, there is also the idea of who you are addressing in your speech or who
you are writing for. This is important because it affects the tone of your paper, the choice
of words and the examples you will give to illustrate your points. This is what is referred
to as audience analysis.
Writers cannot determine why they are writing without also determining who is going to
read what they are writing. University students always assume that their reader is their
lecturers. This is true in as far as assignments are concerned. For general academic
writing, writers must of necessity, remember that they are writing for multiple audiences.
Important to note is the fact that the most immediate audience is the writer himself or
herself. As the writer, you should be the first person to be impressed by what you write
because if you are not impressed, chances are that no one else will be, and you will have
wasted time and energy. The most significant audience is the reader(s). The readers
want writing that tells them something and they are easily put off by tedious uninspired
Consider how much the people you are going to address know about what you are going
to talk about. A lay audience knows nothing or very little about the topic yet you need not
assume that the audience is stupid. An expert audience knows as much as or even more
than you do about the topic. A technical audience has specific technical knowledge of
your topic and is interested in the practical aspect of the topic. A mixed audience
consists of combinations of some or all of the above. If the audience has a low level of
knowledge of your topic, adapt your message (vocabulary) by defining all terms and
providing full explanations. With a knowledgeable audience, half your job has been done
because, all you have to do is to encourage participants to share what they know with
fellow participants.
While we are certain of the level of education of lecturers as audience of your written
arguments, the same cannot be said about a general audience, which you do not know and
have never seen. So you need to find out if your audience will be university graduates or
mere Grade Seven certificate holders. At times, you write on a topical issue that may
capture the attention and interest of a wide spectrum of audience, including the lowly
educated. If your audience is less educated, use short sentences and simplified Occupation
The specific jobs held by your audience and their experience in the workplace will affect
their understanding of your message. The workers on the production line for example,
will perceive your message from a different perspective to that of staff in the finance
department of the same organization. Some jobs enhance an audience’s capacity to read
and understand written material because probably they are always reading various
journals, quarterly reports and so forth, so they are more likely to understand
presentations – both written and oral. Some lowly educated workers will have a great of
knowledge about processes that occur at the workplace. A good example is that f mine
workers who know all processes at the mine because of experience and exposure during
the time they have worked in the various departments in the mine. A presenter will be Status
The status of your audience will influence your message. Consider whether your
audience has the power to make decisions, based on your message. Consider also, the
audience status in the community. If the writer has a formal relationship with the
audience, he/she should use a formal style; the inverse is also true.
Social variables must be considered as they can influence the way you design and
structure your message. Social variables to consider are age, gender mix,
messages for an audience of pensioners will be differently structured from that designed
for a group of youth just out of university. The examples you would use to illustrate
points to a male only audience would be different from those composed for a mixed
gender audience. Size
Ask yourself how many people your message is going to reach. In other words, how big
is your audience? The way you formulate your message will depend on the size of the
audience, for example, a message meant for 500 people will differ from that designed for,
say, twenty. You need to plan carefully on how to make 500 people feel that they are
being addressed personally. With a small group, you can manage to keep their attention
In your planning, you need to be aware of some peculiar likes/dislikes of your audience.
For example, do they want to be addressed by first names, surname or title? Do they fuss
about the language you use? You will meet people among your audience, who will
constantly remind you of their titles, from the time the presentation starts, right up to the
end. There are cases where you feel that for a gentleman is Mr and will suffice for the
duration of the presentation, yet someone will correct you/saying he/she is not Mr/s but
professor so and so. You will have to address them using the title they have given you.
This means you may have to ask the other members of the audience about their titles. A
solution to this problem of titles (in an oral presentation) would but to distribute some
name tags and ask each participant to write and display their names and titles. The tags
should be big enough for you to see as you move around and among the participants.
Put yourself in the shoes of the audience in order for you to be sensitive to how they will
perceive and react to your message in terms of their needs. It is possible to spend a lot of
time during a presentation or in writing, offending people through ignorance. You can
assault your audience through the wrong jokes or anecdotes that impinge an audience’s
religion or political affiliations. Once this happens, the whole presentation has gone to
waste because the audience switches off and then you talk to yourself. This seems to be
Once you have drawn up a profile of your audience, it will be helpful to ask yourself the
following questions:
b. What is the source of their knowledge? This is because you need to estimate the
depth of that knowledge, that is, whether it was acquired through formal training
c. What does the audience need to know about the subject? This relates to the level
intermediate or advanced?
d. What will appeal to my audience? Does the audience need the theoretical aspect
of the subject matter or they may find the practical element relevant?
f. How can I present the information in a way that will assist my audience to
understand it?
Answering these questions will ensure that you tailor your message to meet the needs of
your audience.
c. The students have registered for a range of degree programmes, some for diploma
f. The majority of the students use English as a second language while a few have
English as their first language. A further few students use English as a foreign
g. All students have literary knowledge gained during their secondary education.
With these points listed above, we found it relatively easy to write a module that all
your audience is your lecturer and so you pitch your assignments to the standard/level
ACTIVITY 4.2 Without a thesis statement or claim, there is no argument. Discuss this
We have defined academic writing; we have also discussed the components of academic
writing. Our objective is to show or demonstrate how academic writing differs from all
writing. You will note that all other types of writing may share a few characteristics but
not all, and not the major ones. Good academic writing should have a good introduction,
should be analytical, interpretive, and cautious about scope. Good academic writing
should be supported and be logical. Good academic writing should be explicit, helpful to
the reader, well- paragraphed and well referenced. Above all, good academic writing
should have a fitting conclusion. We will now discuss each of these characteristics in
detail so that you have a grasp of how academic writing differs from all other styles of
Many students find it difficult to write an introduction for many reasons. Below are some
ways of thinking about introductions. Think of an introduction as a way which will both
remind you where you are going and give the reader a plan of your essay/paper. In other
words, an introduction should outline what your essay or presentation contain. Think of
an introduction like an introduction of a person, when you are explaining who the person
is, that is, what the essay does. It may be easier for some people to write the introduction
last when they know what they are introducing. Think of an introduction as a response to
grab the reader’s attention, by opening with something original, lively or controversial.
The introduction and conclusion allows you to address your reader(s) on the overall
purpose and significance of your essay/paper. In general terms, an introduction states the
opportunity to convince your reader of its value. These two are so important in the
There is no single formula for writing introductions and conclusions and the strategy you
adopt will depend on the nature of the assignment, the conventions of the academic
discipline and the internal imperatives of your particular argument. The introduction and
conclusion define the scope and focus of your essay and situate your main point of the
When you are writing an introduction, you are introducing, not only your
argument, but also yourself, the writer. You need to ask yourself what kind of
yourself as a thoughtful writer who has a good command of the subject, who
can make reasonable judgments on the basis of textual or factual evidence and
b) An introduction identifies and limits your subject. In other words, it tells the
reader what you are writing about and defines the scope of your inquiry/paper.
c) An introduction orients your reader by explaining the specific context and
rationale of your argument. Every reader looks to the introduction for the
background or context that will help the reader to understand how your work
fits into the larger picture and why the central idea matters.
on what you are writing about. No length is prescribed as to how long a thesis
statement should be, but as a rule of thumb, a thesis statement should be stated
come from a well-defined subject area. Such topical areas are in the fields of
your topic, you can start from the specific and then move on to the general.
Here you use an anecdote, a fact, a quotation that illustrate wider issues. For
example if you wish to write on the practice of ritual murders, you can start by
concern, since it is suspected that she was a victim of ritual murder. Her
murder is not an isolated incident but the tip of the iceberg.” That you call it
“tip of the iceberg” is our indication that more murders are taking place and
start from the general and move on to the specific. For example, you can start
by writing about the issue of violence in sport and refer to cases of violence at
violence that occurred at the National Sports Stadium.. you dwell on this
problem/question, which helps to focus your inquiry. “Is it true that the world
controversy in the reader and that way you have hooked them up. The readers
want to follow your line of argument and the evidence you will use to support
your argument.
structure of your essay. This way the reader is made aware of “the road they
are to follow” in reading the paper. Here in an introduction that outlines the
Management and to discuss the implications that derive from the definitions.
The essay will discuss the types of Impression Management, illustrating how
as to what will come first, what will be discussed next and so forth.
4.3.3 The Challenge of Writing the Introduction
always anxious when you come to this task. This is natural. A good introduction can
only be possible if you have already clearly defined your thesis statement. Have your
material ready in the form of essay notes. Organize your ideas into the logical order you
want them discussed during the essay. By arranging your ideas, you come up with your
line of agreement. This is the preparatory work required before you start writing your
process. The reason why you are compelled to change your introduction is
because, in the course of writing, you may stumble upon. Once you have this
b) You need to state your purpose of writing early in the essay (in the opening
paragraph). The mistaken thought that students have is that if they state their
central ideas very early in the paragraph, then they will not have anything to
say in the body of the essay. This is not entirely true because your reader is
of purpose is not there, then the reader loses interest because his/her
explanations have not been met. Your paper’s success does not only depend
on the introduction of the main/central ideas, but also on how well and
carefully develop the argument is. We are saying you can capture your reader
by presenting your central claim I the introduction without depriving your
reader of the sense of discovery. In other words, you need to have your reader
on tender looks – the reader wants to know how the argument is going to be
The formulaic introductions is evidence that you have not prepared. You have
not thought deeply and carefully enough about the subject you are writing
particular about them but just generalizations. Below are two formulaic
i. “From the dawn of time …”. Such an introduction gives the reader the
impression that you have not mastered your materials sufficiently enough
ii. “According to Collins Dictionary the term ….”. Here the writer evades
the specific demands of your subject. While we agree that the definition
material. You can resort to the dictionary only when there are differences
in definition of terms among those who have tried to write on the same
subject you are writing about. Even after consulting the dictionary, you
need to focus on the one definition that appeals to the material you are
writing on.
4.3.3 The Conclusion
While the introduction brings you central ideas into focus, ready for discussion in the
body of your essay, the conclusion also brings your central idea into focus, in light of the
foregoing argument. The aim of the conclusion is the make your readers feel that the
argument has fully achieved the goals you have set in the introduction. Your readers
should feel convinced by your argument and satisfied that all has turned a full circle.
When you write your final introduction and conclusion for an essay, it is advisable that
Writing a conclusion can be challenging, because now that you have completed the main
argument, it may seem as if the only thing left to is to summarise it. Indeed, the
conclusion has elements of a summary but an effective conclusion does not just feel like
a mere summary. You are recapitulating and closing your argument but you still need to
sustain your readers’ interest by highlighting those salient points of the argument. Which
ever way you chose to conclude your essay, remember that your conclusion should
In conclusions, you should not raise new ides to the fore since we are rounding of. So
much for introductions and conclusions, we will not discuss the characteristics of
The language of academic writing is relatively more complex than spoken language.
Academic writing has longer sentences and words. Its vocabulary is varied and it uses
more noun-based phrases than verb-based phrases. Written presentations or texts are
shorter than oral presentations because in oral presentations you have the opportunity to
digress and give illustrations while in written offerings, you stick to the text that is on
4.4 Formality
Academic writing is relatively formal. In general, the written essay or paper should
a) Colloquial words and expressions: “stuff”, “a log lot of”, “thing”, “sort of”
d) Sub headings, numbering and bullet-point in formal essays, but use them in
e) Asking questions
4.5 Precision
In academic writing we present facts and figures precisely. We need to be precise when
we use information, dates or figures. We do not use “a lot of people” when we can say
4.6 Objectivity
Written language is in general, objective rather than personal. It therefore has very few
(if any) words that refer to the writer(s) or readers. The main emphasis should be on the
information that you want to give and the arguments you want to make, rather than you
(self). For that reason, academic writing tends to use nouns (and adjectives) rather than
Johns (1997) argues that the language of written texts should distance itself from the
writer in order too create objectivity. This is achieved by avoiding the use of the first
person pronoun ___ “I”, “You”. Academic writing is described as “author evacuated”
meaning the author was removed from the text. Objectivity in also achieved through the
By being objective, the work becomes impersonal. In addition, the writing does not
Academic writing is explicit about the relationships in the text. The writer should make it
clear to the reader, how the various parts of the text are related. These connections can
be made explicit by the use of different signaling words. Academic writing is explicit in
a number of ways.
you write your essay, you have the responsibility to make it clear to your
reader, how various parts of the text related. To do this, you need to use
signaling words. For example, if your line of argument, you use the signaling
“The Bristol 167 was to be Britain’s great new advanced or American types
such as the Lock head and Douglas DC-6, which did not have the range to fly
the Atlantic non-stop. It was also to be the longest aircraft ever built in
Britain. However, even by the end of the design had run into serious
a) Because – giving reasons for something e.g. the duty-free purchase scheme of
b) Similarly – when ideas are almost the same. E.g. Christians observe Sabbath
going through one of the most severe droughts. In addition to this, the country
d) For example – when you want to give example. E.g The practice of
“kuzvarirana” has always resulted in deaths when people fight for the
betrothed woman. For example, Chief Ndyire sent his men to go and kill
1. Time/Order
Ad first, eventually, finally, first. Firstly, in the end, in the first place, in the second
2. Comparison/Similar ideas
3. Contract/Opposite ideas
But, despite of, even so, however, in contrast, on the other hand, still, whereas,
reason, hence, in consequence, in order to, wing to this, since, so, so that,
therefore, thus.
5. Examples
6. Generalization
As a rule, for the most part, generally, in general, normally, on the whole, in most
cases, usually.
After all, as one might, clearly, it goes without saying, naturally, obviously, of
course, surely.
8. Attitude
undoubtedly, unfortunately.
9. Summary/ Conclusion
Finally, in brief, in conclusion, in short, overall, so, then, to conclude, to sum up.
10. Explanation/Equivalence
In other words, namely, or rather, that is to say, this means, to be more precise, to
Apart from this, as well as, besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, nor, not
12. Condition
13. Support
14. Contradiction
15. Emphasis
Academic writing is explicit in its acknowledgement of the sources of the ideas in the
text. If you know the source of the ideas you are presenting, acknowledge it. There are
two ways of acknowledging sources, which are in-text citation and reference. In-text
citation happens in the body of the essay while references are compiled at the end of the
essay. It is important to note that you cannot have an item in the reference section if it
source, for example, if you are quoting Farrant which was published in 1986, you simply
write Farrant (1986). If you have a specific page in the book, you include it like this,
Farrant (1986:141).
When making a reference, the name of the author (surname) and initials, the year of
publication, the title of the source, the town of publication an the publishers are recorded.
Just to remind you, that sources that appear in your reference section should appear in the
body of your essay because you have cited them in order to support your argument. The
references list is different from a bibliography. A bibliography is the list of books and
articles that you read when researching for your assignment. The references are those
books/articles that you then referred to in compiling your assignment. Most books, you
will note, have both a references list as well as a bibliography. Viewed form another
angle, the references and bibliography dichotomy will depend on the referencing style
being used. Bibliography is normally associated with the Chicago style of referencing,
MLA uses Works Cited while APA and Harvard uses References.
Academic writing uses vocabulary accurately. Most subjects have words with narrow
follow below:
All ready/already
All together/altogether
Activity 5.4 Find meanings to the words listed above and show distinctions in their
strength of the claims you are making in your argument. Hedging ensures that your
contributions to any body of knowledge are acceptable because they are not aggressively
presented. Hedging shows caution on the part of the writer. The following is an example
of language of hedging.
1. introductory verbs: seems, tend, look like, appear to be, believe, think, doubt
8. to-clauses+adjective:
It is important to develop ….
It is useful to study ….
In academic writing, you must be responsible for, and must be able to provide evidence
and justification for any claim you make. You are also responsible for demonstrating an
understanding of the source text. This is done by paraphrasing and summarizing. The
reason, clarity and precision. In academic writing, the writer’s purpose is to persuade
readers to accept their claims. As already suggested elsewhere in this unit, claims are
debatable, the readers need to be persuaded to accept the writer’s claims. As Crusins and
which was meant to be won, and often involved conflicts. Today’s argument simply
supports a previously established decision while others try to establish common ground.
to do. It is helpful to the reader in he sense that it defines parts to the text and clarifies
information. Below is an example of writing that defines parts of the text and give the
This essay will describe the major characteristics of early childhood socialization
in the Shona society. Two contrasting practices will be described. The process
Academic writing should be logical and supported. By being logical, we mean that the
writing should show relationship between statements. This is achieved by use of logical
When we say academic writing should be supported, we mean that everything that you
and by logical deduction. The established facts and examples are the facts that come
from your reading. For example, you are arguing that war is wasteful, you go on to use
statistics of losses in the various that were fought. This includes loss of lives, machinery
and infrastructure.
Before we close this section, let us point out that while the characteristics discussed
above tend to give academic writing style a certain “authority” of detachment, it is never
completely objective. This is because academic writing seeks to persuade the reader to
agree with the writer’s viewpoint. A writer’s point of view is always subjective.
The writing Process
After you have gathered all you need to write an assignment, you now sit down to the
actual task of writing. One thing you will realize is that writing is never a linear process,
which moves from point A right up to point Z. Instead, you will find yourself moving
from your notes to the original texts, and then moving on to lecture notes and then back
to the assignment notes. This is because there is cross referencing to ensure that all
materials relevant and pertinent to the assignment is included. Generally speaking the
1. question analysis
2. introduction
Question Analysis
There are case where students have been told by their lecturers that they have written “off
topic”. What will have happened is that the students may have set their own questions
and then gone on to answer it instead of tackling the lecturer’s. the student may have
misinterpreted the question altogether. Either way, the student is guilty of missing the
point and may get a borderline pass or a fail. Students can avoid this scenario by
analysisng the question in order to have an idea of the demands of the question.
conditions. While some questions may not have special conditions, invariably, all
questions will have introduction words as well as content word. We now want to give
you an example of a typical question and then identify the three constituents, that is, the
instruction word, the content and special conditions. Below is a question concerning
“Examine the assertion that ESAP caused a lot of suffering among workers in Zimbabwe,
If we analyze the question above, we can see that it is divided into the following:
Introduction – Examine
What we have discovered is that students have a few problems in identifying the content
and special conditions. Students have a real problem when it comes to instruction words.
While they can identify instruction words, thsy are not sure what they mean. For that
reason, we have prepared a list of instruction words and what they require you to do:
Account: State reasons for, report on, narrate a series of events or transactions.
Analyse: Identify components and relationship between them; draw out and relate
Criticize: give your judgment of the good and bad points, supporting your opinions
Define: Give the precise meaning of the word or phrase, distinguishing it from
related words
Describe: Give a detailed account or verbal picture in logical sequence or narrative
Discuss: Examine in detail by argument, sifting evidence and explaining pros and
Enumerate: name and list the main ides one by one, number the items.
Evaluate: judge the worth, the importance or the truth of the concept, giving the
Interpret: Give the meaning, using enough explanation and examples to make it
List: Make a numbered list of words, sentences, ideas etc. (See enumerate)
Outline: Give the main ideas or principles and the important supporting details.
Emphasise the relationship among the parts. The instruction to use outline
Relate: Show how things are connected to one another and to what they affect one
Summarize: Give a concise account of the main points, omitting details and examples.
Wh – questions e.g.
Which: identify one from the other. You may have to provide background
How: give an explanation for something, what it is, why it works that way.
After interpreting the assignment question, the next stage is to brainstorm. Brainstorming
allows you to fit down every idea relating to the topic that comes to mind. Once you list
down the initial ides, new ideas will be generated from the old ones. A lot of ideas will
be recorded as they pass through the mind. Note that not all the ideas that are generated
during this brainstorming exercise will be included in the essay or assignment. At the
end of the brainstorming exercise, you start removing those you deem irrelevant and beef
up those you are going to use in the essay. You will then go on to the next stage, which
As already been hinted earlier on, writing is a complex intellectual activity that demands
you move to the next stage. In other words, you do not write and move in straight line
As a student you will go over and over sentences as you try to construct sensible
sentences in order to come up with the first draft. In the process you try to get the right
word and ideal sentence. Remember that you have already gathered the bulk of your
information during the planning session. The first draft is often called the discovery draft
because you expert to discover something new about the subject you are writing about as
you progress. The discovery draft is not perfect but gives you something to work on. If
there are any additions, subtractions and adjustments to be done, you do all these on the
discovery draft.
After compiling the rough or discovery draft, you put aside and allow it to “cool off”.
This is because if you continue working with it, you will fail to pick out areas that need to
be changed/adjusted or even corrected. After a while you will be to detect faulty
sentences, ill-chosen phrases and gaps in thinking. Once the rough draft has been re-
written, it is as good idea to hand it in to your tutor for feedback. When your tutor sends
back your draft, you go over it again, paying attention to what your tutor was noting.
The last stage in the writing process is proof reading. Proof reading is at times known as
“crossing the Ts” and “dotting the Is”. Once all your revisions have been completed, you
need to proof read carefully. Proofreading is a close reading of the final version to
eliminate errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation as well as typographical errors that
may have survived other revisions. Proofreading should be done slowly, preferably
aloud. First of all allow some time to elapse between the final writing/typing and
proofreading. This way the writer is more likely to read with a fresh eye. When
e) No full stops, dashes, common, colours or quotations marks are left out or use
After you have proofreading your essay, you are now confident of allowing it to be read
Academic writing is a skills that can be learnt and improved. The process which
form the basis of effective writing start with topic selection and end with
handing in of final draft. The stages in the writing process are recursive and
include the thinking, gathering, drafting, revising and editing stages. Academic
essays are written in a style that is objective and analytical.
Unit 5: Oral communication
Specific Objectives
lot of our time communicating orally. We are either talking informally to colleagues,
seminars and talking to your pupils in the classroom. The uni outlines what oral
communication is and compares it with written communication, which you did in the
previous unit. The unit will dell on how to prepare oral presentations, the dos and don’ts
of oral communication. We should be able to come up with a check list of what o look for
Compulsory Reading
Cleary, S. (ed.) (1999). The Communication Handbook. Cape Town: Juta and Co. Ltd.
Additional Reading
Key words
Visual aids: any aids such as flip charts, pictures, chalkboards that enhance oral
OHP: Overhead projector; an electrical gadget that is used with transparencies as visual
Visual aids: any gadget or implement that enhances oral presentation, e.g. flipcharts,
Anecdote: short illustrative story used to aid the comprehension of a concept, during
into action. While in most cases the answer is quite easy, the speaker does not require or
expect an answer.
Posture: Body position in relation to her/his audience. Posture refers to whether the body
Vocalics: the use of the voice to achieve effect during oral presentation. You could be
Gestures: the use of hands, the head or eyes during presentation for illustration
Flipchart: A large wad of newsprint sheets fastened to a board, used for writing and /or
Impromptu speech: a speech delivered off the cuff without any or minimal preparation
5.1 Introduction to oral communication
Verbal communication is often taken for granted but it is an important aspect of the
communication process, considering the uses to which oral communication is put. The
interviews. By the way, meetings and interviews are part of oral communication. Because
among them, mutual comprehension between the speaker and the listener, the tone in
which the utterance has been made, the accompanying nonverbal cues and the attitude of
the listener towards the speaker and the subject under discussion(Cullinan, 1989). Where
communicant does not understand the language of the other, verbal communication
becomes ineffective. Where the accompanying nonverbal cues contradict the verbal
communication, there may also be communication breakdown between the speaker and
the listener. Verbal communication can also be rendered ineffective if the listener has a
negative attitude either towards the speaker or the subject (Pace and Faules, 1989).
Verbal communication can be categorised into emotive, phatic, cognitive, rhetorical, and
communication. In other words, we are saying that different workplace will use the
category that best suits them. For example, in a hospital we will expect to hear language
that demonstrates emotions and sympathy for the sick or their relatives. We will discuss
language that employs emotional connotative words. It can therefore be used both
language can be used in the classroom to praise students’ good performance in class.
Through the use of such language, the students will be encouraged to do even better in
class. However, the same emotive language can be used to reprimand students who
constantly come for lecture or lessons late. Use of emotive language negatively should be
(1992) say that phatic communication is very important in an organisation because, “it
helps us form new relationships, cement existing relationships, tune in to the informal
keep abreast with events in the organization. Individuals who do not spend much of their
interview where you must appoint the right person from a number of choices.
Oral communication can also be used when it is important to pool the knowledge
of several people to arrive at key decisions. This is why there are meetings of key
communicated to an individual.
Oral communication can be used where you need to persuade listeners to adopt a
above the obvious distribution in physical form that is speech uses the medium of ‘phonic
substances’ and writing uses the medium of ‘graphic substance’. The differences are
chiefly to do with language use. The speaker and the writer are operating in
The status of oral/speech communication and written communication is not the same.
Linguistics has brought to the study of language a revaluation of the relationship between
the spoken and written forms of communication. A much higher status was accorded to
the written than the spoken. Written language is regarded as the repository of the society.
It is not surprising then, that language of all sorts of evaluated against the norm of written
Written language has one further asset. It is permanent and accessible to all.
- Speech is transitory an in the past there was no mans of seizing it, reliving, speech
- Grammars have usually been grammars of written language. Thus, school teachers
language is held up as a norm for all our uses of language for many people what
they speak is not language. Social and economic advancement are obtained through
education. Educated men are those that can read and write and it is believed, one
However, in the present state of education the ability to read and write is now so general
between writing and speech. The Linguistic attitude attaches the greater importance to
speech. Speech is regarded as the primary manifestation of language, and writing is both
secondary to it and dependent on it. Every individual learns to speak before he learns to
write. In fact when writing is learned, it is as a representation of speech which has been
required previously.
both structure and mode of functioning. It is speech in though and images only, lacking
Oral communication and written communication are seen as independent of each other.
pauses to speech.
Speech runs over full stops and commas, but pauses for emphasis, for planning, thinking
and for a certain kind of syntactic marking quite different from that indicated by
According to Wall Work (1978, p. 113) without writing all the beliefs and ideas can exist
know and no two people will remember the same incident in exactly the same way as can
often be seen in conflicting accounts in court cases, of what happened during some crime.
Since memory is a social function, and is used in ways that are seen to be social relevant.
inevitably changes. A written record may still be selective, inaccurate, or only one of a
our memory of the past. Changes and inconsistencies can no longer be simply forgotten
or ignored.
communication. Written and oral communication are alike n many aspects, but
Written Language is linear and segmental. It misses the ‘on the sport’ features of
language, the elements that tie it to the context. The speaker’s state of mind, the
reservations, doubts, hesitation, and the weight given to arguments have no place
Written language has more lexical items and less grammatical items. It is highly
nominalised – that is the creation of noun forms from words that are not
necessarily nouns.
exist but they happen, ‘they are seen as coming into being, moving in and out of the
system .
- In speech both participants are usually reader and the writer does not know
present. The speaker has a particular who the reader is going to be.
addressee in mind
- The spontaneity and speed exchanges - Writing allows repeated reading and
face-to-face interaction, they can rely participants can not rely on context to
on such extra linguistic cues as facial make their meaning clear, nor is there
- Spoken is communalized - Written language is individualistic
- Spoken language can not provide - Written language can be used as
makes history.
- Lexicon is characteristically vague - In writing there is no use of deitic
refer directly to the situation 9diectic interpreted by many settings. More so,
expressions such as that one, in here, there is time lag between production
- Many words and constructions are - Words and constructions ar
- Speech is very suited to social or - Writing is very suited to the recording
social relationships and personal - Written records are easier to keep and
However, errors once spoken, cannot eliminated in later drafts without the
be withdrawn. The speaker must live reader ever knowing they were there.
contrasts of loudness, tempo, rhythm - Several written genres e.g. time tables,
assimilated visually.
- If we choose to speak, we may intend - If we choose to write, we normally
heard at a later point in time as when - We make the end product in such a
under our breath (sotto voice) - We may write in a way that it will not
shared social activity. Addressees and hearers are actually present. Writing normally
occurs in isolation. The audience is absent and not always easy to imagine.
In oral communication typically, there is immediate feedback from the people to whom
message is directed. The feedback itself, or its absence, influence the flow of thought. In
be so by the writer. Face to face talk in the teaching profession enables the teacher and
pupils to interact and have a shared understanding of concepts. The teacher can clarify
issues if students fail to grasp difficult concepts. Questions can be rephrased to enable
understanding. In written communication especially text books. If there are errors they
the interaction. Face to face talk moves from subject to subject. For example, in group
writer. It focuses narrowly on topics and, within topics, there is transparent movement
from subtopic to subtopic. While a particular piece of text may appear to move
actually the product of several rewrites. The logical arrangement of ideas is normally
seen in essays, dissertations, seminar papers etc. (any form of academic writing).
In oral communication, there is little revising or editing. What little is done is done either
on the spot, or in a later conversation when something triggers it. Writing involves
extensive revising and editing, a process which triggers new, perhaps deeper, insights
about the topic at hand, and which in fact, can be seen as part of the development of the
through that sequence with cohesion, adherence to the prescribed rules of formal
writing in the language of the essay and lexical selection being important means
Oral communication is fluid and flows according to the context of the moment.
The concepts and ideas expressed in talk tend to be dynamic and subject to
Writing expresses ideas and concepts that have been frozen onto the page. They
express static ideas that are supposed to stay still, something we tend to signal in
In speech communication we try to lock the things we talk about together and
treat them as wholes as for example, when we capture everything that is important
ensure that addressees and listeners are listening. Writing is recontextualised such
that the text itself, pieces of writing function as self contained packages of the
In oral communication the focus of the speaker is placed on the flow of social
interaction. This entails being context-bound and expecting strongly that the
audience will supply relevant background information and will make appropriate
interpretations while the focus of the academic writer is more heavily on organizing
the information content of the message. In doing so, the writer is isolated from the
immediate context and requires that she/he supply relevant background information.
evaluative attitude towards the subject, the participants and the speech event. Whilst
in writing cohesion and evaluation are achieved through arranging information and
In oral communication much of what is interpreted in talk is unsaid and talking often
suggests much more than writing requires a high degree of explicitness while some of
heavily on the listener as it does on the speaker. That is, the listener is responsible for
on the writer. The audience is absent, how could it respond I a way that moves the
writer forward. Core ideas, supporting points and transitions are explicitly marked.
very different from the everyday, spontaneous, precarious adventures of speech which
make up the worlds linguistic activity and are in that sense normal language (Turner
Writing like a human messenger, does not convey exactly the voice of the sender, and
perhaps important tonal indications of how the message is to be taken, writing must
therefore cultivate rhythms and connectives which indicate to a trained reader, the
continual rebirth it reaches not only other places but other times.
Writing involves extensive revising and editing, a process which triggers new,
a particular claim and that case is then used as evidence for other purposes. Many
personal meeting and is usually inadequate where the situation requires a quick
written communication does not display a required degree of human feeling and
appreciation. It can also help build a good relationship with important clients
Written words can be misinterpreted. Very often people lie to interpret a message
to say what they want it to say rather than what it actually says. Once the
recipient distorts the meaning of the message, ther may be problems in achieving
advantages. Oral communication allows for immediate feedback, allows for direct
participation of recipient.
unclear or you feel that ‘noise’ has interfered with transmission, you can have
- You have not taken for granted that the recipient has some essential
- You have not used language that has been wrongly interpreted by the
verbal or body language and these assist the communication process at a face-
be given the opportunity to express their views and doubts can be dealt with
Not everything about oral communication is good. There are some disadvantages
deal and this encourages a casual approach to and delivery of oral communication
to ensure that all involved can remember and can understand what has to be done
talk may be time consuming. You may have to travel to meet the recipients of the
Oral communication may fuel personal differences. Sometimes you just do not
‘click’ with a person and a personal conversation may bring out animosity that
Open University.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1989). Spoken and Written Language. Oxford: Oxford University
Chafe, W. L. (1982). “Integration and Involvement in Speaking, Writing and Oral
Literature” In Spoken and Written language: Exploring Oracy and Literacy. Edited by
Wallwork, J. F. (1985). (2nd ed) Language and Linguistics: An Introduction to the Study
Goody, J. (1987) The Interface between the written and the oral. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Publishers Ltd.
Cleary, et al. (1999). The Communication Handbook. Juta and Co. Ltd.
analyzing the audience, determining the purpose, preparing the topic, organizing the
presentation, preparing visual aids and the venue and rehearsing the presentation.
5.3.1 Analysing the audience
Start by gathering information about your audience so that your message is oriented
towards their needs. Your maths class might consists of students of different ages
genders, cultures and experiences. Think about how their different profiles might affect
their understanding and enjoyment of your presentation. Also think about the knowledge
your audience has of the subject. Do they have some or n background knowledge.
Because of the diversity of a country’s population, one can not assume everyone thinks
and acts exactly as one does. As you select your speech topic, establish your purpose,
and narrow your subject, think about your listeners. Your effectiveness as speaker
Effective oral communication is audience-centered. You can not address your speech to
each person individually but you can identify common feature among your listeners.
The goal of audience analysis is to discover what facets of listeners’ demographic and
psychological characteristics are relevant to your speech purpose and ideas, so that you
Find out whether your listeners are primarily young, middle-aged or older? Are your
listeners your peers, or are you much younger or older? Watch a nursery school teacher
talk to pre-school children and you will wee how age gapes of twenty years (20 years) or
more can be overcome. Nursery school teachers know that they must adapt to their
young listeners or risk chaos. They adapt partly by simplifying their vocabulary and
shortening their sentences. There is need to recognize what captures their attention.
Devito (1990) argues that different age groups have different attitudes, beliefs and values
simply because they have different experiences. Thus, people have one thing in common, Gender
gender role or do they assume different roles? Certain topics concern females and are
inappropriate to males. Psychological sex roles may be more important than biological
a) Do men and women differ in the values they consider important and that are
related to your topic and purpose. Traditionally, men have been found to
Men and women do not respond in the same way to topics such as abortion, Education
How much do your listeners already know about your subject? Does their experience
allow them to lean? Knowing the educational background of your audience can guide
you I your choice of language, kinds of supporting material and organizational pattern.
Questions to ask:
a) Will the interests and concerns of the audience differ on the basis of their
educational level?
b) Will different educational levels influence how critical the audience will be on
c) Will the different educational levels relate to what the audience know about
your topic?
Nationality, race and the extent to which people identify with a particular culture or
Largely due to different training and experiences, the interests, values and goals of
Do your listeners belong to groups that represent special attitudes or identifiable values?
Are they part of a formal organization? Doctors, Lawyers and Dentists join professional Religion
Religion permeates all topics and issues. Issues such as birth control, abortion and
divorce are closely connected to religion. Does your topic or purpose attack the religious
Social scientists and communication researchers have found it useful to divide people
into psychological groups on the basis of fundamental beliefs, attitudes and values.
a) Beliefs
state of affairs in the “real” world. A belief asserts something true or false in
the world. Beliefs arise from first-hand experiences, from public opinion, fro
supporting evidence from authorities or even from blind faith. Some beliefs
Demonstrated beliefs or beliefs you hold strongly are called facts. Facts are
or compelling evidence.
It is my opinion ----
b) Attitudes
Attitudes are tendencies to respond positively or negatively to people, objects
Audience may have attitudes towards you, your speech subject or your speech
c) Values
Values are the basic concepts organizing one’s orientation of life. They
provide standard for judging the worth of thoughts and actions. These are
include broad categories into which many specific attitudes are grouped
Consider the result you want from your message. You might want to inform your
Your purpose might be to persuade the audience to follow a certain line of thinking.
Having a clearly defined purpose, the result that you want from your message – ensures
that your message has a clear focus and that you do not wander off the point. The main
2. to request information
3. to persuade
4. to promote goodwill
This involves researching and gathering the information needed for your presentation.
Brainstorm ideas – This allows the speaker to jot down points relating to the topic that
has been chosen. You can make use of brainstorming technique such as listing, mind
Consult relevant text books, journals, newspapers and internet so that you have evidence
Record the source of information and keep in mind questions that members of the
After you have gathered all the information, you need to structure it to ensure that the
ideas are logically presented. The introduction is vital. This is when you attract your
audience’s attention. Your introduction should give your audience a reason for listening.
A startling statement
An appropriate anecdote
A rhetoric question
An activity
Make certain that you refer to the audience and the occasion.
Give background information and explain key concepts. Tell your audience how they
can benefit from listening to your presentation. Tell your audience how long the
presentation will take. Give the structure of your presentation so that the audience know
what to expect.
The body of your presentation contains the major points of your talk. Support your ideas,
it is better to give a few, well supported ideas than an endless list of details. Use suitable
Link your ideas by connective devices e.g. in addition to, furthermore, unlike etc.
The conclusion summarizes the main points of your presentation. This allows the
audience to hear the main points three times – in the introduction, body and the
conclusion. Do not add new ideas/points in your conclusion. This confuses your
Using visual aids will make your presentation more interesting for the audience. Be
careful not to use too many visual aids. A visual aid is and aid and should support and
reinforce your presentation, not dominate it. Examples of visual aids are:
Overhead projectors
White or chalkboards
Data projectors
Prepare the venue or check that it I prepared before the time. This serves the
embarrassment that might arise if there are too few seats or if the seating arrangements
5.4.1 Vocalics
Aim to speak naturally, but audibly at the same time. Pay attention to pitch and volume.
Low pitch sounds pleasant and sincere and is easy to listen to.
Pay attention to tone. Most audiences dislike a patronizing speaker who ‘talks down’ to
them. Your tone will help create an open and friendly climate.
5.4.3 Gestures
These gestures convey your belief in and involvement with your topic. Use natural
5.4.4 Postures
Stand tall
Face your audience
Feedback result in a two-way flow of information so set aside time for questions.
Reflect on your performance after the presentation. This will help you improve your
speaking skills.
Explain the role of audience analysis as a crucial step to take when preparing oral
Cleary et al. (1999). The communication Hand book. Juta & Co, Ltd.
De Vito, J.A. (1990). The elements of public speaking. New York: Harper and Row,
Powers, J.H. (1987). Public speaking: The Lively Art. California: Wadsworth Publishing
Visual aids are any materials the speaker shows to the audience during the speech. They
are called aids because they help the speaker, complementing the verbal message with a
visual one. Visual aids help speakers produce interesting and effective messages. Each
speaker selects visual aids in mind. Variety can stimulate interest and attention.
According to Powers (1987, p. 202), there are three most important functions of visual
Because visual aids are usually quite different from sentences, revealing a visual aid at an
Visual aids help reinforce the spoken word. The spoken word is ephemeral, evanescent,
fleeting. Words you say disappear almost as quickly as you speak them.
Most visual aids are more permanent than the spoken word. They can be left in view for
visual aid gives the audience additional time to build up their understanding of how all
the parts relate to the complex whole. There are several types of complex ideas for which
visual aids are especially helpful. Visual aids can be used to accomplish the following
Charting Trends
A trend is not a thing, it is an activity that occurs over time. For example,
charting trends because they naturally lead the eye to follow the progression of
the trend.
disparity between two or more magnitudes is important. Bar graphs are especially
component elements.
example of the item to you audience. If size, shape and colour are significant to
Visuals help audience visualise the relationship of the parts to one another.
If you are explaining the stages in some process, your audience may find a visual
aid helpful in keeping the steps and their chronological order in mind. The reason
is that visual images are concrete and do not require the same complex cognitive
picture and associate it in their minds with a particular idea from the speech.
Visuals can help a speaker to remember the ideas in her speech and the order in
Devito (1990, p. 255) points out that: audio visual aids are not “added frills”.
They are integral parts of your speech and serve important functions. Audi
The argument is that we understand ideas better and remember them longer if we
see them as well as hear them. Research has demonstrated that bar graphs are
Visuals can heighten the persuasive impact of your ideas because they engage the
me” attitude prevalent among listeners, visual materials provide a crucial means
of meeting listener expectation. The show and tell principle is enhanced by use of
Depending upon your speech topic and purpose, you may choose one or several types of
visual support.
These are helpful when you want to shoe movement or changes over time. Make sure
that you can operate the equipment properly and quickly. Delays increase your
Slides are useful for showing various scenes or graphics that cannot be described in
words. Slides allow you depict colour, shape, texture and relationships. Using slide
requires familiarity with projection equipment. Photographs and complex graphs are
Video tape can be used to present moving images. Video tapes and films can be useful in
illustrating your points. Videos and films dramatically reinforce your claim
Computer graphics
Computers can be used to make charts and tables, they can also be used to produce
from the computer to the screen: referred to as electronic slides: these are graphics
These are celluloid sheets that are projected on to a screen with the use of an overhead
projector. You can also photocopy text, graphs or charts onto transparencies. Computer
generated images can be copied onto transparencies. The overhead projector will enlarge
the transparency so that its contents are easily visible to the audience. You can even add
Actual objects
Speakers can often integrate actual objects into their speeches. Using the actual object
These are replicas of the actual object. They are useful when explaining complex
structures. Models help to clarify the size of various structures, their position and how
they interface with one another. Models can dramatize your explanation.
Speakers can use pictorial representation of the actual object. You can show your
Chalk board
In many speaking situations, using the chalkboard is the easiest way to make visual aid.
Chalk board drawings are especially valuable when you want to present an idea step by
Charts are useful in communicating various types of information. Charts contains large
Word charts
Organizational chart
Flow chart
Flip chart
Hand outs
Hand outs refer to one or more sheets of paper given out to audience before or during the
oral presentation. Handouts reinforce the basic message of the speech. Handouts help
Graphs are pictures of numerical relations. Graphs are useful for showing differences
over time and how a whole is divided into parts and various amounts or sizes. Graphs
Bar graph
Line graph
Pie graph
Maps are useful for showing graphic elements as well as changes throughout history,
Diagrams are drawings that show how elements relate to one another in space.
Oddly enough, people can function effectively as audio visual aids. For example, to
demonstrate the muscles of the body, different voice patterns or hair styles.
The speaker
Sometimes you can be your own best visual aid. There are three special ways you can be
- If you are describing the size of something show it with your hands or fingers
how big it is
3. Wear appropriate clothing – clothing sets the tone of your mood for your speech.
Most speeches benefit from the additional impact or clarity provided by well-chosen
visual aids. Our eyes supplement our ears as we try to make sense of the speech we are
Despite the benefits, there is one major draw back. Visual aids can be a powerful
distraction, drawing attention to themselves rather than the heart of the speech. Visual
Types of oral/speech communication which are dominant in the teaching profession are
5.6.1 Lectures
Lectures are the most popular ways or modes of learning at colleges and universities. A
provides the basic framework of a course of study and a starting point for student
Giving you practical examples and applications related to theories you are
use of visual aids to enhance clarity and understanding. The lecturer has to bear in mind
the type of learners and the topic under discussion so that the purpose of the speech is
5.6.2 Tutorials
Tutorial is a learning mode that has a few number of students to allow enough
enhance better understanding learning. The tutor will direct the discussion i progress and
help students on debates or controversial areas. Tutorials are meant to support lectures.
Tutorials allow a topic to be understood more deeply and with greater clarity. Tutorials
provide a forum where students can test their ideas and hear and comment upon those of
participant contributes every time. There is room for sharing ideas since everybody
learns fro the other. It is a communication process in which the outcomes and
conclusions are dependent on contributions of the group rather than the tutor. Learning is
based on experience of participants rather than the knowledge of the leader. Learning is
Helping one to understand the subject more deeply, help to clear a particular
Laying a firm foundation for asking questions and making additional notes.
Helping students to argue logically, tactfully and critically.
In tutorials the tutor defines the aim of the tutorial, prepare a brief introductory
presentation of topic outline, ask questions, point the way forward on discussion, indicate
omission if there were any. The tutor can also rephrase questions asked, supervise turn
taking, summarize the tutorial points raised and conclude the tutorial.
5.6.3 Seminars
A seminar is a group activity. One person prepares a research on a particular topic and
process. While a lecture places the burden of preparation more on the lecturer than the
student, a seminar makes it possible for students to participate in the learning process
right from the preparation stage. Each student is assigned a topic to read about in depth,
produce a scholarly paper and then present it to his/her fellow students for discussion and
Group discussions are a good learning made in which learners from units with the
particular topic. They encourage an analytical and critical evaluation of the contributions
thought. The group has clearly defined aims and everyone contributes by saying
5.6.5 Presentations
to work on and present I front of the other learners. This instills confidence in the
learner. Individual presentations promote individual research and learning. The learner
develops experiential learning. The learner can also evaluate herself/himself after
necessary additions that will equip him/her with enough information on a particular
concept or topic.
Moss 1980). Usually the event is planned in advance and there is an agenda. Public
communication tends to occur within a more formal and structured setting than either
Activity 5.3
The skills of analysis, organization and effective presentation are increasingly valued in
more important. Regardless of the field you are in, it is highly likely that career success
and advancement will be helped by your ability to speak in public. Thus, oral
communication becomes crucial. The ability to speak well empowers you to participate
completely in making the decisions that will affect you and others. By improving
presentational skills, you may become more self-confident and more willing to engage in
In oral presentations, individuals can make use of visual aids to enhance their audience’s
attention, to reinforce the spoken word and to clarify complex ideas. Oral
communication can come in the form of lectures, tutorials, seminars, group discussions,
1 Choose five (5) nonverbal communication cues and discuss how these can enhance or
2. Using illustrative examples, show how oral communication can improve the