Sample User Story
Sample User Story
Sample User Story
Story summary –
Login-App - As a technician I want to login to the app with my registered email id so that I could start my work
Tom activates his Username and sets the password for his login.
Tom enters the Username and Password and clicks on the Sign In button.
By default, Tom’s password is hidden but he has the facility to show the password.
With the valid combination, he is able to log in to the app and is shown the Home screen of the app.
Acceptance Criteria
Start button at the end of the Splash screens
After the splash screens, on start Click, Tom is presented with a EULA (end-user licensing agreement),
with a check box that reads him to agree with and accept the EULA.
Tom checks the check box and clicks the “Agree” button - upon which, Tom is presented with the new
/next page in the app.
Data Input
Login Page:
1. Login -email id
2. Password
Data Output
Failed Scenarios
7. The user is not able to click/proceed ahead after the instance screen.
9. The user is not redirected to the home screen after successful login.
10. The app does not proceed ahead/gets stuck after the Submit click.