Davao Del Sur State College (DSSC)
Davao Del Sur State College (DSSC)
Davao Del Sur State College (DSSC)
August 4, 2020
We, the selected 5th year BSAE students, would like to request your permission to open
the following subjects: AE 12 (Forest Product Engineering), AE 16 (Soil & Water Conservation
Management), AE 17 (Agricultural Mechanization & Machinery Management) and AE 18
(Agricultural Waste Management) for this 1st Semester of S.Y. 2020-2021 enrollment system in
Agricultural Engineering Department. This is because the 5th year subjects are not regularly
offered this 1st Semester of S.Y. 2020-2021. As a consequence, if we are not able to enroll this
semester, we will have to render another semester in order to enroll the said subjects and we
really hope to graduate this coming June 2021.
We are hoping for your favorable consideration and positive response. Thank you and God
Respectfully yours,
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