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GATE/ NET / SET / PSU / Competitlve Exams/Unlversity Examns

1. Given * W = 0 , where p PE) a=P then r =0 iscalled ordinary point if

Potx) Po() - 8
(a) P,(0)=0 J p,(O) : 0 (c) 1 0 (d) P 20
P(x) Plx)
Ans (b)

2. Given+p+q=0, where p = P ) P o l x y 9 P t )
and r=0 is singular point i.e.

P,(x) =0, but xp(x)and x'glx)are finite as x > 0, then x = 0 is called as

(a) Singular Point (b) Ordinary Point (c) Saddle Point (d) Regular Singular Point

Ans (d)

MCQ on Special Function(Ex. 1 to 20)| Mathematics-Ganit Sangrah | Satish Tiwarl

GATE / NET / SET / PSU / Compettlve Exams /University Examns

3. Givendy +P+q =0, where p =.P(X) q- and x=0 is ordinary point then its
dr Po(x) 18
solution can be expressed in the form

y = >ar', whereris positive integer


(b) y= a,r", where r is positive integer


(c) y =
x"2ax', where m is positive, negative or fraction

(d) y=*"a,x', where m is positive, negative or fraction



MCQ on Special Function(Ex. 1 to 20)| Mathematics-Ganit Sangrah | Satish Tiwari

GATE / NET / SET / PSU / Compettlve Exams /University Examns

4. Given
where p =
r = 0 is regular singular point
then its solution can be expressed in the form

(a) y=ax', where r is positive integer


(b) y= 2a,x, where r is positive integer


(c) y= *"2a,x, where m is positive, negative or fraction


(d) y =
where m is positive, negative or fraction

MCQ on Special Function(Ex. 1 to 20)| Mathematics-Ganit Sangrah | Satish Tiwari
GATE / NET / SET / PSU / Competttlve Exams /University Exams

5.Given +q=0, wherep- h , then x =0 and xp(*)and ax'q(x) X

P(x) P(r) 1- 8
are not finite as r > 0, then given differential equation has
(a) Unique solution by Frobenius method (b) Infinte solution by Frobenius method
(c) No solution by Frobenius method (d) Can't say anything

6. Given + py'+qy =0, where p -Pa) 4= when the rootsof indicial equations are
P.() P(x)
distinct and not differing by an integer, say m, and m, then the general solution of given
differential equation is
(a) y= A[yl +
B[vl», (b) y= Ax[y l., + Br[ln,
(c) y= AxI»I +
Bxr°V. (d) y= AxI»l +
Br°\ 1.
Ans. (a)
MCQ on Special Function(Ex. 1 to 20)| Mathematics-GanitSangrah | Satish Tiwarl
GATE / NET / SET / PSU / Compettive Exams / Unhversity Exams

7. Given + p+qy =0, where p = = ,when the roots of indicial equations are
then the complete solution of given differential equation is
equal say m =
m, = m

(a) y= Ax[v|. +
Bx (b) y= AyI., +Bly|.,

(c) y= Ax[,l., +Bx[y]\ (d) y= AlL. +B

Ans. (d)
8. Bessel's Equation is given by

(a) a x+-r*)y =0 b) (r-n*)y =0

-D)n+1 (d) y= -))n+I

c) y=a"
2 n+r+l n+r+l|
Ans. (b)
MCQ on Special Function(Ex. 1 to 20)1 Mathematics-Ganit Sangrah | Satish Tiward
GATE/ NET/ SET/ PSU/ Competive Exams / Unlversihy Exams 4
9. Solution of Bessel's Equation J,(r) is given by
r+2 n+2r
(b) J.r)= Y
+2 2r

(J,(r)= -on+r+| (d) - L

Ans. (c)
10. J(r) ...=

(a) (-1)""J,(x) (b) (-1)"J,(x)

() (-1)*J,cx) (d) None of the Above
Ans. (b)

MCQ on Special Function[Ex. 1 to 20)I Mathematics-GanitSangrah | Satish Tiwar

GATE/ NET/SET / PSU / Competitve Exams/Unlversity Exams
11. .(r)]=..
(a) (r) (b) x.,x)
(d) x",(x)

Ans. (d)

12 .r))=.
(a)-* "J,.,(r) (b) x " r )

(-x() (d) x"J,(r)

Ans. (a)

MCQ on Special Function(Ex. 1 to 20)| Mathematics-Ganit Sangrah | Satish Tiwarl

GATE / NET/ SET/ PSU / Competive Exams / Unlversity Exams

ofthe following recurrence relation is wrong for J,(r)

13. Which one

a) a(a)= -n/,(x) + xd, ,(r) (b) xx) nJ,(x)-x«/,.,(a) =

(c) 2J() =J,-(*)-J,(r) (d) 2n/,(r) = xJ,-,(*) + a/,,(r)

Ans. (d)
14. Given , (r) = 2 sinx, J (x) = cos.x then J,(x) =,..

(b)- sinr +COS.

sin - cos.r (d) 2 sinx -
cos r
t )
Ans. (c)
MCa on Speclal function(Ex. 1 to 20)1 Mathematics-Ganit Sangrah | Satish Tiward
GATE/ NET / SET / PSU / Compettve Exams/ Unhversity Exams

2 then J ,(x) =..

15. GivenJ(x)= 2sin x. J ,(*)= cos.x
2 1 8

2 sinr +COS sinx

(a) (b) V cosx
sin Sinr
- cos.r
(d)- - cosx

Ans. (b)
16. Legendre's Equation is given by
(a) (1-r*)-2+n{n +Dy =0 (b) (1 - x*)+2+{n +Dy = 0

()(1+x*) 2 d mn +1)y =0 (d) (1+ x*)+2+n(n +)y = 0

Ans. (a)
MCQ on Special Function(Ex. 1 to 20)| Mathematics-Ganit Sangrah | Satish Tiwari
GATE / NET/ SET / PSU / Compeltlve Exams/ Unlversity Examns 4

17. P,(1) =...

(a) 0 (c) 1 (d) not defined 1 8

Ans. (c)
18.Which of the following is not correct,

(a) Px)=x (b) P(a)=(3x+1)

()Rx)=(5x -3x) (d) Px)=(63x° -70x*+ 15x)
Ans. (b)

MCQ on Special Function(Ex. 1 to 20)| Mathematics-GanitSangrah 1 Satish Tiwa

GATE/ NET/SET/PSU/Compettlve Exams/Unlversity Exams
19. P,(x)P,(x)dr =
2 mcn
-0 < 8

(a) 0, if m*n
2T (b) 0, if m=n

() f m*n (d) does not exist

20. Pm0) =..
(b) 1 (C)2 (d) 3
Ans. (a)

MCQ on Special Function(Ex. 1 to 20)| Mathematics-GanitSangrah | Satish Tiwari

GATE/ NET/SET / PSU/Competitlive Exams / Unlversity Exams
21. Which ofthe following is not correct )(*) P)=(n-o[atJ)-,)
(a) (1-*)P:(x) =(n+1)xP.(x)- P,.,(x)] 7- 0 8
(b) (2n+1)xP,(r) = (n+ 1)P,.(r)+ nP, ( )
Rewmnre 1aa) nlub
(c) (2+1)P,(x) =
P".,(r) -P"(*) = X T,-()
(d) (n+1)P,(x) = P".,(x) + xP(x)

Ans. (d)

aT T )
* caon SpecialFunction(Ex.í fo 20)I Mathematics-Ganit Sangrah | SatishTiwar

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