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March 2013

nathanjurgenson.com @nathanjurgenson nathanjurgenson@gmail.com

August 2007 - Present Pursuing Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Concentration: Social Theory and the Internet. Maryland, College Park.

August 2007

M.A. Sociology, Concentration: Research Methods and Statistics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL. Thesis: A Conceptual Analysis of Anti-Intellectualism and Its Political Consequences: A Survey Approach (Chair: Dr. Charles Cappell) B.A. Sociology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL.

December 2004

Graduate Assistantships Fall 2010 to Present Department of Sociology, University of Maryland, College Park. Teacher; undergraduate Sociological Theory and Social Structure and Identity Graduate Assistantship, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland, College Park. Research Assistant to Dr. George Ritzer. Helped prepare manuscript of Globalization: A Basic Text for publication. Worked on new editions of Enchanting a Disenchanted World and The McDonaldization of Society and others. Assisted with conference presentations. Webmaster for georgeritzer.com.

Fall 2008 - Spring 2010

Fall 2007 to Spring 2008 Graduate Assistantship, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland, College Park. Teaching Assistant to Dr. Alan Neustadtl for an undergraduate statistics course in the Sociology department. Fall 2005 to Spring 2007 Graduate Research/Teaching Assistantship, Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University. Head graduate assistant in the Sociology Quantitative Research Laboratory and teaching assistant for the Quantitative Research Methodology course under the supervision of Dr. Charles Cappell. Research Positions Spring 2013 to present Spring 2008 to Present

Contributing Editor, The New Inquiry. Social Science Analyst, U.S. Census Bureau. Primarily involved in the qualitative testing of questionnaires and preparing research papers. Managing Editor, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. George Ritzer (ed.). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Research Assistant to Dr. Charles Cappell, Department of Sociology, Northern

Spring 2009 - Sp 2011

Summer 2006

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Illinois University. Created and maintained large datasets in SAS as well as produced a series of maps using ArcGIS documenting land use patterns. Spring 2004 Research Intern, Juvenile Justice Council, Lee County, Illinois. Assisted in an evaluation of JDAI (The Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative). Participated in observation, interviews, data analysis (SPSS), and the creation of graphical presentation materials for the Juvenile Justice Council of Lee County.

Service Positions Fall 2008 to Spring 2010 Webmaster, University of Maryland Department of Sociology website.

Jurgenson, Nathan and PJ Rey. 2013. The Fan Dance: How Privacy Thrives in an Age of HyperPublicity in Geert Lovink & Miriam Rasch (ed) Unlike Us Reader, Jurgenson, Nathan. 2012. When Atoms Meet Bits: Social Media, the Mobile Web and Augmented Revolution. Future Internet, 4(1), 83-91. Available free online: http://www.mdpi.com/19995903/4/1/83/ Jurgenson, Nathan and P.J. Rey. 2012. Comment on Sarah Fords Reconceptualization of Privacy and Publicity. Information, Communication & Society. Vol. 15:2, pp287-293. Jurgenson, Nathan. 2012. - . 4. , . . 122-127. [Russian translation. English: The Faux-Vintage Photo. Socrates, 4. Moscow, Praxis Publishers, 2012. Pp. 122-127. Ritzer, George, Paul Dean and Nathan Jurgenson. 2012. The Coming of Age of the Prosumer. Introduction to a Special Issue on Prosumption, The American Behavioral Scientist. Hunter-Childs, Jennifer, Rodney Terry, and Nathan Jurgenson. 2011. Measuring Race and Hispanic Origin: Cognitive Test Findings Searching for Truth. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology; 111:26-42. Jurgenson, Nathan and George Ritzer. 2011. The Internet, Web 2.0 and Beyond in George Ritzer (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell. Jurgenson, Nathan. 2011. Review of Ondi Timoners We Live In Public.Surveillance & Society 8(3):374378. Jurgenson, Nathan. 2011. "Twitter Revolution", in Ritzer, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Globalization. WileyBlackwell. Jurgenson, Nathan. 2011. "Prosumption", in Southerton, D. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture. CQ Press. Jurgenson, Nathan. 2010. "Prosumers", in Ritzer, G. (ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. WileyBlackwell.

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Ritzer, George and Nathan Jurgenson. 2010. Chapter 10, The DeMcDonaldization of Society? in George Ritzers McDonaldization of Society, sixth edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Ritzer, George and Nathan Jurgenson. 2010. Production, Consumption, Prosumption: The Nature of Capitalism in the Age of the Digital Prosumer. Journal of Consumer Culture 10:1;13-26. Available free online: http://joc.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/10/1/13?ijkey=KKTk6xYE6Vq1c&keytype=ref&siteid=spjoc&utm_sourc e=eNewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1J22 This article has been translated to Italian: Ritzer Jurgenson. Produzione, consumo, prosumerismo: la natura del capitalismo nellera del prosumer digitale. In Consumo e prosumerismo in rete. (pp. 17 - 40). MILANO: franco angeli. Jurgenson, Nathan. 2010. "The De-McDonaldization of the Internet." Pp. XX-XX in George Ritzer (editor), McDonaldization: The Reader. Third Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press. Jurgenson, Nathan and George Ritzer. 2009. Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Web 2.0. Pp. 51 -67 in Kleinman (editor), The Culture of Efficiency. New York: Peter Lang.

Invited Talks April 2013 New Paradigms of Art in the Digital Age: A panel discussion on Social Media, Re-Appropriation and Identity Branding in 21st Century Art, presented by The Digital Media Center in collaboration with Spiral Cinema at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Live-tweet Q&A session via Twitter at the Twitter and Microblogging: Political, Professional and Personal Practices conference on the topic of the relationship of the on and offline in social movements. Lancaster, United Kingdom. Opening Remarks. Theorizing the Web 2013 conference. New York, New York. The Facebook Portrait Project panel discussion for the Digital Cultures and Creativity department at the University of Maryland. Social Media and Electoral Politics with PJ Rey. Invited presentation to the Baltimore County Community College continuing education lecture series. Baltimore, Maryland. Opening Remarks. Theorizing the Web 2012 conference. College Park, Maryland. Why We Document: Economics and Existence in the Age of Social Media with P.J. Rey. Digital Capital symposium. Invited lecture. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Towards Theorizing an Augmented Reality. Invited seminar, York Univer sity, School of Business. Toronto, Canada.

April 2013

March 2013

September 2012

June 2012

April 2012

March 2012

November 2011

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October 2011

Social Media with PJ Rey. Invited presentation to the Baltimore County Community College continuing education lecture series. Baltimore, Maryland Production, Consumption, Prosumption: The Nature of Capitalism in the Age of the Digital Prosumer. Invited Seminar Lecture, University of Bologna, Italy. Facebook Is Not Virtual and You Should Never Do a Digital Ethnography Digital Ethnography Weekend (Augmented) conference, Almalfi Coast, Italy. Opening Remarks. Theorizing the Web 2011 conference. College Park, Maryland. The iPad: The Jesus Tablet and the Resurrection of Consumer Society with Zeynep Tufekci. Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) Digital Dialogues series. College Park, Maryland.

September 2011

September 2011

April 2011

September 2010

Conference Presentations August 2013 Snapchat and Context Collapse: Theorizing context collusions, collisions, and compartmentalization with Jenny Davis at the American Sociological Association annual meetings. New York, New York. The Machinery of Rejoinder Has Been Devised: Social Media, Meme Virality, and the Culture Industry at the Tenth Annual Social Theory Forum. Boston, Massachusetts. Virtual Communities Dont Exist: Avoiding Digital Dualism in Studying Collaboration with PJ Rey. Collaborative Organizations and Social Media conference. Bowdoin College, Maine. A Conceptual Analysis of the Digital Document. The Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Denver, CO. Where Are We Now? Google Maps, GPS, and GeoTags in the Landscape." th 49 Society for Photographic Education National Conference: Intimacy and Voyeurism: The Public/Private Divide in Photography. San Francisco, CA. Augmented Collectives: Revolution, Occupation, Protest, Riots, Flash Mobs at the Intersection of Atoms and Bits. Regular Session on Revolutions, Riots and Flash Mobs: Social Media and Social Movements, Eastern Sociological Society annual meetings, NYC. Social Media and the Arts of Digital Existence: Being for Others Online. Presider, regular session, Eastern Sociological Society annual meetings, NYC. Presider: Governmentality, Technology, and Resistance. Roundtable at the American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, NV. The Will to Document. The American Sociological Association, Las Vegas NV. Cyborgology. Session Presider. Theorizing the Web 2011 conference. College Park, MD.

April 2013

April 2013

August 2012

March 2012

February 2012

February 2012

August 2011

August 2011 April 2011

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August 2010

McDonaldization and the Internet." American Sociological Association, Atlanta, Ga. Marcuse, the Web and the New Means of Ambient Production with PJ Rey. VII Annual Social Theory Forum on Critical Social Theory: Freud & Lacan for 21st Century, Boston, MA. Digitally Obscene: Foucault and the Cultivation of the Self Online." American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA. Producer, consumerprosumer? with George Ritzer. American Sociological Association, Boston, MA. Relating Anti-Intellectualism to Political Behavior: A Survey Approach. Midwest Sociological Society meetings, Chicago, IL.

March 2010

August 2009

August 2008

April 2007

Media Appearances May 2011 present Appear monthly on WYPR (Baltimore NPR affiliate) to discuss social media. Topics have included Facebook, augmented reality, open government, cyberbullying, WikiLeaks, and others. Guest on the HuffPost Live television show titled 2013 Unplugged. Video is available here: http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/new-years-resolutionunplug-digital-detox/50e494cd02a76072ff0006fc Guest on the Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU (Washington D.C. NPR affiliate) to discuss Unplugging From The Web. Transcript and audio available at: http://thekojonnamdishow.org/shows/2012-12-18/unplugging-web/transcript Appeared on the Al Jazeera English television show The Stream to discuss Internet memes and the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election. Video available at: http://stream.aljazeera.com/story/meme-election Appeared on Q (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Radio One) to discuss TED conferences. Audio available at http://www.cbc.ca/q/blog/2012/02/23/haveted-talks-jumped-the-shark/

January 2013

December 2012

October 2012

February 2012

Popular Writing This section lists major public writing projects, but is not exhaustive. In addition to these outlets, Nathan has published in Sociological Images, Racism Review, Inside Higher Ed, OWNI, The SIPP, and others. March 2013 present 2012 present Contributing Editor, The New Inquiry Regular contributor to Italian newspaper Corriere della Seras print column, La Lattura. Contributor to Salon.com. http://www.salon.com/writer/nathan_jurgenson/ Regular contributor to The Atlantic. http://www.theatlantic.com/nathan-

October 2011 - present October 2011 - present

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jurgenson/ October 2011 - present Regular contributor to The New Inquiry. Example essay The IRL Fetish was widely covered, including a profile on The New York Times website. More stories: http://thenewinquiry.com/author/nathanjurgenson/ Founder and regular contributor to the Cybogology blog. Example essay The Faux-Vintage Photo was covered on NPR, The Boston Globe, TechCrunch, Gawker and other outlets, and has been translated and published in French and Russian. The essay is found here: http://thesocietypages.org/cyborgology/2011/05/14/the-faux-vintage-photo-fullessay-parts-i-ii-and-iii/ Article translated to Italian for the newspaper Avvenire, titled From Digital Dualism to Digital Realism.

October 2011 - present

September 2012


2008-2012 Travel Grant, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland. Funds toward presenting at the American Sociological Association annual meetings. Travel Grant from the York University, School of Business, Toronto, Canada to give an invited seminar at the School. Travel Grant from The University of Bologna, Department of Sociology towards toward speaking at Digital Ethnography Weekend (Augmented) conference, Almalfi Coast, Italy. Travel Grant, Consortium for the Science of Socio-Technical Systems (CSST) with support from NSF. Funds toward attending CSST Summer Research Institute in Skamania, OR. Summer Fellowship, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland. Support for completion and publication of research, culminating in The Internet, Web 2.0 and Beyond in George Ritzer (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell. Frances Rowe Katz Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in the Field of Sociology, Northern Illinois University Graduate Student Paper Competition, Second Place, Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University. Title: A Conceptual Analysis of Anti-Intellectualism. Travel Grant, Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University. Funds toward presenting at the Midwest Sociological Society annual meeting.

November 2011

September 2011

June 2010

Summer 2009

April 2007

April 2007

April 2007


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2012 to present

Review Board, The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (ISSN 2166-6245). Co-Chair, Theorizing the Web Conference, 2011, 2012, 2013 Together with fellow graduate student PJ Rey, we founded and run a multi-disciplinary conference on theorizing the Internet that attracts highprofile web-scholars and commentators. We run the event, from creating a call for papers, a web site, marketing, submission system, program and so on.

April 2011 to Present

Spring 2011 to Present Founder and Editor, The Cyborgology Blog With PJ Rey, created, edit and contribute to the blog, found here: http://thesocietypages.org/cyborgology/ Spring 2009 to Present Founder, the Prosumer Studies Working Group Founded a research group on the topics surrounding the implosion of production consumption, especially with respect to the rise of social media. Co-Editor with Zeynep Tufekci and PJ Rey, Special Issue on Theorizing the Web, Future Internet. Co-Editor with George Ritzer and Paul Dean, Special Issue on Prosumption, The American Behavioral Scientist. Foundation Administrator, Morris Rosenberg Foundation Manage inquiries from an international research audience regarding permission, use of, and questions regarding the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and other related topics. News Editor and Commissioning Assistant, Sociology Lens, the community site for the Sociology Compass journal of Wiley-Blackwell. President, Graduate Student Forum for the Department of Sociology, University of Maryland. Referee for Sociological Forum Peer reviewer for The Journal of Consumer Culture. Graduate Colloquium Committee, Department of Sociology Representative, Northern Illinois University. Graduate Student Representative, Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University.

Fall 2012

Winter 2011

Fall 2008 to 2011

Fall 2008 to 2011

Fall 2008 to Present

Summer 2009 2007- 2008 Spring 2007

2006 to 2007


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Sociological Theory (SOCY203), Department of Sociology, University of Maryland. Social Structure and Identity (SOCY430), Department of Sociology, University of Maryland. Co-Instructor Sociological Theory (SOCY203), with Professor Georg Ritzer, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland. Teaching Assistant Sociological Theory (SOCY203), with Dr. Georg Ritzer, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland. Statistics (SOCY201) with Dr. Neustadtl, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland. Quantitative Social Research (SOC377B) with Dr. Charles Cappell, Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University. Guest Lecturer For Dr. Patricia Hill-Collins Public Sociology undergraduate course at the University of Maryland. Spoke on the topic of public sociology and the Internet. For Dr. Jason Farmen and Dr. Krista Caballero course, DCC 105: Perspectives on Digital Cultures and Creativity, University of Maryland. Guest live-tweeter for Dr. Mary Chaykos course, Mediated Communication in Society in the Department of Sociology at the College of Saint Elizabeth in NJ. For more on this: http://thesocietypages.org/cyborgology/2012/11/30/live-tweeting-in-the-classroom-with-a-guest-speakertweeter/

High Proficiency: SAS, SPSS, STATA, ArcGIS, Sensus, Ci3, HyperResearch, MicroCase, Dreamweaver, Blackboard, Adobe Professional, Photoshop, LightRoom and the Microsoft Office Suite.

American Sociological Association The Communication and Information Technologies section of the ASA (CITASA) Section on Theory Section on Science, Knowledge and Technology (SKAT) Section on Consumers and Consumption Section on Historical Sociology The Consumer Studies Research Network The Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST) The Eastern Sociological Association The Prosumer Studies Research Group

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