Current Electricity - (Worksheet)
Current Electricity - (Worksheet)
Current Electricity - (Worksheet)
1) 2)
20V,10 25V,5
3) 4)
1) 2 V 2) 0.5 V
3. If two bulbs of 25 W and 100W rated at 220 V 3) 6 V 4) zero
are connected in series across 440 V supply. 7. In the circuit shown, the potential difference
Which bulb will fuse between A and B is
1) 25 W bulb
2) 50 W bulb
3) Both bulbs
4) neither 25W nor 50 W bulb
4. Two electric bulbs rated P1 and P2 watt at V 1) 1 V 2) 2V
volt are connected in series across V volt 3) 3 V 4) 6V
mains, then their total power consumption P is
8. Two cells, having the same emf are connected 12. Figure shows a circuit that may be used to
in series through an external resistance R. compare the resistance R of an unknown
Cells have internal resistances r1 and r2 (r1 > resistor with a 100 standard. The distances
r2) respectively. When the circuit is closed, the l from one end of the potentiometer slider
potential difference across the first cell is zero. wire to the balance point are 400 mm and 588
The value of ‘R’ is mm when X is connected to Y and Z
respectively. The length of the slide wire is
1.00 m. The value of resistance R is
1) r1 + r2 2) r1 - r2
r r r r 100
3) 1 2 4) 1 2
2 2
9. A car battery of emf 12V and internal
resistance 5 x 10-2 , receives a current of 60
1) 32 2) 47
amp, from the external source, then the
terminal potential difference of battery is 3) 68 4) 147
1) 12 V 2) 9 V 13. In the potentiometer arrangement shown in
figure, the driving cell A has emf and
3) 15 V 4) 20 V
internal resistance r. The emf of the cell B to
10. A tetrahedral is consisting of 6 identical wires
be rechecked has emf 2 and internal
as shown in figure. Each wire is having a
resistance 2r.The potentiometer wire CD is
resistance of 2 . When an ideal cell of emf
100 cm long. If balance is obtained, the length
2V is connected across AB as shown, then the
current through CD is CJ l is
1) 1 A 2) A
3) 4A 4) zero
1) l = 50 cm
11. The figure shows a meter-bridge circuit with
resistors X 12 and R 18 . The jockey J is 2) l > 50 cm
at the null point. If end corrections at left and 3) l < 50 cm
right ends are 2cm and 3cm respectively, find 4) Balance cannot be obtained
the balancing length from point A. 14. When a conducting wire is connected in the
left gap and a known resistance in the right
gap of a meter bridge the balancing point is at
40 cm (from left end). If the wire in the left
gap is stretched, the balancing point shifts by
20 cm. The percentage increase in the length
1) 42.4 cm 2) 37.6 cm
of the wire on stretching is
3) 40 cm 4) 30 cm
1) 25 % 2) 50 % C R
3) 125 % 4) 64 %
15. A 4 resistance connected in the left gap of 2R
1) 4 2) 2 R R
1) 2
(2 ) 2) (2 )
3) 1 4) 0.5 4 2
17. A potentiometer has uniform potential 4
3) R (2 - ) 4)
(2 )
gradient. The specific resistance of the R
material of the potentiometer wire is 10–7ohm– 20. A cell of emf E having an internal resistance 'r'
meter and the current passing through it is 0.1 is connected to a variable external resistance
ampere; cross-section of the wire is 10–6m2. R. The potential difference 'V' across the
The potential gradient along the potentiometer resistance R varies with R as shown by the
wire is curve
1) 10-4 V/m 2) 10-6 V/m
3) 10-2 V/m 4) 10-8 V/m
18. In the given circuit the capacitor of capacity C
is charged by closing key K at t=0. The time
required to charge the capacitor up to the
maximum charge for the given circuit, if it 1) A 2) B
were to be charged with constant initial 3) C 4) D
charging rate (at t=0) in the given circuit is
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
2 4 1 3 3 4 2 8 3 4 3 2 2 2 2
2 3 4 1 2