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Votive Mass of The Holy Spirit

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(Commentator: Dear friends as we commence

this institute for seminary formators,
we invoke upon the Holy Spirit,
He who is the Primary Agent
of priestly formation, to be our Guide and
strength in the days ahead of us.
In this Eucharist, we call upon Him
to empower us with the sweet balm
of His love and grace in our important task
of seminary formation.
To lead us in our celebration is
His Excellency, Most Rev. Bernardino C.
Cortez, D.D., auxiliary bishop of Manila
and the bishop-in-charge of priestly
formation in the archdiocese of Manila.
Let us all stand as we begin our celebration.

When the presider comes to the altar, he makes the customary reverence with the
ministers, kisses the altar, and (if incense is used) incenses it. Then, with the ministers,
he goes to the chair.

After the entrance song, the presider and the faithful remain standing and make the sign
of the cross, as the presider says:

Bishop Cortezr: In the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
Then the presider, facing the people, extends his hands and greets all present with the
following greetings:
Bishop Cortez: Peace be with you.
All: And also with you.
(Commentator: Please be seated for words of welcome
from Rev. Fr. Carlo Magno Marcelo,
dean of seminarians of the Theology Department
of San Carlos Seminary.)

Bishop Cortez: Brethren to prepare ourselves to

celebrate the sacred mysteries,
let us call to mind our sins.
Pause for silence.
All: I confess to almighty God,
and to you my brothers and sisters,
that I have sinned through
my own fault
(They strike their breast:)

in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done, and in what
I have failed to do; and I ask
blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and
saints, and you, my brothers to pray for me
to the Lord our God.

The presider says the absolution:

Bishop Cortez: May the almighty God

have mercy on us,
forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life.
All: Amen.
The choir and assembly sing the Kyrie.

Afterwards the presider, with hands joined, sings or says:

Bishop Cortez: Let us pray.

Pause for Silent Prayer

God our Father,
no secret is hidden from You,
for every heart is open to You
and every wish is known.
Fill our hearts with the light
of Your Holy Spirit
to free our thoughts from sin,
that we may perfectly love You
and fittingly praise You.

Grant this through our Lord Jesus

Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns
with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

All: Amen.


Bishop Cortez: Let us be bold enough to pray to the Father
to share with us His life-giving Spirit. Let us


Deacon: That the leaders of the Church may always
be filled with Wisdom that comes from the
Spirit of God, let us pray to the Lord. (R)
That the Spirit of God may always inspire
our public servants to labor for the common
good and never for their personal gain, let
us pray to the Lord. (R)
That the Spirit of God may always guide
formators and their collaborators in their
ministry of seminary formationt may always
from and guide seminarians in the ways of
the Lord, let us pray to the Lord. (R)
That the Spirit of God, who is the primary
agent of priestly formation, may so form
the hearts and minds of seminarians into
the likeness of Jesus, the Eternal High
Priest, let us pray to the Lord. (R)
That the Spirit of God may call many of our
young people into genuine service of God
and neighbor, let us pray to the Lord. (R)
That the Spirit of God may give unfailing
hope and consolation to all who suffer
because of sickness, calamities or loss of
loved ones and properties, let us pray to
the Lord. (R)

That the Spirit of God may give unending
life to our departed brothers and sisters, let
us pray to the Lord. (R)

Bishop Cortez: Send your Spirit on each of us, let Him put
us afire with his love today and all our
days, forever.
All: Amen.


Bishop Cortez: Let us pray.

(Pause for silence.)

Lord our God,

You renew us with food from heaven;
fill our hearts with the gentle love
of Your Spirit.
May the gifts we have received
in this life lead us to the gift
of eternal joy.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.

(Commentator: Please be seated for some words from

His Excellency Most Rev. Mylo Hubert Vergara,
D.D., bishop of San Jose and Chairman of the
CBCP Episcopal Commission on Seminaries , and
from Rev Fr. Augusto Angeles and Rev. Fr.
Reynaldo Gregorio, Jr., Secretary and Asst.
Secretary, respectively, of the commission.

Bishop Cortez: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
Deacon: Bow your heads and pray for
God’s blessings.
Bishop Cortez: The Father of light has enlightened
the minds of the disciples
by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
May he bless you and give you
the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
Bishop Cortez: May the fire which hovered
over the disciples as tongues
of flame burn out all evil from your hearts
and make them glow
with pure light.
All: Amen.
Bishop Cortez: God inspired speech in different languages to
proclaim the faith.
May he strengthen your faith
and fulfill your hope of seeing
him face to face.
All: Amen.
Bishop Cortez: May the almighty God bless you,
the Father +, and the Son +,
and the Holy Spirit +.
All: Amen.
Deacon: Go in the peace of Christ.
All: Thanks be to God.

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