Assessment # 5: Kartilya NG Katipunan by Emilio Jacinto
Assessment # 5: Kartilya NG Katipunan by Emilio Jacinto
Assessment # 5: Kartilya NG Katipunan by Emilio Jacinto
1. Give three reasons why the Kartilya ng Katipunan is important to the grand narrative of
Philippine History.
Kartilya ng Katipunan showed its readers of what are primary steps of building
the revolutionary movement against the Spanish colonization. This also stated that
the recruitment of members was kept secret to protect their identity until Supremo
Bonifacio decided to grant an open recruitment to expand the organization.
This written work showed the characteristics a katipon must have or practice. This
shows that a katipon must be a man of virtue and whole-heartedly willing to fight
for the freedom of our country.
Kartilya ng Katipunan is important part of the narrative of Philippine History
because it is one example of a primary source and was written by Emilio Jacinto
who took part to what happened that time. He showcased in this work how did the
KKK was able to build the revolutionary group to fight for our country’s
2. Identifying the values that we need or lack in order for us to become dignified and noble
citizens of our nation.
Complete the matrices below by supplying the values that we need in order to create a
dignified society and nation which can be derived from the Jacinto’s Kartilya and Bonifacio’s
Decalogue. On the left column, write the teachings and on the right side, derive the values.
4. Be their skin dark or pale, all men are equal. Equity, your physical appearance do not
One can be superior to another in knowledge, matter, it doesn’t make anyone superior from
wealth, and beauty… but not in being. others. We need equity to show and discover
the more important things, knowledge and
5. A person with a noble character values
honor above self-interest, while a person with Being rightful and honorable. We must put
an ignoble character values self-interest above our honor intact and don’t be blinded with
honor. the wrong way of success.
7. Don’t waste time; lost wealth may be
recovered, but time lost is lost forever. Being mindful, we must make the most out
of the opportunities given to us because not
all people are privileged enough to be given
8. Defend the oppressed and fight the
oppressor. Justice, we must fight for the right and
punish the wrong. This must be given to
those who really deserve it and not to those
who are unworthy.
9. An intelligent man is he who takes care in
everything he says and keeps quiet about what Mindfulness and being sensitive. One should
must be kept secret. be humble of his success and proud of what
he believes in.
10. Along thorny path of life, the man leads
the way and his wife and children follow. If the Good leadership, be a good leader to have
leader goes the way of perdition, then do so good followers. And in time that one needs to
those who are led. step up, he/she can also inspire his/her
followers to do good.
11. Do not treat woman as mere plaything, but
as a helpmate and a partner in the hardships of Equality, don’t sort our people by their
this existence. Have due to regard to her gender, see them as what they are as a
weakness, and remember the mother who person. Don’t limit one to do what he/she
brought you into this world and nurtured you in wants just because of his/her gender.
your infancy.
12. What you would not want done to your
wife, daughter, and sister, do not do to the wife, Application of the Golden Rule in one’s life.
daughter, and sister of another. We must not do what we don’t want other do
to us and being respectful to others, for the
respect to bounce back to you.
13. A man’s worth does not come from him
being a king or in the height of his nose and the One’s physical appearance and social status
whiteness of his face, or in him being a priest , doesn’t define him, it is about his principles.
a representative of God, or in his exalted We shouldn’t tag a person respected just
position on the face of this earth. because he is rich, but because he is a man of
his words and life principles.
3. Engrave in your heart that the true measure
of honor and happiness is to die for the Patriotism, strive for the betterment of our
freedom of your country. nation to attain betterment for and of its
5. Guard the mandates and aims of the K.K.K.
as you guard your honor. Dignity and Integrity; protect and care for
the values and rights of our country just like
how we protect and care for ourselves.
7. Our responsibility to ourselves and the
performance of our duties will be the example We need to be righteous to become a good
set for our fellowmen to follow. example for others especially to the youth
which helps to develop a better society.
8. Insofar as it is within your power, share
your means with the poor and the unfortunate. Showing generosity, this not only means
about the money and wealth you can give to
others but also the smallest things that can
mean so much to them like, motivation,
knowledge, and compassion.
10. Punish the scoundrel and traitor and praise
all good work. Believe, likewise, that the aims Acknowledging and appreciating success,
of the K.K.K. are God-given, for the will of the one should not drag other’s name just
people is also the will of God. because he failed, but he should make it his
example. And the negativity should vanish to
attain a better society.