Anochrome Group: Anochrome Limited Inlex Locking Limited
Anochrome Group: Anochrome Limited Inlex Locking Limited
Anochrome Group: Anochrome Limited Inlex Locking Limited
Head Office
Wood Lane, Fordhouses
Wolverhampton WV10 8HN
Tel. (01902) 397333 Fax. (01902) 785372
Wood Lane, Fordhouses
Wolverhampton WV10 8HN
Tel. (01902) 567567 Fax. (01902) 567777
Advanced Quality Planning Zinc
Quality Status Manganese
Design Guide - Contents Total Quality Excellence Page 10 ORGANIC COATINGS
Surface Coating Data E-Cote Polyseal (Page 10)
Dissimilar Metal Effect Pages 11,12 DACROMET
Accelerated Corrosion Tests
Non Embrittling Coatings
Mechanical Galvanising
Page 28 RIMLEX
Page 29 INCOTE
S/S hrs.
6+ free
Suitable for
to steel B
Insulator D
Potential for
DACROMET • 500LC Silver Grey 600+ YES YES 350°C NO NO NO YES W Ford S301
Rover spec.
RES 22 ZS05.
320 Silver Grey 600+ YES P 350°C NO NO NO P N -
DACROMET & BLACK • Dacroblack Black 1000 NO YES 200°C YES NO NO YES W -
B10, B15
DELTACOLL • Top coat Black 240+ NO YES 120°C YES YES YES YES W -
for zinc & Clear
DELTATONE • - Silver Grey 300+ YES NO 250°C NO NO YES YES I Ford S301
Rover spec.
RES 22 ZS05.
DELTASEAL • on Deltatone Silver or Black 400+ NO YES 250°C YES NO YES YES I GM Spec. 255F.
on phosphate Black 72 NO YES 250°C YES NO YES YES I -
DORRLTECH • Top coat Silver Grey 1000 NO YES 250°C YES NO NO YES I Ford S426
for Deltatone
DORRLTECH • Top coat Cream/Silver 1000 NO YES 250°C YES YES NO YES I Ford S427
for zinc plate
DRY FILM LUBRICANTS • - Usually Grey Variable NO YES 250°C TO YES NO YES YES W,N - A number available.
700°C Tailored to use.
E-COTE (POLYSEAL) • - Black 72 NO P 250°C YES NO YES YES W Ford S302 Specifically used to
prevent recess fill.
E-COTE + SEAL • - Black 120 NO YES 220°C YES NO YES YES W Ford S424
GALVANISING (HOT DIP) - Silver Grey Note 3 YES NO 350°C NO YES YES P G - Thick coating. Very good
corrosion resistance.
MECHANICAL PLATING • Chromated Yellow/Brown 120+ YES P 80°C NO NO NO YES W Ford S309M
ALMAC (ZINC-ALUMINIUM) - Pale Yellow 800 YES P 120°C NO NO NO YES W - Ductile coating.
INVERPLEX (TIN-ZINC) - Pale Yellow 200+ YES P 120°C NO NO NO YES W - Used as conductive
coating for earthing bolts.
PHOSPHATE (MANGANESE) - Grey 48 NO YES 100°C YES YES YES YES B - Used for torque control
on cylinder head bolts,etc.
S/S hrs.
6+ free
Suitable for
to steel B
Insulator D
Potential for
SERMAGARD - Silver 1000 YES YES 600°C NO NO NO YES W Ford S431 High temp coating.
GM 6164M.
TEXO 440 • Top coat for Black 400 NO YES 120°C YES NO YES YES W Ford S428 A waxy, slightly tacky,
phosphate GM 6431. coating. S/S to 5% rust.
XYLAN • Bulk Black & Blue 144 NO YES 250°C YES NO YES YES W Ford S306 Economic black coating
for fasteners.
ZINC ELECTROPLATE Clear Metallic Silver 96+ YES P 120°C NO YES YES YES W,A,B - Up to 24 hrs.+ S/S to w.c.p.
ZINC ELECTROPLATE Chromated Yellow 120+ YES P 80°C NO YES NO YES W,A,B Ford S309 72 hrs. S/S to w.c.p.
Iridescent Rover
RES 22ZS01.
ZINC ELECTROPLATE Olive Drab Green/Brown 144+ YES P 80°C NO YES NO YES W,B - 96 hrs. S/S to w.c.p.
ZINC ELECTROPLATE Black Passivate Black 96+ YES P 80°C NO YES NO YES W,B - 24 hrs. S/S to w.c.p.
ZINC ELECTROPLATE Leach & Seal Metallic Silver 168+ YES P 120°C NO YES NO YES W,B - 96 hrs. S/S.
ZINC NICKEL Chromated Yellow/Brown 720 YES P 120°C NO YES NO YES B - 480 hrs. S/S to w.c.p.
ZINC IRON Black Black 400 YES P 120°C NO YES NO YES B - 200 hrs. S/S to w.c.p.
A - Typical salt spray (ASTMB117) on ferrous components to rust. This can usually be increased with extra thickness. A - ANOCHROME LTD.
B - Sacrificial to steel under normal environmental conditions (e.g. less than 80°C in damp atmospheres).
C - The risk of embrittlement, if present, can be reduced by appropriate treatments (see page 6).
D - Insulating coatings are usually damaged when used on fasteners so that basis metal is exposed on clamping surfaces. G - ANOGALV LTD.
This happens more easily when the coating is a top coat on a conducting finish.
P - Possible. Please discuss with our Technical Department.
1. - Tarnishes easily, faster at higher temperatures. W - WOLVERHAMPTON ELECTRO PLATING LTD.
2. - The coating is not sacrificial but usually used as a top coat on a sacrificial coating.
3. - Galvanising, the salt spray performance is poor (500 hours) but actual performance is exceptional due to the formation
of carbonates, etc. on surface. Typically 20 years in outdoor use.
PROTECTION Conversion or Passivate Coatings
AND PREVENTION To further enhance the corrosion resistance of zinc and cadmium, the
surface can be given a conversion coating with usually a chromium bearing
All coatings whether metallic or non solution. This converts the surface of the component to a complex
metallic, when applied to steel and other chromium compound which further delays corrosion. The colours obtained
metals, provide a protective barrier envelope are clear, yellow to iridescent, opaque or olive drab or black.
for the prevention of corrosion of the See further details under Zinc electroplating, Page 7.
underlying metal or alloy.
Non-metallic coatings (paints, lacquers, etc.)
are electrically non-conductive and relatively Alloys
inert. When uniformly applied, protection is A zinc coating can be modified by using a special solution to deposit
provided so long as the surface film is not an alloy. In some instances these alloys slow the rate of corrosion as they
damaged. In contrast, metallic coatings are alter the magnitude of the current that flows due to the reduced potential.
conductive and have a more active role in the See further details Page 7.
prevention and control of corrosion.
The Galvanic series of metals and alloys
indicates the behaviour to be expected when Galvanic Series of Metals and Alloys
dissimilar metals are in contact, including
where metallic coatings are applied to other in Sea Water (abridged)
metal surfaces and to be used in applications
where the surface is wetted.
For example, where steel is protected by Ref. La Que and Cox, Proc. Amer. Soc. Test Mat 40, 670 (1940)
coatings which are inherently more corrosion Cathodic (noble)
resistant (more noble) the protection is Platinum, Gold
maintained so long as the coating envelope Silver
is complete. At points of surface damage, Titanium
pin-holes and porosity accelerated local attack Barrier
Stainless Steel
on the underlying metal can be expected, protection
Nickel and Nickel Alloys
as with nickel/chromium coatings on steel of steel
Copper, Bronze
components. Brass
Conversely, surface coatings of the less noble Iron, Steel Cast Iron
metals such as Al, Cd, Zn and Zn-Al (Dacromet) Aluminium Alloys
are not only protective as an envelope but in Cadmium Sacrificial
addition actively prevent base metal corrosion Zinc Alloys and barrier
wherever local damage to the coatings occurs. Deltatone protection
This action is known as “sacrificial protection” Dacromet of steel
because the surface film corrodes preferentially, Zinc
albeit slowly, to the underlying steel or other Magnesium
metal. Anodic (corrodable)
The Galvanic series can also be an important
consideration in the design of assemblies to Published “standard electrode potential” tables are obtained from
be used wholly or intermittently in wet service thermodynamic data. They are seldom used to predict the degree or nature
conditions in which dissimilar metal contacts of the corrosion reaction occurring.
occur. The degree to which this factor may
affect a particular assembly can depend upon
other aspects also and expert advice is often Accelerated Corrosion Tests
justifiable. There are beneficial influences of These are used to give some idea as to the relative performance of
using specific coatings to prevent or diminish different coatings. They are also used as a “quick” test for quality control
contact corrosion, e.g. zinc, Dacromet and purposes. (Though now some advanced coatings are lasting for
Deltatone are suitable coatings which, when 500-1000 hours in accelerated tests, they are not so quick!)
applied to steel and stainless steel, can protect The most commonly used test is the 5% Neutral Salt Spray Test
connecting surfaces. In such circumstances, (to BS 7479, ISO 3768 or ASTM B117). This test is used by most of
brass, nickel and copper coatings would the world for assessing the performance of most coatings (though not
accelerate aluminium corrosion. nickel chromium). See performance figures in Table B, Page 5.
Excellent advice and commentary on
bimetallic corrosion is given in BS PD 6484 (Continued on Page 5)
“Commentary on corrosion at bimetallic
contacts and its alleviation”.
Accelerated Corrosion Tests (continued) APPLICATION
Other tests used include: Coatings can normally be applied in a
number of ways, depending generally on the
A.S.S. Acetic Acid Salt Spray BS 7479 ISO 3769. size, shape and configuration of the
component. Small components can usually be
C.A.S.S. Copper Accelerated Acetic Acid Salt Spray BS 7479, coated in bulk, whereas large components
ISO 3770. A fairly aggressive test used mostly need to be individually “jigged”, racked or
for nickel chromium coatings. hung on frames to enable satisfactory
C.O.R.R. Corrode Cote BS 7479, ISO 4541. Electroplated coatings applied in bulk are
Used as above. coated in “barrels” which are roughly
cylindrical, horizontal and are immersed in
cleaning solutions and plating solutions, entry
Kesternich A test using sulphur dioxide. of the solution being through many small
holes in the sides. The barrels rotate in use
giving a “tumbling” action and re-orientating
Various cycling tests using humidity, salt spray and sometimes drying the work. Special devices feed “current” into
periods in defined cycles. the work, from rectifiers, to allow the
electroplating to take place.
The usual failure point under accelerated testing is the appearance of Large work is suspended on jigs, or wires,
a minimum of 1 of base metal corrosion (as for zinc or cadmium or hooks, in order to be plated.
coatings, the appearance of white corrosion and also base metal corrosion). Non-electrolytic processes are coated in
There is no correlation between the different accelerated tests and it is baskets for bulk coating or hung on hangers
difficult to correlate tests with actual performance in use, as the exposure or jigs, if large. The baskets often spin to
environment varies considerably from place to place and year to year. throw off excess coating.
Approximate comparisons can be taken from Table below:
Zinc and
yellow 7.5 72 120 8 mths. 1 yr. 1-5 yrs. 9 mths.
no passivate 7.5 4 48 - - - -
Zinc Nickel 7.5 3603 720 2 yrs. 2 yrs. 3-8 yrs. 1+ yrs.
Cadmium4 and 2
yellow 7.5 NONE 240 6 mths. 6 mths. 4 yrs. 1 yrs.
All components made from steel which are The following points should be considered when specifying electroplated
subject to chemical or electro-chemical finishes on higher tensile parts:
treatments in the course of the coating process 1. Susceptible parts subject to an embrittling process can never be
may absorb hydrogen which is evolved during guaranteed to be completely free from embrittlement, even after
these processes. This absorbed hydrogen could extensive baking treatments (ref. ISO 4042; BS 7371 Pt.1:
cause premature failure if the component is Ford WSS- M99A3-A: Rover RES 21.HT.91; etc.).
made from higher tensile steel. We should like
2. The removal of phosphate from higher tensile parts before hardening
to remind customers of the risk of hydrogen
heat treatment can reduce the risk of embrittlement (mandatory
embrittlement of parts made from higher
requirement for 12.9 grade fasteners and above).
tensile steel and that baking treatments cannot
be guaranteed to remove all hydrogen 3. The risk of embrittlement increases with increasing tensile strength.
embrittlement. Parts are usually considered to 4. The risk of failure due to embrittlement increases with the use of higher
be at risk if they have a tensile strength equal tensile loads.
to or greater than 1050 MPa, 1000 N/mm2 or 5. Changing the coating already applied to fasteners, i.e. stripping and
65 tons/ (T class imperial fasteners and replating, can be a high risk area that we will only undertake under
above) or have a hardness greater than 320 certain circumstances. It is often advisable to discuss with the end user
v.p.n. (10.9, 10.9 fasteners and above). using the component with the coating already applied, than run extra
Baking parts after coating will minimise the risks by stripping higher tensile parts.
risk of failure, but this process can never be
guaranteed to be completely effective. 6. The use of non-embrittling processes such as Mechanical Plating,
Embrittled parts usually fail when in use Dacromet, Deltatone, Deltaseal or Xylan coating, should be considered
under stresses well below their normal failure for susceptible work.
level and most embrittle failures occur in a 7. There is a slight possibility that work mechanically plated and used
relatively short time after assembly, say within six hours of processing can exhibit early failure due to transient
between a few minutes and up to 8 weeks. embrittlement. This transient embrittlement dissipates completely after
Though many studies have taken place six hours. If use is envisaged within six hours of processing, please discuss
into hydrogen embrittled failures, the exact with WEP Technical Department.
reasons for the phenomenon have not been 8. Due to these risks and the availability of risk free processes, it is not our
explained. policy to electroplate 12.9 grade fasteners and above, and we would
The higher the tensile strength, the more encourage you - our customer - to follow this course of action also. If it is
susceptible to embrittlement a component still required that we should electroplate 12.9 grade and above, we will
becomes, but also the presence of phosphate do so only provided we receive written acknowledgement that you
(not removed prior to heat treatment) and understand and accept these risks. We would also point out that most
tramp elements can alter this susceptibility OEM’s forbid the electroplating of fasteners of Grade 12.9 and above.
We would point out that embrittlement occurrences are very rare, due
Specifications in part to the care that the Anochrome Group takes to comply with
Most electroplating specifications give specification requirements: however from its unpredictable nature,
procedures to minimise the risk of occurrences can be serious. Thus, it is necessary that suppliers should be
embrittlement of high tensile parts. aware of the risk of subjecting higher tensile fasteners to potentially
See table below: embrittling processes and where possible, take steps to avoid this risk.
Clean parts to remove phosphate coating Advisory Mandatory
prior to hardening heat treatment
Corrosion Protection
ZINC ELECTROPLATING Most coatings applied to metals are used to
give corrosion resistance to the basis metal,
Widely used by industry in general, and automotive manufacturers in the most widely used coating is zinc and steel
particular, electrodeposited zinc gives sacrificial protection to the underlying the commonest base material. In this
iron or steel, that is the zinc corrodes in preference to the underlying metal. combination, zinc gives sacrificial protection to
This has the additional benefit that steel exposed at cut or abraded areas the steel in most environments.
will not easily rust (See illustration). SACRIFICIAL protection is the property of
Bright zinc gives reasonable protection at fairly low thicknesses, typically protecting a basis metal in a corrosion
8 µ, so is ideal for small components such as machine screws with environment due to the coating metal being
fine threads. attacked preferentially (sometimes called
cathodic protection). The mechanism involved
Neutral Salt Spray Resistance - BS 7479 (ASTM B117) ISO 3768.
in this process is as follows:
10 µ Zinc Average thickness
A water droplet on the surface of the
component at a fault (a damaged area) where
Zinc Corrosion Base Metal Corrosion
Passivate Coating the basis material is exposed behaves like a
(hours) (hours)
simple electrolytic cell, and salts present in the
Blue Bright 4 72 droplet (from atmosphere or environment)
cause the water to be conductive and a
Black 24 120
current flows. With a sacrificial metal such as
Yellow 72 144
zinc on steel, the zinc is attacked and the steel
Olive Drab 144 240
protected (see illustration below).
This process will occur as long as the droplet
Note: The performance of these finishes can be enhanced by supplementary coatings.
touches an area of zinc. If the droplet only
During electroplating, hydrogen is evolved at the surface of components covers exposed steel, a similar process occurs
and can embrittle hardened steel components. See advice about the risks with one area of steel acting as the anode and
of hydrogen embrittlement on Page 6. thereby being corroded.
A sacrificial metal is more effective if the
Component Size salts formed in the reaction do not dissolve in
Barrel or “bulk“ plating up to 150mm, 0.5 kgs. the corroding media, the pore can then be
partially blocked thereby slowing the rate of
Rack or “individual” plating up to 3m x 1.5m x 150mm, 100 kgs.
Conversion or Passivate Coatings Zinc and cadmium coatings (and certain
specialist coatings such as Dacromet) behave
To further enhance the corrosion resistance of zinc and cadmium, the
surface can be given a conversion coating with usually a chromium bearing
solution. This converts the surface of the component to a complex chromium Metals Anodic to Steel
compound which further delays corrosion. The colours obtained are clear, Metals which do not act like zinc or
yellow to iridescent, opaque or olive drab or black. cadmium (which are most other electroplated
metals) actually increase the rate of attack
FAULT IN COATING WATER DROPLET when basis steel is exposed. In order to obtain
corrosion resistance from these, a pore free
ZINC COATING CORROSIVE coating must be applied and the coating must
ATTACK be hard enough to resist damage.
The protection these metals give is barrier
STEEL protection.
BARRIER protection is the method that paint
type systems (like Xylan) protect the base
ILLUSTRATION OF ZINC SACRIFICIAL PROTECTION See also Page 4 metal, where an envelope of protective barrier
is enclosed around the metal.
Zinc and cadmium also protect in this way,
ZINC ALLOYS until the coating is damaged, this means of
Zinc can be deposited electrically with small amounts of Cobalt, Nickel, protection being greatly improved by the
Iron or Manganese to give increased corrosion resistance above that of the passivated coatings already mentioned.
pure zinc coating. The solution has to be closely controlled to ensure the (It should be noted that passivated coatings
correct concentration of alloying element in the coating, otherwise the can only be applied to zinc, cadmium and
coating may be no better than pure zinc. aluminium of the common metals used).
The alloy is able to reduce the rate of corrosion as the electrode potential
of the alloy under normal atmospheric corrosion conditions is less than that Dissimilar Metals
of pure zinc (see Page 4). As can be deducted from the simple
corrosion cell discussed earlier, if two dissimilar
Zinc Iron metals are together, in electrical contact,
This alloy is usually deposited from an alkaline solution and should give a under corrosive conditions, in the presence of
coating containing 0.3 to 0.7% of iron when the corrosion resistance of a water droplet, a current will flow and one will
passivated surface is greatly enhanced, especially when a black chromate is be attacked and the other protected. It is thus
used. important to consider what metals are in
The yellow type of chromate does not look very attractive on zinc iron as contact with one another. For example, steel
it has a tendency to a brownish colour. The black, however, gives in excess of in contact with aluminium causes the
200 hours to white corrosion and with 8 microns can give 400 hours to rust aluminium to become pitted endeavouring
in salt spray test (BS 7479). to protect the steel. Zinc in contact with
aluminium corrodes fast, whereas other
Typical specifications are:-
coatings can be supplied that will give good
IBC E15, Isuzu B11-MFF 25K or 8L, Volvo 5732-104 performance under these conditions,
(Continued on Page 8). e.g. Dacromet. (See also Page 4)
Mechanical plating can be used to apply zinc, tin or This alloy can be produced from acid and alkali solutions, a cobalt content
aluminium coatings, either singly or in combination. of 0.4 to 1.0% being required to give enhanced corrosion resistance.
It is essentially a ‘cold welding’ concept that applies The chromate passivate coating is similar to that of zinc and it is possible to
the coating using mechanical energy, at room produce a good black passivate on jigged components. The solution has similar
temperature, without giving any lasting hydrogen control problems, etc. to that of zinc nickel, with a poorer performance so zinc
embrittlement. nickel is usually preferred to zinc cobalt.
The components to be coated are placed into a
tumbling barrel containing glass beads reagents and Zinc Nickel
catalysts, which activate and prepare the surface. The This coating can be produced from acid or alkali solutions, the most popular
coating to be applied is added, in metallic powder now becoming the alkali as it is easier to control, more ductile, gives a more
form and glass beads of varying sizes ‘cold weld’ the consistent alloy and more even thickness than the acid solution. Anochrome
coating on to the activated surface of the component. use the alkaline solution which gives about 4 to 10% of nickel in the coating.
To meet specific torque tension requirements, a The group is a major supplier of barrel plated parts in this finish. The finish is
lubricant, in powder form, can be added during the usually supplied chromate passivated which gives a yellow-brown iridescent
plating process. Passivates are then applied, prior to coating, a higher nickel content causing more iridescence. The coating is
drying the parts. suitable for parts that are formed or crimped after plating, the zinc nickel
Mechanical zinc can be chromated to give a variety giving good corrosion protection (sacrificial) even if forming is severe enough
of colours, bright, yellow, dark green or black, with to cause cracking of the deposit.
varying degrees of corrosion protection. Refer to The chromate passivate has better heat resistance than other passivates,
sections on zinc for corrosion protection data or can giving no real reduction in protection even after heating to 120°C. This ensures
be used as an undercoat to enhance the perforance of that use around engine bays and for hot oil won’t reduce corrosion resistance.
organic coatings. When a silver coating is required enhanced corrosion resistance can be
Advantages obtained by using the seals or lacquers used on zinc plating.
- No residual hydrogen embrittlement. The zinc nickel solution used allows for the following
- Uniform coating-galling reduced for threaded advantages over zinc electroplating.
components. 1. Higher corrosion resistance (at least 300% better for the
- Porous substrates can be coated satisfactorily. same thickness).
- Ideal for sintered components, which normally
2. Good temperature stability. Not significantly affected by
require surface preparation to stop ingress of
temperatures of 120°C.
aqueous solutions into pores.
3. Good ductility and also good sacrificial protection if cracks
- Cost effective replacement for galvanising
in the coating occur due to excessive metal movement.
removing problem of threads having to be rerolled,
after coating, to remove excess build ups. The coating is specifically useful for:-
- Useful for thick coatings, cost effective compared a. Fine threads.
to electroplating, since mechanical plating thickness b. Hose ends, etc. that are crimped after electroplating.
is essentially independent of process time. c. Pipe brackets that are reformed after electroplating.
- It is possible to plate some metal components NOTE: As the coating is applied electrolytically, there is a risk of
in a pre-assembled state. Where metal assemblies embrittlement of high tensile parts.
incorporate plastic or rubber these are unaffected
in the plating process - only the metal is plated.
- Less harmful to the environment. Virtually no metal
residues are discarded.
Mechanically plated parts can suffer from transient
embrittlement if used within 6 hours of coating. This
phenomenon dissipates completely within 6 hours or
after 1 hour de-embrittlement.
Normal size of component coated:
Up to 200 mm, 0.5 kg.
It is not possible to coat large items in this
process as they cannot be ‘tumbled’ in barrels.
Mixed Metal Coatings can be supplied
with specific advantages such as ductility or high
corrosion resistance, especially under certain
environments or in contact with other metals.
It is important that all alloy coatings are supplied with the
These include Zinc-Tin, and Almac.
correct amount of alloying metal, which can now be tested non-destructively
Inverplex is a mixed coating of zinc and tin using X-ray fluorescence techniques. The equipment also determines thickness
that has better conductivity (and corrosion to an accuracy of ± 5% which is better than any other means of non-destruc-
resistance) than zinc. It is usually supplied tive testing. The Anochrome Group have purchased XRF equipment to ensure
chromate passivated and is used for earthing the quality of its production.
screws. Many automobile companies specify zinc nickel, such as:-
Almac coatings are combinations of aluminium Ford, Toyota, Opel, Audi VW, Honda, BMW, Nissan, etc.
and zinc which give substantially increased
corrosion resistance compared with zinc. They
are more ductile than zinc and are very
advantageous when used in contact with
ORGANIC COATINGS Three types of phosphating are in general
use, as below:
Organic coatings can be supplied, which consist of a coloured
pigment bonded with a heat curing polymer. PTFE or Iron - Low coating weight. Used as primer for
molybdenum disulphide can also be included to give controlled Phosphate Less than 400 mg/m2. painting
Zinc - Coating weight Used with oil as an
These coatings give: Phosphate 10-25 gm/m2. anticorrosive finish
and as undercoat for
1. A coloured coating paints and Xylan.
2. An insulated coating
3. Good corrosion resistance
4. In some cases high temperature resistance Manganese - Coating weight Used with oil for
5. Controlled lubricity, if required Phosphate 8-20 gm/m2. ‘running in’ of parts
6. High wear resistance and close control of
7. No risk of hydrogen embrittlement torque /tension on
They can be applied by dipping and centrifuging off excess fasteners (eg.
material, by spraying or dip coating. cylinder head bolts).
COATINGS E-Cote Polyseal
In some instances, the standard zinc Used principally for the corrosion protection of small steel components,
coatings do not give the performance E-Cote is an organic coating. The total finish consisting of a phosphate
required for certain applications and “mixed” base, one layer of a stoved resin and an oil finish being used to extend
or “duplex” coatings have been devised corrosion resistance.
to satisfy these cases. These coatings are The coating is supplied in black, other colours available.
outlined below, further information can be The coating is electrophoretically applied, in bulk, giving very good
obtained from Anochrome Group Technical coating uniformity.
Finigard • Uniformity of coating thickness is better than other processes, i.e.
Finigard is a specialist passivate coating • Initial corrosion resistance is superior to that of conventional electroplated
developed by Societe Continentale Parker finishes e.g. 72 hours neutral salt spray resistance for E-Cote without oil
that is applied to zinc coatings to enhance and gives no white corrosion.
the corrosion resistance above that of • 120 hours neutral salt spray resistance for E-Cote with oil finish.
standard zinc and chromate passivate. • No toxicity dangers.
This coating gives: • Gives a matt finish with a sub-gloss less than 35%.
• Vastly increased damage and abrasion • Particularly suited to small steel components, especially those having a
resistance. high carbon content, such as threaded fasteners, springs and clips, etc.,
• Heat resistance-the coating will give with the exception of plain, flat washers which can adhere to
200 hours salt spray resistance to w.c.p. one another.
(BS 7479) after a thermal shock of • Provides ‘barrier protection’ against corrosion and ‘under-cutting’, once
120°C for one hour. initial corrosion eventually takes place.
• Corrosion resistance up to 300 hours to • No formation of galvanic cells, and subsequent accelerated corrosion,
w.c.p. without thermal shock. as with sacrificial types of plated finish.
• As the coating is non-conducting, it can be used with advantage for
mixed metal joints.
Leach Sealants
A process range which converts a zinc and E-Cote is mainly used as an organic coating that does not block recesses
yellow passivated coating to a clear zinc colour (such as pozidrive or torx drive features). It is also used, because of this
and imparts superior corrosion resistance. attribute, as an alternative to Xylan etc as a black topcoat for other finishes,
The salt spray performance (BS 7479) is in also extending corrosion resistance.
excess of 200 hours to white corrosion, with A development of E-Cote includes a special sealant which is applied before
more than 100 hours after thermal shock for curing. This product enhances corrosion resistance to 120 hrs and gives
one hour at 120°C. torque tension controls. It satisfies Ford Specification S424.
JS500 and PS100 both offer this excellent
leach sealant enhancement. Our Technical Department will be pleased to supply further information
relating to this, or any other type of finish available from the
Anochrome Group.
Zinc Undercoats
Zinc coatings, both electro plated or
mechanically applied, Dacromet and Deltatone
can be used as undercoats for subsequent
finishes such as Xylan or E-Cote. These
undercoats can be used to enhance the
corrosion resistance of both coatings and also
give the coating some sacrificial protection
Dacroblack 10 or 15
This is a coating developed by Dacral, based
on a thin coating of Dacromet, followed by a
special primer (B100) and a newly developed
black organic sealer. The coating gives:
i) A corrosion resistance of greater than
1,000 hours salt spray to BS 7479.
ii) Good resistance to white corrosion and
iii) Is environmentally friendly as all
materials are water based.
The 10 or 15 denotes the lubricity of the
coating. The 10 coating has a mean friction
coefficient of .10 and the 15 one of .15.
(See Page 31)
What is the
DACROMET Dacromet process?
Three principal stages:
A highly protective zinc-flake aluminium coating for steel components (a) Cleaning to remove dirt, lubricants and
giving total coverage and with no embrittlement. oxide scale.
(b) Dip-spin procedure - Components in
What is Dacromet? baskets are immersed in the
Dacromet liquid. After wetting the
Dacromet coatings, applied to small components in bulk and larger work basket is drained and spun at
fabricated items, consist predominantly of zinc flakes in a binding matrix high speed to remove excess liquid.
of zinc chromate to give a pleasing silver-grey appearance and excellent Maximum component size approx.
surface protection. 150mm x 20mm dia. or 0.5 Kg weight.
The Dacrotising non-electrolytic process originated primarily for the Dip-drain procedure - Components are
vehicle industry in U.S.A. and is now operated by many selected job coaters loaded on to jigs. The jigs are lowered
for manufacturers in U.S.A., Japan, Australia, South America and most into the Dacromet liquid.
European countries. Subsequently the coated parts are
Dacromet is the registered trade name of Metal Coatings International, drained and spun to remove excess
U.S.A. and the process is operated in Europe only under licence from liquid. Maximum component size
Dacral S.A., France. 1100 x 500mm or 30 Kg weight.
(c) Curing (baking) the coating by passing
the parts through an oven at
Applications for Dacromet approximately 300°C.
- Threaded fasteners particularly strength grades 10.9 and 12.9. (d) Stages (b) and (c) are then repeated
- Pressings, springs, clips as required for vehicles, domestic appliances for dip-spin coatings.
and on buildings.
- High tensile steel (particularly above 1000 N/mm2 ) and case
hardened parts requiring surface protection without possible
What are Dacromet
hydrogen embrittlement. Performance Advantages?
- Sintered and cast steel and iron components.
- Excellent resistance to atmospheric
- Parts of complex shape and with holes and recesses.
- Compound assemblies e.g. Iock parts and hose connectors.
- Limited “white” rust (zinc corrosion
- Dacromet is a good replacement for cadmium.
products) or other corrosion products
N.B. Items which have predominantly flat or nesting surfaces may not in service. The benefit of chromate
always be suitable for Dacromet coating and initial trials should passivation is throughout the coating.
be arranged. In some instances a small change in design can make - Neutral salt spray corrosion resistance
items suitable. Washers are most effectively treated as captive exceeds that of many other common
assemblies with screws (i.e. sems). surface finishes e.g. electro and
mechanically plated zinc plating, and
Dacromet 500 - No toxicity in service or in handling.
Dacromet 500 is a special modification available for applications - Resistance to many “mild” chemicals
where closely controlled limits on thread lubrication are required and solvents including petrol and
e.g. Ford Specification WZ100 and Rover Group RES 30.FP.105, and where brake fluids.
self-lubricating properties are beneficial. Applications include threaded - No hydrogen embrittlement. It is a
fasteners, lock mechanisms, pivots, chains etc. A dry lubricant additive is non-electrolytic process.
incorporated into the coating and no other coating characteristics of - Electrically conductive-unlike
Dacromet are changed. organic coatings.
- Galvanic protection by the zinc-rich
coating ensures satisfactory
performance at bimetallic contacts
with steel aluminium, zinc and
cadmium in most situations.
- Complex shapes, recesses and holes
are coated.
- Dacromet is an excellent base for
paint application.
- Resistant to temperatures up to 300°C
without effect on the corrosion
- Dacromet can be used as an excellent
replacement for cadmium in a number
of applications, including military.
Specification for
DACROMET coatings Thread Fit and Assembly
Specifications are issued by many leading Dacromet coatings have thicknesses in the range of 5-12 microns
vehicle and component manufacturing (.0002 in-.0005 in) and in contrast to electroplated coatings the coating
companies. is thicker at thread roots and in recesses, and thinner at crests and edges.
e.g. Rover Group Tightness to thread inspection gauges will be experienced with fine threads
RES. 21. ZS. 05. at M4 (6UN, 4BA) and below although in most situations this will not
Honda HES 2008 inhibit assembly into tapped holes and standard nuts.
Ford Motor Co. Engineering THREAD LOCKING-Pre-applied Prevailing Torque adhesive & sealing
Specification SAM-1P 9108-A/B, patch features can be applied if required to all standard and specially-
S205 and WSD-M21 P13-A1-3. made threaded components which have been Dacromet coated.
Daimler-Benz DBL 8440, Volvo The ANOCHROME GROUP has a comprehensively equipped corrosion
STD 575252 and Nissan NES M4052. testing laboratory, as part of its overall quality control organisation, which
Jaguar JMS 10.22.05 has full approval of the European automobile companies.
BS 7371 Part ll.
Normal grades are: Dacrotising Large Items
Grade A 20 grms/m2 min., At New Tech Finishing, the Anochrome Group operates the only vat
5 microns min. Dacromet plant currently applying the finish on a subcontract basis within
Grade B 28 grms/m2 min., the United Kingdom.
8 microns min. The plant in use has an on line shotblasting facility to clean work and
Salt spray resistance (A.S.T.M. B117, BS 7479) remove welding scale to give the optimum surface for Dacromet coating.
Grade A 400 hours min. The other facilities available at New Tech Finishing enables the
(400 - 600 hours typical) Dacromet coating to be used as a base for spraying various top coats
Grade B 600 hours min. to give a coating of exceptional corrosion resistance that can be tailored
(600 - 1000 hours typical) to many environments.
Lighter and heavier coatings are available
by prior arrangement.
Specific Gravity of coating-4.71
For certain types of components, including those with a requirement for
Torque Control is available for fasteners
uncoated areas, Dacromet can be applied by spray coating which also
by specifying DACROMET 500 or
gives the opportunity to coat very large components.
See Torque Tension Data (Page 31). We have developed our own technology for automatic painting and curing
of high volume parts such as disc brakes and ABS rotors.
Further Information
A large amount of test information is
available for Dacromet. For any further This is a high corrosion resistant silver coating easily achieving 400 hours
information, please contact the Anochrome salt spray for Grade A, or 600 hours salt spray for Grade B. All items are
Group Technical Department. placed on purpose-made jigs and moved by an overhead conveyor to pass
through a degrease/shotblast cycle, followed by dip, drain, spin and cure at
300°C, before inspection and removal. Castings, pressings and machined parts
can all be treated.
HIGH TEMPERATURE Fasteners, up to and including 9.8 grade,
are capable of being galvanised and will be
HOT-DIP-CENTRIFUGE GALVANISING pre-cleaned through inhibited hydrochloric
acid or mechanical clean (shotblast) at the
Hot-dip galvanising has been used for more than 150 years to give specific customer request.
extended corrosion protection to steel components. During this time, it has High tensile fasteners or 10.9 grade with a
been extensively developed to improve the coating and its performance. hardness of less than 390 HV will be
Specific developments are the high temperature (560°C) galvanising process, mechanically cleaned (shotblast) prior to
and the use of an in-line centrifuge to spin off excess zinc, enabling the galvanising.
quality of smaller parts to be significantly enhanced. Fasteners of above 390 HV Hardness or
12.9 Grade should not be Galvanised.
Technologically Advanced Plant
Anogalv Limited have researched the galvanising market and investigated
Brackets and
the most technologically advanced plant and equipment that is available in Small Components
Following substantial investment, the most modern and up-to-date Plate steel made from silicon killed steel,
centrifuge facility has been commissioned with special emphasis placed on aluminium killed steel, or other purer steels,
pre-cleaning of components and automated handling. can all be processed successfully to the
This facility is designed, in particular, for the galvanising of threaded correct coating weight.
fasteners, M8 and above, and other relatively small engineered parts that are
suitable for spin galvanising (small brackets, clips, etc).
Coating Weights
A major feature of this new plant design is the ability to test the first off Typical coating weights for spin galvanised
small batch quickly and effectively and then to install control limits into the parts will be in accordance with BS 729, i.e. 43
programme of the plant, to provide quality control repeatability of the microns minimum, or 305g/m2.
process. The plant is fully automated and does not rely on labour dexterity in
any way to control the operation.
The quality of the galvanised component will
reflect the stringent control parameters that are in
place within the plant control systems.
Post phosphate treatment will also be available
immediately after the galvanising operation, to
enable paint or lubricative finishes to be applied to
the galvanised component - if required.
When steel components are immersed in the
galvanising zinc bath, a series of zinc/iron layers are
formed with a metallurgical bond to the steel
surface. These alloys are harder than mild steel and
are covered by a comparatively soft pure zinc which
remains after the centrifuge operation.
This galvanised structure is unique and gives
hot-dipped galvanised components exceptional
resistance to service damage, direct impact is
cushioned by the outer layer of zinc and the
underlying hard alloys resist abrasion.
If the zinc coating is damaged, then the zinc acts as a sacrifical protection,
in that the zinc will corrode in preference to the steel in all normal
environments (see page 4). It is very important that the correct amount
of zinc is being applied to components and
High Temperature that it is a consistent thickness throughout
the entire batch. This is achieved by constant
The most common galvanising plants in the UK are operated in steel
monitoring and testing. Anogalv have fully
kettles at a temperature of 460°C. This type of galvanising, when applied to
calibrated test equipment backed up by
hot-dip spun smaller parts, is more difficult to control regarding the thickness
XRF equipment to ensure the quality of the
of zinc, especially when applied to silicon killed steels.
production and processes.
By introducing a high temperature (560°C) ceramic lined bath into the
process, deposition rates are far more controllable and the bath temperature
can be raised and lowered to suit the type of steel that is being processed.
The latest and most up-to-date fume and
particulate abatement equipment ensures
that compliance with Government Legislation
is being easily met. This plant is setting higher
standards than expected, with no adverse
effects on the environment.
The Anochrome Group can offer the Calculation of allowances required for galvanised coating on threaded
addition of a number of organic paint work
coatings or lubricants to complement the
galvanised process. This is known as a duplex The relationship between coating thickness and increase in effective
system and offers the following advantages: diameter of an external thread is shown by the triangle XYZ
where XY = coating thickness (t) and YZ = half the increase in
• Colours can be used, e.g. black, yellow, effective diameter.
brown, red, etc.
Increase on ISO, Metric, UNF
Increase in effective
and UNC threads
• The extra barrier provided by the organic diameter
(angle a = 60°)
film extends the life of the galvanising.
2t 2t
• The life of the coating is extended by the 2YZ = = = 4t
a 60°
action of the zinc layers - preventing sin sin
2 2
corrosion underneath the paint.
(or sin 60°/2)
• Cracks and pores in the organic coating are The effective diameter on
sealed by weathering products of zinc and internal threads will be reduced Increase on BSW and BSF threads
its alloys. by the same amount (angle a = 55°C)
• The lifetime of a duplex coating is longer 2t
than the combined lives of galvanised = = 4.33t
and organic coatings. 55°
New Tech Finishing Ltd. Marinecote is a heavy-duty protective
coating for bolting and related steel
At New Tech Finishing Ltd. we offer a range of specialist surface coatings, components originally developed for the
embracing dip drain, spray and conventional coating techniques. offshore oil industry.
New Tech can handle small batch work through to the highest automotive It consists of an electroplated, or
volumes. phosphate coating, followed by a sprayed
Our expertise allows us to coat a wide range of materials. coating of Xylan cured at 200°C.
Applications are wide, such as brake discs, bridge tie bars, complex Marinecote improves substantially upon
assemblies, i.e. lock mechanisms, tubes and other manipulated assemblies the performance of conventional surface
in addition to the less sophisticated forgings and pressings. treatments such as galvanising, painting
and electroplating.
Marinecote is a complete coating system
Application of Paints & Lacquers to metals and plastics with different undercoats for different
Paints and lacquers can be applied by a number of techniques: service conditions:
Dorrltech is an aluminium based organic
coating developed by The Magni Group Inc
USA. It is applied as a top coat to Deltatone
coated or zinc electroplated components
giving a matt silver appearance.
Performance Data
The shape of the torque feature is critical. The dimensions are designed N.B. Pnuematic installation tools depend
to ensure a ‘lead-in’ and to provide a uniformly gradual development of upon air pressure and volume to achieve
locking torque as the mating threads impress their thread form in the a given desired tightening torque.
prevailing torque feature material. The mating threaded hole should be Prevailing torque features may cause
chamfered to avoid patch material from being stripped away during stalling if the air pressure and volume
installation. is insufficient for continuous ‘run-down’
1. Mating threads engage the prevailing torque feature. under prevailing torque conditions.
2. The prevailing torque feature compresses (A), completely filling in
all axial tolerances between the male and female threads.
3. This action enforces a strong metal-to-metal contact between the
thread flanks opposite the locking patch (B).
TEMPERATURE RANGE °C -56 +150 -56 +150 -50 +120 -195 +200 +600 -50 +120
Scotchgrip Scotchgrip 2353 is a specially formulated two part epoxy system in micro-encapsulated
2353 (blue) form. Inert and dry to touch until activated during assembly, it provides a high resistance
high strength to loosening by virtue of the high breakloose/breakaway torques and subsequent
medium temp prevailing off torque. Scotchgrip achieves full adhesive strength after 24 hours cure at
adhesive ambient temperature. The high strength locking and sealing performance of 2353 makes
it suitable for all fastening applications up to 150°C. Page 25
This product can be applied to a variety of materials such as brass, steel, copper and plastic.
Scotchgrip 2353 can be applied to most engineering surface finishes. Scotchgrip 2353 has
very good sealing properties, impervious to most commonly used chemicals and liquids
such as water, oil, grease etc.
Precote 85
Precote 85 is a dry to touch, micro-encapsulated thread precoating system with an epoxy
acrylate base. The dry film is non-tacky, solvent free and is harmless from both a
high strength
physiological and toxicological point of view. Its characteristics as a high strength locking Page 25
and sealing element become effective after the capsules are ruptured during assembly
with controlled
with the mating threads.
torque tension
SEALING CAPACITY BAR > 200 > 200 > 200 > 200 > 200
TEMPERATURE RANGE °C -60 +150 -40 +200 -50 +150 -50 +170 -50 +120
M16 x 2 160 30
VARITY PERKINS PMS. P.1.02 Hours- 0.25 0.5 1 4 12 24 48 72
NOTE: All pre-applied adhesives and NOTE: Performance values are based upon adhesive
NOTE: Reusability is not recommended Acrylic products are anaerobic curing
sealants perform to BS 7371 Part 2 area for a distance of one nominal screw with Micro-Encapsulated adhesives.
(Fig 1-Page 32 and Table 1-Page 33). diameter assembled into a steel nut. Epoxy products are thermal curing
26 25
Thread Sealants
Microseal 204 Microseal 204 is a water-based environmentally friendly PTFE pre-applied sealant.
Microseal 204 has excellent performance qualities providing instant sealing upon
installation. Microseal 204 can be applied to ferrous and non-ferous metallic thread
forms and has an operating temperature range of -50 C to +150 C. Page 27
Components can be re-adjusted after installation, whilst maintaining its sealing ability.
Microseal 204 inhibits corrosion of mating parts due to its sealing action.
Disassembly is therefore improved compared to other conventional methods.
Precote 5 Precote 5 is a film-forming dispersion with non-reactive mineral solids for coating threaded
parts. It is a non-toxic and safe precoating for threaded parts like screws, studs, plugs and Page 27
pipe threads, sealing against gases and liquids. A special inhibitor avoids corrosion on
brass fittings.
Driseal 506 Driseal 506 is a thread sealing product which can be used on parallel and tapered threads Page 27
Thread Lubricants
& Waxes
Wax A flexible wax which helps ease the installation of standard and non-standard threaded
(lubricant) fasteners especially on automatic assembly lines. Usually applied to thread only. Page 27
624 brown Reduces installation squeal.
Molykote Dry hard solvent based film, highly lubricative pre-applied material.
(lubricant) Page 27
Developed for thread forming screws.
7405 yellow
Torque Tip 28 A dry, highly lubricative water based film developed specially for thread forming screws.
(lubricant) Non-toxic colours available for identification. Page 27
Gasket Sealants
Rimlex Rimlex is a peripheral seal which can be applied to inserts, the underhead bearing surfaces
(green) of fasteners, and other components. Rimlex can replace copper, aluminium and other more
expensive sealing washers. Page 27
The product is an organic based material which is flexible, and when components are
assembled, Rimlex is forced in to gaps between mating surfaces and forms a seal.
FORD WSD-M21 P19-A8 & A9
Rimlex is a peripheral seal which can be
applied to inserts, the underhead bearing
surfaces of fasteners, and other components.
Rimlex can replace copper, aluminium and
other more expensive sealing washers.
The product is an organic based material
which is flexible, and when components are
assembled, Rimlex is forced in to gaps
between mating surfaces and forms a seal.
Different grades of the material exhibit
differing properties, but fuel, oil, brake fluid
and antifreeze resistant sealants are available.
Some varieties exhibit excellent re-use
capabilities, and even when under torsional
pressure, will seal after 12 or more re-uses.
This product is especially suitable for rivet
nuts/tubes and can be readily applied to
aluminium, zinc and its alloys, nickel, organic
coatings and stainless steel. Rimlex does not
alter torque tension characteristcs of threaded
components and torque relaxation is less than
15% over 24 hours. Meets the requirements of: TM
Although the product would normally be RIMLEX PLUG
applied in a manner similar to an ‘O’ ring - Ford Specification SEALING SYSTEM
complex shapes can also be followed, so it WSS M99 P9999-A1
could be used in many gasket applications. Rover Specification
Rimlex is inert, non hazardous, and will RES 22 FP 05
resist paint stoving temperatures, so it may be
applied to body component assemblies prior
to finishing.
Rimlex applications are being used by Ford,
Jaguar and Rover on various body and engine
As with other Inlex products, the colour
denotes the type of material employed.
Incote protection on
weld nut threads.
2 Start Threads
A vertical row of cells compares the
leading and trailing edges of the
thread shadow as it crosses the screen,
rejecting parts which uncover the cells
in a different sequence.
Counting Facilities
6 figure counters are provided to
indicate the total number of parts checked and
the number of good parts selected. In addition
to these counters, there is a 5 figure batch
counter which stops the machine when a
pre-set number of good parts have been
counted. Please discuss your requirements with the
INLEX LOCKING LTD., Technical Department.
To get the best use of a fastener, it needs to be
tightened to within close limits of its yield point by
Performance Enhancing Lubricants/Waxes
applying a definite tightening torque. To do this, the Due to the more stringent uses that are required under today’s
torque tension relationship must be known and be technological environment, some coatings need their performance enhancing
consistent between each similar fastener. All coatings in ways that are not covered by the normal torque tension requirements.
supplied by the Anochrome Group have been For these applications, a number of oils and waxes have been developed
engineered such that they can be supplied to conform such that the coating applied to the fastener can be engineered to give the
to Torque Tension Specification requirements to enable required performance. These coatings are often more economical than the
constant tightening. resin bonded dry film lubricants (see below) and can be applied to a large
number of standard finishes. Typical lubricants/waxes that can be applied are:
Testing Torque Tension
Relationships • Rustarest - Oil • Merwin 65 • Johnsons
• A3 Wax • Wax 47/60 waterbased wax
To test the tightening performance of a fastener, it
has become standard practice to tighten a nut or bolt In a number of cases, 47/60 has been used to give the lubricity performance
in a fixture with a hardened washer under the rotated of cadmium under high pressure applications. Also similar waxes have been
member (the component under test). The induced used to ensure that self drilling screws can give their desired performance.
tension is measured as the tightening torque is applied. In some instances, e.g. to dampen noise when inserting certain types
lf the torque applied is plotted against the induced of thread locking screw, the wax can be applied only to a portion of the
tension, a graph similar to figure 1 is obtained. thread of a fastener. (See Page 27).
This type of test is used in the British Standard, Ford
Specification, and others. Corrosion Resistance:
Information from the graph can be used in the The oils applied, though they have a disadvantage of being slightly wet,
quoted equation (figure 1) to calculate the friction have the attraction that their mobility can enhance the corrosion resistance,
constants. The Anochrome Group have equipment to particularly when damaged in assembly. This is not usually the case with
carry out these tests. waxes because as they are dry films, they can sometimes suffer damage,
Lubricant Performance though the Anochrome Group do not use any standard materials that will
detract from the corrosion resistance of the original coating.
The graph (figure 1) gives some idea of the variation
possible when tightening to constant torque, if
attention is not given to lubricity (i.e. up to a threefold
Dry Film Lubricants
variation in tension). The Engineer’s demand for lower closely controlled friction, with no mess,
The normal lubrication requirement ensures all has produced a requirement to eliminate molybdenum bearing greases and
coatings perform similar to that of lubricated zinc in oils. The dry films used to replace these having the advantage of being
figure 1. When a more lubricative coating is required, tenaciously bonded to the surface giving improved reproducible performance
e.g. for thread forming screws, a special lubricant can over wide variations of temperature and under very adverse conditions.
be supplied - see Table 2. Dry film lubricants usually consist of a resin, used to bond a dry lubricant
The effect of poor lubrication of a fastener will cause on to the surface of a component. The lubricants used are, in the main,
the fastener to yield at a much lower induced load P.T.F.E., Molybdenum Disulphide or Graphite, either individually or combined,
than normal (as much as one third of the load obtained to impart any of the following attributes.
with the same fastener lubricated) This is due to the • Low coefficients of friction.
torsional effects combining with tension reaching the • Good performance under high surface pressure conditions.
yield stress of the material. • High temperature, low temperature performance.
Integral Lubricants • Reusability.
Wherever possible, the torque tension control is by A number of these lubricants are supplied as standard by the Anochrome
the use of a lubricant that is integral with the coating Group, which include Torque Tip 28 (TT28), Molykote 321 R, Molydag 709,
which gives a more consistent torque tension relation- Molydal 1870 and other lubricants and blends according to the requirement
ship that is not affected by solvents or surface damage of the part. The typical applications of these products are on:
than the more usual supplementary dry to touch oils. • Turbo charger bolts. • Carburettor parts.
The integral lubricant also gives a more consistent • Lock parts. • Hinge pins.
re-use performance as is illustrated in graphs (figure 2). • Seat belt bolts and parts. • Brake and clutch pivots.
* Torque Tension Specifications • Bolts with special locking features. • Clutch locking rings.
• High temperature nuts. • Gearbox input shafts.
The Ford Motor Company have had a torque tension
• Machine slides.
requirement for fasteners since 1968-SZ600A. This has
recently been revised and is issued as WZ100. The performance of these coatings on threaded fasteners is illustrated on
Most automobile manufacturers have now adopted Table 2.
lubricity specifications for fasteners and the British If necessary, these coatings can be applied to local areas of components.
Standard BS 7371 Pt.2 Specification for torque/clamping In most cases these coatings will enhance corrosion resistance if applied
force relationship has been published. These as a top coat and also have corrosion resistance in their own right.
specifications give a means of testing the tightening These coatings can be applied in bulk, on parts up to 0.5 kg. wt. or
performance of a coated nut or bolt under controlled 150 mm long. Longer parts can be spray coated.
conditions using the test already described. The torque
tension figure derived from this test must conform to Re-use of Fasteners
those shown in Table 1 for BS 7371, Ford WZ100 and
Rover. This table assumes the same lubricant is used for Interest is being shown in the torque tension performance of fasteners
all sizes of fastener to ensure compliance. when they are re-used and our equipment has been used to investigate the
change in performance during 10 re-use cycles. In these cases, the integral
Specifications requiring torque tension testing are: lubricants show a vast improvement over the “surface” type of torque
Ford WZ100 Rover RES.30 FP105 tension control.
DIN 946 BMW 600.02.0 Further information on the torque tension performance of coatings can be
General Motors QT 000 150 Varity Perkins TD 40 obtained from the Technical Department.
VW 011 11 Volvo 5511.71
Renault 01-50-005/--C
BS 7371 PT 2
Torque/Tension Window
M10 x 50 Hex Head Bolt
Grade 8.8 Material
Pitch 1.5mm
30 * To calculate overall coefficient of friction µo
DACROMET in making a bolted joint with ISO metric
500 threads, the following formula can be used
PHOSPHATE (Ref. V.D.I. 2230 and DIN 946).
25.3 kN AND OIL
Desired Pre-Load 8
Calculated on 75% 0.1 T/S - 0.159.P
= µo =
of Proof Load µ*
DELTA 0.578 d2 + D
20 GZ
OILED T Tightening torque (in Nm)
to stress fastener
BLACK S Stress (in kN)
P Thread pitch
d2 Pitch diameter of bolt thread
D Average diameter for the friction
movement contact area under
bolt head or nut bearing face
Dacromet 320 can be lubricated to give
performance characteristics similar to
10 20 30 40 50 60 Dacromet 500.
1 1
2 2
3 3 to 10
NOTE: The Clamping Forces specified are equal to 75% of the proof load of the property classes of bolts as given in ISO 898/1.
The Applied Torque figures are test requirements and are not recommended for use as assembly data.
All thread locking and sealing features perform to this table.
Xylan 1010 39 ± 3 Nm .08 - .1 Red N.T.F.
1 Kgf.m (Kpm) = 7.237 lb.f ft
1 lb.f ft (lb.ft.) = 0.138 kgfm
1 Nm = 0.738 lb.f ft
1 lb.f ft. = 1.355 Nm
1 lb.f = 4.448N
1 ton.f = 9964N = 9.964kN
1 kN = 0.1004 ton.f
Pressure & Stress
2 2
1 lb.f/ft
= 4.882 kgf/m -4 2
1 N/m = 1 Pascal (Pa) = 1.45038 x 10 lbf/in
1 bar = 14.7 p.s.i. = 760 mm Hg = 101325 Pa
1 kilowatt (kw) = 3412 B.Th.U. (British Thermal Unit)
1 B.Th.U = 1055.06 Joules (J) = 252 calories (cal)
-5 4
1 Micron (µm) = 4 x 10 inches (in) = 10 Angstrom (Å)
1 µm = 0.001 mm
1 km = 0.621371 mile = 1093.6 yards (yd)
1 thou. (.001 in) = 2.5 µm
1 Sq. m. = 1550 sq. in. = 10.76 sq. ft.
1 hectare (ha) = 100 are (a) = 11959.9 sq. yd. = 2.47 acres
Volume & Capacity
1 cubic metre = 1.308 cub. yd. = 61023.7 cub. in.
1 litre (l) = 1 cub. dm. = 0.21997 UK gal = 0.264 US gal
1 UK gallon = 4.54 litres
1 cu. ft. = 6.25 gal
1 kg = 2.2046 lb.
1 g = 0.03527 oz.
1 tonne = 1000 kg. = 0.98421 ton
1 ton = 2240 lb. = 1016.05 kg.
1 joule (J) = 1 Nm (Newton metre)
= 1 Ws (Watt second)
1 erg = 1 dyne cm. = 6 10 J
1 kwh (kilowatt hour) = 3.6 x 10 Ws = 3.6 MJ
Prefixes: Multiplying Factors
mega M 103 = 1,000,000
kilo k 10-2 = 1,000
centi c 10-3 = 0.01
milli m 10-6 = 0.001
micro µ 10-9 = 0.000 001
nano n 10-12 = 0.000 000 001
pico p 10-18 = 0.000 000 000 001
atto a 10 = 0.000 000 000 000 000 001
Anochrome Group
The Anochrome Group is able to offer the services of their experts and
equipment to give assistance, without prejudice, in the following areas:
- Fastener tightening
- Corrosion testing/advice
- Thickness testing
The Anochrome Group have developed comprehensive, computer controlled,
torque-tension system for testing fasteners and fastener finishes.
The system is operated automatically and reproduces consistent tightening
and removal cycles.
Test data is stored in the computer’s memory and can be down loaded into
hard copies to provide a wide range of useful information such as:
- Torque-tension
- Prevailing torques (installation and removal)
- Torque and angle
- Angle and time
- Breakaway torque
- Breakloose torque
- Yield values
- Re-use data
The information can be viewed numerically or graphically, or both.
From this information appropriate friction coefficients can be calculated.
The Torque Tension Laboratory (TT Lab) tests in accordance with
BS 7371 : Part 2 ‘Specification for torque/clamping force relationship.’
In addition, the TT Lab can test fasteners to automotive specifications such as:
- Ford WZ 100
- Rover RES 30.FP.105
- Jaguar JFS.02.01.09
- General Motors QT 000 150
Most fastener sizes can be accommodated.
The Group run a number of salt spray cabinets and now are able to conduct
tests for customers in suitable cases and also give advice an appropriate
finishes and application methods.
We have the latest XRF testing equipment and are able to conduct tests using
this non-destructive type of equipment that is acknowledged to be more
accurate than any other non-destructive methods.
For test programme quotations and consultancy fees, please contact our
Technical/Sales Department on 01902 397333.
Anochrome Group
Dacromet® Dacral S. A.
Driseal® Loctite