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The Effect of Gender On Motivation and Student Achievement in Digital Game-Based Learning: A Case Study of A Contented-Based Classroom

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EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education

ISSN: 1305-8223 (online) 1305-8215 (print)
2017 13(6):2309-2327
DOI 10.12973/eurasia.2017.01227a

The Effect of Gender on Motivation and Student

Achievement in Digital Game-based Learning: A
Case Study of a Contented-Based Classroom
Liang-Yi Chung
Chihlee University of Technology, TAIWAN
Rong-Chi Chang
Taiwan Police College, TAIWAN

Received 31 May 2016 ▪ Revised 22 October 2016 ▪ Accepted 31 October 2016

This study attempts to probe into the impact of learners' gender on learning outcomes and
motivation. A digital game focusing on the topic of emergency first aid is designed for the
purpose of this present study, according to the curriculum objectives for a content-based
instruction (CBI) course as part of the experiment. In the process of playing the game,
learners are able to acquire both first aid knowledge and language skills at the same time.
Results show that gender has no significant effect on the learning achievement, but causes
significant differences in learning motivation. Learners of different genders are found to
have better learning achievement through digital game-based learning. In a moderate
genre digital game, female learners' motivation is significantly higher than that of male
learners. The usability of the digital game in this study receives positive response from
learners regardless of gender. This evaluation on usability is correlated with the findings of
this study. Our analysis also demonstrates that game contents in the moderate genre
reduce the effect of gender on learning achievement and motivation. Based on the above
findings, this study suggests a relationship between gender and digital game-based
learning and proposes avenues for further research.
Keywords: digital game-based learning, gender, motivation, achievement

Learning in the digital age capitalizes on the use of new technologies to attract students to gain
new knowledge and achieve better learning outcomes. Among these technologies, digital
games act as a medium that offers entertainment, and have been widely used in recent years
in complementing learning in the classroom. For the digital native generation, the
incorporation of digital games in the learning content facilitates the utilization of knowledge
intended to be learned and more in-depth understanding of the contents. The impact of game-
based learning lies in triggering their intrinsic motivation and interaction (Farber, 2015; Hogle,
1996). As an extension of the concept of game-based learning, digital game-based learning
furthers the engagement and interaction through the use of computers and online media.

© Authors. Terms and conditions of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) apply.
Correspondence: Rong-Chi Chang, Taiwan Police College, Taiwan.
L.-Y. Chung & R.-C. Chang / A Case Study of a Contented-Based Classroom

State of the literature

• Adaptive digital game learning mode encourages active learning and enhances learning
• Digital games combined with educational contents can improve learners' thinking and reasoning
skills and allow them to have fun in the process.
• The differences of how learners of different genders receive and process information affect their
learning outcomes in a digital learning environment.

Contribution of this paper to the literature

• Digital games integrated with subject knowledge have a positive impact on learning motivation.
• Digital games of a moderate genre benefits learners by helping them enhance their cognitive,
affective and skills development, regardless of gender.
• There are no significant differences in the attitude towards digital game-based learning between
• Regardless of gender, learners display high levels of participation and interaction through the
digital game-based learning process.

Interactive and fun learning activities developed through digital games not only enhance the
immersive engagement of learners but also help achieve the goals of sustained learning
(Prensky, 2001). Better learning outcomes can be achieved through the experience gained
during the process and the interactive feedback from their peers.
The rapid advances and ubiquity of mobile technology have driven the development of
digital games, in turn making digital game-based learning an emerging educational approach
and strategy. This rise has led to the research of digital game-based learning in diverse
contexts. Gender is one of the factors studied for its influence on learning differences and
outcomes. Studies have shown that different genders prefer different game achievement goals
which affect learning outcomes (Kapp, 2012; Kinzie & Joseph, 2008; Jakobasson, 2011). Men
are focused on attaining achievements in games, thus they prefer the goals of "performance"
challenges. Women, in contrast, like the learning relationship with peers in games, preferring
the goals of self-pursuit. Yee (2006) maintained that the motivation from games is related to
behaviors, and achievement is one of the critical elements in game motivation. The
achievement goals in games trigger men's motivation to learn, thus making them to exhibit a
more active performance than women. However, Begy & Consalvo (2011) proposed a different
view, where they pointed out that effective instruction design using digital games can also
inspire learning motivation and performance in women. Hsu (2013) further confirmed that
with appropriate instructional guidance, digital games have a positive impact on female
learners to effectively enhance their learning performance. It can be concluded that the
learning performance and motivation from digital game-based learning vary by gender, but
adaptive instruction can provide positive guidance.

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Digital game-based learning focuses on learning and engagement, which affects the
motivation and learning achievements of learners. Prensky (2007) pointed out that the ideal
digital game-based learning involves high intensity and high engagement activities. Gender
difference is further accentuated in these types of learning situations. Current studies on
gender differences in digital game-based learning are primarily focused on the preferences of
game types and comparison of learning methods; few studies have analyzed the motivation
and learning achievements in relation to learning and engagement. Therefore, this study aims
to delve into the impact of gender on motivation and learning achievements by looking at the
relationship between engagement in digital games and learning. Studies on the integration of
digital games in subject learning have shown that this approach is particularly suitable for
uninspiring difficult subjects, because students generally lack the needed learning motivation
for these subjects. A content-based instruction (CBI) class, which combines language and
subject learning, is chosen as the focus of this study. CBI is characterized by interdisciplinary
learning, where learners have higher learning goals, including the acquisition of language
skills and subject knowledge. A digital game is designed to assist learning in a CBI classroom
for the purpose of the study. The impact of gender on learning motivation and performance is
investigated by probing into learners' engagement and learning in the process of using this
digital game.
By applying the concept of digital game-based learning, this study examines the impact
of gender on motivation and learning achievements through a CBI course. Literature review
is divided into three parts, including digital game-based learning theory, gender differences
in digital game-based learning, and the content and structure of CBI.
Digital Game-based Learning
Studies have shown that digital game-based learning provides an atmosphere and
opportunities for learners to be actively engaged in learning (Garris, Ahlers & Driskell, 2002).
By participating in the games, interactive learning is achieved through the cooperation or
competition among learners. Digital game-based learning can also promote high-level
thinking (Dondlinger, 2007). From the cognitive development point of view, Piaget (1929)
noted that the construction of knowledge is the result of the interaction between an individual
and their environment. Participants in digital games are also experiencers who are essentially
consolidating what they have learned to solve problems or make a decision in a game. Such
interaction design is in line with human cognitive architecture, where learners have the
opportunity to immerse themselves in the learning situation. Compared to conventional
instructional media and tools, digital games are able to promote learners' thinking capacity
and enhance their interests in learning. Prensky (2007) suggested that digital games are
characterized by several elements, including entertainment, gameplay, rules, objectives,
human-machine interaction, outcomes and feedback, adaptability, sense of triumph, conflict

L.-Y. Chung & R.-C. Chang / A Case Study of a Contented-Based Classroom

competitiveness and challenges, problem solving, social interaction, images and narratives;
the impact of these factors has been validated in various studies.
In the application of digital game-based learning in language instruction, Lee et al. (2008)
found that the entertainment factor in digital games reduces the anxiety of second language
acquisition. Adaptive digital game-based contents can help learners learn more effectively and
raise their motivation. Cornillie, Clarebout, & Desmet (2012) indicated that second language
learners are more engaged in games through role-playing, which effectively enhances the
learners' intrinsic motivation and learning outcomes. Furthermore, digital game-based
learning is even more effective when the virtual contents overlap with professional knowledge
in the real world. Virvou, Katsionis, & Manos (2005) integrated virtual reality in digital
learning games, and found significant enhancement and improvement in students' learning
motivation and learning outcomes. Delwiche (2006) used Massively Multiplayer Online
Games (MMOGs) to teach students about research methods, game design and cyber culture,
and learners displayed positive and motivated response towards the educational approach
using MMOGs. According to Delwiche (2006), the virtual interactions in digital games make
learning more dynamic. Findings from Chuang & Chen (2009) also demonstrated that virtual
reality in digital games can help improve learners' ability in fact differentiation and recall
processes, and enhance their cognitive thinking and problem-solving abilities. In short, digital
games serve as an effective medium for learning.
Gender and Digital Game-based Learning
According to Riding and Grimley (1999), the performance of digital learning is differed
by gender. One key reason lies in the different approaches adopted by men and women in
receiving and process information. Riding and Grimley (1999) suggested that women tend to
have a more complete understanding of information than men, since women are willing to
spend a longer period of time to process new information and associate the newly received
information to existing knowledge. On the other hand, men have a more shallow
understanding of new information, but are able process more information than women. This
gender difference in information processing is also reflected in the different attitudes towards
digital game-based learning. As opposed to women who prefer exploratory games, men prefer
gameplay that involves strategy and direct instructions given by the system. In addition,
women's tend to adopt autonomous learning, while men see digital games as a medium for
socializing and skills development. This explains why men are more engaged in digital game-
based learning with higher sense of participation and motivation.
There are significant cognitive learning differences between genders. Women tend to
have a clearer understanding of the game content and objectives in the digital game-based
learning process. Female learners perform better when they need to apply the knowledge
learned during the process to complete puzzles and quests. Meanwhile, digital games
featuring a story line and role-playing offer a guidepost for learning; male learners perform
better in these types of games than their female counterparts. Wang and Wang (2008) found

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that male learners experience higher pleasure and satisfaction when playing Massively
Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) which highlight cooperative learning.
This positive affectivity allows men to reach higher learning achievements from playing
MMORPGs. Lowrie and Jorgensen (2011) showed that the level of cognitive perception
differed by genders plays a role in the attitude towards digital game-based learning, and
learning attitude is correlated to learning achievements.
Content-Based Instruction
Content-based instruction (CBI) is an approach in language education based on subject-
matter contents. Unlike common language education approaches centered on imparting
language skills, CBI is conducted through synchronous learning of a language through
"subject contents", since every course has its particular subject-matter contents. Many second
language or foreign language instruction methods first set forth the language skills to be
learned before looking into suitable subject contents to match the learning (Richards & Roders,
2001). In contrast, the CBI approach first decides on the "subject matter", then chooses the
applicable language skills intended to be learned to design the curriculum (Brinton et al., 1989).
This instruction model uses professional contents as the language learning input, where
learners progressively acquire the language skills through learning professional knowledge in
the target language (O'Malley & Chamot, 1990). Larsen-Freeman (2000) elaborated a more
sophisticated notion that CBI imparts knowledge through communications, and not teaching
how to communicate. Aside from acquiring the target language, learners must also obtain new
knowledge in the target language. In a word, the concept of CBI links language acquisition
with various subject matters to achieve multi-aspect learning.
In a CBI classroom, learners are given a chance for dual learning, because the language
learning objective is closely connected to the contents. The CBI approach maintains that when
learning is meaningful, meets the needs of learners and helps learners develop more language
skills, learning will be more successful (Grabe & Stoller ,1997). Such view echoes the theory
of second language instruction: when the learning of a target language is meaningful, it will
inspire motivation and result in higher learning achievement (Krashen, 1985). The core of CBI
is first deciding on the "contents" through understanding the purpose of language learning,
followed by the learning of the "contents" in relation to the role of language (Grabe & Stoller,
1997). This process allows CBI to attain the dual training effect of learning subject knowledge
and language communication skills (Haley & Austin, 2004) . In addition, CBI learning activities
are learner-centered. Three common models of CBI—theme-based, sheltered and adjunct
model—have been developed to allow learners to be more engaged in the learning activities.
The application of teaching models is based primarily on the learners' learning objectives. This
present study adopts the adjunct model, which focuses on a shared emphasis on language and
professional contents, so that learners can simultaneously acquire subject knowledge and be
exposed to comprehensible language input.

L.-Y. Chung & R.-C. Chang / A Case Study of a Contented-Based Classroom

Figure 1. Main menu of EFA digital game learning activities

In this study, the teaching subject chosen for the CBI course was part of the health
education curriculum, with "first aid" as the learning content. Research subjects consisted of
elementary school students who are non-native English speakers. This CBI course
incorporated language learning into the context of topic knowledge for learners to acquire
both language and subject knowledge at the same time. In this study, English was chosen as
the language input and first aid contents as the subject knowledge to be acquired. A digital
game on the topic of first aid was designed for the purpose of this present study. The game
contents, research subjects, evaluation methods and research procedures are described as
Design of the digital game
An English digital game—Emergency First Aid (EFA)—was designed to combine
English acquisition as the language input and first aid as the subject knowledge for digital
game-based learning. The impact of gender on learning motivation and achievements was
explored by looking into learners' experience in playing the EFA digital game. A class of
Chinese non-native English-speaking students were the research subjects. The EFA digital
game was designed to comprise two learning objectives: first aid knowledge acquisition and
application of the target language. Selected from a wide range of first aid situations, this study
focused on the knowledge of common incidents, such as heat stroke, drowning, fever and
cramps, in the development of the digital game-based learning materials. The EFA game was

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Figure 2. Design architecture of EFA digital learning game

developed from a scenario-based interactive learning approach and designed through story
scripts and interactive animations. Each unit was given a story based on an incident in need
of first aid, complete with interactive contents on the symptoms and the provision of first aid
measures, as shown in Figure 1. In a bid to enhance non-native English learners' memorability
and amusement, well-known history stories were incorporated into the EFA game, where
incidents and their corresponding symptoms are told through characters in a story. For
instance, Houyi, a mythological Chinese archer who shot down suns from the sky, was chosen
as the victim of a heat stroke; while Qu Yuan, a patriot in the Era of Warring States known for
wading into a river holding a rock, was the victim of drowning. Learners are guided through
the situations in each unit, where they come to understand the cause of the incidents and how
to respond through interactive dialogues; they then use the tools or methods provided to them
in the game to learn about the correct procedures and acquire first aid knowledge. Students
learn about first aid knowledge and related English vocabulary in the process of playing the
Each unit in the EFA digital game consists of three learning activities: digital story,
rescue quest and situation simulation. As presented in Figure 2, the critical elements of digital
games, such as story lines, challenges, educational values and fun factors, are designed into
the learning activities. First, digital story offers a visualized learning environment that guides
learners to ease into the lesson. The rescue quests are developed from the stories in the digital
game. Learners are required to apply their first aid knowledge and use the target language to
complete the quests, the purpose of which is to inspire learning motivation through the
competitive interactions in the game. After completing the game tasks, learners can begin the
activity of emergency first aid rescue. Clearing checkpoints in an online simulation of first aid

L.-Y. Chung & R.-C. Chang / A Case Study of a Contented-Based Classroom

Figure 3. EFA digital game: scenes from the digital narrative

rescue allows learners to learn the proper, correct response measures. Situation simulation
grants learners clearer understanding of the symptoms and emergency response. These three
learning activities are designed to let learners learn in the context of the game, where the
interactive competition promotes learning motivation and enhances learning outcomes.
At the start of the EFA digital game, learners need to select an emergency first aid topic.
After the topic is confirmed, the system will display relevant first aid knowledge, symptom
descriptions and English vocabulary words. This topic warm-up provides learners with the
basic background knowledge and language input. After completing the learning warm-up
exercise, learners can select the digital narrative activity to begin the game learning mode. The
digital narratives are scripts designed corresponding to well-known historic characters against
their historic backdrop. For instance, the unit on cramps, as shown in Figure 3, features the
famous poet Li Bai, who, according to legend, died from drowning when trying to catch the
moon reflection in the water. The story begins with Li Bai enjoying a full moon on a boat, then
he accidentally falls into the river. He suffers from severe leg cramps after being rescued. At
this time, a number of first aid options are displayed, entering the second phase of the game,
where learners begin the rescue as guided by the situational digital story.
The rescue game inspires imagination and curiosity, and offers challenges. In the unit
on cramps, the rescue game is similar to a fish catching game, as illustrated in Figure 4.
Learners play the role of a fisherman in rescuing Li Bai from the water. The fisherman has a
limited time to save Li Bai from drowning. Many questions presented in English and traps
would appear during the gameplay as obstacles in the rescue process, necessitating the full
attention of learners in order to successfully complete the task. In addition, the rescue game is
played as an online competition game, in which learners are given a chance for cooperative
learning and, at the same time, confronted with the pressure of competition. The challenging
rescue game enlivens the learning experience in the classroom, and motivates the acquisition
of first aid knowledge and target language.

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Figure 4. EFA digital game: gameplay of rescue quest

Figure 5. EFA digital game: situational simulation of emergency first aid procedure

As a continuation of the rescue game, learners then enter the situation simulation part
of the game, where the mode is set to first aid training. Learners are asked to perform the
correct emergency first aid procedures as guided by the system. Next, learners practice the
emergency response measure for different symptoms through the digital simulation game. For
example, in the unit of cramps, the rescue of Li Bai continues, as the situational simulation for
first aid picks up from Li Bai being saved from drowning by the fisherman. Learners once
again play the role of a fisherman to alleviate Li Bai's cramps. Through the system prompts,
learners are taught how to correctly perform first aid procedures. After learning the steps,
learners can play the online simulation game, as shown in Figure 5. If learners select the wrong
step during the game, the system would display the mistake and offer recommendations for a
better option. The integration of first aid training simulation game allows learners to gain a
clearer picture of the first aid process, thus reinforcing memorability.

L.-Y. Chung & R.-C. Chang / A Case Study of a Contented-Based Classroom

Table 1. The two groups of participants

Experimental group Control group Total
Males 25 25 50
Females 25 25 50
Total 50 50 100

Table 2. The system usability scale

Item 1. I think that I would like to use the game frequently.
Item 2. I found the game unnecessarily complex.
Item 3. I found the game easy to use.
Item 4. I would need technical support to be able to use the game.
Item 5. I found the categorized result in the game well sensible.
Item 6. I thought that there was too much inconsistency in the game.
Item 7. I would imagine that most people would learn to use the game very quickly.
Item 8. I found the game very cumbersome to use.
Item 9. I felt very confident in using the game.
Item 10. I would need to learn a lot of things before I could get going with the game.

This study adopted a quasi-experimental design to explore the effects of the EFA digital
game. The participants in this experiment consisted of 100 fourth-grade students, who are non-
native English speakers, from several classes in an elementary school in Taiwan. They were
randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group that respectively consisted
of 50 students. Table 1 shows the distribution of the participating students by gender. Each
group consisted of 25 male students and 25 female students.
Measurement tools
The measurement tools for this experiment included a pre-test, a post-test, a system
usability scale, and a questionnaire on learning motivation. The pre-test contained forty
true/false questions. It was designed to measure the understanding of first-aid knowledge
and language skills that the two groups of students possessed before they engaged in the
learning activities. The result of the pre-test informed us of whether the two groups of students
possessed similar level of first-aid knowledge and language skills. In the pre-test, the students
were asked to answer questions according to the correctness of the statements. They would be
awarded 2.5 points for each correct answer, with the full score at 100 points. The post-test was
designed in a similar way to the pre-test.
Brooke (1996) developed the system usability scale (SUS) which can be applied to
providing an overview on subjective assessments of system usability. The SUS consists of ten
items combined with a Five-point Likert scale ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly
Agree.” In this scale, five items were positively worded, and the other five negatively worded
(shown in Table 2). This study employed a technique for integrating the ratings into an overall
score (on a scale from 0 to 100). To calculate the SUS score, this technique began with summing

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Table 3. The questionnaire on learning motivation

Item 1. I want to learn first-aid knowledge because of the game.
Item 2. The game is enjoyable and interesting.
Item 3. The game makes learning first-aid knowledge easy.
Item 4. I like using the game to learn.
Item 5. I want to continuously use the game to learn first-aid knowledge.

Figure 6. The experimental design

the score contributions from each item. The score contribution of each item ranged from 0 to
4. The respective score contributions of items 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 were counted by the scale position
minus 1, while those of items 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 were counted by 5 minus the scale position. The
overall value of system usability was therefore derived from multiplying the sum of the scores
by 2.5. A score over 80 implies the best system, 70-80 can be regarded as excellent, 65-70 as
good, 60-65 as average, 55-60 as poor, 45-55 as awful, and below 45 as the worst (Tassabehji &
Kamala, 2012).
The questionnaire on learning motivation was designed by modifying the measure
developed by Zaharias (2009). The questionnaire contained five items evaluated on a five-
point rating scheme (shown in Table 3). The Cronbach’s alpha value of this questionnaire was
measured at 0.72, demonstrating high and consistent internal reliability.
Figure 6 illustrates the experimental design of this study. The students were asked to
take a pre-test before learning first-aid knowledge and language skills. After taking the pre-
test, the two groups of students engaged in their respective learning activities that lasted for
120 minutes, during which they learned the basics of first-aid in English as a part of their health

L.-Y. Chung & R.-C. Chang / A Case Study of a Contented-Based Classroom

Table 4. The Mann-Whitney U test results of the pre-test

N Mean S.D. p
Experimental group 50 78.80 11.71 .16
Control group 50 82.20 12.82

Table 5. The Mann-Whitney U test results of the post-test

N Mean S.D. p
Experimental group 50 88.80 12.06 .00
Control group 50 82.20 10.55

education curriculum. The courses were conducted in English. The students in the
experimental group were provided with the EFA digital game in the classroom to promote
their level of first-aid knowledge and language skills, while those in the control group learned
the same knowledge from the traditional approach, i.e. instruction using paper-based
materials. After the learning activities came to an end, the students were required to take a
post-test for the purpose of assessing their learning achievements and level of motivation; they
were also asked to fill out a questionnaire on their assessment of the game.
This study employed the Mann-Whitney U test to analyze the data, given the relatively
small sample size and non-normal distribution.
Analysis of learning achievements
Table 4 shows the Mann-Whitney U test results of the pre-test. The mean of the pre-test
scores achieved by the students in the experimental group was 78.80 (SD=11.71), and that in
the control group was 82.20 (SD=12.82). There was no significant difference between the pre-
test results achieved by the two groups of students (p = .16 >.05). It was therefore assumed the
two groups of students possessed similar level of first-aid knowledge and language skills
before engaging in the learning activities.
Table 5 shows the Mann-Whitney U test results of the post-test. The mean of the post-
test scores achieved by the students in the experimental group was 88.80 (SD=12.06), and that
in the control group was 82.20 (SD=10.55). The results showed that the learning achievements
of the students in the experimental group was significantly higher than those of the students
in the control group (p = .00 < .05). This finding suggests digital game-based learning to be
more effective than the traditional approach in helping students improve their learning

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Table 6. The Mann-Whitney U test results of the pre-test by gender

N Mean S.D. P
Male (Experimental group) 25 79.60 13.06 .75
Female (Experimental group) 25 78.00 10.40

Table 7. The Mann-Whitney U test results of the post-test by gender

N Mean S.D. P
Male (Experimental group) 25 88.40 12.13 .53
Female (Experimental group) 25 89.20 12.22

Table 8. Learning motivation of the students in the experimental group by percentage

Items Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree
Item 1 58% 24% 18% 0% 0%
Item 2 68% 30% 2% 0% 0%
Item 3 64% 32% 2% 0% 2%
Item 4 72% 24% 2% 0% 0%
Item 5 66% 24% 10% 0% 0%

This study further analyzed the difference in the level of first-aid knowledge and
language skills between the male and female students in the experimental group before they
engaged in the learning activities. Table 6 shows the Mann-Whitney U test results. The mean
of the pre-test scores achieved by the male students was 79.60 (SD=13.06), and that by the
female students was 78.00 (SD=10.40). There was no significant difference in the pre-test
results between different genders (p = .75 > .05). In other words, the male and female students
had similar level of first-aid knowledge and language skills before they engaged in the
learning activities.
This study then performed the Mann-Whitney U test on the post-test scores achieved by
the male and female students in the experimental group after they gained first-aid knowledge
through the EFA game (shown in Table 7). The mean of the post-test scores achieved by the
male students was 88.40 (SD=12.13), and that by the female students was 89.20 (SD=12.22).
The results demonstrate that gender is not a relevant factor in influencing students’ learning
achievements (p = .53 > .05). It can be concluded the digital game-based learning developed
by this study is effective in improving student’s first-aid knowledge and language skills
regardless of gender difference.
Analysis of learning motivation
Table 8 demonstrates the students’ learning motivation by percentage, indicating the
level of acceptance of the digital game from the students. 58% of the students expressed that
they really wanted to learn more first-aid knowledge and language skills because of the game.
68% of the students agreed that the game was enjoyable and interesting. 64% of the students
strongly agreed that the game made learning first-aid skills and language easier. 72% of the
students liked playing the game to learn. And 66% of the students would like to continuously
use the game to gain first-aid knowledge. These results indicate that the EFA digital game

L.-Y. Chung & R.-C. Chang / A Case Study of a Contented-Based Classroom

Table 9. The Mann-Whitney U test results of the learning motivation by gender

N Mean S.D. p
Male (Experimental group) 25 4.44 .45 .03
Female (Experimental group) 25 4.69 .42

Table 10. The Mann-Whitney U test results of the SUS scores by gender
N Mean S.D. p
Male (Experimental group) 25 73.80 9.87 .15
Female (Experimental group) 25 78.40 15.79

enjoys a high level of acceptance among the students, thereby successfully encouraging their
motivation for gaining first-aid knowledge and language skills.
This study further analyzed the learning motivation between the male and female
students in the experimental group. Table 9 shows the Mann-Whitney U test results of the
assessed learning motivation of the male and female students. The mean of the learning
motivation of the male students was 4.44 (SD=.45), and that of the female students was 4.69
(SD=.42). The results demonstrate a significant difference in the learning motivation between
students of different genders (p = .03 < .05). The findings suggest a difference in motivation
for digital game-based learning between male and female students.
Analysis of game usability
Figure 7 demonstrates the system usability scale (SUS) result obtained from the
questionnaires filled by the fifty students in the experimental group. The results indicated that
78% of the students gave the game higher than “good” in usability, including 30% “best” and
34% “excellent.” However, 10% of the students regarded the game as “awful,” implying the
game necessitates further improvement, whether in terms of game design, content, or
This study subsequently analyzed the perceptions of the male and female students in
the experimental group on the usability of the EFA game. Table 10 shows the Mann-Whitney
U test results of the SUS scores given by the male and female students, respectively. The mean
of the SUS scores given by the male students was 73.80 (SD=9.87), and that given by the female
students was 78.40 (SD=15.79). The results demonstrate no significant difference in the SUS
scores given by the students of different genders (p = .15 > .05). The results suggest male and
female students have similar perspectives on the usability of the EFA game.
From the findings, it can be observed that digital game-based learning produces better
learning outcomes regardless of learners' gender. Similar to the findings in previous studies,
learners in the digital game-based course were found to perform significantly better in the
post-test than their counterparts in the traditional lecture-based course (Chuang & Chen, 2009;
Robertson & Howells, 2008). The application of knowledge learned during the gameplay

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Figure 7. The SUS result

process not only enhances the understanding of the contents, but also helps learners achieve
better learning outcomes. The integration of digital games with educational content makes
knowledge and learning fun, challenging, yet achievable (Prensky, 2001). The multimedia
environment created by digital games also provides diverse learning resources, which enrich
the learning contents and raise learning effectiveness. The EFA digital game specially designed
for this study, for example, engages students in strengthening their first aid knowledge and
application of the target language through a series of digital game contents.
The attitude towards digital game-based learning was found to be positive, regardless
of gender; there was no significant difference in learning achievements between genders. This
finding resonates with the research results of Papastergiou (2009), where male learners were
found to exhibit a higher preference and motivation for digital game-based learning and have
better engagement and learning performance compared to female learners; however, female
learners seemed to display higher cognitive abilities in the game content and learning
objectives. Gender differences in learning cognitive ability reduce the impact of gender on
learning achievement. Furthermore, previous studies have shown the setting of achievement
goals affects the performance of learners of different genders, in which setting higher
achievement goals produces better learning performance. Male learners tend to set a higher
achievement goal in game-based learning than females, hence they tend to have a better
learning achievement. Hwang et al. (2013) incorporated massively multiplayer online role-
playing games (MMORPGs) into learning, and found that male learners' achievement goal
setting allows them to have a higher learning achievement than female learners in a
competitive or collaborative learning environment. In contrast, female learners display
learning anxiety in a competitive game and cannot find pleasure in the process; such negative
affectivity affects their learning performance. Lowrie and Jorgensen (2011) also found that
women tend to have a lower learning achievement than men in digital games of a competitive
nature. This study showed that there was no significant difference in the correlation in the
achievement goals between genders, representing a different result from the aforementioned

L.-Y. Chung & R.-C. Chang / A Case Study of a Contented-Based Classroom

two studies. The main reason could be attributed to the digital game used in this study belongs
to a moderate genre, which benefits learners by helping them enhance their cognitive, affective
and skills development, regardless of gender.
The motivation for digital game-based learning differs by gender. According to our
analysis, learners of different genders exhibited significant differences in their motivation
towards the EFA digital game. This finding echoes that of Joiner et al. (2011), whose results
illustrated that the preference for the type of digital games between genders affects their level
of motivation. Previous studies show that male learners prefer digital games involving
competition and collaboration, whereas female learners prefer games involving exploration
and themed tasks. The three learning activities in the EFA game are designed with the
elements of story lines, challenges, educational values, fun factor, and interactivity, making
the EFA game trending towards the moderate genre without containing extreme contents. The
rescue game designed in our EFA game offers challenges but does not emphasize competition,
thus motivating the engagement of female learners. At the same time, the situation simulation
part of the game offers exploration opportunities, contributing to a higher motivation in
female learners. Belonging in the moderate genre, the EFA digital game makes the learning
motivation of female learners higher than male learners.
All in all, both male and female learners thought the story scenarios and interactive
design of the EFA digital game effectively enhanced their motivation in learning about first
aid knowledge. This supports the claim regarding digital game-based learning helping to
enhance learning motivation. (Burguillo, 2010; Dickey, 2011; Ebner & Holzinger, 2007;
Fengfeng, 2008; Quinn, 2005).The SUS analysis revealed that learners responded positively
towards the usability, satisfaction and willingness for continued use of the EFA digital game;
meanwhile, there was no significant differences in the views on usability between genders.
Learners of different genders gave positive responses to the operability and smoothness of the
EFA game. The ease of use of the digital game, closely tied to learning motivation, is also a
factor affecting the learning outcomes.
This study examines the impact of gender on digital game-based learning from the
relationship of learning and engagement. The results show that there is no significant
differences in the learning achievement in digital game-based learning between genders. The
EFA game delivers high engagement and interactivity for both male and female learners. This
high learning engagement leads to higher learning performance, as evidenced in the
significant improvement in the learning achievement in first aid knowledge and language
skills from learners of different genders. According to Prensky (2007), the ideal digital game-
based learning involves high intensity and high engagement activities. The learning mode of
our EFA digital game is consistent with the concept put forward by Prensky. This study
suggests that the ideal digital game-based learning approach can reduce the impact of gender
differences on learning achievement.

EURASIA J Math Sci and Tech Ed

Digital game-based learning is a dynamic learning process, during which the learner's
motivation and game contents are interconnected. Female learners display higher learning
motivation than male learners in this study, with the main reason attributed to the EFA digital
game belonging to a moderate genre. Female learners' motivation is raised when no overly
intense or competitive game contents are present. Moreover, from the motivation analysis,
learners are found to express high interests in the digital narrative and simulation interactions
in the EFA game, regardless of gender. Krapp (2001) believe that when learners are interested
in a particular topic, they will naturally be motivated to learn more about it. The EFA digital
game in this study give learners the autonomy to apply the learned knowledge in the
gameplay, exerting a positive impact on motivation.
Taken together, this study offers a number of suggestions as a frame of reference for
further research. First, the SUS survey results show that the vast majority of learners are
satisfied with the usability of the EFA digital game, but there are still a small number of
learners who express dissatisfaction. This implies the digital game content and interface still
warrant fine-tuning. We suggest future researchers take into consideration adaptive learning
to improve the system. Meanwhile, there is no significant differences in usability of the EFA
digital game between genders, indicating male and female learners have similar perspective
on the usability of the game. We suggest future studies to include an open-ended
questionnaire as a complement to the in-depth exploration on the factor of gender. Lastly, the
research subjects in this study only consist of students in a CBI course, thus the results are
somewhat limited and cannot be applied to other subject areas. Therefore, we suggest a larger
sample size in the future to explore the impact of gender on digital game-based learning.
The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of
China for financially supporting this research under Contract No. 102-2511-S-468 -005 -MY2.

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