Per Dev Module 1
Per Dev Module 1
Per Dev Module 1
Personal Development
Quarter 1 Module 1:
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This alternative delivery module in Personal Development for the 21 st century learners
in the new normal classroom is designed to make learning more engaging and
meaningful to Senior High School learners in the flexible and blended learning
The module is aimed at the development of practical and doable strategies to help
learners gain effective personal development. The motivation behind this effort is the
recognition that learner’s behavior and personality are influenced by heredity, internal
assignments, reflections, and online or virtual activities which allow the learners to
work at their own pace and participate in both synchronous and asynchronous
Enjoy your journey with your learners as you unfold the most interesting and
Personal Development
Quarter 1 Module 1:
This is a 5-point multiple choice test. Read and analyze each statement below and
carefully choose the letter that best describe the statement. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provide before the number.
_____ 1) When someone reflects on his/her strengths and weaknesses and learns
more about himself or herself, it is said that the person undergoes a process called?
a) Self-reflection c) Self-motivation
b) Self-discovery d) Self-gratification
_____ 3) John understands fully the benefits of building good relationships with his
social environment and the effects of man’s transgressions to his fellow beings. It is
said that John;
a) develops effective human relations skills
b) develops social awareness
c) develops holistically
d) develops social responsibilities
_____ 5) Justine finds it difficult to concentrate and stay focused in his studies, loses
the thread of thoughts or conversations, confused because of the lockdown and cannot
move freely and visit his girlfriend in the neighboring city. Justine is said to manifests;
a) love sickness c) psychological trouble
b) emotional problem d) stress
Lesson Knowing and Understanding Oneself
Week 1:6 hours
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:
1) explain why knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths and
limitations and ultimately improve his/her perception and behavior towards others;
2) Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences.
Do you really know who you
are? Do you discover who
you are as a person? Do you
know your deepest fears,
doubts, and vulnerabilities?
1) Who am I as a person?
3) How do I react when someone backbites me or talks something bad about me?
4) If a classmate tells me that I am good at nothing, how will I react? What will I tell
him or her?
7) Do you know who your friends are? What do you have in common?
By: J. Paulsen
1) Discuss what you understand about the quote and present your insights to your
classmates during the face-to-face or online activities with your teacher.
“Knowing oneself is the beginning of wisdom”. This renowned quote is often
attributed to Socrates. But what exactly do you benefit when you know and understand
who you are?
Meg Selig (2016) suggests that when a person knew who he is, he develops
understanding of himself, he would be happier because he can express who he is. He
develops less inner conflict, make better decision and better choices about everything
and understands what motivates him.
Subsequently, she emphasized that when a person knows himself better, he has the
resistance to social pressure, he is grounded in his values and preferences and is less
likely to say “yes” when he wants to say “no” and at the same time develops tolerance
and understanding of others. He can easily help and empathize with others.
Who Am I?
Lesson Developing the Whole Person
Week 2:7 hours
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to;
Yes. What is
it all about,
How can we
develop into a
whole person,
2) What did you do for your physical and social activities for the past days?
4) How are these physical, social, spiritual and psychological activities affect or
influence you as a person?
Draw a tree inside the given box. Leave a space for each parts of the tree such as
roots, branches, leaves, fruits, and flowers. Each represents the most significant part
in your life as defined below.
Roots: parents, grandparents, and caretaker: Who looked after you while growing up.
Flowers: things in life that makes you feel good about yourself.
Leaves: significant events in your life. Write the specific occasions inside each leaf.
Fruits: your achievements no matter how big or small; write it inside the fruit.
My Special Tree
1) How do you describe the activity? How does your tree relate to you and your
2) Where do you think you are in your drawing? Which part of the tree do you
3) Do you feel any strange emotions when you draw and write the name/s for the
roots? Why?
4) How does it feel when you draw the leaves and write the significant events in
your life?
5) Did you miss anything in your drawing? Why did you leave them out? What did
you feel when you decide to do so?
6) Do you have someone in your life you want to forget? How does it feel when you
are reminded of this person?
Hazel Angeles (2016) claimed that man’s emotions shape his personality. He needs
to establish emotional stability to develop his whole person. She also emphasized
that man needs to develop his physical health through eating the right food and
regular exercise. At the same time, he needs to enhance his spiritual relationship
and connection with the world around him through prayers and meditations. Prayers
are said to promote compassion, positive relationship and sense of purpose,
honesty, optimism and inner peace.
Subsequently, man has to cultivate his social relationship, interaction with others
as social being and psychologically portray certain image of himself to others.
Finally, he needs to manage his professional life and happiness because these two
are closely linked. Man should know how to manage time and stress.
1) What are the six (6) core elements of developing a whole person? Explain
concisely its relationships.
2) In your own opinion, how do prayers and meditations influence a man’s personal
2) How do you describe yourself as God’s perfect and beautiful creation?
3) How helpful are you life’s problems and frustrations in becoming a better person?
Lesson Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence
Week 3:7 hours
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:
3) Share output with your classmates and teachers during the chat and
videoconferencing session.
Write the most important events or experiences in your middle and late
adolescence stages in your life .
Are you ready to learn the
different changes experienced
by an adolescent?
ages 11 to 14 Ages 9 to 12
Changes Oilier skin and some acne Oilier skin and some acne
Increase sweating especially Increase sweating special
underarms underarms
Elements Boys Girls
Growth/ Dramatic shift in thinking from Dramatic shift in thinking from
development concrete to abstract concrete to abstract
Family closeness is
most important
protective factor against
high-risk behavior
Element Observed Changes
1) Why do you think it is important to know oneself more than anything else in this
2) What memories and feelings did come up while you were doing the activities in
Lesson 2 (Developing the Whole Person)? Who are the individuals who have helped
shape who you are today?
3) What are the different developmental stages of adolescence? Explain each briefly.
1) Fill-in the boxes below with your strengths, weaknesses, and likes as well as
dislikes. This is to measure the extent of your understanding of who you really are.
2) In a drawing below, label the three (3) major parts of the human body; the mind,
the heart, and the body by writing the persons/individuals responsible for its
3) Find a group you are comfortable working with. Interview at least three (3)
teenagers and ask them to describe the changes they have observed of their bodies,
their beliefs and how they think, how they socialize with peers and their major
Answer the 10-item Simple Recall Test and write your answers on the blank provided
before the number.
To develop more understanding about yourself and how the environment influence
your development, do the following reflections:
1) Examine how you interact with others. Ask yourself “How did I interact with other
2) Observe how your environment affects you. Ask yourself “How did my environment
or the people affect the way I understand myself?
4) What were the greatest emotional conflicts you have experienced in your
adolescent years?