Stonehouse 4.1
Stonehouse 4.1
Stonehouse 4.1
Peek at the Week
April 2011
We have set up a website for all the 5th grade classes this year. Please check it out!
In math this week, we started Unit 12, a ROOM 115 – CLASS NEWS Fifth graders are busy rehearsing for their
short unit on three-dimensional geometry. We music program. There will be both daytime
learned how to recognize and name prisms and and evening performances. Friends and
pyramids. We also reviewed important family are welcome to attend either or
vocabulary words like faces, edges, and both of these performances.
vertices. Next week, we will test our
Daytime – 2:00pm, Thursday, April 7
understanding of these concepts, and then
Evening – 7:00pm, Thursday, April 7
begin Unit 11, which focuses on ratios and
proportions. Students need to report to their classroom
We also continued with Exhibition this by 6:45pm for the evening performance.
week! Groups worked hard on their research
and focused on finding information related to
their Lines of Inquiry. They also brainstormed REMINDER
ideas for action and set up an interview for a There is NO GUM allowed at school. We
primary source. Each group met with their have had to remind several fifth graders
mentor and shared their progress. Next week, Working with Mrs. Nikkel to develop Lines of about this rule lately. Please remind your
students will be introduced to the written Inquiry (what do we want to find out?) child not to bring any gum to school. If they
component of Exhibition. do, it will be taken away
This week in DARE, Officer Just
reviewed what DARE stands for. She also went
over important facts about cigarette and
Our class is collecting items for the basket
tobacco use. Ask your child to share something fundraiser the entire month of April. Our
they learned about these topics this week. classroom was assigned the theme
As we approach the spring, please White Bear Spirit!
remind your child to be responsible with Please donate any new or family friendly items
turning work in on time. We are trying to instill that fit this theme. Donations of cash, gift cards,
good habits as they make the transition on to or checks made out to MIPTO will also be
accepted. $1.00 tickets will be sold the night of
middle school next year. Have a great
the carnival and winning tickets will be drawn
weekend! for each basket at the end of the night.