Philippine Competition Act (RA NO. 10667)
Philippine Competition Act (RA NO. 10667)
Philippine Competition Act (RA NO. 10667)
(RA NO. 10667) - Control is presumed to exist when the parent owns,
through subsidiaries, more than ½ of the voting power of
an entity.
- More competition results in more products and services
w/c result in lower prices and better products and
- Anti competitive acts result in lesser goods and Horizontal Agreement that are prohibited per se:
services w/ higher prices and poorer services and lower
- Restricting competition as to price. (whether
quality of products.
substantially prevent, restrict or lessen competition
by: 1. Imposing Criminal/Administrative Sanctions Prohibited depending on effect – prohibited only if its
effects is to substantially PRL competition:
2. Imposing Civil Liability
1. Limiting production
3 Public Authority intervention in Market Place.
2. Dividing or sharing the market by volume of sales.
M or A within the PH
M or A outside the PH
-concurrence of:
- concurrence of: