Medical Nutrition Therapy
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Medical Nutrition Therapy
INTRODUCTION their lives with happiness and joy and at the same
Diabetes can lead to devastating expensive time help prevent devastating complications of
complications such as eye blindness, heart disease, diabetes.
stroke, leg amputation etc. To prevent such
complications of diabetes it is really important that Types of nutrients obtained from human diet
health care workers including patients understand There are various kinds of essential elements that
the ways of improving or reducing the chances of we get from food. We totally depend on our food for
developing such complications. It has been proven energy source but if the energy source is too much
that proper management of diabetes early on can or too little it can negatively impact our health. The
reduce such expensive and painful complications1. macronutrients called fat, protein and carbohydrate
are the main sources of energy from human diet. We
Proper management comprises of lifestyle also get vitamins and minerals that are essential for
modifications that include proper exercise, balanced different reactions occurring in the body. Before
nutritious diet, taking pills on regular basis, getting understanding medical nutrition therapy and their
regular check-ups and keeping different parameters roles in diabetes we need to understand what type
of the health in recommended range. of nutrients we get from the food we eat.
Lifestyle modification is an integral part of diabetes We mainly get two types of nutrients from our food;
management. It comprises of regular exercise and macronutrients and micronutrients:
proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is very important
in diabetes care. When nutrition education is given Macronutrients
and applied on a day to day, basis, with the intention Macronutrients are the main backbone of our
of improving disease care and improving longevity nutrition and they provide the bulk of our energy.
and quality of life, it is called medical nutrition Macro nutrients are carbohydrate, protein and fat.
therapy. They are the main sources of energy from human
Nutrition is an assortment of different quantity and Micronutrients
quality of nourishing elements that are found in Micronutrients are nutrients that are necessary in
food. People eat food to obtain nourishing essential minute quantities. Still they are essential for our
elements for sustaining life, to satisfy their taste overall health. Examples are vitamins and minerals.
buds and also for social reasons. If people are not
empowered by appropriate knowledge they may Fiber and Water
end up eating wrong quality and quantity of food In addition to macronutrients and micronutrients
that may be negatively impacting their diabetic we get essential elements from our food such as
care. Medical nutrition therapy helps the patients fiber and water. Our body is made up of two third
get empowered and learn to make the right choices. water and water is essential for our existence.
When they chose the right quality and quantity
of food their sugar and cholesterol level can be
maintained in desired range. They can go on about
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Jour of Diab and Endo Assoc of Nepal 2018; 2 (1):(36-43)
Endocrine Association of Nepal
ISSN Print 2594-3367 ISSN Online 2037-2107
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Jour of Diab and Endo Assoc of Nepal 2018; 2 (1):(36-43)
Endocrine Association of Nepal
ISSN Print 2594-3367 ISSN Online 2037-2107
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