School Child Protction and Anti
School Child Protction and Anti
School Child Protction and Anti
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
District of Cortes
As a school our mission is to meet the needs of all our learners, the
young Cortesanon by teaching them the excellent Basic Education so
that they will become literates, develop their highest potential, and
thereby become productive citizens in the barangay where each
individual is valued, regarded, and respected well.
Statement of Intent
To ensure that all the teaching staff including the school head,
pupils and parents have an understanding of what bullying is.
To ensure the health and safety of our school children in school.
A. Bullying
B. Food Poisoning
Initial Interventions:
Further Interventions:
a. Bullying
1. If there is no significant change in behavior of the bully a further
restorative meeting will be arranged. The outcome will include a written
contract of agreed behavior by both parties.
2. Parents will be updated regarding interventions and will be informed of
further possible actions to undertake.
3. Further actions will be made to help the bully (bullies) change his/her
4. If the bullying behavior continues and counseling has not worked well
appropriate actions will be put into consideration and be applied to the
bully. If necessary and appropriate higher authorities will be consulted
or even the police.
5. It is important that counseling is maintained for both parties even when
sanctions have been applied.
b. Food Poisoning
1. The bully will genuinely ask apology to the victim and cooperate in
restorative process with the victim to achieve reconciliation.
8. Ensure the safety of the victim of bullying, the bully, and the
bystander and determine the student’s needs for protection;
9. Ensure that the rights of the victim, the bully, and the bystander are
protected and upheld during the conduct of the investigation;
10. Accomplish the intake Sheet prescribed in Annex B whenever
there is an incident of bullying, maintain a record of all proceedings
related to bullying and submit reports prescribed in Annex A of
DepEd Order No. 40, s 2012. to the Division Office;
CCES will ensure that pupils feel safe and well guarded in this
If you are being bullied/food poisoned or you know that someone else
is, tell us straight away. It will be dealt with. Not telling means the victim will
continue to suffer and the bully will carry on, probably with others too. We all
have a responsibility to make sure that bullying has no room in our school. It
is not allowed and is strictly prohibited.
If you think your son/daughter is being bullied, or she tells you that s/he
is, please let us know straight away. Assure him/her that we will deal with it
sensitively and firmly. If your son/daughter is involved in bullying acts we will
contact you, and we will discuss together how the situation can be solved.