Introduction To Clinical Pathology Lab: Objectives
Introduction To Clinical Pathology Lab: Objectives
Introduction To Clinical Pathology Lab: Objectives
CLINPATH TRANS 1.01 | Trans Team: Adiong, Gonzales, Tibay, Villodres | Editor: LUCIN 1 of 3
B. Sensitivity and Specificity → refers to those analyses that are performed
• The more tests you do more, there’s a higher outside the physical facilities of a centralized
chance to get at least one ‘false positive’. clinical laboratory (e.g., fingerstick blood
• Limit the number of tests to those relevant to the analysis for glucose.
clinical situation.
• Accuracy • Diseases usually present a text-book description of
→ refers to how closely the measurement its nature.
approaches the true value of the substance • Unnecessary laboratory test are
being analyzed. → expensive
→ Synonymous with correctness → may lead to a wrong diagnosis
→ can harm/kill the patient
• Precision • If a request for more than 20 laboratory tests is
→ measures the inherent variability of a test. done, one of these will be abnormal even if the
→ Synonymous with reproducibility. patient has no disease.
• Specificity
→ how good the test is at detecting only those
individuals that have a disease as opposed to
falsely labelling some healthy persons as
having disease.
→ reflects its ability to detect true-negatives with
very few false-positive results.
• Predictive value
→ useful to a physician when attempting to
determine whether or not a patient has a
particular disease based on a specific
laboratory result.
• Reference ranges (normal values) • CRITICAL VALUES NEEDS IMMEDIATE
→ are values to be found in normal or healthy ATTENTION!!!
individuals, that lie between the lower and LABORATORY TEST CRITICAL
upper limits that encompass 95% of all values. VALUES/RESULTS
Acetaminophen, serum >30.0 mcg/mL
• Profile or panel testing Bilirubin, pediatric >20.0 mg/dL
→ a collection of different measurements related to Blood culture Positive
a particular organ, organ system or disease. Blood gas, pCO2 <25 or >50 mmHG
(cardiac panel, liver function tests) Blood gas, pH <7.21 or >7.59
Blood gas, pO2 <50 mmHG
• STAT BUN >100 mg/dL
→ need for immediate turnaround of laboratory Calcium, ionized <0.76 or 1.61
results to the physician within one hour or less
Calcium, total serum <6.0 or > 12.9 mg/dL
of drawing the specimen in order to modify
Carbamazepine >20
CO2 (Bicarbonate), <11 or >40 mmol/L
• Critical or panic values
Creatinine, serum >5.0 mg/dL
→ lists of analytes that truly do have the potential to
CSF culture or stain Positive
be lethal if left unchecked for a short period.
Digoxin >2.0 ng/mL
Glucose, serum <40 or >450 mg/dL
• Ancillary or point of care (POC) testing
Hematocrit <25.1 or >75.0
CLINPATH TRANS 1.01 | Trans Team: Adiong, Gonzales, Tibay, Villodres | Editor: LUCIN 2 of 3
Hemoglobin, blood <8.1 gm/dL • Decrease RBC can mean
Lactate >36 mg/dL → Anemia
Magnesium (Non OB) <1.0 or >3.9
Peripheral smears Presence of blasts • TB can be cured for
Phenobarbital >60 mcg/mL → 6 months
Phenytoin >30 mcg/Ml
Phosphorus <1.1 mg/dL • Most important before Laboratory exam
Platelet Count <50 or >900 → Patient's history and Physical Exam
Potassium <3.2 or >5.5 mmol/L • Possible responses to therapy
Prothrombin time (INR) <5.5 INR → patient gets well, go worse or go home.
PTT (APTT) >140 seconds
Salicylate >30 mg/dL • Tests for renal function
Sodium, serum <120 or >160 mmol/L → BUN, CREA
Synovoial fluid culture or Positive
stain • Test for acute pancreatitis
Theophylline >30 mcg//mL → Amylase and Lipase
Troponin T >0.03 ng/mL
Valproic acid >150 mcg/mL • Most common endocrine anomaly among Americans
Vancomycin, peak >80 mcg/mL → Hypothyroidism
Vancomycin, trough >20 mcg/mL
WBC, blood <1.0 or >50.0 K/cumm • Grave’s disease is
→ Hyperthyroidism
PROFILE TEST • How do we diagnose diabetes?
→ Polydipsia, Polyuria, Polyphagia
• What is BMP?
→ Basic metabolic Panel
• What is the value of the laboratory test results? Dr. Alera’s PPT.
→ 70% of medical decisions are based on
laboratory tests.
→ The differential diagnoses can be narrowed
down in 93% of cases. Reminder:
• 1200 questions
IMPORTANT • 12 subjects
Questions for the exam will be based on
Everything under this may come out in the
CLINPATH TRANS 1.01 | Trans Team: Adiong, Gonzales, Tibay, Villodres | Editor: LUCIN 3 of 3