Detroit Diesel: Series I900
Detroit Diesel: Series I900
Detroit Diesel: Series I900
Series I900
Cylinder: 06
Major Application: ON HIGHWAY
1. Verify that the technician has followed the procedures outlined in the applicable Service
Manual and used all specified special tools and equipment.
2. Complete a Suggested Labor Time Manual Operation Change form (18SE10), available
through normal literature distribution channels.
3. Use one form for each time operation in question (or a combination of operations
representing one repair job).
4. Provide video, with time and date displayed on screen, of total operation in question. Submit
form and video to:
6. Provide any additional comments, including time requirements for individual steps, which
may help in identifying the problem area.
DDC Action
When the video and reappraisal request is received, DDC will take the following actions:
1. Review the labor time operation in question. Recommendations and assistance will be
offered in accordance with the results of this review.
2. DDC may conduct review at the service outlet, if necessary. Comparative reviews at
additional service outlets may also be conducted, if they are required to provide valid results.
3. Provide results of the review to the service outlet, and to the appointing distributor, if such
service outlet is a dealer.
Vehicle Service Levels
The MBE 900 engines are used by the following Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
When preparing your Adjustment for Application (AFA), identify the appropriate model, and
note the proper service level. Make sure the proper service level is used while consulting the
Labor Time Manual. Listed in Table 1 are the vehicle service levels. For additional service
levels in other vehicle applications, perform an equipment model search in the warranty system
menu under "Labor/Equipment Model/Equip Model Search".
016010 PISTON COOLING NOZZLE PRESSED FIT - R&R 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 - -
R10C5A MB 900 GRID HEATER REPLACEMENT & RELAY 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 -
Includes the following Operations:
021508 CTV VALVE AND/OR SPRING - R&R (ONE) 1.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 - -
023303 HOUSING AND/OR GASKET FUEL FILTERS - R& .5 1.0 1.0 1.0 - -
342-1010A TRANS, MANUAL OR AUTOMATED W/ AUX, R/R - 6.5 7.0 6.5 6.5 -
700-0010A A/C SYSTEM RECOVER, VAC, & CHARGE - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -