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Handy One-Page LID Summary—Tear-Out Copy

For the detailed Free Low-Iodine Cookbook with hundreds of delicious recipes, visit www.thyca.org.
Key Points
 This is a Low-Iodine Diet (“LID”), not a “No-Iodine Diet” or an “Iodine-Free Diet.” The American Thyroid
Association suggests a goal of under 50 micrograms (mcg) of iodine per day.
 The diet is for a short time period, usually for the 2 weeks (14 days) before a radioactive iodine scan or
treatment and 1-3 days after the scan or treatment.
 Avoid foods and beverages that are high in iodine (>20 mcg/serving). Eat any foods and beverages low in
iodine (< 5 mcg/serving). Limit the quantity of foods moderate in iodine (5-20 mcg/serving).
Foods to AVOID Foods to ENJOY
• Iodized salt, sea salt, and any foods containing iodized • Fruit, fresh, frozen, or jarred, salt-free and without red
salt or sea salt food dye; canned in limited quantities; fruit juices
• Seafood and sea products (fish, shellfish, seaweed, • Vegetables: ideally raw or frozen without salt, except
seaweed tablets, calcium carbonate from oyster shells, soybeans
carrageenan, agar-agar, alginate, arame, dulse, • Beans: unsalted canned, or cooked from the dry state
furikake, hiziki, kelp, kombu, nori, wakame, and other • Unsalted nuts and unsalted nut butters
sea-based foods or ingredients) • Egg whites
• Dairy products of any kind (milk, cheese, yogurt, • Fresh meats (uncured; no added salt or brine
butter, ice cream, lactose, whey, casein, etc.) solutions) up to 6 ounces a day
• Egg yolks, whole eggs, or foods containing them • The insides of white and sweet potatoes (no skins)
• Bread and bakery products containing iodine/iodate • Low-iodine homemade (and some commercial) baked
dough conditioners or high-iodine ingredients such as goods
dairy, eggs, salt • Grain and cereal products up to 4 servings per day,
• Red Dye #3 (erythrosine or E127 in the EU/UK) provided they have no high-iodine ingredients
• Maraschino cherries (due to the red dye) • LID-safe pasta (remember to avoid egg noodles)
• Fruit cocktail (due to the Maraschino cherries) • Sugar, jelly, jam, honey, maple syrup, molasses (not
• Chocolate that contains dairy blackstrap), agave nectar—avoid red food dyes
• Blackstrap molasses (other types are OK) • Black pepper, fresh or dried herbs and spices
• Soybeans and soybean products such as tofu, • Vinegars free of salt and red dye
TSP/TVP, soy milk, soy sauce, soy flour; except soy • Lemon, lime, and other citrus (for their juice & zest)
oil and soy lecithin, which are OK. • All vegetable oils, including soy oil
• Rhubarb • Vegetable shortening (i.e., the white solid variety)
• Potato skins • Sodas (except with Red Dye #3, erythrosine, or E127),
• Vitamins and food supplements that contain iodine cola, diet cola, non-instant coffee & tea, beer,
 If you are taking medication or supplements alcoholic beverages (except cooking wine), lemonade
containing iodine, check with your doctor. • Cocoa powder and some non-dairy dark chocolates
**Remember to check the ingredient list on all packaged foods**
Easy Snacks for Home, Work, or Travel Easy Quick Meals
• Fresh fruit or fruit juice • Fresh raw vegetables • Freshly cooked oatmeal • Salad topped with grilled
• Raisins and other dried • Salt-free applesauce with toppings (cinnamon, chicken, beef or pork, oil
fruits • Popcorn with non- honey, salt-free & vinegar dressing.
• Unsalted nuts and nut iodized/non-sea salt applesauce, maple syrup, • “PB&J” with LID-safe
butters • Unsalted matzo and other unsalted nuts, fruit) peanut butter, jelly, and
• Homemade low-iodine unsalted crackers • Fresh meat with salt-free matzo or fresh
bread or muffins • LID-safe soda pop or vegetables, fresh fruit, baked LID-safe bread
• No-salt tortilla chips lemonade and baked white or sweet • Baked apples for dessert
potato (no skin) (can be microwaved)
Our thanks to ThyCa’s medical advisors and conference speakers for the information and input.
Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended, nor should it be
interpreted, as medical advice or directions of any kind. Any person viewing this information is strongly advised
to consult their own medical doctor(s) for all matters involving their health and medical care.

©2020 ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org

For thyroid cancer patients and their caregivers.
We truly hope this helps ease the thyroid cancer journey for you.

• To the wonderful people who contributed delicious recipes and helpful tips.
• To the many medical professionals who contributed information and expertise for the Low-Iodine Diet
• To the proofreaders and designers who spent countless hours to make this cookbook possible.
• To our donors, whose generous financial support makes possible the printing and free distribution of
this cookbook.

Notes and Favorite Recipes:

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM
Phone Toll Free 1-877-588-7904 • Fax: 1-630-604-6078
E-mail: thyca@thyca.org
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page i
Thyroid cancer? ThyCa can help!
We are an internationally recognized, medically advised organization providing free
support services to people with thyroid cancer:

 For patients and caregivers — We offer information and understanding to patients

and their families when they need it most.

 For the public — We promote awareness for early detection, and provide outreach
and education year-round. We sponsor Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month each

 For professionals — We provide free handbooks, patient brochures and wallet cards,
free downloadable Low-Iodine Cookbook for patients with differentiated thyroid
cancer, and other materials to give to patients. Plus research funding, with grant
recipients selected by an expert panel of the American Thyroid Association.

Free Services & Resources: Award-winning web site • Person-to-person support • Local
support groups • E-mail support groups • Awareness brochures • Regional workshops •
Annual International Conference • Videos and Webinars • Materials in multiple
languages • Online bulletin • Handbooks • Downloadable Low-Iodine Cookbook with
delicious recipes • and more…

Thank You — ThyCa’s free support services and publications are made possible by the
generous donations from our members and individual contributors, and by unrestricted
educational grants from Bayer HealthCare, Eisai, Exelixis, Inc., Interpace Diagnostics,
Sanofi Genzyme, Shire, and Veracyte.

 To make a donation, please contact us or use the tear-out

donation sheet on the last page of the cookbook.
Please contact us for more information and free materials:

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.

Website: www.thyca.org
Email: thyca@thyca.org
Toll-free 877-588-7904 • Fax 630-604-6078
P.O. Box 1102, Olney, MD 20830-1102

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM is an international

nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization of thyroid cancer survivors, family
members, and health care professionals founded in 1995, advised by
distinguished thyroid cancer specialists, and dedicated to support,
education, communication, awareness for early detection, and thyroid
cancer research fundraising and research grants.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page ii
Welcome to ThyCa’s Low-Iodine Cookbook. The Low-Iodine Quick Guide, which begins on page 1,
is the best place to get started. It focuses on educating you about the diet. Please take the time to read the
Quick Guide. It will help the recipes themselves make more sense. If you have any questions, you can
always write to recipes@thyca.org or call our Toll Free Number at +1-877-588-7904.

Handy One-Page LID Summary: At the front of the book, right after the cover page, is a color version
of the Handy One-Page LID Summary for you to tear out and put on your refrigerator or in any
convenient location for you. You may even want to take it to the grocery store with you. Don’t worry—
there is another copy in black and white at the end of the Quick Guide.

Cookbook layout: As you can see from the Table of Contents, the recipes are organized by category.
For even more information and detail about the recipes, please refer to Appendix D: the Index of
Recipes, on page A-4. The Index contains a key noting which recipes have international flavor, are
vegetarian/vegan-friendly, are kid-friendly, or are relatively simple to prepare. You can use the key to
help guide you to the recipes that may be most useful for you. Please note that some of the recipes have
been modified slightly from their original language to fit in the available space, to add LID-safe
substitutions or modifications, or to improve readability. Their substance, however, remains the same.

A note about allergens: This cookbook does not note allergens such as wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, gluten,
etc. Some major allergens are not a part of this diet (e.g., no dairy, no soy other than soy oil and soy
lecithin, no egg yolks, no shellfish, etc.). If you have specific allergies to ingredients that are allowed on
the LID, please make appropriate LID-friendly substitutions.

Adapt your own recipes: The recipes in this cookbook are all LID-safe, but you can often eat your
usual favorites by making some simple substitutions. Throughout the book, you will see examples of
these adaptations (e.g., egg whites in place of whole eggs, non-iodized/non-sea salt in place of table salt,
etc.) The Quick Guide explains which foods are safe and which you should avoid—make use of those
lists to adapt your own recipes. You will also find a couple of helpful tips on how to make LID-safe
substitutions in the cookbook in framed text boxes.

Other dietary restrictions: If you follow other dietary guidelines, simply adapt the recipes to suit your
needs. For example: cut down on the salt if you need to, substitute artificial sweeteners as needed, etc.

Budget: We often hear that people find the LID expensive because it focuses on fresh ingredients. There
are many lower-cost ingredients that are LID-safe, and the recipes in this cookbook make liberal use of
them. We hope you find some fun and tasty recipes in here to use. Please refer to Appendix B at page A-
2, which provides a week’s worth of budget-friendly, easy, and nutritious menu ideas.

Recipedia: Thanks to the excellent contributions of our members and friends over the years, we now
have even more wonderful LID-safe recipes than we have room to publish in this cookbook! In this
edition, we have tried to make the cookbook even more useful for thyroid cancer patients by retaining a
variety of recipes in each category and adding some new ones. This time around, we have also created a
Recipedia where you can find even more LID-safe recipes online, many from the prior edition of the
cookbook. The Recipedia will also continue to grow as submissions are made. Please check it out at

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page iii
Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................. iii Pasta, Rice, & Grains ............................ 38

Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide ................1 Beef ............................................................ 42
Welcome ..................................................1 Poultry ....................................................... 47
The Low-Iodine Diet (LID) ....................2 Lamb & Pork ............................................ 57
General Overview ..............................2 Substitute Dairy ...................................... 61
Helpful Tips .......................................3 Vegetables ............................................... 63
Foods to Avoid ...................................4 Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers ............... 69
Foods to Enjoy, But in Limited Breakfast .................................................. 72
Quantity ..............................................5 Breads & Muffins, etc. ......................... 77
Foods to Enjoy ...................................6 Quick Breads & Muffins ....................... 77
Variations of the LID and Editorial Yeast Breads & Rolls ............................ 81
Remarks From ThyCa ........................7
Biscuits, Tortillas, & Other Baked
Pantry Items ...........................................11 Goods..................................................... 86
How to Read Salt Labels ..................11 Desserts .................................................... 87
Tips for Reading Food Labels..........12 Cakes ..................................................... 87
Going Shopping & Shop-ahead list .13 Cookies & Bars ..................................... 90
A Week’s Worth of Easy Menus ...........14 Pies & Crisps ......................................... 96
Miscellaneous Topics ............................15 Other Desserts ....................................... 97
Vitamins/Minerals and Supplements .....15 Snacks..................................................... 101
Other Ways Iodine Enters Our Appendix A: LID-Safe Product Tips
Bodies ....................................................15 From ThyCa Friends ............................A-1
Handy One-Page LID Summary ..........16 Appendix B: A Week of Budget-
Abbreviations Used in Recipes ..........17 Friendly & Nutritious Recipes ..........A-2
Measurement Conversions ..................17 Appendix C: Acronyms Used in This
Salads ........................................................18 Cookbook ...............................................A-3
Dressings & Marinades ........................24 Appendix D: For Parents & Children
Coping with Thyroid Cancer .............A-4
Spices & Condiments ............................26
Appendix E: Index of Recipes ..........A-6
Soups & Stews ........................................29

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page iv
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Thank you for using this Low-Iodine Diet (LID) Quick Guide and cookbook introduction. This guide
has two purposes. One is to serve as a stand-alone document for anyone who wants a quick summary of
the LID without having to download the entire cookbook. It is also designed to serve as the cookbook’s
introduction. It contains the following sections:
 Welcome  A Week’s Worth of Easy Menus
 About ThyCa  Breakfast Inspiration
 Invitation  Lunch Inspiration
 About Photocopies and Use  Dinner Inspiration
 Disclaimer  Snacks
 Sources  Miscellaneous topics
 The Low-Iodine Diet  Vitamins/Minerals and
 General Overview Supplements
 Helpful Tips  Other Ways Iodine Enters Our
 Foods to Avoid Bodies
 Foods to Enjoy, But in Limited  CT contrast
Quantity  Topical antiseptics

 Foods to Enjoy  Skin care & toiletry items

 Variations of the LID and  Food dye

Editorial Remarks from ThyCa  Drugs & OTC
 Processed & manufactured medications
foods  Handy One-Page LID Summary
 Eating out/Restaurant  Key Points
Food and Take-Out  Foods to Avoid
 Foods we are often asked  Foods to Enjoy
about, etc.  Easy Snacks for Home, Work, or
 Pantry items Travel
 Reading Labels  Easy Quick Meals
 Going Shopping  Disclaimer

The information we provide comes from several members of ThyCa’s Medical Advisory Council, plus a
team of ThyCa volunteers. The LID has been used successfully for decades. We are continually
updating and fine-tuning it to bring you the most comprehensive LID available.
About ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM
ThyCa, founded in 1995, is an international nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization of thyroid cancer survivors,
family members, and health care professionals, serving people worldwide. We are dedicated to
education, communication, support, awareness for early detection, and thyroid cancer research
fundraising and research grants in support of our goal of cures for all thyroid cancer.
Visit our website www.thyca.org for detailed thyroid cancer information, videos with experts, free
publications and materials in multiple languages, links to our free online and local support groups, plus
more free services. Learn about how to donate, volunteer, or become a member. Find the latest details
about educational events, including the annual International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference.
Invitation: If you would like to comment on any recipes, or submit new ones, please write to
recipes@thyca.org. Your recipe will be reviewed for LID compatibility. We may incorporate your
recipe(s) into a future edition, feature it in our monthly bulletin, or add it to our website’s “Recipedia.”

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 1
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
About Photocopies and Use: You are welcome to download and print out this Quick Guide and our
cookbook from www.thyca.org. You are also welcome to photocopy complete pages and give them to
others. Please include the ThyCa information at the bottom of the page so that others in need of support
can easily find us. Please note the material in this book is not for commercial use.
Disclaimer: The information contained here is intended for educational purposes only.
It is not intended, nor should it be interpreted, as medical advice or directions of any
kind. Any person viewing this information is strongly advised to consult their own
medical doctor(s) for all matters involving their health and medical care.
(1) Diet guidelines provided by several members of ThyCa’s Medical Advisory Council;
(2) Presentations and handouts from our conference and workshop speakers from 2000 through Spring
2010. Speakers have included Stephanie L. Lee, MD, PhD, Endocrinologist, Boston Medical Center,
Massachusetts; Christina Reiter, MS RD, Resident Dietitian, University of Colorado, Boulder,
Colorado; and Nancy Sebring, MEd, RD, Research Dietitian, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
(3) Medical journal articles, including Pearce EN, Pino S, He X, Bazrafshan HR, Lee SL, and
Braverman LE, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89(7):3421-3424. 2004; Park JT
and Hennessey JV, Thyroid (1):57-63. 2004; and more recent articles; and
(4) USDA, FDA and ODS-NIH Database for the Iodine Content of Common Foods Release 1.0.

The Low-Iodine Diet (LID)

General Overview:
 Thyroid cancer patients with papillary or follicular thyroid cancer often receive radioactive iodine
(RAI). RAI (either I-123 or I-131) is used in small tracer doses for imaging/testing/scanning. The
results can inform next steps, sometimes resulting in RAI ablation. A larger dose of RAI (I-131) is
sometimes used to destroy (or ablate) any remaining thyroid cells and thyroid cancer cells. Some
patients receive this treatment more than once.
 Thyroid tissue, and most thyroid cancer tissue, naturally absorbs or “takes up” iodine, to make
thyroid hormones. Therefore, for the treatment and/or scans to be most effective, our bodies need to
have elevated TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) along with being “iodine-hungry.” This is why
patients are often asked to go on a short-term Low-Iodine Diet to temporarily starve our bodies of
iodine. The American Thyroid Association, as well as most major medical institutions, recommend
using the LID to facilitate becoming more iodine-hungry. This allows our bodies to take up as much
radioactive iodine as possible.
 We acknowledge that the word “diet” has different meanings to different people. This is not a
diet in the sense of a mechanism for weight loss or eating healthy. Rather, it is a medically
necessary short-term regimen needed to help our bodies become iodine-hungry.
 Preparation for RAI can take place in one of two ways, both resulting in the necessary elevated TSH.
Both of these processes incorporate use of the LID:
1. Remaining on thyroid replacement hormone (usually levothyroxine—please refer to the
“Know your Pills” section at www.thyca.org for more information) while receiving
Thyrogen® (recombinant TSH) injections. Some people experience symptoms of
hypothyroidism using Thyrogen.
2. Withdrawing from thyroid replacement hormone for a period of weeks. Sometimes patients
spend a portion of their withdrawal time using a different drug called liothyronine. Note that
this method can cause symptoms of severe hypothyroidism, including weight gain, lethargy,
feeling cold, etc.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 2
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
 This diet is generally for a short time period, usually lasting 2-3 weeks. It usually begins 2 weeks
before swallowing the radioactive iodine (either for testing or treatment) and continues through the
testing and treatment period, often for 1 to 3 days after the RAI scan or treatment. However,
recommendations for the time period can vary, depending partly on the individual patient’s
circumstances. Check with your care provider to be certain.
 The diet presented here is a combination of guidelines from several ThyCa medical advisors (some
who use urine iodine testing to check patients’ iodine levels), from researchers’ findings presented in
medical journals and at ThyCa events, and from input from members of our Medical Advisory
Council. Your physician may have different guidelines. Please check with your doctor before you
start the diet.
Helpful Tips:
 What may be surprising to you is that salt is permitted on this diet, so long as the salt you use has no
added or naturally occurring iodine. Therefore, do NOT use sea salt, which has naturally occurring
iodine. Use non-sea salt labeled with a statement such as: “This salt does not supply iodine, a
necessary nutrient.” We have found that Kosher salt is also safe to use.
 This is not a low-sodium diet. Most foods contain naturally occurring sodium, even if they are salt-
free. Low-iodine sometimes gets confused with low-salt since most table salt is iodized. (“Iodized”
means extra iodine has been added to table salt to help fight goiter, or enlarged thyroids, since many
people do not get sufficient iodine-rich foods in their diet.) For your awareness, table salt is
chemically “sodium chloride” and this differs from the naturally occurring sodium found in food.
 Sodium in any form is OK, as long as it is not provided as iodized or sea salt. Non-iodized salt is
OK for the diet, as long as it is not sea salt. Anything from the sea is iodine-rich and must be
 This is a low-iodine diet, not a no-iodine diet. The LID aims to reduce iodine consumption to
below 50 micrograms (mcg) of iodine per day (which is the American Thyroid Association guideline
for an LID; some other published LIDs recommend below 80-100 mcg per day). The normal
Recommended Daily Allowance of iodine is 150 mcg per day for adults. One teaspoon of iodized
salt can contain over 400 mcg of iodine. Many people consume well over 350 mcg per day just from
their normal way of eating.
 As the previous point reflects, the primary goal of the LID is limiting your overall iodine
consumption. Much like a financial budget, this means paying attention to what individual foods
“cost” in iodine content while keeping the big picture in mind. For example, if you do not eat meat,
which is moderately high in iodine (see below), you will have more room in your iodine “budget” to
consume iodine from fruit, vegetable, or grain sources.
 To assist you in your iodine “budgeting,” while on the diet, you may enjoy low-iodine foods (up to 5
mcg per serving). There are a lot of foods that you can eat (see the lists below). However, avoid
foods high in iodine (over 20 mcg per serving). Also, many thyroid cancer specialists’ guidelines
recommend limiting foods that are moderate in iodine (5 to 20 mcg per serving).
 Do not worry—we have taken the guesswork out of all this for you. Just follow the LID to the
best of your ability.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 3
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Foods to Avoid:
Avoid the following foods, starting when instructed by your physician (generally two weeks) before
your radioactive iodine test or treatment. Continue as instructed until after your radioactive iodine is
administered (often for 1-3 additional days). The high-iodine foods and items on this list have over 20
mcg of iodine per serving, according to sources.
 Iodized salt and sea salt and any foods containing iodized salt or sea salt. Non-iodized salt may be
used on this diet. For example, Kosher salt is okay unless the label says that it is iodized or sea salt.
The reason to avoid sea salt is that all products from the ocean tend to be high in iodine. You can
usually find plain, non-iodized salt next to the iodized salt at your grocer. Read the label carefully—
make sure it does not contain a form of iodate or iodide. (One teaspoon of iodized salt can contain
over 400 mcg of iodine.)
 Seafood and sea vegetables. Avoid anything from the sea, including: fish, shellfish, crustaceans,
seaweed (e.g., wakame, dulse, arame, hiziki, furikake), seaweed tablets, kelp (e.g., kombu), sushi
(e.g., nori), etc. These are all high in iodine.
 Foods/products that contain sea-based ingredients: Carrageenan, agar-agar, algin, and alginate.
 Dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream, powdered dairy creamers,
whey, casein, lactose, other dairy products).
 A study published in 2004 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reported
on tests of 18 brands of milk in the Boston, Massachusetts area. It reported that 250 ml of
milk (about 1 cup) contained from 88 to 168 micrograms of iodine and averaged 115 mcg.
(This means that one teaspoon or 5 ml of milk has 1 to 3 micrograms of iodine.) The study
also noted that sources of iodine in milk include iodine in cattle feed, the products containing
iodine used to clean teats and udders, and a small amount from equipment cleaning products.
 All the low-iodine diets ThyCa has researched instruct patients to avoid dairy. Some low-
iodine diets allow very small amounts of milk or other dairy, if not listed in the first three
ingredients on a label. One diet says that 1 Tablespoon of milk per day is okay; however, this
could mean that one third of the day’s iodine comes from this 1 Tablespoon of milk. There is
no dairy in any of the recipes in this LID.
 Red Dye #3 (E127 in the European Union/United Kingdom). However, Red Dye #40 is OK. We
suggest that you avoid red, orange, pink, purple, or brown processed food, pills, capsules, cough
syrup, etc. Many food dyes contain iodine and should be avoided. The problem with food coloring is
specific to Red Dye FD&C #3 (erythrosine, E127 in the EU/UK) ONLY. However, the issue is that
some food labels do not specify which red dyes are used and food manufacturers may make
substitutions without notifying consumers. It is “better safe than sorry.” For medications, the best
source is the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR), which clearly states the ingredients. For example,
Rocaltrol in the 0.5 mcg size is NOT good for the diet because it contains FD&C Red Dye #3.
However, Rocaltrol 0.25 mcg does not and is safe for the diet (you can take two of them to get to the
0.5 mcg dose). Please always check with your physician or pharmacist.
 Egg yolks, whole eggs, or foods containing whole eggs. Egg whites are acceptable because they
contain little or no iodine. Some low-iodine diets allow foods with very small amounts of eggs, if not
listed in the first three ingredients on a label.
 Commercial bakery products. Avoid bread products that contain iodine/iodate dough conditioners.
Also, the salt in these products may be iodized. It’s best to bake breads and other items yourself, or
substitute with unsalted plain matzos. If you read labels closely, you also may be able to find
crackers made only with flour and water, particularly in the Kosher section of your grocer, or melba
toast and tortillas (corn and flour) that are LID-safe. Although a few commercial bakery products
have tested low in iodine, manufacturing processes can change over time. The study published in the
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2004 reported that the iodine content of single
slices of 20 different brands of bread ranged from 2.2 micrograms to 587 micrograms of iodine.
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 4
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Foods to Avoid (continued):
 Soybeans and most soy products. Avoid soy sauce, soy milk, tofu, soy flour, and textured soy or
vegetable protein (TSP/TVP). However, soy oil and soy lecithin are both okay.
 Potato skins (both white and sweet potatoes). The inside of the potato is fine. The recipes in this
LID avoid the use of potato skins.
 Most chocolate (for its milk content). Cocoa powder and some non-dairy dark chocolates are
permitted. Check the label for other ingredients not allowed on the LID. This LID has recipes calling
for chocolate that is allowed on the diet.
 Blackstrap molasses. Blackstrap molasses is made by repeatedly boiling down sugar cane, which
concentrates nutrients. It is okay to use the milder, fairly sweet molasses usually used in cooking.
Brown sugar, which is white sugar with a very small amount of molasses sprayed on it, is permitted.
Note: Sulfured molasses is safe, as long as it is not blackstrap.
 Organ meats such as liver, tripe, kidney, etc.
 Maraschino cherries (if they contain Red Dye #3, erythrosine, or E127 in the EU/UK), and fruit
cocktail with maraschino cherries.
 Rhubarb. The recipes in this LID avoid the use of rhubarb.
 Iodine-containing vitamins and food supplements. Also avoid food and other products
containing iodate or iodide. Check the label and ingredients and discontinue completely if iodine is
included. Most vitamins with minerals contain iodine. Check with your physician if your vitamins or
supplements were prescribed to you. Calcium supplements are sometimes made from ground oyster
shells, and these should be avoided. Check with your doctor or pharmacist about switching to a safer
source of calcium, such as calcium citrate, if medically needed.
 Cooking wine and sherry. Regular wine is fine, but cooking wine and sherry is often salted.
 Medication that contains iodine. Always check with your physician for the best course of action.
Foods to Enjoy, But in Limited Quantity:
Some diets from thyroid cancer specialists and researchers recommend limiting the daily intake of foods
that are moderate in iodine—5 to 20 micrograms per serving. This is because consuming larger
quantities would amount to a substantial proportion of the daily iodine limit during the LID.
 Fresh meats. Up to 5 or 6 ounces per day of fresh meats such as chicken, beef, pork, lamb, and veal
are fine on the low-iodine diet (no organ meats). (One researcher noted that meat contains 25-130
micrograms of iodine per pound.) Whole cuts contain less iodine than ground meats. To be extra
cautious, buy whole cuts and ask the meat department to grind the meat for you. Always check the
package label on meats, including whole turkeys, turkey breasts, turkey cutlets, chicken, and all pork
products. Many food makers inject broths into turkey, chicken or pork or soak them in a salt-based
solution. The label may not indicate whether the broth contains iodized salt. If you are not sure, go to
a local butcher for fresh turkey, pork, or chicken. Most major grocers offer chicken that has not been
treated with anything and these are safe options. Look for terms such as “minimally processed.”
Rinse all meat before cooking.
 Grains, cereals and rice. Up to 4 servings per day of grains, cereals, pasta, rice, and breads without
iodine-containing ingredients are fine on this diet. The iodine content in grains depends on the iodine
content in the soil of the region where it was grown. Homemade baked goods and cereals are best on
this diet. If you use processed foods, read the labels carefully to avoid iodine-containing ingredients.
It is easy to find pasta that is LID-safe, just avoid egg noodles. Also, remember that labels are not
always accurate or up-to-date; therefore, it is best to use plain oatmeal, farina, etc. and avoid the
varieties with flavorings/additives. It is worth noting that some diets limit rice even more. Basmati
rice has been mentioned as the best for the diet.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 5
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Foods to Enjoy, But in Limited Quantity (continued):
 Spinach. The USDA database indicates spinach is moderately high in iodine. We recommend
limiting spinach to one half-cup serving of raw spinach leaves per day.
 Cruciferous vegetables. Internet research suggests this family of vegetables (broccoli, kale,
cauliflower, cabbage, etc.) may inhibit iodine absorption, which could interfere with your RAI. We
do include these ingredients in our recipes but we suggest eating them in moderation.
 *Canned peaches, apricots and mixed fruits. Data from the USDA indicates that canned peaches,
apricots, and mixed fruits, when packed in syrup, are moderately high in iodine. We recommend
limiting consumption to one serving per day.
Foods to Enjoy:
The following foods and ingredients are fine to eat. You do not need to limit the quantity, except as
• Fresh fruits and fruit juices. Canned,* jarred, or frozen fruit is also acceptable if there is no salt,
LID-unsafe fortification, or unsafe food dye present. *Note: See entry above on some canned fruits.
• Vegetables, preferably raw and fresh-cooked or frozen without added salt. In the past, it was hard to
find frozen peas without added salt. As of this publication, this is no longer an issue in U.S. or
Canadian grocery stores.
• Unsalted nuts and unsalted nut butters; homemade nut and oat milks.
• Egg whites. Separate yolks from whites yourself or buy cartons of 100% liquid egg whites.
• Potatoes without skins.
• Beans. We suggest using beans cooked yourself from the dry state, or purchasing unsalted canned
beans. (It is worth noting that at least one major medical institution advises against beans, especially
red kidney, navy, pinto and lima beans, cow peas, and lentils.) If you want to be extra-cautious, limit
beans to black, garbanzo (chick peas), and white beans. Rinse any canned beans before using.
• Grain/pasta/cereal/rice products in moderate amounts (see above).
• Fresh chicken, beef, and other meats in moderate amounts (see above).
• Sugar, jelly (avoid unsafe food coloring), honey, maple syrup, and most molasses (not
blackstrap molasses).
• Black pepper and fresh or dried herbs. Be careful of prepared spice blends that contain salt.
• All vegetable oils such as olive, canola, corn, and soy oil (note other soy products are unsafe). Salad
dressings, provided they only contain allowed ingredients. It is best to make your own salad
dressing. Vegetable shortening and coconut oil are good choices for baking.
• Cocoa powder and some non-dairy dark chocolate.
• Vinegars such as balsamic, apple cider, and white vinegar.
• Lemon, lime and other citrus fruits for their juice and zest.
• Homemade foods. Use recipes from ThyCa’s Low-Iodine Cookbook s at www.thyca.org or adapt
your own favorites by removing or substituting ingredients not permitted on the LID.
• Gelatin, sorbet, popsicles without Red Dye #3 (erythrosine or E127 in the EU/UK)
• Cola, diet cola, lemonade, soda pop (except those with Red Dye #3, erythrosine, or E127).
• Fresh brewed coffee (not instant), tea (not instant), beer, wine, other alcohol (be aware of unsafe
food dyes).
Food prepared from fresh meats, fresh poultry, fresh or frozen vegetables, and fresh or frozen fruits
should be fine for this diet—provided they do not contain, or that you do not add, any of the iodine-
containing ingredients noted above.
Most sources ThyCa has reviewed do not comment about water. They indicate that ordinary household
tap water is fine for the diet. One source notes that some municipalities may include added iodine to
eliminate bacteria in water, and therefore suggests distilled water is more desirable in those areas.
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 6
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Variations of the LID and Editorial Remarks From ThyCa:
As with any subject, there are varying sources of information. While nearly all doctors and medical
institutions recommend using an LID as a key tool to help maximize the effectiveness of RAI, advice
differs from institution to institution, and even doctor to doctor, about the details of the LID. ThyCa’s
goal is to present the most comprehensive and accessible LID we can, and to share some of these
differences with you so that you can make an informed decision. The team of volunteers that worked on
this cookbook has the philosophy that it is best to be diligent with your food choices while following the
LID. The LID is for a limited period of time and it helps you best prepare for testing and/or treatment
during a rather difficult time in your life. At the same time, it is important to make the diet work for you,
considering all the circumstances of your life, your health, and your work/school and family obligations.
You should consult with your physician and health care team to make the best decisions for you.

 Processed and Manufactured Foods:

Most major food manufacturers in the USA generally use iodine-free salt when salt is listed as an
ingredient. However, they are not currently required to label iodine content in food, and they may
substitute iodized or sea salt without declaring it on the label. This was recently evidenced during the
COVID-19 outbreak of 2020, when the FDA granted permission to make substitutions without the
need for labeling. Other countries have different standards, and supermarket shelves are not limited
to foods produced in one country. Therefore, we at ThyCa cautiously assume all salt listed as an
ingredient is iodized. Feel free to add your own LID-safe salt to food.
Some food manufacturers cleanse their equipment with iodine based food-grade sanitizers that
contain iodophors. These compounds help fight against bacteria, mold, and yeast, etc.
Given the issue with salt as an ingredient that may be iodized, and the use of iodine-based cleansers,
we suggest limiting processed foods to the extent that you are able. We also know that it is nearly
impossible to eliminate all processed foods. Items such as pasta, matzo, and salt-free canned items
are used in ThyCa’s LID and are processed. However, because they are less processed and do not
contain salt (or any other high-iodine ingredients), we consider the risk of using them on the LID to
be minimal.
Having said the above with regard to processed and manufactured foods, some published low-iodine
diets allow salty foods and other highly processed items. We suggest using the ThyCa guidelines
while also working with your physician to do what is best for you.
Note that food processing techniques can change, and the package labels are not always accurate or
up to date.
In the past, some people have contacted manufacturers to ask whether or not they use iodized salt in
their products, or iodine-containing cleansers or sanitizers for their equipment and surfaces involved
in food processing. For example, in 2012, staff at NIH compiled a list of U.S. manufacturers that
said that they do not use iodized salt, but the list is not being updated regularly. Additionally, trying
to maintain a list is NOT recommended for the following reasons:
1. Manufacturers cannot guarantee that the ingredients they receive from their suppliers do not
contain iodized salt.
2. Manufacturers may change procedures and may use iodine-based cleaners or sanitizers on food-
processing surfaces, utensils, equipment, and containers used in processing steps.
3. It is unknown whether the person responding to the inquiries about salt, iodine, etc. is actually in
a position to know.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 7
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Read the ingredient labels on all packaged foods and spices. Some spice blends like chili powder and
lemon pepper may contain added salt. Some support group participants have compiled lists of brands
of processed and packaged foods that are low in iodine. If you use these lists, be sure to check the
date on which they were compiled. Many people find it easier to eat simple unprocessed snacks,
foods and ingredients for the short period of the diet.
 Eating out/Restaurant Food and Take-Out:
Similar to processed foods, commercial kitchens sometimes use iodized salt, sea salt and iodine-
based sanitizers. We suggest limiting eating-out/ordering-in as much as possible. If you must, for a
variety of reasons (e.g. travel for work, studying at university far from home, etc.) we suggest a salad
with no cheese, bacon, or croutons. Ask for olive oil, vinegar, and/or lemon juice for dressing.
Ordering an unsalted baked potato (plain or sweet) and eating the inside is safe. You can add olive
oil to it. Restaurant or cafeteria staff may not be well informed on this topic, so we suggest being
very cautious. Consider carrying some non-iodized or Kosher salt to adjust to these circumstances, if
 Foods We Are Often Asked About, etc.
Some LID diets do not permit rice, and some do. We suggest limiting your intake as noted
previously. We suggest basmati rice as the safest option.
While technically a seed and not a grain, quinoa is becoming very popular as a rice-type ingredient.
ThyCa has found one reputable diet that permits quinoa. We note that, per the UDSA, it has about
twice the iodine as pasta and other grains have, but the amount is still relatively low and therefore it
is safe to use in moderation, as with all grains.
Breads, Bagels, English Muffins, etc.:
The issue with bread, in addition to disallowed ingredients such as egg yolks, butter, and salt, is that
some commercially baked breads use iodine/iodate-based dough conditioners (mainly potassium
iodate and calcium iodate). We have found some diets permit English muffins and bagels if limited
in quantity. ThyCa’s philosophy is to avoid anything commercially baked containing salt, soy, milk
products, etc.; therefore, we do not recommend English muffins or bagels. The safest option is to
bake your own bread using our recipes (or ask a friend to bake for you). You may use unsalted
matzah (matzo or matza), LID-safe crackers, or LID-safe tortillas as a substitute. Unsalted matzah
crumbs are a nice breadcrumb substitute.
Fresh meats:
Diets vary, but in general limiting to 5-6 oz. per day is a good choice. Some diets suggest no turkey
since it is often injected with broth and other ingredients. Avoid liver/organ meats. Pre-packaged
ground meats are higher in iodine, so if you want ground meat, we suggest you buy whole cuts and
ask the meat counter to grind the meat for you. Rinse whole cuts before using.
Cured meats:
Diets vary from institution to institution and our recommendation is to avoid all cured meats (cold
cuts/deli meats, bacon, cured ham, sausage, salami, chipped beef, hotdogs, etc.), since recent testing
by the USDA indicates that cured meats are high in iodine.
Avoid milk and all dairy products. While some diets permit a small amount (e.g., 1 Tablespoon per
day), even that amount can have 36% of the targeted daily amount of iodine. Additionally, iodine
content varies from cow to cow based on feed, supplements, etc.
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 8
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Non-Dairy “Milks”:
Today you can find “milk” products made from oats, almonds, cashews, coconut, rice, soy, etc.
Avoid milks made from rice and soy for the reasons listed above. For products like oat milk, almond
milk, cashew milk, etc. you must read the labels very carefully. In general we suggest avoiding these
products since they often contain sea salt, carrageenan, and are sometimes fortified with non-LID-
safe ingredients. We provide recipes to make your own LID-safe nut and oat milks in ThyCa’s LID
Cookbook. If you do purchase and use one of these products, make sure it is LID-safe.
Coffee creamer:
Some diets permit use of non-dairy creamers if they do not contain soy or carrageenan. Just as with
the “milks,” there are a wide range of non-dairy coffee creamers available on the market today, but
many (though not all) are made with iodine-containing ingredients. We suggest reading labels very
carefully to avoid salt, soy, dairy-based products such as whey, carrageenan, and other iodine-rich
ingredients. Melting a marshmallow, or using marshmallow fluff (check ingredients, as some contain
carrageenan or fish gelatin), may be a good substitute to lighten and sweeten your coffee.
Soybeans and soy products should be avoided. The exceptions are soy oil and soy lecithin because
they do not contain soy protein. Avoid tofu, texturized soy protein (TSP), soy milk, soy sauce,
edamame, soy/veggie burgers, etc. The American Thyroid Association indicates that while soy is
low in iodine, based on animal studies it can interfere with radioactive iodine uptake.
Canned goods:
Years ago, cans were sanitized using iodine-based solutions. Most modern canning uses steam.
Some diets suggest avoiding all canned goods, partly due to the old sanitizing process and partly due
to the salt content. Today it is easier to find no-salt-added canned goods. We do use some canned
products in our LID since the diet needs to be user-friendly and have some elements of convenience.
To be extra-cautious, rinse your canned goods when practical.
Some Varieties of Beans:
The NIH and other diets no longer limit beans. As of this publication, one major medical institution
was still limiting beans and lentils. Beans are an essential form of nourishment, especially if you are
vegetarian or vegan. We suggest using beans cooked yourself from the dry state, or purchasing
unsalted canned beans. If you want to be extra cautious, focus on using black, garbanzo (chick peas)
and white beans and limit your servings to typical serving sizes. Rinse canned beans before use.
Generally condiments such as ketchup/catsup, mustard, etc. contain a lot of salt. Look for no-salt-
added varieties. We have identified two diets that suggest avoiding ketchup and we believe this is
presumably because of its typical salt content. ThyCa does provide a recipe to make your own
ketchup and mustard, if desired.
This can be a confusing product to shop for while on the LID, so be very careful with labels.
ThyCa’s LID does not allow sea salt or any iodized salt. Look for Kosher salt and plain table salt—
be sure it indicates no added iodine, including any form of iodate or iodide. As noted above, the
label may say something like “this does not supply iodine, a necessary nutrient,” but be aware that
some sea-salt labels have this same statement, and they are not LID-safe. Most diets indicate use of
iodine-free salt is OK in any quantity, so long as it fits your overall health needs and is not sea salt.
See examples of salt labels found in this document.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 9
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
All vegetable oils are safe, including soy oil. Butter is not permitted, as it contains dairy. Most
margarine is not safe, since it often contains whey (dairy) and salt. However, there are some brands
of margarine that are unsalted and dairy-free. This is a good option, and can be “doctored up” with
some safe salt for additional flavor. Coconut oil is another solid fat that can be used similarly for
baking, etc. Vegetable shortening is also available at most grocers and is even available in a butter
flavor; this is an acceptable option to use.
Most sources say that tap water is safe. Some municipalities are known to add iodine to water to kill
bacteria; therefore, distilled water is the safest option there. If your water is softened using a salt-
based process, you need to call the salt manufacturer and see if the salt is iodized or not. Reverse
osmosis-purified water is safe. However, some of the popular brands of bottled water first use
reverse osmosis (RO) and then add back salts and minerals for flavor—watch out for these products
and avoid them. Most diets do not mention water.
Avoid instant coffees and teas. Lemonade and fresh-brewed coffee and tea are all considered safe.
Soda pop, including diet soda, is safe so long as it does not contain unsafe ingredients (e.g. red dye).
Prunes, strawberries, and cranberries:
ThyCa often gets calls about these food items. Prunes and strawberries are low-iodine foods and safe
on the LID. Cranberry juice is safe per the NIH database. We cannot find data on whole or dried
cranberries and therefore suggest eating them in moderation.
Cruciferous vegetables:
We do include these ingredients in our recipes. Nonetheless, we suggest eating them in moderation
because, while low in iodine, they may have a slight impact on iodine absorption, which could affect
your RAI.
Sulfured foods:
We are often asked about this due to molasses. Sulfur itself is not an issue on the LID. Blackstrap
molasses is not LID-safe because it is boiled down so much that the nutrients, including iodine, are
concentrated. Blackstrap and regular molasses are both available sulfured and unsulfured. Sulfured
molasses and unsulfured molasses are both LID-safe, so long as it is not blackstrap molasses.
The iodine content of many foods is simply not known at this time. Governmental agencies around
the world, including the USDA, maintain food-content databases—some of which measure iodine,
others do not. As of this publication date, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations hosts a directory of the databases known to it at: http://www.fao.org/infoods/infoods/tables-
and-databases/en/ (also available in French and Spanish). The USDA’s database has iodine contents
for some foods, but many simply have not been tested. We offer two principal suggestions when
using these databases: (1) be sure to convert the raw numbers in the database to a standard serving
size for the food in question, and (2) try to eat a variety of foods while on the LID, which helps to
spread the risk related to variations in iodine content.
When in doubt, we recommend avoiding the food item. ThyCa is here to help: you can ask questions
at recipes@thyca.org.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 10
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Pantry Items
So often we can be overwhelmed by what we cannot have on the LID. This section focuses on what you
can have, helps you stock your pantry to get ready for the LID, and helps you learn how to read labels
when shopping so that you buy LID-safe items.
How to read salt labels to find LID-safe salt:
Salt without iodine is safe to use, so long as it is not sea salt. Here are some examples of what to look
for, and what to avoid when shopping:

Safe salt options: Salts to avoid:

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 11
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
General Tips for Reading Food Labels:

Start by looking at the ingredients. You will see

nothing other than tomatoes. There is no added
This label is salt. Next, you will note that there is sodium in
an example this product. Sodium and salt are not the same
of a carton exact thing, although salt does introduce a large
of diced amount of sodium into the diet since chemically
tomatoes it is “sodium chloride.” Looking at sodium
that are safe content alone in the “Nutrition Facts” chart is not
to use on going to help you with the LID. Instead, look at
the LID. the listed ingredients. If the ingredients contain
salt or sea salt, pick a different product.

Here are two different ingredient lists for ketchup. One is LID-safe, the other is not:
Suggested Ketchup: Tomato Concentrate, High Ketchup to avoid: Tomato concentrate, distilled
Fructose Corn Syrup, Distilled Vinegar, Corn vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup,
Syrup, Less than 2% of: Sugar, Onion Powder, salt, spice, onion powder, natural flavoring
Garlic Powder, Natural Flavors

Finally, here are two labels for non-dairy coffee creamer products. One is LID-safe and one is not.

This coconut This oat milk-

milk-based based creamer is
creamer is not LID-safe. Oat
LID-safe. It has milk itself is fine,
no high-iodine but, like many
ingredients and non-dairy milk
no salt of any and creamer
kind. products, this one
contains sea salt.
This is why you
have to read
labels carefully!

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 12
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Going shopping:
You may be going hypothyroid for your scan and/or treatment with radioactive iodine. If so, you will
give up your thyroid hormone medicine and you may feel miserably hypothyroid. (Hopefully you are
avoiding this and using Thyrogen® to increase your TSH.) Nonetheless, it is best to shop for the shelf-
stable items on this shopping list while you are still feeling well, or ask a friend to help. Since you might
be prepping for RAI radioactive-iodine treatment post-surgery, you may want a friend to help carry
groceries for you. With all items on this list, check the labels carefully so you avoid salt, all forms of
dairy, sea-based products, and soy products that can be lurking in the ingredient list. We are listing foods
here that are generally safe for the LID.
Helpful tips: Ingredient lists can change—always read the label to be extra sure!! Shopping in the
Kosher section of your grocery store can be helpful while on this diet.
Shop-ahead list—buy your fruits, vegetables, meats and eggs (for the whites or buy a carton of liquid
egg whites) when needed, but the list here are items you can purchase well in advance:
 Pasta: treat yourself to a variety of shapes and sizes. Be wary of noodles; they often contain eggs.
 Wheat flour: avoid self-rising flour; regular flour is generally safe
 Corn meal
 Tortillas, tortilla chips and/or tortilla crumbs with LID-safe ingredients
 Matzo and matzo crackers (salt-, egg-, and dairy-free)
 Canned coconut milk
 Salt-free, dairy-free margarine (sometimes this is difficult to find, but it is available)
 Solid vegetable shortening, regular and/or butter flavor; use as spreads or for baking/cooking
 Baking potatoes, boiling potatoes, sweet potatoes (the skins have iodine; the inside is LID-safe)
 Dried beans
 Puffed wheat cereal (ingredient: wheat) from the health food store or health food aisle
 Unsalted nuts (pecans, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, etc.)—look in the baking aisle
 Vanilla extract, baking powder, baking soda, other LID-safe baking essentials, etc.
 Non-iodized or Kosher salt (not sea salt)
 Hot wheat (not instant) farina cereal: look for brands that do not contain salt
 Oatmeal (not the flavored packets): old-fashioned oats, quick oats or steel-cut oats
 Salt-free natural peanut butter (or almond/cashew butter)
 Jellies and jams (no food coloring and no salt)
 Olive and canola/vegetable oil
 Fresh garlic and onions, or garlic/onion powder
 Apple cider vinegar
 Cocoa powder (salt-free, dairy-free)
 Salt-free, dairy-free dark chocolate chips or bars
 Plain unsalted popcorn
 Frozen veggies and fruit
 Dried fruit: cherries, blueberries, raisins, etc. (watch for food coloring and salt)
 White sugar
 Pure maple syrup/corn syrup/agave syrup (light and amber-colored—whichever you prefer)
 Honey (plain and whipped)
 Marshmallows (read ingredients—no salt, carrageenan, or fish gelatin): for some they work well
as coffee creamer (melt one into your cup) and/or marshmallow “fluff”
 Coffee and tea (not instant varieties): brew your coffee, use tea bags for tea
 Soda (soda-pop) in various varieties—diet is OK; avoid red food dyes and salt
 Distilled water (if necessary)

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 13
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
A Week’s Worth of Easy Menus
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sunday Egg white veggie scramble Pasta with LID-safe pesto Roasted chicken, baked
and frozen/canned no-salt potato (no skin), side salad
Monday Oatmeal with maple syrup, Leftover roasted chicken Pasta with white beans and
unsalted nuts, and dried with avocado on matzo LID-safe pesto topped with
fruit with side salad crushed walnuts
Tuesday Farina/hot wheat cereal LID-safe peanut butter and Pork chop, baked sweet
with sliced banana, salt- sliced banana on matzo potato (try the microwave
free nut butter, and honey —easy), and string beans
Wednesday LID-safe corn muffins Leftover pork chop and Baked chicken legs,
with egg white scramble string beans on a big salad basmati rice, and steamed
with avocado and LID-safe carrots
Thursday Potato, egg white, and Leftover chicken leg meat Roast beef, dairy-free
ground beef scramble on a big salad with LID- mashed potatoes, and
safe dressing mixed vegetables
Friday Oatmeal topped with Leftover roast beef on Black beans with basmati
unsalted walnuts, LID-safe matzo or LID-safe bread, rice and salt-free diced
dark chocolate chips, and mashed avocado, lettuce tomatoes
LID-safe jelly and tomato “sandwich”
Saturday LID-safe pancakes with Pasta tossed with fresh Small steak, baked potato
maple syrup vegetables, olive oil, and (no skin), and summer
garlic squash
• Fresh fruit: apples, grapes, bananas, melon, peaches, etc.—keep these on hand and ready to eat
• Salt-free applesauce
• Raisins and other dried fruits
• Refrigerator oats (refer to recipe in cookbook) enjoyed cold or warmed when eaten.
• LID-safe muffins (swap shortening for butter, egg white for egg, use non-iodized/non-sea salt, etc.)
• No-salt tortilla chips with avocado or homemade LID-safe guacamole
• Homemade LID-safe hummus
• Raw carrot and celery sticks
• Unsalted peanut butter (great with apple slices, carrot sticks, etc.)
• Unsalted matzo crackers (found in the Kosher section)
• Homemade popcorn (air pop or use oil and non-iodized/non-sea salt)
• Unsalted nuts: pecans, walnuts, almonds, etc., found in the baking aisle, or dry-roasted unsalted
peanuts found in the snack food aisle
• Matzo or homemade bread/muffins with honey or LID-safe jelly/jam
• Frozen bananas blended with cocoa powder for an ice cream like treat
• Trail mix made from raisins, salt-free pretzels, unsalted nuts, and LID-safe dark chocolate chips
• Sodas, including colas, and lemon-lime clear soda pop, ginger ales, etc. (read labels, as caramel- or
cherry-colored sodas may have Red Dye #3, erythrosine, or E127
• Sorbet (check label to be sure no salt, dairy, carrageenan, or Red Dye #3/erythrosine/E127)

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 14
Low-Iodine Diet Quick Guide
Miscellaneous Topics
Vitamins/Minerals and Supplements:
Please always check with your doctor about stopping any necessary supplements they have prescribed.
Many multi-vitamins contain iodine in their formulation. Please avoid these. Some supplements use
artificial coloring such as Red Dye #3, erythrosine, or E127 in the EU/UK and also need to be avoided.
The most common mineral we hear about is calcium. Some calcium formulations are made from
ground-up oyster shells, which are rich in iodine. This type of formulation should be avoided. Check
with your doctor about whether or not it is safe to stop calcium supplementation during the LID. If you
must continue with calcium, talk to your pharmacist about safe formulations (one option to ask about is
calcium citrate).
Many people take a variety of supplements for different reasons. Please do your research to determine if
what you might be using is iodine-rich. If so, please avoid during the LID.
Other Ways Iodine Enters Our Bodies:
• CT Contrast: radiographic dye, or an intravenous radiocontrast agent, contains iodine. This helps to
visualize structures and organs within the body. If you have had a recent CT scan, with contrast, it is
important for you to call the radiography department to determine if the dye used contained iodine.
If so, please contact your physician. Iodine from this type of contrast can take a very long time to
leave our bodies, and therefore, may have an impact on the timing of your treatment. (If you are
unsure if you had any such tests in the past several months, have your doctor review your files.)
If you have a CT scan coming up, and it is before your LID, please contact your physician to see if it
is acceptable for you to avoid the contrast, or possibly reschedule the appointment.
• Topical antiseptics: Iodine is used as a topical antiseptic, such as that commonly swabbed on the
skin before surgery (including thyroid surgery). If you are having surgery prior to your radioactive-
iodine treatment, ask your surgeon to use an alternative cleanser. Avoid Betadine® soaps and
shampoos and other products containing povidone-iodine, polyvidone iodine, or iodopovidone.
• Skin care & toiletry items: We put many things on our bodies, and in our mouths, for skin care and
grooming. Items such as toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, skin creams, etc. may be
rich in iodine. Check toiletry labels for Red Dye #3 (erythrosine or E127). Also look for seaweed
and other sea-derived ingredients in your toiletries. Look for words such as marine algae, Dead Sea
minerals, fish roe enzymes and extracts, seawater, and pearl extracts.
• Food dye: Check everything for Red Dye #3 (erythrosine or E127). A good rule of thumb is that if
you are unsure, and the item is artificially colored, avoid it. Remember that red dye is used in
formulations to make other colors such as pink, orange, brown, purple, etc.
• Drugs, including OTC medication: Food dye is also used in pills and other medications such as
cough syrups. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure whether any of your current
medications contain Red Dye #3, erythrosine, or E127. Always check with your physician before
suspending or switching any medication while on the LID.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 15
Handy One-Page LID Summary
For the detailed Free Low-Iodine Cookbook with hundreds of delicious recipes, visit www.thyca.org.
Key Points
 This is a Low-Iodine Diet (“LID”), not a “No-Iodine Diet” or an “Iodine-Free Diet.” The American Thyroid
Association suggests a goal of under 50 micrograms (mcg) of iodine per day.
 The diet is for a short time period, usually for the 2 weeks (14 days) before a radioactive iodine scan or
treatment and 1-3 days after the scan or treatment.
 Avoid foods and beverages that are high in iodine (>20 mcg/serving). Eat any foods and beverages low in
iodine (< 5 mcg/serving). Limit the quantity of foods moderate in iodine (5-20 mcg/serving).
Foods to AVOID Foods to ENJOY
• Iodized salt, sea salt, and any foods containing iodized • Fruit, fresh, frozen, or jarred, salt-free and without red
salt or sea salt food dye; canned in limited quantities; fruit juices
• Seafood and sea products (fish, shellfish, seaweed, • Vegetables: ideally raw or frozen without salt, except
seaweed tablets, calcium carbonate from oyster shells, soybeans
carrageenan, agar-agar, alginate, arame, dulse, • Beans: unsalted canned, or cooked from the dry state
furikake, hiziki, kelp, kombu, nori, wakame, and other • Unsalted nuts and unsalted nut butters
sea-based foods or ingredients) • Egg whites
• Dairy products of any kind (milk, cheese, yogurt, • Fresh meats (uncured; no added salt or brine
butter, ice cream, lactose, whey, casein, etc.) solutions) up to 6 ounces a day
• Egg yolks, whole eggs, or foods containing them • The insides of white and sweet potatoes (no skins)
• Bread and bakery products containing iodine/iodate • Low-iodine homemade (and some commercial) baked
dough conditioners or high-iodine ingredients such as goods
dairy, eggs, salt • Grain and cereal products up to 4 servings per day,
• Red Dye #3 (erythrosine or E127 in the EU/UK) provided they have no high-iodine ingredients
• Maraschino cherries (due to the red dye) • LID-safe pasta (remember to avoid egg noodles)
• Fruit cocktail (due to the Maraschino cherries) • Sugar, jelly, jam, honey, maple syrup, molasses (not
• Chocolate that contains dairy blackstrap), agave nectar—avoid red food dyes
• Blackstrap molasses (other types are OK) • Black pepper, fresh or dried herbs and spices
• Soybeans and soybean products such as tofu, • Vinegars free of salt and red dye
TSP/TVP, soy milk, soy sauce, soy flour; except soy • Lemon, lime, and other citrus (for their juice & zest)
oil and soy lecithin, which are OK. • All vegetable oils, including soy oil
• Rhubarb • Vegetable shortening (i.e., the white solid variety)
• Potato skins • Sodas (except with Red Dye #3, erythrosine, or E127),
• Vitamins and food supplements that contain iodine cola, diet cola, non-instant coffee & tea, beer,
 If you are taking medication or supplements alcoholic beverages (except cooking wine), lemonade
containing iodine, check with your doctor. • Cocoa powder and some non-dairy dark chocolates
**Remember to check the ingredient list on all packaged foods**
Easy Snacks for Home, Work, or Travel Easy Quick Meals
• Fresh fruit or fruit juice • Fresh raw vegetables • Freshly cooked oatmeal • Salad topped with grilled
• Raisins and other dried • Salt-free applesauce with toppings (cinnamon, chicken, beef or pork, oil
fruits • Popcorn with non- honey, salt-free & vinegar dressing.
• Unsalted nuts and nut iodized/non-sea salt applesauce, maple syrup, • “PB&J” with LID-safe
butters • Unsalted matzo and other unsalted nuts, fruit) peanut butter, jelly, and
• Homemade low-iodine unsalted crackers • Fresh meat with salt-free matzo or fresh
bread or muffins • LID-safe soda pop or vegetables, fresh fruit, baked LID-safe bread
• No-salt tortilla chips lemonade and baked white or sweet • Baked apples for dessert
potato (no skin) (can be microwaved)
Our thanks to ThyCa’s medical advisors and conference speakers for the information and input.
Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended, nor should it be
interpreted, as medical advice or directions of any kind. Any person viewing this information is strongly advised
to consult their own medical doctor(s) for all matters involving their health and medical care.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 16
Abbreviations Used in Recipes & Measurements/Conversions
~ – approximately lg – large
° – degrees med – medium
c – cup ml – milliliter
C – Celsius or centigrade opt – optional
ctn – carton or container oz – ounce
doz – dozen p. – page
env – envelope pkg – package
ex – extra pt – pint
F – Fahrenheit qt – quart
gal – gallon reg – regular
gm – gram sm – small
kg – kilogram sub – substitute
l – liter/litre Tbsp – tablespoon (note uppercase T)
lb – pound tsp – teaspoon (note lowercase t)

Measurement Conversions
We recognize that our cookbook users are a global audience. Please use the conversions below to help
convert from Metric to English units, and vice versa.
⅕ tsp = 1 ml/gm
¼ tsp = 1.25 ml/gm
½ tsp = 2.5 ml/gm
1 tsp = 5 ml/gm
3 tsp = 1 Tbsp = ½ oz = 15 ml or gm
2 Tbsp = ⅛ c = 1 oz = 28 ml or gm
3.4 Tbsp = ⅕ c = ~1.6 oz = 50 ml or gm
4 Tbsp = ¼ c = 2 oz = 59 ml or gm
5⅓ Tbsp = ⅓ c = ~3 oz = 80 ml or gm
3.4 oz = 100 ml or gm
8 Tbsp = ½ c = 4 oz = 118 ml or gm = ¼ lb
10 Tbsp = ~⅔ c = 5 oz = 148 ml or gm
12 Tbsp = ¾ c = 6 oz = 177 ml or gm
16 Tbsp = 1 c = 8 oz = 237 ml or gm = ½ lb
1 pt = 2 c = 16 oz = 473 ml or gm = 1 pt = 1 lb
16.9 oz = 500 ml or gm = ½ l
1 qt = 4 c = 32 oz = 946 ml or gm = 2 pt = 2.0 lb
~1 qt = 4.2 c = 33.8 oz = 1000 ml/1 kg = 1 l = 2.2 lb
4 qt = 16 c = 128 oz = 3800 ml/3.8 kg = 3.8 l = 1 gal
32° F = 0° C = freezing point
68° F = 20° C = room temperature
212° F = 100° C = boiling point
300° F = 149° C & most recipe conversions advise using 150° C
325° F = 163° C & most recipe conversions advise using 160° C
350° F = 177° C & most recipe conversions advise using 180° C
375° F = 191° C & most recipe conversions advise using 190° C
400° F = 204° C & most recipe conversions advise using 200° C
425° F = 218° C & most recipe conversions advise using 220° C
450° F = 232° C & most recipe conversions advise using 230° C
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 17
Apple Cashew Salad ½ c canola oil
2 heads red leaf lettuce 2 tsp cumin
3 med red delicious apples 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 c chopped (unsalted) cashews Mix garlic, lime juice, oil, cumin and salt. Pour
opt raisins over first 8 ingredients and stir.
1 c oil Contributed by Trisha L. and Jill Ann R.
½ c sugar
⅓ c red wine vinegar Charlie’s Chicken Salad
1 Tbsp salt-free LID-safe mustard (or sub 2 3 or 4 5- to 6-oz boneless, skinless chicken
tsp dry mustard with 1 Tbsp water) breasts
1 Tbsp grated onion ¾ c chopped celery
2 tsp poppy seed 1½ c seedless red grapes, halved
Chop lettuce, cashews, and apples; mix with ½ c unsalted, raw pine nuts
raisins if desired. Mix ingredients for dressing ¾ c Blender Mayonnaise (from
and save on the side to have “fresh” salad when this cookbook)
desired. (If NOT on the Low-Iodine Diet, add salt-free seasoning blend, to
shredded Swiss cheese to this recipe.) Serves 6- taste
8. non-iodized/non-sea salt, to
Contributed by Shannon R. taste
Poach the chicken breasts in salted water using
Apple Waldorf-Style Salad non-iodized/non-sea salt. Once chicken breasts
lettuce of your choice have cooled, shred chicken into small pieces.
½ med celery stalk, sliced Season chicken with a salt-free seasoning blend
1 lg apple, cored and chopped (whichever you prefer) and salt to taste. Coat
¼ c raisins chicken with Blender Mayonnaise. Combine
⅓ c walnuts with celery, grapes, and pine nuts. Refrigerate
Blender Mayonnaise (from this until cool for best results. Eat “as is,” on matzo
cookbook) crackers, or on LID-safe noodles. Makes 4-6
Tear lettuce into individual salad bowl or plate. servings.
Sprinkle with celery, apple, raisins, and walnuts. Contributed by Jill W.
Top with Blender Mayonnaise from this
cookbook, or substitute with mashed avocado. Chicken Rice Salad
Contributed by Sharon M. 2 5-oz chicken breast filets, cooked and diced
1½ c cooked Basmati rice
Black Bean Salad 2 med celery stalks, diced
3 c black beans, cooked & drained ½ c chopped pecans or walnuts
2 c frozen corn, cooked & drained ½ c dried cranberries
2 sweet red or orange bell peppers, cut 2 tsp balsamic vinegar
into pieces enough French vinaigrette to coat
2 med tomatoes, seeded & diced (opt) completely (see recipe for French
½ c cilantro, chopped vinaigrette from this cookbook)
½ c red onion, minced Toss all ingredients together and serve on a bed
½ c parsley, chopped of lettuce with salt-free crackers. Serves 2.
1 tsp chili peppers, crushed (opt) Contributed by Joanne M.
3 cloves garlic, crushed
½ c lime juice

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 18
Cole Slaw (Note: Cobs can be used to make stock.)
1 med head cabbage, shredded Makes 6 servings.
1 lg carrot, shredded Contributed by Lily W.
½ c vegetable oil
¼ c white vinegar Corn Salad, Shoepeg
½ tsp pepper 16 oz frozen white corn, thawed
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 1 whole roasted red pepper (see note)
½ tsp celery seed ½ c green pepper, diced
2 Tbsp sugar 1 c onion, diced
Mix last six ingredients to make the dressing 2 med celery stalks, diced
and pour over the vegetables. Mix and ½ c sugar
refrigerate several hours before serving. ½ c vegetable oil
Contributed by Dana P. ½ c white vinegar
1 tsp non-iodized/non sea salt
Coleslaw, Tangy ½ tsp black pepper
½ head cabbage, shredded Combine corn, peppers, onion, and celery.
2 lg carrots, shredded Combine sugar, oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper in
½ c green pepper, finely chopped a sauce pan. Bring to a boil and remove from
2 Tbsp onion, finely chopped heat. Combine with vegetables. Toss all together
¼ c sugar and chill 2 hours before serving.
3 Tbsp vinegar Note: To roast a pepper, place over flame (gas
2 Tbsp vegetable oil stove or outdoor grill). Char the skin, turning
1 tsp celery seeds often, until the entire pepper is blistered and
½ tsp non-iodized/non sea salt charred. Rinse under running water, scraping
In a large bowl, combine cabbage, carrots, green away the charred skin.
pepper, and onion. In a jar with a tight-fitting Contributed by Karen F.
lid, combine remaining dressing ingredients;
shake well. Pour over cabbage mixture and toss. Egg Salad
Cover and chill 4 hours before serving. 12 lg hard-boiled eggs, whites only
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa ¼ to ½ c Blender Mayonnaise (from this
Corn Salad, Fresh 1 med celery stalk, minced
6 cobs fresh corn 1 sm shallot, minced
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 Tbsp peeled, seeded cucumber, minced
2 Tbsp olive oil ½ tsp prepared salt-free mustard
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar ¼ tsp turmeric
1 lb grape tomatoes, sliced in half ½ tsp dried dill weed (opt)
2 med green onions, finely sliced non-iodized/non sea salt and
arugula or your favorite lettuce pepper to taste
Slice the corn kernels off the cobs. In a large Hard-boil your eggs, peel, and remove yolks.
skillet, heat the olive oil. Add the corn and cook Using an egg slicer, slice the egg whites and
until translucent, about 3 minutes. Add garlic place in a bowl. Mix in all other ingredients. Eat
and stir for a minute. Add balsamic vinegar, with matzo or LID-safe crackers.
tomatoes, and green onions, and cook for Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
another minute. Remove from stove, cool, and
chill. Serve on top of a bed of arugula or your
favorite lettuce.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 19
¼ c honey
Dress your favorite salad with 2 tsp white wine vinegar
tangerine or Clementine juice. 1½ tsp lemon juice
Contributed by Lily W. ½ tsp dry mustard
1 tsp poppy seeds
Add grilled chicken to a 2 cloves garlic, minced
simple tossed salad for a 1 drop hot pepper sauce, salt-free
quick meal. 1 pinch sugar
Contributed by ThyCa non-iodized/non sea salt and pepper
to taste
In a large bowl, combine the romaine and
Egg Salad with Avocado radishes plus tomatoes and cucumbers if using.
12 lg hard-boiled eggs, whites only Combine the remaining ingredients in a jar with
1 med avocado, peeled tight-fitting lid and shake well. Just before
2 to 3 med celery stalks, cut up serving, pour vinaigrette over salad and toss
fresh onion to taste gently.
non-iodized/non sea salt and pepper Contributed by a friend of ThyCa & Jill Ann R.
to taste
Place all ingredients in a food processor. Grind Gulerodsalat (Carrot Salad)
to the desired consistency. It will be green, but 2 lg carrots, grated
the avocado gives it such a creamy flavor you 1 med apple, grated
won’t miss the yolks and mayo. 1 sm handful of raisins
Contributed by “A long-term survivor grateful ½ lg lemon, juiced
for ThyCa”
Stir all together well and serve. Can be made a
day ahead and kept in the fridge.
Green Salad with Strawberry Dressing Contributed by Line
1½ c sliced strawberries, divided
4 c mixed greens Onion Salad, Brazilian Style
¼ c sliced almonds, lightly toasted
2 lg white onions, sliced thin
¼ c olive oil
1 to 2 med green onions, chopped
1½ Tbsp balsamic vinegar
10 cherry tomatoes, quartered
½ Tbsp sugar
1 med red bell pepper, diced
non-iodized/non sea salt and pepper
30 ml olive oil
to taste
15 ml red wine vinegar
Mash enough berries to measure ⅛ cup. Reserve 3 gm non-iodized/non sea salt
remaining berries. Whisk together oil, vinegar 2 gm coarse black pepper
and sugar to blend. Stir in mashed berries.
Slice the onions into thin rings, and separate
Season with salt and pepper. Use as dressing for
them. Place them in a large bowl and cover with
mixed greens and remaining strawberries. Salad
ice cubes and cold water. Refrigerate like this
dressing does not keep well—use right away.
for two hours. Drain the onions and rinse them
Contributed by Tracy T.
under cold water. Add the prepared vegetables,
dress with oil and vinegar. Add the salt and
Greens with Vinaigrette pepper, adjust to your liking. Let the dish stand
6 c romaine lettuce, torn for 30 minutes. Enjoy with prepared Basmati
1 c radishes, sliced rice and your favorite grilled meat.
1 med cucumber, chopped (opt) Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
1 med tomato, diced (opt)
⅓ c olive oil
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 20
Orzo Cranberry Salad ¼ c vegetable oil
8 oz orzo pasta, cooked to package ¼ c white vinegar
directions and drained 1 tsp sugar
½ bag dried cranberries, soaked in warm 1 tsp dried oregano
water until soft 1 tsp non-iodized/non sea salt
1 med onion, diced ¼ tsp black pepper
1 med red bell pepper, diced Cook, drain, and rinse pasta per package
½ c pine (pignolia) nuts instructions. Combine pasta, pea pods, beans,
½ c sugar and corn (or substitute any vegetable you may
½ c vinegar have on hand). Sauté garlic and onion in oil
¼ c olive oil until tender. Add vinegar, sugar, oregano, salt,
1 dash pepper and pepper. Pour over pasta/vegetable mix. Mix
1 tsp non-iodized/non sea salt well and refrigerate 6 hours before serving.
Mix all ingredients together and serve warm or Note: If you are using fresh vegetables, it is a
at room temperature. good idea to blanch them first.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa Contributed by Karen F.

Pasta & Pea Salad Pasta Salad with Lemon Dressing

½ lb small tubular pasta (e.g., ditali or mini 1 lb pasta such as orzo
penne) 1 pt cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered if
1 c frozen peas, thawed large
½ c chicken broth, LID-safe (sub vegetable ½ med cucumber, diced small
stock or water) ½ c pine nuts, toasted
4 Tbsp red wine vinegar ¼ c extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp dry mustard 3 Tbsp fresh basil, chopped finely
2 tsp fresh marjoram, minced (sub oregano) 2 Tbsp fresh Italian parsley, chopped finely
non-iodized/non sea salt and pepper to 2 med scallions, chopped finely (white and
taste light green parts only)
2 Tbsp lemon zest, finely grated (about 3 med
Cook the pasta according to package directions, lemons)
drain, and combine with peas. Combine the 3 Tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed (more if
remaining ingredients in bowl and whisk needed)
together. While the pasta is still slightly warm, non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste
pour the dressing over the pasta and peas, toss, freshly ground black pepper, to taste
and let salad rest for one hour. Serve at room
temperature. Tip: This can easily be made Bring a large saucepan of salted water to a boil
vegetarian by using vegetable stock or water and cook pasta, about 8 minutes. Drain and rinse
instead of chicken broth. the pasta under cold water until cool. Drain
Contributed by Leah G. pasta well and transfer to a large bowl. Add
remaining ingredients and toss to combine.
Serve chilled or at room temperature.
Pasta Salad Primavera
Contributed by C.S.
6 oz pasta
1 pkg frozen pea pods, thawed
1 c garbanzo beans (cooked from dried, or Try various vinegars to jazz
canned without salt) things up: Balsamic, white
½ c frozen corn, thawed balsamic, apple cider, red
1 clove garlic, minced wine, plain white, etc.
3 Tbsp onion, minced

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 21
Pasta Salad, Tomato Basil 1 sm red pepper, chopped
3 lg tomatoes, coarsely chopped 1 Tbsp chives, chopped
⅓ c red onion, chopped Peel the potatoes. Cook until tender, but do not
¼ c extra-virgin olive oil overcook them or they will break up. Mix
2 Tbsp red wine vinegar together the oil and vinegar. Toss the potatoes
1 tsp minced garlic while still hot. Stir in the garlic and red pepper.
½ tsp non-iodized/non sea salt Sprinkle with the chopped chives. Serve while
½ tsp black pepper still warm.
¼ tsp oregano Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
12 oz rotini pasta
1 c fresh basil, julienned Spinach Apple Salad
Put tomatoes, onion, olive oil, vinegar, garlic, 2 Tbsp cider vinegar
salt, pepper, and oregano in a large bowl; toss. 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
Let stand at room temperature at least 30 ¼ tsp non-iodized/non sea salt
minutes or until tomatoes release their juices, ¼ tsp sugar
tossing occasionally. Cook pasta as package 1 c apple, raw, unpeeled, diced
directs. Drain and add to bowl with tomatoes; ¼ c sweet onions, chopped
lightly toss. Let come to room temperature. Add ¼ c raisins
basil; toss. Serve immediately or refrigerate. 2 c fresh spinach, torn
Contributed by Laura C. 2 c romaine lettuce, torn
In a small bowl, combine vinegar, oil, salt, and
Potato Salad, Bavarian Style sugar. Add apple, onion, and raisins; toss lightly
4 c potatoes, peeled & sliced to coat. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Just
2 c chicken broth, homemade before serving, combine spinach and romaine in
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt a large salad bowl; add dressing and toss.
¼ c vegetable oil Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
⅓ c onion, copped
½ tsp sugar Spinach Salad
2 Tbsp lemon juice ½ to 1 lb spinach, washed
pepper as desired 1 can mandarin oranges, 11 oz
Boil potatoes in broth with ¼ teaspoon salt for 5 ¼ c olive oil
to 8 minutes, until tender. Drain. Toss warm 4 Tbsp sugar, divided
potatoes with vegetable oil and onions. Dissolve 2 Tbsp white vinegar
remaining ¼ teaspoon salt and the sugar in 1 pinch dried parsley
lemon juice. Pour over potatoes. Marinate salad non-iodized/non sea salt and
1 to 2 hours before serving. Serve at room pepper to taste
temperature. Suggested variations: Try walnut ¼ c slivered almonds
or grapeseed oil for the vegetable oil, Vidalia or Combine oil, 2 Tablespoons sugar, vinegar, salt,
green onion for the yellow onion, and balsamic pepper and parsley. Shake well and refrigerate.
vinegar for the lemon juice. Toss almonds with additional 2 Tablespoons
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa sugar and stir over medium heat until golden
brown. When ready to serve, place oranges and
Potato Salad, Spanish Style almonds on top of salad greens and toss lightly
1 lb new potatoes with dressing.
4 Tbsp olive oil Contributed by Dana P.
1 Tbsp wine vinegar
2 cloves garlic, crushed

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 22
Spinach Salad, Warm LID-safe pita, bread, or tortillas. Note: cracked
1 to 2 Tbsp oil or bulgur wheat is often found in the salad
½ c sliced mushrooms (adjust to taste) topping section or the hot cereal section of the
3 Tbsp fresh, chopped green onion (can grocery store.
sub any onion) Contributed by Darlene H.
¼ c white vinegar
4 tsp sugar Toasted Almonds
¼ tsp non-iodized/non sea salt Take a piece of tin foil. Fold it in half and fold
¼ tsp pepper up the sides slightly to keep almonds from
10 oz washed, fresh spinach sliding off. Preheat toaster oven to 350°F. Pour
opt cooked chicken breast a package of unsalted blanched almonds (the
Add oil to a 12- to 14-inch frying pan. When oil ones that have the skins removed) on the foil.
is warm, add mushrooms and onions. Sauté for Drizzle with a small amount of olive oil. Toast
1-2 minutes (they will not be thoroughly in the oven until almonds start to brown. Stir
cooked). Remove from heat and add vinegar, part way through. Use as a salad topper.
sugar, salt and pepper to the pan. Stir until Contributed by Tracy T.
dissolved. Begin slowly adding spinach and
continue stirring. Continue until all of your Toasted Croutons
spinach is in the pan and has started to wilt (may Using LID-safe bread, take a slice of bread and
have to move pan to low heat to accomplish this cut it into cubes. The heel works well for this.
if your spinach is right out of the fridge). Heat some olive oil in a pan. Add bread cubes.
Optional: Serve topped with sliced, cooked Sprinkle with garlic and/or onion power. Toss
chicken breast. and cook until it starts to turn golden. Transfer
Contributed by Jennifer P. to a pan and bake at 350°F until dry.
Contributed by Tracy T.
Tabouli (Tabbouleh, Wheat Salad)
1½ c cracked wheat or bulgur wheat
1½ c boiling water
1 med cucumber, seeded To save time, buy pre-mixed
3 lg tomatoes
1 bunch parsley (you can use less) and pre-washed bags or
fresh or dried mint to taste containers of salad greens. Pick
½ c vegetable oil up a container of cherry
½ c lemon juice tomatoes while shopping. Bring
1 tsp non-iodized/non sea salt them home, dump everything in
Cook wheat in water according to package a bowl, and you have a quick
directions. It should be a grainy consistency, not salad. Just add LID-safe
pasty. Chill in refrigerator. If water is not dressing or use oil and vinegar.
completely absorbed, squeeze out with paper
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
towel. Chop veggies and herbs very fine. Mix
with chilled wheat. Combine last three
ingredients to make dressing. Pour over wheat
and veggie mixture. Chill. Enjoy plain or with

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 23
Dressings & Marinades
Dressings & Marinades
Dressing, Asian Salad 1 tsp dried basil
1 Tbsp unsalted peanut butter 1 Tbsp dried parsley flakes
1 Tbsp toasted sesame seed oil (or garlic- 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
flavored olive oil) dash garlic powder
hot chili oil, to taste Combine all dry ingredients and keep on hand.
4 Tbsp rice vinegar, unseasoned To make fresh salad dressing, mix 2 Tbsp of dry
non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste mix with:
Mix peanut butter with the oils. Slowly add the ¼ c vinegar
rice vinegar and blend. Add salt to taste. Toss ⅔ c olive oil
with shredded cabbage, carrot, etc., for Asian 2 Tbsp water
slaw or with romaine, tomato, onion, etc., for Mix well.
green salad. Variation: Use just the dry ingredients as a dry
Contributed by Jo W. rub for chicken or the meat of your choice. Grill
or cook as desired.
Dressing, Balsamic Vinaigrette Contributed by Amy L.
1 oz honey
1 oz Dijon mustard Dressing, Nutty
6 oz balsamic vinegar ½ c chopped unsalted walnuts or pecans
6 to 8 oz extra virgin olive oil ½ c extra virgin olive oil
½ to 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt ¼ c balsamic vinegar
freshly ground pepper ¼ c fresh orange juice
Put it in a leak-proof container and shake until it ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt, (or to taste)
emulsifies. Use as salad dressing, meat Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor
marinade, on pasta salad and whatever else and mix to desired smoothness. (Add more nuts
needs a flavor boost. or reduce some of the liquids to make it thicker.)
Contributed by Jill B. Use on a green salad, as a dip for raw veggies or
crackers, or as a spread on bread.
Dressing, French Vinaigrette Contributed by Nina G.
¼ c white wine vinegar
1 tsp sugar Dressing, Poppy Seed
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 1 c sugar
½ tsp dried basil ½ c vinegar
¼ tsp dry mustard 2 tsp salt
¼ tsp ground black pepper 1 tsp dry mustard
⅓ c olive oil 2 c salad oil
In small bowl, whisk together all ingredients 1 sm grated onion
except olive oil. Whisking vigorously, add oil in 1 tsp poppy seed
a slow, steady stream until well blended. Stir sugar, vinegar, salt, and mustard. Add oil
Contributed by Monique C. gradually. Add onion and poppy seed.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
Dressing, Italian Mix
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp dried oregano
¼ tsp dried thyme

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 24
Dressings & Marinades
Dressing, Sweet & Sour Marinade, Lime Cilantro
⅓ c canola oil 4 lg limes, juiced
⅓ c vinegar 1 sm red bell pepper
⅓ c sugar 1 lg bunch cilantro, or to
salt-free prepared seasoning blend, to taste taste
non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste 6 to 7 cloves garlic
pepper, to taste 1 Tbsp olive oil
Combine ingredients in a shaker or jar. Blend fresh black pepper to
well. Store in refrigerator. taste
Contributed by Pat S. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
Use to marinate chicken or pork (shrimp when
Dressing, Sweet French you are not on the LID). Marinate up to 1 hour.
1 c salt-free ketchup Alternatively, you may freeze raw meat in the
1 c sugar marinade, defrost and grill. Add non-
1 c vinegar iodized/non-sea salt to taste when grilling the
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt meat.
3 tsp finely chopped onion Contributed by Suzanne B.
¼ tsp pepper
½ c olive oil
Combine all ingredients. These dressings and
Contributed by Amy L. marinades contain acid from
citrus or vinegar. They also
Marinade, Chicken Kabob contain non-iodized/non-sea
3 cloves crushed garlic salt. This combination helps
½ c packed brown sugar to break down and tenderize
3 Tbsp creamy salt-free mustard (preferably
Dijon) meats. Buy cheaper cuts of
¼ c cider vinegar meat and let it marinate for
1 lg lime, juiced up to 48 hours, then cook/grill
½ lg lemon, juiced as desired. You can also
6 Tbsp olive oil marinate chicken breasts or
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt meat ahead and freeze in a
pepper to taste
zipper-top plastic bag in an
Combine all ingredients, mix well. Reserve appropriate serving size for
small amount of marinade for basting. Use to
marinate chicken strips or cubes and make you and/or your family.
kabobs with assorted vegetables. Grill and baste Defrost and use as needed.
with remaining marinade. Contributed by ThyCa
Editor’s note: Salt-free mustard is available, but
Dijon without salt is very hard to find. We
suggest using LID-safe mustard in this recipe,
even if it is not Dijon.
Contributed by Julie C.B.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 25
Spices & Condiments
Spices & Condiments
Asian Sauce Blackening Mixture
2 c water 4 Tbsp paprika
3 Tbsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 2 tsp onion powder
3 Tbsp honey 2 tsp garlic powder
3 Tbsp sesame oil (dark or light) 1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp granulated garlic or garlic powder 1 tsp white pepper, ground
½ tsp black pepper 1 tsp black pepper, ground
¼ tsp white pepper 1 tsp dried thyme
¼ tsp salt-free Asian five spice mix 1 tsp dried oregano
¼ tsp ground ginger 2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt (opt)
In a microwave-safe bowl (2-quart size), heat Store in an airtight container. This can be
one cup of water. Dissolve all dry ingredients in multiplied easily. 3 different pepper types may
the hot water with wire whisk or fork. Allow to seem redundant, but they each add a distinctive
rest for 20 minutes to soften. Stir in honey and characteristic. It can be used as a dry rub. This is
sesame oil. When dissolved well, add remaining suitable on poultry, beef, and pork. It is spicy so
water to cool it before putting in a bottle or use according to your taste. It can be used as a
carafe. Keep in fridge. Shake well before using. marinade by mixing it with balsamic vinegar
Use as a substitute for soy sauce. and a little extra virgin olive oil; for poultry add
Contributed by W. Eugene Ellison, Chef a little sage.
Contributed by Jill B.
Bar-B-Que Sauce, Spicy
6 lg whole tomatoes, peeled and Blender Mayonnaise
chopped with the juice ¼ c egg substitute or egg white
1 med onion, finely chopped (pasteurized, and with NO yolks and
7 sm cayenne peppers, finely chopped NO salt)
2 Tbsp fresh cilantro, finely chopped 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 Tbsp fresh basil, finely chopped 1 tsp sugar
2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt ½ tsp prepared mustard with no salt added
2 Tbsp sugar ½ tsp paprika
2 Tbsp garlic powder 3 Tbsp cider vinegar
½ to 1 Tbsp red pepper flakes 1 c corn oil
Put tomatoes in saucepan. Add onion and Put the first 6 ingredients in a blender and blend
peppers. Sweat the vegetables so they release for a few seconds until mixed. Careful now,
their liquid. Add rest of ingredients and bring to keep the blender lid mostly on as this will
a simmer over medium heat, then let simmer on splash. SLOWLY add the oil while blending at
low for about 10 minutes. Use as a sauce for lowest speed. Mixture will thicken up quickly.
meat or as salsa. You may have to turn off the blender and stir
Editor’s Note: The amount of salt was modified with a spoon, as it will be quite thick. Spoon
from 2 Tablespoons to 2 teaspoons from the mixture into an airtight container. Chill in the
original recipe. Feel free to adjust salt level to refrigerator before use. Makes about 1½ cups of
your liking. mayonnaise.
Tip: See the Chili recipe in the Soups & Stews Contributed by Russ
section on how to peel a tomato.
Contributed by Anne K.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 26
Spices & Condiments
Chili Powder 3 Tbsp sweet paprika
1 tsp paprika 1 Tbsp garlic powder
2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp cayenne pepper Just mix them together and rub on the food
1 tsp ground oregano before cooking.
2 tsp garlic powder Contributed by Sheila B.
Combine all ingredients. Mix well. Store in a
cool, dry place. Use in any recipe calling for Ketchup, Homemade
chili powder. Makes just over 2 Tbsp. 2 6-oz cans no-salt-added tomato paste
Contributed by Sue L. ⅔ c water
4 Tbsp vinegar
Fruit Glaze for Meats ½ tsp dry mustard
8 c frozen raspberries, strawberries, or a ½ tsp cinnamon
combination ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
12 oz frozen apple juice concentrate (sub generous pinch ground cloves
cranberry-apple) generous pinch allspice
4 Tbsp cornstarch ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
4 Tbsp water ⅔ c brown sugar
⅔ c honey In mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients
2 Tbsp dry mustard with a wire whisk. Blend well. Scrape into re-
2 Tbsp vinegar (red wine or apple cider) sealable container and refrigerate overnight to
In a 4-quart saucepan combine berries and blend flavors. Can be used right away if needed.
frozen apple juice concentrate. Bring to a boil, Contributed by Kathy S.
reduce heat. Cover; simmer until fruit is very
tender. Strain mixture into a 4-cup liquid Nowadays there’s really no need
measure, pressing out the liquid with the back of to make your own ketchup or
a spoon. Add water, if needed, to equal 2½ cups mustard. Low-sodium diets and
liquid. Discard pulp. In the same saucepan, mix consumer preferences have
cornstarch and water. Stir in berry liquid. Cook
and stir until thickened and bubbly. Cook two resulted in many brands of no-
minutes more. Stir in honey, mustard, and salt-added condiments. If you
vinegar. Heat through. Cool, cover, and chill prefer them salted, take them
any leftover glaze for up to 5 days. Serve over home and add non-iodized/non-
chicken, pork, or turkey. sea salt to your liking! Try to
Note: This recipe has been modified from keep things simple and easy
earlier editions to remove whole cranberries.
Contributed by Leah G. during the stressful time you are
going through.
Jonathan’s Dry Rub
2 Tbsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Mustard, Homemade
2 Tbsp sugar 1 c cold water
4 Tbsp brown sugar ¾ c yellow dry mustard
2 Tbsp ground cumin ¾ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
2 Tbsp LID-safe chili powder ½ tsp ground turmeric
2 Tbsp dry mustard 1 tsp garlic puree (sub ⅛ tsp garlic powder)
1 Tbsp ground black pepper ⅛ tsp paprika
1 tsp cayenne pepper ½ c white distilled vinegar

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 27
Spices & Condiments
In a well ventilated kitchen, place all ingredients Boil onions in a medium saucepan for 25
except for the vinegar into a non-reactive minutes. Drain and discard water. In a food
saucepan. Whisk until smooth. Cook the processor, puree chiles, onions, and garlic. In a
mixture over medium-low to low heat, stirring medium saucepan, heat olive oil with cumin.
often. It should bubble down to a thick paste Add chile mixture and simmer for 10 minutes.
after about 35 minutes. Whisk in the vinegar Add tomatoes and stock and bring to a boil. Add
and continue to cook until it is the consistency chile water to create desired consistency. Add
you want it to be, roughly 10 minutes. After sugar and salt as desired to adjust flavors to
cooling to room temperature, place in an airtight your liking.
container and refrigerate. Keeps well for about Contributed by Lily W.
two months. The flavor will be very strong at
first, but it will mellow in a week’s time. You Taco Seasoning Mix
may want to make this ahead. 4 tsp
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa 1 tsp
1 tsp
non-iodized/non-sea salt
Peppered Steak Rub 2 tsp
black pepper
2 Tbsp olive or canola oil 1 tsp
garlic powder
½ tsp paprika 1 tsp
onion powder
½ tsp pepper 1 tsp
cayenne pepper (more or less depending
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt on your spice tolerance)
¼ tsp garlic powder 2 tsp cornstarch
¼ tsp LID-safe lemon-pepper seasoning Mix and store in a cool, dry place and use when
⅛ tsp dried oregano you make tacos and other dishes calling for taco
⅛ tsp crushed red pepper flakes seasoning.
⅛ tsp ground cumin Contributed by Jamie M.
⅛ tsp cayenne pepper
In a small bowl, combine oil and seasonings.
Brush over steaks or other meats.
Contributed Tracey L.

Red Chile Sauce

8 med dried California or New Mexico chiles
4 med dried chipotle chiles
3 c boiling water
4 med Vidalia onions, chopped into quarters
water for boiling onions
8 cloves garlic
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp cumin
6 lg Roma tomatoes, pureed
1 c LID-safe vegetable or chicken stock
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Soak dried chiles in 3 cups of boiling water for
30 minutes with a plate on top to keep the chiles
submerged. Drain and retain 2 cups of chile
water for use later. Roughly chop chiles.
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 28
Soups & Stews
Soups & Stews
Chili rinse them first and add back in a half cup fresh
1 lb freshly ground hamburger meat or stew water. Simmer. Serve over basmati rice.
meat diced very small Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
1 lg onion, diced
1 Tbsp garlic powder (or 2 Tbsp fresh garlic) Chilled Peach Soup
½ Tbsp no-salt-added chili powder (use recipe 4 lg fresh peaches
from this cookbook) ¼ c fresh orange, clementine, or tangerine
½ tsp paprika juice
½ tsp cayenne pepper or to taste 2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 c salt-free canned black beans (or LID- ½ tsp grated ginger
safe black beans cooked from dried) ¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
2 c fresh tomatoes, or sub no-salt-added 2 c cold water
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper to Score peaches with a knife. In a pot of boiling
taste water, blanch peaches for 1 minute. Drop
peaches into ice water. Peel, remove pit, and
Brown beef and onion. Drain. Add all remaining cube peaches. Put all ingredients into blender.
ingredients and simmer 1 hour. Blend until smooth. Add cold water to create the
Note: To prepare fresh tomatoes, cut a small X in desired consistency (approximately 2 cups).
the bottom of the tomato and immerse in boiling Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.
water for 30 seconds. Remove, drop in ice water, Makes 6 servings.
and slip the skin off. Cut tomato in quarters and Variations:
scoop out as many seeds as possible, reserving 1. You can also skip the blanching step and just
liquid. Dice. chop peaches with the skins. The soup will be a
Contributed by Karen F. darker color, but the skins are nutritious.
2. Skip the salt and this makes a great base for
Chili with Corn smoothies.
1 c dried white kidney beans or garbanzo Contributed by Lily W.
beans (or use 2 cups canned no-salt-
added beans)
4 c water (if cooking beans; for canned
beans use ½ cup water) ThyCa is here to help!
1 c frozen corn Write to us at
1 med onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, pressed
recipes@thyca.org or call
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt us at +1-877-588-7904.
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1½ c tomato sauce, homemade or no-salt-
We will answer questions
added about the LID!
1½ Tbsp no-salt-added chili powder (use recipe
from this cookbook) 
1 tsp cumin
Soak dried beans in water overnight. Cook for
1½ hours. Sauté onion and garlic in oil; add
seasonings, tomato sauce, and corn. Simmer 15
minutes. Add tomato mixture to cooked or
canned beans and stir. If using canned beans,

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 29
Soups & Stews
Gumbo, Basic 1 tsp dill weed
6 c LID-safe vegetable stock 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 lg carrot, left whole or halved 2 Tbsp lemon juice
12 oz black-eyed peas, frozen Measure black beans, water, and bay leaves into
2 lg bay leaves soup pot. Bring to a boil; then reduce heat and
2 to 3 Tbsp vegetable oil simmer partially covered, stirring occasionally to
1 lg onion, chopped keep beans from sticking. Cook for 2 hours. In
3 med celery stalks, chopped with green frying pan, sauté olive oil, onions, green peppers,
tops and garlic. Add spices and herbs and cook for 5
1 lg green or red bell pepper, seeded and minutes. Using a potato masher or fork, mash
chopped about ¼ of the beans into a paste to give the soup
½ tsp oregano or more to taste a good thick texture. Add the cooked vegetables
¾ tsp dried basil or more to taste to beans along with salt and lemon juice.
¼ tsp allspice or more to taste Continue simmering for another half hour. Add
⅛ tsp cayenne pepper, or more to taste more salt if needed.
non-iodized/non-sea salt and black Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
pepper to taste
2 lg tomatoes, chopped Soup, Brazilian Black Bean
10 oz frozen corn kernels
2 c black beans, dried
12 oz frozen okra
4 c water or LID-safe stock
Bring stock to a boil and add the black-eyed 2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
peas, bay leaf and carrot. Simmer about 30 2 Tbsp olive oil
minutes. Remove the carrot and bay leaf. In a 1 c celery, chopped
separate pan, heat up the oil. Sauté the onion. 1 c onion, chopped
Add the celery, with leaves, and after a few 1 c carrots, chopped
minutes, the bell pepper. Sprinkle generous 6 cloves garlic, chopped
amounts of the spices in the pan, and sauté 3 Tbsp cumin
another minute. Add the onion mixture and 3 Tbsp coriander seeds, crushed
chopped tomatoes to the stock, and stir well, 1 pinch cayenne, or to taste
adding more water if necessary. Let simmer 2 med oranges, peeled, sectioned and
about 10 minutes. Chop the okra and stir in with deseeded
the frozen corn; simmer another 10 minutes. ½ c fresh orange juice
Adjust the spices to taste, and serve, ideally with 1 Tbsp sherry (not cooking sherry)
cornbread or any other freshly made bread. ¼ c lemon juice
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa 1 Tbsp black pepper
1 Tbsp red pepper flakes
Soup, Black Bean Wash beans and soak in water for four hours.
2 c black beans, dried, uncooked Drain them and add the water or stock and salt.
8 c water Bring to a boil and simmer with cover on for 1½-
2 lg bay leaves, whole 2 hours. In a separate pan, sauté vegetables and
¼ c olive oil garlic in olive oil. Add cumin and coriander until
2 med green peppers, finely chopped vegetables are soft. Add some water if needed to
1 med onion, chopped help soften them. Add the sautéed vegetables to
4 cloves garlic the beans. Add the oranges, orange and lemon
1 Tbsp garlic powder juice, sherry, black and red pepper. Stir and cook
1 Tbsp cumin another 15 minutes. Let stand a few minutes
1 Tbsp oregano before serving. Serve with Basmati rice.
1 tsp mustard powder Contributed by Anonymous

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 30
Soups & Stews
Consider setting aside a Soup, Cauliflower
2 med carrots, sliced
cupboard in your kitchen and
1 med apple, peeled and sliced
a shelf in your refrigerator for 1 lg head of cauliflower, cut into
your LID foods. chunks
Contributed by Dianne P. 2 med celery stalks, sliced
1 med onion, diced
Use permanent markers to 1 clove garlic, minced
label LID-safe food items so 6 to 8 c water or no-salt-added chicken or
your other household vegetable broth
members know these are just 2 Tbsp olive oil
for you! 2 15-oz cans no-salt-added white beans,
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa drained and rinsed (or cook 8 oz
from dry state)
Sauté onion, garlic, and celery. Add 6-8 cups of
Soup, Butternut Squash water or broth. Add chunks of cauliflower, apple,
2 lg butternut squash and carrots. Add beans. Bring to a boil; simmer
2 Tbsp olive oil until cauliflower is soft. Puree in blender or food
1 med onion, chopped processor.
1 med celery stalk, chopped Contributed by Barb B.
1 lg carrot, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped Soup, Chicken Noodle
4 c LID-safe chicken or vegetable stock
1 med leek (sub with onion if desired)
water as needed
¾ lb skinless chicken breast halves, cut
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper to
into 1-inch pieces
1 med carrot, thinly sliced
Preheat oven to 375°F. Cut squash in half 2 c chicken broth, homemade or unsalted
lengthwise, scoop out seeds. Place squash face 1½ c water
down on a baking pan and pour approximately ½ 1 c egg yolk-free noodles
cup water into pan. Place in oven and bake until 2 c broccoli florets
tender, about 45 minutes. When cool enough to 2 cloves garlic, minced
handle, scoop squash out of skins, discard skins ⅛ tsp red pepper flakes
and set squash aside. ¼ tsp dried thyme
While squash is baking, heat oil in large stock pepper and non-iodized/non-sea salt,
pot. Add onion, celery, carrot and garlic and to taste
sauté over medium heat until colored and
Quarter leek lengthwise, rinse well to remove
softened, about 5 minutes. Add chicken stock
sand, and slice thinly. Combine leek, chicken,
and reserved squash. Bring to boil, then reduce
carrot, chicken stock, and water in medium pan.
heat to low. Simmer until everything is tender.
Bring to simmer. Cover and cook over low heat
Blend with an immersion blender in the pot until
5 minutes. Add noodles, broccoli, garlic, and red
smooth, or transfer soup in batches to a stand
pepper flakes and return to simmer. Cover and
blender or food processor and process until
cook over low heat until chicken and noodles are
smooth. Add water to reach the desired
tender, about 6 minutes. Stir in thyme and black
consistency. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
pepper to taste. Add salt if necessary.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 31
Soups & Stews
Soup, Chicken Tortilla Soup, Hot & Sour
6 Tbsp olive oil 2 c water
8 lg corn tortillas, coarsely chopped 2 tspno-salt-added chicken bouillon
(containing only corn, lime, and 3 Tbsp
rice wine vinegar
water) 1 tspground white pepper
6 cloves garlic, minced 1 tspsesame oil
½ c fresh cilantro, chopped 1 c shredded cabbage (or pre-shredded
1 med onion, chopped slaw mix)
5 med tomatoes, diced 1 c chopped carrots
2 Tbsp ground cumin ½ c sliced mushrooms
1 Tbsp salt-free chili powder (use recipe from ½ c corn, fresh or salt-free frozen
this cookbook) 1 lg egg white, lightly beaten
3 lg bay leaves 3 Tbsp cornstarch
6 c chicken stock (use recipe from this 2 Tbsp water
cookbook, reserve the chicken) ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt (opt)
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Bring 2 cups water to a boil, add bouillon,
½ tsp ground cayenne pepper vinegar, pepper and oil; stir to mix. Add
shredded chicken (from making stock) vegetables, let boil 3-5 minutes, depending on
In a large stock pot heat oil. Add tortillas, garlic, how crunchy/soft you like them. Mix together
cilantro and onion. Sauté for 2-3 minutes. Stir in cornstarch and 2 Tbsp water until blended. Add
tomatoes and bring to a boil. Add cumin, chili to the boiling soup and stir until it thickens.
powder, bay leaves and chicken stock. Return to Remove from heat, then slowly pour the egg
a boil, reduce heat to medium and add salt and white into the soup and stir slowly until you see
cayenne. Simmer for 30 minutes. Remove the the egg white form “ribbons” of cooked egg.
bay leaves and stir in the shredded chicken. Heat Add salt to taste if you like. Makes 2 small
through and serve. Freezes well. Serve with a bowls, or one huge one.
dollop of LID-safe guacamole. Contributed by Denise D.
Contributed by Heather M.
Soup, Lentil
Soup, Curried Carrot 16 oz. dried lentils
1 Tbsp olive oil 2 med celery stalks with leafy tops
1 c chopped onion 2 med carrots
1 tsp salt-free curry powder 1 med onion
3 c LID-safe chicken or vegetable broth 1 med peeled potato (opt)
2 lb carrots, chopped 2 lg bay leaves
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice 2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt (or to
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper, to taste)
taste ½ tsp pepper (or to taste)
Cook onion in oil with curry powder, salt, and 8 to 10 c water
pepper until translucent. Add broth and carrots. 2 tsp white or balsamic vinegar (more if
Bring to a boil, then simmer until carrots are desired)
cooked. Purée in batches until smooth. Add more Wash and pick through lentils. Peel and chop or
water if it is too thick. Stir in lemon juice. Add thinly slice carrots and onion. Cut tops off
more salt and pepper to taste celery, chop or thinly slice stalks. Peel and chop
Contributed by Tracy T. potato. In a Dutch oven or large pot, add all
ingredients, including celery tops, except
vinegar. Add water. Bring to boil, simmer about
1 hour or more until lentils and vegetables are
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 32
Soups & Stews
tender to your liking. Add additional water 1 tsp dried basil (1 Tbsp fresh)
during cooking as necessary, and more salt and 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt (or less,
pepper if desired. When vegetables are tender, to taste)
remove celery tops and bay leaves, add vinegar. 1 dash cinnamon
Stir and enjoy. 1 dash cayenne pepper
Contributed by Ellen 1 med bay leaf
Add all ingredients to pot. Cook just about 20
Soup, Split Pea & Carrot minutes or until veggies are as you like them.
2 c dried yellow split peas (When off the diet, add a Tbsp of tamari or soy
12 to 14 c water sauce at the end. During the diet, you can sub the
¾ c chopped onion Asian Sauce from this cookbook. You may want
2 c sliced carrots to increase the cinnamon and cayenne for
1 c diced celery flavor.)
¼ c minced fresh parsley Contributed by Dale F.
1 to 2 Tbspfresh dill, chopped, or ½ to 1
Tbsp dried dill Soup, Vegetable (Roasted Vegetable)
1 to 2 tsp celery seed 6 lg beefsteak tomatoes, halved and cored
2 to 4 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 2 med leeks, white and light green parts cut
1 tsp pepper in ½-inch pieces
3 med potatoes, peeled and diced 2 med carrots, sliced
Bring split peas to boil in water. Skim off foam, 4 cloves garlic, peeled
reduce heat to simmer. Add everything else 2 Tbsp olive oil
except the potatoes. Cook until peas are softened, non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper,
about 45 minutes. Add potato cubes and cook to taste
over low-medium heat until peas are completely 3 c no-salt-added chicken or vegetable
dissolved, about 1½ hours. Stir to blend. Adjust broth (or homemade)
seasonings. Thin with water if needed. Makes ¼ c fresh basil, chopped (or sub 2 Tbsp
12-14 servings. Reheat on very low heat or in dried)
microwave. Freezes well. Toss all ingredients, except broth and basil, in a
Contributed by Dian B. roasting pan. Drizzle with olive oil. Bake in a
single layer at 425°F until cooked (about an
Soup, Sweet Potato, Romany Style hour). Using tongs, peel off tomato skins and
3 to 4 Tbsp olive oil discard. In a saucepan, heat broth and veggies.
2 c chopped onion Simmer 10 minutes. Purée in batches in the
2 to 3 cloves chopped garlic blender. Stir in basil.
2 c 1-inch cubed peeled sweet Contributed by Tracy T.
potatoes (may sub sweet
pumpkin—do not use acorn
squash) Feel free to substitute beef or
½ c chopped celery pork in the soup and stew
1 c fresh, chopped tomatoes recipes that call for lamb or
¾ c chopped sweet green and/or red veal. These proteins are easily
peppers swapped out, allowing you to
1½ c dried chickpeas (soaked)
cater to your personal
1 c cut green beans
3 c water or LID-safe stock preferences.
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp turmeric

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 33
Soups & Stews
Soup, Vegetable & Lamb Hypo tip: I buy a box of wine at the outset of the
½ lb lamb, cubed low-iodine diet and use it instead of stock when
2 to 3 c cooked garbanzo beans (or cooking my beans and stir-frying. It is easier
canned, salt-free, drained and than trying to use a corkscrew when hypo.
rinsed) Contributed by Evie H. from VA
1 c brown lentils, washed and picked
over Soup, Vegetable Minestrone
½ to 1 c basmati rice, washed 3 Tbspolive oil
1 to 2 lg onions, chopped (save some for 3 cloves
garlic, chopped
garnish) 2 med onions, chopped
2 med carrots, sliced 2 c chopped celery
3 cloves garlic, minced 5 med carrots, sliced
2 tsp turmeric 4 c water
2 tsp cumin 4 c no-salt-added tomato sauce
1 tsp cinnamon 1 c white beans (cooked yourself or no-
1 pinch cayenne, or to taste salt-added canned, drained and rinsed)
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 1 15-oz can unsalted green beans (or fresh or
2 16-oz cans salt-free tomatoes, drained frozen beans, cooked)
2 to 3 Tbsp salt-free tomato paste 2 c spinach (fresh or 1 frozen pkg)
1 lg bunch fresh cilantro, chopped; 3 med zucchini, quartered and sliced
save some stems for garnish 1 tsp dried oregano
½ lg bunch flat-leaf (Italian) parsley, 2 tsp dried basil
chopped non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper to
4 to 6 c LID-safe vegetable or chicken taste
stock (may substitute half dry ½ c small dried pasta (or more as desired)
white wine and water) In large stock pot, sauté garlic, and onion for
2 to 4 Tbsp olive oil about 8 minutes. Add celery and carrots and
Sauté the onions in olive oil over medium flame cook an additional couple of minutes. Add water
until soft. Add the carrots and garlic. Stir well and tomato sauce and bring to boil, stirring
and add more oil if needed. Add the lamb and frequently. Reduce heat and add white beans,
brown it some. Add dry spices, turn down heat, green beans, spinach (thawed and drained if
and stir constantly to be sure not to burn spices. frozen), zucchini, and spices. Simmer 30-40
Cook for 3 or 4 more minutes until spices lose minutes. Cook pasta separately with non-
their raw aroma. Add garbanzos and stock or iodized/non-sea salt in the water if desired, and
wine/water to cover. Bring to a boil, cover and drain. Add to soup. Freeze into smaller portions
simmer for 30 minutes. Add lentils, rice, for easy reheating.
tomatoes and tomato paste. Check liquid level to Contributed by Julie C.B.
be sure to have an inch of liquid over the beans.
Bring to a boil and simmer another 30 min. Add Stew, Beef
cilantro and parsley and check for seasonings— 4 to 5 lb boneless chuck roast cut into ¾-
salt and cayenne. inch cubes
Garnish with chopped raw onion and diced 2 med onions, chopped
cilantro stem, if desired. 4 cloves garlic, minced
This reheats well. You may add additional 2 Tbsp olive oil
vegetables if you desire (e.g., summer squash, 1½ c water
red bell pepper, etc.) Reduce spices if this is too 2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
spicy. For vegetarian, omit the lamb and use (divided)
vegetable stock or wine/water. ½ tsp pepper

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 34
Soups & Stews
3 med red potatoes, peeled, quartered Stew, Cabbage & Bean
and cut into ¼-inch slices 3 Tbsp olive oil
1 15-oz can unsalted beef broth or 2 cups 1 med onion, diced
homemade 4 c chopped or shredded green cabbage
1 to 1½ tsp dried oregano 2 to 3 med Roma tomatoes diced, with juices
1 c frozen peas 1½ c chicken broth, divided
1 Tbsp cornstarch 1 lg bay leaf
2 Tbsp lemon juice 1 tsp salt
In a Dutch oven, brown beef, onions and garlic ½ tsp black pepper
in oil. Stir in water, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper. 2 tsp cider or red wine vinegar
Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 1½ c cooked LID-safe garbanzo beans
for 1¾ to 2 hours or until meat is tender. Add red Sauté onion in oil; add garlic and sauté a little
potatoes, beef broth, oregano, and 1 teaspoon longer. Add cabbage and stir until evenly coated
salt. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and with oil. Cook, stirring occasionally, until heated
simmer for 10-15 minutes or until potatoes are through. Add tomatoes, 1 cup of broth, bay leaf,
tender. Add peas; heat through. Combine salt, and pepper. Reduce heat and simmer for 30-
cornstarch and lemon juice until smooth; 40 minutes until cabbage is very tender. Add
gradually add to beef mixture. Bring to a boil; garbanzo beans (drain and rinse if using canned
cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened and no-salt added beans). Heat through and add more
bubbly. broth if needed. Serve very hot.
Contributed by Lois J. Contributed by a friend of ThyCa

Stew, Cabbage Stew, Veal

1 med cabbage head, coarsely chopped 1 lb veal stew meat
4 lg carrots, sliced 2 Tbsp oil
3 med potatoes, cubed 2 Tbsp flour
1 med onion, chopped 2 Tbsp paprika
5 cloves garlic, chopped non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper,
½ c white wine to taste
½ c water ¾ c red wine
½ tsp thyme 6 oz homemade or unsalted chicken broth
½ tsp sage (or sub with water)
½ tsp white pepper or LID-safe lemon 2 c chopped tomatoes, seeded and peeled,
pepper or use no-salt-added canned tomatoes
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper to 1 med onion, diced
taste 2 cloves garlic, minced
Put all in large Dutch oven; cover and bring to a 1 pt mushrooms—sliced
boil; and then lower heat and simmer for about 5 Tbsp olive oil, divided
30 minutes, until all is tender. Optional: Add ¼ c flour
mushrooms, zucchini, or whatever you like. 12 oz egg yolk-free noodles, cooked
Contributed by Leah G. separately
Use a pan you can put in the oven covered, like a
shallow stew pot or Dutch oven. In oil, sauté
veal until brown. Add two tablespoons flour,
paprika, salt, and pepper. Let cook 5 minutes,
stirring occasionally. Take out the meat and
deglaze the pan with red wine, scraping up any
brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Add
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 35
Soups & Stews
broth, tomatoes, onions, and garlic. Bring to a Stock, Chicken
boil. Put the meat back in, cover and cook in a 2 Tbsp olive oil
350°F oven for 75 minutes. While it is cooking, 1 med onion, chopped
sauté the mushrooms in olive oil. Remove stew 4 lb chicken, any pieces
from oven. Take out meat and solids and pour 2 qt boiling water
liquid to another bowl. In the now empty pot, 2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
heat 4 tablespoons olive oil, add ¼ cup flour, 2 lg bay leaves
make roux. Add reserved liquid slowly, stirring
to make the gravy. Add the mushrooms, put back If you have a kitchen cleaver, cut the chicken
meat and onions, stir. Serve on noodles. For into 2-inch pieces. Otherwise, simply cut each
times that you are not on the LID, substitute piece into halves or quarters. Heat oil in large
butter for oil. stockpot or soup kettle. Add onion; sauté until
Contributed by Barb B. colored and softened slightly, 2 to 3 minutes.
Transfer onion to large bowl. Add half of
chicken pieces to pot; sauté until no longer pink,
Stew, Vegetable
4 to 5 minutes. Transfer cooked chicken to bowl
4 Tbsp olive oil with onion. Sauté remaining chicken pieces.
1½ lg Portobello mushrooms chopped Return onion and chicken pieces to pot. Reduce
thickly heat to low, cover, and cook until chicken
1 med onion, chopped releases its juices, about 20 minutes. Increase
2 cloves garlic, minced heat to high; add boiling water, salt, and bay
1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley (or 1½ tsp leaves. Return to simmer, then cover and barely
dried) simmer until broth is rich and flavorful, about 20
1 tsp fresh sage, minced (or ½ tsp dried) minutes. Strain broth into clean pot or bowl and
1 tsp fresh thyme leaves (or ½ tsp dried) remove solids. Skim fat, if desired. You can
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt leave the fat for low-iodine cooking because the
½ tsp pepper fat adds flavor as well as richness. Broth can be
1 med celery stalk, chopped covered and refrigerated up to 2 days, or frozen
2 c water for several months. Debone chicken and save
1 med zucchini, chopped meat for other recipes. Discard skin and bones.
1 med potato, peeled and chopped Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
1 med carrot, sliced
2 Tbsp flour
½ c frozen peas
Stock, Tomato Vegetable
cayenne pepper & cumin to taste 5 qt water
2 med onions
Heat olive oil. Add mushrooms, onion, garlic, 4 cloves garlic
herbs, spices, and celery. Sauté 10 minutes. Add 4 med carrots, roughly chopped
2 cups of water, potatoes, zucchini and carrot; 2 lg tomatoes, coarsely chopped
bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 1½ 8 oz mushrooms
hours. Take 4 tablespoons of broth from the pot 6 med corn cobs (kernels sliced off & used
and place in a small bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of for other recipes)
flour and mix well to form a slurry. Add back 2 lg rosemary sprigs
into pot and stir well. Add peas and cook 10 1 lg bay leaf
more minutes. Dust with cayenne and cumin ½ tsp dried thyme
once in bowls. non-iodized/non-sea salt to taste
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
Add all items to a stockpot. Bring to a boil; then
simmer for an hour. Strain stock through a fine
sieve. Make ahead and freeze in smaller portions.
Contributed by Lily W.
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 36
Soups & Stews

Stock, Vegetable
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 lg onion, chopped into 1-inch cubes
2 med celery ribs (including leaves) cut into
1-inch pieces
2 lg carrots, cut into 1-inch chunks
1 lg bunch of green onions, chopped
8 cloves garlic, minced
8 lg fresh parsley sprigs
6 lg fresh thyme sprigs
2 lg bay leaves
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
2 qt water
Heat oil in a soup pot. Add vegetables and herbs.
Cook over high heat for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring
frequently. Add salt and water and bring to a
boil. Lower heat and simmer, uncovered, for 30
minutes. Strain. Discard vegetables. For
variations: add mushrooms, asparagus ends, corn
cobs, fennel, bell pepper, pea pods, chard, celery
root, basil, marjoram, and/or peeled potatoes.
Contributed by Patricia W.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 37
Pasta, Rice, & Grains
Pasta, Rice, & Grains
Confetti Rice Bake leaving an empty circle in the middle. Add egg
1⅛ c white rice (e.g., basmati) white to middle of pan and stir frequently (stir
2 tspnon-iodized/non-sea salt the egg white only). When egg white is cooked,
½ tspwhite pepper mix in with rice mixture and add salt to taste.
2 c water Makes 1 serving—multiply recipe for more
2 c chicken broth (homemade LID-safe or servings.
no-salt) Contributed by Deb S.
1½ c mixed vegetables (*without lima
beans) Giordano Spaghetti
2 Tbsp unsalted dairy-free margarine (sub ½ lb whole-wheat spaghetti
olive oil) 10 med mushrooms, sliced
Preheat oven to 400°F. Spray or grease a 9 x 13- 1 sm red onion, sliced
inch or similar-sized casserole dish with a lid. In 1 tsp fresh garlic, minced
saucepan, heat the water and broth. Add salt and 1 bag spinach, washed
pepper. Add rice and stir. Add veggies and stir. 3 Tbsp olive oil
Pour into casserole and cover. Bake 15 minutes Cook spaghetti according to package directions
at 400°F then reduce temperature to 350°F and being sure to salt the water with non-
bake for 30 additional minutes or until rice is iodized/non-sea salt. Drain and toss with 1
tender. Cut up margarine (or use olive oil) and Tablespoon olive oil. Heat remaining oil in sauté
stir into rice until melted. Fluff and serve. For pan. When hot, add onion, mushrooms, garlic
brown rice, add approximately ⅔ cup additional and spinach. Cook about 5-10 minutes. Toss
water and cook the rice and broth for about 10 with spaghetti.
minutes before putting into casserole and into the Contributed by Diane G.
oven. Sub chicken broth for water for a stronger
chicken flavor. Top with chicken breast, if Harvest Rice Stuffing
desired, for a more complete meal. ½ c basmati rice
*Refer to Quick Guide in LID Cookbook for 1 packet concentrated no-sodium beef broth
discussion on lima beans. bouillon
Contributed by Sherry S. 1 c water (or one cup of unsalted
liquid beef broth then eliminate
Fried Rice the bouillon)
1 Tbsp
olive oil olive oil, enough to coat the pans
1 Tbsp
chopped onion 3 to 4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 Tbsp
chopped celery 1 sm onion, chopped
1 Tbsp
thinly-sliced carrot 2 med stalks celery, chopped
1 c cooked basmati rice 1 sm carrot, chopped
2 to 3 oz cooked meat (chopped chicken, ⅓ c button mushrooms, chopped
thinly sliced beef, fresh ground 1 sm tart apple, chopped
pork, etc.) 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt, or to
2 Tbsp frozen peas taste
1 lg egg white black pepper, to taste
non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste 1 tsp ground sage
Heat oil over medium heat in 8-inch non-stick ½ tsp no-salt poultry seasoning
skillet. Add onion, celery, and carrot and sauté 2- 1 to 2 Tbsp no-salt Italian seasoning; adjust to
3 minutes. Add rice, meat, and peas and heat taste
through. Move rice mixture to outsides of pan, 1 pinch cinnamon

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 38
Pasta, Rice, & Grains
¼ c dried cranberries 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
¼ c raisins Mix the ingredients well. Store in the
¼ c chopped toasted unsalted pecans refrigerator. Save the juice from the lemons for
Chop the following ingredients and set aside in a the pasta.
large bowl: garlic, onion, celery, carrot,
mushrooms, and apple. Heat oil in a small Pasta:
saucepan. Add rice and a pinch of salt and sauté ½ lb pasta, shape of your choice, cooked in
over medium-high heat until rice starts to turn a salted and lemon-infused water (use
light golden brown. While rice is sautéing, add non-iodized/non-sea salt)
no sodium beef broth bouillon to 1 cup of hot ¼ c olive oil
water; stir to dissolve and set aside (skip this step 1 Tbsp minced rosemary
if using liquid broth). Once rice is golden, mix black pepper, to taste
the bouillon or broth into the pan and bring back juice of one lemon
to a simmer. Cover and simmer on medium-low 2 Tbsp gremolata
heat for approximately 15 minutes, until rice is Bring your pasta water to a boil. Add a teaspoon
tender and broth is absorbed. While rice is of salt. Juice the lemon and reserve the juice.
cooking, heat oil in a large sauté pan over Remove any pits and toss the lemons into the
medium heat and add the chopped garlic, onions, water. (Use the lemons left over from making the
celery, carrot, mushrooms, and apple. Sauté Gremolata.) When the water is boiling, add your
ingredients for a couple of minutes until the pasta and cook until done. Drain and return to
vegetables and apple start to tenderize. To the the pot (toss out the lemons). Add the olive oil,
sauté pan add salt, black pepper, sage, no-salt rosemary, pepper and the lemon juice. Toss until
poultry seasoning, no-salt Italian seasoning, and coated. Serve up a portion and top the serving
cinnamon. Continue to cook until the vegetables with the Gremolata. Serve as it is or with lemon
are tender. Remove from heat. Once the rice is chicken and steamed vegetables.
cooked, stir the vegetable mixture in to the rice, Contributed by Daria J.
and then add the dried cranberries, raisins, and
chopped pecans. Makes approximately 4-5 cups
of stuffing.
Pesto for Pasta, etc.
Serving suggestions: 10 gm fresh basil (a few handfuls)
Cool the stuffing mix, mix it with ground beef 10 gm pine nuts, roasted (sub with
and/or ground pork, and stuff acorn squash. Bake walnuts)
in the oven at 425° F for approximately 45 1 to cloves garlic
minutes or until the squash is tender and the beef 2
is cooked through. (Par-bake your squash first 180 ml extra virgin olive oil
for approximately 20-25 minutes, so they get Add all ingredients to blender or food processor
really tender.) and mix until smooth. Divide into three small
•Use as a stuffing for a whole turkey or baked plastic containers. Place one in the fridge and
chicken, stuffed baked chicken breasts, pork freeze the other two for use later. Use on plain
chops or pork loin, or pork roast. pasta with or without roasted vegetables. Use for
Contributed by Cathy B. a topping on focaccia, or as a filling in cheese-
free lasagna. Keeps refrigerated for up to 4 days,
Lemon Pasta with Gremolata frozen for several months.
Gremolata: Contributed by Line
3 lg lemons, zested and zest minced
1 c fresh parsley, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp olive oil

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 39
Pasta, Rice, & Grains
Spaghetti & Meatballs 1½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Spaghetti Sauce: ½ tsp pepper
4 26-oz boxes/cartons strained tomatoes, no- 1½ tsp dried oregano, crushed
salt added (sub no-salt-added tomato Cook onion and garlic in oil until tender, but not
sauce) brown. Add mushrooms and cook approximately
10 cloves garlic, chopped 5 minutes until they are tender. Stir in the other
1 lg onion, chopped ingredients one at a time while the pan is on
1 Tbsp dry oregano leaves medium to low heat. Simmer uncovered for 30
1 Tbsp dried basil minutes. Serve over spaghetti.
1 tsp black pepper Contributed by Bill and Karen M.
1½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
4 Tbsp white sugar (opt) Spanish Style Orzo
⅛ c olive oil 3 Tbsp olive oil
1 c water
Meatballs: 1½ c uncooked orzo
2 lb freshly ground beef 1 c unsalted chicken broth
⅓ c egg whites 1 med onion chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced 1 15-oz can unsalted diced tomatoes, or 4-5
1 med onion, chopped fresh tomatoes
½ c LID-safe breadcrumbs (sub crushed ½ med green pepper chopped
matzo) 2 tsp salt-free chili powder, more or less to
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt taste
½ tsp black pepper ½ med jalapeño pepper, diced
olive oil for frying 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt, more or less
Mix all meatball ingredients together. Roll meat to taste
into small balls and fry in olive oil. Pat dry 2 tsp minced garlic
before you add them to the sauce. Makes In a large heavy skillet, sauté orzo, onion, green
approximately 20-24 meatballs. pepper, jalapeño pepper, and garlic in olive oil
Add the meatballs and all the ingredients for the until the orzo is browned and the vegetables are
spaghetti sauce into a Dutch oven or crock tender. Add water, chicken broth, and tomatoes.
pot/slow cooker and cook on low and cook it for Season with salt-free chili powder and salt.
at least 6 hours. I normally make it at a day Cover and simmer about 20 minutes.
ahead of when we are going to use it. It freezes Contributed by Barb K.
well. Enjoy over your favorite LID-safe pasta.
Top with grated cheese substitute if desired
Contributed by Karen C.
Tomato Sauce, Fresh
5 med tomatoes
¼ c olive oil
Spaghetti with Tomato Mushroom
4 cloves garlic, finely minced
Sauce ⅓ c fresh basil, chopped and divided
½ c red onion, chopped 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt or to taste
1 clove garlic, minced black pepper to taste
3 Tbsp olive oil red pepper flakes to taste
1 c sliced mushrooms
It is not necessary to peel the tomatoes. Wash
¼ c fresh parsley leaves, chopped
and dry them. Cut out cores. Cut in half as you
2 med Roma tomatoes, chopped
would a grapefruit and squeeze out the juice and
1 15-oz can no-salt-added tomato sauce
seeds into a strainer placed over bowl. Coarsely
½ c water
chop the tomatoes. In a large skillet, combine the
1 tsp sugar (opt)

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 40
Pasta, Rice, & Grains
olive oil and garlic over medium-high heat. As
soon as the first bits of garlic start to brown, add Most pasta is safe on the LID.
the tomatoes. Stir well; then let simmer without Be wary of egg noodles (due to
stirring. Continue simmering over medium-high
the egg yolks). Look for egg
heat, until the tomatoes start to look soft. Press
them down with a wooden spoon; add about half noodles containing no yolks.
the basil, salt and pepper. Stir well. Continue to Otherwise most regular pasta
simmer briskly until it is a thick sauce; add some is just fine! Switch things up
of the strained tomato juice if it seems needed. by varying the shapes you
Stir in the remaining basil at the end, and taste to select.
correct the amount of salt and pepper. The
cooking should take about 8-10 minutes. Makes
enough for one pound of pasta.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa

Very Easy Macaroni with Meat Sauce

1 15-oz cans unsalted stewed tomatoes
2 15-oz cans unsalted tomato sauce
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp dried basil
1 Tbsp dried oregano
8 oz elbow macaroni, uncooked
½ lb freshly ground lean beef
non-iodized/non-sea salt to taste
Add unsalted stewed tomatoes and unsalted
tomato sauce, garlic, basil, and oregano to a
saucepan (use a potato masher to mash up
stewed tomatoes in the pan). Let simmer.
Brown the chopped meat and strain any fat,
before adding to sauce mixture. Continue
simmering while you boil the macaroni for
approximately 10-12 minutes or according to
directions. Drain the macaroni and add to the
sauce and meat mixture. Stir to combine, and
then serve. Salt to taste. The sauce freezes well.
Contributed by Linda R.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 41
Beef & Pepper Medley Chili Mac
1¼ Tbsp garlic powder 1 lb freshly ground beef or turkey (sub 2
1¼ Tbsp black pepper cups white beans—in addition to the
2½ lb beef roast 1 cup listed below—for vegetarian
1 lg green pepper, julienned version)
1 lg sweet red pepper, julienned ½ c chopped onion
1 lg sweet onion, thinly sliced ½ c chopped bell pepper
¼ c olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced
⅓ c red wine vinegar 2 c cooked pasta or basmati rice
1¾ tsp dry mustard ½ c water
1¼ tsp minced garlic cloves 1 Tbsp chili powder (without salt)
¼ tsp crushed red pepper 1 tsp cumin
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt ¼ tsp pepper
Preheat oven to 500°F. Combine garlic powder 1 15-oz can diced no-salt-added tomato (or
and black pepper; rub over all sides of roast. fresh diced tomato)
Place on rack in a shallow roasting pan. Place 1 c LID-safe white beans, cooked
roast in oven and reduce heat to 350°F. Bake for 1 c canned unsalted corn (or frozen or
1½ to 2 hours or until meat reaches desired fresh corn)
doneness. Remove from oven and cool for 30- 1 8-oz can unsalted tomato sauce (or LID-
40 minutes or until meat is cool enough to safe homemade)
handle. Cut into 3-inch x ¼-inch x ¼-inch strips. 1 6-oz can unsalted tomato paste
Place in a large salad bowl; add peppers and Cook first 4 ingredients in large pot until meat is
onions. Combine dressing ingredients in a jar browned (or, if there is no meat, just the veggies
with a tight-fitting lid; shake well. Pour over simmered in liquid or sautéed in oil). Add
salad and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate remaining ingredients and simmer 20 minutes,
overnight. Serve cold. stirring occasionally.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa Contributed by Julie C.B.

Beef Curry Easy Pot Roast

2 lb stew meat, cubed (or sub chicken) 3 to 4 lb top round roast beef
3 med potatoes, quartered water to cover ¾ of the way
1 lg onion, minced 2 med carrots, cut in chunks
1 tsp garlic, minced 2 med celery stalks, cut in chunks
1 Tbsp oil 1 lg onion, cut in half
2 Tbsp garam masala (Indian spice) 2 Tbsp oil
2 Tbsp curry powder non-iodized/non-sea salt & pepper
1 c water to taste
non-iodized/non-sea salt to taste Heat the oil in a large pot or Dutch oven. Add
Fry onion and garlic in oil for one minute. Add the roast beef and brown on all sides over
meat and potatoes; fry until meat is browned, medium-high heat. Cover the roast ¾ of the way
mixing well. Add garam masala; stir well and with water. Add other ingredients to the pot.
fry for 2 minutes. Add curry and keep stirring Cook 4 hours on low heat or until meat is
until mixture starts sticking to bottom of pan; tender.
then add water. Add salt to taste, cover, and Contributed by Karen P.
cook until meat is done and mixture thickens
slightly. Contributed by a friend of ThyCa

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 42
Fajitas—Beef or Chicken ½ c no-salt ketchup
1 clove minced garlic ¾ c water
1½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 2 Tbsp flour
1½ tsp ground cumin non-iodized/non-sea salt & pepper, to
½ tsp chili powder (without salt) taste
½ tsp crushed red pepper 1 12-oz package pasta or yolk-free noodles
2 Tbsp vegetable oil Sauté finely chopped onion and mushrooms
2 Tbsp lemon juice with olive oil, until onions and mushrooms are
3 Tbsp vegetable oil soft. Add ground beef and cook until no longer
½ c onion pink. Add no-salt ketchup and water. Add 2
½ c green onion tablespoons of flour and stir until well blended
1 c sliced green & red pepper (some of and it starts to thicken.
each type of pepper) Salt (non-iodized, non-sea) and pepper to taste.
1½ lb beef or chicken, sliced into strips Cover with foil and simmer for about 20
Combine first 7 ingredients. Pour over meat and minutes. Serve over cooked pasta/noodles.
marinate for 2 or more hours in the refrigerator. Contributed by Margaret D.
Sauté vegetables in oil in skillet until lightly
brown. Remove from pan. Sauté meat/chicken Hamburger En Papillote
in skillet until done (approx 5-8 min). Add 1 lg freshly ground hamburger patty
vegetables back to heat. Eat plain or over salad 1 med potato, sliced
to make a great fajita salad. Serve in LID-safe 1 sm carrot, sliced
corn tortillas. Also serve with tomatoes and 1 small onion, sliced
LID-safe guacamole. non-iodized/non-sea salt & pepper, to
Note: If you are also cooking for people not on taste
the low-iodine diet, you can serve with flour In foil, layer hamburger patty, potatoes, carrots,
tortillas, sour cream, cheese, etc. onions, salt and pepper. Fold foil around meat
Contributed by Julie C.B. and vegetables and seal sides and corners tight.
Bake at 350°F for 1 hour. Serves 1.
Fried Steak or Chicken Fingers Contributed by Joan F. Recipe by Dorothy D.
1 lb cube steak, cut into strips OR 1 lb
chicken breast, cut into tenders Joanna’s Meatloaf
1 c flour 1½ lb freshly ground round hamburger
non-iodized/non-sea salt & pepper meat
to taste 1 sm yellow onion, chopped
1 to 2 Tbsp salt-free all-purpose seasoning ⅔ c water
2 lg egg whites, mixed until foamy 3 slices homemade (or other approved)
oil for cooking bread, cut into small cubes
Mix flour and seasonings. Dredge chicken or 3 Tbsp egg whites
steak in egg white, then in flour mixture. Sauté ½ Tbsp canola oil
in a little oil in a skillet. ½ Tbsp distilled white vinegar
Contributed by Julie C.B. 1½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
½ tsp black pepper
Ground Beef Stroganoff ½ tsp garlic powder
1 med onion, finely chopped ½ tsp sage
1 c mushrooms ½ tsp dry mustard
2 Tbsp olive oil ½ tsp paprika
1 lb freshly ground beef ¼ tsp sugar

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 43
~¼ c no-salt-added tomato sauce for ¼ tsp onion powder
topping (or use homemade) ¼ tsp garlic powder
Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix all ingredients Sprinkle beef with seasoning ingredients (adjust
together (except tomato sauce) in a large bowl. measurements to taste). Heat skillet and sauté
Dump into ungreased large loaf pan (around 1½ beef until browned and nearly done. Add onion
quarts) and shape with spoon. Make groove and peppers to skillet. Heat until vegetables are
down center of loaf and pour tomato sauce over slightly tender. Cook and drain pasta, toss with
top. Bake for one hour (add 15 minutes for olive oil. Serve beef and vegetables on pasta.
crispy top). Remove from pan immediately (to Squeeze lime juice on top.
avoid standing in juices.) You can store Contributed by Nadine D.
individually wrapped slices in freezer to pull out
when desired. Mini Meatloaves
Contributed by Joanna G. ½ c unsalted ketchup
1½ Tbsp dry mustard
LID Goulash 1 lb freshly ground beef or turkey
1 lb freshly ground beef/turkey 1 sm chopped onion
½ c water ¼ c oatmeal
½ c unsalted ketchup ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
2 Tbsp brown sugar ½ tsp dried oregano
1 Tbsp vinegar ⅛ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp dry mustard 1 lg egg white
¼ tsp LID-safe chili powder 1 tsp brown sugar (opt)
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Preheat oven to 400°F. Combine ketchup and
¼ tsp cumin mustard. Reserve 3 Tablespoons. Combine
dash paprika remaining mixture with all other ingredients
dash cinnamon except the sugar. Divide into 4 equal portions.
1½ c frozen mixed vegetables Shape into free-form loaves, place on greased
Brown the meat and drain any grease. Add the cookie sheet. Spread reserved ketchup mixture
other ingredients (except the vegetables) and over loaves (opt: add a tsp of brown sugar first)
simmer for 5 minutes. Add the frozen and bake for about 25 minutes. These freeze
vegetables and simmer until vegetables are well!
cooked. Serve over rice or pasta. Makes about 3 Contributed by Julie C.B.
adult servings.
Contributed by Ian V. Quasi Meatloaf, Meatballs,
or Stuffing for Cabbage Rolls
Lime Steak Rotini 1 lb freshly ground beef
2 lb eye of round steak, cut into strips ½ to 1 c pecans and/or walnuts, finely
oil for sautéing chopped or ground
1 med onion, sliced into strips ½ to 1 med onion, chopped
1 med green bell pepper, sliced into strips ½ c chopped mushrooms
1 med red bell pepper, sliced into strips ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt, or to taste
1 8 oz box rotini pasta, cooked 1 tsp garlic powder, or to taste
1 Tbsp olive oil ½ tsp black pepper, or to taste
1 med lime, squeezed
Combine and mix all ingredients well.
Seasoning for steak strips:
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
½ tsp black pepper
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 44
MEATLOAF—Put in oiled loaf pan. Cook at ¼ tsp chili powder
350°F for 1 hour, uncovered ¼ tsp pepper
MEATBALLS—Shape and bake covered at Combine first three ingredients in large skillet.
350°F for 1 hour (or fry them in oil). Cook until meat is browned, stirring to crumble,
CABBAGE ROLLS—Steam fresh cabbage drain. Add remaining ingredients to skillet and
leaves 3-4 minutes, just until pliable. Place 1 mix. Simmer 15 minutes. Serve on rice (e.g.,
large meatball (with or without optional basmati) or on LID-safe buns.
ingredients) in each leaf and roll to enclose Contributed by Julie C.B.
meatball in the leaf. Place in baking dish with ½
cup water and cover. Cook at 350°F for 1 hour.
Optional Ingredients for cabbage rolls:
Stuffed Sweet Green Peppers
 finely chopped apple 4 lg
green peppers, stem and seeds removed
1 lb
freshly ground hamburger
 wheat germ
1 lg
chopped onion
 corn meal
2 lg
tomatoes, chopped
 peppers salt-free lemon pepper, to taste
Contributed by Barrett H. salt free all-purpose seasoning, to taste
minced garlic, to taste
Scottish Beer Pot Roast (Slow Cooker) olive oil, to taste
8 to 10 oz lamb or beef, cut into 1-inch or basil, to taste
smaller cubes non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste
1 lg leek or onion, halved lengthwise 1 c basmati rice, uncooked
and sliced
Parboil peppers for 5 minutes, drain well, and
1 lg potato, peeled and cut into ½-inch
cut in half. Brown meat and onions, drain well
and add tomatoes, lemon pepper, seasoning,
2 med carrots, cut into ½-inch slices
minced garlic, olive oil, basil, and salt to taste.
4 to 6 c water
Simmer for 10 minutes. Cook 1 cup rice for 15
12 oz dark beer
minutes, drain if still wet (it is OK if the rice is
⅔ to 1 c barley or rice (e.g., basmati)
still a bit undercooked, it will cook completely
½ tsp black pepper
while the peppers bake). Mix rice with meat
2 Tbsp fresh parsley, minced
mixture and stuff green peppers halves. Place
Mix first 4 ingredients in a slow cooker. Stir in green peppers in an oblong pan with a water
the next 4 ingredients. Cover and cook on low bath around peppers. Bake at 350°F for 45
heat for 8 to 10 hours or on high heat for 4 to 5 minutes to 1 hour.
hours. Stir in parsley before serving. Makes 2 Contributed by Gina R.
Contributed by Kimber S. Tacos
1 lbfreshly ground beef or other meat
Sloppy Joes preference
1 lb freshly ground beef or turkey 2½ Tbsp Taco Seasoning from this cookbook
1 sm chopped onion ⅔ c water
1 sm chopped bell pepper
Use the Taco Seasoning Mix recipe found in the
1 clove garlic, minced
Spices & Condiments section of this cookbook.
½ c water
Brown and drain beef. Add seasoning mix and
½ c unsalted ketchup
water. Reduce heat and simmer 2 to 3 minutes.
2 Tbsp brown sugar
Enjoy! Serve with LID-safe tortillas.
2 Tbsp salt-free tomato paste
Contributed by Jamie M.
1 Tbsp vinegar
¼ tsp dry mustard

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 45
Tomatoes, Beef, & Asparagus
1 lb asparagus, cut diagonally
½ c water
1 lb lean boneless steak, cut into thin
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
¼ tsp black pepper
6 lg scallions, thinly sliced
1 clove garlic, crushed
24 sm cherry tomatoes, halved
Combine the asparagus and water in a skillet
and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and
simmer until the asparagus is tender, about 2
minutes. Pour off water. Add beef, salt, pepper,
scallions, and garlic. Sauté until the beef is
cooked through. Add the tomatoes and sauté
until heated thoroughly. Makes 4 servings.
Contributed by Diane G.

Venezuelan Beef
2 lb round steak
5 Tbsp olive oil
1 med onion, minced
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 lg bay leaves, crumbled
1 to ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
½ tsp black pepper
Slice steak into thin strips, ¼-inch wide. Heat
oil in skillet and add beef. Add remaining
ingredients and stir with fork. Cook until beef is
browned. Can cover, if desired. Serve over
basmati rice.
Contributed by Jeanne R.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 46
Basic Whole Roasted Chicken To make refried black beans, place black beans
1 4- to 5-lb whole chicken, with the neck and in a small saucepan and add enough water just
giblets removed from the cavity to cover the beans. Add in a few tomatoes,
1 Tbsp olive oil finely diced green pepper, and finely diced
non-iodized/non-sea salt onion (may substitute dried minced onion if
Freshly ground black pepper fresh onion is not available). Sprinkle in cumin,
1 med lemon, thinly sliced (opt) garlic, and black pepper to taste. Cook over med
Fresh herbs, such as parsley, heat until bubbling, stirring occasionally to
rosemary, or thyme (opt) prevent sticking. Reduce heat and simmer 15-20
Heat the oven to 425°F and arrange a rack in the minutes, stirring occasionally, until beans
middle. Place the chicken on a work surface or become very soft and water is almost
cutting board and pat it dry with paper towels. completely reduced. With a fork, mash beans
Cut off and discard any extra fat hanging around and stir, until a thick paste forms (for thinner
the body cavity. Drizzle the oil on the chicken beans, add a little water). Remove from heat.
and rub it all over the skin. Season generously In the meantime, cook the frozen corn in
inside and out with salt and pepper. Place the microwave with a little water for approximately
lemon and herbs inside the cavity, if using. 30 seconds. Drain corn and combine with the
Place the chicken breast-side up in a large oven- remaining tomatoes, green pepper, and onion in
safe frying pan, cast-iron skillet or roasting pan. a small bowl to make a fresh salsa. Warm and
Roast the chicken in the oven for 15 minutes. season the meat, if needed. To assemble your
Reduce the temperature to 375°F and continue tostadas, spread a bit of the refried black beans
roasting until the juices run clear and a on each rice cake. Top with meat and then salsa,
thermometer inserted into the inner thigh (but and enjoy!
not touching the bone) registers 165°F, about 50 Editor’s note: Serving this on unsalted tortillas
minutes to 1 hour more. Remove the chicken or unsalted corn chips is another LID-safe
from the oven and place on a cutting board. Let option.
it rest about 15 to 20 minutes before carving. Contributed by Jennifer B.
Tips: Line your pan for easy clean-up. If you
want the chicken sitting above the draining fat, Bolivian Chicken
place it on a wire rack in the roasting pan. 1½ lb skinless, boneless chicken breasts,
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa cut into ½-inch strips
non-iodized/non-sea salt & pepper,
Black Bean & Chicken Tostadas to taste
2 to 3 med unsalted rice cakes 2 Tbsp olive or vegetable oil
1 c salt-free black beans, rinsed & 2 lg onions, chopped
drained 2 med sweet peppers, any colors, cut into
3 oz cooked chicken (sub steak, or ¼-inch strips
pork) diced or shredded 2 cloves garlic, minced or chopped
¼ c diced fresh tomatoes, divided 3 c homemade or unsalted chicken
¼ c diced green pepper, divided broth
2 to 3 Tbsp frozen corn ¾ c no-salt-added peanut butter
¼ c diced onion, divided 1 10-oz package petite frozen peas, thawed
ground cumin ¼ c LID-safe bread crumbs (sub matzo
garlic powder crumbs)
black pepper Opt: Cayenne or jalapeño pepper,
finely minced

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 47
Season chicken with salt and pepper. In a large Chicken Breast Chasseur
frying pan, heat oil over medium heat. Add 3 Tbsp vegetable oil
chicken strips and sauté, stirring for about three 6 4- to 5-oz chicken breast halves without skin
minutes, until chicken turns opaque. Remove 2 med shallots, finely chopped
chicken and set aside. ½ lb mushrooms, quartered
Add onions, bell peppers, and garlic to pan. 1 clove garlic, crushed
Sauté about three minutes until onions are 2 lg tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and
tender. For added heat, stir in hot pepper. Add chopped
broth and peanut butter. Simmer, stirring ½ tsp tarragon
occasionally for about ten minutes. ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Stir in chicken, peas, and bread crumbs. Cook ¼ tsp black pepper
gently 5 to 10 minutes more, stirring ½ c dry white wine (not cooking wine)
occasionally, until sauce is thickened and heated ½ c LID-safe beef broth (homemade
through. Serve over basmati rice. or unsalted)
Contributed by Barbara P. 1 Tbsp cornstarch
2 Tbsp water
“Breaded” Chicken Cutlets
In a large frying pan, heat oil over medium heat.
2 5- to 6-oz boneless, skinless chicken Add chicken and cook, turning until brown all
breasts over, about 10 minutes. Remove and set aside.
1½ c flour Add shallots to pan drippings. Cook 1 minute to
non-iodized/non-sea salt & soften. Add mushrooms; cook until lightly
pepper to taste browned, about 3 minutes. Add garlic, tomatoes,
5 lg egg whites tarragon, salt, and pepper. Simmer 5 minutes.
1½ c unsalted matzo meal Add wine and beef broth. Return chicken to pan,
1 Tbsp Italian herb seasoning (salt-free) cover and cook over low heat until tender; about
3 Tbsp olive oil (more as needed) 20 minutes. Remove chicken. Stir dissolved
Flatten chicken breasts to about ¼-inch cornstarch into sauce. Bring to a boil and cook,
thickness, and cut into 1½-inch strips. stirring until thickened, about 1-2 minutes.
Set up three bowls as follows: Return chicken to pan and turn to coat with
Bowl 1: Flour mixed with salt and pepper to sauce. Serve with rice.
taste. Tip: See the Chili recipe in the Soups & Stews
Bowl 2: Egg whites. section on how to peel a tomato.
Bowl 3: Unsalted matzo meal mixed with Italian Contributed by Leah G.
herb seasoning.
Roll chicken strips in flour mixture then quickly Chicken Curry
submerge them in the egg whites. Next, roll 1 whole chicken, cooked, deboned and meat
them in the matzo meal mixture. shredded (sub shredded beef if you
Coat the bottom of a frying pan with olive oil. desire)
On medium-high heat, fry the cutlets (covered) 2 c salt-free or LID-safe homemade
for approximately 3 minutes on each side. The chicken stock
breading will become crisp and golden. Add oil 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
as needed and fry the chicken in two batches. 2 lg onions, chopped
Serve warm or cold with fresh lemon juice. 2 tsp flour
Contributed by Tracy H. 1 tsp sugar
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 Tbsp salt-free curry powder (more to taste)
Heat oil in deep skillet. Add onions and cook
until golden. Stir in flour, sugar, salt, and curry
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 48
powder. Add stock. Cook until thick and let Chicken Nuggets
simmer for about 5 minutes on very low heat, 2 4- to 5-oz boneless skinless chicken breasts
stirring occasionally. Add chopped cooked 2 c matzo meal
meat. Taste; add more curry or salt to taste. 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Serve over pasta or rice. This recipe is easily 2 tsp coriander
doubled and freezes well. 2 tsp paprika
Contributed by Susan L. 2 tsp black pepper
3 lg egg whites
Chicken for Tacos or Taco Salad (Slow
Cut chicken into nugget sizes. Place egg whites
Cooker) in a bowl. Mix matzo meal, coriander, salt,
3 lg boneless, skinless chicken breasts paprika, and pepper together in a separate bowl.
2 c Low-Iodine Salsa Fresca (use recipe from Dip chicken into egg whites, then into meal.
this cookbook) Place coated chicken into pan with hot oil. (You
In a slow cooker, spread about a half cup of will know the oil is hot enough by placing a
salsa. Place chicken on top and pour rest of salsa small drop of water into pan; if the water
over. Cook on low 6 hours or high 4 hours. Cool “dances” on the oil then you are ready.) Fry
and shred chicken. Place back in salsa and stir. chicken until golden brown on both sides. Take
Freeze some for later use. out of oil and drain well. Serve with favorite
Contributed by Carole P. dipping sauce. Note: To make more kid-
friendly, omit paprika and cut coriander in half.
Chicken Giuseppe Contributed by Derrick D.
1 med onion
3 Tbsp chopped garlic Chicken Pesto
3 Tbsp olive oil 2 4- to 5-oz boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt olive oil
3 whole boneless, skinless chicken breasts, balsamic vinegar
pounded thin 8 oz whole wheat pasta
1 6-oz can salt-free tomato paste 1 c fresh basil
1 8-oz package sliced mushrooms ⅓ c olive oil
1 c red wine ¼ c pine nuts or slivered almonds
Finely chop onion and sauté at low temperature
1 clove fresh garlic
in olive oil until translucent. Raise temperature
to medium. Add garlic and mushrooms. Sauté Put chicken in a zippered plastic bag or plastic
until onions are caramelized and garlic- container with enough olive oil to cover it and
mushroom mixture is lightly brown. about two or three shakes of vinegar. Marinate
Remove from skillet. Add chicken breasts, for about an hour or overnight. Grill as usual.
pounded thin, and cook 5 minutes on medium Cook pasta as directed on box.
until they begin to turn white on the top. Turn Meanwhile, put all other ingredients into a small
and cook until brown. food processor, and mix until smooth. When
Remove chicken breasts. Raise temperature to chicken and pasta are done, add basil mixture to
high and add wine to pan to deglaze and cook pasta, slice chicken, and serve. Makes 2 to 3
off. Then, add tomato paste, onion mixture, and servings.
chicken. Cover pan, lower heat to simmer, and Contributed by Michele H.
let chicken cook thoroughly. Serve over pasta.
Contributed by Judy L.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 49
Chicken Stir-Fry non-iodized/non-sea salt to
3 oz chicken breast, cubed taste
canola oil for cooking white pepper to taste
¾ c zucchini, chopped 3 to 4 Tbsp olive or vegetable Oil
¾ c mushrooms, sliced ¼ c very dry sherry (opt, not
1 lg carrot sliced into thin disks cooking sherry)
½ c honey ¼ tsp oregano
1 sm clementine or half an orange Place oil in a 10-inch skillet and heat. Sauté
½ c chopped unsalted cashews garlic and onion until tender (not burned).
cracked red pepper, to taste Remove garlic and onion and lightly cook
Cook chicken in skillet in a small amount of oil chicken cutlets in same pan keeping the oil and
until fully cooked. Add in zucchini, mushroom drippings. After chicken turns white, replace
and carrots and cook until vegetables begin to onions and garlic. Add 1 can of salt-free diced
soften. In a separate bowl, combine honey and tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano and dry sherry.
squeeze the juice of one whole clementine or Cover and simmer 30 minutes until tender and
about half an orange into the honey. Mix cooked. Add cooked orzo to skillet and devour!
thoroughly. Stir the chopped unsalted cashews Contributed by Susan C.
into the sauce. Add in cracked red pepper to
taste. Pour the sauce into pan with the chicken Chicken with Sweet Peppers
and veggies and simmer for several minutes. and Garlic
Serve over basmati rice. 4 4- to 5-oz chicken breast halves
Contributed by Melissa M. non-iodized/non-sea salt & black
pepper to taste
Chicken with Apricot Sauce 1 med sweet pepper
2 4- to 5-oz chicken breast filets 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
olive oil for cooking 2 cloves garlic, chopped
½ med onion, diced 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
½ c apricot preserves (LID-safe) 1 Tbsp water
⅛ tsp ginger or to taste Season chicken with salt and pepper. Cut sweet
Brown filets in olive oil until thoroughly pepper into strips. Heat oil in large pan. Add
cooked. Remove from pan, leaving oil and chicken; cook turning once, until brown on both
drippings in pan. Add onions and cook until sides (2 minutes per side). Add pepper strips,
softened. Add preserves and ginger and pour cover, and reduce heat. Cook until peppers are
warm sauce over chicken. Serve accompanied tender (3 minutes). Add garlic; cook uncovered
with basmati rice. until softened (1 minute); stir in vinegar and
Contributed by Joanne M. water. Heat through.
Contributed by Judi
Chicken with Orzo
8 oz orzo pasta cooked as directed Creole Skillet Dinner
on package 4 c chicken broth, LID-safe (homemade
4 5- to 6-oz chicken breasts, boneless, or no-salt-added)
skinless, thinly sliced 2½ c rice, uncooked
1 15-oz can salt-free diced canned 1 c red onion, chopped
tomatoes or 2 fresh lg 3 cloves minced garlic, divided
tomatoes, diced 1¼ tsp chili powder
1 med white onion, diced 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 to 2 cloves garlic, minced ½ tsp turmeric
¼ tsp black pepper
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 50
1 lg bay leaf Garlic Chicken with Balsamic Vinegar
1 med sweet red pepper, julienne 1 lb skinless chicken breasts, thinly sliced
1 med green pepper, julienne non-iodized/non-sea salt and black
2 lg green onions, sliced pepper, to taste
1 tsp fresh parsley, chopped 4 cloves garlic, chopped
½ tsp dried basil ¼ c extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp dried thyme 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
¼ tsp hot pepper sauce (salt-free, or sub 3 Tbsp fresh parsley
cayenne pepper to taste) ¼ c water (more or less depending on
2 Tbsp oil how much you want to use)
1 c fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 med tomato, chopped Season chicken with salt and pepper. Chop
1 c frozen peas garlic. Heat 3 Tablespoons oil in large pan; add
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, chicken and cook turning once until browned.
thinly sliced Move to a plate (leaving drippings in pan). Add
2 Tbsp lemon juice remaining oil and garlic to pan; cook until
⅓ c sliced almonds, toasted softened but not brown, about 1 minute. Add
vinegar and water, bring to a boil, and then boil
In a large saucepan, bring broth, rice, onion, 1 1 minute. Stir in parsley. Return chicken to pan
tsp garlic, chili powder, salt, turmeric, pepper, and simmer for 1 minute or until done.
and bay leaf to boil. Reduce heat; cover, and Contributed by Judi
simmer 20 minutes or until rice is tender.
Discard bay leaf. In skillet over med-high heat,
Garlic Lime Chicken
sauté next 7 ingredients and remaining garlic in
oil for 2 minutes. Add mushrooms; cook until 3 to 4 lg fresh limes, juiced
peppers are crisp-tender. Add tomato and peas; 4 lg boneless chicken breasts
heat through. Add rice; keep warm. Over med- 6 cloves garlic, chopped
high heat, cook and stir chicken in lemon juice 1 tsp olive oil
until no longer pink. Add to rice mixture; toss. Cube chicken into bite-size pieces. Begin to
Top with almonds. sauté with olive oil and garlic about 5-6
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa minutes. Add lime juice. Continue to cook until
all juice is absorbed, and forms a brown crusty
Easy Orange Chicken coating (about 20 minutes).
2 lg boneless skinless chicken breasts, Contributed by Bethann L.
halved, or 4 breast filets, or 4-6 thighs
oil for cooking George’s Turkey Bolognese
1 med onion, chopped 1 to 1½ lb lean freshly ground turkey
1 c fresh orange juice 1 Tbsp onion powder
1 Tbsp cornstarch 2 Tbsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried thyme, opt ¼ tsp thyme
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper to 2 tsp dried basil
taste 1 Tbsp dried parsley
Oil a baking pan. Add chicken and onion. Mix 1 tsp garlic powder
cornstarch and orange juice. Add thyme. Pour ¼ tsp freshly cracked pepper
onto the chicken. Bake at 325°F until tender, Mix all dry ingredients together first.
about 40 minutes. Serve with pasta or rice plus a Add all the ingredients to the turkey meat,
vegetable such as green beans or no-salt peas. mixing thoroughly.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa Add olive oil to frying pan, and sauté meat until
thoroughly cooked.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 51
Sauce ingredients: into the chicken. Refrigerate at least 30 minutes
1 lg can salt-free crushed tomatoes and up to 1 day, turning the chicken
1 6-oz can salt-free tomato paste occasionally.
olive oil Meanwhile, blend basil, garlic, lemon zest, ¼
2 cloves garlic, chopped cup lemon juice, ¾ tsp salt, and ½ tsp pepper in
1 sm onion, diced a blender until smooth. Gradually blend in the
remaining ⅓ cup oil. Season the basil sauce, to
Sauté garlic and onions in the olive oil, until taste, with more salt and pepper, if desired.
translucent. Add crushed tomatoes and tomato Prepare the barbecue for med-high heat or
paste. Cook on a low flame for approximately preheat a grill pan over med-high heat. Grill the
10 minutes. chicken until just cooked through, about 5
After meat is cooked, add it to the sauce. minutes per side. Transfer the chicken to plates.
Serve over rotelle, rotini, or penne pasta. Drizzle the basil sauce over and serve.
Contributed by June C. Contributed by Monica M.

Greek Grilled Chicken Herbes de Provence Chicken

1 lb skinless and boneless chicken breast 4 4- 5- oz boneless skinless chicken breasts
halves olive oil
1 lb skinless chicken thighs Herbes de Province spice blend (salt-
1 Tbsp olive oil free)
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 lg lemon, sliced Put the chicken in a zippered resealable bag or
1 clove garlic, minced plastic container. Add enough oil to coat the
1 tsp dried oregano chicken and sprinkle just enough spice to cover.
Marinate for an hour or overnight. Grill as
Pat chicken dry with paper towels. Combine oil, usual. If you cook on the stove instead of
lemon juice, lemon, garlic, and oregano. Place grilling, use more oil so chicken doesn’t stick.
chicken and marinade in bowl or sealable plastic Makes 4 servings.
bag and marinate, refrigerated, 4 hours or Contributed by Michele H.
overnight. Grill or broil chicken, 6 to 10 minutes
per side, until browned and cooked through. Honey Mustard Chicken
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
3 Tbsp honey
3 Tbsp salt-free mustard
Grilled Lemon Chicken with Basil 1 Tbsp corn oil
Sauce 1½ tsp curry powder (salt free)
⅔ c extra-virgin olive oil, divided ¼ tsp black pepper
3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1½ tsp fennel seeds, coarsely crushed 4 lg boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Preheat oven to 400°F. Line baking sheet with
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
foil and set an oiled rack on top. In bowl,
6 lg boneless skinless chicken breasts
combine honey, mustard, oil, curry, salt, and
1 c lightly packed fresh basil leaves
pepper. Using a brush, coat chicken all over
¼ c fresh lemon juice
with mustard glaze. Set pieces on rack. Bake
1 lg clove garlic
until chicken is golden brown on outside and no
1 tsp grated lemon zest
longer pink in the center, about 20 minutes.
Whisk ⅓ cup oil, 3 Tablespoons lemon juice, Contributed by Shelley L.
fennel seeds, ¾ tsp salt, and ½ tsp pepper in a
heavy-duty re-sealable plastic bag. Add the
chicken and seal the bag. Massage the marinade

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 52
Italian Chicken Lemon Honey Chicken & Rice
6 ozfresh sliced mushrooms 14½ oz chicken broth—LID-safe homemade
1 med
onion, sliced or unsalted
1 clove
garlic, chopped 3 Tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp
oil 1 Tbsp honey
1 tsp
dry basil vegetable oil spray
1 c chicken stock (unsalted or LID-safe 4 lg boneless and skinless chicken breast
homemade) halves
1 lg tomato, skinned and cubed 1 c onions, minced
1 med head broccoli, cut into pieces, 1 c rice, uncooked
including stem chopped parsley, opt
1 lb chicken breast, cubed Blend chicken broth, lemon juice, and honey;
Sauté mushrooms, onion and garlic in oil. Add set aside. Spray a 10-inch skillet with nonstick
basil, chicken stock, tomato, and broccoli. cooking spray. Over med-high heat, brown
Simmer 10 minutes. Add chicken breast cut into chicken on both sides; remove from skillet. In
bite size pieces. Simmer until done, serve over same skillet, cook and stir onions in ⅓ broth
egg-free fettuccini noodles. mixture for 3 minutes or until tender. Add
Tip: See the Chili recipe in the Soups & Stews remaining broth, chicken, and rice; heat to a
section on how to skin a tomato. boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 20
Contributed by Julie C.B. minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Let stand 5
minutes and garnish with parsley before serving.
Lemon Baked Chicken Contributed by Leah G.
1 lg whole roaster chicken
2 Tbsp olive oil Moroccan-Style Stewed Chicken (Slow
2 lg lemons, juiced Cooker)
½ tsp finely grated lemon zest 4 c unsalted or homemade LID-safe
1 clove garlic, minced chicken broth
½ tsp minced thyme 3 cloves garlic, minced
½ tsp minced rosemary 2 Tbsp honey
2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 2 tsp cumin
1 tsp pepper ½ tsp cinnamon
2 tsp paprika 1 14-oz can no-salt diced tomatoes
1 c water 1 lg bell pepper, cut into 2" long strips
Preheat oven to 325°F. Place roaster chicken in 1 lg sweet onion, chopped
large casserole dish. Rub outside and inside of ½ c raisins
chicken with seasonings. Mix olive oil and 4 lg boneless, skinless chicken breasts
lemon juice and drizzle over chicken. Pour Stir broth, garlic, honey, cumin, cinnamon,
water into casserole dish. Bake for ~2 hours (or tomatoes, pepper, onion, and raisins in slow
until chicken reaches an internal temperature of cooker. Add the chicken and coat the chicken in
175°F). Baste chicken 3-4 times with juices in sauce. Cook on low 7-8 hours. Serve over rice
pan during the last hour. Remove from oven and or pasta.
let stand for at least 10 minutes before carving. Contributed by Carole P.
Contributed by Jackie & another friend of

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 53
Slow-cooker recipes can easily Pecan-Crusted Chicken
2 lg boneless, skinless chicken breasts
be converted for the stove top
1 lg egg white
by simmering on very low ½ tsp ginger
heat, or use the oven by ¼ tsp sage
baking at 200°F for “low” and non-iodized/non-sea salt, garlic, and
300°F for “high.” pepper to taste
1 c finely chopped pecans
Orange-Ginger Chicken Lightly beat egg whites and spices together. Dip
chicken breasts into egg whites and then coat
4 lg chicken breasts
with pecans. Place chicken on a foil-lined
2 lg cut-up oranges with juice and peel
cookie sheet sprayed with vegetable oil. Cook in
1 tsp fresh ginger (or sub with dry)
a 350°F oven for one hour. Enjoy with your
1 clove garlic, chopped
favorite pasta and/or veggies. Tip: Try a variety
¼ c olive oil
of spices instead of the ginger and sage.
¼ tsp thyme
Contributed by Nancy K.
¼ tsp salt-free poultry seasoning
Mix together in a gallon zippered plastic bag. Portobello Mushrooms & Chicken
Keep in the refrigerator and mash the contents 3 to 4 cloves garlic, minced
in bag frequently during the day. Grill the 2 Tbsp olive oil
chicken or cook in a pan on the stovetop. 2 to 3 6-oz packages Portobello mushrooms,
Contributed by Elisa G. sliced
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Pasta with Chicken & Peppers 4 med boneless skinless chicken breasts,
5 Tbsp olive oil thinly sliced
1 lg boneless and skinless chicken breast, 1 lg tomato, diced
Sauté garlic in olive oil. Add mushrooms, salt,
1 med onion, chopped
and water if necessary. Cover and simmer until
1 med red bell pepper, julienne style
mushrooms are almost done to your liking. Add
1 med green bell pepper, julienne style
chicken breast and tomato. Season with more
1 clove garlic, minced
salt and/or herbs, such as basil, as desired. Cook
½ tsp ground red pepper
until chicken is done, about 10 minutes.
2 lg tomatoes, chopped
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
¾ lb pasta tubes (e.g., penne)
Heat 2 Tablespoons olive oil over med heat in Rosemary Turkey
large skillet. Cook and stir chicken until tender. 2 lg turkey legs (or sub chicken)
Remove and set aside. Add 2 Tablespoons olive 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
oil to skillet. Cook and stir onion and peppers 3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
until tender. Return chicken to pan. Add garlic 2 Tbsp dried rosemary or fresh to taste
and ground red pepper. Cook 3 minutes, stirring 1 Tbsp parsley flakes
constantly. Add tomatoes; simmer for 10 coarse ground pepper to taste
minutes. While chicken mixture is simmering,
cook pasta according to directions. Drain and Mix all ingredients in pan, and roll turkey legs
toss with remaining tablespoon of olive oil. in mixture, coating well. Cover with aluminum
Serve chicken mixture over pasta. foil. Cook for 1½ hours at 350°F. Serve with
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa steamed veggies.
Contributed by Terri Y.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 54
Sesame Chicken Nuggets Sweet Apple Chicken
1 lb skinless chicken breasts ¼ c brown sugar
non-iodized/non-sea salt & pepper to ¼ c apple cider vinegar
taste ¼ c honey
½ c sesame seeds 2 lg apples
1 lg lemon 2 5- to 6-oz boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3 Tbsp vegetable oil ½ tsp cinnamon (opt)
2 Tbsp sesame oil Peel two apples and dice into small chunks.
Cut chicken into strips and season with salt and Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired. Mix all
pepper. Put sesame seeds and chicken into a ingredients, except chicken, in a sealable bowl
plastic bag and shake chicken to coat. Heat both or large zippered bag. Add chicken breast and
oils together in large pan. Add chicken, cook marinate overnight. With a large piece of
until brown on bottom (2-3 minutes) turn and aluminum foil, make into a bowl shape, place
cook until brown on other side. Serve garnished chicken on foil, and cover with a separate piece
with lemon wedge. of aluminum foil. Bake at 375°F until chicken is
Contributed by Judi fully cooked, about 30-40 minutes.
Contributed by Matt G., New Hampshire
Slow-Cooker Latin Chicken
3 to 4 lg boneless, skinless chicken breasts An important tip about cooking
¼ c loosely packed cilantro leaves dried kidney beans safely
2 lg sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 lg red bell pepper cut into strips Did you know that cooking kidney beans
1 15-oz can no-salt-added beans (black or from the dry state requires certain safety
other), rinsed and drained protocols? Red kidney beans and, to a
½ c unsalted or homemade LID-safe lesser extent, white kidney beans (also
chicken broth called cannellini beans) contain a protein
1 c salt-free hot salsa that can act as a toxin. To safely remove
2 tsp cumin that protein, the dried beans must first be
½ tsp allspice soaked for at least 5 hours, then drained,
3 cloves garlic, chopped and then boiled in clean water for at least
lime wedges for garnish 30 minutes. For more information, see:
Arrange chicken in bottom of slow cooker. oad.
Place potatoes, pepper, and beans on top.
Mix together broth, cilantro, salsa, cumin, According to the FDA, using a slow
allspice, and garlic in a bowl. Pour in cooker. cooker (or crock pot) does not provide
Cook on low for 4 hours. Serve with lime enough heat to safely remove this
garnish. protein. This is especially true if your
Contributed by Carole slow cooker is old. Newer models do
come to higher temperatures for food
safety reasons.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 55
Turkey Burgers
3 lb freshly ground turkey
¼ c seasoned LID-safe bread crumbs (sub
matzo meal)
¼ c finely diced onion
2 lg egg whites, lightly beaten
¼ c chopped fresh parsley
1 clove garlic, peeled and minced
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
¼ tsp ground black pepper
In a large bowl, mix ground turkey, seasoned
bread crumbs, onion, egg whites, parsley, garlic,
salt, and pepper. Form into 12 patties. Cook the
patties in a med skillet over med heat, turning
once, to an internal temperature of 180°F

Unstuffed Cabbage with Turkey

½ lg head cabbage thinly sliced
¾ lb freshly ground white meat turkey (or
sub chicken)
½ c LID-safe bread crumbs or matzo
1 Tbsp Middle Eastern salt-free spice mix
(cinnamon, nutmeg, fennel, pepper,
coriander, turmeric, ginger)
2 cloves garlic, sliced
½ med onion, thinly sliced
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 14-oz can no-salt stewed tomatoes in juice
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
½ tsp sugar
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 c brown rice, cooked per package
Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil. Mix
seasonings, turkey, and bread crumbs or matzo
meal. Form into little meatballs. Add meatballs,
tomatoes, with juice and 1 can of water, plus the
vinegar, sugar, and salt. Add cabbage and cook
until meatballs are cooked through and cabbage
is tender. Serve over cooked brown rice.
Contributed by Joan S.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 56
Lamb & Pork
Lamb & Pork
Apple-Smothered Pork Chops 1 Tbsp white vinegar
6 med pork chops, thick-cut ¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
non-iodized/non-sea salt, pepper, and ¼ tsp black pepper
sage to taste Heat a nonstick skillet over med high heat. Add
canola oil pork slices in a single layer and brown, about 2
2 Tbsp flour minutes or so per side. Remove from heat. Add
1 c hot water onion and garlic, sauté until tender (about 5
1 Tbsp vinegar minutes). Add tomato sauce, vinegar and salt
1 c raisins and pepper and simmer one minute. Add pork,
3 med tart apples, cored and sliced cover and simmer 15 minutes to finish cooking
3 Tbsp brown sugar pork and thicken sauce. Serve over rice, or by
Brown seasoned chops in oil. Remove from itself.
skillet. Stir in flour, then water, vinegar, and Contributed by Julie C.B.
raisins. Cook and stir to thicken. Arrange chops
in casserole. Top with apples. Sprinkle with “Breaded” Pork Chops
brown sugar. Pour raisin mix over. Bake 2 Tbsp yellow cornmeal
covered 350°F for about an hour. 2 Tbsp whole wheat flour
Contributed by Dian B. 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 tsp ground sage
Asian Pork ½ tsp onion powder
½ tsp sugar
¼ c chopped onion
½ tsp paprika
1 clove garlic, chopped
4 med pork chops, ½- to ¾-inch thick, rinsed
1 Tbsp chopped candied or fresh
ginger Preheat oven to 425°F. Prepare pork coating by
1 to 2 Tbsp olive oil mixing all ingredients except the chops, and
2 4- to 5-oz boneless pork chops, cut into place in large plastic bag. Rinse pork chops and
thin slices while still wet, place one chop into bag with
1 c snow peas or sugar snap peas coating mix and shake to coat. Place on
fresh orange juice (enough to prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining
make a sauce and steam) chops. Bake for ~30-35 minutes, until browned
1 Tbsp natural LID-safe peanut and cooked through.
butter, crunchy or smooth Contributed by Lisa H.
In skillet, sauté onion, garlic and ginger in olive
oil until translucent. Add snow peas, pork, Breakfast Sausage
orange juice, and peanut butter. Reduce heat and 1 lb freshly ground pork, unseasoned
cover for 2 minutes. Simmer until cooked 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
through. Serve over whole wheat pasta or ⅛ tsp ground pepper
basmati rice if desired. ¼ tsp salt-free poultry seasoning
Contributed by Sheryl J. ¼ tsp thyme
¼ tsp salt-free lemon herb seasoning
BBQ Pork Mix all ingredients. Cook a small amount of
1 lb pork tenderloin, sliced into medallions meat and taste for seasonings, correct if needed.
1 sm onion, chopped Make small patties and fry until well browned
1 clove garlic, chopped on both sides and cooked through. Remove to
1 15-oz can no-salt-added tomato sauce (or plate and allow to cool. Wrap one or two patties
LID-safe homemade) at a time in plastic wrap, and place all in freezer

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 57
Lamb & Pork
bag. To serve, unwrap and microwave until hour, or until chops are cooked. Serve with
heated through. cooked squash and Brussels sprouts, or your
Contributed by Georgia S. vegetable of choice. Hint: Marinate the chops in
the fruit mixture for a few hours before baking.
Cheryl’s Grilled Pork Chops with Tip: To make more kid-friendly, omit the ginger
Mashed Sweet Potatoes and reduce the amount of garlic used.
Contributed by Claudette M.
7 oz boneless pork chops, center-cut,
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper to Fall Festive Pork Chops
taste 3 to 4 med pork chops (with or without bone)
2 Tbsp olive oil non-iodized/non-sea salt and
4 oz mushrooms, sliced pepper, to taste
1 med shallot, thinly sliced (sub sm onion) 2 lg sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced
fresh sage, to taste 2 med onions, peeled and sliced
3 sm sweet potatoes 2 med apples, peeled and cut into wedges
¼ c orange juice 1 tsp black pepper
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt
Sprinkle chops with a little salt and pepper.
3 Tbsp brown sugar
Cook on a grill or in a grill pan that’s been
1 tsp cinnamon
lightly coated with a little oil and heated.
Meanwhile, heat the olive oil and sauté the Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly dust the chops
mushrooms and shallot over med heat for about with salt and pepper, if desired. Place the chops
12 minutes. (This should be plenty of time for in a 3-5 quart pot that can be placed into the
the chops to cook.) Just before removing this oven. Top with onions, sweet potatoes, and
mixture from the heat, throw in the sage and apples. Sprinkle with black pepper, salt, brown
mix it up. Spoon the mushrooms over the chops. sugar, and cinnamon. Cover with lid. Cook in
For the sweet potatoes, peel and dice them into oven for 1 hour. Enjoy!
cubes. Boil in water for about 15 minutes. Drain Contributed by Jackie K.
and mash them with the orange juice.
Contributed by Cheryl R. Grilled Butterflied Leg of Lamb
5 lb leg of lamb, boneless and butterflied
Easy Peach (or Apricot, or Apricot- 4 Tbsp olive oil
Orange...) Pork 3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 to 4 lg pork chops 1 Tbsp rosemary, crumbled
2 Tbsp vegetable oil 1 tsp thyme, crumbled
3 to 4 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
¾ c LID-safe jam (any of above) 1 tsp pepper
¼ c cider vinegar Put olive oil in small bowl. Add rosemary,
1 inch piece ginger root, chopped thyme, garlic, salt, and pepper. Combine. Rub
½ tsp rosemary mixture into lamb, piercing lamb with a fork.
¼ c orange juice (or water) if Cover and refrigerate 2-3 hours. BBQ over hot
necessary (see below) coals for 15 minutes each side, or more to your
Place chops in a casserole dish with a cover. desired level of doneness. To test, cut a small
Combine remainder of ingredients (except juice) slit into thickest part of lamb; it should be
in a blender or food processor; blend as smooth slightly pink inside. If done in oven, grill 4
as possible. Add juice (or water) if mix is not inches from the broiler for 15 minutes on each
pourable. Pour over chops in casserole. Cover side, or more as desired. To serve, slice
and bake in a 375°F oven for approximately one diagonally across the grain.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 58
Lamb & Pork
Maple Fennel Country Sausage Patties Pork Chops in Orange Sauce
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 6 4- to 5-oz pork chops (*sub chicken)
½ tsp coarse black pepper non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 tsp fennel seeds flour
6 to 8 lg fresh sage leaves, chopped 1 Tbsp canola oil
1 lb freshly ground pork 1 c orange juice
2 Tbsp maple syrup 1 tsp sugar
1 Tbsp oil 1 tsp flour
Combine salt, pepper, and fennel in the bottom Season pork chops with salt to taste and coat
of a bowl. Add pork and mix to combine spices. with flour. Brown in skillet in about a
(If you can’t find ground pork, cut pork into 1- Tablespoon of canola oil. Pour off excess fat.
inch cubes and put in a food processor on pulse Add ½ cup orange juice and cook slowly 30
until it has a sausage texture to it). Pour 2 minutes or until meat is done. Remove meat
Tablespoons maple syrup over the pork and from pan and add a mixture of: ½ cup orange
work the meat again to combine. Form meat juice, sugar, and flour. Cook, stirring constantly
into patties, 2 to 3 inches round. Cook patties in until thick and smooth. Pour over chops.
1 Tablespoon oil in a nonstick skillet over med- Delicious with basmati rice. Tip: Increase
high heat for 4 or 5 minutes on each side. ingredients to make even more “gravy.” *Or
Drain sausage patties on towel-lined plate, and chicken breasts or tenderloins of similar size.
then serve. Contributed by Dian B.
Contributed by Amanda C.
Pork Roast over Potatoes (Slow
Pork Carnitas (Serve with Homemade Cooker)
Soft Flour Tortillas & Salsa Fresca) 2 tsp fennel seeds
1 lb boneless pork chops 1 tsp dried oregano
2 Tbsp no-salt or homemade chili powder 1 tsp paprika
⅛ tsp garlic powder 1½ tsp garlic, chopped
⅛ tsp cumin ½ tsp salt
⅛ tsp cloves ½ tsp pepper
⅛ tsp cayenne pepper 2 lb pork loin roast
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 2 to 3 sm potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 Tbsp vinegar 1 c unsalted or homemade LID-safe
1 Tbsp orange juice chicken broth
Pound chops to ¼ inch thick. Combine spices, Combine first 6 ingredients. Rub into pork.
vinegar, and orange juice and coat chops with Brown under broiler (briefly: 6-9 minutes each
mixture. Refrigerate minimum 3 hours or side). Put potatoes in crock pot (or slow cooker).
overnight. Grill or broil chops for 8-12 minutes Place pork on top of potatoes. Pour broth over
or until no longer pink in center. Slice into bite- all. Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours.
size pieces. Contributed by Julie C.B.
To assemble: Spoon 2-3 tablespoons of pork
carnitas into refried or reheated homemade Sautéed Apples for Pork
tortilla (from this cookbook) or LID-safe tortilla 3 med apples (such as McIntosh, Golden
and garnish with salsa fresca (from this Delicious, Granny Smith, etc.), cored
cookbook) and lettuce or fresh cilantro. Serve and cut into chunks
with fresh corn and/or applesauce. 2 Tbsp olive oil
Contributed by Rae K. 1 tsp fresh thyme (or ½ tsp dried thyme)
1 tsp grated lemon zest

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 59
Lamb & Pork
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper, to
Heat oil in a skillet. Add the remaining
ingredients. Cook until apples are tender (3-5
minutes). Serve with pork.
Contributed by Tracy T.

Slow-Cooker Pork Roast

1 sm pork roast
1 bulb fennel, sliced
1 med sweet onion sliced
1 med sweet potato, peeled and cubed
1 sm bag of small snack-size carrots (don’t
need to be cut)
2 c either unsalted or homemade LID-safe
beef broth or chicken broth
Place all in slow cooker and cook low for 8-10
hours. The meat will break down and it is more
like a stew.
Contributed by Carole P.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 60
Substitute Dairy
Substitute Dairy
Avocado Ideas & Tips very fine meal, and the water should be white
Don’t feel deprived while on the LID. Enhance and opaque. (If using a food processor, process
your meals with avocado instead of butter, sour for 4 minutes total, pausing to scrape down the
cream, or cheese: sides halfway through.)
 Mashed avocado instead of sour cream or Next, line the fine-mesh strainer or colander
butter on your baked potato with your straining cloth of choice and set over
the measuring cup (or bowl). Wet and wring out
 Sliced or mashed avocado on sandwiches
the cloth first (tip—this way it does not absorb a
instead of cheese, butter (or mayonnaise)
lot of your nut milk). Pour nut mixture through
 Mashed avocado on toast or bagels instead
strainer. Gather cloth around nut meal and twist
of cream cheese or butter
close. With clean hands, squeeze and press to
 Chopped avocado in a salad or omelet extract as much nut milk as possible. You
instead of cheese
should get about 2 cups.
Contributed by Jo W.
Finally, taste the nut milk, and add sweetener
and/or salt to taste if desired.
Basic Nut Milk Recipe Store nut milk in a sealed container in the
You can make your own nut milk from pretty refrigerator for up to 4 days. If it separates, just
much any nut you want to use. There are many shake to recombine.
helpful resources on the internet. Here’s a good Tip: Use walnuts since they do not need to be
basic recipe to get you started. soaked first and there is no need to remove the
1 c raw, unsalted nuts w/o skins papery skin.
2 c water, plus more for soaking Variation: Using walnuts and maple syrup you
can add some extra maple syrup and some
sweetener of choice (e.g., honey, sugar,
crushed ice and blend (pretend you are drinking
maple syrup, agave, etc. (opt)
a maple-walnut milkshake)!
non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste Contributed by a friend of ThyCa. Adapted from
Equipment: The Kitchn, https://www.thekitchn.com/
 Bowls homemade-cashew-milk-243347
 Strainer or colander Tip and Variation Contributed by Mickie B.
 2-cup or larger measuring cup
 Blender or food processor Grated “Cheese” Replacement
 Fine-mesh nut bag, cheesecloth, clean tea 1 c walnuts, ground
towel, or clean pair of pantyhose for ½ c unsalted matzo meal
straining ⅓ c olive oil
1 clove garlic, smashed
First, place the nuts in a medium bowl and cover ¾ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
with about 1 inch of water. Cover bowl with a ½ tsp finely ground pepper
cloth and let sit overnight at room temperature
or for up to 2 days in the refrigerator. Longer Grind walnuts until sandy. Do not overgrind or
soak time will produce creamier milk. it will turn into a paste. Mix ground walnuts
When done soaking, drain the nuts through a with matzo meal (or substitute LID-safe bread
fine-mesh strainer or colander, then rinse them crumbs). Put the olive oil into a frying pan.
thoroughly under cool running water. Toast the clove of garlic to season the oil, and
Next, place the nuts in blender (or food remove. Add the nuts/meal mixture and toast in
processor) and add the 2 cups of water. Pulse the oil until fragrant and golden. Add salt and
the blender a few times to break up the nuts, pepper. Cool. Place in the refrigerator and use in
then blend continuously on high speed for 3 place of grated cheese on pasta dishes.
minutes. The nuts should be broken down into a Contributed by Daria J.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 61
Substitute Dairy
Margarine When the flavor is right, strain the mixture
1 c LID-safe shortening through a very thin towel or clean T-shirt into a
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt large mixing bowl or pitcher. Wet and wring out
½ tsp artificial butter flavor (add an extra ⅛ the cloth first to avoid it absorbing a lot of your
tsp for a stronger taste) oat milk. You may want to double-strain
3 drops yellow food coloring (opt) through a very fine towel to remove any oat
⅛ tsp cornstarch remnants.
Melt shortening in the microwave until it is just Transfer to a sealed container and refrigerate.
liquefied. This will take about one minute. Add Will keep in the refrigerator up to 5 days,
all other ingredients. Using electric mixer, blend sometimes more. Shake well and enjoy cold. Do
until the mixture takes on a frothy appearance, not heat or it will thicken and become
about 1-2 minutes. Pour liquefied margarine gelatinous in texture.
into a margarine tub or other small container, Contributed by a friend of ThyCa. Adapted from
and place it in the fridge. It will take a while for The Minimalist Baker,
it to harden. https://minimalistbaker.com/make-oat-milk/
Note: Soy oil is LID-safe, but if you have a soy
allergy and want to avoid using shortening with Vegan “Parmesan Cheese”
soy, please see Appendix A for a tip on a soy- ¾ c raw cashews or hulled hemp seeds
free shortening. ¼ c nutritional yeast
(c) 2004 by Melissa J. Taylor ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
(http://www.angelfire.com/mi/FAST/margarine. ½ tsp garlic powder
html). Permission granted for cookbook ½ tsp onion powder
inclusion. Modifications by Ann Bradford. ½ tsp mustard powder
If using cashews: Combine all items in a food
Oat Milk processor and pulse until the texture resembles a
You can make your own oat milk too. It is not fine meal (or grated parmesan cheese).
only easy but less expensive to make than nut If using hemp seeds: Combine all items in a
milk. Here’s a good starter. lidded container and shake until mixed.
1 c old-fashioned rolled oats (not steel-cut Regardless of which method you use, store in
or instant) the refrigerator to keep fresh. A batch should
4 c water last for several weeks (if it is around that long).
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt Contributed by a friend of ThyCa. Inspired by
sweetener of choice (e.g., honey, The Minimalist Baker,
sugar, maple syrup, agave, etc. (opt) https://minimalistbaker.com/how-to-make-
 High-speed blender
 Large mixing bowl or pitcher Melt an LID-safe
 Clean tea towel or T-shirt (nut bag not marshmallow (or use
recommended for this purpose) marshmallow cream or fluff)
Add all ingredients except sweetener to blender. in your coffee to lighten and
Blend for about 30 seconds to a minute or until sweeten it up.
the mixture seems well combined. It doesn’t
have to be 100% pulverized—in fact, over-
blending can make the oat milk slimy in texture.
Err on the side of caution. Test for flavor, and if
not sweet enough add sweetener of choice.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 62
Candied Sweet Potatoes Eggplant Curry
1 lg sweet potato, peeled, diced, and cooked 2 lg eggplants, peeled and cut into ½-
2 Tbsp olive or other oil inch cubes
3 Tbsp brown sugar 1 Tbsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Combine ingredients and bake in 350°F oven olive oil for cooking
for 15-20 mins. 3 med Vidalia or Spanish sweet onions,
Tips on cooking your sweet potato: Microwave thinly sliced
until you can pierce it easily with a fork, then 6 cloves garlic, minced
peel and dice. Alternatively, you could bake the 1 Tbsp ground coriander
sweet potato at 400°F for about an hour, then ½ to 1 tsp cayenne pepper
peel and dice. ½ tsp turmeric
Contributed by Dana P. 8 jalapeño peppers, seeded and
minced (less if desired)
½ c dried, unsweetened, shredded
Chewy Potato Fries coconut meat
2 lg russet potatoes, peeled 1 lg whole lemon, juiced and zested
non-iodized/non-sea salt 1 lg bay leaf
1 Tbsp oil 1 tsp sesame seeds
(opt) any spices or seasonings you like 1 c water
Preheat oven to 400°F. Peel and slice potatoes 1 tsp sugar
into approximately ¼-inch slices. Into a large 1 tsp mustard seeds
plastic bag, dump the oil, potatoes, salt to taste, Lay the eggplant cubes on a couple of layers of
and spices (if you are using any). Mix around to paper towels and sprinkle with 1 Tablespoon
coat potatoes. Lay slices out on a large greased salt. Roll the cubes up in the paper towels to
cookie sheet in one layer. Bake until brown and absorb excess moisture for 30 minutes. Unroll
crispy/chewy. These are best when eaten the and pat dry.
same day. Heat a large skillet to medium-high, and add
Contributed by Julie C.B. enough oil to almost cover the bottom. Cook the
eggplant in 2 batches for about 6 minutes each.
Crunchy Zucchini & Tomatoes Remove eggplant and keep warm.
3 sm zucchini, cut diagonally Heat the skillet to medium-high and add about
1 Tbsp
oil 2-3 tablespoons oil. Add onions, garlic,
2 Tbsp
onion, finely chopped coriander, cayenne, turmeric, and jalapeño.
½ clove
garlic, minced Cook until soft, about 5-7 minutes. Stir in
1 c cherry tomatoes, halved shredded coconut and cook an additional 2
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper minutes. Stir in the lemon juice, lemon zest, bay
1 Tbsp sesame seeds leaf, sesame seeds, and water. Return eggplant
2 Tbsp parsley, finely chopped to skillet. Cover and reduce heat to simmer.
Blanch zucchini in boiling water for 1 minute; Simmer for 90 minutes. Remove bay leaf. Stir in
drain. Heat oil; add onion and garlic. Sauté on sugar, mustard seeds, and cilantro. Cook for 5
medium heat for 1 minute. Add zucchini and more minutes. Serve hot. Serve alone or over
cook, covered, 2 minutes. Add tomatoes and egg-free noodles/pasta. Also good at any
cook, covered, 30 seconds. Season with salt and temperature as a spread on matzo.
pepper, sesame seeds and parsley. Toss gently. Contributed by Julia S.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 63
Falafel Sandwiches Fried Eggplant
2 c cooked garbanzo beans (or LID-safe 1 sm/med eggplant
canned beans, drained & rinsed) flour
1 c freshly cooked lentils non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper,
½ c flour to taste
½ c packed fresh cilantro leaves olive oil nonstick spray
⅓ c packed fresh parsley leaves Peel eggplant and slice into ¼-inch slices. Take
3 cloves garlic a slice of eggplant and press into flour on both
2 tsp ground cumin sides. Spray slice with nonstick spray, and place
¼ tsp cayenne pepper in skillet on medium. Continue with the rest of
3 Tbsp canola oil the slices according to what fits in the skillet. As
¾ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt each slice is cooking, spray the top side of the
canola oil, for frying slices and turn after 3-4 minutes. Continue
LID-safe pita bread (recipe from this cooking for another 3-4 minutes and dust lightly
cookbook) with salt and pepper as you remove from skillet.
Garnishes: Keep slices warm as you continue to cook
English cucumber, tomato, and romaine remaining eggplant in the same way.
lettuce, roughly chopped Contributed by Jo Anne H.
1 sm red onion, thinly sliced
LID-safe hummus and/or tahini sauce
Hash Browns
In a food processor, combine garbanzo beans, raw potatoes, peeled
lentils, flour, herbs, garlic, cumin, cayenne, and oil for frying
non-iodized/non-sea salt. Pulse together until non-iodized/non-sea salt
almost smooth. Mixture should be firm and stiff; pepper
add a little extra flour if necessary. Over onion powder
medium-high heat, heat enough oil to cover pan garlic powder
to about a half inch of depth, until about 375°F.
Use small 1-inch ice cream scooper to form into Peel the potatoes, then shred them using a
balls and drop into the oil. Flip falafels to cook grater. Rinse the shredded potatoes until the
on the other side. If using a deep-fryer, falafels water runs clear to be sure all the starch is
will float to the top. Cook for about 5 minutes removed. Run them through a salad spinner to
until golden brown. Carefully remove from oil remove all the water (or dry them really well).
and drain on paper towels. Spread pita bread Heat oil in frying pan and once hot, add
with hummus and/or tahini (recipes from this potatoes. Season potatoes to taste. Cook on
cookbook); add falafel, cucumber, tomato, medium to medium/high heat. They will take
lettuce and onions. Makes ~30 1-inch balls. 15-30 minutes to cook depending on how full
Contributed by Lily W. your pan is. You could also add chopped onions
and/or green peppers to the potatoes while
French Fries
Contributed by Suzanne B.
Wash, peel, and cut up potatoes into slices (not
too thin). Add vegetable oil (such as canola oil) Vegetarians and vegans might
to a skillet or frying pan. Heat oil. Add potato enjoy making homemade
slices (please watch out for spattering hot oil).
seitan. This meat substitute—
Once slices start to turn golden brown, remove
them onto a paper towel. You can sprinkle them made from wheat gluten—is a
with non-iodized/non-sea salt if you wish, or great source of protein.
just have them with unsalted ketchup. Contributed by Tracy P.
Contributed by Linda R.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 64
June’s Potato Latkes longer because of the added toppings).
5 lg russet potatoes, peeled and grated Hint: Don’t skimp on the seasonings; they’re the
1 med yellow onion, grated key to making a passable cheese-less pizza.
½ c liquid egg whites Contributed by Kari S.
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper, to
taste Lemony Roasted Vegetables
matzo meal (unsalted matzo crushed 1 lb potatoes, peeled and cut in 2-inch
very fine) cubes
Peel potatoes. Cut them up in quarters and grate 3 stalks celery, sliced ½ inch thick
in food processor. Add a medium onion to food 4 sm carrots, cut in 2-inch pieces
processor. Drain excess liquid. Put in a large 1 lg onion, cut into wedges
mixing bowl. In a separate dish, add egg whites, ¼ c lemon juice
matzo meal, and salt and pepper. The mixture 1 Tbsp oil
should be sticky. Add the potato and onion 1 tsp rosemary, crushed
mixture and mix well. Form patties. Use an ¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
electric skillet to cook the latkes evenly. Heat ¼ tsp black pepper
oil until hot. Cook until brown and crispy. Serve Place peeled potatoes, celery, carrots, and onion
with salt-free applesauce. in greased shallow roasting pan. In a small
Contributed by June C. bowl, combine lemon juice, oil, rosemary, salt,
and pepper. Drizzle over vegetables, tossing to
Kari’s Pizza, Using Kim’s Soft Pretzel coat. Bake at 450°F for 30 minutes or until
Dough potatoes and onions are tender, stirring once.
Contributed by Joan F. Recipe by Denise T.
soft pretzel dough, using Kim S.’s
recipe from this cookbook
small amount olive or corn oil Ligurian Potatoes, Green Beans, &
1 clove fresh garlic Pasta
fresh vegetables, sliced and chopped, 2 c fresh basil leaves, packed
such as: ½ c extra virgin olive oil
½ sm onion 3 med garlic cloves, minced
2 med mushrooms juice of ½ lemon (opt)
⅓ zucchini ⅓ c unsalted pine nuts or walnuts (opt)
spinach non-iodized/non-sea salt and freshly
sliced tomatoes ground black pepper, to taste
seasonings: basil, oregano, rosemary, 1 lb whole wheat pasta of your choice
garlic powder, etc. 2 med potatoes, peeled
While the dough is rising, sauté all vegetables ½ c LID-safe green beans (fresh if possible)
except the tomatoes in oil over low heat. (Don’t Prepare your homemade pesto: In your food
add tomatoes right away; they’ll get too soft.) processor, chop the basil, garlic, olive oil, and
When vegetables are almost done, add tomatoes lemon juice. After a few pulses, add the nuts.
and stir everything around a few more times. Process until smooth.
Then, use half the dough for a pizza crust (or all Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Boil until
of it to make two pizzas). Adding extra oil soft and drain. Boil the pasta and drain.
before rolling it out makes the crust more of a Steam the green beans (can be microwaved).
golden brown shade. It also makes the dough Mix everything together and enjoy!
easier to work with. Once it’s rolled out on the Contributed by Jacki E.
cookie sheet, sprinkle it with seasonings and put
the tomato slices on it. Then add other toppings.
Bake at 450°F for about 10 minutes (it may take
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 65
Pan-Fried Carrots & Cauliflower fresh tarragon
2 c sliced carrots Break off and discard woody ends of asparagus.
2 c chopped cauliflower Place asparagus in ceramic baking dish. Pour on
3 Tbsp olive oil olive oil. Toss to coat. Bake at 500°F for 10-12
1 tsp dill minutes. Toss with fresh herbs.
Fry carrots in oil for 5-8 minutes. Add Contributed by Robin G.-A.
cauliflower and dill. Cook to desired tenderness.
Contributed by Cindy M. Roasted Bell Peppers
3 lg sweet bell peppers, red or yellow
Polenta 2 cloves garlic
5 qt water 2 Tbsp olive oil (or grapeseed oil)
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 c quick cooking salt-free polenta 1 tsp honey
2 Tbsp olive oil 1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt
canola oil for greasing the pan Peppers: Wash the peppers and put on a baking
Boil the water and salt. Whisk in polenta. rack. Bake in a 375-degree oven for
Simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and approximately 40-60 minutes, until the skin
whisk in olive oil. Grease 9 inch cake pan with turns dark. Take peppers out of the oven and let
canola oil. Place polenta mixture into the pan. them cool. Take the skin off the peppers, cut the
Cool before slicing into wedges. stems off, and clean out the seeds. Cut the
(Editor’s note: Polenta can be a main dish or peppers into bite-size strips.
side dish. There are many spices, herbs, Dressing: Chop garlic and mix well with olive
vegetables, and more that you can add as oil (or grapeseed oil), balsamic vinegar, honey,
flavorings and toppings.) and salt. Mix the peppers with the dressing.
Contributed by Lily W. Serve as an appetizer or a dressing on salad.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
Really Easy Sweet Potato
1 med/lg sweet potato Roasted Carrots with Fennel
1 Tbsp brown sugar Peel and cut carrots into wedges. Drizzle with
Cut off ends and cut a deep ‘X’ into sweet oil and season with non-iodized/non-sea salt,
potato. Place in microwave-safe bowl and pepper and fennel seeds. Bake at 400°F until
microwave on high, for 8-15 minutes, cooked to your liking. Stir part way through.
depending on size of potato. After 8 minutes Contributed by Tracy T.
gently squeeze (be careful, it’s hot!) to check
consistency. You want the potato to be soft to Roasted Sweet Potatoes
the touch. Microwave additional minutes for a 3 lb sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
larger potato. Carefully remove skin. Using a ¼ c olive oil
fork, lightly mash sweet potato. Add sugar for 1 Tbsp dried parsley
sweetness and continue to mash to desired 1¼ tsp onion powder
consistency. ¾ tsp dried basil
Contributed by Lauren P. ½ tsp dried oregano
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Roasted Asparagus 8 oz white mushrooms, sliced
1 bunch asparagus 2 Tbsp olive oil
4 Tbsp olive oil Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat large baking pan
fresh parsley with cooking spray. Place cut potatoes into cold
fresh chives water for a couple of minutes. Place ¼ cup oil
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 66
and spices in gallon zippered plastic bag. Drain Preheat oven to 400°F. Peel and chop potatoes
potatoes, add to bag, close, and shake well. and garlic. Add all ingredients to a large
Spread onto prepared pan. Bake 30-40 minutes zippered bag and toss to coat evenly. Spread
or until golden, stirring halfway. Heat 2 potatoes in a single layer on a large cookie
Tablespoons oil in a pan, cook garlic until sheet. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until lightly
tender, add mushrooms. Cook until done. Spoon browned and tender. Stir once or twice while
over potatoes. baking so they cook evenly. Use the leftovers to
Contributed by Dee W. make a “hash” with grilled chicken, sautéed bell
peppers, onions, and mushrooms.
Roasted Winter Vegetables Contributed by Amanda F.
1 med whole fennel cut into 6 wedges
2 med turnips, peeled and quartered Stewed Tomatoes
2 med carrots, cut in 1-inch pieces 6 lg tomatoes
2 med parsnips, cut in 1-inch pieces 1 tsp onion, minced
2 med potatoes, peeled and quartered ½ c celery, chopped
2 med onions, peeled and quartered 3 cloves garlic
4 cloves garlic, peeled ¾ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
olive oil ¼ tsp paprika
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper, to 2 tsp sugar
taste ⅛ tsp basil
Mix vegetables together and place in a single Peel tomatoes and cut into large chunks.
layer, in a large roasting pan. Brush with olive Combine all ingredients in a heavy pan and
oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper; and roast for 1 cook over low heat, about 20 minutes.
hour at 350°F, turning the vegetables every 15 NOTE: Tomatoes may be thickened with ½ cup
minutes. LID-safe fresh bread crumbs (made with bread
Contributed by Leah G. from this cookbook); may sub matzo meal.
Tip: See the Chili recipe in the Soups & Stews
Roasted Yellow Squash section on how to peel a tomato.
1 med yellow squash Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
2 to 3 Tbsp olive oil
non-iodized/non-sea salt Stuffed Mushroom Caps
fresh dill 2 c fresh mushrooms, stems removed and
Slice the squash into halves. Score the flesh (not stems finely chopped
the skin) horizontally and diagonally; drizzle ½ c finely chopped unsalted nuts
with oil. Sprinkle with salt and dill. Broil for 5- ½ c finely chopped apples
10 minutes until edges of squash start to appear ⅛ c finely chopped onion
brown. ½ tsp garlic powder
Contributed by Robin G.-A. olive or vegetable oil
Clean the mushrooms with a little water or a
Rosemary Garlic Roasted Potatoes damp towel and remove the stems. Cut the dried
4 to 6 med potatoes, peeled and chopped into ends off the stems so you only chop the more
1-inch cubes tender portions of the stem. Mix all the chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped finely ingredients and the seasonings together. Dip
¼ c olive oil mushroom cap in oil so it is coated (or if you
1 Tbsp dried rosemary prefer, you can just dip the outside of the cap
non-iodized/non-sea salt and since oils from the nuts will keep the inside of
pepper, to taste the mushroom moist). Place stuffing inside cap

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 67
and set cap, stuffing side up, on tray. Place ½ c bread crumbs from fresh low-iodine
under broiler for about 5 minutes. bread (sub matzo meal)
Contributed by Barrett H. Heat 1 Tablespoon oil over medium-to-high
heat. Stir in zucchini (or corn), mushrooms,
Vegetarian Sauce for Pasta or Rice onions (or scallions), and bell pepper. Cook for
2 tsp olive oil 3-4 minutes. Add garlic, cumin, and cayenne
1 lg onion (finely chopped) pepper. Cook for 30 seconds. Remove from heat
2 clovesgarlic (minced or chopped) and combine in a bowl with spinach. Add carrot
400 gm coarsely grated carrot and potato and stir to combine. Add egg white
400 gm coarsely grated peeled sweet potato and season with salt and pepper. Stir in enough
400 gm zucchini, chopped bread crumbs so the mixture holds together.
1 lg red capsicum (sweet pepper), finely Shape it into 6 disks on a plate and chill for 1
chopped hour. Heat 2 Tablespoons oil in skillet and cook
825 gm no-salt-added crushed tomatoes burgers until golden on each side. Tips: If
1 Tbsp salt-free tomato paste grilling, use foil, as they are fragile. These
2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt freeze well. Serve on LID-safe bread, spread
1-3 tsp dried basil some blender mayonnaise (from this cookbook)
2 Tbsp freshly chopped parsley on it, and garnish with avocado and tomato.
pepper to taste Contributed by Kathleen L.
400 grams cooked lentils (cooked separately)
Heat olive oil in a large non-stick fry pan or Zucchini Fajitas
saucepan. Sauté onion and garlic until onion is 1 med sweet onion, sliced
soft. Add vegetables, tomatoes and tomato paste 1 med red pepper, sliced
(or sub salt-free tomato pasta sauce and extra 1 med yellow squash, sliced into 2-inch strips
water), salt, basil, parsley, and pepper. Simmer 1 med zucchini, sliced into 2-inch strips
gently until vegetables are tender. Stir ½ tsp salt-free chili powder
occasionally so it doesn’t stick to the pan. Add 2 Tbsp chopped cilantro leaves
cooked lentils last and heat through. Serve with ¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
your favorite pasta (or rice). ¼ tsp cumin
Contributed by Jodi F. Tortillas, corn or wheat (LID-safe)
fresh lime juice
Veggie Burgers Slice onion and pepper into 2- to 3-inch strips.
3 Tbsp vegetable oil Slice squash and zucchini into 2-inch strips.
¾ c zucchini chopped to kernel size (sub Over medium-high heat, sauté onion until it
corn kernels) browns. Add a thin layer of water to the pan and
6 med mushrooms, chopped rapidly stir. Allow the water to evaporate and
1 sm yellow onion, chopped (sub 2 the onion to continue to brown; then add another
scallions) layer of water. Repeat this process 2 or 3 times
½ med red bell pepper, chopped until onions are caramelized. Reduce heat to
1 clove garlic, chopped medium. Add the squash, zucchini, and pepper,
1 tsp cumin and sauté until soft. Add salt, chili powder, and
1 dash cayenne pepper cumin, and sauté another 30 seconds. Remove
½ c spinach, chopped the pan from the heat and immediately garnish
1 med carrot, peeled and grated with cilantro. Splash with fresh lime juice and
1 sm potato, peeled and grated serve in tortillas.
1 lg egg white Contributed by Jo W.
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper,
to taste

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 68
Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers
Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers
Black Bean & Corn Salsa Guacamole Dip with Tortilla Chips
1 15-oz can no-salt-added black beans (rinsed corn tortillas (containing only corn, lime
and drained) and water)
1 c frozen corn kernels (thawed) corn oil for frying
½ c chopped red bell pepper 4 lg ripe avocados
½ c chopped fresh cilantro 2 med Roma tomatoes
3 Tbsp lime juice ½ med yellow or white onion
8 sm green onions, chopped (use the green non-iodized/non-sea salt
and white parts) pepper
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar ground red pepper
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt cilantro
½ tsp ground cumin lemon juice
1 or 2 jalapeño peppers chopped or crushed Chips:
red pepper (opt) Cut salt-free corn tortillas into triangles (1 corn
Mix all ingredients together and chill. Serve with tortilla = 4 chips, or cut to desired chip size).
your favorite salt-free tortilla chips. Heat oil in pan. Fry tortilla triangles until crispy.
Contributed by Suzanne B. Drain on paper towel and sprinkle with salt.
Black Bean Dip Remove seed from avocados and scoop out
2 15-oz cans no-salt-added black beans center. Put in bowl and mash. Chop/dice
(rinsed and drained) or use tomatoes and onion. Add to avocado and mix
prepared, dried beans gently. Season with salt, pepper, ground red
1 lg bunch cilantro (stem ends pepper, and cilantro to taste. Add squeeze of
removed and rinsed) lemon juice.
2 to 4 cloves garlic You can add fresh jalapeños if you like it hot!
3 to 5 lg limes, juiced Contributed by Liz M.
zest of one lime (only the green
part of the skin—no white) Haroseth (Fruit & Nut Spread)
fresh ground black pepper, to taste 4 lg tart apples, peeled and cored
non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
First zest one of the limes. Reserve about half of 1 lb pitted dried dates
the lime juice so you can adjust consistency. Put 1½ c walnut pieces
all ingredients into the food processor (except 1½ c blanched whole almonds
half the lime juice) and blend until smooth. You 4 Tbsp honey
will want the consistency to be spreadable, but ⅛ tsp cinnamon
not too loose. Add more lime juice to achieve Grate the apples with a grater or shred in a food
your desired consistency. Taste and add salt if processor. Place in a bowl, stir in the lemon
needed. Use as a dip with salt-free tortilla chips juice, and set aside. Next, put the dates and nuts
or use it in place of refried beans in any of your in a food processor and pulse until coarsely
favorite dishes. chopped. Stir the date mixture into the apples
Contributed by Suzanne B with honey and cinnamon. Tastes delicious on
matzo and on crackers. Yields about seven cups;
enough to last for a good portion of the time of
the low-iodine, diet.
Contributed by Harriet E. M. K.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 69
Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers
Hummus with Clementines Pumpkin Butter
These measurements are approximate. 1 15-oz can 100% pure pumpkin (not pumpkin
In a food processor: pie mix)
½ to 1 lb dried chickpeas (garbanzo beans), ⅔ c brown sugar (packed)
soaked and boiled as per package ¼ c honey
directions 1 Tbsp lemon juice
2 to 3 sm clementine oranges, peeled ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
roasted garlic* ⅛ tsp ground cloves
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper, Place all the ingredients in a medium saucepan,
to taste stirring constantly, cook 20-25 minutes (or until
If the result is too “dry”—add another orange, or thickened) on medium to medium-high heat.
some olive oil. Keeps up to 2 months in airtight container in
*(put peeled garlic cloves on a sheet of refrigerator. Serving suggestions: Spoon onto
aluminum foil, drizzle with olive oil, close foil to oatmeal or matzo crackers.
make a pouch, and bake at 350°F for an hour) Contributed by Bridget C.
Contributed by “A long-term survivor grateful
for ThyCa” Rafael’s Pico de Gallo
3 med onions, diced
Lily’s Hummus 3 med tomatoes, diced
1 clove roasted garlic, peeled 1 med green bell pepper, diced
8 oz cooked & cooled garbanzo beans (sub 3 med jalapeño peppers (seeds and ribs
no-salt canned, rinsed and drained) removed), diced
1 Tbsp tahini (no-salt, or use recipe from this ½ bunch cilantro leaves, chopped
cookbook) 1 tsp garlic, minced
¼ c water 2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
3 Tbsp olive oil 1 tsp cumin
2 Tbsp lemon juice 2 to 3 lg limes, juiced
¼ tsp cumin Mix everything together & serve. It’s even better
1 dash cayenne pepper (opt) if the flavors are allowed time to marinate. Serve
¼ c toasted unsalted pine nuts with your favorite no-salt tortilla chips.
non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste Contributed by Suzanne B.
Blend in food processor.
Contributed by Lily W. Roasted Garlic
1 lg whole bulb garlic
Pineapple Salsa olive oil
2 c diced pineapple non-iodized/non-sea salt
½ c diced tomatoes Remove 1 or 2 layers of the papery garlic bulb
¼ c finely chopped red or sweet onion coverings. Preheat oven or toaster oven to 350°F.
1 lg jalapeño, finely chopped Bake for 45-50 minutes until tender. Can be used
1 lg lime, juiced and zested for many dishes including soup, hummus or
1 Tbsp olive oil spread on LID-safe bread.
non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste Contributed by Lily W.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and chill. If
possible, make the day before and allow flavors
to build. Serve with paper-thin salt-free tortilla
chips. Warm chips and sprinkle with a little salt.
Contributed by Lily W.
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 70
Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers
Salsa Fresca Honey Peanut Butter:
3 Tbsp
finely diced onion Follow the same directions as above, but instead
1 lb Roma tomatoes diced small of the white sugar, add three tablespoons of
1 medgreen or jalapeño chili, finely diced honey. Grab your permanent marker and write
2 Tbsp
fresh cilantro, chopped (sub dried Honey Low-Iodine on the lid and store it in the
cilantro) fridge.
¾ tsp sugar
¾ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Chocolate Peanut Butter:
1 Tbsp fresh lime juice Follow the same directions as the plain peanut
Combine all ingredients and chill. Stores in butter. Add two heaping Tablespoons of cocoa.
fridge up to 5 days. Serve with Carnitas. Since cocoa is dry, you might want to add a
Contributed by Rae K. teaspoon of canola oil. Increase your sugar a bit,
since cocoa is not sweet. Blend and store in the
Tahini (Sesame Seed Paste) fridge.
2 Tbsp roasted sesame seeds Contributed by Daria J.
½ tsp sesame oil
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Wisconsin Refrigerator Pickles
¼ c tepid water 8 c peeled, thinly sliced cucumber
Blend sesame seeds in a blender and grind until 1 Tbsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
smooth. Add sesame oil, and salt, and then 1 c chopped or sliced onion
slowly add ¼ cup of water while blending. Blend 1 c chopped or sliced red or green pepper
until completely smooth. Use in Hummus 1 c vinegar
recipes or in a falafel sandwich. 1¾ c sugar
1 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp celery seed
Three Peanut Butters 1 tsp dill seed
Plain Peanut Butter: Add salt to cucumbers, stir well and let it sit an
Dump one jar unsalted natural peanut butter into hour or more. Drain well. Combine the
your food processor, oil and all. Add ¾ teaspoon cucumbers with the rest of the ingredients, mix
non-iodized/non-sea salt (more or less to taste or well and store in the refrigerator. No need to
depending on your dietary needs). Add 2 cook. Keeps well.
Tablespoons white sugar (more or less to taste, Variation: substitute ¼ cup plain vinegar with
or depending on your dietary needs). Or try balsamic or garlic vinegar.
using agave syrup if you like; use less, because Contributed by Jo W.
it’s sweeter than sugar. Or, substitute artificial
sweetener here if you need to. Blend with the
food processor. It will blend so that the oil does
not separate, and the added salt and sugar will
make it tasty. Pour it back into the jar. Grab your
permanent marker, write Low-Iodine on the lid,
and store it in the fridge.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 71
Apple Morning Oats frozen bananas on hand for making this and the
1½ c boiling water “ice cream” recipe.
½ c apple cider or juice Contributed by Daria J.
1 med apple, peeled and cubed
¾ c steel cut oats Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies
honey or cinnamon sugar, to taste ½ c banana, mashed
raisins ½ c unsalted chunky LID-safe peanut
Boil apples in water and cider/juice until they butter
start to soften. Add oats. Simmer. (For ½ c honey
measurements and directions, you can follow 1 tsp vanilla
your oatmeal box instructions.) Top with honey 1 c rolled oats (can also add some oat
or cinnamon sugar, and raisins. bran, and/or ground flaxseed, just
Contributed by BethAnn L. use less oatmeal)
½ c flour
¼ tsp baking soda
Baked Oatmeal ¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
4 lg egg whites 1 to 2 tsp ground cinnamon
½ c oil ½ to 1 c raisins
1 c sugar 1 to 2 lg egg whites, beaten (opt)
3 c oatmeal (rolled oats)
1 c LID-safe milk substitute (e.g., Preheat oven to 350°F. Prepare two cookie
homemade nut milk) or sub water sheets with parchment paper. In a large bowl,
2 tsp baking powder stir together banana, peanut butter, honey, and
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt vanilla. In a small bowl, combine oats, flour,
cinnamon, salt, and baking soda. Stir the oat
Mix together. Pour into 2-quart baking dish (do mixture into the banana mixture until combined.
not spray the dish). Bake uncovered for 30 Stir in raisins. Using a ¼-cup measure, drop
minutes at 350°F. You can refrigerate it and just mounds of dough 3 inches apart on prepared
heat it up in the microwave. You can add brown baking sheets. With a thin metal or small plastic
sugar, walnuts or raisins (or whatever you like). spatula dipped in water, flatten and spread each
Contributed by Karen C. mound of dough to 2¾-inch round, about ½-
inch thick. Once baked, each cookie will be
Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter about 3½ to 4 inches in diameter. Bake, one
Smoothie sheet at a time, for 14-16 minutes or until
1½ c LID-safe nut or oat milk browned. Transfer to wire racks to cool
½ c crushed ice cubes completely. Makes about 12 breakfast cookies.
2 TbspLID-safe peanut butter Variations: split cookie dough into 3 batches:
1 Tbspcocoa (more if you prefer dark Batch 1: Spread a thin, flat layer of dough and
chocolate) spread with LID-safe jelly; cover with more
½ lg very ripe banana, peeled and frozen dough, pinching the ends together.
¼ tsp vanilla extract Batch 2: Add the raisins plus dried cranberries,
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt and some chopped unsalted walnuts.
1 pinch turmeric (for the anti-oxidant Batch 3: Add 1 to 2 Tbsp cocoa. some LID-
benefits, opt) safe dark chocolate chips, and some grated
Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until orange, if desired.
smooth. Tip: Keep peeled and chunked-up Contributed by Jean Z.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 72
Banana-Nut Griddle Cakes In a small bowl whisk together flour, sugar,
2 lg egg whites baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. (You can
2 Tbsp sugar also add a couple shakes of ground allspice or
1 tsp vanilla nutmeg, a dash of ground cloves, a little vanilla
1 c flour extract, or a couple drops of imitation butter
2 tsp baking powder flavor.) In a bowl, whisk together egg whites,
¾ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt coconut oil, and water (or cider). (Raisins or
1 tsp cinnamon chopped fruit can be added if desired.) Add
1 tsp vegetable oil flour mixture, and stir batter until just
¾ c water combined. Heat a waffle iron until hot, brush it
½ lg banana, mashed with vegetable oil, and pour in enough batter to
~¼ c crushed nuts (e.g., walnuts) fill it. Cook the waffle according to the
manufacturer’s instructions, transfer it to a
Beat egg whites and sugar. Add vanilla. Stir in baking sheet, and keep it warm, uncovered, in a
remaining ingredients. Cook on griddle. warm oven. Make additional waffles with the
Recipe makes about 8 pancakes. remaining batter in the same manner. Serve the
Contributed by Judy S. waffles with the syrup. They can also be frozen
and then warmed in a toaster as needed.
Blueberry Pancakes Contributed by Jon S.
3 lg egg whites, beaten
2 Tbsp sugar Easy LID Matzah Brei
1 tsp vanilla 1½ c egg whites
3 tsp baking powder ¼ c non-dairy milk
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt ¼ c water
2 Tbsp canola oil ¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1¼ c flour 4 sheets plain, unsalted matzah
¾ c water ½ tsp onion powder
fresh blueberries, rinsed and drained ½ tsp garlic powder
Slowly add sugar and vanilla to well-beaten egg oil or butter substitute for frying
whites. Then add remaining ingredients (except unsweetened, LID-safe non-dairy
the blueberries), stirring after adding each one. yogurt or sour cream substitute (opt)
Let batter sit for 5 minutes. Then gently fold in Whisk egg whites, non-dairy milk, water, salt,
the blueberries. Pour the pancakes on hot onion powder, and garlic powder together in a
griddle sprayed with vegetable oil to cook. large bowl. Put frying pan on stove on medium
Serve with real maple syrup. Makes 10-12 heat. Break matzah into small pieces and drop
pancakes. into egg mixture; let soak while pan heats. Once
Contributed by Sharon M. pan has heated up, add oil or butter substitute,
then add egg-and-matzah mixture to the pan; fry
Cinnamon Waffles until done on both sides. If you like, serve with
1 c all-purpose flour unsweetened non-dairy yogurt in place of
2 Tbsp sugar traditional sour cream. Matzah brei is a
2 tsp baking powder traditional Passover dish usually made for
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt breakfast or brunch.
¼ c egg whites Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted (sub corn oil)
1½ tsp cinnamon
½ c water or apple cider
vegetable oil or no-stick spray
maple syrup as an accompaniment
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 73
Easy Potato & Egg Breakfast microwave). Let stand covered at least 2
1 tsp canola oil minutes. Add brown sugar to taste.
1 lg baking potato, baked ahead, peeled and Contributed by Kathy C.
onion, chopped Fruit Shake
green pepper, chopped 1 lg banana
non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper, to 1 c orange juice
taste 1 c water
3 lg egg whites ½ tray ice cubes
In a medium skillet, heat one teaspoon canola Place all ingredients into a blender and liquefy!
oil. Combine potato, onion, and pepper and Some additional pulsing might be necessary to
sauté in the pan. Then add eggs and seasonings break up the ice cubes. Feel free to add
and cook until set. raspberries, blueberries, or cut up strawberries
Contributed by Pat S. for flavor variation. Makes approximately 32
ounces when blended. Great as a breakfast
European-Style Pancakes/Crêpes shake (very filling) or just as a refreshing
100 ml Lid-safe almond or coconut milk beverage.
100 gm plain white flour Contributed by Lauren P.
1 lg egg white
1 Tbsp white sugar Fruit Smoothie
Vegetable oil for cooking 1½ c orange juice
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Gradually 1 Tbsp powdered egg whites (found in
add the egg and the nut milk, stirring to make bakery aisle or with health foods)
sure no lumps form. The batter will be quite ½ lg banana
thin. Brush the oil onto a non-stick pan and heat 1 sm handful frozen strawberries and/or
it to medium. Add 50 ml of the batter to the pan blueberries, to taste
and cook until the sides start to become light Blend in blender until smooth. Yields about 2
brown. Then flip and heat on other side about ⅔ tall glasses. Enjoy with a bowl of oatmeal.
as long time as the first side. Remove from pan Contributed by Darlene H.
and continue with the next portion of the batter.
These keep in the fridge for at least 3 days. German 5-Minute Müsli
Contributed by Line 2 c rolled oats
½ c wheat germ
Fruit & Oatmeal ½ c sliced almonds, raw
1 med apple, peeled, cored, and chopped ½ c raw sunflower seeds (sub pumpkin
unsalted walnuts; finely chopped seeds), unsalted
¼ c regular oatmeal ⅛ tsp non-iodized/non-sea fine salt (not
cinnamon, to taste Kosher, it’s too coarse)
raisins and/or dates, to taste ⅓ c raisins
½ c water ⅔ c chopped dates
brown sugar, to taste Mix raisins and dates together and add salt; mix
Combine, in a medium microwave-safe bowl, to distribute the salt. Then toss all ingredients
apple, walnuts, and oatmeal and mix together. together in a bowl. Mix. Store in a cool dry
Add raisins/and or dates. Pour water over the place or in the fridge. Enjoy with LID-safe milk
mixture. Cover bowl and microwave ~2 minutes or fruit juice. Add LID-safe chocolate chips and
on high (length of time may vary based on your just nibble on it as a snack.
Contributed by Anonymous

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 74
Grandma B’s Easy Granola 3 lg egg whites
4 c old fashioned rolled oats oil for frying
⅜ c brown sugar (packed) Mix 2 packets of yeast and ½ c warm water
⅛ c whole flaxseeds together and set aside for 5 minutes. Then add ½
2 to 3 tsp ground cinnamon c warm water and ⅓ c sugar. Set aside.
¼ c canola oil Sift 3-4 c of flour with 1 tsp of salt. Add ⅓ c
¼ c honey shortening. Mix well.
1 to 2 c raisins Now add the yeast mixture to the second
Mix oats, brown sugar, flaxseeds, and ground mixture along with 3 egg whites. Mix well.
cinnamon together in a large bowl, and then set Cover and chill 3 hours to overnight.
aside. Mix oil and honey together, then add to Take out of refrigerator. Shape donuts or donut
the oat mixture. Stir, making sure everything is holes. Let rise 30-40 minutes. Fry in oil 2
coated. Place on large lined cookie sheet (use a minutes, turning only once, on medium-high
silicone baking mat, or parchment paper) and heat (~350°F oil).
bake in oven at 260°F for 1 hour 15 minutes. Contributed by Kimber S. (Recipe by Gaye B.)
Stir every 15 minutes. Once done, transfer to
bowl to cool and add raisins. Olé Omelet!
Contributed by Bridget C. ½ c egg whites
1 Tbsp chopped green onions
Griddle Cakes 1 Tbsp chopped tomato
2 lg egg whites 1 Tbsp chopped cilantro
2 Tbsp sugar ¼ med avocado, very thinly sliced lengthwise
1 tsp vanilla non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper to
1 c flour taste
2 tsp baking powder Pour egg whites into a heated non-stick small
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt frying pan. Let set, flip. Fan the avocado slices
1 tsp cinnamon across ½ of the egg surface, add chopped
1 tsp vegetable oil ingredients on top, spreading evenly to edges.
½ c water (more as desired for batter Flip the uncovered side over to cover
thickness) ingredients. Slip out of pan onto a serving plate.
Beat egg whites with sugar. Add vanilla and stir While not necessary, you may microwave the
in rest of ingredients, adding water until the dish for 30 seconds to meld the flavors and
batter is the consistency of thick cream. You can make the avocado creamier. This way you will
make yours a bit thicker so they are more filling. not miss the cheese. If desired, serve with a no-
Spoon batter onto hot griddle greased with a bit salt corn tortilla heated in microwave for 30-45
of vegetable oil. Makes about 8 griddle cakes. seconds, rolled and placed on side of serving
Excellent hot with jam or real maple syrup. plate. Garnish with cilantro and/or a slice of
Freeze leftovers and pop in toaster. lime.
Contributed by Susan L. Contributed by Mo O’C.

Mom’s Donuts
2 env yeast (~4½ tsp)
1 c warm water (~110°F), divided
⅓ c sugar
3 to 4 c flour
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
⅓ c LID-safe shortening

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 75
Overnight Oats Potato & Egg White Frittata with
Per serving: Onions & Asparagus
½ c plain, old-fashioned oats (not steel-cut 2 med potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
or instant) 1 pt liquid egg whites
1 Tbsp chia seeds (opt) ¼ c vegetable oil
Pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt 1 lg white onion, diced
¼ c non-dairy, LID-safe yogurt (opt) ½ pkg frozen asparagus
½ Tbsp honey (sub sweetener of choice) non-iodized/non-sea salt and pepper, to
½ c non-dairy, LID-safe milk (or water; if taste
not using yogurt, you may want to add
Heat oil in large skillet. Add potatoes and brown
a little extra)
like French fries. Add onion, being careful not
Your toppings. Anything LID-safe
to burn it. Then add asparagus just until heated.
goes: nuts, bananas, peanut butter,
Add egg whites and cover pan with lid to let
raisins or dried cranberries/cherries,
both sides of frittata cook. Flip over once if
whatever you like!
necessary. Salt and pepper to taste.
Put the oats, chia seeds (if using), salt, yogurt (if Contributed by Susan C.
using), honey, and non-dairy milk or water in
the container of your choice and stir with a Sherri’s Homemade Granola
spoon until thoroughly combined. Cover the
4 c old fashioned rolled oats
container, place in fridge, and let sit overnight.
½ tsp cinnamon
In the morning, add your toppings of choice and
¼ tsp nutmeg
enjoy! A batch will stay good in the fridge for
½ c honey
several days.
¾ c cooking oil
As the name suggests, you make this recipe the
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt
night before you want it and leave it in the
refrigerator overnight to “set.” You can either
almonds, toasted
make it in one big batch or in individual
portions in little bowls or cups. Portions are Heat oven to 300°F. Line a baking sheet with
extra convenient in the morning because you parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine oats,
can just grab one, add your toppings, and eat or cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt; set aside. In a small
take on the go. It’s meant to be eaten cold. microwave-safe bowl, combine honey and oil.
Note: At the time of this publication, the NIH Heat in microwave for about 1 minute, and stir.
did not have iodine data on chia seeds. If Pour over the oats mixture and stir well. Spread
removing from the recipe, reduce your LID-safe on baking sheet and bake for 45-50 minutes,
milk or water by ¼ cup. stirring every 15 minutes. Remove from oven
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa. Adapted from and cool. If it becomes crispy and sticks
Feel Good Foodie, https://feelgoodfoodie.net/ together, just break it up. When it’s cool, pour it
recipe/overnight-oats/ into an airtight container, adding raisins and
almonds. Try adding toasted coconut. There are
many combinations of dried fruits and such that
can be added, like dried apples, and others.
Contributed by Sherri L.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 76
Breads & Muffins, etc.
Breads & Muffins, etc.
Quick Breads & Muffins
Apple Muffins 1 tsp baking soda
⅓ c corn oil 2 Tbsp sunflower or other light oil
½ c granulated sugar 2 Tbsp maple syrup or alternative
¼ c packed brown sugar liquid/syrupy sweetener
3 lg egg whites 4 med very ripe bananas, peeled and mashed
~1 c chunky LID-safe applesauce well
1 tsp cinnamon Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly oil and flour a
¼ tsp nutmeg loaf pan. Combine the flour, coconut, baking
2 c flour powder, and baking soda in a large mixing
3 tsp baking powder bowl. Add remaining ingredients, mixing
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt together well with a wooden spoon (batter will
Beat oil and sugars together. Whip in egg be thick). Spread evenly into the loaf pan,
whites, applesauce and spices. Stir in flour, smoothing the top. Bake 40 to 45 minutes or
baking powder and salt. Grease muffin pan and until a toothpick stuck into the middle comes
divide mixture evenly between 6 large muffin out clean. Cool for at least twenty minutes
cups or 12 regular muffin cups. before slicing and serving.
Bake at 400°F for 20-25 minutes. Contributed by Nina S.
Contributed by Laura J.
Cathy’s Blueberry Muffins
Banana Bread 2 lg egg whites
2 to 3 med well-ripened bananas, peeled and 1 c water
mashed ¼ c vegetable oil
¾ c sugar 2 c flour
1 c LID-safe applesauce ¼ c sugar
2 egg whites 3 tsp baking powder
½ c canola oil ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
2 c flour 1 c fresh blueberries (or ¾ c frozen)
1 tsp baking soda Heat oven to 400°F. Beat egg whites until
Mix bananas, applesauce and egg whites. foamy. Stir in water and oil. Mix in flour, sugar,
Gradually add sugar and then oil. Lastly add baking powder, and salt until moistened. Gently
flour (consider using half whole wheat and half fold in blueberries. (If using frozen blueberries,
bread flour) and baking soda. Pour into a thaw and pat dry on paper towels).
greased loaf pan. Bake at 350°F for about 35-45 Pour batter into a greased or paper-lined muffin
minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out pan. Bake 18 minutes or until a toothpick comes
clean. out clean. Makes 12 muffins.
Variation: Add ½ cup nuts, as desired. Contributed by Cathy T.
Contributed by Dana P.
Chocolate Zucchini Bread
Banana Coconut Bread 2½ c all-purpose flour
3 c unbleached or whole-wheat pastry ½ c unsweetened cocoa
flour, or combination 1 tsp baking soda
1 c unsweetened (salt-free) shredded 1 tsp cinnamon
coconut ¼ tsp baking powder
4 tsp baking powder 2 c sugar
4 egg whites
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 77
Breads & Muffins, etc.
⅓ c canola oil spoon, beat together sugar and shortening. Add
2 Tbsp water in egg and mix a bit more. Next, combine dry
1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract ingredients with shortening mixture and add
2½ c zucchini, shredded potato water (or water or LID-safe milk). Use a
Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease two 4 x 8-inch heaping tablespoonful of your cinnamon-sugar
loaf pans with LID-safe shortening. Sift first 5 and coat raisins. Fold raisins into batter. Spread
dry ingredients together in a bowl. Combine half the batter into prepared loaf pan. Sprinkle
next 5 ingredients in another bowl. Beat sugar half of remaining brown sugar mixture on
and wet ingredients with an electric mixer until batter. Spoon rest of batter into pan and sprinkle
well blended. Stir in zucchini. Add dry remaining brown sugar mixture on top. Bake for
ingredients and stir just until moistened. Divide one hour, or until a cake tester comes out clean.
batter equally between 2 pans. Bake 50-60 Cool for 15 minutes and then remove to cool
minutes, or until toothpick inserted near center completely. Mix water, powdered sugar, and
of each loaf comes out clean. Cool loaves in vanilla together to form a glaze. Pour over
pans on wire racks for 10 minutes. Remove bread, slice and enjoy!
loaves from pans and let cool completely on Contributed by Anonymous
wire racks. These can also be made as muffins;
grease the muffin tin rather than using paper To make potato water:
liners, since the muffins tend to stick to paper. Peel and boil a small white potato in
Contributed by Deena D.
2 cups of water. When the potato is
Cinnamon Raisin Bread soft, mash it in the cooking water.
½ c raisins Pour the “milky” water through a
1 tsp vanilla extract strainer and use to make breads in
1 c boiling water place of milk. Keep refrigerated for
¼ c brown sugar up to three days.
1 Tbsp cinnamon Contributed by Daria J.
2 c flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda Corn Muffins
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 1¼ c flour
¼ c shortening ¾ c corn meal
1 c sugar ¼ c sugar
½ c potato water (see text box) or sub plain 2 tsp baking powder
water or LID-safe nut or oat milk ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Glaze ingredients: 1 c water
½ c powdered sugar ¼ c vegetable oil
3 Tbsp water 2 lg egg whites
½ tsp vanilla extract
Heat oven to 400°F. Combine dry ingredients.
Preheat your oven to 350°F. Grease and flour a Stir in water, oil, and egg whites. Mix until dry
loaf pan. While the oven is heating, pour the ingredients are moistened. Pour batter into
vanilla extract and boiling water over the raisins greased or paper-lined muffin pan. Bake 15 to
and let them stand for 10 minutes. Pour off the 20 minutes.
liquid and set aside in a strainer so they continue Contributed by Cathy T.
to drip dry while you mix your other
ingredients. Mix together brown sugar and
cinnamon, set aside. Mix together remaining dry
ingredients. In a mixer or using a large bowl and

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 78
Breads & Muffins, etc.
Dairy-Free Cornbread Orange Oat Muffins
1 c cornmeal ¼ c oat bran
1 c all-purpose flour ½ c quick-cooking oats
¼ c sugar ⅓ c orange juice concentrate
5 tsp baking powder ½ c water
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Combine oat bran, oats, juice concentrate, and
1⅛ c water water in medium bowl and set aside for 20
⅓ c safflower oil minutes then add:
1 Tbsp safflower oil for cooking 1 egg white (see note)
Preheat oven to 425°F. Add 1 Tbsp of oil to an 2 Tbsp canola or other oil
8-inch cast iron skillet and heat in oven while Separately mix:
combining and mixing well in a bowl all ¾ c whole-wheat pastry flour
remaining ingredients. Pour the cornmeal ¼ c sugar (or use ⅛ c of sweetener of your
mixture into hot skillet (or use an unheated 8- choice)
inch cake pan). Bake for 20-25 minutes. Perfect ½ tsp baking powder
with chili or white beans. The cast iron skillet ½ tsp baking soda
will make the cornbread a little crustier. 1 tsp cinnamon
Contributed by Patricia W. 2 Tbsp grated orange peel (opt)

Mel’s Zucchini Carrot Muffins Add dry ingredients to oat/juice/egg mixture and
stir only until just combined. Divide batter
2 c grated zucchini equally into 6 greased muffin cups. Bake at
2 c grated carrot 375°F for 25 minutes. Cool in pans; then
½ c LID-safe applesauce remove to wire rack. Freeze for longer storage.
½ c walnuts (unsalted) These are great slightly warmed in a microwave.
½ c raisins Note: 1 Tbsp ground flax seed soaked in 2 Tbsp
¾ c canola oil boiling water may be substituted for the egg
4 lg egg whites, beaten until foamy white.
1 tsp vanilla extract Contributed by Jane G.
2 c unbleached flour
1¼ c sugar
2 tsp baking soda Pumpkin Bread
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 6.5 oz egg whites, lightly beaten*
2 tsp grated orange peel 1 c canola oil
1 Tbsp ground cinnamon 2 c sugar
½ tsp cardamom 1 15-oz can 100% pure pumpkin (not
pumpkin pie filling)
Preheat oven to 375°F. Mix together the 3½ c flour
zucchini, carrots, applesauce, walnuts, and 1 tsp baking powder
raisins. Add the canola oil, egg whites, and 2 tsp baking soda
vanilla. Set aside. In a second bowl, mix the 2 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
remaining ingredients. Fold dry ingredients into 1 tsp cinnamon
wet and blend gently with a wooden spoon. Fill 1 tsp nutmeg
24 greased or paper-lined muffin cups ⅔ full (or 1 tsp allspice
use one Bundt pan). Bake 20-22 minutes or until ⅔ c water
a sharp knife comes out clean when inserted into 1 c add-ins of choice (opt)
the mixture. You may need longer baking time
if using the Bundt pan. Add-in suggestions: chopped unsalted walnuts,
Contributed by Melissa R. LID-safe chocolate chips, raisins, dates, or a
combination totaling 1 cup.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 79
Breads & Muffins, etc.
*Note: For a vegan version, you can substitute Combine mashed bananas, brown sugar, oil and
canned coconut milk (6.5 fl. oz. or a little more egg whites. Beat until mixed. Stir dry
than 200 ml) in place of the egg whites, or use ingredients together and add to banana mixture,
an egg replacement product (follow instructions stirring to combine. Add nuts if desired. Pour
on the box to substitute for the equivalent of 4 into muffin pan, filling halfway. Combine sugar
whole eggs). and cinnamon for topping; sprinkle on top of
Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease three 2-lb loaf batter before baking. Bake at 350°F for 20
pans. Combine egg whites (or coconut milk or minutes. Makes 6 muffins.
the egg replacement), oil, sugar, and pumpkin in Contributed by Alison B.
a bowl or mixer. In a separate bowl, mix dry
ingredients. Add dry mixture to pumpkin Bagel tip:
mixture and blend in water. Pour into prepared Check your local bagel shop
loaf pans and bake for 1 hour or until done. to see if bagels are cooked on
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa the premises. Ask if they use
non-iodized/non-sea salt and
Strawberry Nut Muffins
if they are free of iodine-based
2 c flour
3 lg egg whites dough conditioners. If so, they
½ c sugar are LID-safe!
¼ c brown sugar Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
⅓ c vegetable oil
2 c fresh strawberries (pureed) Zucchini Bread
3 tsp baking powder
6 lg egg whites
1 tsp cinnamon
2 c sugar
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1 pinch ground ginger (opt)
1 c vegetable oil
¼ c walnuts (finely chopped)
2 c (packed) grated zucchini
Throw everything together in a bowl. Mix. Pour 2 c flour
batter into a greased or paper-lined muffin tins. 1 Tbsp cinnamon
Bake for 20 minutes at 400°F. 2 tsp baking soda
Contributed by Dana F. ¼ tsp baking powder
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Whole Wheat Banana Muffins 1 c chopped unsalted walnuts (opt)
1 c mashed banana (2-3 med) Preheat oven to 350°F. Beat egg whites until
⅔ c brown sugar frothy, add sugar, vanilla and vegetable oil, and
⅓ c corn oil beat until thick. Squeeze some of the water out
2 lgegg whites of the grated zucchini, then stir zucchini into the
¾ c all-purpose flour mixture. Sift together the dry ingredients and
¾ c whole wheat flour add to mixture. Stir in unsalted optional
1 tsp
baking soda walnuts. Oil and flour 2 loaf pans; LID-safe
1 tsp
baking powder non-stick baking spray that’s made with flour
½ tsp
non-iodized/non-sea salt works great, too! Pour equal amounts into each
½ c chopped unsalted nuts (opt) loaf pan. Bake at 350°F for 50-60 minutes.
Topping: Contributed by Laura R.
¼ c white sugar
½ tsp cinnamon

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 80
Breads & Muffins, etc.
Yeast Breads & Rolls
Basic White Bread (Bread Machine) yeast does not bubble or get foamy on top after
2½ tsp yeast 5 minutes, discard and try again.)
2 c bread flour Add egg whites and salt, then flour. Mix until
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt combined and the dough is slightly sticky.
1 tsp sugar Scrape out onto a clean, floured surface and
1 tsp olive oil knead it, adding small amounts of flour if
1 c warm water needed, until it no longer sticks to your hands.
Divide into quarters, then halve those pieces (or
Add ingredients in machine in order listed. quarter them for slider buns!). Leave square, or
Follow bread machine instructions. roll into balls and flatten for round buns.
Contributed by Karen F. Transfer to cookie sheets, placing at least 2
inches apart, and cover with a paper towel.
Cinnamon Rolls Allow dough to rise for half an hour in a warm
1 recipe LID-safe bread dough from this place, and then bake for 8-10 minutes at 425°F.
cookbook For a denser bun, reduce the rise time and use a
1 ½ Tbsp cinnamon bit more oil. Ingredient substitutions can make
1 c sugar these very versatile. For example, replace the
¼ c canola oil all-purpose flour with wheat flour, or use bread
a tiny bit of water if needed to make it flour and olive oil for a more Italian-style roll.
spreadable. Contributed by Tim F.
Instead of making a loaf, I divide the dough into
Focaccia Bread (Bread Machine)
14 pieces. Then I flatten each piece with my
fingers and add 2 Tbsp of the cinnamon mix and 2½ tsp yeast
spread it out. Then I roll the flattened dough so 3 c flour
that the cinnamon mix creates a swirl from the 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
center outward. Place on cookie sheet this way. 1 Tbsp olive oil
Any remaining cinnamon mix is smeared on top 1 tsp rosemary, crushed
of the buns. Bake in the oven about 10 minutes 1 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
(~400°F) until a toothpick comes out clean. 1 tsp minced garlic
Contributed by Natalie W. 1¼ c warm water
Add ingredients to bread machine in the order
Easy 40-Minute Hamburger/Sandwich listed and bake. Remove bread while still warm,
Buns spray with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt.
A way to improve the bread that takes more
1 Tbsp active dry yeast
time and energy: Remove dough after first
½ c plus 1 Tbsp warm water (105 to
rising. Pound it with your fingertips to create a
thin, uneven surface about one inch deep. Let
2 Tbsp sugar
rise, place on a baking pan dusted with
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
cornmeal, and press with fingertips again to
2 Tbsp egg whites
make indentations. Drizzle with olive oil and
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
add rosemary, salt, etc. Bake bread in a hot oven
1½ c all-purpose flour (or sub whole wheat
(475°F) for about 15 minutes.
flour, or use a blend of the two)
Contributed by Karen F.
Preheat oven to 425°F. Line two baking sheets
with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, add water and dissolve yeast.
Add sugar, then oil, and let sit five minutes. (If

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 81
Breads & Muffins, etc.
French Bread But wait—I don’t have a bread
1 pkg active dry yeast
⅓ c warm water, 105-115°F machine! ☹
3 c all-purpose flour, reserve 2 tsp We realize not everyone has a bread
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt machine. Consider borrowing one from
⅔ c very cold water a friend or asking a friend to bake for
you. Alternatively, you can easily
In small bowl, sprinkle yeast over warm water. convert any bread-machine recipe to a
Set aside about 10 minutes, or until dissolved.
regular oven-based recipe by following
In work bowl of food processor fitted with steel
these steps:
blade, combine flour and salt. Start processor
and add yeast mixture. Add cold water in a slow 1. The ingredient list is the same.
steady stream as quickly as the flour absorbs it; 2. “Proof” the yeast: put it in the water
this should take about 20-25 seconds. (or other liquid) used in the recipe,
Continue processing until dough forms a ball, but, first, heat the water/liquid to
then for 60 seconds longer to knead dough. 110-120°F.
Sprinkle the reserved 2 tsp of flour inside a 1- 3. Feed the yeast by adding a touch of
gallon zippered plastic bag. Remove dough the sugar used in the recipe. If the
from work bowl and shape it into a smooth ball. recipe does not call for sugar,
Place dough in prepared bag; squeeze out air adding ½ teaspoon will not change
and close the top; leaving space for dough to the final product.
rise. Place in a warm, draft-free place to rise 4. Mix all your ingredients together
until doubled in bulk, about 1-1½ hours. Release well. Knead the dough some, then
seal on bag and punch down dough in bag. place it in an oiled bowl and cover
Remove dough and shape into a 24" long it. Leave it in a warm place to rise.
slender loaf with tapered ends. Lightly spray a It should roughly double in bulk.
large baking sheet with nonstick spray. Place This usually takes about 1 hour.
loaf on sheet and cut several diagonal half-inch 5. Punch the dough down and shape it
slashes across top of loaf. into a loaf, or use a loaf pan. Set it
Spray a sheet of plastic wrap with nonstick aside for the second rise. It will
spray and drape sprayed side loosely over loaf. again roughly double in size; so
Set aside in a warm, draft-free place to rise until factor that in when you put the
doubled in bulk, about 30-40 minutes. Remove dough into the pan or onto the
plastic wrap. baking sheet.
Preheat oven to 400°F. Bake for 20 minutes 6. After it has risen, bake in a 375-
until well browned and bread sounds hollow 400°F oven until it reaches an
when tapped on the bottom. Remove from internal temperature of 190°F.
baking sheet and cool on wire rack. Another way to test for doneness is
Contributed by Nancy to flip the bread upside-down (that
might mean removing it from the
loaf pan), checking that it’s golden
and tapping the bottom of the loaf.
It should sound hollow.
Contributed by Daria J.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 82
Breads & Muffins, etc.
Golden Honey Bread (Bread Machine) Multi-Grain Wheat Bread
18 Tbsp tepid water (70-80°F) (18 Tbsp = 1 c (Bread Machine)
+ 2 Tbsp 1 c water
2 Tbsp honey ¼ c honey
2 Tbsp olive oil 3 Tbsp
corn oil
1½ tsp sugar 2 lg egg whites
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 1¼ tspnon-iodized/non-sea salt
3½ c bread flour ¼ c oats
2 tsp active dry yeast ¼ c yellow corn meal
In bread machine pan, place all ingredients in ¼ c toasted wheat germ or other grain
order suggested by manufacturer. Select basic (e.g., 7-grain)
bread setting. Choose crust color and loaf size, 2 c whole wheat flour
if available. Bake according to bread machine 1 c all-purpose flour
directions. Yield: 1 loaf. 1 pkg (2¼ tsp) dry yeast
Contributed by Lois J. Place in bread machine in order listed. Use High
(whole wheat) setting. Makes a 2-pound loaf.
Hawaiian Sweet Bread (Bread This is a very dense bread. Great for making
Machine) sandwiches.
1 c salt-free, dairy-free LID-safe vanilla Contributed by Brenda H.
coconut milk
4 Tbsp vegetable oil No-Knead Bread
3 egg whites 3 c regular all-purpose flour
¼ tsp vanilla extract ¼ tsp instant yeast
¼ lg lemon, just the peel, grated 1¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
3 Tbsp white sugar ½ c water
3 Tbsp brown sugar corn meal, wheat bran, or flour for
2 Tbsp dry potato flakes dusting
3 c organic bread flour In a large bowl mix flour, instant yeast and salt.
1 Tbsp active dry yeast (packaged) Add water and stir briefly so it comes together
Put ingredients into bread machine in the order into sticky dough. Don’t knead! Cover and let it
listed above. Set machine for sweet dough and rest for at least 12 hours (preferably 18) at a
light crust, and run. Use bread by itself or for warm room temperature.
French toast made with egg whites. Preheat the oven to 500-515°F as well as a
Yield: One 2-pound loaf heavy 6- to 8-quart covered pot (cast iron,
Contributed by Stephen M. Pyrex, or enamel). The dough’s surface will
have bubbles. Dump the dough onto a floured
Kim’s Soft Pretzels board. The stringy texture is from the gluten.
1 c flour Sprinkle the dough with flour and pat it lightly
½ tsp dry yeast into a circle. Fold the edges to the center a
1 tsp sugar couple of times to make a ball. Put the dough
pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt seam-side down on to a tea towel dusted with
6 Tbsp warm (110°F) water wheat bran, cornmeal or flour, and sprinkle
some on top. Invert the dough into the heated
Mix ingredients and knead until well combined. pot, cover it with the lid and bake for thirty
Let dough rest approximately 30-60 minutes in minutes. Take the lid off and bake for another
oiled bowl. Fold into pretzel shape and let rest 5 twenty minutes until the crust is nice and brown.
more minutes. Bake at 450°F for approximately Turn the bread out of the pot and let it cool.
10 minutes. Makes 4. Contributed by Kim S. Contributed by Nan F.
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 83
Breads & Muffins, etc.
Pão Caseiro (Portuguese Bread) them rest for 20 minutes. On a floured surface,
7 c flour plus more for kneading roll the balls out into ~8-inch circles and ¼ inch
2 tsp yeast (1 packet) in thickness. Place a baking stone in the oven
1½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt and preheat the oven to 425°F. If you do not
1 tsp honey have a baking stone, flip a cookie sheet upside
1 c fresh orange juice, warmed to roughly down and use that as your cooking surface.
110°F Place circles (try dropping them “rise” side up
2½ c warm water (105-115°F) versus “rolled” side up) onto the hot cookie
sheet, cooking two at a time. Bake until puffy,
Mix the yeast with some of the warm water and about 3-4 minutes. These will not brown much
honey and set it aside to proof for a few (like the store-bought ones) but are delicious &
minutes. Put the flour and salt into a bowl and a great bread option. If they don’t puff enough
mix with the water, orange juice and proofed to split; use them like flatbread.
yeast. Mix well by hand or use a dough hook. If Focaccia Variation:
the mixture is too wet, add some flour. Knead Use the same recipe and prepare through the
for 5 minutes. Place the dough into a large first rise. Instead of dividing the dough, spread
floured bowl and let it rise for at least one hour the dough on a lightly greased pan and brush
(it should double in size). Preheat your oven to with olive oil. You can sprinkle with rosemary
400°F. Punch the bread dough down and form or chopped garlic or onions. Cover and let the
three medium loaves on a lightly floured cookie dough rise for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to
sheet. (Tip: flour your hands so the dough does 425°F and bake for 15 minutes or until lightly
not stick). Let the dough rise for another 15 brown.
minutes and bake 35 minutes until the top starts Contributed by Lily W.
to brown a little.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa
Quick Mix Thin & Crispy Pizza Crust
Pita Bread with Focaccia Variation with Topping Suggestions
2 c plain flour
2 c flour
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 c whole wheat flour
1 tsp sugar
1½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
¾ c warm water (110°F)
1 Tbsp honey
7 gm (¼ oz) packet dried yeast (if using
2 tsp yeast (1 packet)
compressed yeast use 15 gm or ½ oz.)
1¼ c lukewarm water
2 to 3 Tbsp olive oil Sift flour and salt into a bowl. Make a well in
the center. Stir water into yeast and sugar in a
Mix the yeast in with the flour, salt, and sugar in
separate bowl. Pour this mixture into the flour.
mixer bowl with paddle attachment. Add the
Mix to a firm dough. Knead on floured surface
olive oil and water and mix until dough forms a
until smooth.
ball. Remove the paddle attachment and replace
Divide dough in half; roll each half large
it with the dough hook; knead the mix for 8
enough to cover the base of two 28-centimeter
minutes. If you don’t have a heavy-duty mixer,
(11-inch) pizza pans. If you don’t have a pizza
this can be both mixed by hand and kneaded for
pan, just use a baking tray.
10 minutes. Place the dough in a bowl that has
Top with your favorite topping; leave about an
been lightly coated with oil. Cover the dough
inch around the edge for the crust and bake in a
with oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a
hot to very hot oven for 15 minutes (~450°F).
damp kitchen towel and set it aside to rise until
If you want to freeze the dough you can, just
it has doubled in size, for approximately 90
bake for an extra 15 minutes when using.
minutes. Punch the dough down and divide it
into 8 pieces. Roll each piece into a ball, cover
the balls with a damp kitchen towel, and let
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 84
Breads & Muffins, etc.
Toppings and Serving Suggestions: Alternatively, you can mix this together with a
Spread the base with unsalted tomato paste. I bowl and spoon. Scrape the mixture onto
used a salt-free basil-flavored tomato sauce that floured surface and knead into a ball. Place in a
was meant for pasta. Then chop up some onion, greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and stand
fresh tomato and zucchini. Cook that up in a in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1
little olive oil for a few minutes. Spread on top hour.
of the base, and sprinkle with dried or fresh Punch down dough; knead on floured surface
basil and black pepper. If you like, add some into a loaf shape, and place in a greased loaf tin.
fresh pineapple. Cook for 15 minutes in the Stand in a warm place uncovered for 40 minutes
oven. You could use the pesto recipe from this or until doubled in size.
cookbook (maybe with a bit less oil). Spread Bake at 425°F for 15 minutes, then reduce heat
this on the base and top with your favorite to 375°F and bake 40 minutes further. Turn out
veggies. You could put some low-iodine- on wire rack to cool.
compatible pre-cooked chicken or some other Contributed by Jodi F.
type of pre-cooked meat on top.
Contributed by Jodi F. Whole Wheat Bread Recipe (Bread
Simple White Bread 13 Tbsp water (¾ c + 1 Tbsp)
2 tsp dry yeast 2 tsp honey
2 tsp sugar 1 Tbsp brown sugar
½ c warm water (100-110°F) 1 c bread flour
3 c plain flour 1 c whole wheat flour
1½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
¾ c additional warm water 1 Tbsp oil, canola or vegetable oil
This bread is easy to make but it takes a few 1½ tsp active dry yeast (sub 1 tsp bread
hours, as it has to rise. Place yeast, sugar and machine or fast-rise yeast)
half a cup of warm water in a bowl and stir until Mix as directed on your bread machine
sugar is dissolved. Let stand for 10 minutes or instructions. If your machine has a wheat bread
until frothy. If it does not become frothy, try setting, set it to Wheat Bread. This yields a one-
again with another packet of yeast. pound loaf.
Place flour, salt and three-quarters of a cup of Contributed by Linda B.
warm water in a food processor and process for
a few seconds. While motor is running, add
yeast mixture and process until combined.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 85
Breads & Muffins, etc.
Biscuits, Tortillas, & Other Baked Goods
Biscuits minutes. Put dough in a greased bowl in a warm
In a mixing bowl, mix together: place (oven with bowl or pan of steaming water
2 c sifted flour on lower rack works well) ½ to 1 hour. Divide
3 tsp baking powder dough in half and in half again until you have 12
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt dough balls. Place dough balls between sheets
Then add all at once: of plastic wrap and roll out to 6- to 8-inch
⅓ c oil (I use canola) circles. Fry in about a half-inch of vegetable oil
⅔ c ice cold water at med high heat until just lightly browned on
each side. If dough puffs, press down with
Mix together until a ball is formed. spatula. Cool and stack with wax paper or paper
Knead about 8 or 10 times. towel between. Lasts 3 days in fridge or freezes
Roll or pat out between two sheets of wax paper well.
until about ½ inch thick, cut with a biscuit cutter Variation: After removing from the hot oil, dust
or a glass, and place on an ungreased baking both sides with a generous amount of cinnamon
dish. Bake for 10 minutes in a 475°F oven, or in sugar to make a Mexican sweet treat called a
a toaster oven set to 450°F for 10 minutes. buñuelo.
Contributed by James L J. Contributed by Rae K.

Crackers Tortillas, Griddle

1 c all-purpose flour
1 c all-purpose flour
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
2 Tbsp vegetable oil/olive oil
¼ c water
¼ c warm water
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Combine flour, salt, and vegetable oil until well
Place flour, salt and oil in a large bowl and mix
mixed. Then slowly add warm water as you
until well combined.
knead the dough. Dough should hold together
Add about ¼ c water and mix until mixture
but should not be sticky.
holds together but is not sticky.
Roll dough into about 4 balls (2 to 3 inches in
Roll out on a lightly floured surface until ¼ inch
diameter). Place each dough ball on a lightly
thick. Score lightly with a sharp knife if you
floured cutting board and roll out with a lightly
want to break these into squares later on.
floured rolling pin. Roll dough out to about ¼
Bake on a baking sheet until lightly browned
inch thick. Tortillas may not be perfect circles.
about 10 minutes. Cool and enjoy.
Using a skillet or griddle on medium to high
Contributed by Monisha R.
heat, cook each tortilla (approximately 20
seconds each side). There is no need to grease
Tortillas, Fried the skillet. You will start seeing bubbles rise in
3 c flour the middle. When this happens, flip to the other
⅓ c vegetable oil (preferably canola) side. You will see slight browned/burned spots.
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt This is good!
1 c water Contributed by Jamie G.
oil for frying
Mix flour and oil until crumbly. Add salt to
water add to the flour mixture and knead 3-5

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 86
Dust lightly with powdered sugar. Cool on wire
Any angel food cake recipe rack. Cover and refrigerate.
should work fine while on the Tip: Freeze half of it in small individual
LID if you use non- portions and used it as coffeecake for
iodized/non-sea salt. You can breakfast.
even make a chocolate version Contributed by Pat G.
with LID-safe cocoa! Angel
food cake freezes well by the Banana-Blueberry Cake
3 lg bananas, smashed
slice! Defrost and enjoy.
~⅓ c cinnamon applesauce (use just a
Contributed by Amanda
little less than ⅓ c)
¾ c sugar
Apple Cake 3 Tbsp liquid egg whites
1 c sugar 1 tsp vanilla
½ c canola oil 1 tsp baking soda
1 lg egg white 1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt
1¼ c flour 1½ c flour
½ tsp baking soda ¾ c blueberries
1 tsp cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350°F and grease a small cake
1 tsp nutmeg
pan. I use an 11 inch x 8 inch pan. Mix
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
applesauce into mashed bananas. Mix in sugar,
2¼ c chopped apples
egg and vanilla. Sprinkle the baking soda and
Mix well. Pour into oiled 8 x 8-inch pan. Bake salt over the mixture and mix in. Add flour and
at 350°F for 35 minutes, or a bit longer (until mix well. Fold in blueberries and pour into
toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.) greased pan. Bake 45-50 minutes, depending on
Contributed by Karen Fr. Fr. the depth of the pan, until golden brown on top.
You can substitute any kind of berries, and try
Apple Walnut Cake adding unsalted walnuts too.
3 lg egg whites Contributed by Kathy H.
2 c sugar
½ c vegetable oil Brenda’s Chocolate Cake
2 tsp vanilla 3 c flour
2 c flour 5 Tbsp cocoa
1 Tbsp cinnamon 2 c sugar
½ tsp nutmeg 2 tsp baking soda
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
4 c diced unpeeled apples 15 Tbsp oil (¾ c + 3 Tbsp)
1 c coarse chopped unsalted walnuts 2 Tbsp vinegar
powdered sugar 1 Tbsp vanilla
2 c cold water
Preheat oven to 325°F. Prepare a 9 x 13 x 2-inch
baking dish with a small amount of oil. In Combine first 5 ingredients. Add oil, vinegar,
mixing bowl, beat the eggs, sugar, oil, and vanilla, and cold water. Mix slightly with mixer
vanilla. Add flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. or by hand. Bake in 9 x 13-inch pan for 35-40
Fold in apples and walnuts. Bake for 50-60 minutes at 350°F.
minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Contributed by Brenda N.
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 87
Frosting Adapt your favorite cake recipes
1 c LID-safe shortening
to make them LID-safe:
16 oz powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla For salt, use non-iodized/non-
1 tsp butter extract or flavoring sea salt. Your baking powder
water and baking soda is safe. For
Blend the vegetable shortening and the sugar each egg, use two egg whites or
until creamy. Add vanilla and butter flavor. Add ¼ cup of egg white. Instead of
a little (1 tsp) water at a time. Blend until it has butter, use an equal amount of
the desired consistency LID-safe shortening or oil. For
Variation: For chocolate frosting, add ¼ cup of milk, use water. For buttermilk,
cocoa. Add any flavoring you like instead of
butter—e.g., maple, coconut, almond, banana. use water plus a teaspoon of
Contributed by Betty F. vinegar for every cup. Flour,
cocoa, extracts, unsalted nuts—
Hot Fudge Pudding Cake these typical cake ingredients
Batter: are all LID-safe. Artificial
¾ c sugar sweeteners are safe too!
1 c flour It’s OK to indulge your sweet
3 Tbsp cocoa
2 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
½ c water Nana’s Portuguese Chocolate
⅓ c corn oil Applesauce Cake
1½ tsp vanilla ½ c canola oil
Mix first five dry ingredients. Add water, oil, 1 lg egg white
and vanilla. Mix until smooth. Pour into 1½ c sugar
8 x 8 x 2-inch or 9 x 9 x 2-inch greased pan. 1½ c LID-safe applesauce
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
½ c granulated sugar
4 Tbsp cocoa
½ c brown sugar
2 c flour
4 Tbsp cocoa
1½ tsp baking soda
Mix and sprinkle over batter. Pour 1¼ to 1½ cup ¾ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
hot water over top (use 1½ c for more pudding, 1 to 2 c raisins
if desired).
Mix the first 7 ingredients together in a large
DO NOT STIR. Bake at 350°F for 40 minutes
bowl. In a small bowl or measuring cup, mix
until the center is almost set. Let stand 15
together the flour, baking soda and salt. Add the
dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. Then fold
Contributed by Brenda H.
in the raisins. Pour into oiled tube or Bundt pan
and bake at 350°F for 50 to 60 minutes.
Contributed by Karen Fr. Fr.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 88
Nina’s Chocolate Cake batter was mixed in. Bake 30 minutes or until
2 c water center is firm. Cool. This can then be sprinkled
½ c vegetable oil with powdered sugar.
1 Tbsp white vinegar Topping suggestion from Tracy T.: Crush
2 tsp vanilla extract strawberries (if in season) or stew a package of
3 c all-purpose flour frozen berries. Sweeten slightly with sugar and
1½ c sugar serve over pieces of cake.
½ c unsweetened cocoa powder Contributed by Christine N.
1½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Here’s an example of a recipe
vegetable cooking spray
overhaul: transform yellow cake
2 tsp powdered sugar
into white cake!
Preheat oven to 350°F. Combine first four
ingredients in a large bowl. Combine flour and Ingredients before:
next four ingredients in a separate bowl; stir 2 c flour
well. Add the flour mixture to the water 2 tsp baking powder
mixture. Beat at low speed with an electric ½ tsp salt
mixer until well blended. Beat an additional one 1½ c sugar
minute at high speed. Pour the batter into a 1¼ c milk
13 x 9 x 2-inch baking pan coated with cooking 1 tsp vanilla
spray. Bake for 35 minutes or until a wooden 2 eggs
pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool ½ c softened butter
completely in the pan on a wire rack. Sprinkle
powdered sugar over top of cake. Ingredients after:
Contributed by Nina S. 2 c flour
2 tsp baking powder
Wacky Cake ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1½ c flour 1½ c sugar
1 c sugar 1¼ c water
3 Tbsp cocoa 1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda 4 egg whites
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt ½ c canola (or other) oil
5 Tbsp oil
1 tsp white vinegar Follow typical cake-making steps: Sift
1 tsp vanilla your flour, baking powder, and salt
1 c cold water together. Beat oil, sugar, and vanilla
together. Add the egg whites and water.
Preheat oven to 350°F. Sift together flour, Mix wet with dry, and do not overmix.
sugar, cocoa, baking soda, and salt into an 8 x 8- Bake in a 9 x 13-inch pan at 350°F for
inch baking pan or dish. Mix thoroughly. Make 40 minutes or until done.
3 holes in the dry ingredients. Place oil in first
hole, vinegar in second hole, and vanilla in third
hole. Pour water over all and mix well. Spread
batter evenly in pan and bake in the dish that

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 89
Cookies & Bars
Best Oat Cookies That Ever Existed Bridget’s Best Brownie Bites
1 lg mashed banana 1¼ c sugar
1 c brown sugar ⅜ c canola oil
½ c white sugar 2 tsp canola oil (replacement for egg yolks)
13 tsp oil (¼ c plus 1 tsp) 4 lg egg whites
1½ tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp vanilla extract
1½ tsp cinnamon ¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1½ c flour ½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda ½ c unsweetened cocoa powder
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt ½ c all-purpose flour
2¼ c rolled oats Preheat oven to 350°F. Prepare mini muffin tins
3 Tbsp water, plus maybe a few more drops with LID-safe cooking spray. Sift flour, cocoa
Mix the brown sugar, sugar, oil, and water. Add powder, baking powder and salt into a large
the banana and vanilla. Then mix in the already bowl, set aside. Mix sugar, oil, egg whites and
pre-mixed flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and vanilla extract in separate bowl, let sit for 5-10
salt. Stir in the oats. If it is too thin, let stand a minutes. Combine wet mixture with dry and stir
bit so the oats can absorb the excess liquid. until fully incorporated. Using a #60/2-teaspoon
Drop them by the Tablespoon onto a cookie scoop, fill mini muffin tins and bake for
sheet. Bake at 350°F for 13 minutes. To check if approximately 10-12 minutes. Recipe makes
they are done, flip one over and it should be approximately 40 brownie bites.
browned on the bottom. Let them sit a bit before Contributed by Bridget C.
taking them off the cookie sheet. Hint: If the
dough is incredibly dry, add more liquid. Makes Chewy Oatmeal Cookies
about 3 dozen cookies. 4 c rolled oats (raw)
Variation: Add unsalted walnuts; good for 1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
breakfast. 2 tsp vanilla
Contributed by Frances P. ¾ c vegetable oil
4 lg egg whites
Blond Praline Brownies 2 c sugar
1⅓ c flour ½ c LID-safe coconut (opt)
1 c brown sugar Whip the egg whites lightly, then mix in all the
½ c white sugar rest, adding oats last (and add coconut if
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt desired). Chill mixture in fridge a couple of
½ tsp baking powder hours. Drop large spoon full onto lightly greased
4 tsp vanilla cookie sheets, leaving space (approx. 6 cookies
¼ c canola oil per sheet). Bake at 325°F for 15 minutes until
3 lg egg whites outsides are golden brown and crunchy. The
1 c chopped pecans inside will stay chewy. Makes about 18 large
Mix together with spoon and pour into greased cookies.
7 x 11-inch pan. Bake at 350°F for about 20 Contributed by Nina G.
minutes until set and golden.
Contributed by Elaine J.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 90
Chocolate Cookies Preheat oven to 350°F. Line two cookie sheets
2¼ c flour with parchment paper. Sift sugar and cocoa
⅔ c baking cocoa together in a large bowl. Add pecans and stir to
1 tsp baking soda combine well. In a mixing bowl, whip egg
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt whites until foamy, add salt and vanilla, and
1 c LID-safe shortening beat until mixture forms soft peaks. Gently fold
¾ c sugar egg whites into the sugar mixture, using a
⅔ c brown sugar rubber spatula, until combined. Using a spoon
1 tsp vanilla or scoop, drop batter onto cookie sheet (12 per
4 lg egg whites sheet). Rinsing the spoon or scoop in water
before each cookie makes it easier to drop. Bake
Combine flour, cocoa, soda, and salt in a small for approximately 10-12 minutes.
bowl. Beat shortening, sugars, and vanilla until Contributed by Linda S.
creamy. Beat in egg whites. Gradually beat in
flour mixture. Roll into walnut sized balls and
Flourless Chocolate Almond Cookies
flatten with bottom of a glass. Bake 8-10
minutes at 350°F. 2 c chopped unsalted almonds (sub
Contributed by Kimberly T. pecans)
¼ c cocoa powder
2½ c powdered sugar
Chocolate Fudgy Spice Cookies 1 tsp vanilla
2⅓ c flour ⅛ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1½ c sugar 4 lg egg whites
⅔ c cocoa powder
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix cocoa powder,
½ tsp baking powder sugar, and salt. In a different bowl, mix vanilla
1 Tbsp cinnamon and egg whites. Slowly mix liquid ingredients
1½ tsp ground cloves into dry ingredients, increasing to medium
3 lg egg whites speed until mixture is glossy; about 2 minutes.
⅔ c canola oil Stir in almonds. Drop ¼ c batter 3 inches apart
4 tsp vanilla onto a large cookie sheet lined with parchment
(aluminum “release” foil works great, too). Put
Preheat oven to 350°. Mix dry ingredients in a in oven and immediately reduce heat to 325°F.
large bowl. Mix wet ingredients into a small Cook until small cracks appear and they are
bowl. Pour wet ingredients into the dry nearly firm to touch (16 minutes or so), Cool on
ingredients and mix well. With a spoon, drop the paper or foil, then remove. Return oven to
about 1-inch size of dough onto baking sheet 350°F before the next batch. Makes 12 big
lined with parchment. Keep cookies about 3 cookies.
inches apart. Bake for about 15 minutes. Cool Contributed by Julie C.B.
on a cooling rack. When cookies are cool,
sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.
Flourless Fudge Cookies
Contributed by Margaret D.
2¼ c powdered sugar
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Chocolate Pecan Drop Cookies 1 c cocoa powder
1½ c sugar 3 lg egg whites
2½ Tbsp cocoa 2 tsp vanilla extract
2⅔ c chopped unsalted pecans
3 lg egg whites, room temperature Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly grease two
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt baking sheets (or line with parchment, and
¼ tsp vanilla grease the parchment). Stir together all of the
ingredients until smooth. Scrape the bottom and
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 91
sides of the bowl, and stir again until smooth. 30 minutes in the preheated oven, until the top is
Drop the dough onto the prepared baking sheets no longer shiny. Let cool for at least 10 minutes
in balls about the size of Ping-Pong balls, about before cutting into squares.
1½ inches; a Tablespoon-size cookie scoop Contributed by Frances P.
works well. Bake the cookies for 8 minutes;
they should spread, become somewhat shiny,
and develop faintly crackly tops. Remove the Shopping for items marked Parve
cookies from the oven, and allow them to cool or Pareve can really help when on
right on the baking sheet. This should make 16 this diet. This Kosher term means
large cookies. “neutral”—in other words, the
Contributed by Bridget C. product’s ingredients are neither
dairy nor meat. Because Parve
Forgotten Cookies items are dairy-free, that gives
2 lg egg whites
you a head start on finding a
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt
½ c sugar variety of LID-safe products,
1 tsp vanilla extract especially chocolate! Remember
½ c chopped unsalted walnuts or pecans to check for other ingredients,
(opt) such as fish, eggs, and salt, to be
Preheat oven to 350°F. Beat egg whites and salt sure any particular Parve product
until light peaks form. Add vanilla and slowly is actually LID-safe.
add sugar while beating. Continue to beat until
stiff peaks form. Fold in nuts, if using (you can A great Parve, LID-safe treat (as
also use more than a half cup if you want). Drop of this writing) are some major
batter by heaping teaspoonfuls onto parchment brands of dark chocolate covered
paper or silicone mat lined baking sheet. Place matzo. Always read ingredients!
in oven and immediately turn oven off. Leave Contributed by Andra G., Stella H. and
cookies in oven overnight. Don’t forget them! ThyCa
Remove from sheet and store in airtight
container. These keep for several days in
container and freeze well. Makes about 25-30
Grandma Sylvia’s Chocolate
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa Macaroons
12 oz LID-safe chocolate chips
Frances’ Brownies 4 lg egg whites
1 c sugar
2 c unbleached all-purpose flour
2 tsp vanilla
2 c white sugar
8 oz LID-safe shredded coconut
¾ c unsweetened cocoa powder
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Preheat oven to 350°F. Melt chocolate in double
1 c water boiler. Whip 4 egg whites until stiff. Put mixer
1 c vegetable oil on a slow speed. Add one cup sugar (very
1 tsp vanilla extract gradually!). Add vanilla and salt to the mix.
Then add the melted chocolate. Then the whole
Preheat the oven to 350°F. In a large bowl, stir
package of shredded coconut. Place a brown
together the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking
paper grocery bag (logo side down) or some
powder and salt. Pour in water, vegetable oil
parchment paper on top of a cookie sheet.
and vanilla; mix until well blended. Spread
Place dollops of mixture on bag or parchment
evenly in a 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Bake for 25-
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 92
paper. Bake for 15 minutes. Let cool. mixture at a time and place onto a baking sheet
Contributed by Dana R. lined with parchment paper, placing a couple
of inches apart. The mixtures make roughly 20
Jennifer’s Chocolate Chip Cookies cookies each and should all fit on one cookie
½ c granulated sugar sheet. Bake in preheated oven as follows:
1 c all-purpose flour First 2 varieties: 18 minutes at 180°C, then
¼ c packed brown sugar turn off the heat and leave in the oven for 2
½ tsp
baking soda minutes.
¼ c unsalted, non-dairy margarine, softened Third variety: 13 minutes at 180°C, then turn
(sub with LID-safe shortening or oil) off heat and leave in the oven for 10 minutes.
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Resist temptation to take the cookies out
1 tsp vanilla before they’re done, as they may collapse.
½ c LID-safe chocolate chips Once they’re done, take them out and slide
1 lg egg white them on the paper to a wire rack and leave
until cool to handle on the paper. Gently pry
Heat oven to 375°F. Mix sugars, margarine (or the paper away from the cookies and leave
shortening or oil), vanilla, and egg white in until completely cool. Keep in airtight
large bowl. Stir in flour, baking soda, and salt. container at room temperature (they keep for
Stir in chocolate chips. Drop dough by rounded 2-3 weeks).
teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto Contributed by Line
ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes or
until golden brown. Cool slightly; remove from
Matzo Cookies
cookie sheet. Cool on wire rack.
Contributed by Jennifer P. 2 c unsalted matzo meal (crumb
2 c unsalted matzo farfel (small
Line’s Meringue-Style Cookies: 3 pieces*)
Varieties 1½ c sugar
Variety 1 1 tsp cinnamon
2 lg egg whites 1 c raisins
100 gm white sugar 1 c chopped unsalted walnuts (opt)
100 gm ground almonds ¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 tsp vanilla extract 6 ex lg egg whites
⅔ c corn oil
Variety 2
Mix matzo meal, matzo farfel, sugar, cinnamon,
2 lg egg whites
raisins, nuts (if used) and salt. Add egg whites
100 gm white sugar
and oil. Drop spoonful size balls onto greased
1 lg lemon, zested
cookie sheet. Bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes.
100 gm white flour
*Caution: There are two kinds of farfel. One is
small pieces of matzo; it can sometimes contain
Variety 3
egg yolks, so be careful. You can crush up your
2 lg egg whites
own LID-safe matzo into small bits to use for
100 gm white sugar
this recipe. The other type of farfel is a tiny egg
1 Tbsp white flour
noodle and is NOT what you want to use here.
1 Tbsp cocoa powder
Contributed by Kim S.
½ Tbsp fresh orange juice
Whisk egg whites until soft peaks form.
Add sugar and whisk more until stiff peaks
form. Fold the chosen flavour ingredients into
the mixture. Take a Tablespoonful of the
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 93
Molasses Sugar Cookies you can add a little vegetable oil (1 tsp to 1
¾ c oil (vegetable oil, or canola oil) Tbsp) or pasteurized egg whites to moisten.
1 c sugar Optional: The rum balls can be rolled in
¼ c unsulfured molasses (not blackstrap) powdered sugar, cocoa powder, or almond
2 lg egg whites meal for a different look and taste. Put balls
2 c flour into a covered container and refrigerate for up
2 tsp baking soda to two weeks.
1 tsp cinnamon Makes 24-30 rum balls
½ tsp ginger Contributed by Liz S.
½ tsp ground cloves
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Oatmeal Cookies
Mix dry ingredients. Mix wet ingredients. ½ c LID-safe shortening
Combine them. Make 1-inch balls. Roll in 1 c brown sugar
additional granulated sugar and press with 2 lg egg whites
bottom of glass. Bake at 350°F for 1 tsp vanilla
approximately 10 minutes. 1 c flour
Contributed by L.M. ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
½ tsp baking soda
1 c rolled oats
No-Bake Cookies
1 c sugar Cream shortening and brown sugar. Add egg
1 c LID-safe peanut butter whites and vanilla. Mix well. Sift together flour,
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt (or more) salt and baking soda. Add to creamed mixture.
4 Tbsp oil (sub LID-safe shortening) Mix well. Stir in rolled oats. Drop from
⅓ c unsweetened cocoa spoonful onto prepared cookie sheet and bake at
3 c oats 350°F for 10-12 minutes or until edges of
cookies start to brown. Cool and eat!
You can adjust ingredients to your liking (to Variation: You can cook some dates as filling
make it more chocolaty, add more cocoa; for to spread between two cookies.
more peanut flavor, add more peanut butter). Contributed by Alison B.
Stir first 5 ingredients over low heat. When it is
mixed well and creamy, add oats a half-cup at a
Peanut Butter Balls
time. Drop on waxed paper until cool.
Contributed by BethAnn L. ½ c vegetable oil
1 c unsalted peanut butter
⅔ c maple syrup or alternative LID-safe
No-Bake Easy Holiday Rum Balls syrup sweetener
1 c LID-safe almond meal 2¼ c unbleached or whole-wheat pastry
⅓ c powdered sugar flour
¼ c dark rum ½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp cocoa powder 1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp vanilla
Mix the vegetable oil with the peanut butter.
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well Add in the syrup and mix well. Mix the flour,
blended. (Note: You can use ¼ c powdered baking powder, and cinnamon together, then
sugar and ⅛ c Splenda if you wish to reduce add to the peanut mixture and mix well. Preheat
calories.) Roll in the palm of your hands into ¾- the oven to 350°F. Pull off bits of dough and
inch to 1-inch balls. If the consistency of the roll into 1-inch balls between the palms of your
dough feels too sticky, you can add a little more hands. Place the balls on a lightly greased
almond meal to the dough. If it feels too stiff, cookie sheet. They can be placed close together

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 94
(not touching) because they don’t flatten out
much during baking. Bake for about 12 minutes.
Contributed by Nina S.

Peanut Butter Cookies

1 c LID-safe peanut butter
1 c sugar
2 lg egg whites
Mix ingredients. Roll into small balls and place
on ungreased cookie sheet. Press with fork.
Bake at 350°F for 10-12 minutes.
Contributed by Theresa B.

Pecan Cookies
1¼ c brown sugar
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
¾ lb unsalted pecans, chopped
¼ c egg whites
36 unsalted pecan halves for tops of
Heat oven to 350°F.
Chop pecans into small, coarse pieces. Do this
by hand; the food processor makes them too fine
or uneven. In the bowl of an electric mixer,
combine the brown sugar, salt, and chopped
pecans. Beat on low speed to incorporate all
ingredients. On low setting, drizzle in egg
whites. Increase the speed to medium and beat
for 2-3 minutes until it is all mixed.
Line a pan with parchment paper. Using a 1
Tablespoon measuring spoon, scoop a level
spoon onto the parchment, 4 cookies across and
five cookies down. They spread a little when
baking. When they are all on the cookie sheet,
pat each one down with wet fingers, and then
press a pecan half on top of each. (You can use
a spoon or the bottom of a measuring cup.) Bake
for 10-12 minutes. They will puff a little bit and
the edges will turn brown. The crusty edges and
the slightly soft center are what make them taste
a little like pecan pie cookies. They seem
fragile, but they are not. Prepare a second
cookie sheet while the first is baking.
Important: Let them cool completely before
removing them from the pan. Makes ~36
cookies. They freeze well.
Contributed by Linda W.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 95
Pies & Crisps
Apple Crisp 1 c sugar
5 c sliced apples, peeled if desired ⅛ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
3 Tbsp sugar 1 Tbsp lemon juice
½ c rolled oats, regular or quick Combine all ingredients. Pour into unbaked
½ c brown sugar packed LID-safe pie crust. Top with additional crust
¼ c flour and bake at 425°F for 20 minutes, then lower to
¼ tsp cinnamon 350°F for 30 to 40 minutes until you hear
2 Tbsp vegetable oil bubbles.
Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease 8-inch baking Contributed by Kimberly T.
dish with vegetable oil. Place fruit in baking
dish and sprinkle with sugar, toss to coat, and Oil Pie Crust
set aside. In separate bowl, add remaining 1½ c flour
ingredients, stir until well mixed, and sprinkle 1½ tsp sugar
over apples. Bake at 375°F oven for 30-35 ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
minutes. Serve warm. ½ c oil
Tip: Firm/dense or tart apples work best. 2 Tbsp cold almond milk (or other LID-safe
Contributed by Rae K. nut milk)
Combine the ingredients and press into a pie pan
Apple Pie (can also be rolled between two pieces of waxed
6 to 8 med apples, peeled, cored, and sliced or parchment paper). Bake: 400°F for 8 minutes.
1 c sugar Or use with any pie recipe according to
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt instructions.
1 tsp cinnamon Bake some extra crust to crumble on top of a
½ tsp nutmeg cooked fruit filling.
2 Tbsp flour Contributed by Don and Geneva E.
Combine all ingredients and pour into LID-safe
Pie Crust
unbaked pie crust (find recipes in this section).
Top with additional crust or crumb topping of: 1½ c flour
½ c LID-safe shortening
½ c flour ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
½ c sugar 4 to 5 Tbsp cold water
¼ c shortening Combine flour & salt. Cut in shortening to make
Bake at 425°F for 15 minutes then lower to crumbs that are roughly the size of peas or
350°F for 30 to 40 minutes until you hear smaller. Drizzle cold water until just combined.
bubbles. You can use the pie crust right away or set it in
the refrigerator for later use. Double this recipe
Tip: Firm/dense or tart apples work best. for a two-crust pie. To roll out, dust rolling pin
Contributed by Kimberly T. and counter-top with flour and roll out crust to
fit pie pan. Use for a variety of pies.
Berry Pie Contributed by Kimberly T.
6 to 7 c blueberries or raspberries (frozen
or fresh)
⅓ c flour

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 96
Other Desserts
Avocado Chocolate Pudding Cooked Papaya
1 med ripe avocado 1 ex lg papaya, just barely ripe (still firm)
5 lg medjool dates ⅓ c sugar
2 tsp cocoa powder 1½ c water
Mix all three ingredients in a blender and 2 med cinnamon sticks
refrigerate. I find that after sitting in the fridge 1 lg lime, zested and juiced
for a few days, it tastes delicious and just like Peel and cut papaya into chunks. Place in a
chocolate pudding. saucepan with water, sugar, cinnamon sticks,
Contributed by Vanita R. and lime juice. Cook over medium heat until
liquid starts to steam. Do NOT boil. Remove
Avocado Mousse from heat and stir in lime zest. Serve warm or
1 med avocado cold. Keeps well in the fridge.
1 Tbsp sugar Contributed by Tracy T.
½ tsp vanilla extract
Cookie Dough Dip
Blend the ingredients until smooth. Amounts
can be adjusted according to personal taste. 1½ c LID-safe garbanzo beans (canned,
Contributed by Laura B. rinsed and drained or cooked
⅛ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Baked Bananas ⅛ tsp baking soda
Use one banana per person. After cooking 2 tsp vanilla extract
dinner in the oven, turn oven off. Place whole, ¼ c unsalted natural almond butter
unpeeled bananas on cookie sheet and place in 1 Tbsp water (or more)
oven. By the time you are finished with dinner, ⅔ c brown sugar
bananas will be cooked. Place banana on a 2-3 Tbsp rolled oats
plate and slice open with a knife. Serve warm. ⅓ c LID-safe mini chocolate chips
Top with honey or maple syrup, as desired.
Contributed by Leah G. Place the ingredients (except for the chocolate
chips) into a food processor or blender, and
blend until very smooth. Mix in the chocolate
Caramelized Pears chips. Store in the refrigerator. Serve with LID-
4 lg firm Bartlett pears, halved lengthwise safe crackers or just eat with a spoon.
and cored Contributed by Kate
⅓ c sugar
½ c water Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
Place sugar on a plate and press cut side of pear 8 oz unsweetened baking chocolate (100%
into sugar. Heat large skillet over medium heat. cacao)
Place pears, cut side down, on skillet. Cook ¼ c LID-safe shortening
until they brown, about 7 minutes. Add water, ½ tsp vanilla extract
cover, and simmer until pears are tender, about 1½ c powdered sugar
5-10 minutes depending on how firm the pears 6 tsp LID-safe peanut butter, divided into
are. Add more water if necessary. Remove pears 12 portions
from skillet. Reduce sauce in pan by turning up Mini-muffin pan, unlined
heat if it is too thin. Pour sauce over pears. Melt baking chocolate and shortening in
Contributed by Tracy T. microwave in a large bowl for 1½ minutes and
stir until smooth. Add vanilla and stir. Add
powdered sugar, taking care to make sure
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 97
mixture remains easy to stir. Too much sugar swirled together. Add as much as 1 cup orange
will make the chocolate too stiff to put in the juice if desired.
muffin pan. Contributed by Mary Van D.
Using a teaspoon, spoon chocolate mixture
into bottoms of muffin cups, just covering the Fried Banana Cakes
bottoms, depending on how thick you like 4 med bananas
them. Tap tin to settle chocolate flat. Next, 4 c unbleached flour
spoon a half-tsp of peanut butter into the 3 tsp sugar
chocolate in each muffin cup and tap the tin 1½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
again to settle the peanut butter into the 4 Tbsp vegetable oil
chocolate. ½ to 1 c water
Finally, go back and cover the peanut butter in vegetable oil for pan-frying
each cup with more chocolate. It is easiest to
spoon the chocolate on and then swirl it over In a large mixing bowl, mash bananas well. Add
with the underside of the spoon to cover the the flour, sugar, salt, oil and mix well. Add
peanut butter. Refrigerate until hardened (it enough water to make a stiff dough. Cover the
takes about half an hour). The peanut butter bowl with a towel and let it stand at room
cup will pop right out of the tin with a little temperature for 30 minutes. Remove dough
gentle pressure from a butter knife. from the bowl and place on lightly floured board
Let them sit for about two minutes after taking or other smooth surface. Roll the dough out to
them out of the fridge so the chocolate softens one-fourth to one-half inch thick, then cut it
just enough so that you can bite in easily. with a wet or floured knife into 4-inch squares.
Note: There will be a little more than 12 mini- Heat thin layer of oil—about ⅛ inch—in heavy
muffin cups worth of chocolate, so if you have skillet until very hot. Place only as many
another tin, you can make two or so more, squares as fit without touching into the skillet
depending on how thick you like the peanut (this may mean cooking only one at a time
butter cups. You can put the rest of the unless you have a very large skillet). Pan-fry
chocolate mixture into a small cup and mix in squares until golden brown, about 3 minutes,
about a teaspoon of peanut butter and make a then turn over and pan-fry second side until
little fudge-type creation that is quite tasty on golden, about 2 minutes. Replenish oil as
its own. needed between batches. Drain on paper towels.
Contributed by Angie K. Serve warm.
Contributed by Nina S.
Fresh Fruit Sorbet
4 c fruit (your choice, see notes)
Frozen Banana “Ice Cream”
1 c sugar (or more to taste) Peel bananas and cut into one-inch pieces.
½ c orange juice Freeze until firm (overnight works well), and
2 Tbsp lemon juice then process in a blender or food processor
until creamy smooth.
Puree fruit. In saucepan combine sugar, orange Variation: Loosen with a touch of water or
and lemon juices. Stir over medium heat until LID-safe nut or oat milk to desired
dissolved. Remove from heat. Stir in pureed consistency. Add cocoa powder and/or vanilla
fruit. Pour into a 9 x 13-inch pan and freeze to extract if you like.
firm. In batches, process firm fruit mixture in Contributed by Suzanne K.G.
blender until light and fluffy (approximately 1
minute). Pour into containers and freeze until
Note: Try peaches, strawberries, blueberries,
cantaloupe, or cantaloupe and honeydew

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 98
Frozen Fruit Concoction Mix in a microwavable mug, microwave for one
Nothing is actually measured: minute, and enjoy a single-serving brownie!
Use semi-thawed frozen strawberries, Contributed by Dawn B.
blackberries, blueberries, raspberries...a
mixture of berries or use one kind of berry Microwaved Cinnamon Apple
and/or a mixture of frozen fruits. 1 lg apple
Put berries/fruits in a blender. Use enough to 1 Tbsp sugar
go to the “max” sign on side of blender. 2 tsp cinnamon
Add lemon-lime soda. Diet sodas are fine. Slice the apple and put in a microwave-safe
Blend. bowl. Sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon over top.
Add sugar or artificial sweetener, if desired. Tightly cover bowl with plastic wrap.
Add splash of vanilla. Blend. Microwave for 1-2 minutes until apples are soft.
Add chopped unsalted pecans or almonds Open plastic wrap carefully. Let sit for a minute
(optional). or two before eating.
Serve in wine glasses for an extra “treat.” Variation: Try this with pears!
Contributed by Vel Contributed by Teresa M.

Lemon “Curd” Pudim de Claras

¼ c cold water Ingredients of the Pudim:
½ c granulated sugar 8 lg egg whites
3 Tbsp cornstarch 200 gm sugar
1 pinch non-iodized/non-sea salt shortening for greasing the pan
¼ c fresh lemon juice boiling water for a water bath
1 tsp finely-grated lemon zest Ingredients of the caramel sauce:
In a steep-sided bowl, whisk together the water, 200 gm sugar
sugar, cornstarch, and salt until the cornstarch is 8 Tbsp of water ( divided)
dissolved. Transfer to a saucepan. Bring the Pudim de Claras is a Brazilian egg-white
mixture to a boil over medium high heat, pudding ideal for the LID.
stirring constantly. When the mixture thickens,
reduce the heat to low and cook for another Pudim instructions:
minute, still stirring. Pour the mixture into a Pre-heat the oven at 180°C (if a convection
bowl, and mix in well the lemon juice and zest. oven) or 200°C (regular oven). Grease a pan
Allow to cool and thicken at room temperature. with a hole in the center of ~22 cm (like
Best served at room temperature, but may be smooth sided Bundt pan). Using a clean and
refrigerated, covered, for several days. Either grease-free electric mixer, beat the egg whites.
way, before serving, beat thoroughly with a While beating, gradually add the sugar until
whisk or fork to a smooth, spreadable stiff peaks form. Put the egg mixture in the
consistency. greased pan and tap gently to remove air
Contributed by Nina S. bubbles. Bake the pudim in the oven in a water
bath (bain-marie made with the boiling water)
Microwave Brownie-in-a-Mug for 35 minutes or until firm. It must look
golden at the top. It will raise about 8 cm, and
4 Tbsp flour then it will fall/collapse as it cools. After
4 Tbsp sugar cooling slightly, unmold and refrigerate for at
2 Tbsp cocoa least 2 hours, or overnight.
2 Tbsp water Caramel sauce instructions:
2 Tbsp oil Place the sugar into a heavy-based frying pan,
½ tsp vanilla stir in 4 Tbsp of tap water, then place over

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 99
medium heat until the sugar has dissolved.
Turn up the heat and let the sugar bubble for 5
minutes until you have light caramel color.
Remove from the heat. Leave the sauce to cool
and if needed add 4 Tbsp of water to loosen it.
To serve, slice a piece of the pudim and drizzle
the caramel sauce over it.
Contributed by a friend of ThyCa

Rice Pudding
¾ c raw rice (e.g., basmati)
2½ c water
3 lg egg whites
1¼ c LID-safe nut milk
1 tsp vanilla
¾ c sugar
½ c raisins (soaked 15 minutes and
cinnamon, to taste
Cook rice in 2½ cups water until tender. Mix
cooked rice along with other ingredients and put
into casserole that has been sprayed with some
type of acceptable vegetable oil and put
casserole into a pan of hot water and place in
oven at 350°F for approximately 40 minutes—it
may take a bit longer depending upon how thick
your nut milk is and how deep your casserole
dish is. Sprinkle cinnamon on top if you desire.
Contributed by Frances S.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 100
Aztec Oranges completely in pan before removing and cutting
3 lg oranges into bars.
1 lg lime Contributed by Bridget C.
2 Tbsp tequila
2 Tbsp orange-flavored liqueur Cinnamon Almonds
brown sugar, to taste ½ c sugar
Cut a slice off the top and bottom of the oranges, ½ c brown sugar
and then remove peel and pith, cutting 1½ tsp ground cinnamon
downward and taking care to retain shape of 4 Tbsp water
oranges. Holding oranges on side, cut 2 to 3 c almonds (unsalted)
horizontally into round slices. Place oranges in 1 tsp vanilla
bowl. Cut lime and squeeze juice over oranges. Melt the sugars, water, and cinnamon over low
Sprinkle with tequila and liqueur; then add sugar heat. Bring to a boil and cook until the syrup
to taste. Cover with plastic wrap and chill in threads. Remove from the heat and add vanilla.
refrigerator until ready to serve. Put the nuts in a bowl, pour syrup mixture over
Contributed by Kimber S. the nuts, and stir with a fork until coated. Spread
the nuts on a greased cookie sheet (or use
Bridget’s Chewy Granola Bars parchment paper). Bake at 250°F for 45 minutes.
2 c old fashioned rolled oats Cool, then enjoy—like the ones you buy at a fair
1 c all-purpose flour or the mall kiosk.
¾ c brown sugar (packed) Contributed by Liz R
¾ c raisins
½ c wheat germ Corny Nuts
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt 6 Tbsp canola oil
½ tsp ground cinnamon ½ c un-popped popping corn
½ c canola oil 1 clove garlic, crushed
½ c honey ½ c unblanched unsalted almonds
1 lg egg white ½ c raw cashews
2 tsp vanilla extract ½ c raw peanuts
Variations and add-ins: Any unsalted nut of your ½ c raw brazil nuts
choice, sunflower seeds, dried fruit, low-iodine ½ c raw pistachios
acceptable chocolate/cocoa. 1 tsp tequila
Preheat oven to 350°F and line a 9 x 13-inch 1 tsp curry powder
baking pan with non-stick foil or spray with ¼ tsp salt-free chili powder (recipe from this
LID-safe cooking spray. cookbook)
In a large bowl, mix the oats, flour, brown non-iodized/non-sea salt, to taste
sugar, raisins, wheat germ, salt, cinnamon, and Heat 2 Tbsp oil in a pan. Add popping corn, stir
any of the variation add-ins. well, then cover and cook over high heat for 3-5
In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, honey, minutes, holding pan lid firmly and shaking pan
egg white and vanilla. Pour the liquid mixture frequently until popping stops. Turn popped corn
into the flour mixture and thoroughly mix until into a dish, discarding any un-popped kernels.
everything is coated. Place the mixture into the Heat rest of oil in a skillet and add garlic and all
prepared baking pan, making sure that it is flat the unsalted nuts. Stir in tequila, curry powder
and even. and chili powder. Cook mixture over medium
Place in preheated oven and bake for 20-25 heat, stirring frequently until nuts are lightly
minutes or until the edges are golden. Let cool toasted. Remove from heat and stir in popped

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 101
corn. Season with salt to taste and mix fingers. Bake 25-30 minutes or until browned on
thoroughly. Transfer to serving bowl and serve top at 300°F. Cool completely before cutting.
warm or at room temperature. Contributed by Barb K.
Contributed by Kimber S.
Maple Nut Snack
Granola Bars 3 c unsalted nuts: almonds, pecans, walnuts or
2 c oatmeal a mixture
1½ c brown sugar ¾ c pure maple syrup
1 tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Mix the 2 ingredients together and bake on a
1½ c flour cookie sheet (I use one that has a small lip on it
1 tsp cinnamon so the syrup doesn’t run off into the oven)
1½ Tbsp canola oil Bake at 325°F for 10 minutes.
½ c pineapple orange juice Let cool and enjoy!
Heat oven to 350°F. Mix brown sugar with flour; Contributed by Beth D.
mix in oatmeal; mix in remaining ingredients.
Add more oil to make it moist, as needed. Pour Mary’s Spiced Nuts
into greased pan. Bake 40 minutes or until done. 1 egg white
Cut into pieces and store in airtight container. 1 tsp water
For crunchier bars, cook longer. For moister ¾ c sugar
bars, cook less time or add more liquid. You can 1½ tsp cinnamon
also add unsalted nuts or fruit, depending on ½ tsp nutmeg
your personal tastes. ½ tsp ground cloves
Contributed by Dee W. ½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
2 c unsalted nuts (such as pecans, almonds)
Homemade Granola Bars
Beat egg white with water until stiff. Mix sugar,
2 c oatmeal spices and salt; mix with egg white. Add nuts
1 c sliced unsalted almonds and mix.
3 Tbsp walnut oil Spread on cookie sheet. Bake at 275°F for 30
⅔ c honey minutes. Cool. Separate nuts.
¼ c brown sugar Store in airtight container.
1 tsp vanilla Contributed by Mary Van D.
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
1 c dried fruit. Choose one, or mix:
apricots, cherries, raisins, dates,
Peanut Butter Apple Rings
cranberries. Core a firm apple and slice into three thick rings.
“Butter” one side of each ring with unsalted
Preheat the oven to 350°F. Combine the oatmeal peanut butter (add a pinch of salt if you like) and
and almonds and toast on a cookie sheet for 10- top as desired. Example toppings: toasted
12 minutes. When they’re done, reduce oven unsalted coconut, raisins, dried fruit, sliced
temperature to 300 F. In a large pot, combine the unsalted almonds, etc.)
walnut oil, honey, brown sugar, vanilla, and salt. Contributed by Tracy T.
Bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce
heat and boil one minute. When oats and
almonds are toasted, add them to the boiled
mixture and stir well. Stir in dried fruit. Pour the
mixture into a well-greased baking dish. Use a
9 x 9-inch pan for thicker bars, or a 9 x 13-inch
pan for thinner bars. Press down with greased

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 102
Popcorn Seasoning 1 Tbsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Spicy Seasoning Mix: 1 Tbsp oil
1½ tsp paprika 2 Tbsp finely minced fresh rosemary leaves
½ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt Preheat oven to 350°F. Spread the cashews and
½ tsp cumin almonds on a rimmed sheet pan. Toast in the
1 pinch cayenne pepper oven until warm, about 5 minutes. In a large
1 pinch black pepper bowl, combine the cayenne pepper, brown sugar,
2 Tbsp olive oil salt, oil, and rosemary. Thoroughly toss the
Sweet Seasoning Mix: warm nuts with the spiced oil and spread out on
2 Tbsp sugar a sheet pan to cool. Check for crispness when
1 tsp cinnamon cool; re-crisp briefly in oven if necessary. Serve
¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt warm or at room temperature. Enjoy!
2 Tbsp olive oil Contributed by Dana B.
Pop ½ cup uncooked popcorn kernels and use
either of the seasonings. To make the seasonings, Spiced Pineapple
combine spicy or sweet dry ingredients, as 1 lg pineapple, peeled & cored and
desired. Toss hot popcorn with olive oil and chunked up
sprinkle with dry ingredients. 1 c vinegar
Contributed by Tracy T. 1 c sugar
8 to 10 whole cloves
2 4-in cinnamon sticks
More Snack Ideas:
Heat the vinegar, sugar, cloves and cinnamon to
 LID-safe sorbets & Italian
boiling. Add the pineapple. Boil until the
Ice pineapple is heated through. Refrigerate. Drain
 LID-safe gelatins (lemon, to serve.
lime, etc.) Contributed by Mary Van D.
 Fruit leathers & fruit snacks
(free of dyes & carrageenan) Spicy Pumpkin Seeds
 Fresh fruits and veggies 1 c raw pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
1 tsp salt-free chili powder (recipe in this book)
Contributed by Melissa L.
⅛ tsp cayenne pepper (or more if you want
them spicier)
Potato Chips—A Handy Tip ¼ tsp non-iodized/non-sea salt
Buy unsalted potato (or tortilla) chips. Put them 2 tsp fresh lime juice
on foil in the toaster or regular oven on warm Toss to coat seeds. Spread on a baking sheet and
until you smell them. It happens fast. Pull them bake 10 minutes at 350°F until puffed and
out when the oil on the chips has warmed in the browned.
oven and sprinkle with non-iodized/non-sea salt, Variation: Use raw sunflower seeds in lieu of
pepper, & powdered garlic. pumpkin seeds. These can be found in the
Contributed by Krista (Ian’s mom) organic section of the grocery store. Watch
carefully as they cook quickly.
Rosemary-Roasted Cashews & Great on top of salads also.
Contributed by Tracy T.
½ lb roasted unsalted cashews
½ lb raw whole almonds with skins
½ tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp light brown sugar
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page 103
Appendix A: LID-Safe Product Tips From ThyCa Friends
Over the years, ThyCa members and friends have shared the names of some of their favorite LID-safe
commercially available products. As explained in the LID Cookbook, we do not recommend attempting
to keep a list of “safe” manufacturers or products—especially if the products contain salt—because
ingredients may change over time and without notice. However, we understand that shopping for the
LID can be overwhelming, and the advice of your fellow travelers on this journey can be very useful.
In an attempt to be as helpful to you as possible, this list contains LID-safe product tips and
recommendations we have received from friends of ThyCa. As of the time of this publication, as best we
are aware, these products—at least as sold in the U.S.—have no salt or any other ingredients to avoid on
the LID. Be sure to read the labels before you purchase or consume any of these products while on
the LID. If you have questions about whether these products are LID-safe or otherwise appropriate for
you, please check with your doctor. ThyCa itself does not recommend or endorse any of these products.
Baking, Spices, & Condiments: Non-Dairy “Milk,” Creamer, & Yogurt:
 Chocolate chips: Enjoy Life®, Guittard®  Ripple® Shelf-Stable Vegan Milk, Barista-
Semisweet and Extra Dark, and Trader Joe’s® Style (most Ripple milk products contain sea
 Ener-G™ Egg Replacer (for baking only) salt, but this one is salt-free)
 Herb-Ox® Sodium Free Bouillon (Chicken and  So Delicious® Organic Coconutmilk Creamers
Beef flavors) (Original, French Vanilla, and Caramel)
 Let’s Do Organic® shredded coconut products,  Trader Joe’s® Original Coconut Creamer (in
available at Target, Whole Foods, Amazon, the green and white carton)
and some grocery chains; Trader Joe’s®  Oui™ by Yoplait® dairy-free yogurt (coconut
Organic Unsweetened Flake Coconut milk-based, all flavors)
 All Mrs. Dash™ products and some spice  So Delicious® Coconutmilk Yogurt (all flavors
blends by The Spice Hunter® are salt-free. except chocolate are LID-safe, but watch out
 Mustards: Mrs. Taste Zero Sodium Mustard for “Pairings” products that come with
and Westbrae Natural® Stoneground Mustard toppings, as the toppings contain salt)
No Salt Added
Tacos & Tortillas:
 Hershey’s Syrups: Simply 5 (Chocolate),
 Tortilla chips (unsalted): 365 By Whole Foods
Market, Trader Joe’s®
Breakfast Cereals:  Taco shells: 365 By Whole Foods Market (blue
 Wheat-based: Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini- corn and yellow corn varieties)
Wheats®, Post® Shredded Wheat, and Kashi®  La Banderita® Low-Sodium Flour Tortillas
Organic Autumn Wheat
Other Products:
 Arrowhead Mills™ Natural Puffed Rice, Corn,
etc.  Nut butters (unsalted): Crazy Richard’s, Krema
Nut Company (all varieties except the spicy
Butter Substitutes: one), Teddie Unsalted Peanut Butter, and
 Crisco® All-Vegetable Shortening (original Trader Joe’s®
and butter flavor are both LID-safe)  Alvarado Street® Bakery Sprouted Wheat No
 Fleischmann’s Unsalted Margarine Salt Added Bread
 Pam® cooking sprays: Original, Olive Oil,  Evolve® Protein Shakes (chocolate, vanilla,
Grilling, Baking Spray with Flour, and and mocha flavors—pre-made shakes only.
Avocado and Coconut Non-GMO varieties (as The powder form contains salt.)
of this writing, all except Butter flavor, which  Rigoni di Asiago Nocciolata Dairy Free
has dairy content) Hazelnut Spread with Cocoa (similar to
 Spectrum® Organic All-Vegetable Shortening Nutella®, but LID-safe)
(sole ingredient is organic palm oil)

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-1
Appendix B: A Week of Budget-Friendly & Nutritious Recipes
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Day 1
Easy Potato and Egg Breakfast PB&J sandwich (LID-safe Basic Whole Roasted Chicken
(p.74) with no-salt-added ketchup peanut butter and jelly/jam of (p.47) (Tip: This lasts, and can be
(Tip: Make a larger batch and eat choice. Use Matzo, or bread used later in the week on or in your
later in the week.) recipes (p.81 or 82, etc.) salads, nachos, etc. Save the skin
and bones and boil them to make a
light broth)
Day 2
Baked Oatmeal (p.72) with banana LID-safe “nachos” with salt- Confetti Rice Bake (p.38), with or
and brown sugar (Tip: Make a free tortilla chips, Salsa without added roasted chicken
large pan and eat later in the Fresca (p.71), and thigh or breast (Tip: make ahead
week.) Guacamole (p.69)—add and serve again.)
shredded cooked chicken or
beef if desired
Day 3
Leftover Easy Potato and Egg Black Bean Salad (p.18) with Spaghetti & Meatballs (p.40) or
Breakfast from Day 1 with Salsa salt-free tortilla chips or Spaghetti with Tomato Mushroom
Fresca (p.71) Focaccia Bread (p.81 or 84) Sauce (p.40) with a side of a
frozen vegetable of choice (Tip:
make ahead and serve again.)
Day 4
Leftover Baked Oatmeal from Day Pasta & Pea Salad (p.21) Leftover Confetti Rice Bake from
2 with walnuts and maple syrup Day 2, with or without added
roasted chicken thigh or breast
Day 5
Overnight Oats (p.76) with Chili (with meat) (p.29) or Leftover spaghetti from Day 3 with
bananas and LID-safe peanut Chili with Corn (vegetarian) a tossed salad
butter (Tip: Make a few servings, (p.29) (Tip: Make in larger
eat on other days—keeps well for batches and enjoy on other
up to 5 days.) days of your LID.)
Day 6
Griddle Cakes (p.75) with maple Lentil Soup (p.32) with Hamburger En Papillote (p.43) or
syrup Focaccia Bread (p.81 or 84) Mini Meatloaves (p.44) with a side
or LID-safe crackers (shop of a frozen vegetable of choice
for some or use recipe on p.
Day 7
Hot cereal with cinnamon sugar Chicken Rice Salad (p.18) Spaghetti with Pesto (p.39)
and sliced apple
Snack ideas Dessert ideas
PB and carrots/celery or PB Apple Rings (p.102) Pumpkin Bread (p.79)
Kim’s Soft Pretzels (p.83) Frozen Banana “Ice Cream” (p.98)
Microwaved Cinnamon Apple (p.99) Microwave Brownie-in-a-Mug (p.99)
LID-safe popcorn with Popcorn Seasoning (p.103) Peanut Butter Balls (p.94)
Tip: Home-baked bread is very inexpensive. Combine that with LID-safe peanut butter and you have a
quick breakfast, lunch, or snack. Add LID-safe jelly, jam, or preserves to your liking.
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-2
Appendix C: Acronyms Used in this Cookbook
CT Computed Tomography scan; also known as Computed Axial
Tomography (CAT) scan
e.g. The abbreviation for the Latin phrase, exempli gratia, that means “for
E127 The code for erythrosine, a red food dye, in the European Union and
the European Free Trade Association (the “E” stands for Europe).
EU/UK European Union/United Kingdom
FD&C Food Drugs & Cosmetics--the abbreviation for the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act which is also attached to the names of food
coloring additives approved under the law by the Food and Drug
Administration (e.g. FD&C Red #3).
FDA Food and Drug Administration
I-123 A radioactive isotope of iodine with a half-life of ~13 hours that emits
gamma rays, and is used in nuclear medicine, primarily for diagnostic
imaging purposes.
I-131 A radioactive isotope of iodine with a half-life of 8 days that emits
both gamma and beta rays, and is used in varying doses in nuclear
medicine, primarily for therapeutic purposes to treat thyroid disorders,
including thyroid cancer (I-131 treatment for cancer is also referred to
as ablation), and is more rarely used for diagnostic imaging purposes.
i.e. The abbreviation for the Latin phrase, id est, that means “that is” or
“in other words.”
LID Low-Iodine Diet
mcg Microgram, or one millionth of a gram
NIH National Institutes of Health
ODS-NIH Office of Dietary Supplements-National Institutes of Health
OTC Over the Counter
RAI Radioactive Iodine; also known as Radioisotope of Iodine or
ThyCa ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. (www.thyca.org)
TSH Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
TSP Textured or Texturized Soy Protein
TVP Textured or Texturized Vegetable Protein
USDA United States Department of Agriculture

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-3
Appendix D: For Parents & Children Coping with Thyroid Cancer
A thyroid cancer diagnosis is always difficult to deal with, but it is especially heartbreaking when the
patient is a child we love. To try to make the journey a little easier for parents and children, we have
highlighted kid-friendly recipes in the Ninth Edition of the Low-Iodine Cookbook with a “K”
designation in the Index. Of course, all children do not have the same tastes, so please use these recipes
as suggestions to get you started.

Whether on the LID or not, young people thrive on healthy, nutritious food, and the cookbook offers a
lot of options. At the same time, you might find that this challenging time in their lives—and yours—
calls for a little indulgence, especially when other favorite foods are not permitted on the LID. To that
end, we have compiled a list of ideas, suggestions, and tips that we hope you find helpful. If you have
questions, please reach out to recipes@thyca.org. We are here to help!

Using the griddle cakes (pancake) recipe on p.75, try pouring the batter into Mickey Mouse-shaped
cakes. After you flip them, add blueberries or LID-safe chocolate chips for the eyes and mouth. Serve
with warm maple syrup. You can also find lots of fun-shaped molds for pancakes too—everything from
space ships to dinosaurs, hearts, and stars. Explore to keep things fun for your child. (The grown-up kids
may enjoy it too!)

Some children really enjoy hot cereal. Oatmeal and hot wheat cereal are great options to start the day.
Keep it interesting with toppings such as LID-safe jams and jellies, LID-safe peanut butter, brown sugar,
LID-safe chocolate chips, raisins, etc.

The traditional US “toad in a hole” or “egg in a hole” recipe (cracking a whole egg into a hole cut out
into toast, and frying it) is not LID-safe due to the egg yolk. Instead, you can use fun cookie cut-out
shapes to make an opening in LID-safe bread and lightly toast it; place it in a frying pan then pour in egg
whites and cook that up for a nutritious start to the day.

Lunch & Dinner:

For lunch and dinner, please refer to the Index of Recipes and find foods that match your child’s taste.
For example, the cookbook provides you with all the instructions you need to make hamburgers on a
bun with pickles, fries, and ketchup! Other kid-friendly choices are available too, like spaghetti and
meatballs, chicken nuggets, and chili mac.

Snacks, Desserts, & Beverages:

Be sure to check out the snacks section starting on p.101. You will find inspiration for things to help the
kids stay full all day!

Please find desserts starting on p.87. In that section there are recipes for cookies, brownies, cakes, and

It is hard for children who often drink milk. Please find recipes for nut milk and oat milk in the
Substitute Dairy section, starting on p.61. You can turn these “milks” into chocolate milk by adding
Hershey’s® Syrup called Simply 5. (Note that the regular Hershey’s Syrup is not LID safe. Always read
ingredients to be extra sure!) Or make hot cocoa by warming nut or oat milk on the stove, add sugar (or
sweetener of choice) and LID-safe cocoa powder; top it with an LID-safe marshmallow! While natural
fruit juice is also great option, please read labels. Many juice products add artificial coloring, flavoring,
etc. Melissa L. suggests Juicy Juice® brand, which was safe as of this publication date.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-4
Appendix D: For Parents & Children Coping with Thyroid Cancer
More Kid-Friendly Snack Ideas:
 “Ants on A Log” (peanut butter on celery or carrots with raisin “ants”)
 Sliced fruit cut into shapes with cookie cutters
 LID-safe sorbet or Frozen Banana “Ice Cream” (p.98)
 Grilled Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich (LID-safe bread, peanut butter, and jelly fried on both sides
in vegetable oil until golden and melted)
 LID-safe popcorn
 Fruit leather and other dried fruits (but be sure to check ingredients—avoid red food dye #3/E127
and carrageenan)

We suggest avoiding red dye altogether for the two-three weeks while on the diet. Some food labels do
not specify which red dyes are used and food manufacturers may make substitutions without notifying

LID-Safe Candy:
Halloween? Holiday? Birthday? Sweet tooth in the family? These candies, commonly available in the
US, are LID-safe at the time of the publication of the Ninth Edition of the Low-Iodine Cookbook:
Charms® Blow Pops; most chewing gum; gummy bears, in particular Black Forest® and Haribo® brands;
Jolly Ranchers®; Lemonheads®; Brach’s® Lemon Drops; Life Savers®; Nerds®; Skittles®; Sour Patch
Kids®; SweeTARTS®; Junior Mints®; Enjoy Life® dark chocolate bars; Glee Gum brand Gum Pops;
Surf Sweets® Organic Jelly Beans and Gummy Worms; and Starburst®. To be extra safe, we suggest
sorting out the candies to focus on the ones that do not use red dye. You can even make a game out of it
where you sort the Skittles, for example, and your child dealing with thyroid cancer can enjoy the
yellow and green ones, while the red and orange ones are put away for a later date by hiding them for a
scavenger hunt, to be held after treatment or scans are completed.

Candies with Ingredients Not Recommended on the LID:

At the time of the publication of the Ninth Edition of the Low-Iodine Cookbook, the following
candies—at least as sold in the U.S.—have ingredients that are not recommended while on the LID.
Remember that the diet is just for two to three weeks, in most cases, and the kids can have their favorite
treats when the diet is finished:

Dum Dums: Original Dum Dums® (a brand of lollipops) contain salt. Other varieties do not, so read
labels carefully.
Pez® uses Red Dye #3 as a food coloring.
Laffy Taffy® contains salt.
Candy corn contains salt.
Tootsie Rolls® and Tootsie Pops® contain milk and whey (a milk product).
Fruit by the Foot® contains carrageenan.
Pop Rocks® contain lactose, a milk product.
Hot Tamales® use Red Dye #3 as a food coloring.
Milk chocolate is not LID-safe, because of the milk content. Unfortunately, this rules out many popular
candies such as M&Ms®, Reese’s® Peanut Butter Cups, etc.

This list is provided by friends of ThyCa to help parents and children facing thyroid cancer. ThyCa itself
does not recommend or endorse any of these products.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-5
Appendix E: Index of Recipes
Recipe Index Key
I = International flavors:
In recognition of our global user community, we attempted to add more global flavors to this 9th
Edition. We’ve highlighted them here.

V = Veg*n-friendly:
We have noted some recipes as “veg*n-friendly.” This means that, in addition to being dairy-free
like all LID-safe recipes, these recipes also do not contain meat or meat products of any type. That
said, you may find recipes designated veg*n-friendly that contain animal products like honey and/or
egg whites. If you are a strict vegan, please make appropriate LID-friendly substitutions. Also note
that if a recipe is intended for use on meat (e.g., a dry rub), we did not designate it veg*n-friendly
although technically the ingredients are.

E/M = Level of difficulty:

None of the recipes found here are complex. Some may be time-consuming or use one or two
appliances (blenders, etc.), but they are not difficult. Therefore, we have limited our notations to E
for “easy” and M for “moderately complex” to refer to the level of difficulty. We do not indicate the
time needed to execute a recipe.

K = Kid-friendly:
Several parents helped us review the list of recipes for kid-friendliness to help you support your
child if they are dealing with thyroid cancer. We realize all children have different tastes, but we
hope this helps you get started in finding some useful recipes.

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Apple Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 87
Apple Cashew Salad Salads V E 18
Apple Crisp Desserts/Pies & Crisps V E K 96
Apple Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 77
Breads & Muffins
Apple Pie Desserts/Pies & Crisps V M K 96
Apple Waldorf-Style Salad Salads V M 18
Apple Walnut Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 87
Microwaved Cinnamon Apple Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 99
Peanut Butter Apple Rings Snacks V E K 102
Sautéed Apples for Pork Lamb & Pork E 59
Roasted Asparagus Vegetables V E 66
Tomatoes, Beef, & Asparagus Beef E 46
Avocado Chocolate Pudding Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 97
Avocado Ideas & Tips Substitute Dairy V E 61
Avocado Mousse Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 97
Guacamole Dip with Tortilla Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers I V M 69
Baked Bananas Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 97
©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-6
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Banana Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 77
Breads & Muffins
Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast V M K 72
Banana Coconut Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 77
Breads & Muffins
Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Breakfast V E K 72
Banana-Blueberry Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 87
Banana-Nut Griddle Cakes Breakfast V E K 73
Fried Banana Cakes Desserts/Other Desserts V M K 98
Frozen Banana “Ice Cream” Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 98
Whole Wheat Banana Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 80
Breads & Muffins
Black Bean & Chicken Tostadas Poultry I M K 47
Black Bean & Corn Salsa Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E 69
Black Bean Dip Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V M 69
Black Bean Salad Salads V E 18
Chili with Corn Soups & Stews V E K 29
Falafel Sandwiches Vegetables I V M 64
Hummus with Clementines Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V M 70
Lily’s Hummus Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers I V M 70
Soup, Black Bean Soups & Stews V M 30
Soup, Brazilian Black Bean Soups & Stews I V M 30
Soup, Lentil Soups & Stews V E 32
Soup, Split Pea & Carrot Soups & Stews V E 33
Stew, Cabbage & Bean Soups & Stews E 35
Tip Box: An important tip about Poultry 55
cooking dried kidney beans
Beef & Pepper Medley Beef M 42
Beef Curry Beef E 42
Chili Soups & Stews E K 29
Chili Mac Beef E K 42
Easy Pot Roast Beef E K 42
Fajitas—Beef or Chicken Beef M K 43
Fried Steak or Chicken Fingers Beef E K 43
Ground Beef Stroganoff Beef E K 43
Hamburger En Papillote Beef E K 43
Joanna’s Meatloaf Beef E K 43
LID Goulash Beef E K 44
Lime Steak Rotini Beef E 44
Mini Meatloaves Beef E K 44

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-7
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Quasi Meatloaf, Meatballs, or Beef E K 44
Stuffing for Cabbage Rolls
Scottish Beer Pot Roast (Slow Beef I E 45
Sloppy Joes Beef E K 45
Spaghetti & Meatballs Pasta, Rice, & Grains M K 40
Stew, Beef Soups & Stews M K 34
Stew, Veal Soups & Stews M 35
Stuffed Sweet Green Peppers Beef M 45
Tacos Beef M K 45
Tomatoes, Beef, & Asparagus Beef E 46
Venezuelan Beef Beef I E 46
Berry Pie Desserts/Pies & Crisps V M K 96
Cathy’s Blueberry Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 77
Breads & Muffins
Green Salad with Strawberry Salads V M K 20
Strawberry Nut Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V M K 80
Breads & Muffins
Biscuits Breads & Muffins, etc./Biscuits, V E K 86
Tortillas, & Other Baked Goods
Bread Machine
Basic White Bread (Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V E K 81
Machine) Breads & Rolls
Focaccia Bread (Bread Machine) Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast I V M 81
Breads & Rolls
Golden Honey Bread (Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V E K 83
Machine) Breads & Rolls
Hawaiian Sweet Bread (Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V M K 83
Machine) Breads & Rolls
Multi-Grain Wheat Bread (Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V M 83
Machine) Breads & Rolls
Whole Wheat Bread Recipe Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V E 85
(Bread Machine) Breads & Rolls
Tip Box: But wait—I don’t have Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast 82
a bread machine! Breads & Rolls
Breads, Quick
Banana Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 77
Breads & Muffins
Banana Coconut Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 77
Breads & Muffins
Chocolate Zucchini Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V M K 77
Breads & Muffins

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-8
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Cinnamon Raisin Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V M K 78
Breads & Muffins
Dairy-Free Cornbread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 79
Breads & Muffins
Pumpkin Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 79
Breads & Muffins
Zucchini Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V M K 80
Breads & Muffins
Breads, Yeast
Basic White Bread (Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V E K 81
Machine) Breads & Rolls
Cinnamon Rolls Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V M K 81
Breads & Rolls
Easy 40-Minute Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V M K 81
Hamburger/Sandwich Buns Breads & Rolls
Focaccia Bread (Bread Machine) Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast I V M 81
Breads & Rolls
French Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast I V M K 82
Breads & Rolls
Golden Honey Bread (Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V E K 83
Machine) Breads & Rolls
Hawaiian Sweet Bread (Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V M K 83
Machine) Breads & Rolls
Multi-Grain Wheat Bread (Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V M 83
Machine) Breads & Rolls
No-Knead Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V M K 83
Breads & Rolls
Pão Caseiro (Portuguese Bread) Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast I V M K 84
Breads & Rolls
Pita Bread with Focaccia Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast I V M K 84
Variation Breads & Rolls
Simple White Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V E K 85
Breads & Rolls
Whole Wheat Bread Recipe Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V E 85
(Bread Machine) Breads & Rolls
Tip Box: Bagel tip Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick 80
Breads & Muffins
Tip Box: How to make potato Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick 78
water for bread recipes Breads & Muffins
Blond Praline Brownies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 90
Bridget’s Best Brownie Bites Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 90
Frances’ Brownies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 92
Microwave Brownie-in-a-Mug Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 99

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-9
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Cole Slaw Salads V E 19
Coleslaw, Tangy Salads V E 19
Quasi Meatloaf, Meatballs, or Beef M 44
Stuffing for Cabbage Rolls
Stew, Cabbage Soups & Stews V E 35
Stew, Cabbage & Bean Soups & Stews E 35
Unstuffed Cabbage with Turkey Poultry M 56
Apple Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 87
Apple Walnut Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 87
Banana-Blueberry Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 87
Brenda’s Chocolate Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 87
Frosting Desserts/Cakes V E K 88
Hot Fudge Pudding Cake Desserts/Cakes V M K 88
Nana’s Portuguese Chocolate Desserts/Cakes I V E K 88
Applesauce Cake
Nina’s Chocolate Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 89
Wacky Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 89
Tip Box: Adapt your favorite Desserts/Cakes 88
cake recipe
Tip Box: Angel food cake Desserts/Cakes 87
Tip Box: Example of a recipe Desserts/Cakes 89
Gulerodsalat (Carrot Salad) Salads I V E K 20
Pan-Fried Carrots & Cauliflower Vegetables V E 66
Roasted Carrots with Fennel Vegetables V E 66
Soup, Curried Carrot Soups & Stews I V M 32
Pan-Fried Carrots & Cauliflower Vegetables V E 66
Soup, Cauliflower Soups & Stews V M 31
German 5-Minute Müsli Breakfast I V E 74
Grandma B’s Easy Granola Breakfast V E K 75
Sherri’s Homemade Granola Breakfast V E K 76
Cheese Replacement
Grated “Cheese” Replacement Substitute Dairy V M 61
Vegan “Parmesan Cheese” Substitute Dairy V E 62
Basic Whole Roasted Chicken Poultry E K 47
Black Bean & Chicken Tostadas Poultry M K 47
Bolivian Chicken Poultry I M 47
“Breaded” Chicken Cutlets Poultry E K 48
Charlie’s Chicken Salad Salads M K 18

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Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Chicken Breast Chasseur Poultry I M 48
Chicken Curry Poultry E 48
Chicken for Tacos or Taco Salad Poultry E 49
(Slow Cooker)
Chicken Giuseppe Poultry E 49
Chicken Nuggets Poultry E K 49
Chicken Pesto Poultry M 49
Chicken Rice Salad Salads M 18
Chicken Stir-Fry Poultry M K 50
Chicken with Apricot Sauce Poultry E K 50
Chicken with Orzo Poultry E 50
Chicken with Sweet Peppers & Poultry E 50
Creole Skillet Dinner Poultry M 50
Easy Orange Chicken Poultry E 51
Fajitas—Beef or Chicken Beef M K 43
Fried Steak or Chicken Fingers Beef E K 43
Garlic Chicken with Balsamic Poultry E 51
Garlic Lime Chicken Poultry E 51
Greek Grilled Chicken Poultry I E 52
Grilled Lemon Chicken with Poultry M 52
Basil Sauce
Herbes de Provence Chicken Poultry I E 52
Honey Mustard Chicken Poultry E 52
Italian Chicken Poultry I M 53
Lemon Baked Chicken Poultry E K 53
Lemon Honey Chicken & Rice Poultry M K 53
Moroccan-Style Stewed Chicken Poultry I M 53
(Slow Cooker)
Orange-Ginger Chicken Poultry E 54
Pasta with Chicken & Peppers Poultry M 54
Pecan-Crusted Chicken Poultry E 54
Portobello Mushrooms & Poultry E 54
Sesame Chicken Nuggets Poultry E K 55
Slow-Cooker Latin Chicken Poultry I M 55
Soup, Chicken Noodle Soups & Stews E K 31
Soup, Chicken Tortilla Soups & Stews I M K 32
Stock, Chicken Soups & Stews M 36
Sweet Apple Chicken Poultry E K 55
Chili Powder Spices & Condiments V E 27
Brenda’s Chocolate Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 87
Chocolate Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-11
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Chocolate Fudgy Spice Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91
Chocolate Pecan Drop Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91
Cookie Dough Dip Desserts/Other Desserts V M K 97
Flourless Chocolate Almond Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91
Flourless Fudge Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91
Grandma Sylvia’s Chocolate Desserts/Cookies & Bars V M K 92
Hot Fudge Pudding Cake Desserts/Cakes V M K 88
Jennifer’s Chocolate Chip Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 93
Nana’s Portuguese Chocolate Desserts/Cakes I V E K 88
Applesauce Cake
Nina’s Chocolate Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 89
Wacky Cake Desserts/Cakes V E K 89
Cookies & Bars
Best Oat Cookies That Ever Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 90
Blond Praline Brownies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 90
Bridget’s Best Brownie Bites Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 90
Chewy Oatmeal Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 90
Chocolate Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91
Chocolate Fudgy Spice Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91
Chocolate Pecan Drop Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91
Flourless Chocolate Almond Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91
Flourless Fudge Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 91
Forgotten Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V M K 92
Frances’ Brownies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 92
Grandma Sylvia’s Chocolate Desserts/Cookies & Bars V M K 92
Jennifer’s Chocolate Chip Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 93
Line’s Meringue-Style Cookies: Desserts/Cookies & Bars V M K 93
3 Varieties
Matzo Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 93
Molasses Sugar Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 94
No-Bake Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 94
No-Bake Easy Holiday Rum Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E 94
Oatmeal Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 94
Peanut Butter Balls Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 94
Peanut Butter Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 95
Pecan Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 95

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-12
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Tip Box: Shopping for Desserts/Cookies & Bars 92
Parve/Pareve items
Black Bean & Corn Salsa Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E 69
Chili with Corn Soups & Stews V E K 29
Corn Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 78
Breads & Muffins
Corn Salad, Fresh Salads V M 19
Corn Salad, Shoepeg Salads V E 19
Dairy-Free Cornbread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 79
Breads & Muffins
Polenta Vegetables I V E 66
Crackers Breads & Muffins, etc./Biscuits, V E K 86
Tortillas, & Other Baked Goods
Croutons, Toasted Salad V E 23
Donuts, Mom’s Breakfast V M K 75
Dressing, Asian Salad Dressings & Marinades I V E 24
Dressing, Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressings & Marinades V E 24
Dressing, French Vinaigrette Dressings & Marinades I V E 24
Dressing, Italian Mix Dressings & Marinades V E K 24
Dressing, Nutty Dressings & Marinades V E 24
Dressing, Poppy Seed Dressings & Marinades V E 24
Dressing, Sweet & Sour Dressings & Marinades V E 25
Dressing, Sweet French Dressings & Marinades V E K 25
Tip Box: Dressings & Marinades Dressings & Marinades 25
Eggplant Curry Vegetables I V M 63
Fried Eggplant Vegetables V M 64
Easy LID Matzah Brei Breakfast V E 73
Easy Potato & Egg Breakfast Breakfast V E K 74
Egg Salad Salads V E K 19
Egg Salad with Avocado Salads V E 20
Olé Omelet! Breakfast V E 75
Potato & Egg White Frittata with Breakfast V E 76
Onions & Asparagus
Frosting Desserts/Cakes V E K 88
Frozen Fruit Concoction Desserts/Other Desserts V E 99
Haroseth (Fruit & Nut Spread) Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V M 69
Garlic, Roasted Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E 70
Bridget’s Chewy Granola Bars Snacks V M K 101
Grandma B’s Easy Granola Breakfast V E K 75

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Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Granola Bars Snacks V M K 102
Homemade Granola Bars Snacks V M K 102
Sherri’s Homemade Granola Breakfast V E K 76
Greens with Vinaigrette Salad V E 20
Gumbo, Basic Soups & Stews V M 30
Ketchup, Homemade Spices & Condiments V E K 27
Tip Box: Ketchup & Mustard Spices & Condiments 27
Grilled Butterflied Leg of Lamb Lamb & Pork E 58
Soup, Vegetable & Lamb Soups & Stews I M 34
Margarine Substitute Dairy V E K 62
Marinade, Chicken Kabob Dressings & Marinades E K 25
Marinade, Lime Cilantro Dressings & Marinades I E 25
Easy LID Matzah Brei Breakfast V E 73
Matzo Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 93
Tip Box: Shopping for Desserts/Cookies & Bars 92
Parve/Pareve items
Mayonnaise, Blender Spices & Condiments V M 26
Basic Nut Milk Recipe Substitute Dairy V M K 61
Oat Milk Substitute Dairy V M K 62
Tip Box: Melt a marshmallow… Substitute Dairy 62
Molasses Sugar Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 94
Apple Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 77
Breads & Muffins
Cathy’s Blueberry Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 77
Breads & Muffins
Corn Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 78
Breads & Muffins
Mel’s Zucchini Carrot Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V M K 79
Breads & Muffins
Orange Oat Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 79
Breads & Muffins
Strawberry Nut Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V M K 80
Breads & Muffins
Whole Wheat Banana Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 80
Breads & Muffins
Mushroom Caps, Stuffed Vegetables V E 67
Mustard, Homemade Spices & Condiments V E K 27

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Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Tip Box: Ketchup & Mustard Spices & Condiments 27

Basic Nut Milk Recipe Substitute Dairy V M K 61
Cinnamon Almonds Snacks V M 101
Corny Nuts Snacks V M 101
Grated “Cheese” Replacement Substitute Dairy V M 61
Haroseth (Fruit & Nut Spread) Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V M 69
Maple Nut Snack Snacks V E K 102
Mary’s Spiced Nuts Snacks V E 102
Pecan Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 95
Rosemary-Roasted Cashews & Snacks V M 103
Spicy Pumpkin Seeds Snacks V E 103
Toasted Almonds Salads V E 23
Vegan “Parmesan Cheese” Substitute Dairy V E 62
Apple Morning Oats Breakfast V E K 72
Baked Oatmeal Breakfast V E K 72
Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Breakfast V E K 72
Best Oat Cookies That Ever Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 90
Chewy Oatmeal Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 90
Fruit & Oatmeal Breakfast V E K 74
German 5-Minute Müsli Breakfast I V E 74
Oat Milk Substitute Dairy V M K 62
Oatmeal Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 94
Orange Oat Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 79
Breads & Muffins
Overnight Oats Breakfast V E 76
Onion Salad, Brazilian Style Salad I V M 20
Oranges, Aztec Snacks V E 101
Banana-Nut Griddle Cakes Breakfast V E K 73
Blueberry Pancakes Breakfast V E K 73
Cinnamon Waffles Breakfast V M K 73
European-Style Pancakes/Crêpes Breakfast I V E K 74
Griddle Cakes Breakfast V E K 75
Papaya, Cooked Desserts/Other Desserts V M 97
Chicken with Orzo Poultry E 50
Chili Mac Beef E K 42
Giordano Spaghetti Pasta, Rice, & Grains V E 38
Lemon Pasta with Gremolata Pasta, Rice, & Grains I V E 39

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-15
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Recipe Title Recipe Section I V E/M K Page

Ligurian Potatoes, Green Beans, Vegetables I V M 65
& Pasta
Orzo Cranberry Salad Salads V E 21
Pasta & Pea Salad Salads V E 21
Pasta Salad Primavera Salads V E 21
Pasta Salad with Lemon Salads V E 21
Pasta Salad, Tomato Basil Salads V E 22
Pasta with Chicken & Peppers Poultry M 54
Pesto for Pasta, etc. Pasta, Rice, & Grains V E 39
Soup, Vegetable Minestrone Soups & Stews V E 34
Spaghetti & Meatballs Pasta, Rice, & Grains M K 40
Spaghetti with Tomato Pasta, Rice, & Grains V E K 40
Mushroom Sauce
Spanish-Style Orzo Pasta, Rice, & Grains I E 40
Tomato Sauce, Fresh Pasta, Rice, & Grains V E K 40
Very Easy Macaroni with Meat Pasta, Rice, & Grains E K 41
Tip Box: Most Pasta is Safe, etc. Pasta, Rice, & Grains 41
Peach Soup, Chilled Soups & Stews V M 29
Peanut Butter
Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast V M K 72
Chocolate Peanut Butter Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E K 71
Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Desserts/Other Desserts V M K 97
Honey Peanut Butter Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E K 71
No-Bake Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 94
Peanut Butter Apple Rings Snacks V E K 102
Peanut Butter Balls Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 94
Peanut Butter Cookies Desserts/Cookies & Bars V E K 95
Plain Peanut Butter Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E K 71
Three Peanut Butters Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E K 71
Pears, Caramelized Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 97
Roasted Bell Peppers Vegetables V M 66
Stuffed Sweet Green Peppers Beef M 45
Pickles, Wisconsin Refrigerator Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E 71
Pies & Crisps
Apple Crisp Desserts/Pies & Crisps V E K 96
Apple Pie Desserts/Pies & Crisps V M K 96
Berry Pie Desserts/Pies & Crisps V M K 96
Oil Pie Crust Desserts/Pies & Crisps V E K 96

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-16
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Pie Crust Desserts/Pies & Crisps V E K 96

Pineapple Salsa Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E 70
Spiced Pineapple Snacks V E 103
Kari’s Pizza, Using Kim’s Soft Vegetables V M K 65
Pretzel Dough
Quick Mix Thin & Crispy Pizza Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V E K 84
Crust with Topping Suggestions Breads & Rolls
Popcorn Seasoning Snacks V E K 103
Apple-Smothered Pork Chops Lamb & Pork E K 57
Asian Pork Lamb & Pork I M 57
BBQ Pork Lamb & Pork E K 57
“Breaded” Pork Chops Lamb & Pork E K 57
Breakfast Sausage Lamb & Pork E K 57
Cheryl’s Grilled Pork Chops Lamb & Pork E K 58
with Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Easy Peach (or Apricot, or Lamb & Pork E K 58
Apricot-Orange...) Pork
Fall Festive Pork Chops Lamb & Pork E K 58
Maple Fennel Country Sausage Lamb & Pork E K 59
Pork Carnitas (Serve with Lamb & Pork I M K 59
Homemade Soft Flour Tortillas
& Salsa Fresca)
Pork Chops in Orange Sauce Lamb & Pork E K 59
Pork Roast over Potatoes (Slow Lamb & Pork E K 59
Slow-Cooker Pork Roast Lamb & Pork E K 60
Candied Sweet Potatoes Vegetables V E K 63
Chewy Potato Fries Vegetables V E K 63
French Fries Vegetables V E K 64
Hash Browns Vegetables V M K 64
June’s Potato Latkes Vegetables V M 65
Potato Chips—A Handy Tip Snacks V E K 103
Potato Salad, Bavarian Style Salads I M 22
Potato Salad, Spanish Style Salads I V E 22
Really Easy Sweet Potato Vegetables V E K 66
Roasted Sweet Potatoes Vegetables V M 66
Rosemary Garlic Roasted Vegetables V E 67
Pretzels, Kim’s Soft Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast V M K 83
Breads & Rolls

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-17
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Avocado Chocolate Pudding Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 97

Avocado Mousse Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 97
Lemon “Curd” Desserts/Other Desserts V E K 99
Pudim de Claras Desserts/Other Desserts I V M K 99
Rice Pudding Desserts/Other Desserts V M K 100
Pumpkin Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V E K 79
Breads & Muffins
Pumpkin Butter Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers V E K 70
Chicken Rice Salad Salads M 18
Confetti Rice Bake Pasta, Rice, & Grains E K 38
Creole Skillet Dinner Poultry M 50
Fried Rice Pasta, Rice, & Grains M K 38
Harvest Rice Stuffing Pasta, Rice, & Grains M 38
Lemon Honey Chicken & Rice Poultry M 53
Rice Pudding Desserts/Other Desserts V M K 100
Sauces, Glazes, & Rubs
Asian Sauce Spices & Condiments I V E 26
Bar-B-Que Sauce, Spicy Spices & Condiments V E 26
Blackening Mixture Spices & Condiments E 26
Fruit Glaze for Meats Spices & Condiments M K 27
Jonathan’s Dry Rub Spices & Condiments E 27
Peppered Steak Rub Spices & Condiments E 28
Red Chile Sauce Spices & Condiments V M 28
Sesame Seed Paste (Tahini) Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers I V M 71
Slow-Cooker Recipes
Chicken for Tacos or Taco Salad Poultry E 49
(Slow Cooker)
Moroccan-Style Stewed Chicken Poultry I M 53
(Slow Cooker)
Pork Roast over Potatoes (Slow Lamb & Pork E K 59
Scottish Beer Pot Roast (Slow Beef I E 45
Slow-Cooker Latin Chicken Poultry I M 55
Slow-Cooker Pork Roast Lamb & Pork E K 60
Tip Box: An important tip about Poultry 55
cooking dried kidney beans
Tip Box: Convert a Slow-Cooker Poultry 54
Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast V M K 72
Frozen Fruit Concoction Desserts/Other Desserts V E 99

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-18
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Fruit Shake Breakfast V E K 74

Fruit Smoothie Breakfast V E K 74
Snack Ideas (Tip Box) Snacks 103
Sorbet, Fresh Fruit Desserts/Other Desserts V M K 98
Spinach Apple Salad Salads V E 22
Spinach Salad Salads V E 22
Spinach Salad, Warm Salads E 23
Roasted Yellow Squash Vegetables V E 67
Soup, Butternut Squash Soups & Stews V M 31
Taco Seasoning Mix Spices & Condiments E K 28
Tacos Beef M K 45
Tahini (Sesame Seed Paste) Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers I V M 71
Tip Boxes
Adapt your favorite cake recipe Desserts/Cakes 88
An important tip about cooking Poultry 55
dried kidney beans safely
Angel food cake Desserts/Cakes 87
Bagel tip Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick 80
Breads & Muffins
But wait—I don’t have a bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Yeast 82
machine! Breads & Rolls
Convert a Slow-Cooker Recipe Poultry 54
Dress your favorite salad… Salads 20
Dressings & Marinades Dressings & Marinades 25
Easy Salad Tip Salads 23
Example of a recipe overhaul Desserts/Cakes 89
How to make potato water for Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick 78
bread recipes Breads & Muffins
Ketchup & Mustard Spices & Condiments 27
LID Food Storage & Labeling Soups & Stews 31
Melt a marshmallow… Substitute Dairy 62
More Snack Ideas Snacks 103
Most Pasta is Safe, etc. Pasta, Rice, & Grains 41
Shopping for Parve/Pareve items Desserts/Cookies & Bars 92
Substituting Beef or Pork for Soups & Stews 33
Lamb or Veal
Try various vinegars Salads 21
Veg*ns may enjoy making seitan Vegetables 64
Rafael’s Pico de Gallo Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers I V E 70
Salsa Fresca Dips, Spreads, & Appetizers I V E 71
Stewed Tomatoes Vegetables V M 67
Stock, Tomato Vegetable Soups & Stews V M 36

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-19
Appendix E: Index of Recipes

Tabouli (Tabbouleh, Wheat Salads I V M 23

Tomato Sauce, Fresh Pasta, Rice, & Grains V E K 40
Tomatoes, Beef, & Asparagus Beef E 46
Tortillas, Fried Breads & Muffins, etc./Biscuits, I V M K 86
Tortillas, & Other Baked Goods
Tortillas, Griddle Breads & Muffins, etc./Biscuits, I V M K 86
Tortillas, & Other Baked Goods
George’s Turkey Bolognese Poultry E K 51
Rosemary Turkey Poultry E 54
Turkey Burgers Poultry E K 56
Unstuffed Cabbage with Turkey Poultry M 56
Veal Stew Soups & Stews M 35
Vegetables, Misc.
Lemony Roasted Vegetables Vegetables V E 65
Roasted Winter Vegetables Vegetables V E 67
Soup, Hot & Sour Soups & Stews I E 32
Soup, Sweet Potato, Romany Soups & Stews I V E 33
Soup, Vegetable (Roasted Soups & Stews V M 33
Soup, Vegetable Minestrone Soups & Stews V E 34
Stew, Vegetable Soups & Stews V M 36
Stock, Vegetable Soups & Stews V E 37
Vegetarian Sauce for Pasta or Vegetables V M 68
Veggie Burgers Vegetables V M 68
Wheat Salad (Tabouli, Tabbouleh) Salad I V M 23
Chocolate Zucchini Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V M K 77
Breads & Muffins
Crunchy Zucchini & Tomatoes Vegetables V M 63
Mel’s Zucchini Carrot Muffins Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V M K 79
Breads & Muffins
Zucchini Bread Breads & Muffins, etc./Quick V M K 80
Breads & Muffins
Zucchini Fajitas Vegetables V E 68

Recipedia: For even more LID-safe recipes, please check out our Recipedia online at www.thyca.org.

©2020, 9 Edition ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.SM www.thyca.org Page A-20
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. SM

A national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization of thyroid cancer survivors, family members, and health
professionals, dedicated to education, communication, support, awareness for early detection, and
thyroid cancer research fundraising and research grants. Toll Free 1-877-588-7904
www.thyca.org thyca@thyca.org Fax 1-630-604-6078 Tax ID # 52-2169434

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