Research Methods in Linguistics: Lia Litosseliti (Ed.), (2nd Ed.) - London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018
Research Methods in Linguistics: Lia Litosseliti (Ed.), (2nd Ed.) - London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018
Research Methods in Linguistics: Lia Litosseliti (Ed.), (2nd Ed.) - London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018
fact that narrative analysis present in the first edition of the book was deleted
in the second one.
Undoubtedly, second edition of Research Methods in Linguistics is a concise
and valuable position offering guidance and support especially for those who
start their empirical work. Simple and straightforward questions that the authors
of particular chapters address, such as How Many Research Questions (p. 21) or
What Quantitative Method to Use (p. 140) together with more complex issues
discussed, for example, unethical practices and consequences (p. 73) or social
semiotics (p. 290), and many others help to rethink research procedures one may
be familiar with. This volume definitely gives food for thought and broadens
one’s perspective in how research design can be planned. Furthermore, the book
is well grounded in the current research, which makes it a useful resource for
those who would like to refresh and extend their knowledge about the research
methods available in linguistics.
The format of the book and the content organization add up to the overall
clarity, accessibility, and practicality of the book. Theoretical background is
supplemented with questions to think, references and additional sources both
printed and available online. This promotes a variety of ways in which the
volume can be used in practice (as a self-study material or a reference material
for seminar-style research method course).
However, it could be argued that the theory included in this volume does
not always provide a sufficient review of literature available in the field of re-
search methodology. Widely-recognized books on research methods by Nunan
(1992) or Dörnyei (2007) are presented only in the chapter discussing research
questions in linguistics (chap. 1, pp. 13–34). Other sources related to research
methodology (e.g., Brown, 2001; Gabryś-Barker, 2011; Brown & Rodgers, 2002)
are not mentioned. The idea to narrow down a relatively vast literature to just
few items may be intentional to achieve clarity and leave space for reader’s
inquiry and critical reflection. Yet, inexperienced (or novice) researchers may
get the feeling that the theory is somewhat inadequately represented.
The volume is mostly based on English-speaking literature concerning the
field of research methodology, so the potential researchers representing other
cultural/educational contexts would still have to get familiar with sources pub-
lished in their own contexts.
All things considered, I recommend reading Research Methods in Linguistics,
edited by Lia Litosseliti, for a number of reasons. The volume provides a com-
prehensive overview of current tendencies in research methodology. Content se-
lection offers as a wide selection of methods including multimodality, discourse
analytic approaches to text and talk, ideas for mixed or holistic research. As
such, it enables readers to get a broader perspective on the research designs
one can implement, taking various paradigms into consideration and planning
the research that reflects important trends and research issues.
Lia Litosseliti (ed.). (2018). Research Methods in Linguistics… 127
Bezemer, J., & Jewitt, C. (2018). Multimodality: A guide for linguists. In L. Litosseliti (Ed.),
Research methods in linguistics (2nd ed.) (pp. 281–303). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Brown, J. D. (2001). Using surveys in language programs. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Brown, J. D., & Rodgers, T. S. (2002). Doing second language research. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Copland, F., & Creese, A. (2018). Linguistic ethnography. In L. Litosseliti (Ed.), Research meth-
ods in linguistics (2nd ed.) (pp. 259–280). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Edley, N., & Litosseliti, L. (2018). Critical perspectives on using interviews and focus groups.
In L. Litosseliti (Ed.), Research methods in linguistics (2nd edi.) (pp. 195–225). London:
Bloomsbury Academic.
Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gabryś-Barker, D. (Ed.). (2011). Action research in teacher development: An overview of re-
search methodology. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
Litosseliti, L. (Ed.). (2018). Research methods in linguistics (2nd ed.). London: Bloomsbury
Nunan, D. (1992). Research methods in language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University