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CIP Intro To Crim

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Uptown Crossing, Poblacion 8, Midsayap, Cotabato 9410

Tel. # (064) 229-5465 Telefax # (064) 229-8045


Course Number: CRIM 101 Professor/Instructor: Jomelyn M. Ledesma-Magsayo, RCrim

Course Title: Intro to Criminology
Number of Units: 3 E-mail: jml060696@gmail.com
Pre-Requisite: None Contact Hour: 54 hours
Consultation Hours: Friday, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Target Class: 40 students
Subject Placement: 1st Semester

I. Course Description:
Introduction to criminology provides the basic concepts and information needed for better understanding of Criminology as a whole. This includes the persons who
spent majority of their lives studying Criminology, different theories formed by Criminologists in order to understand how criminal mind works, and the way that Criminals
are labeled and divided in order to identify them. Introduction to Criminology tackles all the important factors needed for the understanding of the whole course of

II. Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the students will:
1. Be able to identify what is crime, criminal, and criminology.
2. Discuss the different schools and theories of criminology.
3. Know the personalities behind the different schools and theories of criminology.
4. Be able to identify the different branches of criminology.
5. Be familiar of the different ways that criminals are labeled and identified.
III. Grading System:
40% - Examination
30% - Quiz
15% - Class Participation
15% - Assignment/ or Project

IV. Criteria for Grading:

1. Reflection Papers 2. Class Participation

Areas Points Areas Points

Content 10 Frequency 10
Accuracy of Data 10 Accuracy of Answers 10
Technical (grammar) 5 Alertness 5
Total points 25 pts Total points 25 pts

V. Course Requirement:
The students in this course are expected to be an active participant in the course, to read and follow carefully the schedule in the course syllabus, to read assigned
literary pieces, and to seek and read additional resources related to the course taken. In addition, students are expected to be responsible in answering the quizzes and other
teaching learning activities provided in the module and to be updated on the uploaded lessons online. The Teacher will announce all deadlines and instructions as well as
provide reminders about the pace or flow of the course.
Session Desired Learning Topics Specific Teaching and Assessment Tasks Resources References Number Evidence of
/Date Outcomes Learning Learning and of Hours Outcomes
Outcomes Activities Materials
Discuss the  What is - Analyze and -Interactive Quiz: Essay(25pts) -Laptop Book title: The learners are
important terms in Criminology explain the discussion Differentiate Crime, - Book Module in 3 able to define
Criminology. ? difference Delinquency and - Module Intro to the different
(Such as Crime,  Difference between Crime, -Oral Deviance. Criminology terms on their
Criminology, between Delinquency and Questioning Identification 2020 own words and
Criminal, Crime, Deviance. Different terms can discuss
Deviance and Deviance tackled. among
Delinquency) and - Analyze themselves
Delinquency whether Independent whether
 What is Criminology is a learning: Criminology is
Criminal? Science. Students research a Science.
 Is different examples of
Criminology Crime, Deviance and
a Science? Delinquency.

*Advance reading on
the next topic.
Discusses the  Branches of -Enumerate -Interactive Quiz: Essay( 25 pts) -Laptop Book title: The learners
different Branches, Criminology Branches, Scope discussion Give at least 3 - Book Module in 3 know all about
Scope and Nature  Scope of and Nature of examples of Branches - Module Intro to the Branches,
of Criminology. Criminology Criminology -Oral of Criminology and Criminology Scope and
 Nature of Questioning define them on your 2020 Nature of
Criminology -Distinguish own words. Criminology
branches of and themselves
Criminology from Independent are familiar on
one another. learning: those topics’
Let the students give definition.
the different branches
of Criminology and
define them on their
own words.

*Advance reading on
the next topic.
Discusses the  Fields -Discuss the -Interactive Quiz: Identification -Laptop Book title: 3 The learners are
different Fields related to different Fields discussion Identify the following - Book Module in able to discuss
related to Criminology related to fields related to - Module Intro to and distinguish
Criminology.  The Study of Criminology. -Oral Criminology. Criminology the different
Crime Questioning 2020 Fields related to
 Social -Define the terms Independent Criminology.
Engineering mentioned in the learning:
lessons. Try to explain every
field related to
criminology using
your own words.

*Advance reading on
the next topic.
Discusses the  Criminal -Explain what is -Interactive Quiz: Essay ( 25 pts) -Laptop Book title: 3 The learners are
definition of Law Criminal Law. discussion Explain on your own - Book Module in able to explain
Criminal Law,  Principles of Enumerate the terms the difference - Module Intro to the three issues
together with the Philippine sources of -Oral between Presidential Criminology of development
Principles and Criminal Criminal Law, its Questioning Decree and Republic 2020 and answer the
Purposes of Law Principles and Acts. assessment
Criminal Law.  Purposes of Purposes. Identification. tasks.
Law Independent
Research and give at
least 3 examples of
Presidential Decrees,
Republic Acts and
Discusses the  Early legal -Enumerate the -Interactive Quiz: Identification -Laptop Book title: The learners
Early legal codes codes Early Legal discussion Early Legal Codes - Book Module in 3 can identify the
and the relative to Codes. relative to Criminal - Module Intro to different Legal
development of Criminal -Oral Questioning Law. Criminology Codes and
Criminal Law. Law -Distinguish the 2020 Perspective on
 Perspectives Perspectives on Independent Crime.
on Crime Crimes learning:
 Development Students will make a
of Criminal -Familiarize on research on the early
Law how Criminal legal codes on the
Law developed Philippines and make
a compilation on those
codes, complete with
pictures (if

*Advance reading on
the next topic.
Discusses the  Philosophies -Distinguish the -Interactive Quiz: Essay (25 pts) -Laptop Book title: The learners is
Philosophies underlying different discussion Differentiate Mala In - Book Module in 3 able to
underlying the the Criminal Philosophies Se from Mala - Module Intro to differentite
Criminal Law. Law from one another -Oral Questioning Prohibita. Criminology Mala In Se from
 Mala In Se and Mala In Se 2020 Mala Prohibita
Explains the and Mala from Mala and vice versa.
difference Prohibita Independent And is familiar
between Mala In learning: with the
Se and Mala Research and give at different
Prohibita. least 5 examples each Philosophies.
of Mala In Se and
Mala Prohibita.

*Advance reading on
the next topic.
Discusses the  What is - Define Felony. -Interactive Quiz: Essay (50 pts.) -Laptop Book title: 3 The learners
definition of Felony - Discuss the discussion Define felony and - Book Module in can discuss the
Felony, its  Elements of Elements and differentiate the 3 - Module Intro to 3 stages of
elements, Felony Stages of -Oral Questioning Stages of Commission Criminology Commission of
requisites and  Requisites Commission of of Felony using your 2020 Felony using
stages of of Felony Felony. own words. Cite some their own
commission.  Stages of examples. words.
of Felony Independent
Give at least 3
examples of felony,
complete with their
requisites and terms of
punishment. You can
use the Revised Penal
Code as reference.

*Advance reading on
the next topic.
Discuss the Types  Criminal - Discusses the -Interactive Quiz: Essay (25 pts.): -Laptop Book title: 3 The students
and purposes of Typology: types and discussion Differentiate using - Book Module in can differentiate
Criminal Types and purpose of your own words the 5 - Module Intro to the different
typologies. How Purpose -Oral Questioning Criminology typologies of
Criminal typologies according
typologies are  Construction 2020 Criminal and
constructed and of typologies. to Cesare Lombroso. are familiar
the historical Typologies - Discusses the with other
roots of those  Historical historical roots Independent topics tackled.
typologies. roots of of criminal learning:
Criminal typologies.
Discusses the  Legal and - Explains the -Interactive Quiz: Essay (25 pts.): Laptop Book title: 3 The students are
Legal and Criminologi criminological discussion Give at least 3 - Book Module in able to identify
Criminological cal and legal Criminological - Module Intro to each
classification of -Oral Questioning Criminology classification of
classificatio classification of classification of
Crimes and 2020 Crime and
Criminals n of crimes; Crime. Crime and define each Criminals. They
 Criminologi - Discusses the on your own words. are also able to
cal criminological Identification give examples
for each
classificatio classification of Give what is asked.
n of Criminals. classification of
criminals Independent
learning: For each
Classification of
Crime, cite at least 2
examples of each.

*Advance reading on
the next topic.
Discusses the  Criminal - Defines -Interactive Quiz: Identification -Laptop Book title: 3 Students are
development of etiology criminal discussion Identify what - Book Module in able to identify
Criminology, how  Developmen etiology. Approach is - Module Intro to the different
Crime and t of -Discusses the -Oral Questioning Criminology approaches.
Punishment is criminology development of 2020 They can also
viewed on Pre  Pre Classical Criminology. discuss among
Classical period. Perspectives -Discusses themselves the
Also tackles of Crime theories and Independent difference and
Demonological and approaches. learning: connections of
and Social Punishments the theories.
Contact theory  Approaches *Advance reading on
 Demonologi the next topic.
cal and
Discusses the  The - Discusses the -Interactive Quiz: Essay (25 pts.): -Laptop Book title: 3 The students are
Classical and Classical difference discussion Differentiate the - Book Module in able to
Positivist Theory, and between the 2 Positivist School from - Module Intro to distinguish the
along with the Positivist most famous -Oral Questioning Classical School of Criminology different
different schools Theory theories and Criminology using 2020 Schools from
of Criminology.  Schools of schools of your own words. the other. They
criminology Criminology. Enumeration can give their
-Tackles the Give the persons own stand on
persons behind under classical and the matter of
those schools positivist school of what causes a
Criminology. Crime. The
students are
Independent also able to
learning: name the
Reaction paper on the personalities
Schools of involved on
Criminology. Give those Schools
your insights on the tackled.
different schools of
Criminology and
clarify where you
stand among them.
Discusses the  Trait theory - Distinguishes -Interactive Quiz: Essay (25pts) -Laptop Book title: The learners are
different beliefs  theory of the different discussion Using your own - Book Module in 3 familiar of the
of Criminologists born ways of words, define the - Module Intro to different
as to why crimes criminals classifying -Oral Questioning different somatotypes Criminology theories and the
are committed,  3 Criminal criminals. according to Ernest 2020 personalities
discusses how type of - Discusses the Krestchmer and behind those
Criminals are Lombroso theories made by William Sheldon theories. They
labeled and what  Lacassagne Criminologists Identification are able to
theories are made School to better Identify what is asked discuss the
to understand  General understand what of the statements. different
why Crimes are Inferiority causes the somatotypes
committed. Theory commission of Independent using their own
 Somatotypin Crimes. learning: words.
g or Make a research on
Physiology the different
somatotypes according
to Ernest Krestchmer
and William Sheldon
and provide images
for those somatotypes.

*Advance reading on
the next topic.
Discusses the  Hereditary - Discusses the -Interactive Quiz: Essay (25 pts) -Laptop Book title: The learners is
different beliefs Factors theories made by discussion Discuss why male - Book Module in 3 able to identify
and theories of  Eugenics Criminologists species with XYY - Module Intro to the different
the  XYY to better -Oral Questioning Chromosomes are Criminology personalities
Criminologists as Syndrome understand what viewed as more 2020 behind the
to the causes of  Freudian causes the aggressive than those theories and
the commission theory commission of with XY what was those
of Crimes.  Differential Crimes. Chromosomes. theories are all
Association Identification about.
theory Identify what is asked
of the statements.

Make a diagram of the
Jukes, Edwards and
Kalikaak Family tree

*Advance reading on
the next topic.
Discusses the  Sociological - Discusses the -Interactive Quiz: Identification -Laptop Book title: 3 The learners
different beliefs Theories theories made discussion Give what is asked in - Book Module in can discuss the
and theories of  Anomie: by every statement. - Module Intro to different
the Emile -Oral Questioning Criminology theories and can
Criminologists as Durkheim to better Independent 2020 distinguish the
to the causes of  Strain understand learning: difference
the commission Theory Solve the given between those
what causes the
of Crimes.  Social problem using the theories. They
process commission of equation on crime are also familiar
theories Crimes. statistics. of the persons
 Shaw and behind them.
 Labelling
 Crime

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Instructor Program Head VPAA

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