CS NURS 529 Clinical Infectious Diseases
CS NURS 529 Clinical Infectious Diseases
CS NURS 529 Clinical Infectious Diseases
A. Course Identification
B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes
1. Course Description
This course explores contemporary communicable diseases and infection prevention and
control, with a particular emphasis on etiology, natural history, diagnosis, transmission,
monitoring and treatment. It examines public health strategies for the control of
communicable and infectious diseases, including outbreak investigation and management. The
epidemiology of classic and contemporary infectious diseases in national and international
populations, including surveillance and systems for their prevention and control, are also
2. Course Main Objective
The aim of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to support your role in
infection prevention and control. Through acquiring these students will be able to apply what
they have learnt to the clinical practice of infection prevention and control, confidently
exercising your knowledge and skill in the clinical space.
C. Course Content
List of Topics No
0.5 Course Specification Presentation -
The burden of healthcare-associated infections, and disease threats old and new
11 1 (Chapter 1 Weston D.)
12 1.5 The Infection Prevention and Control Team (Chapter 2 Weston, Debbie) 2
12 1.5 Audit and surveillance (Chapter 3 Weston, Debbie) 3
The investigation of clusters, periods of increased incidence and outbreaks of
12 1.5 infection (Chapter 4 Weston, Debbie)
17 2 Microbial classification and structure (Chapter 5 Weston, Debbie) 5
14 1.5 The collection and transportation of specimens (Chapter 6 Weston, Debbie) 6
Understanding the immune system and the nature and pathogenesis of infection
16 1.5 (Chapter 8 Weston, Debbie)
8 1 Sepsis (Chapter 9 Weston, Debbie) 8
16 1.5 Antibiotics and the problem of resistance (Chapter 10 Weston, Debbie) 9
10 1 Isolation and cohort nursing (Chapter 11 Weston, Debbie) 10
10 1 Infective Endocarditis (Chapter 7 Wright, William F.) 11
8 1 Infectious Myocarditis (Chapter 8 Wright, William F.) 12
17 2 Tuberculosis (Chapter 21 Weston, Debbie) 13
16 1.5 Stapylococcus aureus (including MRSA) (Chapter 20 Weston, Debbie) 14
12 1 Pneumonia (Chapter 11 Wright, William F.) 15
7 0.5 Empyema (Chapter 12 Wright, William F.) 16
6 0.5 Infectious Diarrhea (Chapter 19 Wright, William F.) 17
7 0.5 Infectious Gastritis—Helicobacter pylori (Chapter 21 Wright, William F.) 18
16 1.5 Clostridium difficile (Chapter 22 Weston, Debbie) 19
5 0.5 Hepatitis A (Chapter 26 Wright, William F.) 20
6 0.5 Hepatitis B (Chapter 27 Wright, William F.) 21
11 1 Hepatitis C (Chapter 28 Wright, William F.) 22
6 0.5 Urinary Tract Infections (Chapter 29 Wright, William F.) 23
8 1 Meningitis and Ventriculitis (Chapter 32 Wright, William F.) 24
6 0.5 Infectious Encephalitis (Chapter 33 Wright, William F.) 25
13 1.5 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Chapter 42 Wright, William F.) 26
25 3 HIV and AIDS (Chapter 43 Wright, William F.) 27
8 1 Lyme Disease (Chapter 50 Wright, William F.) 28
19 2 Travel Medicine (Chapter 51 Wright, William F.) 29
Overview of emerging Infectious Diseases including Zoonoses (Section 1 United
5 0.5 Nations Environment Programme.
Coronaviruses in a One Health Context (Section 2 United Nations Environment
5 0.5 Programme.
Managing & Preventing Zoonoses: How One Can Help (Section 4 United Nations
6 0.5 Environment Programme.
Preventing Future Zoonotic Pandemic: What More Could Be Done (Section 5
10 1 United Nations Environment Programme.
10 1 Emerging and re-emerging infections (Heymann D. L.) 34
6 Group Presentation for Written Assignment
45 Total
D. Teaching and Assessment
1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and
Assessment Methods
Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods
1.0 Knowledge
Discuss contemporary communicable
Interactive lecture, Theory Paper Exam,
diseases and related healthcare
1.1 Discussion and Quizzes,
associated infections at a global,
Questioning, Seminar Class Participation
regional, national, and local level
Explore the association between science Interactive lecture, Theory Paper Exam,
1.2 of infection and infectious diseases in Discussion and Quizzes,
the clinical context Questioning, Seminar Class Participation
Explain the nurse’s role in prevention, Interactive lecture, Theory Paper Exam,
1.3 control, and management of infectious Discussion and Quizzes,
diseases. Questioning, Seminar Class Participation
2.0 Skills
Develop knowledge of the etiology,
Interactive lecture,
natural history, epidemiology,
Discussion and Theory Paper Exam,
diagnosis, transmission, monitoring,
2.1 Questioning, Seminar, Quizzes,
and treatment of classic and
Self-Directed Learning Written Assignment
contemporary infectious diseases across
the lifespan;
Critically demonstrate your knowledge
Interactive lecture,
of the scientific and clinical principles
Discussion and Theory Paper Exam,
that underpin the identification,
2.2 Questioning, Seminar, Quizzes,
management, prevention, and control of
Self-Directed Learning Written Assignment
infectious disease in both the
community and in healthcare settings;
Interactive lecture,
Implement knowledge of contemporary
Discussion and
issues and topics in infectious diseases Written Assignment,
2.3 Questioning, Seminar,
including global health, pandemics, Oral Presentation
Self-Directed Learning
bioterrorism, and outbreak response.
Propose a methodological approach to Interactive lecture,
address problem associated with Discussion and
Written Assignment,
infectious diseases related scientific Questioning, Seminar,
Oral Presentation
problem and infection prevention and Self-Directed Learning
control in clinical practice Activities
3.0 Values
Demonstrate responsibility and Interactive lecture,
Theory Paper Exam,
accountability for ongoing professional Discussion and
3.1 development of self and others of Questioning, Seminar,
Written Assignment,
Prevention and Control of infectious Self-Directed Learning
Oral Presentation
diseases. Activities
Percentage of Total
Assessment Score
Week Due *Assessment task #
Control in Clinical Practice
- Vascular access devices and the prevention of
bloodstream infections
- Catheter-associated urinary tract infections
- Surgical site infections
- Hospital and community-acquired pneumonia
10% W 14-15 Group Presentation for Written Assignment 5
20% W 16-17 Final (Theory Paper) Exam 6
100% Total
*Assessment task (i.e., written test, oral test, oral presentation, group project, essay, etc.)
1. Learning Resources
Essential Textbooks:
- Weston, Debbie (2013) Fundamentals of Infection Prevention and
Control: Theory & Practice. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Wright, William F. (2018) Essentials of Clinical Infectious
Diseases. 2nd Edition. Springer Publishing Company
- United Nations Environment Programme (2020) Preventing the
Next Pandemic: Zoonotic diseases and How to Break the Chain of
transmission. United Nations Environment Programme.
- Heymann D. L. (2009) Emerging & Re-Emerging Infections. In R.
Required Textbooks
Detels, R. Beaglehole, M. A. Lansang, and M. Gulliford (Ed.).
Oxford Textbook of Public Health. (6th Edition, 1264-1273).
Oxford University Press
Additional Textbooks:
- Domachowske, Joseph (2019) Introduction to Clinical Infectious
Diseases A Problem-Based Approach. 1st Edition. New York:
Springer Publishing Company
- Ross, Shona & Furrows, Sarah (2014) Rapid Infection Control
Nursing. 1st Edition. UK: Wiley Blackwell
Essential Reference - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Materials https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/
- Emergency nurse association
- World health organization
- Infectious Diseases Society of America
- NIH Curriculum Supplement Series - NCBI Bookshelf
- Institutional Repository for Information Sharing
H. Specification Approval Data
Council / Committee Medical Surgical Nursing Department Council
Reference No. Meeting Number/2021
Date Date Department Council Meeting