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THE DARK SUN DM’S GUIDE IS HERE! See POLE cy ena AG lames iclecte ey VET Dark Sun Monster Supplement Over 20 New Monsters for Your Campaign i faxed." atx+ ken ASS) SD 2 nel od eS Se SE KEEP HOPE ALIVE Welcome to a desert world ruled by sinister dragon-kings, where only the fittest survive the heat of the sun, the preda- tions of horrid monsters, and the intrigues of their fellows. The Dark SUN DM's Guide you're about to read describes the Tablelands, a relatively hospitable part of the arid world of Athas. Seven city-states rule the ‘Tablelands, although their reach docsrit extend eyond their walls. The desert wastes n the city-states are home to strange monsters, bandit tribes, and ancient rains Dak SUN characters fight in gladiator matches, guard car- avans from desert bandits, fre slaves from cruel masters, and perhaps overthrow the evil dragon-kings that rule the city-states. They'll be more powerful than PCs in other D&D games, but they'll need every advantage to survive in such an inhospitable world. Dark Sun is fundamentally a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS cam: paign, changed just enough to bring the desert world of Athas to life. Psionics are integral to the setting; you'l need the Expanded Psionics Handbook to fully explore the world of DaRk Su. Most real-world animals dort exist on Athas, replaced instead with strange (and often psionic) creatures. All PCs know at least one or two psionic powers, regardless of their class 58 Dungeon/Polyhedron May 04 atk Grr DM‘ un SGuide Dank Suv is also an environment of hardship and scarcity Due to desert temperatures that reach 150 degrees at midday, few creatures wear heavy armor. Metal is so scarce and pre cious that bone and obsidian are fashioned into crude but deadly weapons. Even magic can be treacherous; wizards face the continual temptation to destroy what little life ns on Athas in exchange for greater arcane power. Because Athas is such a dangerous place, the character races are all more powerful than their standard D&D equivalents. Humans, for example, have higher ability scores than those described in the Player's Handbook and they have one or more innate psionic powers. Elves, halfelves, dwarves, and halflings are likewise distinct both culturally and mechanically from their Player's Handbook counterpars. Dark Sux also introduces other PC races to the mix, Including aarakocras (nomadic bird-men), half giants (mas sive creatures bred as slaves), muls (incredibly tough half: dwarves), pterrans (savage lizard creatures), and thr-kreen (fourarmed mantis warriors). This incarnation of the Dark Sux setting adds two new races taken from the Expanded Psionics Handbook: the elan (cerebral creatures created through psionic ritual) and the maenads (wiry humanoids ‘who are stern in peace and fierce in war). Sooner or later, most Dak SUN campaigns pit the PCs against one or more ofthe six dragon-kings, each of whom rule one of the city-states with a tyrannical fist. Once Jnuman, the dragon-kings are all epic-level wizards who've defiled Athas in exchange for becoming ageless dragons, Now they rule teeming metropolises with an army of cler ics at their disposal, forcing their subjects to worship them as gods and using human sacrifice to sustain their evil power. Each dragon king is a ready-made master villain for ‘a Dark Sun campaign, Lower-level PCs will have to deal with the intrigues of a dragon-king's cler agents, and the most powerful toe-to-toe with the dragon-ki from tyranny nd other PCs may eventually to go s in a bid to free a city-state DARK SUN campaigns can begin in or near any of the seven city-states, but two are particularly common choices: Urik and Tyr. Urik is an archetypal city-state, ruled by a cruel but powerful dragon-king named Hamanu. Urik has a powerful army capable of menacing neighboring city-states, and Hamanu continually plots against his fellows. Hamanu's clerics use draconian laws to subjugate Urik’s population, but they're unable to com: pletely quash the revolutionary cells that occasionally strike a blow for freedom by freeing slaves or sabotaging of Hamanu’s projects. Tyr, on the other hand, is unique among the city-states because it's been free of the yoke of a dragon king for three centuries. Because wizards helped overthrow Kalak the dragon-king, arcane spellcasters dorit face the prohibitions and prejudice in Tyr that they do elsewhere. So far, Tyr has ‘managed to weather attacks from other city-states and vat ous coups and counterrevolutions from factions within the city. But the free city of Tyr and its nearby iron mines are a rich prize for the other dragon-kings, so the city’s continued freedom is far from assured. This Dark Sux DM states in detail and tells of the monsters that inhabit the lelands between the city-states. The Daax SUN Guide describes the seven city Player's Handbook, in Dracow #319, has the races, classes, equipme: a Dark SuN character. So sharpen your blood obsidian sword and polish your psi crystals. The world of Dark SuN awaits! and everything else needed to c May 04 Dungeon/Polyhedron 59 Fen. Ao A Guide to the Tablelands At its heart, Dark Sun is still D&D. We've eliminated the orcs, changed the elves, and made the dragons exceedingly rare, but it's still the game you love—seen through the lens ofa very different world Fundamentally, Danx Su is a campaign setting where the bad guys have already won, and now they're merely squabbling over their ruined prize. Viewed from the outside, the major battles on Athas are evil versus evil, When Urik invades Nibenay, there's no noble banner for PCs to rally around, and no order of paladins in shining armor charges, into the fray. Two epic-level evil spelleasters throw armies of slaves and conscripts at each other in a battle that continues until even the victor is too exhausted fo continue, Hope is just a sinall fiicker in the world of Darx Suv. But that's what makes it all the more precious, and nourishing that flicker of hope is a central theme in the campaign set- ting. When the players can wreck the plans of corrupt tem- plars, keep a cell of rebels safely hidden, free some slaves, and protect what remains of Athas's ecology, they've helped keep hope alive. The situation is dire on Athas. Many live in slavery starvation and thirst are rampant, and leaders are cruel tyrants. The land is barren and inhospitable; over ‘every sand dune hurks another psionic horror hunting down the weak. ‘Things are bad in the world of Danx Sun. That's why, even in a landscape bereft of water and metal, hope is the most precious commodity of all Dark Sun Adventures Unlike man campaign settings, adventures on Athas rarely involve crawling into a dark hole, fighting the monsters that live there, and taking their stuff back to town. To be sure, there are any number of ruins and fortresses—some of them under- round—worth exploring. But Darx Suw adventures often connect tothe theme of keeping he flicker of hope alive The following are some common adventure tropes for Dank Sux adventures, Revolution: Tyrants—including some truly despicable vil lains—control most of the city-states, Many Darx Sux cam- paigns involve efforts to free the people of Athas from yi plot in revolutionary cells, and high-level PCs can threaten the very dragon-kings themselves. If your players like a mix of intrigue and action, a campaign based on a rebellion against y. Low-level PCs can free slaves, mid-level PCs c cone or more dragon-kings is a good choice. In some ways, campaigns based inthe city-state of Tyr are the reverse ofthe revolution trope. It’ a place where a fundamen: tally good intentioned leadership must quash coup attempts from sinister cults and shadowy cabals. his time it’s the rebels who are evil, and the PCs keep hope alive by protecting the one city-state outside the reach of the dragor-kings. 60 Dungeon/Polyhedron May O4 Ecological Fable: In Darx Suw, sinister forces can gain ‘more power for themselves by destroying nature. See any connections to real life? Darx Suw is a world that's been almost completely destroyed by power-hungry dragon-kings and lower-level defilers. Just as the rebel cells in the cities try to maintain hope by battling the tyrants, s0 too do the defenders ofthe wilderness keep hope alive by repairing the devastation the defilers have left in their wake Onn Oe ee een etn ee May O4 Dungeon/Polyhedron 61 Survival: One way to emphasize the tenuous nature of hope in ‘Dane Sun campaigns isto create adventures in which the PCS ‘gal is simply to survive. At the end of the adventure is no treas- lure chest, no cheering crowd, and no grateful rescued maiden “The successfll characters ae simply stil alive when i’ all over. Often these adventures involve surviving in the wilderness for Jong periods of time, dealing with both natural hazards, vicious ‘monsters, and heartless desert raiders. ‘The urban version of the survival trope is the gladiatorial arena, Different arenas have different rules, but it’ often “kill or be killed.” While the characters can eam a measure of fame (and perhaps even some money) ffom gladiator matches, the primary goals survival. (Ifyou want more ideas for gladiator adventures, see Chapter 4 ofthe Complete Warrior or Deacon #303) Survival adventures are a good way of reminding players that the world of Danx Sow isa harsh, unforgiving place. But dont relentlessly throw the PCs into one survival situation after another, because a steady diet of survival-only adven- tures can be demoralizing to the players. Use a survival adventure to emphasize how tough Athasian life is and how precious hope-can be, Then give the PCs an adventure where they can take a tangible step that nurtures that hope. Dark Sun Time ‘The standard calendar on Athas isthe Calendar of Kings, which measures time ftom the founding ofthe ctystates and the start ofthe Green Age more than 14,000 years ago. It's currently the ‘Year of Deserts Reverence inthe roqth King’s Age. Fach King's Age is 77 years long, and each year within an age has its own name that depends on two astronomical pat- terns: the endlean cycle and the seofean cycle. The name of a particular year is simply a combination of the endlean cyele name and the seofean cycle name, Endlean Cycle Seofean Cycle at's Fury Friend's Contemplation Deserts Vengeance Priest's Slumber Wind's Defance Dragon's Reverence Mountain's ‘Agitation King’s silts Enerny’s Guthay's With each new year, the calendar simply moves to the next endlean name and the next seofean name. Ifit's the Year of Deserts Reverence, the next year will be the Year of Priest's Agi: tation, then the Year of Wind's Fury After every Year of Guthay’s Agitation, a new King’s Age begins with a Year of Rats Fury 62 Dungeon/Polyhedron May 04 ‘A year is 375 days long and divided into three 125-day phases: high sun, sun descending, and sun ascending, The phases are marked by light differences in the suis astronomical behavior: there arerit seasonal difierences inthe weather orthe length of day- light. Most denizens ofthe ciystates simply refer to a particular day asthe “sist of High Sur or the “ragth of Sun Descending.” ‘A day is divided into 24 hours, called “bells” for the hourly chimes that ring in most city-states. Because sunrise and sunset are exactly 12 hours apart on Athas, they're used to mark the time as well. For example, most workers get out of the heat by 6 bells after sunrise, return to manual labor at 9 bells after sunrise, eat supper at 2 bells after sunset, and fall asleep by 5 bells after sunset. Each new day begins at sunrise Previous Dax Sun campaigns started in the 190th King’s ‘Age. We've moved the timeline forward to create a “safe harbor” ‘where you can set your campaign without worrying about conti- ‘nuit with published Daxx Sun materials, But you can use those sourcebooks and adventures as inspirations for your game— they represent an important time of upheaval in Athas's history. Damogcophice ‘The rules in Chapter 5 of the Duncrow Masren’s Guide apply, ‘except that each of Athas's metropolises has a magical power center—the dragon-king who rules it. The sole exception ‘within the known parts of Athas is the city of Tyr, which has a conventional power center—a squabbling council of nobles. To figure out the highest level psionic characters in a com- munity, consult the table below as a supplement to the simi- Jar table in Chapter of the Duncsow Masren's Guide Hichest-Levet Psionic Locats Class Character Level Pasion 148 + community modifier Psychic Warrior 1d6 + community modifier Soule 143 + community modifier Wilder 16 + community modifier Racial demographics vary widely on Athas, Slave tribes have disproportionate numbers of muls and half-giants (described in Dragon #319), while the city-states teem with hhummans and halfelves. The following table replaces the sim. ilar table in Chapter 5 of the Duxcron Masrer's Guide. Racial Mix oF CommuniriEs CCityState Smaller Settlement Slave Tbe 80% human 70% hurman 40% human B% mul 169% one other race* 259% mul 5% dart 67% haltelf 15% halfgiant 4% halfelf 596 dwarf 59% halfelf 2% hal giant 2% mul 5% dart Ve otherraces* 1% other aces* 10% other races” + Amir sn ling mead per, eben These rcs ae hers ‘iraror hye cote er swears City-States of Athas The Tablelands, Athas's setled region, have seven city-states, each several thousand years ld and ruled by a dragon-king and legions of templars, clerics who serve the dragon-kings they consider living gods. While smaller communities eke out an existence across the Tablelands, the city-states have the armies and the magical might to dominate the region, But the dragonkings are bitter rivals, so no single city state rises above the others for long ‘About joo years ag, inthe Year of Priest's Defiance of the goth Kings Age, upheaval swept across the ciystates a the dragon king of Ty, Kala, died trying to achieve godhour. Raja, an ancient arcanist who created the dragon-kings, briefly escaped his extraplanar prison to kill Tetubtitay of Dra and banish Andropins of Bac Abalech-Re, dragon-queen of Raa, died in battle with a human wizard For a time, only Urik Nibenay. anid Gulghad dragor-kings ruling them, and many rev lutionaries proclaimed the rise ofan “Age of Heroes.” Alas, it was notto be A kaisharga (psionic lich) known as Dregoth the Savior seized control of Raam and became it ragon-king. The templars of Draj created a figurehead to rule as the new dragon-king, but their puppet, a boy named Atzetuk, secretly developed enough power to become a true ragon-king in his own right. Balic fll nto decades of chaos, but Andropinis eventually returned from extraplanar exile at the head of a maenad army. Only the city-state of Tyr never replaced its dragon-king. But the time of upheaval tested the dragon-kings' ability to enforce their will on their subjects. Even the strongest dragon-kings spent decades defending their holdings from the predations of thei rivals and the threat of internal strife. Only now are they beginning to exert their influence beyond the walls of their cities and plot the demise of their rivals Urik If there's an Athasian city-state that’s stronger than the others, Urik is tat city. The dragon-king Hamanu has sur. vived the upheival of recent King's Ages with his city intact. Uxik’s military is second to none, and Hamanu’ templars keep the streets of Unik orderly witha strict code of laws and swift punishment for lawbreakers. Demographies: Usik has the standard demographics for an Athasian city-state ands: Usik lies in the middle of the sandy wastes on the northwest edge ofthe Tablelands. Sandstorm in the area are often fierce, and its sid that only Hamanu’s magic keeps the sand dunes fiom slowly burying Uri. A smal, relatively ver dant belt surrounds the city fr a few mils in every direction, and almost every square inch is tilled to provide food for Urik’s teeming masses, The Ringing Mountains are visible onthe horizon west of Urik, although miles of rocky badlands separate Urik from ite obsidian mines there. Stony barrens dominate the land Tre AOLMY. Cree Ter scape to the east ofthe city, where a vast basin known as the Dragoris Bowl holds the tainted waters of Lake Pit Settlements: Urik controls the small city of Malka to the northwest, near its most productive obsidian mines. It also has smaller fortified towns in the Ringing Mountains that guard the passes to the Forest Ridge. The small city of Sha: zlim to the southeast is currently under Urik’s control, although Nibenay actually built it and wants it back ‘The yellow walls of Urik itself are one ofthe greatest archi tectural marvels of Athas. The city’s buildings on the other hhand are square and squat with litle ornamentation. Hamanu thas walled offa section ofthe city, turning it into a complex of palaces and gardens known as Destiny's Kingdom. Power Groups: Hamanu tolerates no dissent, and because he's had uninterrupted control of his city-state for countless centuries, he has the authority and power to quash any potential rivals. No one vies for power with Hamanu, but various power ‘groups vie with each other to gamer Hamanu‘s favor. In par- ticular, the templars who control Urik’s armies have long hhad a rivalry with the templars responsible for keeping the city safe and productive. Fights are common between the Legion and the City Guard over both minor slights and ‘major decisions. The Legion wants to march on Tyr or Nibenay, while the City Guard wams that a military cam paign would leave Urik overextended and vulnerable. Beliefs: Worship of Hamanu is mandatory in Urik, with each citizen and slave expected to bow in the direction of Destiny's Kingdom every sunset and sunrise. Hamanu's code of laws is legendary, and his templars enthusiastically rete out justice for every infraction they see. Laws regulate almost every aspect of life in Usik, from how to prepare food to which side of the road to walk on. Commerce: Urik is well known as Athas's greatest pro: ducer of obsidian and blood obsidian weapons. It also ‘exports other gems and minerals gleaned from its mines in the Ringing Mountains. May O4 Dungeon/Polyhedron 63 Weapons made of obsidian and blood obsidian are 10% cheaper in Urik, and the city of Malka counts as a large city for the gp limit on weapons and armor. But Urik craves iron and will pay 75% of a used items value if i's made of iron, For example, an adventurer could sell an iron falchion in Urik for 362 cp rather than the usual 375 p. Urik imports iron (usualy fom Tyr} and food (usually from. Nibenay). Both situations vex Hamanu greatly. Urik’s vaunted legions re often victorious onthe battlefield but umnable to capi- talize on their gains because they must pause and re-equip their fragile obsidian weapons. Inthe past, Usk has tried without suc- ess to seize control ofthe iron mines outside Tyr. The farms immediately surrounding Urik arent large enough to sustain Urik’s citizens on more than a starvation diet, so a war with Nibenay would lea to food shortages almost immediately. Language: Citizens of Urik tend to speak slowly, pepper- ing their sentences with frequent references to Hamanu such as “may the Lion grant it” or “such is the Code of Hamanu.” Because most adults have spent time serving Usrik’s Legions or City Guard, they are apt to phrase requests as commands, which residents of other city-states some- times find rude, Rather than ask for a drink of water, 2 Urikite will simply say, “hand me that jug, citizen.” Arts and Crafts: The carvers artis held in very high regard in Urik, particularly stonecarving although only buildings in Des- tiny’s Kingdom get architectural ornamentation) Particularly ‘common are statuettes of lions carved from bone (rd10 x 10

<3, +1 iron spear: SA spells, psion- ics, rebuke undead: $Q elf traits; AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +14; St 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14 Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration 414, Diplomacy +14, Dis- guise +2 (+4 acting), Gather Information +11, Intimidate +10, Listen +4, Psicraft 48, Search +6, Sense Motive +12, Spelleraft +11, Spot +4 Feats: Combat Casting, Inquisitor, Investigator, Persua- sive, Psionic Endowment, Psionic Meditation. Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Maenadi Spas Prepared (5/4+1/3+1/2+1; save DC 13 + spell level} ‘o—eure minor wounds, detect magic (2), light, read magic; 1st—hane, cause fear, cure light wounds, sanctuary, shield of faith; 2nd—calm emotions*, cure moderate wounds, hold person, zone of truth; 31d-—bestow curse, cure serious wounds, protection from energy’ *Domain Spell; Domains: Law (cast Law spells at +1 caster level), Protection (protective ward grants +5 resistance bonus on neat save, 1/day). Powers Known (43 PP; save DC 13 + power level): 1st—atrac: tion, ental shard, demoralize, empathy, mindink, psionic charm; 2and—aversion, bain lock, detect hostile intent, read thoughts, sug gestion; jrd—danger sense, dispel pions, psionic blast Possessions: +1 bronze breasiplate, +1 iron spear, headband of intellect +2, 43 cloak of protection. Urik Encounters Ittakes a great deal of effort to approach Urik without attract ing the attention of one of its roving legion patrols. EL 7: Four istlevel fighters on kanks. They have orders to stop and question any travelers in the immediate vicin ‘Their treasure includes the listed gear and a tablet of sending (€.400 cp), which when broken sends a brief verbal message toheadquarters ¥ Urik Mounted Legionnaire: Human Firr; CR ; Medium humanoid (human); HD 2d10+1:hp 6; Init +; Spd 20 fe; AC 17, touch 13, latfooted 14; Base Atk +1; Grp +4; Atk / Full Atk ++4 melee (1484+3/x3, iron lance) or +4 ranged (1d843/<, com posite longbow); SA psionics; SQ—; ALN; SV Fort +3, Ref +, Will +1; Str 17, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha to. Skills: Ride +7, Spot +5. Feats: Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack Languages: Common. Powers Known: (3 PP: save DC 10 + power level): 1st—missiv, Possessions: ron lance, composite longbow (+3 Slt), 20 iron arrows, shell armor, buckle, kank, saddle, hamess,bitand bridle Urik Adventures Because Hamanu takes an active hand in managing the affairs of Urik, there's less of an organized resistance to his rule, As soon as Hamam or the templars uncover the exis tence of a revolutionary cel, they crush it ruthlessly. ‘Accordingly, many Urik adventures involve aspects of the city other than the effort to overthrow a dragon-king. + The PGs are novice gladiators—willingly or coerced—who team up to survive and potentially win a “tournament of armies" at one of Urik’s arenas. At first they'll face other low-level conscripts, but eventually they'll do battle with ‘monsters and well-trained gladiator teams. + A high-ranking member of House Stel (Urik’s largest ‘merchant house) hires the characters as extra guards on a shipment of iron from ‘Tyr to Urik, despite warnings from other merchants that elven raiders have made the main road unsafe, + A high-ranking templar offers the characters power (magic, politcal, or otherwise) if they can eliminate the taint from Lake Pit. Raam Raam, called the “City of the Dead," is ruled by Dregoth, an undead dragon-king who once ruled the ruined city-state of Guistenal. He seized control of Rsam more than 200 years ago, transforming it into a dark city where the living walk side by side with the dead, Demographics: Ram had typical demographics before the coming of Dregoth. Now fully 20% of the city’s popula tion are Athasian zombies, and another 10% are skeletons. The zombies and skeletons perform most of the city’s manual labor, so Raam has few laborer slaves. Lands: Raam lies in the center of scrub plains surrounded (on all sides by stony barrens. To the south is a small moun- tain range that separates the city-state from the Sea of Silt. Settlements: Dregoth is aggressively building forts and settlements for miles in every direction. In addition to Raam itself, he controls the small city of Break Shore at the edge of the Sea of Silt, and he's building towns throughout the stony barrens. These new settlements produce little of value, $0 their purpose is a mystery. But Raaris greatest building project is on the ruins of Fort bon, where the psionic lich has an army encamped, ready to defend the ruins against an incursion by Dra’ forces, Dregoth hhas hundreds of undead laborers rebuilding the fort—but rebuilding it as.a sinister spire of black basalt with ornate para pets and {itis rumored) a vast underground labyrinth. Power Groups: Within Dregoth's hierarchy, there's a rivalry between the dragon-king's living templars and his undead minions. The undead have the upper hand, because ‘many templars are reanimated as undead and thus support the faction they may have opposed in life. But the living tem plars are very usefull to Dregoth because they can rebuke and command the low-level undead that comprise much of Rants labor force. ‘Two other factions have @ measure of power in Raam. The M’Ke merchant house was the de facto ruler of the city for much of the time between Abalach-Re's death and Dregoth's arrival, and they still wield a great deal of influence in com: merce and among the nobility. House M’Ke would be pleased if the city-state weren't overrun with undead—they miss the days when they could bribe or coerce a templar into May 04 Dungeon/Polyhedron 65 letting them have their way. The house doesn't oppose Dregoth directly, but it wants as litle to do with the undead minions as possible Forced underground once Dregoth arrived, the Yellow Monastery isa well-organized group of revolutionaries dedi «ated to the establishment of a free Raam. Aiding the Yellow Monastery is punishable by death, but many of Raamis free citizens view the rebels kindly because during the days when Ram had no ruler, the monastery managed to feed and pro- tect those in its neighborhood. The monastery building lies vacant and ruined today, but the rebels plot revolution from basements and catacombs across Raam. Beliefs: Dregoth teaches the denizens of Raam that death is nothing more than a change in state, nota barrier to contin- ‘ued work for the city-state. Many citizens have become inured to the undead working in their midst. But for those who break his laws, Dregoth promises a variety of fates worse than death, induding unending torture, the death and reanima- tion of family members, and other cruel punishments Commerce: Ram neither imports or exports much. The few trade caravans that come to the City of the Dead bring luxury goods or iron, and they leave with Raamin pottery Most goods in Ram cost the normal amount. Settle- ments under Rams control are considered to be one size larger for the gp limit for clerical scrolls and magic items ‘with a necromancy aura. Language: Few denizens of Raam willingly use the words “dead” or “death.” They almost always resort oa euphemism such as “crossing over.” “passing on,” or “walking beyond us.” A loyal Ramin considers the city-state's appellation “City of the Dead” to be a great insult, Raam’s templars sometimes refer to Raam as “City of Creation,” but no one else does. Arts and Crafts: Pottery and ceramics are a specialty in Raam, and the smoke from the city’s many kilns often makes it hard for the living residents to breathe. Typical treasures from Raam include painted funeral ums (346 x 10 cp), glazed ceramic tableware (16 100 cp), and fine porcelain statuettes (2d6 % 100 ep, of 4d6 x 100 cp if domed with gems). Entertainment: Raam has little in the way of public enter: tainment, because a third of its citizenry is utterly disinter- ested in even the most beguiling song. Bards perform for Raamis nobles, but lower class citizens get little entertain ‘ment beyond the walls of the city-states arenas. As one might expect, gladiator fights in Raam are almost always to the death, One particularly popular battle pits two living gladiators against each other. When one dies, the battle is paused so the loser is reanimated as an Athasian zombie (p. 50), then the battle begins anew. Some intelligent undead make a career for themselves in Raarris arenas, for battles between undead gladiators and living ones are common. But by Dregothis decree, the undead never face ‘each other in Raamis arenas, 66 Dungeon/Polyhedron May O4 Raam Characters Raamis an unusual place for a PC to come from. One way or another, those who hail from Raam are marked by their con- nection with death. ‘Adventuring Raamins: A typical adventurer from Raam is probably knowledgeable about undead and necromancy. Many grow disgusted with the uncaring zombies and the pervasive evil of Raam and take up an adventurer’s life to escape a dismal existence that even death wortt end. Raam is a good choice fora player who wants to playa dis affected templar. Because the undead seem to be taking over, ‘many templars are being forced out of Dregoths hierarchy or dropping out when they carit stand working for the undead anymore, Ifyou like playing characters who try to make amends for past misdeeds, an exiled templar from Raam is an excellent choice. Living residents of Raam tend to be welcoming of visiting adventurers, while the undead largely ignore travelers. Dregoth and the templars are too busy with various building Projects to pay attention to visitors who keep a low profile, ‘Character Development: Adventurers in Raam will find that anti-undead spells such as hide from undead and searing light are particularly useful. But telepaths and enchanters soon find adventuring in Ram more difficult because all undead are immune to mind-affecting spells and powers. Despite this, psionic characters may be drawn to Raam for another reason. The oldest center of psionic learning on Athas, the Psiumarkh, is headquartered in Raa. The psionic ‘masters of the Psiumarkh take great pains to demonstrate their neutrality and utter disinterest in city-state politics or power struggles, Even when the city was in chaos after Abal- ach-Re's death, the Psiumarkh simply closed its doors and {ignored the riots around it.The Psiumarkh is home to several ‘mall colleges and mysterious cabals of psions and wilders, Including several factions of the Order. But even the most bizarre psionic cults within its walls are careful not to draw Dregotis attention by meddling in Rants affairs. Character Names: Many Raatnin names sound like those of ancient Persia. Common names include: Ardu, ‘Achaemon, Athiya, Buxsha, Cyaxares, Hytapses, Gobrya, Kuru, Thuara, Vahauka, Shathrita, Vaumisa, Kudra-Kara Notable Raamins Otanes Thispaya is a templar in Ram's Hall of Seers, spend- ing his time researching ancient lore and performing divina- tions for other templars and Raanis richer citizens. If the characters have esoteric questions about death, undeath, or the Black (see the Athasian Cosmology sidebar, page 62), their inquiries might lead them to Otanes, ¥ Otanes Mhispaya, Human Clrry: CR 13; Median humanoid (burnan); HD 13d8+15: hp 71 Int +; Spd 30 At; AC 10, touch 1, Aat-footed 10; Base Atk +9; Grp +8; Atk +8 melee (td4-1/19-20, iron dagged); Full Atk +8/+3 melee (1d4-1/39)-20, iron dagger); SA psionics, spells, rebuke undead: SQ—; ALN; SV Fort +9, Ref 44, Will 414: St’8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 22, Cha 14 ‘Skills: Concentration +17, Knowledge (religion) +17 Knowledge (the planes) +17, Speliraft +17 Feats: Brew Potion, Craft Staff, Craft Magic Arms and ‘Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration. Languages: Common, lgnan. Spells Prepared (6/7+1/7+1/5+1/5+1/441/3+1/t41; save DC 16 + spell evel): o—cure minor wounds, detect magic (2) uid- ‘ance, mending, purify food and drink; rst—bless, cause fear*, command (2), comprehend languages, deathwatch, sanctuary, shield of faith; and—augury (2), calm emotions, detect thoughts, hold person (2), lesser restoration, zone of truth; 3ed— dlairaudience/clairvoyancet, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, helping hand, locate object, speak with dead; 4th—cure critical wounds, discern is, divination (2), restoration, sending; sth— commune (2), raise dead, scrying, true secing®; Gth—banish ‘ment, find the path, heal, word of recall 7th—legend lore, res urrection. ‘*Domain Spell; Domains: Death (death touch r/day, damage 1346), Knowledge (cast divination spells at +1 caster level, all Knowledge skills are class skills). Powers Known (11 PP: save DC 12 + power level): 1st— detect psionics: 2nd—psionic identify, rd—ubiquitous vision, Possessions: Staff of divination (15 charges remaining), per- apt of wisdom +4, iton dagger. Raam Encounters Encounters in Raam almost always involve undead, and they’re particularly effective when you put an evil templar in ‘command of low-level undead. ELA typical city guard patrol in Raam consists ofa sthevel Cleric and three Athasian zombies (in this case, former crimi- nals and 1stlevel rogues). Their gear is their only treasure. # Raam Templar Patrol, Human Clrs: CR 5; Medium hhumanoid (human); HD 5d8+5; hp 27; Init-+; Spd 20 ft; AC 17, touch 1, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +3: Grp +5; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (rd8+1, morningstar); SA psionics, spells, rebuke undead; SQ —; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +9: Str 14 Dexia, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 12. ‘Skill: Concentration +9. Knowledge (religion) +7. Feats: Combat Casting Extra Turning, Weapon Focus (momingstar) Languages: Common. Spells Prepared (5/4+1/3+1/2+; save DC 14 + spell level} ‘o—cure minor wounds, detect magic (2), guidance, light; st— cause fear’, command, doom, entropic shield, magic weapon; -and—death knell, desecrate, hold person, silence, yrd—animate dead, dispel magic, magic vestment. *Domain Spell; Domains: Chaos (cast Chaos spells at +1 caster level), Death (death touch 1/day, damage 546), Powers Known (6 PP; save DC 11 + power level): 1st— demoralize; and—mental disruption. sessions: +1 bro 1 breastplate, light wooden shield, mas terwork bronze morningstar, cloak of protection +, scroll of | cure critical wounds Raarm Adventures Raam has an active resistance (led by the Yellow Monastery, an aggressive dragon-king, and many mysterious building projects across the region While Raa doestit make a good choice for a “home base” city for the PCs, itcan be the site of a memorable adventure or two. + The characters are hired by House M'Ke to help guard a caravan leaving Raam. Along the way, they learn that their cargo consists of dead revolutionaries that Dregoths tem: plars wish to animate and turn against their former alles. The rebels are paying House M’ke a small fortune to get the bodies beyond Dregothis reach. + The characters find a papyrus map detailing a major cache ‘of magic weapons underneath Fort Ebon. But they've got to get past Rams army outpost, the undead laborers, and ‘a mysterious presence below. + One of Dregoit’s highest-ranking templars promises that “secrets beyond life and death” await anyone who can reclaim Dregothis former home, the now-ruined city-state ‘of Guistenal Draj While the people of Raam live in fear of the undead that sur- round them, the denizens of Draj fear the weekly “clings” (of the population for sacrificial victims. The dragon-king of Draj, Atzetuk, is responsible for a bloody reign of terror, using his templars to ritually slaughter dazens of freemen and slaves each week. Some say Atzetuk is mad with blood- lust, while others whisper of an arcane purpose behind the string of bloody sacrifices. While the sacrificial rituals of Draj are notorious throughout the Tablelands, the city-state is also well known for its warrior caulture and the relative freedom enjoyed by its nobles. Demographics: Draj has the standard demographics for an Athasian city-state. Lands: Draj sits in the eenter of a mud fat that interrupts the stony barrens north of the Sea of Silt. Even though the ‘mud flat is cracked and parched much of the time, Draj is still the most fertile of the seven city-states and the only one that regularly exports food. Northeast of Drajis the Basin of Un-Kar, a vast depression with a flat-topped mesa in the center of it. Many strange ‘monsters emerge from the Basin of Un-Kar to menace the noble farms that suuround Draj. Both Drajs army and the private forces ofthe noble families spend much of their time fighting marauding monsters and starving tribes of elves and former slaves. Settlements: A ziggurat the size of a small mountain, the ‘Temple ofthe Two Moons is visible from every point in Draj May O4 Dungeon/Polyhedron 67 ‘Therein Atzetuk rules his city, and he personally performs ‘many of the sacrifices from a platform at the summnit of the ziggurat, The Temple of the Two Moons has channels carved into its sloping walls that extend throughout Draj, so that afer a particularly large sacrifice, blood rushes in a veinlike patter across the city. ‘The other notable buildings in Draj are the tecpens, lodge- like buildings where the nobles of the city meet. Unlike the other dragon-kings, Atzetuk gives the nobles a degree of stutonomy, allowing them to make some policy decisions and police themselves. But the nobles’ independence is more the- oretical than concrete; nobles who thwart the will of Atzetuk are often chosen by templars for sacrifices atop the Temple of the Two Moons. ‘One final building in Draj bears mention: The ruins of the House of the Mind, Formerly a massive academy devoted to psionic learning, Atzetuk destroyed it and all inside when he became a dragon-king. By Atzetuk’s decree, the ruins remain untouched, a constant reminder not to draw the wrath of the dragon-king. But once or twice a year, interlopers try to sneak into the rubble and extract a psionic item or other power source rumored to lie among the ruins. The templars catch some, and others simply don't come back, falling victim to a mysterious psionic force some- where below the House of the Mind, ‘Atzetuk also controls a major trade oasis to the east, Bitter Well, and a stronghold along the road to Raam, Fort First watch, where his armies observe the construction efforts at Fort Ebon with great interest and trepidation. Power Groups: Atzetuk’s templars, called Moon Priests, comprise the most powerful faction in Draj. Because high- ranking Moon Priests have the authority to “cull” anyone for sactifice—noble, free citizen, or slave—they generally get what they want. However, they're less apt to meddle in the affairs of the merchant houses or nobles than their counter- parts in other city-states because Atzetuk keeps them busy with various sacrifices and other rituals. Only when the secu- rity of the city-state is in question will the Moon Priests involve themselves in anything beyond the routine efforts required to keep Draj running ‘When Drajs first dragon-king, Tectuktitlay, died almost joo years ago, his templars conspired with powerful psions from the House of the Mind to install a boy named Atzetuk tothe throne as Tectuktiay’s successor. The two groups planned to jointly control the boy asa figurehead, keeping their own posi- tions of power secure and avoiding the riots and destruction that struck Raam and Balic when they lost their dragon-kings. At first their ruse was successful, but over time the templars and the House of the Mind started to disagree on matters of policy—and Atzetuk somehow leamed more about magic and psionics than anyone thought possible. With the aid ofa splin- ter group of templars, Atzetuk made the transformation into a true dragon-king, destroying the House of the Mind and 68 Dungeon/Polyhedron May 04 cowing the rest of the templars. Once a figurehead, Atzetuk now wields the nigh-imitless power of a dragon-king, ‘While Atzetuk’s templars are the most powerful group in raj the nobles wield more influence here than in other city: states. Many noble families control tracts of relatively fertile agricultural land and have become rich selling food and hemp to the merchant house of Tsalaxa for export. Draj’s noble families are thus both rich and able to govern them- selves—as longas they dort cross Atzetuk. Furthermore, the warrior culture of Draj demands that the head of each house- hold be tested in battle, so the officer corps in the Draji army has a8 many nobles as it does templar. House Tsalaxa is the most powerful merchant house in raj. It has a reputation for ruthlessness and intrigue, but recently infighting among the Tsalaxa family has wracked the house, emptying its coffers. Those members of House ‘Tealsxa not caught up in the internal battle for control ofthe house are desperate for lucrative trade contracts and suc- cessful caravan trips Several groups of druids work secretly within the walls of Draj, while residents embittered by Atzetuk’s sacrifices have formed rebel cells oftheir own. Thus far the templars have been able to quash rebel plots as they uncover them, sending the rebels on one-way trips to the top of the Temple of the ‘Two Moons. But the druids are cautiously establishing a net work of rebel cells. Once it grows strong enough, they'll try to overthrow Atzetuk or atleast ruin whatever scheme is ted to the ritual sacrifices. Beliefs: The dragon-king that founded Draj, Tectuktitlay, had a keen interest in having the denizens of the city-state worship him as a god-emperor. He established temples to Jhimselfactoss the city and made faith in Tectuktilay and the twin moons mandatory. Atzetuk has continued this tradi- tion, claiming a divine right to rule Draj—and eventually all ‘of Ashas, his templars promise. Central to Atzetuk’s religion is the belief that ritual sacrifices are required to ward off disasters and misfortune. Atzetuk’s templar often point out that Dra was able to avoid much of the chaos that befell Rsam and Bali afer their dragon-kings died or disappeared, They likewise aim that the sacrifices keep @ permanent hurricaine of dust and rain called the Cerulean Storm from moving northward and engulfing them. Druids working secretly in Draj say thatthe sacrifices have nothing to do with protection against natural or manmade disasters. But they do have some purpose and often unleash powerful conjuration and transmutation magic, according to revolutionaries who've seen the sacrifices up close. The druids and other rebel cells in Draj would very much like to know the real reason for Atzetuk’s state religion. Commerce: The farms that surround Draj produce food— ‘mostly staple grains—and hemp for elothes and rope. Some of the nobles have surreptitiously started growing sasuril, a fibrous tuber that produces a sensation of lassitude when infused into hot water (like tea). Sasuril is illegal in all the

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