Polyhedron 169
Polyhedron 169
Polyhedron 169
<3, +1 iron spear: SA spells, psion-
ics, rebuke undead: $Q elf traits; AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref +5,
Will +14; St 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration 414, Diplomacy +14, Dis-
guise +2 (+4 acting), Gather Information +11, Intimidate
+10, Listen +4, Psicraft 48, Search +6, Sense Motive +12,
Spelleraft +11, Spot +4
Feats: Combat Casting, Inquisitor, Investigator, Persua-
sive, Psionic Endowment, Psionic Meditation.
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Maenadi
Spas Prepared (5/4+1/3+1/2+1; save DC 13 + spell level}
‘o—eure minor wounds, detect magic (2), light, read magic;
1st—hane, cause fear, cure light wounds, sanctuary, shield of
faith; 2nd—calm emotions*, cure moderate wounds, hold
person, zone of truth; 31d-—bestow curse, cure serious wounds,
protection from energy’
*Domain Spell; Domains: Law (cast Law spells at +1 caster
level), Protection (protective ward grants +5 resistance bonus
on neat save, 1/day).
Powers Known (43 PP; save DC 13 + power level): 1st—atrac:
tion, ental shard, demoralize, empathy, mindink, psionic charm;
2and—aversion, bain lock, detect hostile intent, read thoughts, sug
gestion; jrd—danger sense, dispel pions, psionic blast
Possessions: +1 bronze breasiplate, +1 iron spear, headband of
intellect +2, 43 cloak of protection.
Urik Encounters
Ittakes a great deal of effort to approach Urik without attract
ing the attention of one of its roving legion patrols.
EL 7: Four istlevel fighters on kanks. They have orders to
stop and question any travelers in the immediate vicin
‘Their treasure includes the listed gear and a tablet of sending
(€.400 cp), which when broken sends a brief verbal message
¥ Urik Mounted Legionnaire: Human Firr; CR ; Medium
humanoid (human); HD 2d10+1:hp 6; Init +; Spd 20 fe; AC
17, touch 13, latfooted 14; Base Atk +1; Grp +4; Atk / Full Atk
++4 melee (1484+3/x3, iron lance) or +4 ranged (1d843/<, com
posite longbow); SA psionics; SQ—; ALN; SV Fort +3, Ref +,
Will +1; Str 17, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha to.
Skills: Ride +7, Spot +5.
Feats: Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack
Languages: Common.
Powers Known: (3 PP: save DC 10 + power level): 1st—missiv,
Possessions: ron lance, composite longbow (+3 Slt), 20 iron
arrows, shell armor, buckle, kank, saddle, hamess,bitand bridle
Urik Adventures
Because Hamanu takes an active hand in managing the
affairs of Urik, there's less of an organized resistance to his
rule, As soon as Hamam or the templars uncover the exis
tence of a revolutionary cel, they crush it ruthlessly.
‘Accordingly, many Urik adventures involve aspects of the
city other than the effort to overthrow a dragon-king.
+ The PGs are novice gladiators—willingly or coerced—who
team up to survive and potentially win a “tournament of
armies" at one of Urik’s arenas. At first they'll face other
low-level conscripts, but eventually they'll do battle with
‘monsters and well-trained gladiator teams.
+ A high-ranking member of House Stel (Urik’s largest
‘merchant house) hires the characters as extra guards on a
shipment of iron from ‘Tyr to Urik, despite warnings from
other merchants that elven raiders have made the main
road unsafe,
+ A high-ranking templar offers the characters power
(magic, politcal, or otherwise) if they can eliminate the
taint from Lake Pit.
Raam, called the “City of the Dead," is ruled by Dregoth, an
undead dragon-king who once ruled the ruined city-state of
Guistenal. He seized control of Rsam more than 200 years
ago, transforming it into a dark city where the living walk
side by side with the dead,
Demographics: Ram had typical demographics before
the coming of Dregoth. Now fully 20% of the city’s popula
tion are Athasian zombies, and another 10% are skeletons.
The zombies and skeletons perform most of the city’s
manual labor, so Raam has few laborer slaves.
Lands: Raam lies in the center of scrub plains surrounded
(on all sides by stony barrens. To the south is a small moun-
tain range that separates the city-state from the Sea of Silt.
Settlements: Dregoth is aggressively building forts and
settlements for miles in every direction. In addition to Raam
itself, he controls the small city of Break Shore at the edge of
the Sea of Silt, and he's building towns throughout the stony
barrens. These new settlements produce little of value, $0
their purpose is a mystery.
But Raaris greatest building project is on the ruins of Fort
bon, where the psionic lich has an army encamped, ready to
defend the ruins against an incursion by Dra’ forces, Dregoth
hhas hundreds of undead laborers rebuilding the fort—but
rebuilding it as.a sinister spire of black basalt with ornate para
pets and {itis rumored) a vast underground labyrinth.
Power Groups: Within Dregoth's hierarchy, there's a
rivalry between the dragon-king's living templars and his
undead minions. The undead have the upper hand, because
‘many templars are reanimated as undead and thus support
the faction they may have opposed in life. But the living tem
plars are very usefull to Dregoth because they can rebuke and
command the low-level undead that comprise much of
Rants labor force.
‘Two other factions have @ measure of power in Raam. The
M’Ke merchant house was the de facto ruler of the city for
much of the time between Abalach-Re's death and Dregoth's
arrival, and they still wield a great deal of influence in com:
merce and among the nobility. House M’Ke would be
pleased if the city-state weren't overrun with undead—they
miss the days when they could bribe or coerce a templar into
May 04 Dungeon/Polyhedron 65letting them have their way. The house doesn't oppose
Dregoth directly, but it wants as litle to do with the undead
minions as possible
Forced underground once Dregoth arrived, the Yellow
Monastery isa well-organized group of revolutionaries dedi
«ated to the establishment of a free Raam. Aiding the Yellow
Monastery is punishable by death, but many of Raamis free
citizens view the rebels kindly because during the days when
Ram had no ruler, the monastery managed to feed and pro-
tect those in its neighborhood. The monastery building lies
vacant and ruined today, but the rebels plot revolution from
basements and catacombs across Raam.
Beliefs: Dregoth teaches the denizens of Raam that death is
nothing more than a change in state, nota barrier to contin-
‘ued work for the city-state. Many citizens have become inured
to the undead working in their midst. But for those who break
his laws, Dregoth promises a variety of fates worse than
death, induding unending torture, the death and reanima-
tion of family members, and other cruel punishments
Commerce: Ram neither imports or exports much. The
few trade caravans that come to the City of the Dead bring
luxury goods or iron, and they leave with Raamin pottery
Most goods in Ram cost the normal amount. Settle-
ments under Rams control are considered to be one size
larger for the gp limit for clerical scrolls and magic items
‘with a necromancy aura.
Language: Few denizens of Raam willingly use the words
“dead” or “death.” They almost always resort oa euphemism
such as “crossing over.” “passing on,” or “walking beyond
us.” A loyal Ramin considers the city-state's appellation
“City of the Dead” to be a great insult, Raam’s templars
sometimes refer to Raam as “City of Creation,” but no one
else does.
Arts and Crafts: Pottery and ceramics are a specialty in
Raam, and the smoke from the city’s many kilns often makes
it hard for the living residents to breathe. Typical treasures
from Raam include painted funeral ums (346 x 10 cp), glazed
ceramic tableware (16 100 cp), and fine porcelain statuettes
(2d6 % 100 ep, of 4d6 x 100 cp if domed with gems).
Entertainment: Raam has little in the way of public enter:
tainment, because a third of its citizenry is utterly disinter-
ested in even the most beguiling song. Bards perform for
Raamis nobles, but lower class citizens get little entertain
‘ment beyond the walls of the city-states arenas.
As one might expect, gladiator fights in Raam are almost
always to the death, One particularly popular battle pits two
living gladiators against each other. When one dies, the
battle is paused so the loser is reanimated as an Athasian
zombie (p. 50), then the battle begins anew. Some intelligent
undead make a career for themselves in Raarris arenas, for
battles between undead gladiators and living ones are
common. But by Dregothis decree, the undead never face
‘each other in Raamis arenas,
66 Dungeon/Polyhedron May O4
Raam Characters
Raamis an unusual place for a PC to come from. One way or
another, those who hail from Raam are marked by their con-
nection with death.
‘Adventuring Raamins: A typical adventurer from Raam is
probably knowledgeable about undead and necromancy.
Many grow disgusted with the uncaring zombies and the
pervasive evil of Raam and take up an adventurer’s life to
escape a dismal existence that even death wortt end.
Raam is a good choice fora player who wants to playa dis
affected templar. Because the undead seem to be taking over,
‘many templars are being forced out of Dregoths hierarchy or
dropping out when they carit stand working for the undead
anymore, Ifyou like playing characters who try to make
amends for past misdeeds, an exiled templar from Raam is
an excellent choice.
Living residents of Raam tend to be welcoming of visiting
adventurers, while the undead largely ignore travelers.
Dregoth and the templars are too busy with various building
Projects to pay attention to visitors who keep a low profile,
‘Character Development: Adventurers in Raam will find
that anti-undead spells such as hide from undead and searing
light are particularly useful. But telepaths and enchanters
soon find adventuring in Ram more difficult because all
undead are immune to mind-affecting spells and powers.
Despite this, psionic characters may be drawn to Raam for
another reason. The oldest center of psionic learning on
Athas, the Psiumarkh, is headquartered in Raa. The psionic
‘masters of the Psiumarkh take great pains to demonstrate
their neutrality and utter disinterest in city-state politics or
power struggles, Even when the city was in chaos after Abal-
ach-Re's death, the Psiumarkh simply closed its doors and
{ignored the riots around it.The Psiumarkh is home to several
‘mall colleges and mysterious cabals of psions and wilders,
Including several factions of the Order. But even the most
bizarre psionic cults within its walls are careful not to draw
Dregotis attention by meddling in Rants affairs.
Character Names: Many Raatnin names sound like those
of ancient Persia. Common names include: Ardu,
‘Achaemon, Athiya, Buxsha, Cyaxares, Hytapses, Gobrya,
Kuru, Thuara, Vahauka, Shathrita, Vaumisa, Kudra-Kara
Notable Raamins
Otanes Thispaya is a templar in Ram's Hall of Seers, spend-
ing his time researching ancient lore and performing divina-
tions for other templars and Raanis richer citizens. If the
characters have esoteric questions about death, undeath, or
the Black (see the Athasian Cosmology sidebar, page 62),
their inquiries might lead them to Otanes,
¥ Otanes Mhispaya, Human Clrry: CR 13; Median humanoid
(burnan); HD 13d8+15: hp 71 Int +; Spd 30 At; AC 10, touch 1,
Aat-footed 10; Base Atk +9; Grp +8; Atk +8 melee (td4-1/19-20,
iron dagged); Full Atk +8/+3 melee (1d4-1/39)-20, iron dagger);SA psionics, spells, rebuke undead: SQ—; ALN; SV Fort +9, Ref
44, Will 414: St’8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 22, Cha 14
‘Skills: Concentration +17, Knowledge (religion) +17
Knowledge (the planes) +17, Speliraft +17
Feats: Brew Potion, Craft Staff, Craft Magic Arms and
‘Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration.
Languages: Common, lgnan.
Spells Prepared (6/7+1/7+1/5+1/5+1/441/3+1/t41; save DC
16 + spell evel): o—cure minor wounds, detect magic (2) uid-
‘ance, mending, purify food and drink; rst—bless, cause fear*,
command (2), comprehend languages, deathwatch, sanctuary,
shield of faith; and—augury (2), calm emotions, detect
thoughts, hold person (2), lesser restoration, zone of truth; 3ed—
dlairaudience/clairvoyancet, cure serious wounds, dispel magic,
helping hand, locate object, speak with dead; 4th—cure critical
wounds, discern is, divination (2), restoration, sending; sth—
commune (2), raise dead, scrying, true secing®; Gth—banish
‘ment, find the path, heal, word of recall 7th—legend lore, res
‘*Domain Spell; Domains: Death (death touch r/day,
damage 1346), Knowledge (cast divination spells at +1 caster
level, all Knowledge skills are class skills).
Powers Known (11 PP: save DC 12 + power level): 1st—
detect psionics: 2nd—psionic identify, rd—ubiquitous vision,
Possessions: Staff of divination (15 charges remaining), per-
apt of wisdom +4, iton dagger.
Raam Encounters
Encounters in Raam almost always involve undead, and
they’re particularly effective when you put an evil templar in
‘command of low-level undead.
ELA typical city guard patrol in Raam consists ofa sthevel
Cleric and three Athasian zombies (in this case, former crimi-
nals and 1stlevel rogues). Their gear is their only treasure.
# Raam Templar Patrol, Human Clrs: CR 5; Medium
hhumanoid (human); HD 5d8+5; hp 27; Init-+; Spd 20 ft; AC
17, touch 1, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +3: Grp +5; Atk/Full Atk
+6 melee (rd8+1, morningstar); SA psionics, spells, rebuke
undead; SQ —; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +9: Str 14
Dexia, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 12.
‘Skill: Concentration +9. Knowledge (religion) +7.
Feats: Combat Casting Extra Turning, Weapon Focus
Languages: Common.
Spells Prepared (5/4+1/3+1/2+; save DC 14 + spell level}
‘o—cure minor wounds, detect magic (2), guidance, light; st—
cause fear’, command, doom, entropic shield, magic weapon;
-and—death knell, desecrate, hold person, silence, yrd—animate
dead, dispel magic, magic vestment.
*Domain Spell; Domains: Chaos (cast Chaos spells at +1
caster level), Death (death touch 1/day, damage 546),
Powers Known (6 PP; save DC 11 + power level): 1st—
demoralize; and—mental disruption.
sessions: +1 bro
1 breastplate, light wooden shield, mas
terwork bronze morningstar, cloak of protection +, scroll of |
cure critical wounds
Raarm Adventures
Raam has an active resistance (led by the Yellow Monastery,
an aggressive dragon-king, and many mysterious building
projects across the region While Raa doestit make a good
choice for a “home base” city for the PCs, itcan be the site of
a memorable adventure or two.
+ The characters are hired by House M'Ke to help guard a
caravan leaving Raam. Along the way, they learn that their
cargo consists of dead revolutionaries that Dregoths tem:
plars wish to animate and turn against their former alles.
The rebels are paying House M’ke a small fortune to get
the bodies beyond Dregothis reach.
+ The characters find a papyrus map detailing a major cache
‘of magic weapons underneath Fort Ebon. But they've got
to get past Rams army outpost, the undead laborers, and
‘a mysterious presence below.
+ One of Dregoit’s highest-ranking templars promises that
“secrets beyond life and death” await anyone who can
reclaim Dregothis former home, the now-ruined city-state
‘of Guistenal
While the people of Raam live in fear of the undead that sur-
round them, the denizens of Draj fear the weekly “clings”
(of the population for sacrificial victims. The dragon-king of
Draj, Atzetuk, is responsible for a bloody reign of terror,
using his templars to ritually slaughter dazens of freemen
and slaves each week. Some say Atzetuk is mad with blood-
lust, while others whisper of an arcane purpose behind the
string of bloody sacrifices.
While the sacrificial rituals of Draj are notorious throughout
the Tablelands, the city-state is also well known for its warrior
caulture and the relative freedom enjoyed by its nobles.
Demographics: Draj has the standard demographics for
an Athasian city-state.
Lands: Draj sits in the eenter of a mud fat that interrupts
the stony barrens north of the Sea of Silt. Even though the
‘mud flat is cracked and parched much of the time, Draj is
still the most fertile of the seven city-states and the only one
that regularly exports food.
Northeast of Drajis the Basin of Un-Kar, a vast depression
with a flat-topped mesa in the center of it. Many strange
‘monsters emerge from the Basin of Un-Kar to menace the
noble farms that suuround Draj. Both Drajs army and the
private forces ofthe noble families spend much of their time
fighting marauding monsters and starving tribes of elves
and former slaves.
Settlements: A ziggurat the size of a small mountain, the
‘Temple ofthe Two Moons is visible from every point in Draj
May O4 Dungeon/Polyhedron 67‘Therein Atzetuk rules his city, and he personally performs
‘many of the sacrifices from a platform at the summnit of the
ziggurat, The Temple of the Two Moons has channels carved
into its sloping walls that extend throughout Draj, so that
afer a particularly large sacrifice, blood rushes in a veinlike
patter across the city.
‘The other notable buildings in Draj are the tecpens, lodge-
like buildings where the nobles of the city meet. Unlike the
other dragon-kings, Atzetuk gives the nobles a degree of
stutonomy, allowing them to make some policy decisions and
police themselves. But the nobles’ independence is more the-
oretical than concrete; nobles who thwart the will of Atzetuk
are often chosen by templars for sacrifices atop the Temple
of the Two Moons.
‘One final building in Draj bears mention: The ruins of
the House of the Mind, Formerly a massive academy
devoted to psionic learning, Atzetuk destroyed it and all
inside when he became a dragon-king. By Atzetuk’s decree,
the ruins remain untouched, a constant reminder not to
draw the wrath of the dragon-king. But once or twice a year,
interlopers try to sneak into the rubble and extract a psionic
item or other power source rumored to lie among the ruins.
The templars catch some, and others simply don't come
back, falling victim to a mysterious psionic force some-
where below the House of the Mind,
‘Atzetuk also controls a major trade oasis to the east, Bitter
Well, and a stronghold along the road to Raam, Fort First
watch, where his armies observe the construction efforts at
Fort Ebon with great interest and trepidation.
Power Groups: Atzetuk’s templars, called Moon Priests,
comprise the most powerful faction in Draj. Because high-
ranking Moon Priests have the authority to “cull” anyone for
sactifice—noble, free citizen, or slave—they generally get
what they want. However, they're less apt to meddle in the
affairs of the merchant houses or nobles than their counter-
parts in other city-states because Atzetuk keeps them busy
with various sacrifices and other rituals. Only when the secu-
rity of the city-state is in question will the Moon Priests
involve themselves in anything beyond the routine efforts
required to keep Draj running
‘When Drajs first dragon-king, Tectuktitlay, died almost joo
years ago, his templars conspired with powerful psions from
the House of the Mind to install a boy named Atzetuk tothe
throne as Tectuktiay’s successor. The two groups planned to
jointly control the boy asa figurehead, keeping their own posi-
tions of power secure and avoiding the riots and destruction
that struck Raam and Balic when they lost their dragon-kings.
At first their ruse was successful, but over time the templars
and the House of the Mind started to disagree on matters of
policy—and Atzetuk somehow leamed more about magic and
psionics than anyone thought possible. With the aid ofa splin-
ter group of templars, Atzetuk made the transformation into a
true dragon-king, destroying the House of the Mind and
68 Dungeon/Polyhedron May 04
cowing the rest of the templars. Once a figurehead, Atzetuk
now wields the nigh-imitless power of a dragon-king,
‘While Atzetuk’s templars are the most powerful group in
raj the nobles wield more influence here than in other city:
states. Many noble families control tracts of relatively fertile
agricultural land and have become rich selling food and
hemp to the merchant house of Tsalaxa for export. Draj’s
noble families are thus both rich and able to govern them-
selves—as longas they dort cross Atzetuk. Furthermore, the
warrior culture of Draj demands that the head of each house-
hold be tested in battle, so the officer corps in the Draji army
has a8 many nobles as it does templar.
House Tsalaxa is the most powerful merchant house in
raj. It has a reputation for ruthlessness and intrigue, but
recently infighting among the Tsalaxa family has wracked
the house, emptying its coffers. Those members of House
‘Tealsxa not caught up in the internal battle for control ofthe
house are desperate for lucrative trade contracts and suc-
cessful caravan trips
Several groups of druids work secretly within the walls of
Draj, while residents embittered by Atzetuk’s sacrifices have
formed rebel cells oftheir own. Thus far the templars have
been able to quash rebel plots as they uncover them, sending
the rebels on one-way trips to the top of the Temple of the
‘Two Moons. But the druids are cautiously establishing a net
work of rebel cells. Once it grows strong enough, they'll try
to overthrow Atzetuk or atleast ruin whatever scheme is ted
to the ritual sacrifices.
Beliefs: The dragon-king that founded Draj, Tectuktitlay,
had a keen interest in having the denizens of the city-state
worship him as a god-emperor. He established temples to
Jhimselfactoss the city and made faith in Tectuktilay and the
twin moons mandatory. Atzetuk has continued this tradi-
tion, claiming a divine right to rule Draj—and eventually all
‘of Ashas, his templars promise.
Central to Atzetuk’s religion is the belief that ritual sacrifices
are required to ward off disasters and misfortune. Atzetuk’s
templar often point out that Dra was able to avoid much of the
chaos that befell Rsam and Bali afer their dragon-kings died
or disappeared, They likewise aim that the sacrifices keep @
permanent hurricaine of dust and rain called the Cerulean
Storm from moving northward and engulfing them.
Druids working secretly in Draj say thatthe sacrifices have
nothing to do with protection against natural or manmade
disasters. But they do have some purpose and often unleash
powerful conjuration and transmutation magic, according to
revolutionaries who've seen the sacrifices up close. The
druids and other rebel cells in Draj would very much like to
know the real reason for Atzetuk’s state religion.
Commerce: The farms that surround Draj produce food—
‘mostly staple grains—and hemp for elothes and rope. Some
of the nobles have surreptitiously started growing sasuril, a
fibrous tuber that produces a sensation of lassitude wheninfused into hot water (like tea). Sasuril is illegal in all the
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